Logic: An Example of How to Kill A Rap Career

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this video is brought to you by raycon stay tuned to find out more logic you are easily one of the worst rappers to ever grace a microphone I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know what they tell you I know you sold a lot of Records I know you sell out a whole bunch of Tours and I know just how successful you are I have to be honest you are horrible man I think he's I think he's a rat but I feel like he just tries to prove that he's black too much for me at almost every turn logic has found himself as the butt of a cultural joke ridiculed for everything from his insistence on discussing his biraciality to his willingness to present himself as an open book to an inherently cynical audience logic has been written off by no shortage of fans over the years but even as the world took from him with one hand it gave with the other through it all he's retained a passionate fan base that basically ensured that every time that he dropped a record it skyrocketed to the top of the charts or at least that was the case until very recently when after years of weathering PR disasters and public slides from others logic stock appeared to take a noticeable drop but before we get there we need to look at when logic's path through hip-hop began to Veer off the norm when he first came out of the gate the MC was for all intents and purposes a traditional MC and on his debut album Under Pressure he adhered to as many of the genre's origin story tropes as he could as he later admitted to the fader the project was a case of looking at his perception of himself and wanting them being the hip-hop buying audience to like me claiming that he'd been through things that can give me credibility he initially decided to Spotlight his rough upbringing but over time he decided to deviate from that in order to present a more robust picture of who he really is when I let all that go and I was like I'm an anime nerd a Sci-Fi loving film-going mother that completely changed how open I was the result of this would be his sophomore album The highly conceptual the incredible true story and from there logic had already begun to Garner sideways looks from a genre which often to its detriment expects its mainstream artists to follow the template to the letter however it should be said that the warping of his Public Image didn't really result from this sci-fi fi oriented project in fact the anti-logic movement which soon became Rife in hip-hop didn't really pick up steam until 2017's everybody at which point all of the niggling Hang-Ups that people seem to nurture about him all came to a head in a way that would lead to that credibility he'd spoken of taking irreparable damage for starters attentive listeners began to see some glaring similarities in his rapping flow and lyrics to that of other artists in the eyes of his Defenders logic was simply interweaving aspects of other work into his own creative output in a way that mirrors his hero film director Quentin Tarantino but to others what logic engaged in was nothing short of blatant plagiarism as while recreating shots to salute the movies that paved the way for your own distinct filmmaking is one thing having the audacity to routinely steal elements from another artist's music or imagery within a culture that views biting as a cardinal sin is something else entirely over the years the damning evidence began to mount up and will lead to videos such as logic copying Kendrick Lamar for five minutes straight to be compiled likewise he was accused of copying both contemporaries such as J Cole and and legends like Eminem elsewhere the voice of Talia which originated on the incredible true story and later provided context for songs on no pressure Bayer's startling resemblance to that which can be heard throughout A Tribe Called quests Midnight Marauders but if there is any issue in regards to logic apparently taking inspiration too far it was his apparent theft to Joiner Lucas's concept that eventually lead to his biggest hit ever the mental health awareness Anthem 1-800-273-8255 as Jordan Lucas said this wasn't a case of coincidence as logic's manager had essentially acted as a spot and gave the idea directly to logic after hearing what Joyner had been cooking up are you ready to hear things in a whole new way whether you're listening to your favorite podcast or playlist while working out raycon earbuds have you covered with optimized gel tips for the perfect in-ear fit these earbuds are so comfortable and they will not Bud trust me they offer over eight hours of play time and up to 32 hours of battery life which comes in handy when we're editing our videos for hours and hours on end other features include the premium noise isolation and awareness mode for enhanced sound quality which can be adjusted and customized to your liking three customizable sound profiles and easy tap function controls which honestly put competitors to shame plus with over 50 000 5 Star reviews to date raycon has the data to 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that white boy took that while the accusation itself is definitely a stretch the fact that Freddie felt sufficiently emboldened to go and demand an explanation from the white boy raises a larger question about logic's place in the culture essentially due to his Persona logic had become a punching bag who could be off-handedly disrespected without fear of consequence and in an industry that's fueled by machismo and asserting dominance this might as well be fatal in many ways it was this perception of logic that likely gave Joey Badass the green light to lie about being blinded by a solar eclipse to get out of his commitments to tour Rhythm I just really wanted an excuse to be off the lodge tour Joey later revealed blogs literally created a story and I went with it because it was convenient for me at the time although he wasn't short on haters logic's positive impact can't be discredited and over time it was revealed that 1-800 had led to a massive increase in cause to the Prevention Hotline but even then the massive mainstream appeal of the track and being dubbed the voice of a generation by Ellen DeGeneres of all people likely did more damage than good the same fans who had heard 1-800 and been like this is amazing this is so special this is needed we're now the one saying this sucks and he's too mainstream he reflected in his autobiography the most popular thing I'd ever done the song that was going seven times Platinum suddenly became the worst song logic ever made suddenly faced with backlash from his own fans and the general disrespect of his peers this was anything but idea for someone who'd soon prove himself to be thin-skinned in a way that's simply not compatible with the intense criticism that comes with being an artist in hip-hop having shown that he could be willfully discredited and mocked in a way that other MCS can't enabling this to fly with little more than the occasional gripe in an interview or a vague allusion to haters on wax has meant that this outlook on him has all but solidified over the years and over time he's found himself on the receiving end of some harsh words from some of the most Barbed tongues in hip-hop let me be the first to tell you I don't know what the hell logic is talking about I can assure you that nobody in this room has ever said man you know who doesn't come up here logic and that's not a this I'm just telling you nobody cares if I'm gonna be honest with you I don't know what they tell you I know you sold a lot of Records I know you sell out a whole bunch of Tours and I know just how successful you are I have to be honest you are horrible man while button and Charlemagne shooting off at the mouth is nothing new the willingness to verbally tear logic limb from Lim speaks to his reputation as an easy target and while it may seem like kicking a man while he's down in the hyper masculine realm of hip-hop logic really only has himself to blame because once you allow the opinions of others to permeate your mind and form a part of who you are it'll then be visible to the culture at large and if we know anything about human nature really it's that when people are given free reign to take Liberties they will as he revealed during an interview with Rob Markman this is precisely what happened in regards to Charlemagne's conduct towards him rather than letting it go logic allowed it to Fester inside him and actively affect his life when he basically kind of called me homophobic without even watching an interview and for him to just out his mouth be like get your sister like that actually held on to that for like six years man and I was like this isn't healthy and I'm talking to my therapist about it it ain't that deep unsurprisingly the same pattern of internalizing insults came into play when Joe Budden decided to level his scathing critiques in Bobby's Direction on that occasion it even made such a dent in his confidence that it played a role in his decision to briefly retire from hip-hop I really this and my heart rate explodes and I'm like oh my God and I go out and I'm at like the garden and everyone's like wrapping my lyrics whatever and I'm like I'm a failure what I'm saying is at that moment it was the the height of me caring about what other people say it was the height of people's opinions on me bearing deep into my heart and affecting my everyday my everyday life and after that I was like I can't do this anymore known to have an extremely strained relationship with social media to the extent that he believes the internet was actually a much nicer place just a decade ago logic would announce his retirement from the game signing off with July 2020's no pressure seen by many as a triumphant swan song The no ID aided project shifted in emphatic 221 000 unit and was only kept from the top spot by Taylor Swift rounded off with a leap into the streaming World logic had suddenly cultivated more Good Will than he'd gotten from the industry in years in fact for the first time in a long time it felt like he'd been able to escape with his head held high as he rode off into the sunset to go and be a father and with that logic's Legacy began to be seen with a greater level of Goodwill than it had been given in years until less than a year on from his final album he announced that he was returning to the game that he'd once claimed had driven him to the brink of a breakdown in one Michael Jordan impersonating press release logic sacrifice the perfect storybook ending that he'd written for himself and in doing so opened himself up to the usual criticism once again to make matters worse he also began to discuss his past most hated projects and the questionable intentions behind them no but the funny thing is people didn't realize it was a satirical social experiment LOL he said of the widely hated Confessions of a dangerous mind I win and to this day the numbers show it is my most popular album proving my point make a controversial album and people talk I've never actually admitted this almost immediately logic's comments about his fifth record were contested by fans and critics alike with some feeling angered by the fact that some of the tracks that they felt connected to were now being invalidated by the artist behind them meanwhile while other saw it is nothing more than a case of trying to salvage the Project's dubious reputation with one Twitter user tweeting so how do you explain Bobby Tarantino 3 being mid then is that another satirical social experiment combined with the decision to end his retirement in under a year logic's comments set the precedent that fans could no longer take anything that he says at face value and considering that no pressure was billed as his final contribution to the culture of hip-hop it can be hard to view any future albums with anything approaching the same degree of anticipation when it's likely that he'll drop another one within months sure enough this predicament was epitomized by his 30 track strong comeback record vinyl days praised by long time logic critic Anthony fantano the record was actually regarded by many as a phenomenal return to his roots which saw his strengths as an MC and a producer come to the fore but in the wake of his retirement logic essentially killed off his momentum as a result his Commercial Appeal experienced a massive nosedive as while his retirement album sold over 200 000 first week final days shifted just 28 000 garnering numbers which play placed him below that of Kevin Gates's Casa which was released the same week while this next phase of his career will see him operating under the BMG imprint on a deal that likely made him a fortune there's no denying that logic has lost something which he simply can't regain once he renounced his place in the game at what had seemed like the perfect time logic's last ditch effort to salvage his reputation and part ways on good terms became a relic of the past instead he finds himself painted into a corner that was partially constructed by the perceptions of others but that he also had an undeniable hand in crafting for himself as through his own mismanagement of his career and his ill-fitting coping strategies to deal with things Beyond his control he faces an uphill battle if he ever hopes to claim her back to the highest Heights of his early years with this new post-retirement career and perhaps more pressingly get the respect that he feels he deserves
Channel: HipHopMadness
Views: 1,151,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: logic, logic 1-800, logic freestyle, kendrick lamar, joyner lucas, eminem, logic ballin, logic eminem, logic everybody, logic vinyl days, hiphopmadness, hiphopmadness logic, logic rapper, logic under pressure, logic new music, what happened to logic, logic sabotaged, logic vs eminem, eminem freestyle, eminem logic, logic joe budden, hip hop music, logic interview, joe budden, j cole, eminem rap god, logic retire, rap, rapper
Id: sM1XYWi5c6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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