LOL Camper ! Elsa and Anna toddlers playing with new surprises

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let's see what happened in the last video look what i found what did you find and now let's see the second part [Music] whoa it's a dj station that's so cool do you like it yeah and i could stay here in dj wait a minute look wow the whole wall opens now it's like a mini stage and i think this is a puppy bed when the dog goes to sleep now we can have a party with our lols and surprise look what we have here tv whoa cool and who's there whoa oh that's us remember at the party fashion show yeah and you were scared anya wow so floofy but now i'm not that's mommy that's me you're on elsa now it's my mommy sparkly stress nice outfit it was so much fun there yeah i was look ania this is when you were scared oh yeah i still remember pretending it's okay you can do it hey that's you daddy yup that's me i still remember when [Applause] [Music] and then i was brave enough to go on again [Music] let's go play elsia [Music] let's go get our lol dolls i'm going to pick the elsia doll the one that looks like me hop pop [Music] and now i'll take one more which is going to be this this one well elsia you left the best for me the new lol camper doll she she's the best and i will take a little puppy i'll put mine at the dj station we will wait you can't put the elsia doll up there the best has to go on top again the best really anya well she is really the best just look at her bow headband her swirly hair with the highlight and her flower dress so she is she's the best really anya just move your doll no because that's silly how dare you take her place fine then she's gonna stay right here i guess that's better wow it's so funny how you're staying up there mommy glad you like you girls oh and i forgot to tell you there's some surprise boxes over there you can open them now if you want whoever where oh right there i'll help you guys yay and they're pretty big boxes that's heavy i'm on top of the world well well you better get off because i'm gonna open the cap let's open it together three two one whoa let's fold it out this is bb boutique this is like the floor and what's inside here oh blind bags and look it's a boutique that's so cool so many will we have time to play girls i don't usually do this but i'll use my powers to unpack everything at once you can do that but please don't freeze them don't worry i won't freeze them here i go whoa you actually opened them just in a clap that was so cool i didn't know you could do this mommy wow yeah i know now we saved so much time can you do the same things with the other boxes maybe yes maybe no of course girls you deserve it yay here comes the second box oh look it's hopscotch one foot here i go one whoa two three four five six seven whoa i did it all right there we go oh look it's like a front door that's so cool all right here come the glabs did it again cool look at how cute this car is well dolls can go in it it's so red and shiny box number three now let's open up this box and what do we get mommy you got it here we go wow mommy amazing look at this cute hair salon i can't wait to play with everything and that mini hair spray and the vanity in this chair so many push-ups push-ups okay let's open it up what we have in here looks like maybe a bedroom mommy you know what to do last box is open and look at this cute bed with heart pillows and a crib and i love this neon room p a r t y party the best doll goes in the middle really anyone the best again well what can i say she really is the best all right let's start playing here she goes i think she liked it all right stay right over here now the best doll will come three two one where's your headband i think it fell fell off oh no no it's okay anya i have it here goes the puppy since your clothes are wet let's hang it on the hangers to dry over here but i don't want to hang my doll's dress on there because since it's the best it needs to hang somewhere special because it's a specialist you have to say your doll is the most special not specialist oops thank you mommy but elsia you get what i mean right not really because your adult stress is not special okay just put it here on ya come on i hanged my doll's clothes to dry the special dress goes right in the middle this is the most special specialist outfit because it's sparkly really on you again specialist it's the most special fine fine i'll try to say that time to put on the most specialist oops i mean special dress i am pretty sure that she is the best doll ever still the best still the best video let's see what we can have for lunch we can have a juicy watermelon and a chicken skewer for you i'm thirsty elsia don't worry some refreshing milk is coming up here you go i like how you're playing elsia but why is anya not playing with you i don't know she just wants to play with her special doll hmm but there are other lol dolls over there she should play with some of them best doll on the best chair and i'm gonna make you even better swish poof poof poop doo doo doo lipstick there perfect hey anya why don't you come over to play with the other dolls with me i still wanna want to play with with the best doll sorry elsia come on anya please stop with the best doll okay but i don't want to come on anya there is no best doll they are all the same okay time to play some music this one [Music] what a cool lol party girl [Music] and i love how you put the dolls they're having so much fun everywhere you are in the store in the bedroom [Music] my ponytail is jumping up and down oh elsie do do spin spin spin come on aloy dolls let's dance wow cool the best lol doll just kidding now let's take a boy yellow doll dancing dancing dancing dancing and dancing hop back in and now it's time for us to dance elsia i'm the star of the show now well elsia where the stars were the stars of the show yeah yeah yeah jump i love this cute bedroom and we can put the baby yellow doll right in the crib with a stuffy and we got a cute heart bed here's another pillow for this lol doll neon cutie well the boutique is better because you can dress dolls up and see this mannequin it has a sparkly white dress on it oh no no no my my room is the best because it has a fuzzy pink carpet i care about comfy oh no one cares about carpets look what i have inside my sparkly closet lots of golden hangers and it's sparkly elsia sparkly golden hangers is that all you got anya look at my wall it has colorful pictures on it and spaghettis on it and some glowing lightsy and my bed is made of jelly so yummy yeah right let me see if it's made of jelly see it's hard not mimir jelly let me show you what mine has it has a cakey wall yummy yummy and these cute little faces blinking i'm not impressed do you have a tv nope well elsita has one no no no no no no no no mommy she stuck her tongue out at me uh-oh what's going on here she stuck her tongue out out at me because she thought her room was the best not true but girls it doesn't matter which room is the best just have fun playing in both and don't you have two other rooms to play in oh oh yeah time to go find another good room mind my mind guess what anya i have a cool shiny red car a cool hop starch game yup everything is cool about my place take that anya well mine has a nice beauty salon you can cut your hair paint your nails spray paint your hair cool cool brush your hair out make curls in your hair wash your hair everything everything everything stop saying everything everything see my car has a baby car here baby what do you mean a baby car you can pull a little baby in here well that is pretty cool see i won i guess you won this time yep my place is the best oh elsia can i play with you sure put the lol doll in baby here we go baby turn around actually your salon is pretty cool though too anya i think so elsia we can put the lol doll here to get her hair done take her bow off there there we go today has been a long day and i'm getting tired yeah it's been a fun time playing with the camper this actually feels kind of relaxing to put my head here i'm just gonna lay down a bit here just resting why is it quiet what is that noise i hear like snoring what are they sleeping oh poor girls they had a really fun time playing that they fell asleep yeah kristoff look at the girls they fell asleep huh is crystal sleeping too he fell asleep too kristoff huh oh i fell asleep sorry tired yeah yeah i just realized and i didn't know you were sleeping too oh she's still sleepy kristoff let's go poor girl she fell asleep she must have had lots of fun today for more videos go to our channel and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: Come Play With Me
Views: 35,426,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elsa, Anna, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, lol, elsya, elsia, ania, toddlers, anya, annia, camper, truck, RV, come play with me, blind bags, discover, slide
Id: F3moGXmzUAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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