How To Build A Modern Underwater Secret Base in Minecraft

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we have a huge problem turn around there's a giant volcano and it's going to erupt any minute now we have to protect ourselves by building an underwater secret base will we be able to build it in time of course we can if we all work together come on guys we have to make it super duper hidden underwater so I know how we can start everyone we need to grab the first material we're going to build it out of oak logs everyone grab yes sir ski I'm going to make the outlining of it right over here everyone get some and help me out with this we're going to make the entrance of our underwater secret base a square just like this wo this is already looking lyia I know right this is where the entrance is going to be we're literally going to swim down inside to it boom so here it is now guys we have to break all these blocks under here so we could swim Inside Yes s ski let's make it pretty deep all right go guys go and while you guys are mining it all down I'm going to put the shell around it to make it super duper secret by using some Sandstone it's just like sand but it's a lot better because sand actually falls but Sandstone we could place it anywhere we want and it won't fall ooh that's so much more useful I know right so let me put it all the way around to cover up the whole you guys are building great job our teamwork is going crazy right now that volcano got nothing on us right yesi even if if it does reach us I'm going to protect this guys cuz I'm immune to fire what Rox you are not immune to fire my boy I swim in Fire what dude you're literally in water it's true I saw it that is not true at all but guys nice the underwater base is now looking amazing but we have to clear up all the water inside but how do we do that super easy Alexa we just need to grab some sponges and dry this place up spam the sponge yep we have to beat the water oh yeah oh gosh the water is fighting back the water is fighting back be gone water Roxy I I don't think this is do okayy okay guys relax Crystal you just placed Down Stone that did nothing oh yeah yeah I'm blocking the water from going inside oh my gosh guys we could do a little trick we should use a blue block and just cover all of the wood around it like this so the water can't get inside oh guys we're using the best blocket ever now oh lapis that's your favorite Crystal cuz it's the same color as you so guys Place lapis blocks above all of the Oak and now we could clear up the sponges and we should be good right yes sir ski I just covered up the last hole oh nice job dude and oh gosh it's breaking in it's breaking oh no this is bad destroy all the sponges now we have our awesome entrance wo this is so good and wait a minute guys I just came up with a really good idea instead of leaving the hole open like this we should use a special block to cover it all up with lapis but then how will we get inside well I'm going to show you a little trick with ghost blocks if we use these blocks we could go in and out of it without it hitting us but it looks completely normal wao this is awesome sauce yes sir come on guys let's fill the top with ghost blocks but oh gosh I just forgot and I fell inside whoopsies and wo this is perfect so now you barely can tell anything is there it looks completely normal it's until you really look then you could jump inside and ow we kind of hurt our ankles guys we need to make it so we don't get hurt when we land on the ground let's make a trampoline ooh a trampoline is a great idea Roxy we could do it with slime blocks so it breaks our Falls so everyone let's throw down some slime blocks right over here just like this these boers are Ser my boogers hey look these are not your boogers Crystal really they came straight out of my no Crystal gousa but this isn't much of a bunker it's just a dark scary room y gu you're totally right Lily but luckily we go make it lit and oh gosh guys we have a major problem there is a bunch of sand over here and it's letting in water the sand falls and then lets in water we need to wait to replace all this sand quickly with something stronger like the sand Stone we used earlier and wait a minute I know exactly how o ooh tell us we're going to use the command SL SL replace near 25 blocks that are made out of sand into some cut Sandstone just like that Y and oh gosh guys did it work did it replace all of the sand blocks yeah it did oh my gosh yay it did oh my gosh that was so clutch I know right now we can go down into the bunker without any sand falling on our heads so everyone we're on mining duties and wait a minute I have a better idea instead of mining we could use the magical wand if I set the first position there then the second position we can make it right over here like this watch and learn guys that's so much more room right and we can even make it go lower in the ground yes babes it can be like a staircase exactly Crystal so let's go down all the way here so the bunker is super duper low just like this then let's set it all to some Air Boom awesome saua wo this is super deep I know now let's staircas it downwards guys so our bunker is all the way underground away from that pesky volcano so let's set this stairs going down over here just like that boom and each layer needs to get one lower all the way until we reach the floor level which is right over here and we should be deep enough so no water leaks in right yesy no water's coming to us holy lava oh my no Roxy we don't want we don't want lava no Roxy oh my gosh and guys we're going to place it all with some Sandstone stairs so we matched the theme of sandstone everywhere I got this side Roxy and Crystal you get that side okay all right no problem babes we're all working together yes sir I'm the fastest Placer though I'm literally the fastest that's all be that's all me easy P crazy oh what are you going to do Rox yet wa slabs that is so smart dude so it Blends in perfectly great thinking yes Roy you can't even tell I know right Roxy but guys here it is now we have to make the room super big for our bunkers so let's make the outlining of what blocks we want to Disappear by mining all the way down this way like that boom perfect then we can grab the magical W set the first position there then fly all the way down over here and mine this way then Roxy say bye-bye bye-bye to oh my gosh all the blocks oh and wait a minute guys I think we're getting really close to the oh water oh gosh we're leaking we're leaking everyone inside inside inside inside oh my goodness gracious we are so close and wait a minute that just gave me a really good idea guys right over here in the bunker we should make the roof All Glass what do you think yes I think that would look amazing I know right let's set it all to glass right over here just like that and then wait for the layer above it we should turn it all to water so we can look up and literally be inside the ocean and we're going to be able to see the lava oh yeah yeah great Point all right let me go over here and wait oh gosh wait it needs to go all the way down here and let me set all these blocks into air and how does that look guys w we can see the whole ocean are you serious right now wait let me take a little peek let me hop inside over here excuse me fill it back up and dude we're literally in the ocean right now this is awesome sauce but oh go we have a major league guys fill with glass fill with glass mer emerging oh no oh goash and oh that was W clutch nice job guys and this is looking so cool with the glass I love it yes this could be the main room of the bunker ooh yes Heather great thinking and guys do you like the sand so design do you want to keep it in this room or should we switch it up a little bit it's not really giving what what does it's not really giving me Alexa that means we should switch it up silly oh all right and wait I already have the perfect block what if we use some red Sandstone it's similar but it's a little bit different do you guys like it go yes that's slays I know right crystal and for all of the quarters we could use some of these awesome acaia logs waa all right guys so for the top and bottom rows make the makaia logs and then for the actual wall make it red Sandstone I'm on Sandstone duties boy really said duties that is not funny that is not really you real that s oh that is not SS oh my goodness gracious but I'm going all the way around right now filling it up with sandstone and this wall is complete now I'm going to do the bottom r with some aaia logs yes sir I'm going crazy nice job Lily I'm going crazy too look at this oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I'm breaking a place breaking Place butt what I'm placing all right hold up what the what did Roxy just say I am not looking at your butt Roxy that clapping Roxy yo my butt's clapping oh my goodness gracious bro is whing but hold up guys check it out I'm going to put little post on each quarter over here that looks so good and wait for the quarters over here I'm going to put two rows of post just like that awesome sauce and then let's do the same right over here two rows of post and then another one like that boom and then finally oh Lily you're already doing this side let me help you out over here thank you no problem waa guys this is seriously looking awesome now we have to make the floor look good cuz bro it's just stoned and ew cool it looks like poo I'm going to eat it hey y what's up bro that's actually nasty Roxy but guys I have a great idea for a design check it out we should do the same with the acaia logs all on the side like this check it out oh NOS you are seriously cooking yes sir we cooking I got this side over here and then we wanted to turn all the way like this and then turn it to here o nice job Alexa you're doing great yes I'm purring ooh and then guys what should we do for the middle of the floor any good ideas LCA ooh ooh how about some Acacia planks bro that is a great idea cuz it matches the color scheme and I'm going to place more Roxy move I'm that guy I'm that guy I'm that guy no magic wand low what all right five no magic W I'm already at like 1 th000 Blocks place excuse me have the professional Place sir I'm going crazy I'm going crazy I'm at like two bro's at two oh no excuse me crystal professional 384 you are not that much Luke you're Big B you're big 1002 1003 really guys infinity and wo that really made this place look so much better but since this is the main spot of the bunker we want to make it really nice for everybody so we should add a ginormous table in the middle Yep this could be like our meeting room ooh yes yes yes and let's see o since it's going to be very important we're going to make it out of waxed copper cuz it's similar color scheme but it is very very professional looking yep and it feels quite good on your tushi hey yo but way I have a really cool design for this guys I'm going to put four of these like this and this is going to be the bottom of the table then we're going to grab some slabs and put them on top wo awesome it looks just like a table I know right and we have to make it super duper big and Grand cuz this is like the super beating table where we're going to talk about how we're going to survive the volcano attack so let's go around over here and wo that actually looks so good andway I'm even going to add some post all around it so the table is very very secure and it doesn't topple over oops I think we're a little short for the table gosh we need some chairs okay okay let's grab some and oh we should grab chairs all our colors o o green for me all right I got you green for Luke and then C for Crystal brown brown cuz it's p really Roy are you serious right now no way I'm getting you red Roxy then for Lily I'm going to grab her pck Alexa live green then I'm going to grab myself light blue and finally last but not least Heather you get your purple yay I love purple so let's put it all I'm going to put Heather right over here then I'm going to put Lily right over here then I'm going to put Roxy next to Lily cuz Roxy has a crunch on Lily no one heard me say that no one heard me say that what what did you just says nothing nothing that Alexa next to Roxy that's a weird combination then Luke next to Alexa cuz Luke has a crush Alexa I said it sh why are you telling people Secrets no I didn't say anything I didn't say anything then I'm going to put OHS right over here and oh it looks like OBS and Crystal happen to be together about what a weird coincidence right yes sit next to me bab Leta oh oh no guys Crystal sitting in Ser oh this is the me room first comes comes Mar serious then comes the baby baby and the baby we are by a volcano and you're singing the kissing song really we need to talk about serious meeting stuff guys we need a giant board oh yes so we can calculate the coordinates what the yeah sure I guess it wait a minute I just got a better idea cuz I was just about to put a TV screen on but we can actually see the volcano with a real life map OHS are you kepping to me zero caps boom I could just get an empty map and then right on it then oh my gosh guys holy guacamole and cheese peep that that's literally the volcano that's how big it is compared to us or that tiny Dot and that's the entrance right there nope I think it's starting to overflow I know right oh gosh it's getting real serious guys we have to lock in at our security base right we need a place to store our food oh my gosh that should have been like step number one are you serious right now guys we don't have any food for our bunker this could be our food area yes cuz we don't know how long we're going to be down here for I know Alexa all right don't worry guys I'm going to use the magical W and go all the way down this oh gosh we have a little FR clear the water clear the water Roxy you're water cleaning duties duties I'm Pig you're adding more water oh my goodness gracious Roxy lock in my boy Focus up you're never going to get out are you serious right now well Roxy guess what bye-bye boom wao luckily only one block of water oh my gosh got affected but guys should we add more glass again I love that design and it would work perfect here yeah but let's have reinforce glass ooh that's such a great idea Roxy let me SL SL set some reinforced glass like that and boom Oh my gosh this glass is way more powerful than the normal glass and we have to clear up all the blocks above right so it looks super cool yep so we can see all the water oh yeah yes so let me see where it stops it oh right over here wa wait we're actually about to be super duper high up guys we can basically see the whole ocean right now this is awesome it's like our very own aquarium I know and wait I just got it even better idea check this out guys I'm going to make this entire wall over here all out of some more reinforced glass just like that but here's the cool part I'm going to set this entire area to air no way yes way so it's going to look like the ocean is literally an aquarium so let's go all the way back over here until it gets flat just like that and then right here we could set all of this to some air and W does that look awesome take a look take a look shees there's like so much space I know right and oh nice job Crystal clearing out all the blocks thank you no problem babes anything for you oh no Crystal's being sus and wa oh my gosh we can literally see the whole ocean this is a perfect spot to be munches at eat Yep this place has the perfect Vibe I know but wait for a room for food what color should we make the room out of this is the most important room it has to be super protected oh yeah good point oh my gosh I know exactly what we could use guys we're going to make it crazy overprotected let's use obsidian and Bedrock exactly what I was thinking of are you serious oh my gosh Roxy we're literally in each other's head we should do the outlining all at a Bedrock but then the middle part out of obsidian that would look so good let's do the obsidian all right I'll do the Bedrock I'm zooming right now I'm zooming no one's beating me oh yeah sorry look bro was putting like one block a minute that's that's slow oh no H up I'm going faster than you no way Heather you're not that guy our team is way better there is no team why Roxy there's no team silly but let me go around with the Bedrock like that Y and BR guys the bottom isn't obsidian guys it's bedrock and then right over here we can make the floor out of bedrock and Lily you can start working on the middle of the floor with obsidian all right got you thank you very much let's go all around just like that y'all ye Ed and wait filling up right over here boom perfect now guys fill it up with the obsidian babes to be honest I kind of like the way this looks me too I love it Crystal it's looking super duper sister slay that's what the girls say Luke sister SL it's eating they also say this ur ur what what does that even mean that means you agree what what are you guys talking about oh I do not understand girls at all but guys this is where the food is going to be and I already know what food you want want Roxy just say it in 3 2 one Golden Apple first these on enchant ones oh my gosh of course Roxy wants the overpowered my inventory you're in Creative about really Roxy oh my gosh Crystal now what would you like to eat cookies oh yeah cookies are indeed busing oh yeah yeah c for Crystal C for cookies all right Lily what would you like to eat cake cake and a cake cake cake what bro I was literally saying a whole song about cake all right what about you Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass Grass all we're not making this a we're not I'm going do the same one as L what that oh you want grass too Alexa yes grass is so yummy all right got you what about you Heather gra grapes grapes there's no grapes in the game what else would you want they called spider eyes silly oh no bro really they barely even look like grapes that is nasty but wait now it's my turn to pick and I want raw beef cuz I'm a blue dog what you're not even a dog you're just wearing a costume you're wearing a costume too I pajamas pajamas bro are you serious right now boy ain't no way but guys since we are in a bunker we can't have a fridge because what if the power goes out our food's going to go cold but then how are we going to get our food OHS don't worry Alexa I am a professional Problem Solver all we have to do is use dispensers and since we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven foods we're going to put 1 2 3 4 5 6 and seven dispensers and it literally fits perfectly in the wall oh my gosh and everyone put your name above which dispenser you want call out which one you want I want the first one over here the second are you serious Roxy get the third I think Crystal called it first fine all right Roxy you got the third yeah put your color above it good call Roxy that looks really cool yes II it's red like Roxy cuz red is the best color and it's way better than the blue and pink and every color in the world are you serious right now oh my go sh is are better than yours really flexing on I know right Alexa you're lime so throw lime and then Lily put your pink right over here no problem nice and then guys everyone grab a sign and I'm going to use hm I'll use one of these warp signs cuz they're blue and up Crystal use the same nice yes we laying oh yeah and then I'm going to do a little trick I'm going to grab some glow squid so it makes it shake no Crystal that was me but now I need to grab some you dyed it as well before I could are you serious oh my gosh but Boop it uh who wrote ohy sussy who did that that was luk that was Luke oh my gosh yes it was boy ate no way Roxy Roxy poop OHS an what what is wait wait wait oh oh I think he wants to write more oh I think he went to write Roxy poop and then 's an and he's about to continue his sentence I wonder what he's going to say Luke yeah I think he's going to say something with you and Crystal what he would never do that let's see BS and chis still sitting in a tree k really dude I'm you guys have to smooch now why oh my gosh I don't have any problem with that hey Crystal back off my boy back off and wait it says ly Pooky nice Alexa what are you going to write on your side Alexa sister slay what is going on wait there's more why Alexa why it's cuz I'm just serving oh my gosh all right I'm saing to what what does that even okay Roxy added more Roxy r oh sus oh really Roxy oh my gosh Lily can you write something normal please okay I'm going to put Lily this Slayer Lily oh my gosh all right Heather put something Norm as well please I beg you I beg you uh I'll put SS and Heather sitting in a tree k i SCI no unaccept unacceptable guys that drop guys we're literally going up against a volcano what is even going on and wait guys we we need to start putting the food in and wait I first so I shall put the raw beefing tin then Crystal sleigh Bloss you would like to eat some cookies cuz it starts with the c for Crystal then Roxy you want your enchanted golden apples then lucus pus you want your grass Alexa sister slay perur I don't know why I just said that you wanted your grass as well then Lily you wanted your cakes and a finally really Heather you actually wrote it you like the heart at the bottom ooh actually that looks really cool I don't like it I'm just saying it looks cool don't think made a weir like I do not like it I do not like it but you added your spider eye grapes but now we need to make it work and I already know how we can do it all we have to do is grab a pressure plate put it right here then H what it doesn't work guys it doesn't work oh the Redstone doesn't go through the Bedrock oh I don't think that's how Redstone works but I think Roy found a solution all you have to do is put a button guys so oh Rox you're actually a genius for that now we have working system and now even if the power goes out in our secret bunker we can still hit these butons and get our food yes we're never going to get hungry ever like in the jillion years but we need a place to eat our food we need a kitchen table yeah let's make it in this room all right let's do it and we have to make it with all of our colors so we can either use normal tables but these don't have enough colors or we can use some concrete and that's what I'm going with light blue for me pink for Lily red for Roxy live for Alexa a green for Luke and finally purple for Heather B what about me I was literally tying outside I was Ling outside hea you're making him forget about me what that is not what's happening oh Heather don't say anything do not start arguing this is way too serious to be arguing about crushes all I'm going to say SS is you belong with me and not her no he doesn't he guys guys break it up break it up all right okay you guys are bugging I am staying down here hi Alexa Lily they are crazy up there is always crazy I know right but I'm going to make the table have light blue s then I'm going to put pink and red for Roxy so you can be in front of your girlfriend I mean Fred that's a girl that you have a crush on no you're sitting in front of your girlfriend that no no no no and then I'm going to put Heather right here in front of herself do you like that Heather no I want to be right next to you oh my gosh oh my gosh but we need sub chair so let's grab them and H oh we should use some of these dark Oak chair since this room is super duper dark themed so let's throw it all around like this Ying boom perfect and we even have an extra seat for uh who's going to visit us down here Luke when the whole world's destroyed it's going to be you cuz you're going to go on a date with me oh my gosh okay chill CH Crystal relax put you back in that lava Crystal relax just take a seat we're about to have dinner please all right fine babes and now I shall be putting plates down for everyone and I will grab everyone's food I am like your professional cook let me put on my cook cat yes sir I'm getting hungry peep the Hat peep the Hat do you guys see it do I look awesome the professional St yes sir and wait let me grab the SS food let me grab the crystal food Roxy food let me grab the ly Pooky the Alexa waxa Lily and of course Heather all right food is being served right now Crystal here is your cookie Mr Sir here's a raw beef thank you Mr arms and then Roxy I have you with your F than Mr arms I didn't even give it to you yet I didn't are you making fun of my voice my boy what youing just go just go all right here you go Mr Roxy uh why is going on why is he what's so funny really guys really me hungry me hungry wait guys wait guys I think there's a baby on the table are you hungry little one hungry all right there you go here's some grass only a cow would eat this what are you doing don't eat don't be so happy he want to hug you what the yo the baby's oh my gosh all right Alexa here's your grass yay thanks and Lily your cake boom what is going what did Roxy start what did bro start and then finally Heather I'm going to give you your spider eye Madame Heather po thanks for the grapes no it's not a grape it's a spider eye it's literally a grve it is not a grade but everyone dinner is served all right let's all eat 3 2 1 wow that was delicious that was delicious oops I might have went crazy no Roxy just oh my gosh dude just destroyed everything dud just destroyed everything guys put the table back right now oh my go Roxy oh my no bro is table you e that was not me oh my goodness gracious bro don't worry I'm speed running fixing it right now to you hey that's sus my boy show what the sus this and wait okay we should be all good right guys yep we're good all right perfect and now our kitchen is awesome but do you guys hear that my tummy's rumbling and oh gosh I got to let it out I got to let it out oh no sorry L I might have Ted in your face that was gross sorry where am I supposed to do um anywhere except for my face oh gosh guys what type of secret bunker literally doesn't have a place to poop ourselves what is this the best one bro just wants to poop on the table Roxy you better not my boy you bet oh he's about to do it he's about to do it he's about to do it oh no oh my goodness gracious this is gross seriously gross guys but wait we're going to make the bathroom in the middle since the bathroom is of course the most important part of any secret bunker so let's go down over here and let's go super duper deep and I'll use the magical wand to destroy it really fast I'm going to do first Roxy I don't even think that's possible buddy cuz the magic wand is Mega overpowered oh we're making some serious progress yes sir nice job dude that oh my gosh we have a little leak this is bad this is bad this is B Sandstone Sandstone guys s isn't going to do anything dude sand is not doing anything oh my goodness gracious nice we sealed it up with sandstone and now we have to make it wider for the bathroom so uh wait a minute guys we're going to break inside over here oh no how do we go wider HS you're going to have to clear out some more water or I'm just going to have to back up over here wait it could work if we go down like that set the first position up over here then go back over here like this and oh goodness gracious this is going to be very hard oh gosh all right we're going to try our best let me set all this to Air and oh no guys what even is happening we're going to have to set some Sandstone guys but luckily with the magic wad this should be super duper easy pickings let's set the first side over here fly down this way at Roxy we're going to have to get rid of this entire wall so let's use the magical wand just like that cuz we want to push it back more for more room in the bathroom right yesi but why there just so much water I know don't worry Roxy I'm we're not peeing in the ocean don't worry I'm going to do some commands and oh gosh oh gosh guys it's getting real serious and woo perfect fix this jot up now we have to do the walls out of sandstone so let's set the first position over here go all the way up just like that then set it with some cut Sandstone like that and Luke Thank You For Preparing the next side for me yep I'm not doing it for you I just really got to poop hey bro what the sus oh my goodness gracious but wait this side is going to go all the way down over here guys so let's set it like that then let's go down over here and oh gosh there is so much water and hold up guys I think we're good we just need to put the roof in do you guys want to have a glass roof in the bathroom that means the sea animals are going to see us um doing our business uh yeah I want them to watch us poop are you serious right now who agrees with Luke say I I what oh my goodness gracious all right fine I guess we're going to make it all out of glass even though that's super suss let me set it all just like that boom perfect now we must set the inside wait I don't even think we need sponges the water's just disappearing right yep I think we already covered all the water ooh nice and let's just get rid of all of this last bit of sandstone over here everyone help me out with the mining duties just like this boom awesome we did it nice job yes we're actually sister slaying what does that mean Alexa oh my goodness gracious but hold up Luke can you come up over here and help me with this Sandstone we just have to break the last couple that's covering the glass yep I got you my boy awesome sauce let's do it teaor makes the DreamWork we're going crazy yet there's just a left how does it look like from down there Alexa it's actually looking so good o let's go check it out let's take a little dive hello Lily how does it look and oh my gosh it looks amazing guys I love it so much yes but this doesn't look like a bathroom oh my gosh you're right but I know just how to do it every bathroom is made out of what block Roxy say on three 1 2 three quartz blocks what thex bro literally said poop it's quartz block zilly they all have the same look so let's use quartz blocks around the bathroom just like this wo this looks so L I know right but guys uh we may have a problem I think when we replace this wall it makes it look different on this side right uh yeah we may make it one out uh yeah we have to replace this back what we have to do is just make a wall on the outside over over here so Crystal can you fix that up please yep I got you babe thank you very very much and let me go up over here just like that and let's fill all this up with some quartz and oh nice job Alexa and guys okay seriously our teamwork is actually crazy anytime I look away it's just V you guys are awesome but now it's time for the bathroom door because we do not want people peeking at us pooping yep that would be totally weird I know right so let's make this hallway right okay how are you guys literally reading my mind how do you do it before I even thought about doing it let's do the hallway all the way down and and guys there's so many people building right now can you guys make some space I'm myself yo guys chill with the farting chill with the farting but let's go down over here just like that Boop and now we have an awesome hallway we're done with this side o nice and I'm done with my side W this Haul is lit now we need a really cool door and I know how to make a door instantly appear and disappear wait I think I know what you're thinking what what am I thinking right now Roxy say it on three 1 2 3 command block block you said it he said it after me right that was after no I heard Roxy said it at the same time what bro are you serious right now really I oh my goodness gracious all right fine Roxy I'll believe it but we're going to make a door appear and disappear right away what block do you want it to be made out of Roxy I think you already know it red W red W oh my gosh I literally knew it I should have just said it for you we're going to make it spotted like this and then disappear like that so first let's leave it sponded now we have to grab ourselves a command block so let me type out the command SL give OHS a command block just like this and we're going to set it right over here like that and the command we want is to fill this corner all the way down to this corner with some air so when we copy it into the command block and paste it in check out what happens guys Roxy will you give the pressure plate a little step my boy yes my Madame did he just call me Madame are you serious oh my gosh guys oh my gosh but now we just need to make the blocks come back in automatically like a door that closes when you walk away from it but M how are we going to do it St call me mad I'm not mad goofy that is not goofy really dude but all we have to do to do that is go back over here let's do it this way all the way with the command block put it and then replace it with roxxy's favorite block red will like this and we're going to have to move this one down here like that so let's set it down grab a little repeater and then give it some delay just like this now let's give it a little test cuz we need to just throw down some Redstone right over here like that and okay now I think it should work so when we put the pressure plates down it should open and oh my gosh automatically closed Roxy it works wao this is awesome I know and wait I'm going to make it work on this side as well and to do that all we have to do is go down here and throw some redstone dust and boom guys it's working check it out now it's going to work from this side when we walk through just like this hi Loa nice now we don't get locked inside the bathroom I know that would be terrible that's like my worst nightmare and everyone welcome to the bathroom and the first thing a proper bathroom needs to poop in is a toilet yeah so I look at my poop all over the place like right now oh my gosh are you serious right now he you're on clean up duties uh E I don't want to clean that stinky poopy up oh how does Rox have unlimited okay someone has to control on dude chest what chest what the oh my no Roxy but let's make the toilet right over here and of course I'm going to use iron blocks cuz the toilet is white so let's go around like this and wait a minute we're right next to the ocean right yeah well that means we could literally make it so our poop goes directly into the water oh my gosh that's super convenient I know right so let's go around just like that now we're going to need to grab some water throw it on top like this so now we have to open up the bottom of the toilet so it can go straight into the ocean sea so first wait we have to make a lead to the ocean sea so let's go mining Luke I'm literally doing sewer work right now oh no boy that's kind of gross oh gosh yeah you're right and wait oh we made it to the ocean I already have a really good idea on how we can make it super easily go up all we have to do is grab some soulsand set it down over here like this and make sure to cover it up so now when a block comes wait what why is it not getting boosted bab you have to add water around oh yeah you're right all right I'm throwing the water around and now it should start Rising because there's bubbles ooh nice and let's put some blocks all around it like this so the item goes Super super duper far up just like that now guys fill it up with some water buckets all righty on it nice job dude now let's give it a little test when we drop something inside the toilet does it get Y and wait we may have a little bit of a problem Roxy the water's overflowing on this side so Luke when you throw an item let's see what happens I think it's going to get stuck in the middle yeah me too toss it in let's see and oh gosh it's not even moving I think we need ice as well oh so the item can slip yes cersi so let's throw the ice now Luke give it another shot please and it's going it's going and Oh no you're right it got stuck in the middle oh gosh we need to make it so that the water doesn't flow on this side which is super easy we just got to grab a sign put it on that side put another sign on this side then Boop put it over here and then over here and now the water oh should stop flowing and if we replace it with ice Luke give it another shot throw the item down and I'm going to be waiting on the other side over here throw it bow bow bow oh it works oh my God go oh my gosh Roxy it's actually working dude wa there's so much poop coming up wait Luke you poop out iron oh my n how did that even come out my boy how did that come out I was just really hungry oh my goodness gracious dude but now the toilet actually has a working sewer system but we need a way to close it cuz I don't want someone slipping in that's exactly what I said I do not want to happen it's super stinky in there BR boy ain't no way we need a toilet closing mechanism so to do that all we need is some Pistons oh show us how to do that all right I got you all we have to do is throw the sticky pistons right over here on each side and these are going to push and pull it now if we grab some Redstone repeaters throw it on the back over here like this and then go on this side throw one on the back and now the toilet's closed so it's impossible to fall in but how do we open it super easy all we have to do is activate these two blocks over here with some Redstone Dust so if we put two pieces of dust up like that then lead the Redstone around over here then do the same on this side two dust on top then lead the Redstone around here and then we could grab a lever check it out now the toilet can open and close wow this is actually genius I know and wait we just got to throw the water down over here and boom guys we did it we have a working toy oh gosh cryst are you guys okay it smells like P yeah cuz was tuning and pooping everywhere but now Crystal does her poop and then it goes down and then we can never see it again goodbye Roxy are you serious right now dude gross but guys um there's poop all over my body let me give it a sniff oh gross you need to clean yourself are you serious Alexa it is not that bad Let Me Take A W it is gross it is really really bad you need to take a shower right now you smell like poop ohy what oh my gosh are you serious okay guys how about we make a super duper ginormous Squad shower for everyone but Luke you better not look at my butt okays I'm going to be staring at those cheeks bro are you serious right now ain't no way okay I got y why are you saying it even more bro what does that mean oh my goodness gracious Luke Focus up my boy let's set the bottom with slabs over here like that then we have to throw some water up so let's b boom perfect now the group shower is done Luke do not look do not look I'm looking at your cheek yo yo are you serious right now bro are you serious I'm not looking I'm not looking all right now Crystal's literally all up in my face what do you want Crystal y yo Crystal oh my gosh guys I literally can you stop I'm literally in the corner why are you guys here give me them cheeks boy oh my Nara that is so gross seriously gross thank you Alexa for being normal I meant the fact that I'm not in it with you guys everyone come in know yo oh my gosh oh my gosh guys chill if you guys want to be together what if we made a ginormous bathtub my gosh that is genius it would basically be like a giant hot tub and we could take bats together this is going to be lit and I already have the perfect we scrub our booty butts all right see that no no Luke no oh my god oh yeah we should take a shower before we get in the bed yo actually no yeah that is a pretty good idea yeah no scrubbing of the booty butt just think of this as a hot tub guys not as no place to scrub our booty butts babe that's what you do in a bathtub no no no oh my okay yeah I guess you might be true oh God guys oh oh it's leaking oh my goodness gracious that is like the worst time to leak especially when there's Redstone there might have been a little oopsy guys might have been a little oopsy oh Nara that was a big oopsy yeah seriously but wait now that we learned it should not do the same thing anymore Ed wait let me just put a block here oh oh okay Luke I am big noobing right now oopsies can you fix that please I got you thank you and wait now I made it so the water won't overflow perfect everyone pull up to the TB let me make it thick on both sides oh yeah this is some serious Vibes pull up boys oh Babs I can see your cheeks hey bro what why are you staring at my cheeks oh my gosh everyone get in a certain side of the bath I'm about this side Crystal get on your side Luke get on your side Alexa your side Lily you could be in the middle really Crystal are you serious right now is this funny to you can I get in here Heather oh out oh my God what is even going on Luke can you take care of the situation n someone call Roxy yo yo what's up I want to give you a smooch too okay all right all right everyone this is crazy guys I think being locked in the bunker is driving us insane we need something fun and I know exactly what to do we're going to make our bunker room super fun everyone pull up and we need to make our bunker room the most secured part of the house and what if we made it a secret room inside the secret bunker what's the that's a secret room in a secret room yes sir double secret room and hm what's the best spot to put a secret room ooh I know we could put in the least obvious spot all the way in the corner over here and we're going to make it so if you walk onto this block you fall down and we could use the ghost block for it great idea yes sir Boop and just so we don't forget I'm going to put a piece of redstone dust on top so now we fall down to the secret room now we must expand cuz this is going to be a roof for all seven of us so everyone expand with your hands boy I'm punching the stone actually I I could just use the magic quad Roxy don't need to punch I can just use I'm just using magic Warrior what is he doing Luke what is he doing oh my gosh he's out of control I know right but hold up let me go all the way down over here and guys when I say I'm making this giant I'm making a giant check this hour oh no this is gigantic and now it is time we decorate it with some colors what color should we make the floor out of emerald blocks ooh Emerald blocks is a great idea all right Emerald blocks now what should we do this wall out of lapis all right crystal you got lapis so we have one wall for Luke one wall for Crystal over here Roxy you get a block what do you want I can take some red stone all right that's a great pick let's make the roof out of redstone let's go all the way down over here and set it with some redstone blocks like that now who wants next me me me all right Alexa what would you like Emerald uh oh wait there's already Emerald I'll get skipped okay okay Heather what would you like me do me what do you want I want some amethyst amethyst o that matches you perfectly let me set some amethist up over here like that and now Lily what would you like I have buding amethist just to be a little bit different oh my gosh butting amethy what is that just but it's literally name butting amethyst oh my goodness gracious it's cuz pink and purple is super close all right let me set some bud aist and that actually looks kind of cool and then now let me set mine which is diamond blocks because it's light blue just like me yesi that's that Ms color yep boom Oh my gosh this room is looking so awesome for our secret room I love it so much but since there's so many of us do we want to put our beds on the floor or do we want to do something cool with that something cool duh all let me grab all the colors of our beds red for Roxy yes I R green for ly let's go slime for Alexa then pink for Lily yes my favorite color then let's grab that purple for Heather oh yeah and finally last but not least that's sad for Crystal yes Le and H W I just came up with a great idea we should do bed parkour peep this peep this so the first letter is going to be Roxy that's exactly what no way you were thinking that Roxy no one has ever done this ever what no I was definitely thinking about parkour what you are not oh my gosh but look at this wa it's literally like a staircase of Parkour this is super awesome let's throw LLY over here then let's throw Heathers right after then let's throw crystals right after and I shall be on top of the universe and bro it literally lines up sheesh this is some wed parkour dude this is awesome it's literally a staircase but we should make a better on the side right yeah it just looks like floating beds I know let's add some railings Luke so I'm going to put an entire layer of some Oak blocks all down just like that yes that makes it look so much better instead of it just floating in the air what's up Crystal we can make something cool in here oh a secret room oh my gosh this could be our secret little hangout room oh oh oh oh jeez I a video game room yes yes yes C fors the video game oh my gosh that would be awesome okay so let's make the entire wall over here like like that then underneath our bed we're going to add the secret Kung Fu ohms room so let's grab the ghost blocks again put it right over here and I'm going to put torches on top so we know where to go let's put the torch right over here on top oh my gosh guys so it looks like normal torches but secret gaming room oh my gosh this is lit but guys we're going to have to sit on the floor no way bab we have to put like some cushioning or something oh yeah actually we could sit on the floor but sit on carpets yes our cheeks don't hurt yes sir and I'm going to make it light blue carpet sorry guys I just need some light blue in my life I need it I need it that's fine you already gave us enough colors yeah there's literally all of your colors all around so we can make it all light blue now Roxy would you mind putting your butt on the carpet to see if it's comfortable all right 3 2 1 I'm laying down oh nice okay it works perfectly is it comfortable yeah um don't wake me up I don't want to go to school I'm not your mom Roxy I am not your mom and oh right over here is going to be the little gaming side oh my gosh it's about to be so late are y'all boys ready for this Kung Fu oh the video game the video game and wait I'm going to actually add some seats right over here so whoever's playing could chill oh my gosh I've been waiting to play this forever oh all right here Luke we'll make these sofas all green oh my gosh and all of you guys are going to get smoked and wait we need a little table with the Gaming controllers okay let me grab a table and I'm going to make this color red for Roxy cuz I'm going to add colors of all of us all around let's go now let me grab some item frames to put the video game controllers just like that y okay now we have the video game controllers I'm smoking yed on let's go I broke my remote are you serious right now bro did not win bro did not win bro did not win what bro is suing Ain't No Way ain't no way this room is super fun I know right but guys our actual bedroom is looking mid mid mid there's nothing in it and Luke since we're locked up inside for basically the rest of our lives we need some of the outside inside so what if we made an indoor roller coasters do you think we could do it of course I do and I already have a genius idea check it out I'm going to make the roller coaster right up with our beds this is actually the most genius idea I've ever had this is so genius this is so genius so it goes all the way up over here Luke put the Power oh wow roxxy's already on it nice job Roxy it's red so I have to do it oh okay yeah that makes sense and wait should we add an awesome drop over here no those are my favorite all right let's do it boom awesome drop and then we can make it go back up again and wait we fall in from right over here so we got to make sure that this is still open so let's add a little turn Roxy you're going to have to make it normal rails all righty S I just got a good idea too what's your idea we should make it so you have to loop-de-loop oh my gosh that is genius and we could do it right over here okay let's give it a shot let me grab a mine cart and I'm off guys wish me look I'm going around I'm going around she she and awesome jump easy pickings going around and oh my go did you see that you are that good yes that was SL I know right it goes on forever everyone hop on the roller coaster this is lit do you think it fits everyone H I hope so let's try it out I'm in oh my really Roxy bro just pushed me off my own mine car are you serious first hey Roxy that is not happening bro you're getting smoked right now you're not that guy not thaty W for people to come hey Y what is even going on what is even going on oh my gosh all right guys with the mine C this is Heather's literally just on the bed in a mine C hello hey s you want a smooch hey y oh my gosh what is going on right now Roxy is spamming the cards bro Roxy it's oh my God guys look at me bro what is going on right now back and forth all right all right all right control it control it Luke what the okay dude relax okay is it good now I think so oh my goodness gracious that was crazy guys but H what should we add in the middle of our room to make it super awesome what if we added a petting zoo oh my gosh that is genius since we're like never going to see the surface ever again we need a petting zoo in here to remind ourselves of animals yes we can bu our favorite animals I know right all right guys I need to fence this area off cuz this is where the animals are going to roam and I want to have a bunch of animals in our room so let's set it all down over here just like that y all the way down now we need to section them off because I don't want the animals to fight so Boop we could put a section here two then let's put three like that four over here five and six whole sections all right Roxy you get first pick on what animal you want I like a dinosaur Roxy why do you want a dinosaur what is bro doing is just a little bit that was just a little bit ready what what are you doing Roxy are you trying are you trying to say that you're a dinosaur my boy you are not a wait actually is there dinosaurs no no Roxy there is no dinosaurs at the spawn wa what what the what is that what did Crystal just hand me an Ruby fairy dragon huh close enough right hey bro's flying bro's flying oh my gosh we got it in caseing I'm going to e Che what oh my gosh what is even going on right now Luke we got in case that I know here I'm putting glass I'm trying my best I did not ECT I didn't think a dragon existed oh my gosh oh my gosh am he mining my te all right crystal you can get out you can get out I think bro's good I think bro's good you kind of locked me in though oh are you good are you good fast fast fast oh my gosh but I guess that is pretty close to a dinosaur right Roxy and it's also red yeah okay all right Lily what would you like next please don't do a big deal like Roxy about your animal I just want a pink Kitty oh a pink Kitty I don't think pink kitties exist I could just get you a cat just do something the closest okay I'll get you a cat let's get a cat spaic and we can have a bunch of cats boom boom boom bo boom a look at these cute now turn I want a blue dog there's no blue dogs you're not a real dog what well hold up first of all there is blue dogs I'm a blue dog second of all I am a blue dog you're just a little boy I am not just a little boy L yeah you say like this are you serious right now but wait guys check it out I'm going to make a baby and I'm about to prove you guys wrong are you ready for this yeah show me watch and learn first first I need to grab a bone then I need to make these boys fall in love with me with the bone oh yeah boom and as you can see these boys are red right yes s ski the best color in the world well now they're blue blue dogs they just like me for real for real oh yeah they got the matching color that is drip I know right it's super drip but now Luke you get to pick what animal you would like what would you like I'd want some turtles ooh of course Turtles is your favorite let's grab some turtles and oh my gosh turtle babies look so adorab look at how cute they look y bro look at that little munchin stepping on stepp it on him I'm a giant oh my gosh Roxy chill I'm going go kill his dinosaur guys ch ch all right Heather you get the next pick what would you like as an animal let me get a purple sheep a purple sheep the chance of that is literally zero but if you're like oh you be thinking outside of the box you could get a normal sheep and then purpy it oh my God I love it yes sir SK and then finally Crystal you get the final pick what would you like I want blue Axel ooh blue Axel great choice and for that we're going to have to make a little Pond area so let's grab water put it all in and for this it's just random if we get a blue one let's spawn in a bunch luk do you see a blue one one chance yeah that is super RAB it okay it's actually like really rare long oh gosh uh they're going to start dying yeah uh wait I I see a blue one did you actually get him get him before he dies oh gosh ah I don't see a blue one that's a poop one that's a poop one bro how did you get blue confused with poop oh gosh guys get it get the blue okay I think they're literally fighting each other get it before he oh gosh what is going on nope that's gold nope that's pink nope oh gosh oh I see it I see it babes well I see it too but right here I got it wait Did you actually get in your hand right here oh uh Luke what do we do with these boys they got to go all right I got this taken care of let me grab some lava no one look no one look Crystal just look away look away [Applause] oh they just got a little mini volcano boy in't way all right that's good thank you guys thank you wait there's one more yeah yeah there there's no more there's there's no more Crystal all right now let's put the water back down yting tin and Roxy can you put the blue one in oh my gosh double mans my boy W mans but we have to have a way to get back to the front of the base oh yeah yeah right now we're literally locked inside our house H oh I know we could do it off our bed so we got the parkour up all the way over here then let's go up to the top and um guys where is even the top is it just straight up uh hello oh my gosh it's literally directly up this is perfect ooh that is awesome I know right and wait should we do some cool parkour to get up that's exactly what I was thinking parkour hardcore parkour hardcore parkour hardcore parkour you are not a parkour hardcore you're not that guy buddy you're not that guy I am that guy you are not that guy bro but wait let's go up and let's see where it leads in oh it leads right over here let's make it so it leads directly in the middle of the staircase right over here so to escape you're going to have to parkour hardcore up Roxy which I know you're not able to do say it like this parkour hardcore parkour hardcore hardcore hardcore hardore what is bro talking about what is bro talking about what is bro talking about but guys let's clear out all the the stone right over here so we have an easy Exit Plan I got you babes oh yeah I'm going crazy right now oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and wait we should make the stone into a different block cuz Stone looks super duper ugly hm any ideas Roxy how about some bricks ooh that's a great idea Roxy let's grab some bricks and let's set it all around over here just like that oh my gosh make the entire W out of bricks guys I'm going crazy quick right now I'm going to rap about it bricks bricks yeah bricks bricks bricks is that your song Roxy brick and look chicks o w no no no hold up hold up no no guys I actually guys think I could rap about this oh yeah I got some bricks I'm mining next to Luke and he has some Panda kicks shees and he got some chicks and this bricks are super sick oh Roxy said cough cough I'm getting a little sick from Luke's brand new panda kicks cuz guess what we placing we placing a bunch of bricks and then I saidy looking a little sweet so I'm going to give give him a lick why well I'm going take that lick turn around put in my butt then give you a little kiss hey back off my bands oh my gosh crystal said back off my B don't be smooched me crystal oh my gosh but now we have to parkour up this is the first parkour drop and Roxy can you make it all the way to here like a professional parkour hardore bro bro bro I you're not him does he think song going to make him good all right well what about this ladder jump Roxy wait I just see my song parkour wait all right what about ladder to ladder ladder to ladder is impossible Park wait give me a second give second parkour hard oh W that was actually dope that was actually dope all right wait let me I missed it oh my gosh Roxy you're that guy pal but now let's make H okay how about to jump down the middle try that one Roxy parkour no no bro no Crystal also fa yeah it is a head hitter all right L Roxy let me give it a little try scooch over please all right I'm scooching my butt over and oh gosh I do not think that this jump is possible Luke give it a shot all right first try bow oh no wait maybe because it's a head hitter we should remove what I got it bro Roxy got it when it was a head hitter you're actually crazy Roy par car car BR why did Luke place blocks dude just made a harder on himself all right excuse me Roxy let me give it a little shot bro oh no no one saw that no one saw that you just St so little no no no this is easy picking I made it that was easy that was easy n n no n but now well let's keep going up H where should we go from here how about a jump like that excuse me guys okay right over here then let's do another one right over here oh that was actually a hard header then we could do one more right over here and then finally one right over here and wait I got a really good idea guys let's use ghost blocks in the middle of the stairs wo this is about to be so cool I know right so we can jump through it and then Roxy you can get through the secret entrance that is actually awesome SAU whoo give it a shot all right I'm coming down oh gosh I'm going to try and do it in one try all right all right all right ready for this okay let me do the first jump okay second jump okay and then third jump oh oh gosh and then this one's the hard one ready for this boys oh no okay wa I got a second chance I got a second chance excuse me Roxy n no no no let me get my second chance my boy and Y oh made it then third try right over here then come on Fourth try nice then next try over here and then finally boom we made it through oh my gosh that was awesome but guys should we check outside to see if the O volcano erupted o let's do it all right let's take a little peek we need to place some ladders so we can climb out easily all right everyone stand down here I'll take a little peek outside all right all right tell us how it goes all right let's see and oh my gosh guys I think everything is literally lava w oh Roxy I don't even think we have a home anymore our hous is are destroyed oh my gosh wait wa wait hold up hold up let's go take a peek at our houses it's all the way down over here did it survive um Roy we I think surv oh yeah the the the water slide is kind of okay are you serious right now and wait guys we need to check everything bro the police station is gone all that's left is the helicopter but guys don't you get it we actually survived the volcano our base stay completely good and that was an awesome adventure and if you want to join us on the next click right here bye
Channel: Omz
Views: 1,542,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Cash and Nico, Omziscool, Maizen, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, maze build, noob vs pro, Omz, Lily, Roxy, nico and cash, cash and nico, Omz and Roxy, Roxy and Omz, minecraft, minecraft mod, cash, nico, mia, maizen, maizen underwtaer secure base, most secure base minecraft, most secure house minecraft, secure base to protect my family minecraft, build battle minecraft, build challenge minecraft, maizen build battle, Underwater Secret Base in Minecraft
Id: 9xHcFePXiUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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