REALISTIC SKIBIDI TOILETS vs The Most Secure Minecraft House!

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oh man Mr Wilson our new house looks awesome yeah and I think it's time we give ourselves a door oh yeah the inside is even better we got the purple bed here and then we got your bed over there man this place is safe yeah look we even got our own chest and two furnaces each yeah and uh wait a minute what the heck is that what is that that looks so weird wait do you see their signs there yeah I see some signs over there we should go check out what this is it's like right in front of our house yeah this is super weird why is it in front of our house what are these signs uh wait a minute Mr Wilson do you see these these look like skippity toilets oh these look super weird I've never seen these give me Turtles before they must be like mutated what the heck wait they look so realistic and oh my gosh look at this one something is wrong with that guy's neck oh my gosh yeah and this one has like a robotic arm that's coming outside of it what the heck okay well why don't we go ahead and check out these signs what do they say the skibety toilets are on their way to raid your house we're coming today time's ticking better prepare cause in your house will cause a scare what and it says you have 10 minutes Dash what are we supposed to do oh my gosh they're coming to radar I don't know what we're supposed to do maybe we should build like some sort of like defenses to block them out because we only have 10 minutes what are we supposed to do oh yeah we definitely have to build some sort of Defense as well what do you think we should build first well we can just make a wall and we could just make it out of bookshelves because everybody knows knowledge is power uh wait you want to make it out of bookshelves no Mr Wilson they're just gonna break right through this why don't we make it out of something a little stronger like uh what about some Bedrock yeah oh yeah that could work that was like my second option oh yeah yeah sure it was well anyways I guess let's just go ahead and Surround our entire house with this and oh man those Scooby-Doo toilets are not getting in after this all right and here we go perfect the Bedrock wall is done wait Mr Wilson I have a perfect idea for what we can do next yeah what's your idea okay well why don't we just go ahead and grab ourselves a little bit of this nice poop water and why don't we just go ahead and cover our entire wall with poop water since it's like so nasty don't you know this makes them stronger and I'm pretty sure they also like poop water yeah you're right they got toilets after all well we should cover our wall with like something though oh I don't think poop water is the best option I think we should just you know make it out of acid where the heck did you get acid from oh don't worry I just have like a really bad stomach but before we put the acid down we should probably make the wall a bit bigger oh yeah that's probably a good idea some of those toilets in there were like really big they could probably just like jump over this two block tall wall so yeah let's definitely make it a bit taller and there we go the walls have been raised yep and now we have to just add the acid oh yeah good idea but wait wait Mr Wilson the Austin is hitting our house why oh wait stop stop we have to make like a little hole over here next to the wall so that the acid doesn't flow oh yeah let me get rid of this acid and there we go so it doesn't blow down our house oh okay yeah definitely let's just go ahead and make a little ditch around our entire wall and now we just have to do the same thing on the outside all right now we can finally place this acid and we just gotta cover the entirety of this wall and wait Mr Wilson this acid looks kind of delicious actually can I go inside of it no dash that's a horrible oh God it hurts oh yeah oh yeah right I forgot it's awesome you probably shouldn't go inside of it well anyways Mr Wilson this asset wall is uh pretty good but I think we should definitely build a few more defenses just in case like some of those toilets in there looked uh pretty terrifying yeah I was coming up with an idea and why don't we just you know make a little pillar right here out of bedrock and then we put like a turret on top of it a turret where do you get one of those from I just found it and I just got to place it on like that and there we go oh this thing looks awesome let me go ahead and grab like a creeper Sonic so we can test it out let me just go ahead and put one over here and uh wait why isn't it working I don't know I think it's because there's only one turret here let me try putting two down uh and wait a minute these turrets aren't even attached to the block wait what the heck wait what's going on oh wait I think it needs power I think that's what we messed up on oh it needs power uh how do we power it then well we place this block down down there and then we can just run like a little pipe like this and there we go and oh my gosh it's working whoa wait what the heck wait this thing looks awesome yeah now we just need to do this on all the sides this thing looks super duper strong okay yeah we should definitely build a bunch of these things that thing just took out that creeper and white Dash look these aren't even the best ones we can do dude there's like this real gun turret and this grenade launcher turret and then there's a rocket launcher turret I can't place that down because there's no space Oh wait there's more turrets okay hold on I'm gonna spot on another creeper I want to see what this railgun and grenade launcher one do let me just go ahead and spotted another creeper right over here and uh wait it kind of just looks the same what the heck I think it's because they're all using the same ammo let me try using a different ammo all right guys I just put some grenades in there you should be able to try it now all right let's go ahead and spawn in another creeper and uh wait it's exploding now whoa we just three shot in that creeper yeah this thing is insane okay yeah let's definitely go ahead and build a few more of those in each corner of the house well anyways I guess let's go ahead and build the next one over here in this corner and oh my gosh yeah those toilets are not getting past this yeah they don't stand a chance they're definitely going down and wait watch this there's a lighter turret wait a laser turret what in the world and there's a gun turret and then oh my gosh a rocket launcher turret oh my gosh okay hold on we need to load this up with some ammo I can't wait to see what these ones do all right and there we go all of the ammo should be in there Dash this creeper doesn't take a chance to go ahead and spawn it in all right let's see what it does what it's just one shot in it yep I added a few more upgrades and now it does a lot more damage roping all of the tourists just turned red okay hold on we need to try that again what if I spawn like three creepers at a time let me just go ahead and put them down over here and wait they all just added the same time pretty much yeah those creepers don't stand a chance let's go hold on hold on I need to put this to the real test like here why don't you go ahead and also take a creeper Sonic and let's just try spawning in like a bunch of creepers at the same time and seeing how that goes all right let's go ahead and spawn in a bunch of creepers oh my gosh they're just destroying them what the heck these creepers do not stand the chance okay honestly this might be a bit overkill for those Twilights but uh dude we should probably add a few more though just in case yeah it's their fault for trying to mess with us because we're the best ever yeah they're gonna regret trying to break into our house after they beat these all right and now we just gotta go ahead and place the turrets down over here and there we go all four corners of our house are protected yeah I just gotta add the ammo to this one and it should be done well anyways Mr Wilson our house is honestly looking pretty defended but uh wait how are we supposed to get in and out well I actually come up with a pretty good idea with that why don't we just take a big tower from our face like this and just keep on building okay I don't see where this is going but all right and then we come over here with one of these fancy grappling hooks and then we just grappling hook this and then we can just walk in uh wait Mr Wilson that doesn't look like it's working and oh gosh you just went into the acid uh are you sure this is the best idea I think this is the best idea hold on let me just try this and there we go is way too dangerous we should try a different idea yeah that's probably just a better idea all right well let's just go ahead and get rid of this Tower thingy over here and hmm how else are we even gonna get inside of our house let me see what items do we have oh wait a minute Mr Wilson I think I actually have a pretty good idea why don't we just go ahead and grab ourselves some of these ghost blocks and also a few ladders and we can just go ahead and dig ourselves a little tunnel inside of our house oh yeah I guess that could work if you want to go the loser way yeah but aren't the skivity is going to be able to see a giant hole oh yeah but well that's where the ghost blocks come in we can just go ahead and put some ghost blocks up here at the top and then it just looks like a normal grass floor am I stuck in the block what's going on what's Happening uh wait no Mr Wilson ah what the I just fell and no you're not stuck in a blood it's a ghost block it just looks like a normal block but you can actually go through it I don't know that it is very weird oh my gosh well Mr Wilson unless you have any better ideas that we're doing this all right so let's just go ahead and put down the ladders and then let's just go inside of our house over here and then we can go ahead and dig ourselves a little hole just like this and uh wait I just broke into the side of the house oh my gosh Dash why did you do that oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to break your side here let me I think we overestimated uh let's just go ahead and dig a little more over here and yeah there we go now we're inside of the house right next to my bed just where I want to wake up yeah I'm sorry about that but hey I mean at least if the house gets rated you're the fastest person to get to the Escape Route yeah I'd come straight out of bed and head straight down the tunnel and run and wait Dash we've done pretty good on defending our house but we should have some sort of way of like attacking them right yeah that's a great idea well uh what were you thinking well I don't know maybe we could like build some sort of like TNT cannons oh wait TNT cannons that's a great idea yeah these turrets over here are pretty good for like short range but uh they probably can't shoot like all the way that far yeah but if we just build them right here it's just gonna hit the wall so I think we need to build like some sort of like Towers oh yeah that's probably a good idea let's just go ahead and build like a little tower on top of our roof and then it should be good and there we go the extension to our house is done and I'm just gonna build a CNT Cannon out of you know the best color light gray uh wait you really think light Gray's the best color purple is obviously better like this light great doesn't even qualify as a color like it's so Bland and disgusting oh yeah there's plain and disgusting thing works with so many other colors it's practically the best color oh my gosh whatever you know what guys comment down below which color you think is better light gray or purple it better be light gray because everybody knows light gray is the best color Dash yeah yeah whatever well anyways what in the world is this TNT can why is there a ladder over here don't worry you'll see why this is my patent-pended best TNT cannon Mark II 3004 and apple uh okay well I guess we'll see in a second when it fires I'm actually curious how far it'll shoot yeah I know it'll shoot very far I just need to place this Redstone like that and then a lever right there there we go and now we just gotta fill all of these up with TNT oh uh okay I'll fill up these dispensers in the back and there we go and now this one and all the TNT cannon should be ready let's go now why don't we go ahead and do a test fire yep let me just flick this lever once and then wait and then flick this lever like three times all right there it goes I think so what wait uh Mr Wilson did you see that you just blew up some of their little cage oh no that was really bad that was probably a very bad idea oh gosh you just made it easier for them to escape and oh no they're probably super mad at us now we just tried to blow up their home yeah we probably don't even have that much time to remember we only had 10 minutes to start with oh gosh I don't know what do we do what do we do and wait Dash I know why don't we spawn in some guards oh wait that is actually a great idea well what type of guards were you thinking well I was thinking we could just play some of these villagers down just like that and there we go Mr Wilson did these guys even fight me this one's just walking into the acid and oh that was a bad idea these guys shouldn't be walking into the acid uh yeah I'm not sure if there's really a good choice for guards like these guys don't even have swords or anything I don't think they can even fight no no one's finest of my buddy Bob Billy Dilly Dolly and um wait what you named them but did you literally just spawned them in you never knew these guys no I didn't spawn them in I just teleported them here uh okay well uh you know what I think about your friends over here what I think they should go into the Aztec why are you killing my friends uh because they're horrible guards we need someone that can actually help defend from the Twilight I guess you're right um do you have any better ideas uh hmm let me see what could we spawn it and wait a minute what about a few shulkers these guys are pretty strong and oh they all just died yeah I think the turrets seen them as an enemy oh yeah all right well I guess we can't use Shockers then what type of card should we use I actually have a pretty good idea oh what the what is it always want entertain cameraman wait a Titan cameraman yeah that'd be great but how do we spawn one of those in well just follow me over here to our base and we just gotta build a little structure like this all right and once we build this structure like this we just gotta put some blocks on top and add the cameras and there we go he should spawn in and wait Mr Wilson actually work this guy looks sick and man I'm here to hell and wait he can talk oh yeah you didn't know that what in the world I didn't know talk and whoa wait look at his back he's got like thrusters and wings over here this guy's awesome yeah I know I'm awesome man no need to keep looking all right well if you say so I guess we can just leave you to it and uh you can guard us on the toilet yeah those toilets don't stand in chance against me all right perfect and look Mr Russell he's just like patrolling the area this is awesome yeah that was a really good idea Dash wasn't it yeah I'll give you that it was a pretty good idea well uh anyways what do you think we should build Banks wait Dash I have an idea why don't we put some like mines around our house oh yeah that's a good idea but wait did you see that Mr Wilson yeah I did what in the world was that that was lightning wait that came from the skippity toilets I think that means they're mad at us or something oh gosh oh no I probably made the map with the GNT again and they're probably gonna be here any second now oh gosh okay yeah well let's quickly go ahead and spawn in these mines let me just go ahead and grab a few of them and let's just put like a bunch of them around our house yeah I'm just gonna start placing a bunch of these and wait Dash I'm using these dirt ones because they blend in wait these are mines I thought they were just dirt blocks and whoa wait dirt mine okay yeah these are probably a better idea I'll go ahead and break all of my old minds and replace them with these dirt ones it's like camouflage it's really helpful all right let's just place a few of them over here and perfect now we've got like a fully functional Minefield yeah there's no way they're getting past this oh wait Mr Wilson just in case they do we should probably build ourselves some sort of Armory room so that we can defend ourselves yeah um this seems like a good place to build it right here oh yeah this actually does seem like a pretty nice place so why don't we just go ahead and grab ourselves some armor stands and uh we can just go ahead and like put two down over here and then I'll put some chest right here for the armor stands and perfect now let's just go ahead and pick our Armor All right what type of armor should we go for and wait a minute there's poop armor okay yeah I'm definitely going with the poop armor this seems pretty nice what are you trying to join them you should like do something better I'm choosing this assassin's armor whoa wait okay that armor actually looks pretty cool although it does kind of have like poop on its hands but uh okay yeah this Boot Barn was kind of bad not gonna lie it's just a color brown was not poop up what about this ninja armor oh wait this ninja armor actually looks really sick um yeah sure but let's use these anyways I guess the next thing we're gonna need are some weapons and hmm let's see what else should we go for I'm gonna use this rocket launcher a rocket launcher what the heck where'd you get that from I found it and it's actually really op here I'm gonna do a test fire at them I'm just gonna barely miss them like that yeah it's really opinion I gotta put this back in my chest oh my gosh okay well yeah that's probably a good idea to use a rocket launcher uh okay I thought I was just gonna go with like a diamond sword but okay now that you have a rocket launcher I want to see what else I can get oh wait Mr Wilson oh right I forgot about safety but yeah look at this one this one looks sink oh yeah it does look really cool why don't you give it a test fire oh yeah here let me try shooting another skippitys over there and uh wait the why isn't working what the heck do not have ammo for it up here just use this oh oh right I forgot that I need ammo all right and now that it's locked and loaded here let me try shooting it again awesome and it should be fully automatic oh my gosh it is this thing is super op but wait I should probably stop shooting it at this giveness they're gonna get mad at me yeah but we probably only have a few more minutes left Dash what are we doing messing around with weapons oh yeah that's probably a good idea let's go ahead and put these inside of our chest and oh yeah make sure to put a bunch of ammo and wait Dash we should probably have something for long range right oh yeah true we are gonna need something for long range as well why don't we use one of these what the heck is that no it's just a sniper a sniper oh my gosh wait this thing is so much nicer to aim okay yeah we should definitely have one of these just for long range yeah and we should probably build some like guard Tower so we can actually you know see better oh yeah that's definitely a good idea I guess let's just go ahead and like build it in the front of the house over here we can just go ahead and put some blocks like that and let me go ahead and also grab some stairs then we can just have it kind of go up like this and we should be able to get a good view from here yeah this should be good enough now we just gotta add some like fences around it oh yeah that's probably a good idea we wouldn't want to fall and there we go the guard Tower is done man those giveness does tend to chance against us yeah and actually we should probably give these weapons a test fire oh yeah right uh do you have any ammo yeah yeah here just take one of these there you go all right perfect thank you and all right let me just go ahead and reload and let me try another test fire and whoa this thing is awesome yeah this will really help for long range so we should probably put these in the chest oh yeah 100 let's go ahead and put one in and also don't forget a bunch of ammo anyways I think the next thing we should definitely grab are some enchanted golden apples and we should also get a shield yeah that's actually a really good idea all right I'm just gonna go ahead and put a bunch of them in my chest and also a bunch of shields just for backup I'm just gonna have a bunch of golden apples and then just like two Shields and there's one more thing we should put in our chest here's some books because everybody knows knowledge is power wait wait you're gonna put books in your chest I don't okay Mr Wilson there's a life or death situation you're really putting books inside of your chest have you read Fahrenheit 451 you're gonna help out so much uh I have not but let me see what can we get instead and wait Mr Wilson what about some Molotov cocktails can we drink them uh wait no Mr Wilson do not know what a Molotov cocktail is here let me go ahead and show you all right I'm looking it's pretty much like a bottle filled with a bunch of flammable stuff and whenever you throw it it should light on fire and ah wait I think I dropped it oh gosh oh my gosh well that seems very dangerous if you could drop it I don't think we should use these yeah I don't think so either those are kind of easy to drop uh well so what else should we use we can't use books what about just some normal grenades why don't we put those in the chest oh yeah that's probably not a bad idea I don't think these ones will slip out of your hand as easily but anyways just like that it looks like our done and I think I have an idea for what we should build y'all watch that well just in case things get really bad and we have to escape we should probably have some sort of Escape Route right yeah that sounds good to me but how are we going to escape I mean we could just use that tunnel we made couldn't we yeah well we could use the tunnel but what's gonna happen after we get to the end of the tunnel we're just gonna like be slowly walking away like those toilets are gonna catch up with us yeah I mean that makes sense but wait Mr Wilson I think I actually have a really good idea yeah what's your idea what if we build build those I'm sure why not yeah yeah Mr Wilson they're really simple all we need to do is just go ahead and grab a chassis next we need to go ahead and grab the casements and then of course the turret and then we can just go ahead and put them down just like this and boom there we go we got a tank oh my gosh that looks really up here so I just placed this down and then this down and then that down yep ain't perfect now we've got oh my gosh this seems really op and wait can we drive these things oh my gosh I can drive mine whoa right here I'm gonna hop inside of mine as well yeah I don't think these skinny toilets are gonna be trying to follow us when we're inside of these tanks yeah they're not gonna want their smoke all right so let's just go ahead and park the tanks out over here and they should be perfect for a getaway well Dash I mean I don't really want to leave the house but if we're really planning on leaving we should probably have a way of you know getting rid of the house oh yeah like a self-destruct button that's probably a good idea but uh though how are we gonna do that I don't know but I was thinking about using this TNT times 100. wait a TNT times 100. that sounds pretty powerful but wait if we we light it it's probably gonna explode while we're like still close to the house how are we gonna deal with that oh well I've already thought of that well we could use one of these Detonator remotes and one of these detonators to blow it up oh wait a remote Detonator where the heck did you get that from oh I just found it here you can have one oh uh okay thanks for all the detonators but where are we even gonna place the TNT we need to place it somewhere where it'll do the most damage to the skibetes well we can put it under here man let's just place the TNT and then the dead why under my bed I don't want to be sleeping above a TNT times 100 doesn't that sound a bit uh dangerous yeah but like you could also not have a bed at all because of a skimity toilet uh yeah that's a fair point I guess but why don't we just go ahead and like put it like underneath the door or something that could work let's just get rid of this TNT and let's go put it under the door yeah that does sound a little bit safer all right now we just got to place this Detonator down and there we go now once I press this remote it should just go a boom and destroy everything so you've got to be very careful okay yeah Mr Wilson be very careful don't play around with that remote and blow us up accidentally I'm gonna be very careful and you're the one I'm worried wait what why me I don't even have the remote well because you're the type to steal the remote and then blow up the house yes there's actually one more thing we need to do we need to make a letter out to our Armory room oh yeah right that way we can actually get up to it how did I not think of that and uh wait Mr Wilson did you see that wait look at how many skippity toilets there are oh my gosh oh gosh I think it's time we get ready oh my gosh yeah it looks like they broke out quick go ahead and grab the armor come on come on let me go ahead and put on all of my armor and wait this armor is horrible I'm only getting four and a half armor bars oh well maybe you should have chose some better armor in whoa you look really fast though yeah the armor did give me speed but wait Mr Wilson you chose this armor for me oh gosh all right well let's just go ahead and grab our weapons I'm fully ready now I have everything wait for me I'm still grabbing ammo don't forget to grab your grenade stash oh yeah of course now let me just go ahead and put the shield in my offhand and perfect and oh my gosh Mr Wilson there are so many of them hurry downstairs all right go go oh man I'm super nervous hopefully we can take out all of those skimmy twilights oh wait Mr Wilson look our kids are doing the work for us yeah but they're still coming after us oh gosh yeah you're right quick we gotta take him out yeah I'm gonna eat my grenade launcher and rocket launcher let's go and oh man yeah these guys are actually no problem we're taking these guys out pretty easily let's go oh gosh what the heck is that a skippity parasite oh my gosh okay I cannot let that guy get on me get out of here oh my gosh I'm trying to help your rocket launcher oh my God yeah Mr Wilson keep rocking that there's on me wait you want to hold on Mr Wilson run run I'm gonna throw a grenade here we go and oh my gosh uh that works yeah and let me get rid of this one real quick just like that well uh honestly that was pretty easy it looks like we just took out like all of them except for like a few over here which should be no problem to take out yeah and wait I think they keep respawning um how do we get rid of them all well yeah it looks like they're just respawning but it shouldn't be a problem it seems like our turrets can handle it yeah but our turn's probably gonna run out of ammo soon and wait Dash I think the reason they keep spawning is because of those people that are in the cage hey you guys in the cage you guys better stop respawning in those toilets or else we'll come in there and take you out oh yeah I'd like to see you try I'm calling in for more backup calling in for more backup what does that mean I don't know and oh Dash you should turn around wait what what the heck is this ah wait I'm inside of him in the world is done uh I don't know Dash maybe it's time we get away with the tanks oh gosh yeah I think so in the world the Titan G-Man oh gosh yes what the heck is a G-Man oh wait Mr Wilson he's like the big boss of skimity he's the strongest one of them all oh gosh yeah guys useless get out of here run run oh gosh and wait Mr Wilson I think it's time for that TNT times 100. wait that's a good idea hold on let me use the Detonator and we're gonna have to run oh my gosh wait Mr Wilson I think it works yeah I think it worked too and I don't hear that one guy anymore and oh my gosh yeah I'm an old man look destroyed oh my gosh not just our house look at how big this explosion is it went out like a star pattern as well luckily our takes protected us oh my gosh yeah everything got destroyed if you guys enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe so that we can hit 1 million subscribers and click on one of the videos on the screen if you want to watch more
Channel: Dash
Views: 121,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, mrwillsion, mr willsion, dash and mr willsion, dash minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, omz, REALISTIC SKIBIDI TOILETS vs The Most Secure Minecraft House!
Id: M7igCnbIoHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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