Logan Paul is Having A Baby!! iShowSpeed gets RKO’d at WrestleMania, Logan Got SCAMMED: 414

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we had I show speed in the prime bottom Randy Orton has him by the chin and he managed to slip in there Ronaldo better I'm not going to say who but a CEO from a very powerful company he goes to gr bensinger guy did the same thing to us that guy is a liar I'm staying in Mike's house I Tred to hang out watch TV and he's like I'm so tired what did you want to do why were you using an oil that's used for babies why would you even have an oil like that I'm going to be a dad Logan retains speed involvement speed Prime athl are we rolling is this this real so you so the audience right now can see how Logan preps for the episod atin how he prep to the episod new era has beg I have been wrestling Prime is having a baby how's Nina what's the due date wait was Morgan Wallen arrested just some bull yeah all of it who cares what what was there was one in there mic wait does you have a mic we gave Kevin a ghost mic off screen I like it again again shut that's crazy just like that hey hey can you just keep saying that throughout the episode whenever he starts yeah every time he starts going you know you know when that moment when Mike's at like 250 260 seconds into a rant and we're all just like yeah bro it's a podcast what do you want we can't all just sit here and have giant muscles and hold people listen listen to us oh my god did you hear how good Logan's muscle sounded on that last episode we got to say [ __ ] it's a show my bad off the top rope drink my drink sorry bro yeah I started doing bicep curls so you can't tell yep popping out of my shirt doing dips set of 25 four sets you're right minimum yeah come on Jeff you asked me what book I was reading y it's called disappointing affirm [Music] my girlfriend doesn't like it read one why why don't you share with the class um whenever someone asks you how you are just make up a lie like I'm okay no one wants to hear about your problems that's not true that's not what he read yes it is it's the book's called disappointing affirmation I'm looking at it that's what it says stop romantic sizing the past you've always been miserable oh this oh this is my favorite one have a panic attack you've deserved it you you you heard you've heard see this is why I need this book CU I can't read I can't even read properly you can't make fun of people have a panic attack you've earned it like what bro I can appreciate how grounded in reality that book is because here's the reality life sucks it's just so trash and it's hard too it's hard because you have to focus on so many things and it's all just [ __ ] including this show no way dude you sound like John Candy you don't even know who John Candy is do you know who John Candy is no I'm just kidding guys welcome back to this horseshit episode of impulsive we love you guys thanks for listening uh we're coming off of a week that was crazy but this is a week delayed so WrestleMania is a week and a half out and we made a pretty exciting announcement this weekend and there's a lot of stuff to talk about so here we are with Mike melac and Jeff Levan to talk about stuff welcome to the episode guys and by the way I don't think it's going to be a [ __ ] episode I think it's going to be fantastic I think it's going to be exactly what you guys have been looking for friendship and just dumb [ __ ] feeling so dumb right now I feel like I've kind of lost my brain a little bit what if it was never there to begin [Music] with every time I do some of these episodes like a little bit of my soul is just given well why well why well why do you do podcast then have you ever thought of just not I don't know because they all they do is get me in trouble like I'm G to say some stuff on this podcast that will be like clipped out of context and like get me in trouble I just get myself in trouble like I noticed that like I just the more I open my mouth and talk the more people [ __ ] hate me is this going to be a therapy show there going to be a therapy session bro no bro I have a front pocket and therefore I don't need therapy hey is that is that can open yeah okay just please be careful bro shut up I'm staying in Mike's house we've already been up no we're doing it again Mike lets me stay in his house sometimes when I demand that he lets me stay in his house you miss him yeah I miss him he's my buddy you miss him yeah last night I try to hang out watch TV and he's like I'm so tired I went to sleep I gave you the throne I'm so you really went to sleep what time 10:30 was a I was just a long week of just events I'm almost 40 I went to sleep it's 10:30 and it was 1:30 we just flown in we just did the episode with you know who the big episode that's coming out next Tuesday that's gonna make up for this [ __ ] absolute pig sty of a [ __ ] hole [ __ ] and I was tired bro when I came home and he's like let's watch that new Gyllenhaal film with post Malone in it and I was like no I'm probably gonna go to bed dude I'm sure it's great I don't really it's not it's not you know that you know that is that you trying to be diplomatic no not at all how was I didn't even watch one second of it how could I know if it was good because bro has Conor McGregor in it as like a lead role it's not a good movie well maybe it's got some redeeming quality I don't [ __ ] know I like to look at the the only redeeming quality is post Malone post Malone's great he's awesome he's he is great number one listened uh two artist did he bulk up for that film I wouldn't say anything like that CU he looked Burly in the in the I mean he posted a Burly guy not anymore they shot it a couple years ago oh they cuz not in the scene where they said says very cool man congratulations you know the just forget it dude you guys don't even pay in social media so you want know what I'm talking about um but yeah you watch the movie by yourself how does that make me such an Enemy of the State because because because we have the house alone what did you want to do my girl didn't come with what did you want to do have a orgy like what bro like come on we have the house alone it's been a while since we've seen each other we're in this cool City no you want cuz your [ __ ] German videographer David is not here he's doing whatever being German my fiance didn't come and so we just two boys kicking it bro it felt like felt like kind of old school like back in the day when it was like a Friday night and your mom had Tostitos pizza rolls in the oven and you could play Call of Duty all night that's what I thought it was be you don't play Call of Duty bro you play Tetris you play you play [ __ ] from the 60s you watch programs you eat supper you know what I'm saying you're you the vibe was just off bro and you and your hand kept getting mad close to my leg bro bro I'm not even going to lie dude I was cooped up in a you were over in that corner and I was for some reason sitting this close to you and your hand like say this was my leg this was your hand and I was just like dude I'm not feeling B dude there's nothing wrong with being like close with a homie is this a usual thing for like bounce and like leave you yourself or no like no normally we hang out you know what I think it is what is it I think it's that girlfriend of his right% he's not used to hanging out with a buddy anymore used to hang out with this girl past night right dude yeah you are that's not true yeah you are you don't appreciate your boys anymore that's not true you're not even my friend anymore you're aist celebrity no I'm not no I'm not I'm the United States Champion you don't even like us how are you retain and remain just like I said Wrestlemania 40 biggest WrestleMania ever I participated is that what you expected did you expect anything less I was in it did you think it was going to be the biggest WrestleMania ever shut up you sound stupid we had I show speed in a prime bottle what did you think was going to happen yo can someone explain to me how is the biggest thing in the world internet Phenom I show speed he's like I just don't think there's anyone else in the world that's on his level as it pertains to ability to drive eyeballs when I was pitching him to the WWE it took a little massaging took a little finessing for us to convince them that we had this like young Creator who by the way is still a teenager the kid's 19 years old who's just an internet Phenom everything he touches goes crazy viral because he's got that like charismatic contagious energy I don't The Barking yeah He barked He barked in Randy Orton's face like imagine explaining to mosart like imagine explaining to mosart who isos feed is you know what I'm saying imagine explaining anybody who is show speed is yeah that's a good point too he's tough to describe what you say what do you say elevator pitch I show speed I can't do it I tried I tried to explain to nah my beautiful fiance I said we signed this new guy I show speed he he's a Phenom she's like how much you paying him I told her she goes you're paying that guy that much I've never even heard of him I I'm like you're out of touch you don't understand this guy is a I don't even he what would you call him like a sensation he's a sensation he he's a YouTube internet sensation I asked my nephews you want to go to WrestleMania yeah we want to go I show speed's gonna be there what yeah yeah he shows speed he shows Prime he shows bark did he did he say during his RKO he said Ronaldo's better before he went down yes yes Randy Orton has him by the chin and he managed to slip in there Ronaldo better and like it's AR out on the table he's great yeah yeah great match man great match great WrestleMania headed back to Bama Baby this week in the Nascar Cup series is headed to its biggest and baddest track Talladega Super Speedway this Beast of a track is 2 and a half miles of nothing a pure speed and it's known to always put on a legendary show drivers will be battling it out at almost 200 miles per hour just inches away from each other for 500 miles if you've never checked out NASCAR you got to catch this race the Geico 500 is anyone's to win so tune in to the Nascar Cup Series race on Sunday April 21st at 3 pm. Eastern on Fox and make sure to watch the docu series NASCAR full speed on Netflix to get an exclusive look into the lives of some of your favorite drivers my favorites Kyle Larson back to the Rog I know you don't want to do a wrestling show but we no but we have fans who care about wrestling and by the way our wrestling episodes have been outperforming our regular episodes yeah I I'm a fan of from a cash flow stand point for me I'm a fan of WWE are you serious those the re Ripley episode did like a million plus by the way of Real views are you are you doing I'm not doing [ __ ] bro what are you doing there do I look like I want to cause [ __ ] drama what did you do no it doesn't I just am saying like I don't know what people thinking if it's real like who knows who who no it's just people in general like cuz there's all the talk about Bots nowadays and stuff like that I'm just saying who's B it's not about who it's more about what it's more about it it being it that the fact that it is that Isen you talking about there's that ghost you are you insane it wasn't him it wasn't him it wasn't even him it wasn't him you know it's you know who it was it was Caleb it was Caleb no you know what's going to happen here our producer Caleb you know what's going to happen here they're they're going to they're going to think we're talking about George for some reason which we're not at all I just want to make it I know that but I'm making it abundantly clear right now that we're not talking about George because I don't want to end up no we're talking about let me do it let me do it no no I'm not going I'm not going to do anything I'm not going to do anything I'm not going to accuse cuz I don't know okay what I am going to say is how you go from 9,000 views in two hours to a million in 24 hours it just makes me feel like I'm punching in a dream like my hands why is that suspect what do you mean because we understand what the patterns of YouTube viewership looks like it's not possible you can you can you can trace a no there's a patter there's a pattern and when you get hit in an algorithm whether your podcast is thriving it'll get served more or if it's underperforming because it's a guest people don't care about or the click-through rate isn't as High um those affect how much your video is being served so if it has a low view count in the first two hours which not not just not just on a lot of people's content you you see these videos like underperforming then all of a sudden out of nowhere they shoot up and that's just not how the algorithm works it's just not I've been doing this long enough soy for us to to be paying attention to numbers KN when something's fabricated and like I think we're in an era where like a lot of people are faking their [ __ ] and let me tell you something we're coming for them no we're not doing [ __ ] that just it just feels like you know they're going to be selling and pitching advertisers based on those numbers that aren't real and people will be paying them money but YouTube's got to do something if it's fake I'm sure they are but especially with AI and the different ways you can bot views now we're never going to be able to bot views I was thinking if we didn't talk about this we could start rolling some computers in the the issue is no no no joking we not but I'm just saying but it shows up elsewhere so it's it's so although you can have you get your views on one platform uh like say you buy followers on Instagram unless you buy your engagement on every post you're going to have [ __ ] engagement so then you have to hide your likes so then it says liked by blah blah and others so advertisers don't know how many likes you are actually getting and it's more and more prominent now because you can buy and fake views on so many things and so advertisers will pay you money thinking you're getting legitimate views when you're not and so like I'm a platform that has never ever once bought a follower like in the vine days all the viners know this it was like you'd be shunned frowned upon shamed forever you you want followers bro seriously I think the botting I think the botting has just gotten so popular on streamer on streaming platforms and streaming platforms are like the big Winners right now like dude pretty much everybody on stream stream is botting there's so many bots on for streamers doesn't Facebook which is Facebook and then Instagram want you to buy it right like don't they help you like hey on lock this boost I get it every time I boost is no but boost is like a legitimate engine of like paid marketing that is clearly marked cuz it says this has been paid or bought or whatever this is just like rolling in like hundreds of thousand like I said when we started this I'm not accusing I'm asking like literally how how do y'all go from sub 15,000 views in two three hours to the next day having 850,000 no not 850,000 1.4 million just not it's just not it's not the math not math math don't math you know what I'm saying that's all what what were we talking about what we were talking about was when I said Real views we was talking about WWE I'm not trying to change the topic I want to change the topic from the fact that I walked out before the Undertaker John Cena and The Rock came out you're so stupid that fact dud when you left I knew just like you walked out on Logan last night yeah I'm a walker out her I'm I'm sick I'm GNA be honest with you I'm sick of it you did walk out for the same reason you walked out for the same reason no we walked out to protect your girl your wife bro bro she had a seven foot actually a 7 foot security guard was only he he he he was only walking into the car she had to go into the Four Seasons who knows God who knows what could have been happening Striker down at the four SE the 60 story four SE Four Season bro I just didn't want to get stuck in the in the traffic output from was an hour I was stuck in traffic for an hour Michel Michael they're saying that the five minutes at Wrestlemania 40 in the main event were like the greatest five minutes of wrestling John Cena Undertaker The Rock dare I say J Uso Uso versus Uso off the ramp onto a double table and you left before off the ramp like where Logan walks down I watched it on my phone you didn't I saw Clips after on Twitter just like he didn't watch youon last night I did watch Yukon shout out to the Yukon men shout out to the [ __ ] Yukon men the greatest champions in NCAA men's history the greatest winning differential in the history of the NCAA tournament plus 140 2 years in a row solidifying that dynasty of Yukon men's Yukon husky Sports bringing it back to CT and shout out to Dave poroy for a massive $600,000 spin into $2.7 million what a win congrats Dave what a win for the huskys and for Connecticut once again I wish the women could have got it done too they say the coach is leaving going to Kentucky actually yep offer because they pay more offer can't ref like uh dude it's crazy cuz I am definitely a man but when other men start talking about basketball are and sports I I I completely shut off I like I'm like bro who cares yeah you played him I did play him yeah but I just never paid attention to him I just don't I don't man I don't get Sports I don't get Sports I get the big events bro you can't say that you fly around with a te playing Tetris and Rubik's Cube that's what do you not what do you not get what do you not get about b Entertainment NBA are you not enter why watch sports to be entertained why watch the Rubik's why watch the movie you watched last night yeah you're right I mean I guess that's the answer and it's not even that difficult to understand I just I don't know some people pick different things yeah you're right different different folks the greatest answer and I also do want to uh point out one other thing the uh women's basketball basketball tournament uh women's sorry uh finals championship finals uh more viewership the first time ever than the men's finals 14 million something like that 17 million to 14 million who we know why couple reasons number one being Caitlyn Clark the Caitlyn Clark era has come to an end one of the greatest or is the story just beginning dude it is just beginning she will now she will now go to the WNBA at a starting salary of $76,000 a year yeah but she's already 2.3 million off of IRL deals right and and we'll continue to get those sponsorship I I don't know what like either of you are saying I couldn't care less no no like I are you Phenom be dude no I'm sure she's fantastic it's sick for her and she's GNA do great things in the WNBA um great enough great enough for LeBron and Travis and everybody to show up at their games they didn't tweet about WrestleMania but they tweeted about about they talking about they tweest LeBron they showed up LeBron yeah LeBron what he tweet he tweeted congrats on retaining the US tile I saw it I saw it you know Mike makes fun of me for the games that I play but the fact is some of the games I play are the best games in the world and uh I'm onto a new game it's like fortnite meets Super Smash Brads they have a baby with Mortal Kombat fatality style moves boom it's called Robo Squad Revolution it has a bunch of new features I have not seen in other games you're playing as a robot but whenever you get a killstreak you transform into new characters with special abilities the abilities are insane there's one where you get a d popcorn bucket there's a like button boxing gloves you can even do a cannonball to explode enemies in the area this is the real deal and the best part is yours truly makes an appearance in the game that's right I have my own skin hologram special weapons special moves you can pull off as the Logan Paul character you've got to see it it's next level might have even included some of my wrestling moves in there so if you guys are looking for some epic Gaming action check out Robo Squad Revolution I'm in it plays me let me know what you think enjoy back to the show I have to say being a employee of the WWE or wait I'm not an employee what am I an independent contractor being an independent contractor that works with the WWE is the dopest job in the world it's so fun and I feel like The Rock's been saying it like wrestling's cool again and I don't know if I'd go as far to say that until I'm the WWE champ but um wrestling is definitely captivating again and the stories we're telling are second to none and everybody brings it up it's just so entertaining it's a universal language and like when you're making noise bringing the rock out the Undertaker John Cena it was an exchanging of of hands right like changing of the belt Cody rhods beating Roman Reigns who's been a WWE Champion for help 1500 Days 12 1300 days like an insane amount of time and then having the face of the company change to a a second generation wrestler and Cody rhods whose dad was a legend it was just like really emotional I got got emotional seeing Cody win and Samantha Irvin bullied me the ring announcer Samantha Irvin fiance of Ricochet who I beat twice she bullied me on Twitter she said uh she said I'm a cringe over reactor Is that real or is that not they got a ton of favorites tag team you and Jake versus her and Orton listen I I gave her I gave her amazing compliment because she's awesome in the ring she the best like her announcing Rock Roman Seth Cody she was standing there the wind's blowing and she's just getting into it like Bruce Buffer does fantastic she's unbelievable she's fantastic I took it as kind of irony a little bit because if you see the videos of her reacting she's like sobbing she's when The Rock came out for the first time she very emotional and and and I think I think it was like she was like it's a funny way to like dig at me cuz like I am a cringe over reactor bro I I I'm reactive as [ __ ] I something happens I'm like you know I am but also she reacts too and I think that was what it was like kind of funny cuz she was playing into that I've seen a lot of you don't care you want to talk about Caitlyn Clark I've seen a lot of the matches let's talk about basketball that was the best let's talk about Hoops dude come on bro Caleb zoom in over on the left side of Jeff's body right at the couch level for a second oh that bothers me too that bothers me too are you out of your ever [ __ ] mind that's insane of you are you [ __ ] insane dir ass Street shoes shoes on the couch I usually take them off at the door everybody else walked in with them and I said okay I will walk in but usually I take them off I will make one note on the care that I give to this home based on that care the home is in great shape and it is for sale if anyone watching this episode of impulsive is looking for a $4.2 million home in the ills of Los Angeles brother brother please reach out via the comments most like comment I'll the house most like comic gets the house so Jeff got an offer on the table for 32 3 if anyone else is is listening and or watching and likes this house it's very nice house it's important that you buy it because uh Mike said he get a kickback to me oh yeah if someone from buys it so true oh yeah yeah yes yeah if you want to buy it sign up using Code Logan Cod Logan you'll get 10% off 10% off the house and he'll get a percent referral 100% new new buyers yeah new buyers only dude dude dude dude dude lot of love bro yeah a lot of love this past weekend but was there what a little bit of hate too [Music] from dude when I let me just lay out a quick story for you I watched this incredible WrestleMania my my boy retained this this [ __ ] belt and then when the main showcase came on I was gone bro I was in the car with the women the girl I think nah said to him I'm leaving with the girls and you said who and she said Sarah and Mike so I'm in this I'm in this uh you know black car being driven home by like a show CU he has like chauffeurs and [ __ ] with the hat and all that stuff they get out and they polish the door handle when you touch it Illuminati so we're driving down the highway and I look up and it's like it's like you know a prime sign of this sign and then I see a sign that says watch the new gr bessenger starring Logan Paul on my YouTube channel and I said to myself bro he bought out of all media outside of WrestleMania at the end of the night at the end of the night for the passer ADV to drive viewership to the program that Logan Paul hates and I was like dude this dude is crazy this dude want first off first off respect for the savagery because that's an that's an ins insane thing to do yeah yeah shout out fully well knowing that I don't support this documentary and Grant Binger is a [ __ ] snake so for those of you who don't understand what we're talking about um this this seemingly super genuine and Dearing guy slash journalist I would say uh had been asking to interview me for years on his YouTube show called in-depth with Graham bensinger and I I didn't want to do it just because I I didn't I didn't see how that outlet would be like beneficial to me in any way especially if I'm giving him so much like time and energy and like letting him into my life and then one day he came to us had had a ton of celebrities on it Tom Hanks Arnold schw that's the thing that's the thing the list goes on the list of people he's profiled is like impressive and so one day comes to me he goes hey my Show's moving to Apple TV um would you want to be the debut episode I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else it's got to be you sounded exciting and uh after some after some time we finally decided to do it and I said okay like I don't do profiles often um especially not like in-depth ones and so I'm gonna I'm GNA give this guy my all and I did for five months I let this guy Graham bensinger and his crew infiltrate My Life um enter rooms scenarios conversations that like typically I would just like never let any like Outsiders here and uh I thought it would be a good profile for for Apple TV I was really excited for the viewership that um a new audience I could potentially gain on Apple TV yep it's cool it was a fun opportunity some time passes by like a year and a half this guy finally throws together this documentary and uh it comes out on his on his personal YouTube channel and when he first told us that he was going to do that like four or five months ago because it didn't get picked up by Apple I was like yo that's not my [ __ ] problem I didn't didn't sign up to go on your YouTube channel and also like the contents of this he showed me a draft I was like dude there's like parts of that that I asked you to remove and you told me you would you told me in like full confidence that you wouldn't put anything in there without discussing it with me first that like everything gets run by you and I deserve the best like he G he gasset me like gassed me up and there's even a part in there where I accuse Jeff this Jeff of stealing like $2 million it was more like I because I was trying to figure out where the money went and in my like paranoid like lack of sleep State and my frenzy of trying to like come up with the solution instantly I I thought there was some loose ends that I like confronted you about me first first of all you called me first who put the idea in your head that's what I need to know I was just I was backtracking I was backtracking and like things weren't adding up in my head but also like I'm looking back dude I was sleeping 2 hours night for like two weeks in a row like trying to stay sane and like I was fully in a paranoid State and yet this is my mistake I let this stranger Graham who I trusted film when I shouldn't have like he CU cuz here here's what I thought who you bought a gift for dude how many people you've bought a gift for in your life I bought my mom a gift once count us out oh he bought those knives he did buy those knives behind you more than I've got and and he was he was in our house on Christmas which is another thing dude I invited him to my Christmas with my family because I'm like this is Apple TV Doc it's going to be great and every email I printed this all out me and Graham had like a face to face on TMZ it was the first time I had spoken to him since our falling out when I found out he lied and deceived all of us uh where I printed out like seven emails were like Apple TV Apple TV Apple TV location release KSI thought it was going on Apple TV the WWE thought it was going on Apple TV Jake Paul thought it was going on Apple TV and uh this guy essentially ped bait and switched us he duped on the contract on the contract and it's disappointing because like again my fault is just believing in people and trusting them and I thought this guy who again appears very genuine very nice um had my best interest at heart and he just he just didn't and there's no real win for me um because the the piece is already out and the piece is okay but even actually that's not even true no no no the the the the the story is okay cuz it's my life and I I I'm biased obviously but I think like we're telling a pretty interesting story here but putting it in the hands of an amateur like Graham to make a production as I'm going to I say this arrogantly as as worthy of the story that I thought my life should be was a mistake the audio mixing on the Final Cut is horrible the story is is is just not told the right way he didn't even use the best parts like dude me and Nina solve Wordle in one I remember a technically like miraculous feet this can't be real whle in one dude for all you wers out there me and my fiance solved it in one I remember calling it how was the day with graham dude we solved Rand the day they were filming unbelievable not in the cut said unbelievable not in the cut how's filming going unbelievable yeah I thought it was great and and and I I mistakenly thought this dude was going to take care of me and not only did he lie to me about and everyone about where it was going um it was just a horrible decision of me to put my story in his life's hands especially because I didn't get paid I did not get paid I did this for free because it was going on Apple TV and so when his deal with Apple fell through or even if it was with apple I don't know if he was lying he went and sold it to like1 other networks to pay for a billboard to advertise outside of WrestleMania like an absolute Savage that's crazy if you didn't think it was going to YouTube why' you say like And subscribe at the end oh I don't know I just that's like a CTA but but afterwards I asked Jake my brother you said you said I love you in the documentary to I thought I did I thought I did us I was love bom I Sav to you all the time bro come on no way come on bro I say I love you all the time yeah you do I love you you don't say I love you that's that's your problem but he said it he just did he just said I love you tell tell the story tell them the story dude dude Mike girl has been begging him for years to say I love no none of that's even possible Mikey why don't you love me I love you Michael and then he asked me he's like yo do you say I love you I'm like yeah I've been with Han for years he part he partially helped me with it because the way he treats it it's not like to throw it around like just factiously but not to make it as charged because like you love a lot of people but when you put that much like energy like like they say say I love your dear people like they say say that all the time because you never know when you're going to see them again never know if you're going to see them mean it yeah no for real it's not about meaning it or not meaning it's it's about over my life is a is a unfortunate series of overthinking the reason why we haven't put the 40-year-old on his own show where he talks to people because he wants to talk all day for over 260 seconds and help people is because of overthinking the reason why every negative thing is a result of me overthinking [ __ ] and that's the same thing but so he ended up telling her in passing it wasn't in passing while they were going to sleep he they were fac the other way each other face he turned his back over was like by the way good night I love you I'm not going to lie to you I I'm not going to lie to you I bought the Billboards you I bought the Grands I bought put him up outside rest dude after grah bensinger stabbed me in the back and completely showed me how much of a piece of [ __ ] he is I called my brother I was like dude you did a piece with him what did you think of Graham what'd he say he goes dude Gram's a snake I've always thought he was a snaky he's a piece he's piece of [ __ ] and when I when I went on TMZ he was not drinking when I went on TMZ and uh explained my situation and I was like this guy tricked me he's a [ __ ] liar mcafe he brought it up yeah Pat M brought it up I was like he was like by the way so sorry about that and a CEO from a very very powerful company sits me down and he goes the grant bensinger guy I'm like no way this guy is talking to me about that piece of [ __ ] no [ __ ] way he goes to grah bensinger guy your whole situation with him did the same thing to us he goes that guy is a liar and I've learned that it doesn't matter how nice you are doesn't matter how nice you are if you aren't going to get the deal done and be a man of your word we're not doing business that guy is a complete liar and so the only real double you he for me is telling my story because Graham has done this in the past he will continue to do it in the future and I hope other celebrities personalities influencers don't trust Graham and don't allow themselves to put their story in his hands but celebrities don't watch impulsive they are because I'm going to chop up a reel of me exposing gr Binger and run ads against his name people Google Binger so the internet billboard will be the equivalent of him putting the Billboards up outside of Wrestlemania like like seriously bro I don't want I don't want people to get tricked like I did I'll take it as a learning lesson as I always do of things right the education fund but it was sad that I knew that you were upset about it that that makes me upset yeah it's [ __ ] up well upset upset is an oversight it's because like because you know like I I'm not the smartest dude in the world and I have like people in place to protect me like I called my lawyer right away I was like why did you let me sign this [ __ ] contract he goes they told us it was Apple TV every email to all our notes the response back to our red Liv Apple here's what happen so the only thing missing from the contract was if this doesn't go on out on Apple TV it doesn't go out no it's called it's it's one send in connection with got it oh they they used connection with apple oh like manipulative language that just wasn't in there so every I think it might be you because that documentary they they shot about me when I did my life documentary that's not going out either on TV I think and you were in that one too I think it's because you're in them that they keep canning them the networks keep canning them they're the ones that asked me to be in it two quick things celebrities watch the show number one like heavily because every time we have big ones on they know exactly who you are and what we do number two is I will say that it is good that something like this happened before it was a life documentary that involved you know you and your wife or you and if you have kids down the line or something like that so it's kind of good that it happened now you know yeah he's just being so scummy about it like he's using every single thing that we every bit of conversation that we oh you trying to transition it was [ __ ] layup sorry I slipped on the rope in WWE I slipped off the Rope when Kevin Owens was trying to suplex me I slipped bro that rope might as well have been covered in baby oil I went to go like try my move and my foot just went boink that seems like a li that seems like a liability and I landed on my back with a 260 pound man coming off the ropes hurt and then this dude is insane he climbs to the top rope and does a backflip that was crazy lands flush on me how can he even do that how can a guy that looks like that move like that he really moves well he does Kevin Owens as much as I make fun of him he did a back flip he did hold on one second I'll be right back no he said stay here he said you stay here I'm going to go do a backflip yeah and what in your mind says I'm going to stay here he told him to it was smart no cuz he said in a professional sense to him but but the qu you think you slipped because he had no no three sneezes that day no he slipped because of the fact that he was rubbing up with baby oil and the question is why were you using an oil that's used for babies why would you even have an oil like that I see what you're doing yeah that's number two why don't you just use no don't even [ __ ] trying that's number two and if I have to go number three I shall not I'll I'll do it what is number three I'll do it just shut up 11 um I'm gonna be a dad going to be a dad to a dog I'm going to punch you in theu the moment I'm going to strangle you this documentary is not coming out now because of you this episode's getting D I'm already a dog dad I'm going to be a father to a real child human unbelievable yeah uh nah is pregnant she's about 16 weeks pregnant and she's she's due this fall and uh wow what a feeling What a Feeling to get told by the person you love most in the world that you guys are having another person together that's going to be half her and half me and man if it's a girl we don't know the gender yet I'm just going to melt it's like a feeling that I can't even comprehend right now especially if it looks anything like nah like I love nah so much and then this little version of her that's also half me that is going to be like my entire life having a child is something I've looked forward to for so long I've I've I've wanted to be a dad for a while I just like hadn't found the right person and then I did and Nina's going to be such an amazing mother like she has qualities I I couldn't have even guessed I'd find in a partner that are so Stellar for being a a a mother and I am going to have the responsibility of teaching this young human how to be a person they're going to be watching me I'm their dad and I think being a parent is probably one of the hardest and most important jobs in the world and there's a lot of weight that comes with it it's a complete life life shift and for the first time in my life as you guys know I can be pretty selfish but for the first time in my life I've moved two rungs down the priority ladder whereas before like truthfully and even now I'm number one I just am baby comes out Nina baby me or baby Nina me it doesn't matter but those two are interchangeable but like those are my those are my two most important priorities in my life my life partner and my child and then myself and so I think that um mind shift for me is going to be a new chapter of my life again and I'm excited for it and it's crazy it's amazing she's excited and it's amazing yeah I can't wait to find out the gender it's either the hardest job or the easiest job why would it be easy you have to get up so early and change poopy diapers that's the hard that's the hard part but just being there just being with them is the like that's the easy part you got to get thr just got to be there you just got to be there for them I'm excited to feel the excitement that this young person feels learning life through a lens that is blank it's a blank canvas and and and you know they'll get so excited by like the littlest things and I get to get excited by them discovering what you know uh it means to like go outside and like Chase a puppy or something I'm really excited man um so happy for you cuz I know what it feels like and I've twice been there yeah twice now two babies you can't describe it this morning Liv wakes me up and she just wants to play with you know little toys that she's making noises on the bed as I'm like trying to wake up and be awake it's unexplainable yeah you'll be a great dad yeah it's going to be it's going to be a wild a wild ride it feels like a new chapter in this crazy Journey that's been coming up on a decade now and now there's a little one being added into the into the uh the love because I mean think about like the size of this camp and think about all the like cool loving like nice people involved in it you know and it's they're all going to be a I'm going to be Uncle Mike like weird Uncle Mike you know what I'm saying like hey Paul Paul stay away from that [ __ ] guy yeah it's it's exciting bro and congratulations congratulations to you to um on on Greg that's going to be amazing yeah oh they were they were so excited Jake bro crazy think he feels rushed now to try to have one soon too I would hope not because like who who cares and and everyone's on their own their own little journey I I've been uh you know I feel like in my head at least ready for fatherhood for a little bit now and um I think I hit the time uh the nail on the head with that I'm ready like I'm here I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm ready to have a a kid um it's CRA it is let me tell you something that's [ __ ] up how easy it is for men during pregnancy and how not easy it is for women during pregnancy like dude the fact that like let's be honest my job was very easy in this equation not only easy was kind L were pretty easy was pretty [ __ ] dope and now nah for 9 months has to walk around gaining weight feeling sick body changes body changing Being Sober mood swings the hormonal changes it's it's it's it's just growing a person that's insane why how do we not talk about this more you just grow you just grow a little human inside of you we she has this um what's it called like a pregnancy diary tracking app and it tells us in terms of fruit how big this little and what's going through with your body yeah it's an avocado this week he's growing ears this week you should be able to feel your baby kicking what all I had to do is nut but there's a but there's a tradeoff though it's like it's like going it's like going to war but knowing that the outcome is something so great it's like it's like that the the output from it on all those late nights where they're like laid up in pain having like all that trauma that they go through throughout the process you know that the end goal of that or the end output of it is a is is the most beautiful thing on the planet well know saying totally so it carries you through it's not like you get injured and the only thing that you get back to after that is where you were before you got injured like but by the way God willing like inshah that's true what do you mean you have a healthy baby and your pregnancy goes the way you think you know things happen and it's why we didn't tell people for a little bit cuz you know there there there can be complications um right now the baby's very healthy and that's all we we both want and can hope for um but it just it's it's it's shocking to me like I just try to be as supportive as I can and and nurturing and caring and like the general rule during this time I've told Nina is like if anything you know pops off between us it's like you're right and I'm wrong you're right I'm wrong even if I'm wrong or even if I'm right like I don't want to smoke right now are you okay like please you're right I'm wrong and I was wrong for being wrong it's a beautiful time yeah yeah yeah I know it's awesome she's she's doing great I think some women get um they handle pregnancy differently she's she's a she's a champ she's there's many different well there's also times where they get scared right like towards the end that happens a lot like oh this is now happening I'm going have to a give birth the most insane process You' ever seen women can endure pain and suffering way more than men way more just wait for moment you'll be there well yeah because all this stuff right now is like you can be a champ when you still have a six-pack like nothing to start about split in half yeah the ABS do let me repeat to you I don't want to hear that the ABS right here your abdominal muscles split in half making stuff up Google it what would you know about pregnancy you been pregnant two of them two you have two babies yeah it's crazy so wild wait till the dude they poop the pants and stuff crazy [ __ ] happens do ch's pregnant again too yeah you're going to be a what double Uncle triple third third triple Uncle triple Uncle it's way different but it's amazing yeah you get to go play with them be cool Uncle then you give it back he knows baby Salone real Well's great super happy baby yeah she's gonna be the friend of PA it's different when you're you know won't let me name the baby Paul Paul Paul she won't let me name the baby Paul she won't even let me name the runt Paul the smallest and last baby which which I was disappointed in why don't you try to get one name out Paul first name Paul middle name Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul Paul she won't she she might she might budge on pippy for the last one if it's a girl pippy Paul pippy Paul I like that one it's kind of cute anyways yeah I'm going to be a father that's crazy do you have names uh we do have names I'm not going to say him yet though CU who knows who knows which one's harder do you think guy or girl to raise no names to name yeah I don't know don't know anything an insane question yeah it's wild to say that's a crazy question we just found we found it harder for a guy the name a guy yeah no we have both we're locked and loaded I just need the baby to have Nina's hair I just need the baby to probably have Nina's like entire aesthetic um it it I think it'd be cool if it got my biceps it doesn't really matter what it has or doesn't have cuz it could just get nurlink you know what I'm saying well kid to get nerling 100% bro bro there's been updates on the nerling front what well what's the update I've got them here the first ever nurlink patient is has been showing some Inc some incredible uh breakthroughs uh he he was he was given the nurlink uh he proceeded with the implant was based on extensive discussions uh which ultimately alleviated his concerns about the safety and ethical implications of the technology because there supposedly was a bunch of dead monkeys H yeah from the from the original test I don't care the Fried Chicken Prime thing was a uh April Fool's joke it was an April Fool's the greatest Advantage well because people are coming up to me outside of your house they're pulling up to me outside your house to go my son's been looking everywhere for the Fried Chicken Prime the sky I was like that's an April Fool's joke why would we do that it's not real it's disgusting April Fool's we posted on my birthday is it still available is it like a limited edition thing that you can get three body problem on Netflix is an excellent show one report detailed a monkey missing fingers and toes a condition suggested to have been caused by self-mutilation like the monkey got a brain hemorrhage from having the the nerling test and then this guy goes and gets it now he can play chess using only his mind thank you guys for watching this episode impulsive that's insane that's insane that you could play Tetris or do Rubik's Cube using only your mind I'd rather just I'd rather just use my hands he can't he's paralyzed you scum I didn't know that from the shoulders [ __ ] I didn't know that bro I I wasn't listening I was listening to talking about body problem that no because you we're this is the problem we're talking about Fried Chicken Prime we should be talking about the greatest advances in the history of civilization that's what we're not doing on the show enough we need to do more of it it can't be just priming WWE and back flips off the top rope going other planet well they they talk about that in three body problem it's a great show on Netflix well it's we're being visited by the the Santi and alien race they're going to be here in 400 years and they've outsmarted us they've created two is fiction it's fiction yeah no it's non-fiction it's not it's real it's non-fiction yeah yeah but this is happening now right now people are getting a CH a chip impl planting their brain do not like Elon Musk I I do like El mus way more kids in you dude how that's the thing though how how can he have so many well I think it'd be an honor to have Elon musk's baby I probably would do it myself that's probably how actually he finds like suitable mothers and just runs it just [ __ ] sprays and preise Subway just rolled out the $66 inch cookie no sandwich but there's a cookie too there was a $5 foot long this is how bad a society is sunken we went from a $5 foot long to $6 6 inch well and they're they're marketing it like a bargain yeah yeah cuz that's where we're at from a grocery standpoint Jesus bro at this point I'll be honest bro bro he's just saying [ __ ] bro because he's [ __ ] living 400 years Ahead with the Cent he's [ __ ] dude dude this kid you should I think you should I think you should trademark being out of touch with reality I think it should be your thing where you are so disconnected no I'm not disconnected I know about Caitlyn Clark congratulations Caitlyn number one basketball player dude that's your Caitlin Clark is your old assistant impossible um I do have to go I have to go to dinner to do what to talk about what yeah you're going to talk to a sentient well no just crazy if if someone can comment below who's watched three body problem who made the metallic helmet and how did they get it to the people because the technology is so futuristic but the Santi are 400 years light year years away so H how how did it it's just one plot hole I could I couldn't quite seem to understand but thanks for watching this episode of impulsive um I'm sorry no congrats yeah congrats on congrats on the future child thanks the child from the future congrats on can I represent your child congrats on your s can I represent your child you made my child signed a contract well I own 10% of your child in perpetuity she signed it good thing it's only one of them you're like you're like the of this show dude bro you can't say that I haven't had one Hollywood or that it's just you own everybody you own us bro no no not him dude I can't even speak I don't know him I can't even speak my mind on this show you have a contract do I own you yes do you feel owned in any way say yes and you could have half zoom in on him bro he's shaking his head say yes and get a referral fee for the house just say [ __ ] yes he was called Logan um no no I don't bro the only thing I own is um you have working sperm that has motality you know he made me he's his baby future empti baby made me want to freeze my sperm so now I'm trying to freeze my sperm just in case I have my nuts fall off I'll be honest in the state your sperm are currently in they probably already look you don't know everything about my SPM I know a lot about not know average person last night cuz I didn't watch we did a whole experiment you nailed it in bro this each one of your sperm was like know because you're detached from reality just like detached from their tails correct they [ __ ] to get a spermicidal neuralink it's going to be a tiny neuralink that can make them play chess when they're still sperm with by thinking about it okay what what he's got go to a [ __ ] dinner with the scenti Logan BL BL we would want to have you in civilation off the top open open space drank prime it is filled with electrolytes that you can use to fuel your spaceship I to go to Jupiter I have a dinner bro with who [ __ ] Arnold Palmer go to [ __ ] dinner drink your half iced tea half lemonade you [ __ ] loser sick your [ __ ] I got a red eye I'm catching a red eye to New York and then on Thursday I'm seeing that little [ __ ] baby seeing it ultrasound I hope he spits out the belly Bond on your face oh that's a wild one the belly insane to say um guys comment below let us know if you think we should be cancelled no the house 10% off 10% off on the on this house if use the code Logan is it a boy or a girl and Graham Binger bro in the comments you are a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I don't mind you Graham a top tier [ __ ] are you serious no I don't I don't like by way you not like well no no no no make make your own conclusion but do you think that's like a a cool thing to do no I was whack that he put it out buying the aaho media was dope cuz that was it was a Savage move Mike just let him know yeah putting it out on YouTube is whack Mike let him know what you're doing in G do an in with grand benger it's going on his Tik Tok it's going on his Tik Tok Channel all right thanks guys we'll see you next time peace that's the only person gre's gonna get from now on yo yo peace
Views: 459,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, logan paul, logan paul child, logan paul and nina agdal, logan paul and nina pregnant, ishowspeed wwe, ishowspeed rko, ishowspeed rko randy orton, wrestlemania 40, logan paul cries at wrestlemania 40, cody rhodes vs roman reigns, mike majlak house, logan paul vs graham bensinger, logan paul documentary, wwe, march madness 2024, caitlin clark, roadhouse movie, 3 body problem, neuralink, fried chicken prime, logan paul scammed
Id: rAcWGlst4js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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