How to Record in Logic Pro X | 5 Easy Setup Tips to Get Started

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hey money you didn't find yourself downloading logic huh and now you think you an engineer but you forgot one thing you don't even know how to record JIT but it's cool man it's cool it's cool cuz I got the five things that you need to setup to get started recording in logic [Music] what up YouTube this your boy wavy Wang wavy and that's right I'm steppin over to the wild side today I'm getting up close and personal with logic yeah I don't know where logic was my first dog after my first dog so Pro Tools was my first dog then I had a little thing with logic then I went back to Pro Tools but uh we're gonna have a little bit of fun with logic today and anybody that's interested in recording and learning more about logic make sure the child go ahead and subscribe to this channel right now because there will be new logic videos coming out all the time and more importantly every week I dropped videos about recording and mixing you know no matter what dog you in you'll find it helpful and y'all keep on asking me if I got templates for logic and I finally do so check out wavy to download yours right now and if you watch this video all the way to the in might have a little special prize for you at the end of the video my show let's go ahead and get into it so these videos for pure beginners and some people who've been recording for a while and just kind of going through the process without really understanding the steps I'm gonna break down these five key concepts with you um that'll really just help make your session flow and your understanding of how to get a good recording that much better the five things that we're gonna discuss today are gonna be making sure you got your inputs and outputs correct setting the right bit depth setting the right sample rate importing your beat to start recording and then go ahead and make an attractive record your vocals and getting that armed for we're gonna record well I can't say recording today so if you want to record analogic the first thing you need to do is quit Pro Tools no you actually don't gotta quit Pro Tools you can have Pro Tools and logic running at the same time it's crazy man trust me I did it you know saying there's like a little I don't want to get off into a tangent I'm gonna go ahead and launch logic though where dude let's go over to my finder and uh go to applications Logic Pro X we're gonna double click on that icon if you want you can drag it over to your dot it's not completely necessary you know he um really got to now usually when logic opens let me just close this little Finder window usually when logic opens especially after you opened it for the first time logic will try to open up with whatever the last session is that you were working on I really hate that I don't want logic to open up with anything so there is a preference that you can change to have logic just ask you what you want to do every time that you launch the program so that's what you see right now and I'll show you out how to do that once we dive into the menus just a little bit all right I'm gonna try to be able to get started recording right after this video so I'm gonna go ahead and hit create a new empty when logic opens the chooser track type dialog box will appear let's explore the options that we have if you want to just jump off making a beat so you can create a software instrument track you would click there if you bought to record some audio any live vocals maybe you about to do your podcast or you're gonna record a rap song then you want to click under this audio section and you want to choose the microphone if you plan directing with an instrument like a guitar bass or something then you would choose this little button man they make everything so easy if you're a drummer add a drummer that automatically plays along with your song I'm good on that so we're gonna go right to the microphone set it because we want to drop some vocals today all right so we gonna click on that microphone now down below we got details and if your details box isn't showing then you can just click on this little disclosure triangle to show and hide that but you definitely want to see these details because this is important to make sure that your stuff is set up right so you can get a good quality audio recording geez alright so we got to look at the details alright being audio engineers so under audio input for this new track that they're forcing me to create I'm just gonna choose no input alright and for audio output we're gonna choose the the default output if it's not looking right for you then what we can do is if you see down at the bottom it says my instrument is connected with the universal audio thunderbolt my microphone is connected with my universal audio via thunderbolt alright if that's not the case for you double-check and make sure that your interface is connected appropriately make sure that it's powered on yeah and if you are working on a PC I doubt it this and make sure that it's uh connecting and powering on right and then what you may need to do to change it or maybe you have multiple interfaces in the same thing if you have a problem on your output - I hear sound from my universal audio thunderbolt not that you currently hear right now but you want to hear sound from it right like that's where you want the sound to come from so if you don't hear anything at the moment don't worry about that at all alright so but we can't change this if we just click on this little triangle this will bring up our Preferences window and then we in the audio tab of the preferences dialog box so basically let's just take a look here if you needed to change your device for any reason again maybe when logic initially launched it didn't read your focus right or whatever you can click on your output device that means where do you want to hear sound from and then you click on your input device what is your instrument or microphone connected to so that's what you want to have set up there another important setting here is the i/o buffer size very important all right now I like to keep my il buffer size right at 128 samples when I'm recording the reason that I do that is because let's take a look at what il buffer size is the i/o buffer size as they call it in logic they call it Hardware buffer size and Pro Tools but all this is is the amount of information that your computer is gonna process at one time when you are recording that analog signal your voice produces a electromagnetic pulse that travels down your XLR and it hits your interface and that analog signal is then converted over into digital which then goes into your computer in this process by logic and all of that whatever you're doing in there are your auto-tune and stuff and then it spits it back out to your headphones or to your studio monitors all of that processing takes time from this time that the the sound hits your mic capsule to the time that you actually hear it back that time in between is called latency while you are recording you want to reduce the latency as much as possible because it becomes really annoying when you have latency issues like you hearing yourself back and it's delayed right there's a time gap especially if you trying to sing a song or something something rhythmic where the timing is very important agency issues are a problem so the rule to follow with latency is to make sure that your latency is set - mixing and low for recording again high for mixing low for recording higher i/o buffer size while mixing will allow you to have more tracks and use more processing and more CPU intensive stuff going on lower hardware buffer size or i/o buffer size like they call it on Logic it's gonna make sure that the latency is low enough so I like to stick right around 128 to make sure that I can still use some plugins as I am recording but my artists or whoever is you know I'm saying hearing themselves back they're not going to incur any latency so at least any noticeable amount of latency but it's pretty much impossible to get zero latency alright so that's that so that's our input section that we need to worry about for now if we stay in the same preferences tab and go to a little recording section we can also talk about setting our file type the file type that you need done that I like to rock with is wave of course because I'm wavy Wayne you already know Wayne calm baby alright I'm sorry oh so yeah so go away that's the standard stick there now bit-depth let's talk a little bit about bit depth basically bit depth determines the amplitude resolution right the higher the bit depth the more dynamic your records can be I'm not gonna get real deep off into that tangent cuz I can but just think about it like that the higher the bit depth the more dynamic meaning your records can be ultimately louder and quieter all at the same time so I say all that just to say keep the 24-bit recording checked alright because we want to record the most dynamic records as possible before we leave this Preferences window let's check the project settings ok so right down here you say recording project settings and this is where we get to set our sample rate so I'm gonna go over to audio actually and that's the main thing that I'm worried about is the sample rate all right the sample rate that you choose will ultimately determine the quality of your audio think about sample rate as like frame rate with film right or a little flipbook if I make an image of me walking across the studio and I only draw three pictures of it to get from one side to the other it's gonna look pretty choppy but if I take that and that that same motion and I draw a hundred pictures it will create a much fluid more accurate representation of what happened right so sample rate is basically the digital snapshots of your audio as they're coming into your audio interface that's the interface job is to basically capture that audio so the sample rate determines how many times per second will the audio be measured in this case you know we're at a sample rate of 48 kilohertz but it means 48 thousand times per second the audio will be measured Seanie quality sample rate is 44 point one kilohertz and that also goes for most mp3s that you guys listen to as well I like to record a little bit higher than that so I always keep my sample rate at 48 kilohertz all right so I go with 48 kilohertz all the time as you see there are some other choices all the way up to 192 kilohertz but again if we're gonna go all the way back down to 44 point one there's really no need to eat up all of this hard drive space by recording at 192 kilohertz or some I'm saying insane a sample rate okay so just keep it at 48 K now that we got the sample rate set we can go ahead and close this project settings pane and we can close the Preferences boom everything is good and we can hit create before we start recording we're gonna need some hot beats me so let's go ahead and import an audio file into this session to import audio files I'm just gonna go up to file choose import audio file wow the shortcut is shift command just like Pro Tools you know what let's run this back real quick I did it everyone check this out if you go to Logic Pro menu you can go down to key commands and you can have your key commands actually match Pro Tools key commands if so you know Pro to shortcuts you can just use them in logic so that's what I'm using I'm using all pro 2 shortcuts similar playing use that if you following this channel which you subscribe then when I talk about shortcuts I'm primarily gonna talk about the pro 2 shortcuts so I'm gonna go ahead and use my shortcut shift command I to import this audio file or you can just go to the file menu and choose import audio file alright so I'm just gonna find one of these beats provided from my homie noisy neighbors mainly the dopest producers out there alright so thanks y'all for always keeping the channel laced with some hot beats but I'm just gonna choose one of these beats from here if you want to audition it you can just hit play it stop down here to make sure that's a beat that you want and I'm gonna go ahead and open that up now because I had that audio track I created that audio track and it was selected the beat automatically went onto that track here's the extra bonus tip we always want to have a tempo of the beats that we working with locked into our session so logic has a cool feature that allows us to do this really easy without any work so all you have to do is go ahead and go to the audio effects button here on the left so if you don't see this little side panel all you have to do is click the little I up here that shows you more information about the track you have selected and since we only had that one track it'll pop up no problem also you can just show your mixer window by clicking on the little fader icon show you a little mixer strip and you can do the same thing from here I'm actually gonna work like this from here on now so we can see both so you probably should do that too just go ahead and show that mixer so you can see your little edit window and your mixer at the same time so from the mixer I'm just gonna go to the audio effects button click and I'm gonna go two metering and then BPM counter and choose the stereo version that's available there I'm just gonna play some of this beat I'm gonna go over to where the drums are just because it's a little easier code so it's giving me 75 beats per minute I think that's pretty accurate so we're just gonna go right up to the BPM counter right here in our main transport little may encounter window and I'm going to type in 75 beats per a minute and we're gonna close that up before we get started let's take a look at this beat track as you can see when we look at the the track we see a couple of different numbers here so I have the level that my fader is set at the volume so if I change that we see that that little indicator changes that right now I got my fader and negative 2.5 and to the right that's my peak indicator right my peak level meter so this beat is peeking out at 0.3 DB that means it's pretty loud it means there's less than a tenth of a a DB of headroom left to actually kind of make any room for these vocals to fit in and anything else I want to add in this mix so one important thing that we need to do especially to avoid clipping and distortion is turned the beat down first before we start recording so I want this when I record my vocals I want my input level to kind of peak about negative 6 excuse me when I'm recording my vocals I want my input level to kind of peak about negative 6 dB I have a whole video on setting the right input levels so yeah I can check that out but I want its a peak about negative 6 so I need the beat to actually be a little lower than that so I want that beat to peak at about probably negative 8 DB or negative 7 DB so I'm gonna turn it down a few DB until I can achieve that and I'm just gonna play it during one of its loudest section [Music] all right cool so I think that's gonna be a good level to start off with that beep and the next thing that I'm actually gonna do is go ahead and make a new mono audio track so that I can record some vocals too so to do this we can hit shift command in that's the new track command or you can do use the granny methane and go to file our track new alright either way shift command n it's gonna be the shortcut use that'd be an editing ninja oh my anything then just check in man if you use shortcuts leave a comment alright so for this audio track let's see we can go ahead and set the input type here and since my microphone is actually plugged into input 2 on my interface but I'm gonna make sure that I set the input to input 2 I don't need to do any of that none of that stuff to output all that stays the same hit create and boom we can automatically see signal coming in one my channel now if you don't see signal right away especially if you're talking in the microphone over there there is some sound then there's a couple things you need to check maybe check your XLR cable make sure your microphone is connected appropriately or make sure that if you are using a microphone that requires phantom power a condenser microphone be sure to hit that 48 volts button on your audio interface to send it phantom power I digress so we got signal alright and as we see my signal right now is peaking at about negative 8 which is pretty good I don't need it to be too much louder because once I start wrapping you know I get a little more excited cool so I feel like we got a good strong signal coming in to the actual track so the next thing that we're gonna do is input arm it once the track is input arm you'll be able to actually hear yourself so now when you arm the input is live so you actually can hear whatever is coming through that track so we want to turn that on so we can hear it and before we move forward let's go ahead and keep ourselves and good organization will have it so let's name these tracks to rename a tracking logic just simply double-click on the nameplate so I'm gonna name this first track beat and you can hit tab to go over to the next track um so just double click or just double click again but I like to be fast editing ninja you feel me so in this next track is gonna be called vocals cool I got my track input armed I'm gonna go ahead now so now I'm gonna go ahead and record on the track this is gonna hit the little red record button and now the track is ready for recording there's a couple of different ways that we can start recording here one way is the granny method you can just go up and hit the little record button in the transport or you can hold command and hit the spacebar and then your session will also start recording so let's go ahead take this from the top yo turn my headphones up get-get-get I bet so now we bout to drop some hot bars make sure y'all ready for all this oh and another thing so since I'm not using a I'm not making a beat and I got a beat in here I don't need that count off so we can turn that off that's really annoying it's right up here in the transport where it says 1 2 3 4 just click that and now we ready to record in the shortcut that I'm gonna use again is command-spacebar yeah it's wavy I'm going crazy yeah these boys lazy they never heard me spit no bars this hard they never met me this heart in a cart Dane knows that I got a crazy bloke they know that I'm coming back yo here I go for grill making songs and logic you know that I've been in the gym getting Riley can what you talk about I'm not an engineer I'm an engineer get back to this so once you've made your first recording you can actually go ahead and take the track off record arm because you don't want to risk recording over it and you can even go ahead and the input off cuz we're done recording on that track and then you can just go ahead and run your session back to the beginning by hitting return and then hit the spacebar again to play imma save y'all from having to hear that again thanks for watching this video if you found it helpful make sure that you subscribe to the channel and go ahead and leave a comment and thumbs up as well I know I'm asking you how to do a lot but I had to do this video you ain't thinking about all that I did make sure y'all busy wavy I just dropped some new logic templates and a few approaches user I got a bunch of Pro Tools templates over there too all right and I did say that if you wait to the end of the video I give y'all some special alright so if you go to wavy and you got one of those logic templates you can get 50% off for one week only I'm gonna give them 50% off and you gotta use the code wavy logic alright so wavy logic 50% off but one week only app what we got to this video job so go to waving Wacom and download your logic templates today thanks for watching this video be don't break
Channel: Wayne.wav
Views: 146,139
Rating: 4.9161386 out of 5
Keywords: how to record on logic pro x, how to record in logic pro x, how to use logic pro x, how to record vocals in logic pro x, recording in logic pro x, logic x pro, recording vocals in logic pro x, logic pro x recording vocals, logic pro x beginner tutorial, wavy wayne, recording on logic pro x, how to set up logic pro x for recording, how to record logic pro x, how to use logic pro x beginners, logic pro x for beginners, using logic pro x, recording with logic pro x, logic pro x
Id: C6o99YVw_JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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