Log Horizon: Season 1 Part 1 (Full Recap)

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i hate intros logo rides in season 1 episode 1. we kick things off with the introduction of the main character shiro who finds himself transported inside of a game called elder tale he had taken on his in-game character which is a level 90 half-alph enchanter there are numerous other players in the city of akiyabara who are all stuck like he is just like in the game there's a status screen where he finds all of his items as well as a disabled logout button shiro gets the idea to check his friends list to see who else is online there are a couple of different people online so he goes to meet with the first of god knows how many side characters not sugu level 90 human guardian and pervert the two discussed that the new expansion called nova sphere pioneers was released shiro remembers everything up until the second that the update was released and then woke up inside the game they head off to see what they can find out which is when they come across waifu candidate number one in akatsuki downside for her is that her avatar is a man shiro gives her a discontinued potion that allows her to change her gender to a girl taking on her final waifu form as a level 90 human assassin we learned that npcs refer to themselves as people of the land while players are known as adventurers everybody is starving but unfortunately none of the food or drinks taste like they should and are all extremely bland while eating shiro gets a call from another friend so they go to meet with her now we get white food number two in marielle who was a level 90 elf cleric and the guildmaster of the crescent moon alliance the waifu parade continues with henrietta a level 90 bard also in the crescent moon guild while talking they learned that the inner city transport gates are offline preventing their normal means of travel they also inform them that all of the other guilds have launched recruitment campaigns in preparation for any trials that come their way even though they are familiar with the game because there was an expansion just released the monsters items and quests could be all different marielle points out that the debauchery tea party which is shiro's old group that he hung out with isn't around anymore she recognizes that he is a huge fan of guilds but she invites him to join crescent moon anyways he says nope and they leave apparently the debauchery tea party was a well-known unofficial guild that won some lucrative battles with shiro acting as their strategist after their little meeting they head into the archive tower forest to experiment with the combat system on lower level monsters a group of level 28 briarweasel show up and attack him there are some initial difficulties with the system but since they're level 90 they kill him anyways we learned that there are 30 000 japanese adventurers as well as several hundred thousand around the world that got stuck in the game the day that they were all transported into the game became known as the apocalypse episode 2. some dumbass dies in combat but this confirms to the rest of the players that it's just like in the game and if you die you revive at a cathedral after they're done training everybody meets with the crescent moon again at this point most of the local guilds have finished their recruiting so now everybody is just trying to figure out who the strongest one is it appears that some of the bigger guilds are starting to assert their dominance on the smaller ones there isn't any fighting allowed in the cities or npcs called the royal guards appear and kill you although they did find workarounds to harass the smaller guilds without triggering the royal guards there's also been a spike of player kills just outside of the city newer players are being targeted as they leave the city because they drop loot when they're defeated this segways nicely into them going out for training and running into peak cares who try to rob them although they're outnumbered thanks to shiro calling the shots they quickly dismantle them once back at crescent moon they learned that one of the crescent moon members had run into some trouble in the city of susikino and was rescued by an unknown character muriel is planning on sending their best members to retrieve the girl and bring her back to safety she wrote quickly realizes that they won't be capable enough he also knows that since this world is set to half scale based on the real world it'll take them too long to get there on horseback after some contemplation shiro and the others offered to go there and bring her back for them once outside the city shiro and natsugu summon griffins to get them there faster akatsuki is surprised because the whistles that summon them are rare items that were only given to players that completed a special mission episode three on their way to cischino they arrive at a dungeon called the depths of palm which they have to go through because the griffins have a limit anyways we get our first look at the level 19 sarah who is the girl that they're going to rescue we also meet the one responsible for saving her from the thugs in the cat bro named nyanta they talk about how the guild bragandia are a bunch of and terrorizing everybody in susquino over to the others whose path collapses and shiro falls into some water then he loses consciousness which procs a flashback to how he was an engineering student in college even though he was kind of a loner when he started playing elder tale he became a well-known veteran after a while a lot of people started wanting his help with quests and that got to be a little old this is when he met natsuku and the other debauchery tea party members who got him back into playing good news for everybody vpn's off because ikatsuki is also around 20. so you guys are safe everybody gets confronted by a new monster part of the nova sphere expansion it's only level 68 though so they make quick work of it and make it out of the dungeon hop on over to the vergandia guild who are a group of pkrs outside of susquino led by the brute named demikos he and his men are pretty ruthless and we learned that they are also looking for sarah and nianta episode 4. when they arrive at suskino shiro goes ahead of the others and meets with sarah roth turns out him and nyanta know each other so he decides to go with them back to akihabara since there's no combat in the cities demi coss and his men wait for them to leave and then cut them off shiro antagonizes demicos as well as his right hand man in landark provoking them to fight one on one this leads to a duel between debbie koss and nyanta nyanta is wearing him down with debuffs and it isn't looking good for demicos so he orders his men to step in and heal him this cue's not too good to make his appearance taunting all of the fighters to him he is taught allow she wrote to use his thornbind hostage ability rooting demi cos when a teammate cuts one of the roots binding him it deals bonus damage nun took combos with him to cut all the vines just before shira recasts the vines a second time the coronation between the two shines as nyanta instantly kills the second set of vines also this deals massive damage to demi costs leaving him at just one health makotsky had also taken care of landark and his team of healers putting an end to the fight damn because launches one more attack but sarah jumps in to kill him sending him back to the fountain after that everybody starts heading back to akihabara yeah episode 5 while camping out they learned that niantic can cook meat that actually has flavor he explains that the secret is not using the interface to create the food but cooking it by hand instead obviously they had tried this but the reason they failed when they tried is because they don't have the chef profession we learned that nyanta was also a part of the debauchery tea party which explains why their coordination was so clean when he fought with shiro we see the small ginger is a bit of a furry so she wants to bang the capro walakatsuki is going for big air in search of that protagonist dick but anyways later on they talk about how shiro helped out some kids that were siblings he had seen that the two of them got stuck in the game also so he figures he should probably check on them to make sure they're okay well heading back they get caught up in a storm so they request one of the people of the land to give them a place to stay while talking to the man they realize he has a whole backstory and feelings which makes them appreciate the people of the land a bit more now we hop on over to me nori and toya who are the kids that shiro was talking about they had joined a lower level guild but their leader is treating them like episode 6. once they get back everybody at crescent moon has a party to celebrate several return after the party marielle and shiro discuss how the bigger guilds are oppressive and hogging all of the good hunting spots while shiro and the others were gone the smaller guilds had a conference to discuss banding together against the bigger guilt but it didn't go so well because everybody was wanting different things we also learned that the level cap has been raised from 90 to 100 in this expansion so some of the guilds are focused on leveling some of these guilds are competing with one another to see who can level up faster and even using exp potions normally only players under level 30 can get these potions but a group called hamlin took in these new players saying that they wanted to help in reality they were just wanting to take and sell their exp potions to the other guilds after this conversation while walking we learned that shiro didn't like joining guilds because all they wanted to do was take advantage of his veteran status now he's kind of rethinking all of this and wonders if there is a guild out there for him after a quick chat with nyanta he decides that he should get in touch with minori he learns that her and toyah were recruited by hamlin but now they're kind of enslaved there so he promises to get them out shiro requests chris and moon aid them to get hamlin out of akihabara for good not only that but he doesn't like the state of akihabara so he promises that he's gonna clean the city up to get his plan underway he would need 5 million gold but even with the cress and moon selling all of their things they would only have around 60 000. in the last couple of scenes he also tells him that he is officially starting his own guild and it's going to be called log horizon episode 7. henrietta is an accountant so she has an idea on how to get shiro his 5 million gold this plan entails having all of the members gathering ingredients from nearby hunting grounds after that they open a stall that sells food with actual flavor because they're the only ones who had figured out how to make the food taste good again it's a huge hit and the news spreads throughout the city after their first day they had already earned 43 776 gold but that means it'll still take another four months to get the 5 million gold that shiro is looking for later that night shiro and nyanta go to meet with their old friend sojiro theta who was a part of the tea party also now he's the guild leader of the caravan of the west wind even though their guild is on the smaller side they are still one of the more powerful guilds so jiro acknowledges that circumstances in akihabara are less than ideal so he agrees to help in their plan episode 8 marielle and henrietta meet with yet another new face in karashin he is the leader of the third biggest merchant guild called shopping street eight they settle on a deal creating a bigger supply chain to help support the crescent moon burger business we then get a flashback of when me nori and toyah were first brought into the world they were quickly ambushed and robbed of all of their valuables so they needed somebody to get them back on their feet that's the reason they joined hamlin but now they're just slaves back to marielle and henrietta who also meet with michitaka and roderick these are the leaders of the other top two merchant guilds ahead of shopping street 8 and also potential investors while talking shiro gets brought up who apparently has earned the title of villain in glasses further peaking the investors interest they make it known that they're looking for 5 million gold to make the deal happen it hasn't made clear to the investors where the 5 million gold will be going though although they do promise that once the operation they are funding comes to its conclusion they will come out with all of the details the merchants figured that they're probably funding a massive quest as a part of the new expansion so the payout from this quest could be huge as a bonus she also offers to give up all their secrets cookbooks and recipes that their chefs had come up with that gives the food its flavor this is more than enough and all of them are eager to cough up their portion of the dough in the last couple of scenes we see that some of the major guilds have been invited to a conference being held by shiro and marielle episode 9. starting with the warrior guilds we have ddd with 1543 members next is the black sword knights with 186 members honesty 743 members and the brigade of the west win having 64 members there are also the crafting guilds whose time is spent amassing items or selling them in town this includes marine agency with 2547 members roderick merchant guild with 1881 members shopping street 8 with 669 members i see what they did there granddale with 31 members and radio market with 21 members then we have the support killed and crested moon alliance with 24 members and of course we all know the newest guild in log horizon having four members these guilds were selected to be the voice of each respective guild type with the strongest warrior and crafting guilds on the other hand crescent moon granddale and radio market are there to be the voice of the smaller guilds shiro makes it clear that the meeting is being held to improve living conditions in akihabara the silver swords leader isn't having any of that since he thinks it's a waste of time that won't go anywhere shiro brings up susquino's living conditions with the biggest guild harassing everybody around them he suggests implementing some laws to avoid this happening in akihabara breaking these laws would result in banishment from the city or being forced to disband their guild everybody's quick to point out that lockhorizon doesn't have the power to keep the bigger guilds in line though if a major guild said the system it could threaten an all-out war this promise she wrote to unveil his ace in the hole he tells everybody that as of this moment he is now the sole owner and administrator of the guild building zone using his 5 million gold to purchase it now normally you wouldn't be able to do this but shiro had noticed that since the apocalypse previously unavailable property purchases had become available because he's the administrator if he puts anybody's name on a blacklist they will be unable to get into anything in the guild hall there's also the fun fact that creating leaving and joining guilds are all done through the guild hall not only that but the bank is also inside the guildhall which is the only truly safe place to keep all of your loot sure they could switch towns but with the transport gates offline travel to other cities is almost impossible now we hop on over to hamlin's guild hall where minori antoia follow shiro's orders to try and escape the hamlin guild has combat turned on in their guild hall resulting in a fight despite this they still find an opening and managed to get inside the main guild building all of the other members that were oppressing them are either blacklisted or handled by katsuki and natsugu and in the last couple of scenes we see that the guilds finally come around to the idea and start working together forming the new round table alliance episode 10. keeping true to their word shiro tells everybody the secret to cooking food with flavor don't use the command menu prepare the ingredients like you would in real life and be a chef once they start thinking about it though these conditions can apply to other things as well with this in mind shopping district 8 was able to make a steam engine which was never available in the elder tail game this is an interesting revelation because it means that players with high enough profession skill levels just need the proper materials and they can invent things that weren't originally a part of this world the realization marks the start of a technological revolution new products means new buyers and this will spur on the economy as well as give people goals to work towards the next topic is public safety everybody agrees that there should be combat areas to encourage competition on the other hand shiro wants to implement laws against p king in lower level zones outside of the city people are also given the rights to join and leave guilds as they please to avoid another hamlin type guild now the group comes across his first controversy when shiro suggests that the people of the land need to be treated better as well he goes on to explain that they aren't just npcs anymore if you talk to them they're basically real people while adventurers need them working in the guild buildings and markets the people of the land don't necessarily need the adventurers there's also way more people of the land so if they don't change how they're governed there could be backlash from them or even war after the conference was finished the news of the newly formed laws are spread to everybody in akihabara we also learned that the hamelin members had all fled from the city all of the noobs that were being taken advantage of in the guild end up joining chris and moon now we get a look at log horizon who had renovated an old building to be their new home no one surprised toya and me nori end up joining log horizon in the last couple of scenes we see that people of the land answering to lord sergiot seem to be keeping tabs on the round table and shiro we also get a look at his hot granddaughter in lady lancia episode 11. everyone sets up a training camp for noobs under level 40. before that can happen though akiyabara gets visited by a messenger from lord sergiot he's apparently a high lord of eso's league of freedom cities in elder tells japan is called yamoto and is divided into five major territories the league of freedom cities of eso is an alliance of lords that rule over eastern japan these lords have invited the round table to attend their next gathering of allied nobles while shiro thinks it's a good idea to start networking with the people of the land it could also result in the round table getting caught up in their politics they decide that ddd's leader krusty will represent the warrior guilds at the gathering michitaka will represent the merchants and shiro is just going because he's the only one with a brain their main goal is to learn how much the npcs have changed since the apocalypse meanwhile the training camp is going on at the same time but it's all filler kante except for the new character and rundle house code the representatives arrive at the palace of eternal ice they meet with the people of the land and sergio with both sides probing each other for information meanwhile the training camp everybody set into a dungeon episode 12. the people of the land had also taken in the adventurous cooking methods further confirming how much change they are influencing in the world they speculate that the people of the land are seeking information on the ambitions of the adventurers as well as the political aspirations of the round table even though it seems clear that they're nervous about the change of behavior and the adventures it's likely after the first meeting that they've calmed down a bit shiro predicts that their next play is getting the adventurers to work for them he needs to know what they're thinking though so he sends akatsuki to spy on them over to the noobs who make their first dungeon run they don't know what they're doing so they have trash formations and tactics when they get attacked by some skeletons they get on and have to retreat and in the last scene we see that lynessia has caught the eye of krusty i'm gonna be doing part two and you can find that on the left side whenever i'm finished with it or you could check out all the log horizon recaps in the playlist on the right side you can also find the links in the description below and the only thing i hate more than intros is outros
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Keywords: log horizon, recap, full recap, season 1, part 1, pt. 1, what to know, anime, review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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