Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny mutual affection moments (part 2)

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oh i am so excited to meet your sister lola you're not gonna meet my sister what why because i don't have a sister i lied to porky so i wouldn't have to go to the peach festival with him okay first of all you would never lie that's not your area second of all who wouldn't want to go to a peach festival third of all i totally see what's going on here you don't want me to meet your sister because you're afraid we'll become best friends and then i won't have any time for you bun bun i will always have time for you always except right now this is my me time i came in here to eat by myself you're kind of smothering me boundaries oh that must be viola bugs obviously got the looks in the family biola that's me oh it's like i have a sister where's bugs oh he dropped me off out front couldn't handle a long goodbye that is so him you know underneath that cool exterior and all that sarcasm he's just a vulnerable little bunny in need of a good cry oh yeah he wants to cry all right now boarding flight 787 to albania well you guys should probably get going oh wait uh i made you these traditional albanian dumplings for the flight and i got you this albanian flag well it's a mexican flag they didn't have an albanian flag it's probably in the ballpark though i can't believe we all just met and now you're going to albania i can't believe i'm going to albania either this is the final boarding call for flight 787 look at me going to albania make sure you look out the window when you take off we will be waving of course you will you mean it was all a lie why didn't you tell me i did tell you oh right you totally told me [Music] ah oh well that was fun good match oops almost slipped there was so starving playing tennis really works up an appetite i wouldn't know hey you two oh hi mom hi patricia lola don't forget i booked us for a pedicure at one o'clock ooh we better go sorry tennis gotta feel the machine where did he go there he is what is he buying a purse for oh our anniversary it's this friday he's buying me a purse oh bun bun you're so sweet i can't believe i almost forgot our anniversary what am i gonna get for bugs um i mean what am i gonna get for bugs [Music] here what it's nothing i mean you deserve a gift that's as amazing as you are and i looked everywhere believe me but i just ran out of time so a short wow thank you i love it you do sure i'd love anything you gave me oh happy anniversary bun bun so where's my present oh uh it's in the car i left it in the car be right back go ahead naughty design i parked really far away anniversary where am i gonna get a gift at this hour perfect now i have a day bag and an evening bag christmas is almost here aren't you excited uh not really it's december and it's 100 degrees out here what are you saying it's too hot for christmas too hot for christmas how can you say such a thing i feel woozy oh like i'm gonna faint that's because you're wearing a parka huh oh oh yeah that's much better what were we talking about again not doing christmas this year oh what is wrong with everyone a little heat we all just give up on christmas hey well not me i'm gonna do something about it i'm i'm gonna go up there and i'm gonna i'm gonna put on a show a show that captures the true meaning of christmas like a christmas carol oh i was thinking cats what's a christmas carol a christmas carol charles dickens scrooge tiny tim ba humbug here it's the world's most famous christmas story oh thanks bun bun i'm off to save christmas i mean charles dickens and i are off to save christmas man it's hot out here now just a little heads up before you read the script i have made a few teeny tiny changes what are you talking about i rewrote it you rewrote a beloved classic come on who could be love a story about a mean old guy named scrooge who hates christmas i'm sorry but that's not gonna get anybody in the holiday spirit bugs you're gonna play santa and santa's not in a christmas carol well he's in this version i know what i must do it is crystal clear to me i have to whine i have to go with you to the north pole i have to go with you to the wine to the north pole oh yeah i have to go with you to the north paul i didn't say line i know my line sheesh line well if rick evans didn't kidnap santa then line then where is he wow do you have the whole entire play memorized unfortunately hello we're down here lola bugs we fell through my trap door and we're stuck trapdoor how does it open yeah i don't know i think i might have focused too much on the trap part and not enough on the door it part budge what are we going to do the play starts in one minute you'll have to tell everyone the play is canceled but you've worked so hard well there's nothing else we can do and at that moment bugs bunny found the christmas spirit too bad he didn't also find the better script oh hum bone it looks like it's just you and me this christmas oh hambone you're such a funny pig where is santa claus how should i know i'm an innocent nightclub owner well if rick evans didn't kidnap santa then where is he bugs you weren't supposed to use the trapdoor really hey bun bun lola i told you i can't do anything this weekend uh i'm babysitting i know i thought i could help well that's very nice but i i think i've got it covered mr bunny i think there's a monster under my bed are you kidding the monster's on the stairs where let me handle this i put myself through medical school babysitting hey gossamer how about i read you a bedtime story yeah [Music] gossamer you poor thing well looks like you got less covered so you know i should probably head on home i mean uh to get a terrarium to put gossamer in until we can figure out which one of these spells will turn him back that's what i was saying oh you thought i was gonna leave you i think i found the spell i did last night you think or you know i know i i mean i i think i know well that's great but we need the spell that revoices this spell it's this one it's definitely this one i think no i mean i know oh i mean i think i know just read it visceras magom tagarha spickum what uh nothing lola none of these spells are working what nothing maybe we should call the witch oh no she entrusted me with gossamer we gotta fix this on our own let's not panic i may have accidentally turned gossamer into a frog and have no idea how to turn him back but guess who just saved him from getting eaten by tasmanian devil where's the spell book occur indentability fee wait a second the alarm clock was the frog we should have been chasing the bear what are you so mad about you're back to normal what oh uh nothing oh i don't get it what then why were you crying i always cry when i'm confused what didn't you get well why was he so upset because if the dear john let it okay i thought his name was edmund no it's just called a dear john letter when someone ends a relationship with a note instead of face to face oh okay so this was a sad movie hey then why was i laughing so much during it i have no idea come on oh i can't go anywhere now that i know what's going on i want to see it again hey bugs i saw that movie again oh you were right it was a dear john letter oh so sad i hardly laughed at all this time dear john this isn't working bugs oh no a dear john letter bucks broke up with me [Music] goodbye apartment i've decided to go away for a while too many memories here ew oh no no uh-uh no uh-uh just because i'm leaving doesn't mean you and all your little insect friends can come in here and crawl around can you hear that roaches i'm talking to you too spiders and ants all of you you stay out of this apartment and in case you need a reminder i'm putting a note on the front door dear bugs i don't ever want to see you again lola broke up with me lola it has been a year your vow of silence is fulfilled you should feel a deep and lasting peace you may now speak what do you have to i miss say [Music] lola wait what are you doing here you broke up with me that note wasn't to you it was to spiders and ants and roaches don't you see i wrote dear bugs but you thought i meant dear bugs bugs i need to be with you i don't care about the dear john letter you left me on the microwave dear john letter you mean the repairman wait why'd you break up with a repairman what's the name of this movie again the black widow detective can i offer you okay is that guy a good guy or a bad guy lola the movie's barely started and you've already asked a hundred questions all right here's what we're gonna do you get three more questions that's it oh there's a subject i thought you were just wasting who's the black widow she is why is she called the black widow you're using up your questions awful fast look she's a jewel thief and she always leaves behind a calling card with a spider on it so they call her the black widow then who is this is your last question i have to know fine who is the black widow you already asked that it's her oh no it's not it's that guy the detective what he's in love with her so he pretends to be the black widow to protect her and in the end he goes to jail for her how do you know all this uh the black widow is my favorite movie i've seen it a hundred times i've memorized all the dialogue ma'am i'm afraid we're gonna have to ask you some questions what are you afraid of i won't bite what do you know about the break-in at the museum what are you even playing detective that's seven glorious days without a crazy person in my life bugs i need your help [Music] it's like it just disappeared i mean i had it on when i left here and then when i got home i was gone what are you talking about my mom's diamond bracelet the one i was wearing last night it's gone oh i don't know what i'm gonna do have you looked everywhere yes everywhere well i'm afraid you're gonna have to tell your mom you lost it i can't i borrowed it without asking oh boy well then i hate to say it but uh i think you're gonna have to face the music you're right you said you were gonna face the music i did i have been listening to this for like six hours what am i facing the wrong way why did you steal the hillhurst diamond i thought you were gonna come clean i did i took like a two-hour shower i mean my spray tan is completely gone bugs the black widow wouldn't just steal a bracelet the black widow is insatiable she couldn't resist a famous diamond on display at the local museum sure she knows she'll be caught in the end but the black widow can't resist the thrill she wants to be stopped but who can stop the black widow there is no black widow it's a movie oh right you got to put it back how now that there's been a break-in security will be too tight i'll never be able to do it alone you need to help me detective [Music] you need to stop watching that movie bun bun so you finally let the cat out of the bag oh right thank you yeah lola confessed everything she told you she's the black widow i don't know what no she said you took the bracelet to have one mate just like it to give to lola as a surprise so that she and her mother would have matching bracelets and that you took the hellhurst diamond to throw us off your trail and buy yourself more time but then you returned it because it was the right thing to do [Laughter] i would have done the exact same thing [Music] daffy you're the only person in the world that wouldn't like this recliner ugh where did you get this hideous recliner see told you it's going back what it's just one opinion uh one professional opinion you're not a professional uh no but i watch design divas every week so i think i know what i'm talking about it's nice bugs you're good in a lot of areas but home decor is not one of them you just don't see things the way we do that's an understatement hey guys i brought in your mail it looks like you opened it too well i got bored between the mailbox and the front door it's mostly bills but i think you're gonna like this one they want you to host this year's royal oaks glen oaks oakwood oaks beauty pageant why me well it says here because you are charming and well-licked that's liked okay well you don't have to brag i don't want to host a beauty pageant bugs it's a lot more than just a beauty pageant it's a competition that awards scholarships to young women come on all you have to do is show up and say and the winner is it's the easiest job in the world okay how do you know about all this anyway i was a contestant two years ago but then i was disqualified because of my talent what was your talent lion taming you know how to tame lions not very well hey fun fun how's it coming how's what coming your opening monologue for the pageant monologue i thought all i had to do was show up and say and the winner is right after the monologue and the big musical number with all that complicated choreography oh and then there's the duet with last year's winner which also has a lot of complicated choreography oh you got to be ready to vamp in case the wardrobe changes go long and they always go long well then of course there's the big finale which has the most complicated choreography of all and sometimes a stunt last year's host got shot out of a cannon he got shot out of a cannon well not successfully that's why they needed a new host it's a thankless job bugs i don't know why i agreed to do it uh good looking audience we got here tonight i look forward to seeing you all during the swimsuit portion of the competition because there's a swimsuit portion the audience doesn't actually put on swimsuits yeah no we get it oh what about the joke porky please i know you think this is your year but let me no i want to hear it damn i flew all the way in from in in new york to be here and it will be the boy are my rve they're tired oh my gosh oh my goodness i can't breathe oh his arms are tired like he didn't fly on a plane he blew himself with his arms like their wings he doesn't even have wings he's not a bird he's a sail sails can't fly oh it's so funny for so many reasons oh porky i'm working yours was funny too just not as funny as oh porkies that's the end of the whoa
Channel: Bobi200 Samatar
Views: 1,869,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8mo6H38AyWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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