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guys I think a key thing when you're work from as six-year-olds positivity positivity positivity repetition repetition repetition drill it into him all the time I'm trying my best not to over Coach I want him to just try and learn as as he's going along right guys I'm here with young Jacob all the way from Melbourne Jacob is 6 years old and I know that this is a heavily requested video that I've been meaning to do for a long time but how I coach younger players that's what we're going to put through Jacob today Jacob what I'm going to look at today is I'm going to just do the most basic stuff but how well and how good can you do the basic stuff and that's what makes really good players all right are you ready to go all right give me your knuckles if you enjoyed this content guys make sure you hit that subscribe button and hit the notification Bell it is free and if you really really enjoyed this then the Jona football app is for you it's for coaches and players link below don't go on the App Store click the link below start your 7day free trial and I'll see you over there enjoy the video we're going to St this red box here Jacob and all I want you to do is just take this ball Jacob and dribble around from you off you go staying inside the red box you ready 3 2 1 go little touches good don't go out the red box Jacob the box is over there good stay in this little red box good keep it tight keep it tight keep it tight nice nice I'm just looking at your dribbling you can go as many times as you want in this red box try and find the space look for the space good good little touches beautiful stay in the red box for me stay in the red box good nice the first thing I've picked up with you is you need to just slow it down a little bit and think a little bit more about your Technique in here the way we run with the ball should be with our little toe little toe step little toe step so just stay I'm always going to use the outside of my foot see that if want to use left just in here all right that's all I want you to focus on is using this part of your for your little toe so you just come on the side a little bit touch play Touch touches touches touches see how I'm in a nice low position so another thing that I've noticed Jacob your head is down all the time so then you're not too sure where the red box is so from time to time Jacob okay I need you to look up and just have a quick look at where your space is so you might go touch look around touch so I if I see that I'm about to get out the red box I don't I keep it nice and close so I always know by looking around left foot my turn there back to the left right so I'm constantly looking around moving I'm still using this part of my foot okay good Jacob that's better good just relax that right arm a little bit nice nice always stay in the red box good good nice Jacob keep the speed though keep the speed good so look at the the ball look up look at the ball look up good but you've got to keep your speed keep the speed come on speed speed speed speed speed nice nice all right Jacob great start you do need a little bit of work with just making your dribbling look a little bit more Naturals so I want you to practice what I just taught you there which is using your little toe touch touch touch being a little bit half side on and trying to run it with natural speed okay that was good next part of the session is just work on some simple BAS basic fast feet exercises and knowing how to move your feet is going to help you with your dribbling further down the line okay so alls I've done I'm going to put just four cones really tight in a line and all we're going to do Jacob to start off with we're going to face me as the coach and you're going to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so two feet in each Gap and I want to see how you balance your coordination your fast feet okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good last one and rest good the next thing I want you to do so wider feet wider feet not too wide bring them in bend your knees good now your head cannot go in front of your toes like that so see how you were doing that and you were losing your balance so what I want you to do watch me rather than being there I need to be there bend your knee toes and we're going to go bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo bo boom boom boom boom boom close to the cones don't let your head go in front of your toes okay 3 2 1 Play 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good keep your posture up straight nice watch where you're putting your feet go go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 watch where you're putting your feet Jacob nice look at where you're putting your feet play Go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 good keep going going two more two more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 hey how much better was that two now don't always focus on looking at me this is just a fast feet exercise you can actually look at where you're putting your feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rest amazing now I need to fix the way you have your arms so your arms are like very stiff relax the arms three 2 1 play oh now it looks better play don't wait for me just keep going until I say stop now it looks better remember your head posture keep it back play good good that's it Jacob watch where you're putting your feet arms arms go go five more five more five good four that's better come on arms arms arms three good two good watch the cors last one one rest okay so now we're incorporating fast feet with the ball yeah really really important so what you're having to do now Jacob your brain has to think about two things it has to think about the fast feet and it has to think about the pass but what I want you to focus a little bit more on now is just making sure that it's a good quality pass back to me so on this side always going to use your left foot there forward backwards forwards backwards and then on this side you're always going to use your right foot make sure we're hitting the middle of the ball so I don't want the ball going in the air when you're passing it back to me is lift your foot a little bit more off the ground like this swing through and then the ball's going to roll lovely on the ground fast feet keep my eye on the ball play middle of the ball three two one play good JK great pass Play Good left side yes what a pass that is okay put your left foot there for me bend your knee now when you play a pass most of the time what part of the foot do we use inside inside good so what I want you to do Point your foot bend your knee this arm comes out for balance open the foot right out that's it this needs to bend too nice and relax this foot needs to be opened out so that you can get it right in the middle of the ball there so middle of your foot here middle of the ball there and that's how you're going to get a good consistent pass every time go inside that is beautiful play let's go come on that was beautiful same again with your left foot beautiful come on this is good this is good this is good this is good okay Jakey so we've looked a little bit at dribbling we've looked a little bit at fast feet and I've done a little bit of passing there so we're going to do a little bit of passing and first touching here and then we're going to finish with a little bit of shooting so then I've tried to give you some tips on everything okay Play Jake Jacob can you control it play the board control play me now Jacob I don't know if you've noticed I was controlling it with my left playing it with my right controlling it with my right playing it with my left you ready jump in play receive Play Good bang so take two touch there I always want you to control it and then pass it you ready JK so guys with six-year-olds passing in first touch is very very hard this is why I always say the dribbling the dribbling is something that you want to be constantly reinforcing passing in first touch is a big big challenge ready 3 two 1 play control good play control again and then play good that's one Go Again Play control I want you to control it every time always control stop the ball nice play good stop the ball play good that's two in a row bang stop the ball good play stop the ball look stop the ball play good stop the ball Play Good Nice control play control Play Good Jakey sort your feet out so you need to be able to move your feet good high five good you go the coach okay one thing I'm notic to you Jak key you just want all you always want to use your right foot so that your strong foot you use that way too much you need to try and get used to using this one too which is nothing wrong with it Play Jake is you like to control it with the bottom of your foot which is completely fine but I want to teach you a different way how to control it what I want you to do Jake I want you to control it with this foot every time so whenever you get it from me you control it with this one yeah you got that so if if the ball's coming from me you're not allowed to control it with this one you've got to try and do it with this one and then play oh okay good 3 2 1 play ah go again go again back to me good play control it with that left foot which foot do I want you to control it with good ready 3 2 1 play yes play good you can still pass it with your right foot though play set play set good jaky call for the ball call for the ball good left up good good now play there's nothing wrong with controlling the ball like this but for this drill it's quite hard you're not allowed to control the ball now with the bottom of your foot you have to control it with the inside the reason why it's better to go with the the inside is it because it makes my next step a lot easier because the next step is the board is so important in football control what's the next step three 2 1 plate control yes yes unlucky Carry On Again toes plate board board good that's probably your best one toes drop theep plate set Jak ahle what are you doing with you pass you're kicking it where on the ball are you are you kicking it underneath middle or top middle no so how come that Ball's ended up there what did you do wrong I kick it at the top no you kicked it on the bottom so when you kick it on the bottom it goes High you ready we need to kick it in the middle toes toes toes play yes where's the board good good toes toes toes good yes yes yes guys another thing when you're coaching young players their attention span at this age is maximum half an hour 45 minutes some players less than that so it's really important that you don't get frustrated because I can't even concentrate for 45 minutes to an hour don't expect like four five and six year- olds to concentrate for a long period of time so these type of drills for six-year-olds are not easy it's something that yes you want to focus on for sure they're really really important but with these kids it's about enjoying it it's about smiles on faces it's really really good it's so important to not get frustrated with players like this they're still learning the game so JK you ready for some shooting yes everyone loves shooting don't they Jakey you're doing so well mate we've looked at dribbling we've looked at fast feet passing in first touch now I want to look at your shooting so a little bit of fun to start off with is I'm just going to roll it to the green line you're going to run onto it and I want you to shoot and I want it in that far Corner every single time all do you think you can do that yeah okay come and stand here all I'm going to do I roll the ball to the green line you shoot you get back to me here and then we do it again right let's do five or six to start off you ready go hit that JK great kick man back to me come on back to me go again good back to me come on go on jakk good last one finish shoot good and rest how many five five so remember what I'm about to tell you now needs to try you need to try and remember it okay ideally whenever we shoot we shouldn't fall over so if you're shooting the ball and you're falling over after it your technique's not right and to stop that from happening when you're running up to the ball the foot that you're not kicking it with which is your left needs to be right next to the ball when you kick it so if that's still rolling and you put your foot here and then you go to kick it going to fall over so to avoid falling over you need to focus on your left foot being in line with it all right okay so when I'm in it I come in and then I shoot so that's the first coaching Point stay on your feet when you hit the ball ready go good can we get it in that corner better better that was better because your left foot was better yeah play good good almost fell over there get that left foot closer to the ball not bad there's that little fall over all right so see the far corner there that that corner yeah that's where I want you to get it so that's what we're going to work on so whatever your to toes are pointing that gives you kind of an indication where you want to go so if your toes are poting that way that's a good chance where where it's going to go oh yeah okay this arm comes out for balance you need to bend this knee now what I want you to focus on you see where you're facing that's giving you a better chance now to get in that corner if you're already facing the corner there it's harder to get it in that corner so what you have to do is face away and then shoot okay you see on that last one you were leaning back so that you ended up falling try and lean over the ball so that you kick it and then you follow through nice ready play good beautiful keep your hips facing away from the goal good that's better un lucky good kick it hard beautiful Jake kick it hard yes look at this now yes ah there's that what was wrong with that Jake I fall down yeah so why did you fall down because I just lean you lean back good and where did you put your left foot was it next to the ball or not no no and that's why you fell back because for anyone out there that's coaching their sons or whatever right what started to happen then when I when I raised my voice to say kick it harder he was then following through a lot more natural and that's just a simple coaching point so because I raised my voice and I said kick it harder he was actually hitting the ball lovely it's not a hard coaching point it's just a coaching point that I even give some of the pros that we work with is it's a very weird coaching point when it comes to shooting you want to get you want to get angry you want to strike the ball clean fast last hard especially if you're outside the box the ball needs to travel quickly so a simple coaching point is I say get angry you know get that fire in your belly and then you strike the ball a lot cleaner and then I did that with Jake and a lot of his shots then were so much better guys that's the video again just with these young players it's about being patient it's all about being positive at the end of the day it's the beautiful game that's what it is everyone plays the beautiful game because they love it so it needs to stay that way guys I just forgot about one more thing as well which is really important cuz I might get a lot of people watching this video the best thing for four five six seven year olds is let them play let them play games that's really really important you know obviously I'm doing a one-on-one session here with young Jakey trying to give him tips but I think at that age if I overload him with tips he's they're never going to learn that these kids can't remember everything so the best thing for that age is let them play Let Them enjoy it don't over coach them and then eventually when they get a little bit older you can go into a bit more detail inside the Jon football app we have a section dedicated to for beginners and it's great I'm going to reiterate a lot of the stuff we've done today so there's a full section inside the app for beginners so if you enjoyed this video and you want to try our app link below don't go on the App Store and type Jonah football you won't find it you need to just go through the link in the description and I'll see you over there guys if you enjoyed this video and it was helpful hit that subscribe button I'll see you on the next video peace top [Music] what
Channel: Joner Football
Views: 252,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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