LOG JAM- Timberborn Hard Mode Iron Teeth - Early Access, Let's Play, Ep 14

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greetings and welcome back to timberborne i'm castro skye and my goodness but ain't that a sight to behold yes very very nice very very beautiful not very deep but you know what it's got water and uh we are gonna have a much more secure supply of water now that we have added the reservoir we have also planned some some stuff over here let's go ahead and see our planning yep we've got these things over here and then that also means that we can add our deep water pumps in this area as well so we can add just one we need to um dynamite those two or those three pieces but after that we're kind of good this is great i'm so excited about this so at the moment we have no uh flow this is not good so what i want to do is my goodness we need to what do we have here we have tons and tons of bread and that is all in norington or gnawington pardon me so i think we can turn off the grist mills for now we have 60 flour that's plenty even for the current baking of bread so let's turn those off um [Music] we need to have gears we also need to have dynamite we have a little bit of paper let's leave maybe these two on or you know what let's turn off these two because paper is probably the logs are closer to here so we can leave one of these pairs on i think let's see pause pause pause and how much is that that's 480 wow that's still a lot no help okay that's two of these engines which are 200 a piece so as soon as those workers get there we should be able to get a little bit of power going and have one gear maker uh you know what i'm gonna turn off one of these paper makers i'd rather have something else other than paper so this is a well that's exactly 400 so we could also alternate the paper and the explosives making let's see yeah they just need well they have tons of paper they just need to have power okay so both of these engines are now running we do have a fair amount of logs we have 529 logs which is a lot i'm going to go ahead and put in this lumberjack flag where we plan one for last time um down here we're planning storages and a bakery and all kinds of stuff so that looks like it's happening i'm gonna go ahead and put bread in this particular storage thing uh put that there okay so we can connect that now then we were gonna have these do stuff so this was flour this one is wheat and then this one is the bread i think i think what we need to do is make this another wheat one yeah we'll make it wheat desired there we go okay so and then we'll have a road here and then we can have another building here maybe we even have houses there or something uh do we have enough everything here we have yeah we have living spaces for 49 people i think we're pretty good we only have 16 citizens i'm kind of surprised about that we might need to have another breeding pod perhaps let's go ahead and make another breeding pod because i think that might be a problem that we're experiencing let's go ahead and delete this barracks uh and i'd rather have everybody living in the row houses because i think they look cuter anyway so yeah okay so this is paused um and i don't know what we're gonna do with all of this whether we should build uh more trees because we're gonna need a lot more trees for this massive dam that i don't even know if it's gonna work but we're gonna try uh we still need to build all of this fun stuff over here and i think that's what i want to design today now we did go ahead and get this area going we have two log storages now in this area which is kind of exciting let's see we want to do our double platform up here single here here and there and then put a staircase right there so that we can access that third level log storage you can have a spiraling staircase quite a ways up by the way if you want to so okay that is what is happening now hooray now how are we doing down here at the bottom have we got all these place not yet okay so that's something to think about for future now this needs to be a water tank a large water tank this is where we're gonna put our first one and i'm gonna go ahead and put in a road there and then we're gonna need a road here as well these are actually prioritized as higher to get those done and hopefully we can start storing more water in a place where we won't have to actually bulldoze it because all of this stuff is probably going to go as soon as we complete this dam now we might if we're a sneaky sneaky we might even do like here we don't actually have to flood this whole area if we don't want to maybe we just go like this maybe i don't know that that feels like a little bit of a cop out but we'll see we'll see uh let me look and see we need to have a potato grilling service these are 25 logs so i'm just gonna put this here for now i'm gonna put it down here and maybe we also get a two storage places because right now we kind of just need storage we need food storage and we don't have any that kind of bugs me a bit it's like why no help let's put the storages here that's kind of midway between the farm houses and the water current water i'm just going to build small storage places for now and how do we do this let's see we do have access to these logs over here but at the moment we actually have enough access there so i'm just going to delete the roads here and hopefully they can get these done fairly quickly i'm just going to put them on high priority so they get done so we can put the road back in place okay but things are looking up we are getting a lot of water in this big water tank i'm i'm so happy this is so exciting all this stuff is great oh my god okay so let's see this post is kind of full we told them to cut trees but they're not actually doing much of the cutting here let's see how do we want to organize this i think what we can do is do start off with putting a levy here levy where are you where are you darling there we are um and that will go all the way there i don't know how far we can actually build though i think we might be kind of at the limits here that is our current limit though we might be able to get further with more roads let's check that out actually i want to see how far we can get because that's going to be important in terms of building this run because i don't particularly want to start another colony so yeah that's going to be it okay so that's going to be our limit that doesn't give us that much space um especially as we're going to go down we might actually need another colony out here just to do stuff okay so let's figure that out um we'll go ahead and make it shorter for now let's leave it shorter and we'll start this run that away and we're going to go ahead and just put in our uh stuff see levy lovely there it is okay so they're too wide so this is the way we're gonna have to start with this okay and this is gonna have to stop here [Music] okay so that's gonna be our current thing that we're gonna do i'll go ahead and put a spillover protection thing there we'll put in some stairs as well good good uh and this actually we should measure this we should actually measure how this works and what i would like to do we also need to put in a staircase here because what i would really want is we need to have maybe we pause this one as well see we'll pause this we need to also fill in this area with a levy that's kind of important okay so let's let that happen but in the meantime we can actually maybe we allow ourselves to measure stuff let's see oh you know how we can measure we can measure by using power shafts so there's one wheel skip two okay okay skip two oh this is actually perfect look at that okay so this goes we need to probably explode that tile there so let's just put the dynamite there okay and then let's delete this and we'll make it a little bit more even i think we do need one tile of spill down or over or something so if that's this one that's gonna work just fine and then we need to have a high power shaft or high power shaft there and then we can start again with these okay that's actually pretty decent we can eliminate this one maybe and go a tiny bit closer and have this let's get this levy i don't know if we need to have a two gap for flow or not but let's just do that that way just to make sure that we have enough okay and that's going to be the first course down of our waterwheel run this is exciting this is actually kind of cool i'm excited about this this is cool very very cool so question is do we run this back on this side as well um because this thing is in the way a bit or do we just not try to explode all of this land how do we do this do we want to make this really really efficient and have well efficiency is different in different ways i have to say it's not always what we think it is we could go straight here and then have our water wheels going all the way up to here but that wouldn't actually give us that much room there so what i was thinking is actually start here and have the run go this way and then come back well we just want to have it go down for once i think that might be the better option it's hard to tell actually um if we go down this way and come back around this way we're gonna have a little bit more space in fact three tiles more space but uh we can't share the power uh shafts with that that is not an option however we do have enough dynamite to dynamite this whole thing so maybe what we do for now is maybe we um yeah maybe we need to put the power on this side for now and then i kind of turn it here and then go back like that again that could be an option and we do we can explode this whole thing and make it just smaller i think maybe that's the play that we do here because it'll give us more room on this plateau not that it really matters that much but it kind of it's gonna be closer in which is good for our beavers okay let's let's start with that i think that's the more important thing to do so oh gosh we need to we need to do something about that we need to cut these trees down here um most specifically that one that one needs to be deleted i wonder if we can delete trees i don't think so i think they have to actually go down and cut them uh let's just see though let's put down a path here and what we're going to do with this let's just put in some walls we can put in our levee walls here and they go all the way down okay so we know where we need to demolish things and then here is where we're going to have the flooding into this pool for now and we kind of have that in the way i don't know what we're going to do with this thing it's kind of a weird thing because we have this different height differential here okay so we're going to delete all of this stuff that's important so let's also pause this thing so that people can get out here and they can demolish stuff and we're going to get that going that is going to be our project for our beavers of gnawington meanwhile back in district 3 back in district 3 they are building other things and hopefully they're gonna do well wow they have filled all of their water tanks this one is getting there gonna take a little while but oh well yeah so there they go doing the things all the things and all the stuffs wow did we ever build one of those monuments we did some of it do we have any enough planks nah we don't have we definitely don't have enough planks to support that so we're gonna have to just cool it for now i think but in other news um these forests here can actually supply wood uh for this project as well if we need them and we might we actually might need them let's see how much wood do we have here 658 we're not gonna need it immediately we'll just say that let's see we need to desired uh all oopsies i forgot to do the old thing whoops help but it looks like these uh beavers have tons and tons of stuff so they have plenty of wood to build everything that they need and i want to focus on getting this stuff but i'm wondering you know what we should do we should actually start some other let's start the power wheels as much as i hate using them i think we actually need them uh so let's see we have these things that's gonna give us a little bit more power uh to make planks we really need the planks i feel like it's super important that we get that because everybody needs planks including over here land yes they do so um important that we actually build those structures so we can get some planks and get things going man i wish it was easier to build this whole thing but this is just really really needing so much work so many planks are needed let's see do we have extra people here no we don't okay that's fine though it is fine okay so these uh structures are completed i want to go ahead and just say allowed none carrots and i'm just going to make this full carrotness yes and then this one is going to be i think we're going to put grilled potatoes in here there we go okay there we are and this is where we're going to store them and have fun and all the things okay so this is good um i guess we are do we have more explosives or did we use them all oh no we actually used all of them okay so that's not quite an option that i was considering well let's see oh yes we're still building that entrance gosh we have so much stuff here looking good though looking really good and now we actually have much more area that we can extend this forest because this area is flooded so this is really nice this is great okay so yep foresters get busy get busy go go go uh you can actually plant stuff around here if you want to it'll be fine okay so that's a thing see do you you go here this is interesting kind of wonder why i did that there were probably trees there or something i'll go ahead and put one back there just to make sure that we can get everything that we need let's see this area oh oh oh oh oh no no no oh dear i forgot to pause these again darn it why brain why did you do this to me okay and you know what we can do we can actually just put these down totally and maybe re-flood this area maybe or maybe not is it water better yeah the water is sligh slightly flowing that way oh the green is is going weird it's getting weird it's helping it is helping okay uh i guess we can leave them off or down i think that's okay because these are this is such a deep area we're gonna have stuff in here anyway to protect our farmland so we can just keep those floodgates down i completely forgot to turn off those pumps that was my bad okay in any case hopefully we survived this drought we have 16 days left we already started and we still have 16 days left i'm i'm very confident though that we're gonna get through this i think it's gonna be fine look at all this water like sloshing it's so strange i that's so odd okay and here i'm kind of wishing i hadn't put this water tank on top i wish i had just left it so i could do a you know a log tower or a log storage tower but anyway look at this how much progress they've already made look at this this is great so good oh there goes there goes some water oh it's sloshing around apparently wild sloshing oh dear it's yeah really really getting getting interesting there they are all paused yes okay so let's pause this one as well just to make sure it's very strange anyway i want to make some roads over here because we intended to do that okay this is very interesting but anyway um it should be fine it should be just fine we are getting some more explosives over here i kind of want them to well actually i want them to do both areas i'm not sure how i want this thing to happen whether i want an extra wheel we could put like one extra wheel out here that would be okay all right the beavers are diligently working out here this is quite good quite good are they using yeah they have plenty of logs out here as well so this area cutting the trees in here is gonna make for easier building for our beavers that's for sure but first we wanna build the channels uh and then we can start putting the water wheels in well after the channel then you put in the power and then the water wheels okay so we were gonna do a log storage place over here and i feel like it's absolutely necessary to do so let's see we want to build log storage let's build the next one here and then one there and what we can do is just go the normal way around that's what we'll do put in okay fine you don't want to do this for me game fine okay apparently we can't put it there but we can put it over here and that's fine from the top view you don't really see the the underneath view which is over there yep but from here we can do the standard kind of like uh staircase spiral staircase to the heavens of lumberness praise the lumber god have like that's what i should do like a massive sort of tower of of babel tower of lumber that kind of thing that could be fun okay we actually do look at this we already have one uh deep water pump here which is great excited about that this looks like it's still is there a way to turn off the [Music] turn off the water okay so that's what we wanted uh yeah this is still needing to be prioritized apparently but yeah the the forests are no good unless you're actually storing all of the logs and that's really what we need to do is because these maples produce at such a high rate that it's worth uh just picking them or picking picking the maples picking the maples and then uh chopping them down and storing the logs that's really necessary so it does look like we're lacking workers here what are we we have um let's take one off hauling and then a couple or one off building maybe to get people into baked potato land yeah there you go that's better that is better okay so this is carrots this is grilled potatoes and i'm wondering if we might have enough uh enough food production that we don't have to have deliveries anymore because then we could take people off of deliveries now scrap farmington is just living the good life i feel like they're just like chilling having a nice time no issue whatsoever they're just like yeah just relax life no wonder their mayor is so uh well so so cocky and and kind of like sure of of their position in the universe because it's kind of great there so i don't blame them at all mayor tux takes care of uh takes care of their district that's for sure okay so this is uh these trees are gonna die i think uh let's see drawing out and gonna die that's okay because it already has eight logs yeah this is unfortunate i think part of the issue here is that it's just not deep enough and i just pump too much of the water out it's okay though it's fine no worries we'll just share it uh share a like kind of the whole way the only other thing we could do is actually just dump more in but i don't feel like that's a good use of water we have so many trees growing elsewhere it's really not necessary now this oh my gosh we got all the dynamite done let's have a midnight fireworks show boom okay nice okay so this is gonna be our pool of um well the pool that we're going to draw from so we're going to go ahead and say play on these and then we need to figure out how we connect these places i think the road is going to be this road i think we want this road to be this road so i'm going to go ahead and prepare this as our climb for our beavers whoops i need to get this thing here go there and stair stair and now we can build inside and have these have these things here i think it's worth having two staircases um because i don't particularly think it's necessary to build platforms on top of this to have even taller platforms because this is never going to be anything but shallow so i think this is the the way we go with this here okay so here we go let's get that's two then we have four more or we set it at the end i think maybe not at the end is okay as well um just in case we need to have alternate uh placement let's see water there we go oh okay so that one is actually there so we probably do need to have the other ones at the end okay so let's just do that let's get our triple platforms there and we'll get our deep water pumps here one two three four five so that's five i don't know how many we're gonna need this is a question i have no idea about so we're gonna have to figure that part out as we go now the question is do we want to make this area even deeper or do we need it i don't i don't think we need it someone had an idea that i should put in some damn tiles instead of all levees here and that might actually be an okay solution like to control the overflow so that's that's something i've been kind of thinking about now question is wait let's pause this hold on i might want to add i think i should add more dynamite i just have this like hmm i should do this because we may not get more chances for this so let's just add a bit more ah but we can't right now let's um [Music] i need oh wait actually we can we can add a stairway here uh and let's upgrade that in priority i'll go ahead and deepen the entire pool there we go we'll just do that it'll be fine we're trying we're trying experimental stuff here and i think it's fun to do that i like doing experimental uh things it's more interesting than than not i would say all right so we now have more stuff for our beavers to do hooray life is going well let's see do our lumberjack beavers have much to do i didn't realize they didn't cover this area huh okay um i think we pause at least one or two of these lumberjacks because they're not doing much i mean they are doing hauling i guess but i think it's time to put another lumberjack right here so i'm gonna delete that particular tree i'd rather have well actually this one maybe better because it can reach more trees on this side so let's just get that cut down please go go go i was wondering why these were all standing there i could have sworn that these things covered the entire area but uh they did not obviously they didn't so we'll we'll get it figured out though it'll be fine hello [Music] oh hungry beavers okay rotate there we go okay so we're gonna upgrade this [Music] there we go so we have buildings that are lacking workers yes is that by the way that is interesting all right is this colony dying no still it has 15 beavers we added another breeding pod so that should hopefully hold how many does this have this has 25 and two breeding pods i guess i should have added another breeding pot over at the other place sooner but it's okay we have food we have things our beavers are merry and bright and happy and all the things so that's good it is actually good wow there's so much going on here this is exciting oh oh wait wait pause on pause help no it died no whoops i okay all right go go employ yourself please i forgot to turn on this water dump sadness no okay well let's leave it on for a tiny bit let it let it spread the joy of water everywhere thankfully most of these water areas are not so critical but some of them are i guess what i should do over here is create a water dump instead of having to rely on this uh river i think that's a better idea in general so maybe what we do is actually take this road this way and put one in there let's see let's just take the road that way and then we can decide later and we can just delete this thing okay let's just go here so let's see if we count approximately 15 uh one two three four five six sir four five five maybe six seven eight nine ten maybe there ish we're there ish because we would want to get some of this this is one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven i think that's good because we know that uh upper levels don't stretch as far with the water so i think this is probably a good spot but do we dig a hole in the ground or do we i think we dig a hole in the ground i think that's the easiest way well the most compact way shall we say you save four tiles while you save three tiles of levees around and maybe no you don't save there okay so yeah three tiles of levees around uh all right so let me get our deletion tool delete these and delete this and then we put in a dynamite tool there we go hooray and so that's where the new water dump is gonna be all right let's see what's going on with this stuff this is exciting okay building stuff doing things okay this hasn't been done yet this is too far from builders oh dear hmm what do we do about that i'm not actually sure what we do we might have to either take them around the other way they can go that way but they need a road hmm all right i think what we have to do is gotta delete this stuff delete that basically just delete the entire thing um all right let's get our deletion tool there we go sad times oh oh no we may not have uh it doesn't matter it was just ghosts anyway i think there was a little bit of progress made on that wall but it's not really critical i think we definitely just need to get the road here and stuff put in first oops let's go all right beavers let's go happy days are ahead 12 days of drought left and there was reservoir is holding it's nice it's nice very good these water pumps they're not even working most of the time let's go ahead and pause some of them these i think we can also pause because i don't think we need that many working um we could actually put in some more power wheels that is an idea it looks like we have six unemployed beavers so maybe that's what we do until we can get this running uh this is going to take a while to get working but maybe not that long it actually looks like they're making really good progress on stuff i'm kind of impressed with our beaver friends here it's very exciting very exciting let's see we need okay we need to get these things going let's go ahead and take our road around to give ourselves a little bit of uh more distance on the builders take this one off delete that and put in a levy there [Music] and then here and there's fine okay very good wow this is this is working fantastic let's delete this i forgot if beavers can divia explosion i'm always like really careful not to have beavers around when i explode dynamite just in case that's a thing okay can we see how we can't see how old our beavers are when they have died that's kind of sad i would like to know mostly to calculate how many beaver pods we need how many breeding pods okay how is our bread supply bread supply is holding steady pretty good i guess it's going down a tiny bit because we've used up all of our flour for now so it would be nice to get more but i don't think we actually need more not technically we don't technically need more right now but what i'm thinking is we do have unemployed beavers how do we want to do this i kind of want to set up um right let's do it down here let's just have this like you know subterranean not subterranean it's obviously not under the ground but we can have some some naughty stuff going on over here wait that didn't sound right at all did it i don't know maybe it sounded great uh anyway let's go ahead and start here and put in a bunch of like slave labor uh beaver wheels that sounded really wrong um yeah there let's start with that uh get these going okay so we're gonna pause two of these so that they can get all the gear works in and all that stuff and then we what do we do here i kind of feel like maybe we need to actually just realign this this way you know what we're going to realign this way just call this good that away let's delete this and have the slave labor coming from this city instead let's just delete all of this stuff except for that we do actually need this that one or we actually needed the second one as well so that we could or well it's going to be hard to get to that gear shaft so we'll just leave it here this way and we'll make the connection on the bottom though on the top it would be more efficient but later we're not going to need any of this stuff so we don't really need to worry about it i think all right here's our solution we go this way and let's take our road here and let's see how does this work can put a thing there or there no i think there is better it's more aesthetically pleasing to have this here and boom and staircases yeah there we go okay and now it is time for the main show and attraction which is the beaver powered hamster wheels yes make sure that the arrow goes to the road and the gear the blue gear thingy it's so confusing they need to change i hope well i i wish they would change the the one arrow is like kind of teal green and the other is blue kind of they're they're they're very similar colors and even though i can tell the difference a lot of people can't and i think that that is better if they are able to and it's kind of i don't know it's just better if they would change the colors a bit because they are difficult to read okay um we can also extend this platform this way stairs there okay and thing imaging is there okay so we're gonna pause all of these wheels for now okay and put in here the gears the gearings for these guys one two three four and more and you can drag those that's kind of nice okay good so i think these guys are how much they're 40 wow 40 logs apiece jeez we're gonna be able to build our little run first [Laughter] jeez you know what we can do that let's go ahead and prioritize some of this let's do four wheels maybe gosh that's a lot of lumber for just four wheels you know how much but we're full on wood so this is this should not be a problem do we have enough builders we could actually use more builders and more haulers maybe i don't know maybe just more builders uh let's put in a couple people in hauling we can also put a couple people here back in these areas because yeah we had to fire a lot of people from the water uh water stuff all right so now we have a thing where some of this has dried out do we need any of this there is some tree growing going on here but otherwise not really and i think it's better that we actually kind of get some of this stuff in let's go ahead and open these floodgates oh wow they had evaporation happening hello okay height one okay that's better we have a little bit of power i want to make sure this goes a little bit just to get some drinking water and then we can close it off because um [Music] we don't want to waste stuff we don't want it to go all the way out because that would be bad and we don't want bad things to happen bad things are just bad see it is slowly going out and but it's not going here this is actually has a higher water level over here than over here because of all the pumping going on and that's okay these guys have plenty of water they're okay with stuff all right what are we needing here we need gears over there gosh did i cancel all of the gears to scrap farmington i might have let me find out let's see gears district three and [Music] yep we don't have any gears to scrap farmington right now that is not ideal that is definitely not ideal huh okay yeah i feel like we definitely need another distribution post okay the water has stopped flowing for now i think what i'm gonna do is just raise them back i think it was two and a half or was it one and a half no i've forgotten oh dear okay what are they at right now this is one and a half okay so they were definitely two and a half i'm pretty sure or they can be two and a half because we finished this this whole thing right i think that's good and then here did we forget this dynamite not yet oh no it's too far no it is slightly too oh it's too far yeah okay well then um [Music] you know what we can do we can just wait for this watercourse to be done and this is going to fill with water and green some of this up anyway i think maybe we just do that because obviously we can't go that far no we're at the limits of what we can do gnoyington is big but it's too big well not big enough really but it's fine all right nine days left we still have tons and tons of water i just want to make sure that we have water everywhere that is also very important uh and so this is why i wanted to dig to the deepest part of this reservoir is this part is actually protected because it's not connected over here so if we open these floodgates the water in this small shallow area will not get deleted which is nice okay so that still needs to happen and we have oh we can actually open up these lumberjack posts and get some more logs and we're kind of looking for planks i guess in these in these uh buildings all of this stuff but it might be time to kind of send our builders out elsewhere though i'm thinking it might just be better to get our water our our water tanks made that's important get several water tanks made uh and then i want to kind of build out the city a bit and move stuff around and then we can start really working on trying to get this damn to the edges because right now i think we're going to have some construction issues of like limits uh limitations and how to get there and stuff like that so yeah that's gonna be a bit rough unless we can like cross this more easily but i guess we can do other things though with that let's see we can take this road so what we do need to do is get this road done that would be the most important if we want to work on this dam but i feel like well you know what we can do we actually do need to work on that dam and the reason for that is that um these require planks and if we don't have planks we just don't have planks um we might consider building a lumber mill maybe we can build a lumber mill and one power wheel let's do that let's actually do that we'll build our own very slow power structure here how do i want to do this let's do oh gosh i really don't want to improve this area at all i just don't wanna i don't wanna help um all right let's see we can add one here no i don't want to do that let's start with this do this we'll add two of these and then we'll add two power wheels if we can fit them okay not really not what i wanted exactly [Music] no i need gears if i'm going to do that nope okay i think the best is probably this and just add these and i have one two platforms like that i think this is how we do this oh no it's in front of the door oh that doesn't work either shoot um well that ain't ideal i kind of i'm wishing like oh no we need to reverse thingy we need a reverse thingy help okay all right you know what fine it doesn't matter it's okay we're going to fix this and it will be fine uh what we can do is something else instead which looks a little bit different let's see what that is going to look like put in power and hamster wheel here and one maybe there and then have our lumber mill out here uh-huh yes yes working ah and i think no platform's needed even better okay there we go that's better and that means we don't need planks to make planks that's the best part of this plan i like it yay oops nope nope these two these two okay all right so that's that we'll just do kind of one at a time and they kind of provide almost enough power they provide 50 horsepower but we technically need 60 to run one of these things so it should work out fairly well now the only problem we have is that we don't i don't think we have enough beavers do we wow we have eight homeless beavers that's not good either but let's make another house for them large barracks 70 i'll just make another yeah regular sized one i really want to get the permanent structure up but yeah the lack of planks in this district is kind of alarming it's not good okay so these these look like are they about to like eh they are low so let's unpause them real quick and just fill them up let's get those going and then we'll pause this place any place that has lots of employees get these guys filled up because we need to oh wow yeah these this completely dried out all the fields that's not good at all oi no help okay it's fine it's fine we're gonna be fine okay there we go we're starting to get some water water okay and how we doing i think yeah let's just leave it at that okay we can now pause this one pause this one how's this one this one needs a tiny bit more i think so we can unpause builder land one unemployed five builder land two and then i just want this to get a little bit higher with water and then this one can also be paused as well in this area okay wow all of these got finished that's that's a lot of stuff that got done hooray wow that's impressive and these have workers yay that's good all right so things are actually happening this is this is quite good and i'm going to start one of the flower mills and we'll see how much horsepower we can generate with the beavers and those wheels it's going to be interesting to see let's see this gets planted so let's just put some maples in these spots there we go oops it's kind of hard to see when the tree ghosts are there i don't know how i really feel about them on one hand they show you what trees are going to be planted there but on the other hand it's really hard to see any squares so it's like okay yeah but anyway let's see this needs to be probably high priority so that we can get that going so this thing okay i think that's full now so let's pause this and how many we have four unemployed still yes okay i wasn't sure if it was this district or another but we want to get people going look at this water pump working hooray all right so let's check on the other area oh look at this it's like a fairy ring that's fantastic this is i need to take a picture of this this is great okay okay funny all right that's interesting weird okay so this area is coming along quite swimmingly i have to say really well this is nice looking good this is getting there for sure actually what we can do is we can put in the other power shafts as well uh we also one thing that we do need to do is figure out where we're gonna cross to this side it's gonna be on this level so i'm gonna have to have a high power shaft here somewhere might be right there but maybe not i don't know might be this side actually uh we also need to have a levy wall here while i'm remembering it so we need one there and there and then this also needs to be levies but that's yeah that's uh for another time how is this coming why is this not built yet i'm really surprised uh it's because it hasn't been prioritized so let's oh only that part of it hasn't been all right well i do want to get these other things made so hopefully our beavers can work on all that stuff meanwhile they're cutting trees like crazy and we have so much wood this is great it's really great okay so what do we got on power let's just check this out uh are we looking for paper somewhat planks not as much gears definitely but we don't have enough energy to do a gear maker let's see this thing wants how much i really wish this would tell us like when it's off how much it demands uh all right i think that will work if we get a a person working there oh we need to probably shut this off as well i wanted to do that but this one this one can probably go on uh we do have plenty of wheat in in scrap farmington i wonder if we should change the name of the city what does the mayor think about that when we run out of scrap or maybe we should just leave this amount as a testament to our scrappiness i don't know we need to figure that out but in any case i think that this is a good time to probably stop this episode we've got a few more days of drought left but the time is ticking on the episode it's already gone on very long so i don't want to keep you from whatever you need to do in the rest of your day but i hope you have a good one and if you are new to the channel or if you have never thought about it i encourage you to subscribe to the channel i normally don't say this but i have noticed that 60 63 of the people who watch my videos are not subscribed and i'm like why i have i have a great channel i think uh and other people say so so please subscribe and be notified of all the cool stuff that we're doing and and yeah uh it's kind of funny because the more subscribers a channel has the more attention it gets from game developers and all kinds of stuff so the more people who kind of say hey i like your channel that gives us more opportunities and i can bring you better stuff and and more stuff and all the stuff so anyway thank you so very much for joining me take care of yourselves and each other and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: KatherineOfSky
Views: 27,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KatherineOfSky, Katherine Of Sky, kos, Timberborn, Timberborn let's play, Timberborn guide, Timberborn walkthrough, Timberborn lp, Timberborn review, Timberborn game, Timberborn gameplay, strategy games 2021, new strategy games 2021, new tycoon games 2021, management games 2021, new management games 2021, colony builder games 2021, city builder games, city builder, beaver game, ironteeth, hard mode, hard difficulty, iron teeth, timberborn wood, timberborn maple
Id: 4lo-jrqTZt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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