LMBM 2022 Top 12 - Kola (Roy) Vs. quiK (Samus) SSBU Ultimate Tournament

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longest time and actually the best player on smash 4 wifi we've got a different samus on the screen in front of us now and it's time to get into game number one here of top 12 with cola versus quick starting off on small battlefield yes now despite the fact that you do see a samus on this on the screen this is not going to be a slow pace set by any means cola of course being an incredibly fast pace and explosive player but quick very know of his movement with samus yeah quick definitely super aggressive one of the most aggressive samus's out there but i think the interesting thing that we're going to see throughout this set is the best way to beat cola is to rest that control of the tempo away from him to be able to disengage and slow it down when he's not expecting it that's how you can catch cola off guard and disrupt his game plan because if you don't you're just going to find yourself stuck in the corner against a jab the back air comes through and cola finds the first stock yes that is very much easier said than done cola as a player fantastic at controlling the tempo fantastic at playing this fast-paced aggressive reactive style of gameplay that you don't see from too many other players now stuck on the ledge against the mines and pola does make the mistake of rolling in while quick is spaced perfectly so he's going to be able to send out that charge shot take down the stop and we're perfectly even at zero a piece quick's going to try and get off to the races here on the new stock gets the uppy out of shield and 51 percent already done to cola he's not planning on stopping anytime soon yeah quick try to opt for a reset with the opto right there that has been doing dividends for him throughout this whole bracket we've got a sequence right there from kohler trying to get a reset in the corner unable to find it though now going to try and come back in with that narrow clanks with the mine on the back eric trying to find that opening but quick actually finds it first making use of that tether grab as cola stuck but actually gives up stage control and coal is going to take advantage of that with a couple great up airs yeah again this is just what cola is so so good at he's so good at conditioning you to want to jump and then he interrupts those jumps lightning fast with those uppers and keeps you in midair for so so long and just look at this suddenly cola finds himself in the lead gets an insane grab on quick and chases high with the up air to take the next stop quick on the back foot needs to find a way to re-establish himself in neutral and he's going to do that with a grab another grab coming out from quick here's the let's trap with the bombs once again that time times it versus the neutral get up and eviscerates kohler's second stock that's something that quick has shown himself to be deadly proficient at is that rock paper scissors set up on the ledge using the mines to force out an option and then getting it with either something like an up tilt or the charge shot if it's available quick finding yet another stock with it he's definitely going to be looking for it a couple more times [Music] downtilt comes through from cola but the charge shot comes out now he's in the corner quick regains a little bit of control but coal and takes it away again immediately gets the down tilt does not manage to get the tech chase though again still maintaining that advantage is polar just reading all of the options that quick wants to go for defensively but now it is quick's turn to mount his own offense at the center stage and an amazing punish out of shield with the double-edged starts not enough to take the stock samus a very heavy lady but what a chase with the forward air beautifully played by cola going deep out off stage to get the fair and the sweet spot at that sam is a very heavy character so she was able to survive through the first double-edged dance but cola just wanted to put the icing on the cake and make sure that his opponent stayed down a pretty solid game won but there were cracks shown in the armor that uh that quick was able to take advantage of a couple more strong ledge traps and cola could find himself in danger yeah back he could it's all about forcing those situations putting putting kola in those precarious spots and quick really needs to find his own pace he's definitely still playing at that pace that color wants to as you mentioned before if he can take it back to his own style of play his own pace we could see a completely different set and that's always going to be the name of the game against an aggressive player like cola tempo control tempo control tempo control but it's like you said earlier much easier said than done and quick is finding himself having a couple problems doing that now has cola stuck on the ledge is going to catch the fare on the get up jumps again but no punish from quick the charge shot does come through and cole is in a bad spot the up tilt comes out as well and this could be a great edge guard the mine into the fair and quick takes the first stop yeah superb sequence from quick right there using that bomb magnificently to condition those options off the ledge coming off the ledge with the fare getting a load of damage again all in quick favor right now quick has actually managed to laugh cola in terms of percents here paul is not going to let that get too far away from him though as he's right back to trying to push these buttons gets a couple up airs but quick fires back with one of his own great nare out of shield there to punish the early jump by cola and yet again the same setup we saw last time it's not quite enough to kill off the bat but good thing quick's ready to cover it up yeah that was a once again an amazing sequence from quick gesso let's trump but still able to chase quick onto the stage cola needs to find the start urgently good stuff on quick not air dodging there not giving kona the opportunity to capitalize fantastic i'll be out of shield is the defensive option there but cola still manages to get the drop through back air pushing quick off stage he's going to be able to make it to ledge but can he make it past the ledge is always the question and he does just that gets the down tilt off cola chasing and gets the up air with the frame trap beautifully played off of the fair yeah that is of course one of the most powerful things about roy such low lag on those options allow him to really trap a lot of defensive maneuvers from any character in the game part of the reason why this character is so strong what a grab faking collar out with the charge shot start up and this is once again an awful position for kohler to be in stuck on the ledge versus so many minds trying to get off but quick is more than content to just get that charge shot ready for the next interaction out it comes sends cola deep again how is he going to get past the ledge here well the answer is he will not as quick finds the fair and takes the game yeah as we mentioned before those ledge trapping situations are absolutely key whenever kohler is at the ledge versus quick it is always in quick favor he has done an absolutely amazing job picking all of the correct options to suffocate kola in his attempts to get back to the stage now something that i do want to point out i don't know if we're going to see it but it's not an impossibility that cola's wolf comes out here the last time that i saw cola face off against teaser down in georgia was at the glitch qualifier where he actually did manage to uh reset the bracket and beat teaser with wolf he's sticking to the roy here and i think that's partially due to small battlefield but if we see a larger stage such as like talos or town and city i could see the wolf come out to play admittedly i've i've never seen colors wolf so i would definitely love the opportunity to see that if it gets to that point it is a rarity to be sure i don't think i've seen it against anyone other than teaser but it's the same matchup and cola could definitely make use of it here but looks like he might not be needing it as he's doing a pretty good job of keeping teaser or not teaser excuse me quick stuck in disadvantage lovely grab on the landing once again the left situation goes for the trump this time but cola again that fantastic reaction speed of that young man able to get around and not get caught by the back air cola has strong some of the strongest reactions in the entire game is going to be able to get out of those situations quickly goes for a trump of his own but it is instead caught by the upbeat by quick now sent out with the charge shot creating space between the two of them and kola needs to find a way to re-approach both these states both these players just vying for center stage right now try to go for the double edge stands out shield once again blazer it's going to connect and now quick stuck on this platform this is where he's been having quite a bit of trouble versus kola getting off those platforms and finding his footing back to stage yeah tried to find a way down that time with the uh the waveland but wasn't able to do it jab back air comes through but it is the sour spot so it's not enough to take the stop the landing there also is not enough to take the stock quite yet so going to be able to make it back the nare yet again doesn't do it and cola is struggling to take this kill i said though he's still not back on stage good stuff from quick just holding down to make sure that he launches cola into the sky tries to go for a reset tries to read a spot dodge or defensive option right there cola does not give it to him good patience from both players and i also really love the immediate send of charge shot from quick he does uh lose the stock there to the nare but he was able to build up a lot of extra damage now we're in the range where something like a grab up throw could take out the next stop so cola's got to be very careful and he needs to get as much extra damage as possible and he's not going to be able to do that at all zero percent on both of them we've got a full reset one other thing that you'll notice about quick players is usage of the different levels of charge shot he's such a master at being able to understand and confirm his ranges where he can use the smaller lower charge hits to get those follow-ups something else that i'm noticing too is that he's using that sort of pseudo-wave dash that certain characters have in ultimate that uh short hop air dodge back to the ground that we've seen proto banum popularized recently doing a really good job of mixing up cola's spacing and his positioning by using it now making his way back up onto the stage gets the grab back through thrown out yet again has cola in the worst possible position and that's on ledge against samus cola gets around it though and he could do something here but he gets caught by upbeat retreating once again back to center stage the tech chase could die up to make sure that he didn't have to attack samus obesity being floaty that gives her a little bit more breathing room to do that as well cola trying to chase deep off and actually ends up clanking with the uppy the up smash comes through one of roy's weakest kill options actually but it's still going to be plenty to take out that stock and now he's going to be looking for as much extra credit as possible finds a great fare on the tether yeah lovely interception right there and honestly both of these players gets footstooled on stage what a call out right there cola up 2-1 now i need to see that replay immediately because cola if that was intentional he might be the smartest person here so catches the fair to interrupt like you mentioned the interception then goes immediately back watches quick upbeat back to stage sends him right off with the down tilt and that was absolutely intentional from cola incredibly well played not often do we see those sorts of intentional footstools uh there's a there's only a very small handful of players honestly in the world that really capitalize on that opportunity uh one of them of course off the top of my head being gluteny from france the titan of europe but here we have another one of europe's titans quick staring down the barrel of potential elimination right here if he doesn't take this game full would be out at ninth place that let's make big moves certainly a respectable run but it's not what he wants he wants to take down this titan of america he's got a lot of work left to do his cola starts off with an early lead missile comes through puts cola in a bad situation and i love his use of zaire here he's not over using it he's using it very sparingly but when he does it's always for a great poke setup and just notice the pace of this game it's been slowed right down comparative to the previous high octane exhilarating starts we've seen before we see quick a lot more adamant to play those corners than he was oh cola tried for the ledge trump there but uh miss inputted the fastball so he didn't quite get it allowing quick to regain center stage the down air comes through the sour spot though isn't going to get the spike that he probably wanted in that case because dare bear would have certainly been it for the stock cola trying to catch a jump there actually that was an interesting read wanted quick to jump up onto the platform so he could get the double edged dance but now he's stuck on ledge pulls out the jump and it's not going to be the correct option as the charge shot comes through yeah it looked like kola tried to fade back to ledge after jumping off of it but quick was more than ready now taking the lead in this game but he still has to now get down versus cola and these up heads does manage to air dodge past cola was not ready with the frame trap like he usually is so that's a second lease on life for quick and he's going to use it to its maximum capacity sends out the missile keeps cola stuck in shield there's the charge shot dash attack and the zero to get a little bit of extra percent as well he's not letting up the pressure whatsoever here again i really think it's the fact that quick has decided to play closer to the corners that's really helping him so far in this set i love the decision to up throw that even though it wasn't going to kill that does put quick in that position where he has to get down and a great read on the tech roll to send cola off stage yet again the back throws going to keep him there right where quick wants him gets to get up but the armor on the blazer comes through saves cola's life and takes away quicks lovely defensive decision making right there he hadn't used that option that ledge this entire set so far and so quick definitely wasn't ready for it guess jab one there no follow up though as kola immediately throws out the double edge dancing did you see that the shield grab right off of this air to get that punish and he's not stopping anytime soon but the dash attack is going to stop him in his tracks again just the usage of those uncharged charge shots to get the follow-ups into that attack have been so pivotal for quick so far the juggles start with the up here tries to catch the landing but still not allowing kola to find his feet back on the ground has not been able to touch down for some time finally does get out and gets that shield out so that he can get a little bit of a reset equipped right back to pouring the pressure on the grab is going to give him a brief rest fight but quick immediately with that zaire does not give cola any time to set up on the platform though and this is going to be tough for quick to land and he falls out of it yeah that was so crucial but the jab backhand was still there to meet him one stop away is kola from eliminating quick from the tournament but still operating at a bit of a deficit here and quick once again slowing down the pace of the game piling on the pressure with the missiles we all know we've all seen it we've seen what kind of a beast cola becomes when he's backed into the corner when he's on last stop gets the up air but it trades out with the nair and quick is not giving him the opportunity to make this comeback he's stuck on the ledge versus samus but he manages to get off with a jump nail now has quick stuck in the corner himself and quick makes the mistake of up being early cola doesn't punish it too heavily though so quick might still be able to make this happen yeah very very crucial to get back to stage right there for quick but still one good read from kola if you get a knock down with a downtilt or something like that that will be curtains but one grab is enough as well for quick to be able to take this game 180 that's so much rage in the hands of cola and especially with roy's kill power quick cannot be careful but he is going to get that stock and the game popping off a little bit just over the fact that he's taken cola to game five a huge back hair coming out from quick right there and funnily enough it's worth noting that aside from his set with the buzz every single set that's quick has played um in this top 128 has gone to game five every single one and that shows some insane stamina from this german samus main right like you cannot play that many game fives and continue to play at your peak unless you are something else yes quick an incredibly seasoned player he has he has proficiency in every smash game aside from i think 64. you know he's played melee he's played brawl he's played smash 4 and he's still here as a top level competitor in super smash bros ultimate off to a strong start but cola retaliates and i love that turnaround bear by cola that little bit of extra percent thanks to the sweet spot might make all the difference especially considering how the last game ended but cola still holding on to this control of the stage quick manages to get back into center charges charge shot a little bit sends a couple missiles cola's weight and finds the fair lovely now on the platform the ledge trap situation once again big cha cha coming out here come the mines but they're not going to be able to do the job quite yet a couple sour spot fares put quick on the platform again it's a place that he struggled previously but he is going to be able to get down rather quickly the dash attack comes through and he's got cola in a bad spot mikola manages to cross up his shield with that bear no trump this time and the upbeat does its job lovely awareness from quick right there just go for the immediate upbeat what's the left track once again almost gets a grab a little bit too slow to react to that situation did not realize that the mind made contact and as a result cola gets another opportunity but the charge shot comes through and he finds himself dying to the there the simon belmont taking that final or that first stop from cola quick now in the lead but it is a fragile one you do not want to be messing with the incredible ko power of roy comes back to the stage caller try and get again for alleged trump but has not been successful with those so far kwik's done a fantastic job of buffering options at the ledge so that cola cannot get out there in time fair to catch the jump as well now has cola off stage again the upbeat for a little bit of extra damage tries for the charge shot both of them misjudge where their opponent's going to be and cola is quicker to recover that he is but again quick immediately coming down going for the charge shot to get the follow-up after the to get a follow-up after the fair jab there no follow-up either quick's been so fantastic thus far at escaping these roy combos as soon as humanly possible to minimize the damage and a great spot dodge into an upbeat there as well to build up some more and these bombs have been so so crucial for quick not just in terms of lead trapping but in terms of controlling neutral preventing cola from maintaining his advantage the way that he wants to and wow what a reaction right there notices that the up head doesn't fully connect and gets the back air now a near full stop lead for quick in this final game five of this set what a charge shot and the pressure just keeps piling on absolutely incredible but this is where cola comes alive he tries for the jab fair does not quite manage to connect quick only a single interaction away from losing this stock but he's also only a single interaction away from taking it trash for the up air yet again cola gets the grab sends him to ledge tries for the f tilt but quick is playing so evasively here still connects the double-edged dance and we have a last stock on our hands even gets the sweet spot from that range 86 but this is absolutely surmountable for a player of kola's caliber all he needs are the right hits here and there isolating quick on the platform if he can and getting those struggles he's got the crowd behind him he's got the experience he needs he's done this before he can do it again gets in there into a fair house quick on the ledge gets the down air up there as well for a little bit extra damage this is where it starts for cola lovely block on the charge shot homing missiles apply extra pressure get back to center stage so so important quick trying to play a little bit of a game of chicken with cola here just going in and out of that charge does not want to be the one who makes the mistake of pulling the trigger too early and that's going to be a jab back here it's not quite enough to take the stock but it puts quick in a very poor position as cola manages to get caught by the down tilt this is such a tense finally situated he gets a double start on stage what a nail bite to set to start off our block here last oh my goodness i wouldn't have it any other way as cola punches his ticket into top eight taking it over one of europe's best oh we still have a bunch more sets to go so many more what a way to start off this block it really really could have gone either way but kohler able to clutch it out in that key last situation but man that first set really went the distance absolutely incredibly well played from both of these players you're seeing it in the replay it was back and forth the entire time it was anyone's game up until the very end but at the end of the day like i said that's kola's specialty finding those clutches in those last hit situations no one does it quite like him something in the water in georgia both him and fatality are just absolutely insane when it comes to comes to that kind of game play let's watch this again final stop right here spacing the there just trying to chip away and then just leaps in with that ballsy double edged dance if that was shielded if that didn't connect that was the set cola probably one of the biggest gamblers in the smash scene just in the way that he plays he's always willing to take those high risk high reward plays because he knows he has the ability to capitalize off of those situations and he has the skill to always make
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 72,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot camp, bootcamp, fatality, games, glutonny, hungrybox, kazuya, marss, melee, mkleo, mythra, pyra, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, smash world tour, sora, sparg0, spargo, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, swt, tweek, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament
Id: EvXuRpLWv9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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