Locked on ONE RAFT But We're HACKERS!

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ah I've been straighted on this boat for so long I need to find some land soon or else I'll starve and land finally I haven't touched land in so long and it looks like there's other people here I love hacker Island so much I'm getting hungry I'm going eat this cow what did you just say hacker Island hacker island is so nice if we ever see a non- haacker here we got to strike them in lightning oh wait what oh no oh no what do I do this is like the only Island around I've been sailing for like the past week hey who are you oh oh hey hey guys hold up this guy doesn't look like a hacker uh what do you mean yes I do why shouldn't we strike you with lightning right now well guys come on come on uh I can be helpful on the island and wait is that your house yeah what about it this thing is so ugly I thought hackers have like really nice houses human I'm so close to striking you right now hey hey hold up hold up hold up how about we make a deal I'll help you guys upgrade your house and you guys let me stay on the island M our house does look kind of trash not going to lie yeah yeah it's a good deal H you know what fine human but you better make a really nice house and yeah yeah of course of course and okay the first thing we got to do to upgrade this house is I just get rid of this old one what is this what do you mean what is this we did our best I mean I did my best you did this well uh I'm sorry to say it but your best is not good enough there was literally cobwebs on the wall so here let's just get rid of all of that old house then ooh what about we build the new one out of some quartz this could look really nice sure but you better know what you're talking about human yeah I'll believe it when I see it yes guys don't worry I'm a pro Builder I know exactly what I'm talking about here guys you guys can help me out what we got to do is build a wall of quartz around the entire Island we got to make this house absolutely ginormous fine all right I'll just take this and I'll put it um right here and no no no not in the middle we got to build a wall around the house and hold up in fact let's uh dig the wall a little bit more this way what about we leave some room for our front yard that could be really good right oh yeah More Cows to strike with lightning yeah yeah yeah all right well anyways now that we got these walls done the next thing we got to do is uh to build the walls a little bit higher so uh what I was thinking is let me just grab a magic wand really quick and check it out guys what we can do is Select this position and also this position all the way over here and then if we look up we can run the command SL SL stack and boom there we go check it out we just stacked up the walls wow that move almost made you look like a hacker yep I know I'm pretty good at building but here I guess everyone take one of these wands what we got to do next is set the roof and floor into some quartz block as well so let's just select the floor real quick and set all of this two quartz with some command so SL SL set quartz boom boom there we go and let's do the same with the roof nice wao this is looking pretty nice yep I know this is already looking so much better than the old house right it's not that good there's not even a front door okay okay well at least there isn't cobwebs in the wall okay here the next thing we got to do is of course add the door so uh here I was thinking we could just add the door right over here like that and that looks pretty good right I don't know if I like this type of door you built this giant base and all you have is wooden doors come on there has to be something better uh wait what the wooden doors what's wrong with wooden doors you guys have had them on your old base M are you sure this is going to be strong enough uh yeah what do you mean wooden doors are pretty good no they're not we need metal doors like there something to stop burglars yeah what if someone breaks into our house uh the what you guys totally weren't worried about this when you had your cobweb house but uh okay we can use some better doors let's see what are we working with here and whoa hold on a minute what about one of these hanger doors these look pretty nice right yeah what do you think of that yeah that's more like it that's so much better yeah yeah that's going to make sure that no one can break through the door but anyways and now that we got the inside what do we got to do ooh the first thing we should probably do is add some windows so let's just select these positions over here and literally let's just set this entire wall into some glass panes this could look pretty sick W it feels a lot more open now but isn't glass super easy to break what if a you a pirate tries to come here H okay actually that is a kind of good point I guess the glass is kind of weak what if we use some reinforced glass that would make me feel a lot safer yeah yeah yeah this way no one can break into your guys's house see this is a lot nicer right now we're way more secured yeah and this is already so much better than your old house right not sure yet yeah we'll say it's on par for now no wait okay you guys have to be joking this is actually so much better than your old house but anyways here let's just finish replacing all these windows with some more of these reinforced Windows let's go and uh I think that should be enough windows for now what's the next thing we should add H what about like a little uh living area you know we can have some couches and like a carpet and stuff okay what else are you going to add uh uh I don't know here I guess let's start building it over here we can have like a few couches there that PR nice what what's the problem you're making the couch just booger green we need something better isn't green like the hacker color wa no our hacker colors are yellow and magenta what yellow and magenta okay fine fine fine I guess we can use some yellow and magenta couches let me grab some of those real quick and uh we can just Place those down over here instead of the old ones that feels so much better yep and here we can also grab some carpets as well and ooh why don't we make like a really cool carpet design we could just have like a bunch of different yellow and magenta colors this could look really sick oh yeah this this is going to look really awesome W it kind of looks like your face what my face does not look like that dude my face has a bunch of blue on it and other colors it's not just yellow and magenta I'm just talking about the pattern jeez but um what else uh well anyways here let's finish up this carpet there we go that looks pretty nice and O what about we have a fireplace over here that can be pretty cool nah fireplaces sound lame what about like a cow dispenser what a cow dispenser in the living room that sounds pretty entertaining yeah that sounds pretty good to me why do you guys need a cow dispenser what if I'm on the couch or something and I get hungry I'm going to need a snack yeah he eats a lot and uh okay I I guess we can have a cow dispenser here let me grab a dispenser really quick and I guess we can just put the dispenser on the wall right over here like that and let's just go ahead and Surround it with some bricks just to make it look a little bit nicer and uh now we got to grab some cow span eggs mhm okay well you build that I'm just going to sit here and relax a little bit all right all right and here I I think the cow dispenser is done is this good enough you can like spawn in a cow and then strike it with lightning and then gobble it up what ew no it doesn't even cook the cow what I thought you wanted to cook it yourself with your lightning no I I want it to cook itself automatically and give me the food what okay fine fine fine I didn't know you wanted an automatic cow cooker in that case why don't we just have a steak dispenser so we can just put like already cooked meat inside of here no way the freshness factor is important yeah and plus nothing beats a fresh medium rare steak what okay fine fine fine I guess we can have uh fresh cows wait so you guys pretty much just want like an automatic cow cooking machine y okay okay well actually I think I know how we can build that let's just go ahead and uh expand this area over here a little bit like this and here we got to build a little room back here with some bricks all right human what do we do now uh so here we just got to finish up this little room in the back just like this this is pretty much going to be like a like an oven for cows and then the next thing we got to do is put a few dispensers over here on the wall and then one dispenser right over here this dispenser is going to have all of the cow spawn eggs inside of it and then the other dispensers are going to have a bunch of fireballs inside of them and that's what's going to cook the the cows ooh Fireballs good choice oh is that going to cook the steak to a perfect medium rare and yep that's exactly how we're going to cook the cow here the next thing we got to do is connect everything with a little bit of redstone so here I'm just going to connect all the dispensers up with some Redstone just like that there we go and hold on wait where should we put the button I guess we can just put it like out over here on this side or something can we put it next to the couch and wait what next to the couch yeah let's have a lever like right here between the couches ah okay okay I guess we can do that here we can just have like a brick over there and then we can instead of a lever let's put a button down and then underneath that we can have all of our Redstone and here now guys what we got to do is connect the Redstone over to the cow oven over there so uh let's start doing that now this is going to be awesome yeah you guys are going to have your very own cow cooking machine uh it is definitely better than your old house now right uh I wouldn't say better what dude your old house literally had cobwebs all over it it was for defense yeah it wasn't just a house it was a home what okay wait how can I make this one a home then um I don't know do better what okay okay hold on I'm almost done with the cow dispenser machine here we just got to connect all the Redstone and okay I think everything is connected now uh here I guess let's go test it out let's head inside of the house really quick and I'm just going to try hitting this button real quick come on oh wait I suggest getting out of there okay here let me try hitting the button and oh wait hold on guys I think we need to add some repeaters repeaters yeah yeah hold on hold on wait can one of you go upstairs and hit the button real quick uh yeah I guess I can do it all right thank you very much here now let me go and put a repeater right over here and yes I think it worked that time wao check it out look there's a cow on fire oh let's go it worked but uh isn't the cow just going to like run around and like there's a hole in the back it's just going to escape yeah yeah okay okay well I wasn't planning on just leaving the hole there here guys the next thing we got to do is just go ahead and cover up all of this Redstone stuff in the back so let's just go ahead and cover all of this up really quick there we go that's looking pretty good and all right here I'm heading back inside the house now the next thing we got to do is uh let's grab some of these reinforced glass paints and just put those right over here and all right try hitting the button it should fully work now okay wow this is pretty entertaining here we go here we go is it going to cook the cow yes the cow got cooked perfectly check it out um okay so there's cooked meat in there how are we supposed to get the meat and oh oh oh to get the meat I guess we can just have like a door over here that you can like open once it's done cooking what is it that dangerous and plus I don't want to walk over here and get it I I want to deliver to the couch what you want the meat to be delivered to the couch uh yeah of course yeah can't you just build a machine for that or something oh my gosh okay fine fine fine I guess we can have the meat get delivered to the house what we got to do for that is grab a few Hoppers and uh what we got to do is just set this entire floor down here into a bunch of Hoppers so let's just have a bunch of Hoppers like this there we go and then the next thing we got to do is make a little Hopper line to go over to the couches so here I guess we just have one hopper go in between both of the couches like right over here is that good uh I guess but I don't want a line of hoppers in my house I want it to look nice okay okay well fine fine fine here what we could do is just make the line of Hoppers go one block deeper like that that way it's not going to be the above the floor that's what I'm talking about oo yeah this should look pretty nice here we just got to make this line of Hoppers go like uh right over here like that there we go and then the next thing we can do is grab a dispenser and just put that right over there and then we also need to grab an observer and here what we can do now is make an infinitely repeating Observer signal if we just connect two observers together like this check it out and all right boom now the dispenser is just constantly going to be going off which means whenever we drop an item in here it's just going to shoot out like that boom okay okay nice but uh are you sure that goes through the block is it this going to be by something it should still work here let's go ahead and cover it all up again real quick and uh let's also put the carpet down and all right yeah everything should work now here why don't you guys try hitting the button let's see is it all going to work in action all right there we go I hit the button all right all right the cow is currently cooking and oh okay the cow just died here it should be going through the dispensers now and yes check it out it worked let's go well that's awesome it made a lot yeah I know it's pretty sick you guys can literally now have food come out of the floor isn't that like the best way to get food but uh anyways is that good enough can I stay on the island now I know you still have way much more to do plus like how are we going to sleep on the island yeah and what okay fine fine I guess that is a good question how are you guys going to sleep I guess we can build like bedrooms okay this bedroom better be awesome yeah yeah yeah it will be it will be here I was thinking why don't we build it on the second floor uh we can just have like a little ooh how about a staircase to get up there we can just have like a little quartz staircase going upstairs right over here like this and here for the bedrooms why don't we like separate it into uh two different rooms so we can have like one room right over here on this side and then we can have like another room over here on this side okay I call the one on this side I guess I call the one on this side the first thing we got to do of course is set the walls for the bedroom so again using commands we can just select both of these positions like this and then just run the command SL SL walls quartz boom there we go and now let's do the same for this bedroom over here there we go that is looking pretty nice and oh wait hold on if this is going to be the first bedroom we should probably add like a wall over here so that whoever lives here can have like some privacy from the stairs what I get the shorter bedroom that's not fair wait hold on is this bedroom smaller and oh yeah I guess that bedroom is a bit smaller here it's fine though what we could do is just uh move this wall you can move it yeah yeah check it out using commands we can just run the commands SL SL move five and all right now it looks that more even oh wait hold on this side's actually a bit bigger no no no that looks perfectly even in my opinion move it back move it back okay okay hold on let me undo that really quick and let me try moving it only uh three blocks there we go and let's also get rid of this uh second wall over here we only need one wall so let's just set all of that to Air and all right this looks pretty even right perfect yeah this is much more even all right all right so anyways the next thing we got to do is set a wall right over here so let's just do SL SL set there we go well anyways now what we got to do is add a door to each bedroom so we can just have a door for this bedroom right over here and then we can have another door for this bedroom right over here and uh all right now we got to actually deck out the bedrooms what are you guys like in your bedrooms uh a bed uh okay okay yeah a bed's going to be important uh here I guess I'll grab ooh I'll grab a yellow and a magenta bed how does that sound uh yeah that sounds good yeah yeah we can have the yellow bed beds over here and then we going to have the magenta beds over here w w w bed looks horrible I I need something for a hacker you know what this bed is just fine you didn't even have a bed in your old house no no no we need something like this yeah I'm going to replace mine too and oh oh I see you guys want to use these fancy beds all right I I guess you can use that and ooh Why Don't We also add a little bit of glass over here that way you can have like a nice window right in front of your bed so let's just set this area into some glass panes boom let's do the same over here on this room wa that's looking pretty PR nice that is looking pretty sick but anyways but what else do you guys like in your bedrooms we've got beds we've got the big glass window what else I also need a place to read my hacker journals your hacker journals uh H wait why don't we build like a library corner in that case here I can grab uh a few bookshelves and a chair and here why don't we just build like a little uh library corner right over here all right and then I'll put my little couch right here oh okay yeah yeah we can use that we can use that and all right uh what else what else um what if I want a snack can we have like mini fridges wait you want a mini fridge and in your bedroom uh okay okay I guess we can do that let me grab a fridge really quick oh we don't really have many fridges we have only the big fridges oh what if we have a kitchen corner a kitchen corner in the bedroom why don't we have like a separate room for the kitchen oh what no I I want a kitchen corner in my bedroom what no that's a horrible idea it's going to like smell like food all the time in here that's great I'm going to be so hungry uh I don't want that okay okay well here why don't we build one over here in the yellow bedroom and by the way wait what's your guys's names oh I'm Ruby oh yeah I didn't tell you my name's cam oh okay nice nice my name is Dash but anyways I guess we can build like a little kitchen corner in this bedroom over here we can have like some fridges there and then we can also have a chest with like some extra food I guess we can put that down over there like that and all right is this good enough yeah this is good well you eat so much Cam I'm a growing boy okay I need to eat my food well all I need is this fridge right here and I'm done and oh you just added a fridge on your side all right nice but anyways wait what type of food do we even want in yours cim M what kind of food do I want what about some paleo salad I don't even know what this is but it says it's the healthiest food you can eat ooh that sounds awesome that that sounds gross and what about some cheese what cheese just cheese by itself yeah uh okay okay I guess we can put a little bit of cheese inside of the fridges but uh anything else uh do do you want like any meat or anything oh I got it what about this it's called a black hole Apple what a black hole Apple what the heck that doesn't sound healthy it's actually so good it's a it's a very uh uh Exquisite dish uh okay that sounds like some crazy haot care food but what about the other fridge we still have another fridge to fill what about some salad in this one eh oh yeah I'm putting in all different types of salad oh what about a milk chocolate bar what milk chocolate bar okay wow this is like the unhealthiest food I've ever seen but I I guess we can put some of that in anything else I bet he's going to say that he wants a burger next uh what ew no uh what about some uh be Roots what beetroots oh okay finally something healthy for once I actually agree with that one that one's pretty nice all right well anyways now that the fridges are decked out let's see is that everything that you need in a bedroom you've got the bed you've got the reading area and you've got the uh mini kitchen corner uh yeah I think that's everything that I need well that's not everything that I want in my room and oh yeah wait wait hold on what do you want in your room so far it looks a bit empty you kind of just have like a fridge and like oh you also have a little reading corner here what else what else do you want well I want more girly things like um a weapons Forge a a weapons Forge in in the bedroom um yeah that sounds a little bit dangerous doesn't it um no it's super relaxing just knowing that it's there helps me sleep better uh okay okay I guess we can build a weapon Forge here what we got to do in that case is uh let's grab some anvils and some blast furnaces you know all the basic stuff that you need for your weapons uh let's grab some chests uh I don't know I guess a little bit of stone briak yep you get the idea and here I guess we can build it over here in this corner of the room yeah we could have like its own little room inside of the bedroom we can have like a little spot right over here and let's also grab a door o what if we use one of these bunker doors yeah this could look really cool we could have like a bunker door be right over here like that and all right yeah this this could be the the weapon Smith room that's going to look super nice but I want a little window so I can see inside while I sleep oh oh yeah fair enough I guess you can have a window but anyways what do you normally need inside of a weapons Forge I've never really built one before I guess we'll need the Anvil and the blast furnace uh and all the chests and all that uh anything else what about some lava and a cauldron or a crafting table and oh oh you're right you're right some lava that sounds pretty good and a crafting table that's definitely going to be important I guess we can put that down over there but wait where should we put the lava ooh what if we just have like a little um corner with lava like there yeah what about an Argus tail what what is an Argus tail ew it's moving thread in the lava dude that was expensive you owe me like a bajillion dollars now dude I'm literally building you a house for free and you still owe me a bajillion dollars that was very expensive yeah we're letting you live right now you realize that right what okay oh my gosh okay you know what fine fine fine whatever but anyways is this good enough are you satisfied with the uh weapons forward yeah I'm pretty satisfied let me just put um some extra lava here I think you put lava inside of CLD oh no the lava's filling hold on we got to get rid of this oh I see wait speaking of lava let's make a hot tub a hot tub out of lava o that sounds awesome yeah it's like my favorite pastime and wait let's make it on like the balcony over here ooh okay okay I I guess we can build a lava hot Tu here let me grab a few doors so that we can connect each of your bedrooms to the balcony uh here we can have like a door over here on this side oh yeah we can put it there and we can also have a door over here in this bedroom on this side there we go and uh here yeah I guess this could be like the balcony area let's grab a few fences and let's just have these going all around the entire front of the house what no ew these fences look gross we need something hacker looking like you want something hacker looking okay what type of hacker fences are there let's see ooh what about some shadowstone fences these look kind of cool right uh no we need something cooler looking what cooler looking than that ooh what about some of these ones they're called the Ashen stone brick fence look they have like fire on them and stuff oh yeah that will definitely let people know that we're hackers all right all right well here I got let's just go ahead and replace all of the Birch fences with some of those let's go this is actually looking sick it's stting to come together but it's nowhere near our old house W it's so nice Okay okay but anyways nice we've got the balcony area done and ooh now we got to build that Lava Hot Tub that you guys wanted and since we have these lava brick fences the lava hot tub thingy should fit in really nicely so here I guess we can just build the hot tub out of some uh quartz stairs and here we can just like build it right over here in the middle this could to be pretty good um we're going to need more than just Prett good yeah yeah yeah it's going to be awesome it's going to be awesome look this hot tub is already huge is like way bigger than the average hot tub now the next thing we got to do is uh I guess fill it up with lava since you guys like swimming in lava yep it makes me feel nice and warm all right all right so here let's go ahead and fill it all up like that and ooh guys why don't we also have some fountains in the hot Tu so here what I was thinking is let's just go ahead and extend this wall a little bit over here by one block okay and then what we can do on each side of the lava hot Tu up is just build up a little bit put down some lava and then break these block box and check it out now we've got a lava fountain that is looking sick oh yeah this does look pretty cool yeah and oh wait Ruby I see you built a little garden here wait what does this s say Ruby's bedroom ooh nice wait cam you should do the same on your side oh all right but I'm not making a garden what the heck oh wait you don't want a garden on your side all right well what do you want on your side then oh what about like a garage for all my cars what dude we're not going to have enough room to build a garage here we literally only have like one block of space Oh yeah you're right H and wait what about toilets what you want toilets in front of your bedroom I I I guess we can make that work toilets are pretty small e it'll end up being next to my bedroom this is looking pretty good actually that's what I'm talking about don't encourage him here here here let me grab a few trap doors and we can just put those down over there to make it look nice there we go all right nice the toilet wall is looking good I hate this all right well anyways I think the bedroom should be about done we've got both of the bedrooms we've got the lava hot tub and we've even got some Twilight so here I guess all we got to do now is just set the roof so so let me grab a wand real quick and select this position and also this position over here and let's just set this entire roof into some quartz boom there we go well it looks pretty nice in there yep that's looking pretty sick your guys's house now has two floors but anyways is that enough can I live on the island now rentree rent free w oh yeah and plus it's nowhere near enough we need something you know for our entertainment what your entertainment don't you already have that cow burning machine down there um that's food yeah that's for food that's in case we get hungry we need something to make us entertained well what are you guys like doing for fun then let's see um making fun of humans striking humans with lightning uh uh what okay those are both the pretty not good things uh anything else any like normal stuff wait I got it let's do a fight training ring what a fight training ring okay uh that's actually something I guess we can do and H why don't we build it on the downstairs ooh it's going to be an underground fight ring yeah yeah yeah we're going to have a whole underground fighting ring so here what we can do is just like dig a little staircase underneath the old staircase that we have up there and we could just have this one Going Underground oh you're taking too long human I hate non hackers and wa what the heck how did you just instantly build that uh because I'm a hacker of course oh uh fair enough all right well here I guess we can just head underground now and uh let's just go ahead and clear out a big area we got to go all the way out over here in this corner and let's select this and then let's also go all the way out over here in this corner and let's also select this position with our wand and then let's set all of this into some Air Boom and okay I I I think this room is pretty big now for a fighting room I I wouldn't say so I think it needs to be a bit larger and okay okay hold on we can make it a bit larger no problem all we got to do is just dig further this way and oh wait hold on I think we're underneath the Redstone I think this is about as far as we can go here let me set all of this to Air and all right is this big enough for you m I guess this could be good enough I like it all right well anyways here now what we got to do is make this area look like a fighting room so uh I guess the first thing we can do is H let's set the walls into some Stone let's do SL SL walls Stone there we go we got to make make it look very uh I don't know the fight room like well instead of stone what about stone bricks no no no no trust me trust me stone is going to look a lot nicer we got to make this area look uh very bare and uh scary looking yeah yeah Stone's going to make it look super tough yeah yeah here I guess the only thing that isn't going to be stone is the roof we can just have the roof be still made out of quartz cuz you know the the floor upstairs is made out of quartz I like it let's keep going yep let's go this area is looking sick so far but anyways the next thing we got to do is actually build a this fighting ring so uh I guess let's grab a little bit of wool we could use that for the floor and here let's just make a a big circle right over here okay all right so now we have the place where we fight um what if people try to jump off oh don't worry I thought about that here let's just make the ring a little bit bigger like this there we go and all right just to make sure that people don't fall off what I was thinking is we could grab some cobwebs and we could just have like a net around the ring it'll be like a cage Yep this way no one's going to be escaping but anyways that's looking pretty good I guess now we can grab some stairs and we can make an entrance on on each side so we can have one entrance over here and then another one right over here and all right I think this area should be done but wait wait actually no it's not done yet hold on we also got to grab a fence and a bell real quick and all right check it out we got to put this fence and Bell right over here this is where the referee can like uh go and ring the bell to show who wins the match yes this is my favorite part oh let's go and now that this is finished Dash I challenge you wait wait what you want to fight me wait wait you're a hacker isn't this supposed to be for hackers only this is supposed to be for our entertainment what are you talking talking about yeah it's a fighting training ring not a hacker fighting training ring wait wait so so we're just going to do like a like a practice fight right like we're not actually going to punch each other oh yeah but uh I'm not pulling my punches hit him when it hurts and what okay no I I I don't agree to this I'm not fighting this is a bad idea you better get back in here or I'm striking you with lightning oh my gosh okay fine fine fine but oh gosh okay uh let's just have like a quick practice round I guess all right well grab all your armor I'm grabbing iron what we need armor for this oh yeah it's a fighting room of course oh my gosh okay okay here let me put on all of this armor and all right I I I'm ready wait wait wait wait wait a second okay and right here uh you put down on a spectator chair okay well I I'm ready whenever you are all right well I'll ring the bell in 3 2 1 go go go go go you have a sword I didn't get a sword hey yo wait wait hold this is not fair I didn't get a sword I thought we were having like a fistly match you know like normal boxing and oh I'm about to oh my gosh he's stuck in the fence oh yeah that's what I'm talking about very entertaining oh my gosh okay I'm never doing that again but uh I'm glad it was entertaining for you I guess L got a piece of his armor all right well anyways now that the fighting room is done you guys have bedrooms you guys have entertainment you guys even have like a cow cooking machine is is that everything you need uh no nowhere close what okay well what else do you guys want well we need more entertainment this is just one thing we're going to go bard of it what you guys want more entertainment okay well what else do you guys like doing as hackers um we like traveling traveling uh okay ooh why don't we build a garage then we can just have it off to the side of the house I I don't know if you noticed but we're kind of on an island there's no real place for a car to go and oh yeah you're right there isn't really anywhere around here where you can drive a car wait a minute what about we have a boat dock now you're thinking yeah yeah yeah this could be really good here everyone just grab a little bit of oak wood stuff really quick and uh let's build the boat dock right over here oh look at that that's my build this is where I came from uh wait are you sure no one followed you here uh yeah I'm pretty sure no one followed me here I was just stranded on the ocean all right but if if I find out anyone followed you here then I'm striking you with lightning dude no one followed me here okay but anyways let's just build this boat dock right over here we can just have like a little bridge going off into the water and here now what we got to do is spawn in some boats and ooh wait why don't we use some of these fancy boats we can use the aluminum boat and also the speed boat that sounds fun right but yeah but but where are you going hold on hold on we got to place it down here at the bottom of the ocean it'll float all the way up like that check it out that is looking awesome right oh yeah we should make two of each boat for me and Ruby all right all right here let me go downstairs and spawn in a few more boats we can just spawn those in right over there like that and all right the boats have been spotted in now what we got to do is just uh drive them in front of the dock so let's just go ahead and do that real quick yep and I'll fill all these crates with fuel oo nice nice nice good idea cuz fuel is definitely going to be important and oh the wait hold on I think these boats over here aren't that good they're kind of uh filling up with water already and but you can't even drive them um the boats are doing what what are you doing over there and oh wait no don't worry don't worry I got it okay here I just got to move it over here it's still kind of got some water in it but uh it's fine I guess it'll do uh yeah I guess we can use it as a backup yeah yeah yeah it give be the backup boat here we could just park those in over there like that let me park this other one here as well and wa wait are you painting the boats yeah of course I have to how are we going to know which boat is why make my magenta okay okay fair enough fair enough here let me go ahead and park this boat over here like that and wait hold on guys can I also Park my boat here um sure since you'll be living here go ahead let's go let's go all right all right here I'm just going to park my boat off to the side like that let's go okay and all of the fuel cans are here now let's go let's go all right well anyways is that good enough for entertainment you guys have your boats and you even have a fighting ring downstairs now uh for entertainment I would say yes but you're not done building yeah this house is nowhere near safe enough yet and wait what nowhere near safe enough what do you mean you've literally got this big fancy door over here and you even got reinforced glass panes um we don't have any external defenses yeah we've only got defenses we need offenses what offenses what do you mean by that well we need some traps you know what if someone tries breaking in and H okay okay I guess you guys could use some traps well what type of traps you thinking H what about we build like a lava mode or something well every hacker can get through a lava mode they can just fly up okay or we can just go into the hot tub oh I guess that is a fair point all right well what other types of defenses are there what could we do well what if we line the entire house of TNT and then if we have any Intruders breaking into the house we can just light it up and then boom what dude that's going to blow up the entire house no we're not doing that yeah that's the point wait guys what about we use some of these cage traps ooh what do they do check it out check it out pretty much if I put one down over here uh one of you guys try walking over there that real quick um okay that's not going to do anything though hey yep check it out it puts you in a cage and the cage is actually made out of reinforced iron bar so it's like super hard to get out wao that's pretty awesome yeah so why don't we just put a bunch of these around the house this should stop any hackers trying to get in okay that'll be a good first step yeah but look they're very obvious andhm yeah I guess that is a good point they are kind of obvious but I'm pretty sure what we could do is grab one of these camouflage modules hold on let me just find it really quick I'm pretty sure it's called the disguise module yep there it is I just found it and here guys what we got to do is open it up and put a grass block in it and then if I click on the cage trap with it look it makes the cage trap look like grass but if you walk over it it'll still work oh your turn cam uh okay where is it right over here right over here it's like underneath that block right there just walk over it come on you need to like walk fully over it and yeah it's right here hey oh Ruby got trapped again how did it get Ruby get me out okay okay well here let's go ahead and break that really quick and all right everyone take what one of these cage traps and also one of these disguise modules and let's just go ahead and put a bunch of these all around the house they should defend it very well oh yeah let's definitely do that yep but we also have to be careful not to walk over them ourselves because uh that would be very bad oh yeah I guess it would be I'll just um let you guys disguise them and I'll put down the traps all right and disguise disguise disguise let's go all right I think this is looking pretty defended uh there should be a bunch of them around the house right now so we got to be really careful where we step but hm is that going to be enough defenses is that everything I don't know what if someone doesn't walk on any of the cage traps like hackers can fly too you know and yeah okay that is a good point okay well about other types of defenses can we build wait a minute guys what if we add some turrets around the base ooh that should be pretty good yeah yeah yeah this is going to make sure that no hackers get in even if they're flying because you know the turrets can just like aim and why don't we use some laser turrets yes that's sounds awesome oo I want to see it Go PE PE yep it's going to be secure what we got to do is put a few of these around the house so let's just put down a turret base and then on top of that we can put down two laser turrets and let's put one in each corner of the house so we can have another one right over here like that let's have another one all the way over here in this corner up over here and then we also need one more over here in this corner and all right check it out guys now the entire house should be defended with some laser turrets here we should try spawning in a zombie for testing it oh yeah let's see does this work let's go let's go here I'll try spawning in a zombie right over here and uh come on is it going to do anything hold on wait maybe it needs to be closer I think your turrets are defective no no no my my turrets are just fine come on turrets look look the turrets lit the zombie on fire no I think the sun let the zombie on fire what no that that was definitely the turret and oh wait a minute I know why the turret's not working we need to give the turret power we need to grab one of these power Cube thingies oh why didn't you think of that before uh I'm not going to lie I kind of forgot but here we can put these underneath each one of the turrets and wait hold on it should have power now let's test it out against another zombie real quick and yeah yeah check it out look that was definitely the laser turret that killing the zombie wo that looks awesome okay now fix all the other ones that is actually crazy but yeah here let's go ahead and put one of these energy cubes on all of the other turrets as well we got to put one on each one of these turrets let's go and all right they should all be working now let me try spawning another zombie and yep that worked that is actually so awesome but what if someone tries to break in and they have a lot of health and they don't die to the turrets and uh H I don't know how do you guys normally deal with people who have a lot of Health well we normally just put them in a pit and stab them with the sword until they don't have any more health so oh uh wait a minute actually why don't we just do that here we can make a big pit in front of the house um won't that be way too obvious well what I was thinking is instead of just having a normal pit we could cover it up with a few of these grass coverings check it out pretty much what these grass covering things are they look like normal grass from the outside but if you walk over them they'll actually break and you can like fall through them but how are we supposed to get into our house there's going to be a pit below us and oh oh well about that actually these grass covering things pretty much the only way they break is if you like walk over them normally if you're crouching and you try walking over them they actually don't break wait uh really hold on I'm going to try and build like a bridge to the house wait can you jump on them as long as you're crouching you can do whatever you want but as soon as you uncrouch you'll fall through it this is awesome yeah you just go straight over yep you guys will be able to go straight over but if there's any enemies trying to break in they're not going to know and then they're just going to fall straight through into the pit so here let's go ahead and clear out a big pit in front of the entire house real quick so let's just go ahead and dig all of this out all right all right and here using commands we can make this pick go way deeper we can make it go all the way down over here uh down here this should be about good let's set all of this to air there we go and oh wait hold on this kind of goes into the the basement area um that's okay it's just attached to the fighting ring this is just more fighting oh yeah yeah wait wait wait what we could do is just set a wall over here out of some Stone let me just do SL slash set stone and then on the bottom layer of the wall we can just break in like this and add a little bit of some reinforce glass over here H okay but what does this do you'll see you'll see here the next thing we got to do is set all of this grass covering so I'm just going to select this with my want and then look this way and run the command SL SL stack uh 10 there we go oh hold on we got to go a bit further than that let's try a 25 oh even further than that what about 30 and even further okay 32 there we go check it out now we've got this entire pck covered up with a bunch of grass coverings and here what we're going to do on the inside is grab a few dispensers and remember what we did with the cow cooking machine yeah yeah we're just going to do the same down here for any enemies that might fall in wait that sounds awesome oh this is how we're going to defend the house Banger idea yep I know it's going to be pretty secure everyone let's go ahead and fill up all of these dispensers with some Fireballs really quick and here you guys can do that I'm going to work on the Redstone what we got to do is grab some pressure plates and we just got to set this entire floor down here into some pressure plates pretty much what we're going to do is detect when someone Falls in and then we're going to activate the dispensers with the pressure plates oo cool this looks fancy yep it's going to be pretty sick here we just got to put all of these pressure plates down here and in fact what we should do is set all of the floors and walls in this room add us some obsidian so that you know whoever gets trapped can't escape so let's just do that real quick SL SL set obsidian boom there we go let's do the same with the walls over here ooh doing that makes placing these a lot easier let's go okay okay well here now that we have all of the pressure plates done the next thing we got to do is just uh go underneath them one layer and then we just got to put some Redstone underneath so let's just uh put that all down there and and if we walk over it yes it activates the Redstone now we got to put Redstone underneath all of these uh dispensers so there we go I think there's Redstone beneath all the dispensers now hold on can someone try walking over one of the dispensers real quick all right I'm walking all right and okay perfect they are turning on let's go I'm excited the next thing we got to do is put down a few repeaters around this giant redstone grid so that you know the Redstone signal can reach to our dispensers so there we go that should be enough repeaters next up let's go ahead and make a big line of redstone to connect all the repeaters like this wait how do we connect this to the dispensers glad you asked what we got to do next is just uh go over here and what we're going to do is build a little infinitely repeating Redstone signal so we're going to have some repeaters going in like this and then we're going to connect them with some Redstone and all right check it out if we activate this we just have an infinitely repeating Redstone signal and what we got to do now is make it so that whenever someone walks over the pressure plate it connects this signal with the dispensers oh okay that's kind of complicated how would you do that check it out check it out what we got to do is put a repeater down like that and then let me grab a piston and then we got to put the Piston down over here like that and then a block in front of it and now we just got to connect this piston to this Redstone like this and all right check it out whenever someone walks over the fresher plate it'll activate all the dispensers wait Ruby try standing off the pressure plate for a second and it should stop it oh okay and yes let's go that worked perfectly oh let's go that actually did work I love it in here it's so warm that is actually crazy and hold up I guess we don't need the dispensers over here on this side anymore I think uh having those four over there should be enough but let's go this is actually awesome oh this is awesome and whenever someone falls down here we can sit here and watch them cook yep exactly that oh wait Ruby I see you're already putting down spectator seeds all right well that's pretty cool but here let's go ahead and just repair all the grass coverings cuz we kind of broke it a little bit while we were testing it so oh wait let's also put some obsidian down over here just to make sure that no one can get out and all right yeah let's just repair these grass coverings and then let's take it for a test all righty I can't wait let's put some cows in there yeah yeah let's do it let's do it here let's just go ahead and finish up all of this grass covering there we go and all right now let me grab a few cow wait cam can you spawn them in I want to go see what it looks like yeah I'll spawn them in all right all right go ahead and spawn them in in three two oh wait you already spawned them in wa that is working so good wao it just obliterated those cows woo oh I don't think it's going to stop shooting because of the um the leather on the pressure plate and no no no it should be fine I don't think the leather is heavy enough to activate the pressure plates and yeah check it out oh I see that is actually awesome but hold up I think this view could be made a little bit bigger let's just go ahead and select this entire wall honestly let's just set this entire wall into some glass panes there we go that's looking pretty sick o now I can see everything that's going on yep we got to give this machine a name let's call it the uh fryer 3,000 yeah there we go oh we should call it the deep fryer cuz get it cuz it's deep underground oh wait that's actually a pretty good name all right let's call it the deep fryer uh 3,000 there we go dude you didn't spell any of this right yeah I did I spelled the 3,00 right it says the PE yeah it's the the peipe it's the deep fryer 3000 at the DP r no that's what we're calling it now that's a new name all right but anyways is that it can I live on the island rent free now I I built everything you guys wanted this house looks so much nicer than your old one um there's still a couple more things in this house that we need like um you don't have a bedroom yet well what about a kitchen I'm starving you're always starving cam we already have like three kitchens we have that thingy over there you have your own Kitchen in your bedroom dude no you don't understand his stomach is like a black hole what we need a kitchen here oh my gosh fine I guess we can build our third kitchen but uh okay yeah we going to build it right over here let's grab some glass and ooh since we're building it on the inside of the house we can just use some normal glass paintes we don't have to use reinforced glass ooh an open design okay I like it um is this a big enough kitchen though oh yeah this kitchen looks pretty big it definitely should be big enough um cam what do you think I think it looks okay what okay dude this kitchen is huge I've seen bigger he's super picky about kitchens uh okay well I think this is big enough so let's just go with this here let's put all these walls like that and okay that's looking pretty nice now we got to deck out the inside of the kitchen so uh I guess we can have like you know all the normal kitchen stuff we can have some fridges we can have some uh cabinets of course let's grab some of those and just put those all down over here let's grab a few sinks you know cuz everyone's got to wash their hands and ooh let's also put down a few countertops all right what do you think of that is that good I know where's the oven oh oh right I guess we do need an oven uh okay let me grab an oven real quick we could put the oven down right over here and uh is that good uh where's this Pantry for storing extra food pantry for extra food we have all those cabinets but you know I guess we can put down like a a barrel area over here yeah is this good next thing you know he's going to ask for a freezer yeah where's our freezer the freezer is connected to the fridge it's at the bottom no we need we need a bigger freezer what what why do you want a big freezer I atat a lot of meat what okay well here why don't we build like an entire room for the freezer let me grab a door real quick and uh we can just have like a little door right over here like that and here we can literally just have like an entire room just for the freezer yeah that's what I'm talking about okay here let's grab a little bit of ice and we could just put all this ice over here in the freezer like that and then uh let's also go ahead and grab some chests for storage and all right uh how is this is this a good enough freezer for you let me take a look and uh um I guess it's all right yep it's pretty nice you can put your food here and since it's super cold cuz of the ice it shouldn't go bad W this looks pretty nice um and we need a security wey camera just to make sure cam doesn't raid the kitchen in the middle of the night I get hungry okay um okay but anyways this kitchen area is looking pretty nice I think the last thing that we also need yes so that we have a little area to sit down so let me grab some of that real quick and uh we can put that stuff down all over there yeah this looks pretty good eh yeah that does look really good so you have to stop eating on the floor cam there was no place to eat what the heck okay well uh anyways I I I think the kitchen is good uh is the house done yet uh done no nowhere near what okay well what else do you guys need well where are we going to store all of our diamonds and riches and stuff like that and uh I don't know in like a chest in your bedroom or something what know someone could just easily steal that what well we have all these defenses no way anyone's getting in here what are you talking about people are going to want to get all of our golden diamonds and riches and everything okay well then where should we hide it deep underground and ooh okay maybe we can build an underground Vault yeah we can build it down here that could be cool okay but it has to be secret okay and yeah yeah o guys what I was thinking is let's grabb a few ghost blocks and uh pretty much what these things do they look like normal blocks but you can actually go through them so we can use these to make a hidden door to get inside the Vault oo okay oh yeah that's what I'm talking about yeah yeah here let's go ahead and build a huge tunnel down over here to get to the Vault we can just have like a huge hole going deep underground like this and then let's grab a few ladders and let's just put those down right over here like this and then up over here at the top we can put down the ghost blocks there we go that is looking awesome now this is a nice Vault entrance here no one is going to be able to see any of this oh yeah but now you have to make the Vault and it has to be super secure I'm talking walls out of bedrock and everything yep yep yep it's going to be super secure here what we got to do is clear out a big area over here because uh you know we got to make this Vault pretty nice and wait here let me grab a wand real quick and let's just go over here in this corner and select this position and also over here in the opposite corner and select this position up oh wait hold on guys I think there's water here wait I don't think we can go that far that goes out into the ocean um that's okay we can just build walls right yeah yeah here what we could do I guess is just build the Vault over to this side of the house I think that would be better uh let's just select this position over here and then go all the way up over here in the other corner and select this position and let's just set this all into some air there we go that's looking pretty nice oh yeah there we go yeah there's a pretty nice looking Vault room right yeah this looks really nice yeah I guess we have to close this up huh and oh wait you added glass here to see in the ocean wait isn't that kind of like unsafe though yeah cuz people will be able to see we should replace it with stone so it's hidden yeah we should probably cover that up we don't want any burglar breaking in through the ocean so let's just cover that all up we can just have the Vault be this side of the room over here and uh I guess since it's a vault let's set the walls into some Bedrock so SL SL set Bedrock there we go yeah but Bedrock looks kind of ugly though dude you literally asked me to set it to bedrock well they ask to be something that's the strongest Bedrock but you know looks nicer um you mean like reinforced stuff o yeah you're right wait wait what about some reinforced quartz is that a thing let me look around in o yeah check it out reinforced block block of Quartz yeah let's use these wo that looks really strong yep I'm pretty sure this is just as strong as Bedrock here let's go ahead and replace all the Bedrock with some of these reinforced quartz let's go and yeah this definitely looks a lot nicer okay then I'll work on the floor nice here now we just got to set the roof as well so let me select all that and SL SL stack it and all right sick now the entire vault is made out of some of these reinforced quartz blocks and ooh to make it look a little bit nicer let's grab a few Redstone lamps and we can just set those on the uh ceiling right over here that could look cool what if someone breaks to the lamps that's a weak point and oh H I guess so hold on is there like reinforced Redstone lamps or something let me see and oh yeah wait they're actually is reinforced Redstone lamps I guess we can use those and here let's just put down a bunch of these reinforced Redstone lamps all over this room so that there's a little bit of light all right but uh I think it's time we start putting our our riches in here and all right yeah go for it this place should be more than secure and O wow that is a lot of diamonds you guys have oh yeah you wouldn't believe it this is just pocket change we have so much what the where do you guys even get all this stuff mining hack yeah we're hackers what the heck okay well that's pretty nice but uh anyways is that is that all for the vault room yeah I think that's all for the vault room are these cannons what the heck yeah Diamond cannons they really expensive what in the world oh oh before we go I have one more thing to add in here what the heck is that it's my hacker chicken what you have a hacker chicken he's very precious to me okay fair enough I guess you can keep him in the vault but uh anyways this house is looking pretty decked out now we've got the Vault we've got an entire fighting ring and we've got a a a deepe roof 3,000 yeah oh wait no this is the pipe 3,000 what yeah dude that's what I said but anyways hold up wait if I'm going to be living on this island I'm going to need a place to sleep inside of the house right um inside of the house I don't think so uh yeah you can have a place to sleep but not inside the house wait what what do you mean where am I where am I going to sleep I should probably build myself like my own room right uh where could I build no way the agreement was that you could to stay on the island not inside the house do I okay well the where should I sleep sleep then wait I have an idea for where you can stay how about here uh what no I'm not going to stay in a hole in the ground come on can I build my own room on the house oh come on it's cozy guys come on I literally helped you guys build this entire house you guys were living in a cobweb Shack before this okay this house is so much nicer uh fine I guess you can but uh your room cannot be bigger than mine and rubies okay okay fine fine fine my room will be like one block smaller than you and rubies but I'm going to build my room up over here it's going to be sick what do you mean up over here there's no room what what do you mean there's plenty of room I'm going to have the penthouse suite what hey all you said is my room can't be bigger than your or rubies you didn't say where it can be I guess so and that's don't forget that I can strike you with lightning at any second no don't strike me okay I built you this entire house I think it's pretty fair that I live all the way up over here let me just stack up the walls really quick and ooh this place is looking sick fine I guess you did build us this house I guess you can live up here let's go all right all right well here I'm just going to build up the roof really quick this is going to look absolutely insane okay but what are you going to put inside your room H that's a good question I don't know uh I guess the first thing I should probably put is a bed right uh I guess let me grab a purple bed and I'll just put that down right over there like that I only need one bed actually wait wait no I need three beds because I'm so big and buff that uh my muscles just aren't going to fit on one bed uh okay you've got the same amount of muscles as a chicken does yeah chickens have lots of muscles dude they're like pure protein just because they're protein doesn't mean they have muscles uh uh yeah it does but anyways the next thing I need to do is ooh I should add a big glass window right over here let me just do SL SL set glass paints I'm just going to have this entire wall be glass paints ooh that is looking nice wao it's bright in here yeah and wait a minute why don't I also add a balcony over here on this side that way I can have a nice view of the ocean and everything oh yeah that could be good I guess Yep this room is going to be absolutely insane and wait a minute hold on one more thing I should probably add to my room is a little bathroom area so I'm just going to build a little room over here like this so here let me just build up a little room for the bathroom right over here here and all right now let me head inside and start decking it out we forgot to build bathrooms for the rest of the house and oh oh yeah I guess this is kind of the only bathroom in the house okay we should probably build a few more after this or or we can just all use yours and uh no no I I think it's fine uh I I don't want to have that many people in my room at all times it should be fine we could just make some more Yep exactly we can make some more and o wait I see you're putting down all of the bathroom furniture stuff let's go here I'm just building a window over here and wa that is a nice looking man in the mirr right there W yeah I know he looked super nice when I looked at him what what are you talking about there's just a gorgeous girl here I don't know Ruby last time I checked there was a handsome looking guy in there yeah hey stop pushing anyways I think this bathroom area here should be done the last thing I need is a a dispenser to shoot all of the poop from the toilet into the ocean oh what where else is the poop going to go here let me grab a dispenser and a lever real quick and we can just put down the lever uh right over here like that that could be for flushing the Twilight and all right here check it out now whenever we go inside of the house and flush the Twilight it'll shoot the poop and oh it shoots it off into the tree hold on we might have to move this tree no no no that's good fertilizer this is great okay fair enough I guess we going to leave it for fertilizing the tree but let's go I think this bathroom over here is pretty much done let's just cover it all up real quick and uh yeah I don't think there's anything else I need in my bedroom okay let's build the other bathrooms now and yep you're right we got to build another bathroom in the main house so uh here I guess let's just head down over here and where should we build this other bathroom let's just build it right here wait wait hold on where you at let me come over and oh wait just like out here oh wait why don't we just use these no these are my trophies what okay okay fine fine fine we won't use these but uh we can't build it out here on the balcony that's going to look kind of weird we should probably build it somewhere inside the house um what about a place we can all go to like the living room or something H we could do the living room but the wait why don't we do downstairs I think a bathroom would be a lot better downstairs oh yeah we could put it like right here yeah yeah yeah we could just have it right over here let me grab a door really quick and uh we just build our bathroom right over here we got to build it out of some quartz blocks yeah this is really close to the outside though um I hope Intruders don't come in here all they probably don't want to come in here yeah I don't think any intruders are going to want to try to break through the bathroom but anyways let's just build all the walls in this room out of some quartz there we go there is looking pretty sick uh but guys I'm going to be using this bathroom we might want to upgrade the door wait what what does that mean don't question it just make it a stronger door what what type of poops does the cam do we have three kitchens that should tell you something and oh gosh yeah you're right okay I think we should probably have one of these hanger doors this should be strong enough um you better pray that it does what the heck okay now I'm scared uh hopefully this door can survive I guess what the what the heck is that hey it's occupied hey oh oh my gosh okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'd give it 5 to 10 minutes guys what the heck okay well I'm just not going to use that bathroom I'm just going to use the one in my room all right well anyways I think the bathroom downstairs is done and also I'm pretty sure now the entire house is done we've literally got everything you might need we've got a kitchen we've got the fences bedrooms and uh guys can I finally stay on the island now I'll have to talk to my associate yeah um do you think that we need one more thing oh yeah we need that with the one thing remember oh yeah the the the thing what the what what what thing do you guys need H yeah we need a pool what you guys want a pool that's it yeah we've always wanted one uh okay uh I I guess we can build a pool that's pretty easy to build and ooh why don't we build it in the backyard over here let me grab some doors and we could just have like some doors going out back and ah no I stepped on one of the cage traps oh oh my go okay well I forgot that there's a bunch of cage trps in the backyard here hold up the first thing we should probably do is Select this entire backyard area and just uh get rid of all the cage traps let me replace all that with air there we go oh man but that was really funny uh that was something but anyways here the next thing we got to do I guess since we're building a pool we can just set all of the floor into some quartz so let's just do SL SL set quartz there we go and then let's go ahead and clear out a little area for the pool just like this we can just create ourselves a little hole over there like that and then we could also set all of the walls of the hole into some quartz o this is going to be awesome let's make this a heated pool and ooh wait you're adding heating nice nice here I guess I'll put all of the water in let me select this position and also this position here and let me just run the command SL slash set water boom there we go and all right this pool is looking awesome here we should also probably like fence off this area so that you know uh it looks a bit nicer oh wait wait I need to do one more thing Let me just do this and wait wait what what do you need to do just take a look what the heck are you peeing in the pool or something no I'm not peeing in the pool I'm making it minor Ruby signature colors pretty dude there's literally yellow water in the pool what the heck oh gosh I just jumped in that was not a good move that looks so gorgeous what the heck this is the weirdest pool I've ever seen n this is the coolest pool ever what the heck okay well here I guess the last thing we can do is just add a few chairs over here you know we could just have like a few uh poolside chairs like that there we go and all right I think the pool area should be done is this house good enough now no no no no we need one more thing what do we need now we need something like this and then we need to go up like that oh he wants a diving board you know it there we go diving board okay okay but anyways now is the house finally done I think it's done what do you think cam I think I need to test this diving board first okay okay well here test it out is it good all right well whether you can live here or not all depends on this diving board okay okay just come on diving board you better be good all right three two 1 here we go come on come on what was it that was awesome Yep the house is done now let's go and wait does that mean I can stay on this island yep you can yeah I guess so let's go and wo this house looks awesome that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now
Channel: Dash
Views: 1,318,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, aphmau, cash, nico, cash and nico, omz, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, Locked on ONE RAFT But We're HACKERS!
Id: rDcFJbO75XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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