lola bunny being an adhd icon for 12 minutes straight

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hey lola hey bugs what you doing standing on the side of the road fun oh my gosh you're never gonna believe this there is a guy standing on the side of the road who looks just like you i'm about to hit him [Music] oh sorry that's my phone sorry a lot of stuff in here makeup keys rubber band ball deck of cards flashlight mini fan i like to record my thoughts note to self clean out your purse oh here it is hello hi oh no nothing i'm just on a date with a really cute guy he's sitting across me right now he's totally looking at me oh no wait now he's looking down now he's looking around oh no he's looking at me again i better go okay call me later okay bye friend of yours nope wrong number oh is there butter in this i'm not supposed to have butter i'm allergic to butter oh no wait it's gluten not butter i'm allergic to gluten no wait not gluten pollen oh no wait i love pollen is there pollen in this can i get some pollen in this you know what now that i'm thinking about it i don't really want carrot soup actually maybe just one little taste oh oh that's good oh maybe just one more oh one more one more you can really taste the pollen are you gonna eat yours so what do you have planned for after dinner how about a movie we'll just sit together watch a movie and not talk that'll be nice this is so good i'm so glad i'm not allergic to butter do you like this movie i love this movie it's so sad but like uplifting too it's like a feel-good movie a sad feel-good movie it's funny also and scary oh oh this is the best part oh no wait this is the worst part oh i hate this part oh i have to pee sorry excuse me excuse me excuse me watch your leg excuse me i love this part oh excuse me no sorry going back excuse me excuse me sorry excuse me [Music] wow that was a good movie and now your feature presentation so basically to make a long story short wait what was i talking about i have no idea oh my gosh i never peed that was the worst day to my life that was the best date of my life wait didn't i have to do something note to self clean out your purse that's right i can't stop thinking about that dear john letter oh i just need some peace and quiet you'll find that here true healing occurs when one is clear of mind and calm of spirit mm-hmm oh yeah i totally agree with that your path is meditation mm-hmm okay and the key to meditation is silence say what now a vow of silence for the next year you shall not speak you know i bet i could achieve all that healing stuff without the silence what do you think i'm afraid the silence is necessary what if i'm really quiet does that count what about now what if i miss quiet no one will even know i'm talking sorry no not a word well what about sounds are they allowed like when i'm surprised i'd go whoa or when i'm bored i'd be like daily diddly lady silence wow okay oh that felt good sorry i just had to get that last one out of my system congratulations lola i got to get inside and shut off the water main whatever that is winning the nobel prize that's amazing lola move it i mean no bells none i can't live without bells i think my house is flooded [Applause] wow someone wins the nobel prize and thinks they're pretty hot well guess what you're not all right all you did was not have a bell okay anyone can do that i can totally do that oh am i kidding no i can't bells are so fun wait i thought you got the cheeseburger eh cottage cheese will be fine try something new who knows maybe i'll like it not as cheesy as you'd think very cottagy though okay let me give you a scenario oh so sweet thank you i feel bad though i don't have anything to give you here take my cottage cheese i insist one more quick huge bite no a scenario i'm gonna describe a situation at work you tell me how you would handle it ooh fun okay imagine some customer comes up to you at the counter who is it who is what the customer i don't know it doesn't matter just pick someone okay i've got them all right so this customer's in a hurry but you're already busy doing a bunch of other stuff i'm sorry where do i work again copy place right got it so you tell him to wait a minute but he keeps ringing the bell saying miss miss miss well hello there customer can i help you that depends what are you doing for the rest of your life well kind of thought i was gonna work here until i figured out what i really wanted to do or maybe i'll go back to college forget all that marry me oh customer say yes yes yes i'll be mrs customer [Applause] huh what would you do with that customer i'd drop everything and do whatever he said he's my customer and my customer is my world i'm so bored i read all my magazines i did the crossword [Music] i ate all my peanuts i eat all your peanuts i peed four times i feel like i've been on this plane forever flight attendants please prepare the cabin for takeoff how long is this flight again 10 hours 10 hours there and 10 hours back that's 20 of your 24 hours someone's good at math that's what i love about you that and your smile when you're frown and that in-between smile and frown face and your profile oh in the back of your head oh look at your ears what are those noise-canceling headphones you don't happen to have another pair do you i can't believe daffy was driving without a driver's license that is so irresponsible [Music] lola [Music] that was a red light i can't go to jail i'm too pretty i won't last a day no no i'll lift weights i'll get really muscular my voice will get really deep i'll run the place hi officer can i see your driver's license absolutely just one second hold on let me see here oh here we go oh no wait that's my credit card here we go oh nope that's a recipe for salmon balls they're really good here it is oh no that's my frozen yogurt frequent muncher card two more and i get a free waffle cone oh here it is it was hiding oh no wait that's a picture of bugs isn't he cute here it is wait that's a basketball card manu ginobili i love manor ginobili oh here it is oops fortune cookie fortune you will receive an unexpected letter from a friend how does the cookie know that that's crazy i'm sorry what did you want your driver's license oh yeah i don't have one of those what do we know we know climbing inside a mailbox is against the law what else uh the fire department's not happy when they have to use the jaws of life to pry you out of a mailbox what else the city says you have to pay to replace the mailbox or do 1100 hours of community service what else tash has been missing for 28 minutes and we still haven't found him oh right the gopher i totally forgot about that whole situation well i guess we're back to square one or yeah uh-huh uh-huh interesting maybe could be ah i like where you're going with this i haven't thought of that you're good what do you think i think this is just the break we've been looking for yeah i think we'll be able to focus a lot better after we make some cookies what are you doing i'm trying to win my boyfriend back i said i lose that girl what boyfriend daffy daffy's not your boyfriend i'm your boyfriend say that again that's okay i have it right here i'm your boyfriend oh boy i'm your boyfriend i'm your boyfriend bugs what are you doing here we're on a date he's my boyfriend i'm his girlfriend we're boyfriend girlfriend i thought you were a waitress wow she's a keeper you know what we should do sometime double date how about tomorrow night you guys like ty yes oh hey bugs what are you doing here you called me you were hysterical oh right it's a simple fracture she'll have the cast off at about six weeks how did it happen it's crazy i was out buying cupcakes when i noticed a baby stuck on top of a building i knew i had to save that baby so i finished my cupcake and shimmied up the drain pipe when suddenly the drainpipe started coming loose from the building and you fell and broke your leg no i let go of the drain pipe just in time and grabbed hold of a telephone wire so there i was hanging from the wire i started swinging myself back and forth until finally i blend myself as high as i could hoping i would make it to the roof but i didn't make it to the roof i was totally out of control and i went crashing through a giant plate glass window and that's when you broke your leg no i landed flat on my back in the middle of some girl's apartment she was super sweet we're totally having lunch next week anyway i found my way to the elevator but it was out of service so i had to pry open the doors and throw myself into the elevator shaft you fell down an elevator shift will you please just listen i caught the elevator cables i pulled myself up hand over hand until i finally reached the top where i kicked the great open with my feet and catapulted myself onto the roof but right before i could grab the baby it turned and i realized it wasn't a baby it was a crow and it attacked me what i tried to fend it off but he was one of those angry crows and no matter what i did he kept attacking he wouldn't stop and he just kept attacking and attacking until finally i lost my balance and fell 15 stories and that's when you broke your leg no i landed on an inflatable gorilla in front of a car dealership so how did you break your leg oh i was here for a checkup and i slipped getting up on this table
Channel: fucklet
Views: 1,361,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qc8rnddqt6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 8sec (728 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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