In Future Cockroaches Has Evolved Into a Giant Monster Beyond Measure | Anime Recap

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[Music] in the 21st century humanity attempted to colonize mars because hey constantly fighting wars on earth is just so boring right so they sent special algae to spread water and plant life on mars they also sent cockroaches in the hopes that the algae would use their corpses to multiply 500 years later some scientists went up there to check up on their little science project but giant humanoid cockroaches called terraformars killed them two years later humanity sent another mission called bugs 2 to capture these terraformars but they were killed as well and only a couple of people survived 20 years after the bugs 2 mission and this is how the story starts it's the year 2619 a.d and we see rich people surrounding a game arena with hungry vulturize they are betting on fighters to the death a fighter named akari enters he is a tall and strong japanese karate master his childhood sweetheart is ill which is why he needs the prize money to treat her but to his surprise his opponent for this match is only 14 years old bear it's a mother ducking bear weighing 342 kilograms my dude is screwed the bear slashes at connie's face but he collects himself and uses his amazing strength to fight him the odds are still not in his favor and the bear has started devouring his flesh while he's alive just as his life is about to end he thinks of his lover and how she was always there for him suddenly he is filled with rage and turns into a literal beast he successfully defeats the bear and smashes its head into smithereens later akadi asks for the money to save his lover but apparently she has already died and her body was sold to some shady people his whole world shatters in front of his eyes just then one of the men hugs him tightly and asks him if he wants to save other children with the same diseases as his lover the man introduces himself as komachi the captain of unassa mars exploration team the other woman in command is michelle this disease seems to be very infectious and it came from a virus from outer space it is so dangerous that they will have to leave for mars to find a cure akati agrees to go with them at the unasa headquarters akadi has been bedridden for a week after surgery to modify his body at the place we see three other people marcos alex and sheila from mexico they are also preparing for the surgery modification to go to mars for the mission we also meet adolf a german officer for the mission there's also eva who is kind of a shy person not sure what someone like her is doing in a mission like this but the anime trope of a shy and innocent girl must be fulfilled adolf talks about how the mars expedition is hard and some of them will get killed we see that the alien virus is called creatively the alien virus it has a 100 mortality rate so their mission to save mankind from extinction requires them to find a cure but the only problem is that every probe that went before has failed to come back because of the giant terraformars who have infested mars their mission name is annex the existence of the virus has not been made public yet it has been a matter of great tension and stress for the scientists the first contamination seems to trace back to 42 years and has drastically risen till now they begin their nx1 mission to go on their ship which will take 39 days to reach mars while they travel they go about their days like normal akari alex marcos sheila and eva become good friends sheila even admits that she's in love with captain komachi because he was kind to her one time back on earth hiruma the deputy commander of unassa is investigating a man professor honda who was involved as an engineer in the bug 2 project 20 years ago honda tried to mutiny against the members but hiruma has come to the professor not seeking revenge but with the intention to protect his country he needs honda's help and information up in space 39 days have now passed and they are about to land on mars marcos and akari are waiting in line in the bathroom and are wondering why the girl before them is taking ages so they peek into the door but the girl stares back at these perverts we're expecting her to beat up these boys but turns out she's dead a monster comes in holding her body it's the terror for mars akadi realizes that he is able to dodge its attacks michelle fights with a monster one-on-one and orders them to leave and find the drugs the drugs are required to bring up their abilities from the surgery turns out there are six terraformers on board which is the same number as the officers they are killing everyone brutally and everyone is panicking as marcos and alex reach the storeroom they see two terraformers destroying the drugs marcos and akadi realize that the terraformars are intelligent and know that they need to destroy the drugs before the humans can use them every one of them is getting killed one by one how did they get on board how long have they been here no one knows captain komachi suspects that this was a setup and tries to head back to earth and use the terraformars on board as samples but his superior declines his request just then the ship breaks down and falls towards mars the main engine of the ship is damaged the six officers are taking charge now we see more terraformars as the ship is nearer to mars all of the personnel are ordered to head to escape ships the six officers take out drugs and inject themselves with them they receive immense strength from it and they begin their attack on terraform mars all the other crew members are amazed they kill every terraformer on board they now have a plan they will spread out based on their continent of origin and land on mars using high-speed escape ships different officers will be leading different ships akari marco alex sheila and eva who are pretty close in their training together will be separated into different ships they wish each other good luck before leaving once they spread out and reach the surface of mars they are mesmerized by the beauty of that place the greenery is due to the algae that the human scientists released 500 years ago the team members can breathe with ease because of the surgery they went through one of the ships led by the roman officer is trapped in a net and crashes this is the terraformars doing the ship is swarmed by them and it is impossible to escape the russian division is attacked by a terraformar it cuts one of the captain's arms from his body but yet he is in his spirits and fights what is it about old men in anime the division is ready to capture the terraformar for sampling but that terraform rb heads one of its important members captain komachi explains to his division that they will be rescued from earth after 40 days till then their mission is to rendezvous where the main ship has crashed and recover samples of the mars virus their division will regroup with michelle's group and take over the ship again suddenly they are attacked by one of the terraformers who is trying to go for the drugs so captain komachi drives the ship away the captain takes marcos and another dude named kg out with him to fight it and capture it alive for a virus sample they are ordered to take the drug but as they are about to take in the drug the terraformar runs in the opposite direction it was just a decoy ah the classic bait and switch the actual one flies to the ship there scared sheila is waiting for it with a net gun she successfully traps it with a net which is three times stronger than a normal terraform are the terraformar struggles but it's useless suddenly the terraformer puts his hands like he's about to do a kamehameha what good is that going to do wait what the terraformer shoots sheila with very powerful concentrated gases which rips a hole right through her chest she takes her last breath on the lap of captain komachi the man she left because he was kind to her that one time despite them splitting up the terraformers have found them way too easily they are way smarter than expected captain komachi marcos and the others decide to fight back with drugs the terraformars may have super strength and speed because they evolved from cockroaches but this team of humans have a new evolution within them the strength speed and sensory abilities of the huntsman spider that regularly feeds on cockroaches using this superior power and with the rage of losing his childhood friend sheila he goes berserk and kills them back in the past sheila marcos and alex used to live in a very violent mexican neighborhood one day their town got destroyed by a mob fire sheila left while the two boys stayed back after growing up in a violent upbringing they went to unasa for work sheila was also there for an interview as far as marcos is concerned sheila was everything to him marcos continues beating the crap out of the terraform mars but he gets tired the huntsman spider is notorious for having low stamina just like me in bed anyways marcos is about to be killed but captain komachi saves him elsewhere michelle takes on a terraformer solo and destroys it while the rest watch in shock on top of the surgery powers she also has the power of a parapanera ant which can lift hundreds of times its own weight apparently she inherited it from her father who was on the bug's 2 missions 20 years ago her aunt ability also allows her to explode her enemies down on earth hiruma tells professor honda that michelle and akari are the two most powerful people on the annex project honda is shocked as he seems to recognize ikari upon mars akadi releases his mutation powers he says that his powers usually make him blind with rage but with the drug he is calm and composed he uses his powers and an invisible wire to capture the terraformar without killing it akadi thinks about another kid he met at the hospital just before the annex mission the kid was dying from the mars virus and akadi wants to complete the mission fast in order to cure the kid since he's still guilty of not being able to save his lover akadi continues capturing the terraformars using his mutations after all he has the powers of a bagwer moth which makes the strongest string ever they put the terraformar samples in safe storage they start settling down but suddenly another terraformer crashes down from the sky a new challenger has appeared another one grabs michelle from the lake and takes her underwater before she can use the drug they are all left with a terraformar that fell from the sky it has extremely powerful legs that it uses to lift the vehicle cover then the terraformer hijacks the vehicle with the humans still inside once on the skies it turns to them it is about to go full kaido on them but alex throws a rock attached to akati's string by attaching it to the bug akati climbs a board making a dynamic entry then he sends his comrades flying away safely and turns to face the special terraformar meanwhile michelle has to fight the terraformar that has adapted to underwater living two years ago michelle sneaked into unesa to look at the team from the bugs 2 mission 20 years ago everyone in that team was mutated with unique insect abilities both she and akadi realize that some of these terraformars have special abilities because they used the corpses of the people who died back then the super-legged enemy breaks free and he starts beating up akati but alex cannot help him as he has to save the crew members using academy strings in the water the terraformer drags michelle deep into the waters she cannot explode this enemy because its body temperature is too low so she uses ufc grappling to suffocate the enemy khabib would have been proud then she breaks its legs however she is also losing consciousness back in the skies the terraformer beats up akati and starts working on the plane but akadi wakes up when it jumps in akada uses his strings and his better fighting technique to kick its ass on top of that akadi apparently attached his strings to michelle so she gets pulled out of the water by the plane akari knocks out the terraformar and alex finishes the job suddenly they get an sos message from another team but akadi is not sure which team it can't be the russian crew even though they are completely surrounded in front of the martian pyramids the russian crew is chill af because apparently all their members are made up of combat trained people a powerful showdown is about to happen michelle wakes up outside the lake face to face with the terraformar turns out it got dragged out as well michelle brutally kills it for groping her chest earlier the legged terraformer and akadi also land on the ground but akadi has tied its leg using his string michelle allows her facial muscles to smile as she and akadi work together to capture the two special terraformars however turns out their emergency ship crashed so they can only drive it instead of flying it they go towards the sos signal which was sent by the roman division and captain komachi's division meanwhile sylvester the leader of the russian division makes some hypotheses as to how six-legged cockroaches became two-legged now sylvester thinks that it's artificial evolution when the terraformar gets offended and rushes forward to cancel sylvester sylvester kills him quite easily because he has the powers of a giant crab that is supposed to be super tough so tough that he can take direct hits from the terraformars and also regenerate his limbs the russian squad gets into a fierce battle with the terraformars they use their mutated insect powers to kill them easily one of them is ivan whose sister was killed the moment they landed you know the one who was aiming her net gun but got beheaded like a bowling ball so apparently ivan has the powers of a plant that can create hallucinations and fevers he uses his jinjutsu powers on one of them and it starts imagining terrible things sylvester thinks about how his life was affected by terrorists on top of that his daughter is sick with the alien virus once they capture the terraformars they enter the martian pyramids michelle and adolf talk about how they need to get back to the crash site before the chinese and russians do it's the 27th century and the same countries are rivals kind of hard to believe to be honest michelle reminds everyone that cockroaches are nocturnal creatures this means that terraformars are probably going to be stronger at night since we don't have enough backstories let's do adolf the german he was used as a test subject for the mutations ever since he was a little child because of this he has grown to become an absolute beast of a fighter in the present michelle goes to respond to the sos alert while adolf goes to the crash site on the way they are attacked by loads upon loads upon loads of terraformars who seem to have defeated the chinese division and are using their weapons so adolf and another girl named isabella enter the fight adolf has the electric powers of the electric eel he uses his knives to attack his enemies with electricity even in his past he was hit with loads of electric shocks to give him this power honestly it's just sad adolf starts thinking about his messed up life he thought that his life was a waste until he met rosa and had love at first sight adolph and rosa started connecting and he found new meaning in his hell of a life they started dating and it was a pretty rosy life for rosa and adolf eventually they got married however this story has a sad ending because of course everyone has a sad story here apparently rosa had an affair that however adolf loves her a lot and he forgives her eventually they have a baby but adolf has dna testing and turns out it does not belong to him that's got to be the worst thing apparently his wife cheated on him again isabella has the mutation of a powerful carnivorous insect she has a lot of hype about how powerful she herself is until she's one-shotted by a special terraformer are adolph is left as the only proper fighter now as he's murdering the life out of the terraform mars he gets sad and starts thinking about his sad life suddenly the terraformars take the chinese emergency vehicle and come close they flourish their flag while the rest of the terraformars speak in a weird tongue they start walking closer in proper marching formation while adolf drops them like bowling pins however he's one man fighting against many and he gets overwhelmed they are just about to kill him but his crew members come out in their weak human forms and they try to fight back but they are easily dominated using the distraction eva grabs a dolph and tries to take him back terraformers tried to stop her but the others sacrificed themselves to save adolf but adolf is busy thinking about his sad past suddenly he gets this burning rage and a will to live his electricity power works as a defibrillator and he gets up while his crew members watch in shock he consumes a terrible amount of drugs so much that he might end up dying but what is death to a man who is already dying he beats the everlasting crap out of the terraformars with his supreme powers and fighting skills eventually killing half of the entire freaking army he throws his knives to the leaders and they stop them with a flag but this was all according to plan the knives work as a rod adolf flips his middle finger at them and brings down an entire lightning on the leader honestly that's so metal the flag gets destroyed and the leader falls defeated however adolf also falls down after losing all his strength thankfully the remaining terraformars stop moving and they stare at the cliff where their leader is lying down another terraformar comes and starts stamping on the leader's heart because of this extreme level of cpr the leader wakes up alive and well it points to the humans and all the terraformers point their guns at them while also taking the captured humans in their nets but eva steps in front of him like the hero that she is but it's going to be a waste all the terraformers shoot at them but adolf is a man too angry to die he releases more of his energy and creates a barrier that stops all the bullets this man just refuses to die seeing this all the terraformars drop their guns then they start using slings to throw rocks at them before they are hit adolf grabs eva and quickly whispers something into her ears then he is absolutely ravaged by the rocks the leader halts the attack and adolf drops dead in front of eva while eva is mourning over him the leader jumps down to her eva starts punching it like a little girl that's right that'll show him when another terraformar goes to grab adolf's corpse a ticking sound starts well ticking turns out adolf's body had been fixed with a self-destruct by the scientists who experimented on him all the terraformars run away like little kids instead of running away ava holds his head all the other crew members are also happy to die alongside their commander as they have had a very strong bond all their lives long before they came to mars the explosion is huge and it is spotted by michelle's division based on the direction of the explosion michelle guesses that adolf is dead back on earth rosa tries to get adolf's army payment but she gets rejected and serves her right for that hope we never see you again elsewhere captain komachi's division is having a hard time because they have been separated the terraformars are using slings and there are several special type terraformers there thankfully their division has capable fighters like marcos kg kanako and of course captain komachi kanako has the abilities of the needletail bird which allows her to fly while also being super agile and strong no terraformer can match her speed as she slices and dices her way through their army except for that net i forgot that the terraformars are smart thankfully marcos saves her and kills the rest of them down in some caves kg is facing a special type of terraformar kg has the abilities of the peacock mantis shrimp which gives him regeneration abilities night vision and a very very very powerful punch he was also once the world lightweight boxing champion so he has quite a bit of fighting skills with him kg is a simple man with a simple way of living he loves his mother very much and he's a good son to her one day he suddenly starts losing his sight he has a retinal detachment which he fixes through surgery the surgery costs a lot so he goes into debt since his eyesight never became normal again he has to retire from boxing so kg starts working as a normal mailman and the worst thing his mother also passes away one day he is contacted by you nasa for the annex mission to mars kg accepted it on one request to have the insect with the best eyesight so that one day he can go back and properly look at the town where his mother grew up so he gets the peacock manta shrimp which also has one of the strongest punches which it uses to break shells meanwhile kg's opponent is a terraformar that has evolved from an insect with a super hard shell it's a battle of an immovable object versus an unstoppable force they have a pretty intense hand to hand combat and kg even manages to put some cracks on its armor while dodging all its attacks suddenly he starts crying thinking about his mother and his new friends the terraformer takes his opportunity to punch him through the wall but kg seriously has the power of friendship with him and he gets up he compares this to another tough boxing match he once had during those difficult moments he always heard his mother's voice and that kept him going now he has all these new friends who are just so happy to be with him kg is happy so kg happily murders the terraformer with one punch let's go back to a couple of decades earlier the second mission to mars called the bugs 2 mission captain komachi is so young here and he was not even a captain back then it's this big and serious dude called donatello who is michelle's father another member is this girl named akita komachi and akita are childhood friends and they are in love but she was killed by a terraformar akita had the abilities of a silkworm and she could create silk threads back in the present captain komachi comes face to face with the terraformar that has absorbed her silkworm powers they are fighting in a cavern which has been surrounded by the terraformar strings komachi beats the everlasting crap out of the terraformar and kills it he has the abilities of the japanese hornet which gives him piercers and poisons meanwhile the russian team is investigating the pyramids but sylvester is suspicious because nothing has come to stop them until now they find a probe ship that was sent by humans 100 years ago to check up on mars but the probe never came back apparently the terraformars used this technology to become advanced like they are now elsewhere captain komachi and kg see a strange device flying across the sky they turn out to be fueled missiles which explode all over the planet the humans are not struck by the missiles but their drugs start losing effect on top of that the terraformars go crazy and they get even more powerful they start killing the humans in droves the russians find a control room full of plants and blueprints for spaceships and mutations they along with captain komachi realize that one of the divisions from their mission has betrayed them and provided vital information to the martians the terraformars are just about to kill a helpless marcos but alex throws his baseball with supreme force alex throws lots of rocks killing lots of terraformars he also sends the drug with it marcos consumes it and regains his insect abilities meanwhile a unique terraformar with shiny armor goes to save the captured terraformars another one of the missiles starts dropping but alex throws a rock and destroys it akari and michelle also arrive to kick ass and chew bubblegum and there is no bubblegum on mars back on earth the prime minister of japan ichiro who was also the second survivor of the bugs ii mission alongside komachi talks with president goodman the american president president goodman reveals that the rescue ship hasn't even left earth much to ichiro's shock meanwhile on mars akari holds down the special terraformar with really strong arms michelle goes to fight the shiny armored terraformar it seems to have adapted from the rainbow beetle and it uses camouflage to hide so another crew member named jared uses his powers to assist her marcos and alex finally reunite marcos immediately falls to his knees begging forgiveness for not being able to save sheila alex is devastated and he punches marcos but he also pulls him back up and yells at him to get a hold of himself he promises to avenge sheila so they all have an avengers assemble moment and get ready to fight the enemy meanwhile jared uses his echo sonar abilities that he got from a killer whale the terraformer appears just above him and michelle stops it just in time they have a serious grappling battle but let's not forget michelle's passive ability explosion that is what happens to the shiny bling ring terraformar back on earth hiruma tells honda that the radio to the annex mission has been jammed but they don't know by whom on mars the russians look at the designs that one of the human countries probably gave to the terraformars they realize which division betrayed their mission but they don't reveal it to the audience now for suspense reasons elsewhere akati's drug starts getting depleted so he starts losing control as he's no longer who is maybe he just needs sneckers but captain komachi and michelle the two people who brought him on this mission calm him down and he thanks them they all take more drugs and have a power ranger style power up then they have themselves a massacre down on earth hiruma asks honda to join him to stop that division which is betrayed them upon mars the humans destroy the terraformars one after the other down on earth prime minister ichiro sends a rescue mission to mars even if no one else will help them upon mars the terraformars are getting destroyed so they all gather together in even greater numbers to fight them but akadi is not concerned he promises to beat them no matter what saying so he runs towards them in the post-credits scene we see that the chinese division is alive and well they only pretended to be dead and they are the ones who betrayed the annex mission we also see a spaceship that looks like the ones in the designs in the pyramids the spaceship seems to be going towards earth what is the endgame plan of the chinese we have yet to find out and with that the series is wrapped up if you enjoyed the series don't forget to leave a like to help the channel out thanks for watching
Channel: Anime Explained
Views: 3,594,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CLY1EjI3wr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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