Logic Tips - Drum Machine Designer

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[Music] i'm johna buchanan and in this video we're going to look at the amazingly powerful drum machine designer which is a front end for all kinds of things that you might want to do with drums within logic pro what i've got here is an empty channel strip no instrument has been assigned to it and what i'm going to do is to open the library over here on the left hand side and from here i can then click on electronic drum kit now what this is going to do is to allow me to load a kit of my choice and just in case your display looks a bit like mine where you have some names that are available and others with little download buttons next to them what this is showing you is that there is more content that you can download and there are lots of kits within drum machine designer so at some stage download that extra content either on a per kit basis or just grab them all at once so you've got lots of options i'm going to grab this kit which is called beat machine and when i do that i'm going to see that the channel strip updates allowing me to see drum machine designer has been loaded here and actually there are some other effects further on down within this channel strip that's been loaded as part of this kit we're not going to worry about those for now i'm just interested particularly in drum machine designer and to start with i'm actually just going to close the library back down so that when i click on drum machine designer i can see it really clearly let's just put it here right in the middle of the display so beat machine the kit that i've selected i can immediately see is broken down into separate individual pads and each of these individual pads can either be auditioned directly one at a time here's the kick and here's a snare or of course these sounds are mapped to my keyboard so the kick is on c1 and that snare is on d1 so i can go through and i can play all of the sounds that are mapped to this particular kit but what we're going to do to start with to focus on what actually is in each individual pad let's select the kick drum again so i can audition it here but i can also click on this pad so i can see exactly what's going on now what we can see straight away is that what this kick is triggering as a sample which is effectively borrowed in from logic's quick sampler and the pages that are within quick sampler are available directly to me here within drum machine designer effectively this is think of this is almost as a skin which is pulling in lots of content and giving me a sort of front end control over each individual sound at a time so here i've got a chance to manipulate the sound in a number of ways here is the original waveform that's been borrowed in for this particular sound so we can see that here for the kick and here in the quick sample of detail i've got control about various things to do with this sound i could introduce lfos or i could change the overall pitch and i can decide how the filter is going to behave so as i play this sound through [Music] for instance i can filter it or i can assign an envelope to that filter if i want to so i can change the way that that sound actually behaves and what i've also got is within this pad controls button an option to change some sort of overall settings for just this one kick sound so again coming back i could change the pitch i can change the body of the sound as well if i want to to change its sonic character and to accentuate particular frequencies and i've also got a chance to decide whether or not i want to route it into a reverb delay and distortion units down here as well so again i can change loads of things about the character of the sound and i can do that on a per pad basis every time i click on a different drum sound i have a chance to decide how that pad's going to behave and what its sound is going to be so before we go any further i think what we should do is to program a pattern now for drum machine designer and actually what i'm going to do is leave this here i'm going to control click in the empty lane next to beat machine and what i'm going to do is to create a pattern region and what this is going to do is to launch logic's step sequencer allowing me to build a pattern for my drum kit which i'm going to do just quite quickly i'm just going to go through here's my kick sound so i'm in a position to just go through and produce the pattern that i want and what i'm going to do is then enhance that with some of the other sounds that exist within this kit so what i'm going to do is double the snare drum and maybe put a click just as a sort of anticipatory moment before that snare i could maybe layer that with a clap sound and we'll do the same thing here as well and then what i can also do is to just drag across a whole series of individual cells to create a running pattern of hi-hats for instance and i might then decide to punch a few little holes in this pattern so we just get a little bit of variation okay for now i think that will do let's just put a loop around that area and just see how that sounds okay let's come to the snare now at the moment this snare is quite snappy i'm going to come back here and look at the quicksilver i can see the sound that's actually being loaded here what if i want to swap the snare maybe for a different sound from a different kit well what i can do again is to um hold down the control key and open the library now the library was where we found the kit in the first place where we loaded the beat machine kit but what's going to happen now as i come back to the library is you can see that now that i've selected a specific pad what i'm looking at now is a group of sounds that are specifically in the snares folder again there are plenty more here for me to download but what i can now do is to swap this particular snare out maybe for another one i'll choose this jagged edges kit instead and that's giving me this more kind of rim shot type of sound i can go through and audition some other sounds here as well okay and i'm going to go with this i think it's called after party this is this nice sort of big rich snare a bit more 80s let's hear how um let's hear how that sounds in the context of the loop now [Music] okay good so now that i've got a sound that i like of course i can come back to its pad controls and i can of course enhance things about it as well i could maybe detune it a little bit so it's a bit deeper okay i've added a little bit of distortion just brought its length down a little bit as well so on a pad by pad basis i can go through and i can change the way that these pads behave and of course the loop as a result but i've also got controls which affect the entire kit if i come up into the top right hand corner of drum machine designer here i've got some drum controls which work with effects so in other words what i can do is for instance if i decided that i wanted to add reverb to the whole of my drum kit i can enable that option here and then decide how much reverb i want to add similarly i've got filters available here as well so i could cut out the low end or the high end [Music] so these kit controls are affecting the entire drum machine designer kit that i'm putting together and by the way if i then create a kit that i want and i like the sounds that i've put together i'm in a position to save those here by pressing the save button and now i can save my um new uh drum kit this one is obviously beat machine that's taking its name from the preset that i loaded but i can create a new name and save it here if i want to so now we've got a pattern but what we're going to discover is that the track onto which this pattern has been created isn't an individual track at all it's actually a track stack i'll show you what i mean when we press this little arrow here what we have a chance to do is to explode the view we can now see that every individual pad is actually assigned to its own dedicated track each instrument is playing back on its own track we can see that here in this list of instruments but we can also see it when we open up the mixer here is the overall track stack and here are all of the components that exist within our loop so if i wanted for example to solo just a kick drum then i could do that and obviously what i've now got is a series of insert and auxiliary effects which can be applied to just this kick because it exists a track in its own right so if i wanted to i could adjust its volume for instance now what this means is if i come for example to the kick part which is here we can see the individual pad as we arranged it as we put it together but what i can now see is the individual instrument component that is playing this sound back we already know that it's coming from the quick sampler because we saw that within drum machine designer itself but if i want to i could swap this i'm going to do that i'm going to swap it for logic's drum synth i'm going to swap it with a stereo version of that and what's going to happen now is that drum synth this new drum synth plugin is now going to be controlling the kick instead of the sampler track which was there originally and i can see that drum machine designer has updated that information instead of showing me now the quick sampler and the controls that i had there instead drum synth has been brought into drum machine designer ready for me to configure its sound here instead so let's press play and we'll hear that the kick drum is now very different and what i can now do is control its tone and its behavior in different ways i've got a tone control i can choose its pitch i can choose its decay we're getting this really long quite trap style kick drum at the moment i can pull that down and make the decay much shorter and again i can change its shape and maybe it's saturation as well to give it a little bit of extra harmonic [Music] footprint [Music] okay so what we've done now is we've shaped this kick sound within drum synth which in turn has been borrowed into drum machine designer now remember just in case you're getting a little bit lost we can go even further here because in addition to the drum synth instruments of course i've got all of the plugins available within logic available to me too if i want to compress just this kick drum then i can do that on this channel if i want to come down to the first snare drum which i loaded again i could at this point add different plugins i could decide to add a distortion here or change the amount that an auxiliary send is going to a reverb you begin to get a sense of just how powerful drum machine designer can be so it's worth just reminding ourselves what we looked at here in this video we focused on drum machine design and we've seen that it's an amazingly powerful instrument we started by loading a kit from the library and that loaded an individual sound onto all of the pads within drum machine designer itself by clicking on one of those pads we can then make some value choices about each individual sound if it's coming from the quick sampler we've got a chance to load that sample but also maybe think about the way that it's going to play back using envelope control pitch offsets filter offsets all of those kinds of details we then saw that there were pad controls individual dials that allowed us again to control different parts of the way that that sound behaved and we could go from one sound to another to control that we then created a pattern which played back a number of sounds within our designated kit directly on the track stack that's created every time we set up a new drum machine designer kit and when we open that stack we can see all of the individual channels that make up that drum kit one after another and you can see them all here one track after another and what we decided to do was to swap the kick drum for drum synth and we did that by swapping out the instrument on the channel and drum machine designer intelligently updated to give us the controls of drum synth to allow us to shape a kick sound in the way that we wanted to and now we've just begun to see that of course every single track within a drum machine designer kit can of course benefit from further insert and auxiliary effects as well clearly this is an amazingly powerful instrument you
Channel: MusicTech
Views: 7,490
Rating: 4.9510202 out of 5
Keywords: MusicTech, Music Production, MusicTech Magazine, drum machine designer, logic pro x 10.5, logic pro x tutorial, logic pro, drum machine designer tutorial, how to use logic, logic 10.5, logic pro tutorial, logic sampler, drum synth, 10.5 whats new, logic 10.5 update, logic pro x tutorials, logic pro tutorials, drum machine designer tutorial logic, logic drummer, electronic drum mixing, electronic drums, jono buchanan, logic quick sampler, logic pro upate, new logic x
Id: hm8WFy_C3IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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