Lobotomy Corporation: Korean SCP Manager

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if you have been on the internet for more than about 45.2 seconds you've probably heard of the scp foundation for those unfamiliar the scp foundation is a collection of online short stories in the form of research documents on anomalous beings held by the foundation designated as scps the foundation's goal is to contain these beings in order to preserve the safety of the outside world and a variety of these anomalies can be read about anything from an indestructible monster hell-bent on destroying all life to a blunt that gets you so high you transcend dimensions everything from god himself to a vibrator that can destroy you at an atomic level anyone familiar with the site will surely have thought to themselves at one point what if the foundation was real and how they would work around or with anomalies in most cases the first thought is probably i could totally deal with this but in actuality it would probably go something a bit like this wait did that just kill them wait oh that oh my god that killed them holy [ __ ] okay oh oh my god oh my god the scorch girl killed him what the [ __ ] oh my wait what how [Music] oh wait ren is dead what the what the [ __ ] what wait why is rented and that is control team wiped out [Music] oh oh she lost her mind oh no oh no okay all right everyone's dying oh she breached and that's a restart control team jesus oh everyone's dead oh my god how am i supposed to deal with this a second launch literally everyone [Music] [Music] while the previous footage could be described as the ravings of a paranoid schizophrenic i assure you that this is in fact a review of the game lobotomy corporation this game actually became quite popular back when it was released in 2016 and although i heard about it i was too busy pumping my money into trying to feed myself to support korean companies anywhere except a particular black and orange themed website unfortunately for me my computer developed scp-like behavior recently creating an anomaly that only allowed me to either play lobotomy corporation or sex with hitler on steam naturally i did what any sane person would do and put 400 hours into sex with hitler however after completing the game 47 times i determined that it was finally time to give lobotomy corporation a shot and here we are lobotomy corporation is a management game and coincidentally its name describes how i feel when i play it you take on the role of the new head of the lobotomy corporation where you're put in charge of managing and experimenting with a variety of abnormalities which are basically scps the game takes place over the course of 60 days with each one becoming progressively more and more difficult as you add abnormalities to your facility here to assist you are a variety of very hot ais with the primary ai helping you named angela in between days you can interact with these ai through completing missions which turns this into a sort of visual novel and rewards you by giving you upgrades want to be able to see health bars you're gonna need to do some missions strengthen the clerks around the facility so they're actually useful missions want to actively kill members under your commands by shooting them in the [ __ ] school time to do some missions this game's story is also explained in between days with these visual novel scenes so what is the story of lobotomy corporation i don't really care all that matters is that you will be traumatized very very quickly ever seen a child get smashed by a trash compactor because uh i can never forget it enough of the story let's talk about game play each day you have a certain energy quota that you need to fulfill and this continues to rise through the entire game you obtain energy from working with abnormalities in the correct way there are four different ways to interact with the beings in your facility instinct insight attachment and repression these four work types all do the same thing but depending on the abnormality and worker you can get different results so let's quickly go over some abnormality safety facts as you work with abnormalities you will generate gamer points you can spin these gamer points to gain information about each abnormality but you can only spend their points on them you have a few things that you can unlock the name and counter of the abnormality general tips that give you some hints about how to work with it escape information that tells you how to kill it and finally some information on what types of work are effective with it oh what's that you want to know about this funny little counter that i mentioned well this little fella hears the clyfo counter and depending on the abnormality it does some different [ __ ] a lot of times doing bad work or work the abnormality doesn't like will cause the counter to decrease once the counter hits zero the abnormality does something special most will breach containment and begin killing your workers whereas others will take a certain action like driving people insane or even capturing them some don't do anything at all which is the best case scenario in the case an abnormality breaches its containment you're going to need to suppress that thing except for some very special cases this usually means that you need to beat the [ __ ] out of it how do 10 people in suits kill a literal god well usually with bullets as you research abnormalities you can spin their gamer points on weapons and armor that utilize its power the more powerful the anomaly the more powerful the equipment there are five different levels and they're in hebrew so i'm going to mispronounce all of them sorry and aleph in ascending order each level is more dangerous than the last here are some examples to show you how much danger a level usually is one sin and hundreds of good deeds designated 0303 is a floating skull designated as zain those that interact with it take a bit of damage to their sanity but nothing serious it does not escape and if it bonds with one of its caretakers they will get a permanent work speed increase it has no other stipulations scarecrow searching for wisdom designated fo187 is a sentient scarecrow ranked at he if anyone with prudence level 3 or higher works with it it will breach it will also breach if anyone works with it poorly it deals heavy black damage to anyone working with it which causes both physical and mental damage and if anyone goes insane while working with it it will breach in the event of a breach it will locate the nearest living person and attempt to kill them then sucking out their brain in order to heal itself by a large amount the mountain of smiling bodies is a mound of corpses merged into one designated to175 and is level alef working with it will cause a massive amount of black damage and it only responds well to high level instinct or repression work if anyone injured enters its containment it will lower the counter when anyone dies while working with it it will lower the counter if 10 employees die anywhere in the facility it will lower the counter the same happens if poor or normal work is completed with it once the counter hits zero the mountain of smiling bodies will breach and begin to kill everyone in its path if it encounters a corpse the corpse will be consumed and the mountain will grow in size up to three times gaining special abilities each time and becoming far more powerful until its borderline unstoppable as you can see the abnormalities you can contain quickly go from weird looking dog you found on the side of the street to actual lovecraftian monstrosity that is a universal threat and by the end of the game you'll probably have 15 to 20 of these stupid [ __ ] laying around your facility if you ever feel like mountain of smiling bodies was a lot to worry about don't worry just remember there's nothing there to worry about instead overall if i had to give lobotomy corporation a score i'd say that it's probably uh out of even though i joked about it earlier this story is legitimately interesting and very very sad the gameplay is fantastic i like all the characters the art style is interesting and although challenging it proves to be a great amount of fun however i have just one question lobotomy corporation if you didn't want the abnormalities to escape then why did you make such a good breach soundtrack [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: 8 Bit Hypocrite
Views: 105,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g4pMmjOvL6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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