SWT Championship Winners Quarters - ProtoBanham (Lucina) Vs. Kola (Roy) SSBU Ultimate Tournament

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lucina here no min-men to be played let's go to jump right into it we got ourselves a good old-fashioned fire emblem match waifus yeah i'm slightly surprised actually to see proto just going straight to lucina the minman such a force we've really grown to know him as the best midman in the world probably over the quarantine days but of course he was the best lucina before that just gonna have a good old sword fight right nice and honest here lucina and roy two characters that are of course very strong but also you know maybe not the most nonsense out there at least in lucina's case roy we know about that side b we definitely do the side b and then of course i mean literally everything else this character can't do a criminally taking percents taking stocks excuse me at low percents however you know the beautiful thing about these two characters that they are pretty cut and dry you know what they are certainly looking for and since you play characters that kind of look like one another you should be able to at least tap into some of that knowledge here yo gotta point out proto bonham uses the wave dash back in neutral a lot we saw him do it right there didn't really gain him any ground or anything but it is something that's in his arsenal that i would say is really unique to him nobody else is doing that i mean you'll see players wavelaying on platforms but the way he does wavedash back with lucina it's really good you just downtilt out of that get yourself a safe poke there it is lucina proto looking for a poke right there at the legend down to it to try to turn it into something however cola just being relentless the run off sour fare is going to be enough to do it kohler right now kicking this match off right here in a dominant way i mean just really showing and showcasing that they have full control of the entire terrain here at battlefield great up here proto show me something yeah not great enough to kill unfortunately we're gonna have roy stock on the platform and lucina stuck on this first stock okay finally takes it off the dance blade right there by the way worth pointing out these are two of the players that i think made some of the biggest rises in terms of people's estimation of their skill of their caliber as players over the quarantine era cola really starting to come up right before everything shut down proto we already knew he was disgusting but when he started playing the min bin he started to take over japan that's right proto of course has been a fearsome force since day when i remember back at ceo 2019 to talk to the town of course with not only just spargo and of course you know just the you know the tear that that young man had been on but also proto playing over here in the states i mean you know he knows how to play on stages like here and here we are back in sunny orlando florida right now not doing so hot right here though cola finding a couple of specials out of shield just really alleviating that pressure yeah both of these players no stranger to the big stage no stranger to battlefield either talking about stages great for the fire emblem characters overall we're going to see cola clean that one up i don't want to say effortlessly but with little resistance for sure that's right cola right now looking very poised emotionally together ain't nothing wrong wearing emotions on your sleeve let's go ahead and take a look at the replays here once more coach proto did not go down without a fight here in this first game however cola just proved to be a little bit more dominant especially in these conversions gets the jab right into back here that's some patented cola stuff yeah if you're not using that why are you playing roy is my question look at that the fake trump right there colin knowing the proto would get off the ledge immediately and he also gets off the ledge immediately swings the back air takes a stalk and yeah that's our spot fair man like lucina she's got a pretty good reliable recovery roy not the best edge guarding game just because his recovery is kind of suss but sometimes it's really worth just going out there and hitting those characters man the fire emblem series uh was not blessed with great recovery across the board good and let's keep it that way i didn't mean i thought i was almost been thinking out loud my bad job but yes let's relive the glory once more here with the replays cola of course holding down for moist critical esports man just doing what he does best and of course that is just closing out stocks closing out games as dominantly as possible however proto no slouch especially being this part of bracket the lucina definitely was a powerful force i would not be surprised we see a little bit amendment too i know the character's gone through a few changes i don't think the changes are detrimental enough to drop the character completely uh you know there's still a lot of top player individuals namely mk leo of course who is in this part of bracket who has gone on record to say not really as confident in amendment match up not saying that he's afraid of it but you know he's just comfortable in some of the other matchups in the game at this level so i think that's something certainly to take into consideration however more lucina to be played hey man if memory serves from like four minutes ago i generally can't remember that long ago but when i was looking at the bracket i think the winner of this plays the winner of leo and the buzz so if proto goes on to take this leo might be tested in that midman matchup yes sir yes sir let's think back to glitch here you know mk little struggled a little bit versus pink fresh you know pink fresh of course a legend in his own right so the dad is certainly there this data right here is telling us that cola of course up a game right now on proto great pace this right there is going to hold shield through the whole double-edged dance putting on some solid percent here and just taking full control of the terrain of carlos yeah proto on fire at the start of this game wow trying to upbeat out of the jab follow-ups cola fortunately running up trying to check him on some defense right there and now it's gonna be his opening jumpless lucina not the best disadvantage state in the game far from the worst but roy a menace on the juggle we're gonna see cola even that one right back up that's right of course cola swinging very close to himself that's what you gotta do gets to run out turn around f smash for your troubles great pressure right there at the legend just a moment ago i like we know when proto was out of the jump try to use the first swing of dancing blades just to delay the timing a little bit coal of course staying up and up during the competition but maybe not up enough proto 112 right now throwing that rage around let's see if we turn this into okay so far still hanging out the parry just adding a little bit of extra sauce on that one okay fair into neutral air cola starting off on the right foot on the second stock here proto with no time to really carve out any kind of lead for himself and the tech roll in the car something to a tombstone you keep taking incorrectly there okay another dancing blade column force he finds himself off stage the high recovery the immediate air dodge in nearly escaping danger pro to of course a menace when it comes to edge guarding let's go ahead oh my god i was gonna say goodness gracious i mean all these up specials out of shield i get him he says man you know versus somebody like colin ray has the footwork to catch you in time the dare into up smash yep one of the classic high percent combos for lucina just not enough to do it here on carlos but the back air will be now we've got cola down to his last knock on the verge of looking at an even set but i mean you want to talk about even games he immediately killed proto after the first one so we'll see if he does it again still yet to even land a hit talk to him short hop forwarder right here just pushing the advantage so one side of the stage we have seen how dangerous cola can be in the corner gets to perry and we're going to see a lot of periods here if it wasn't already apparent enough both of these two characters great tools in the neutral but i'd be lying if i said they weren't kind of you know telegraphed maybe even a little linear both these two characters of course pair each other very well what they get out of them if space properly could be super detrimental okay no up tilt for you and the good space back right to the double forward there can we get one more oh it do not matter it don't even matter proto putting the pro and pro toe right there answering back at game number two really like the way he uh just didn't use the upbeat to avoid accidentally saving cola he looked at his stock count he's like oh i got two all right we're good so here it is and even set proto i think uh some of the highest extra expectations on him of all japanese players just because whenever we see him come here he does work and he also does a lot of work back at home cola though of course cannot ignore this guy as one of the hottest rising stars in the game over the last year and a half basically he's delivered on that at a lot of events but sometimes he does fall just a little bit short smash world tour he's looking to rewrite the book earned himself a spot in his top eight he wins the set that's right rewriting right here in a very dominant way of course game number two did not go his favor but certainly opened up this match with a lot of momentum in a very cola type of fashion these replays of course certainly showing why proto is supposed to be here in this portion of bracket i love that second floor there and then of course the situation awareness to not use up being time proto looking really good right now like that hat too by the way that's it's pretty clean yeah proto got a little style to him for sure a little swag on and off the sticks and i've just noticed that proto is a big fan of trying to ice cola out right now man in between games one and two did the same thing really took his sweet time thinking about the counter pick it's gonna be uh uh town city and yoshi story band on protozen caller running it right to ps2 interesting that we saw the set start on battlefield and have ps2 as a counter pick but right hey man i'm down for a little bit of variety there you go bring something a little new to the table and yet here we are back on pokemon stadium for the 112 thousand times it's all good though right here this is the 112 000 time we've seen this stage that's right no matter how which way you slice it both of these individuals looking to put a w on the board for themselves now however it's proto trailing here ever so slightly getting a little too close for comfort you touch the stove versus roy you're most definitely going to get burned here oh there's the downer though just when you thought it was safe to try to take the platforms away from proto yeah this is looking pretty good for cola so far just playing that open center really well of course using the platform to his advantage as well we're gonna see that first stock go in a flash 30 seconds man tweak versus sonics they didn't hit each other for 40 seconds i'm still trying to forget about it i'm still trying to forget about it man i'm like wow you know though that's some uh that's some patience if i've ever seen it myself because me a lesser player i would have been pressing buttons yeah exactly i paid for these buttons i'm gonna probably go press them man and cola pressing the right ones right now 77.3 very comfortably now obviously um you know lucina just very long normals you got to make sure you space your parries right that way you can try to get in fast enough for the punish it's gonna be a little difficult right here for rory sword not nearly as long as lucina's but still gets the job done jab in the corner great pressure yeah that's what you want to be doing when your opponent's at the ledge roy gets so much off of that and you can just throw it out pretty low risk you see cola going for that now but overextending just a little bit he allows portal back on the center but speaking of over extension bro putting those arms right out there for a forward smash that's right on the chopping block indeed here for game number three yes gets the trump right to the backers sour but we'll still take the percent and the immediate fourier answer back we don't typically see that type of game play right there from proto pro to of course always going to take a sweet time at the ledge if he has to but now understanding the pressure is on back bro no fourth row this time oh platform mix-up platform mix-up very smart bro that's the sour patch kids combo right there the sweet and sour chicken man i love it sour then it's sweet the light up there into the big one and now we've got a two stock lead on cole's part this match looking pretty insurmountable for proto but there is one path to victory and it's those off stage kills getting one at a really late percent there but hopefully for any proto fans out there he's going to do it a little earlier on the second stock it ain't over quite yet but this match certainly looking far from good um you know here's another dancing blade oh an immediate air dodge in proto great position there was this not able to capitalize in time gets the jab like right into the dancing blade proto starting to turn this into a little something taking the platforms away here of course roy combo food very easy uh target to just slap around fastballer yo these parries man really paying dividends for cola in the set those sword normals as oppressive and long as they might be they are very predictable when they're gonna come out so that's why you see so many parries in matchups like this one of the best ways around the disc joints in this game oh proto just backing up the fake perfect pivot right there okay forward throw and no cola still fighting and catches the tech chase back here there we go 2-1 lead i know the southeast is going crazy for this man i believe one of the last if not the last representative for the southeast remaining in the bracket cola's platform game is just ridiculous and i'm not even just talking about what he does when he's up underneath because we've seen the conversions but the fourth row right when he had proto up there that was so smart so so smart i mean of course could have threw proto offstage and then try to you know either let's trap or maybe edge guard a little bit he's like nah i know if i get you up here underneath these platforms or at least while i'm up underneath the platforms you're going to be in for a world of trouble and yes there's even going to be points and times in the match where both characters very well equipped however roy you just don't want to trade with this guy and we've seen a maybe there's a little bit too much of that there from proto pro's gonna have to dip more into the finesse category to really mount this come back here dipping in finesse yeah finesse remix all right show me something love that forwarder that was clean it was a great setup man just a little stall with the side b proto a big user of that i love seeing that as well just on a personal level but man what i don't love seeing is him getting beat down this hard cola i believe both games he won were two stocks but proto also won with the two stock on kalos so very true we'll see next stage is going to be ps2 yet again proto running it right back but i have a feeling we might be switching characters i think so i think the min is coming out i think she's really good on ps2 just because of how big the stage is right um smashville and lilac being the bands from cola though kind of curious maybe just not wanting to get screwed over by the ledge on lilac no it's not all that prevalent in this game and lucina is very strong on smashville she's very very good under that platform 100 proto of course we've seen him take his time kind of ice cold out a little bit but this time for good measure gonna pick the stage properly we also want to make sure they have the right character online yes your winner's side is unfortunately at stake here yeah which one of these players is gonna go to top eight at least on the winner's side because the loser could certainly pick it up win one more set and uh we'll be seeing them tomorrow actually i believe all of top 12 is tomorrow so everyone in winter's quarters they're not done just yet no they're not absolutely not okay proto has to get a second to get everything in order for himself and i don't blame him i mean you know just again there's so much on the line cola of course coming into this set not exactly what his training regimen was or if he was practicing before this set but the young man is on fire and proto definitely well aware of it taking that doesn't matter taking out the buzz approach yeah you got to man the the buzz approach the go ichi approach the wiz robe approach oh true very true got a couple guys who've really patented that try to cool your opponent down between games it's a viable strategy but um man you just hate to see it sometimes yeah sometimes tenacity only prolongs the inevitable speaking of the inevitable the amendment is here i knew it was coming i just wasn't sure when midman is here now this could be a bit of an issue here for cola depending on how this match is played out now i wouldn't imagine that you know we'd see any cloud you know had he went midman first the roy is definitely the better pick in my personal opinion however cloud roy you know they suffer from two very similar things you get caught off stage versus midman you're in some trouble yeah at least roy able to go diagonally back to the stage right that could help a lot in this matchup but maybe it also makes them easier to hit also i don't think i've ever seen anyone use this costume on minmin before proto usually uses default i didn't know this was in the game oh true very true it actually looks kind of fresh though uh either way cola looking extra fresh here 103 unresponded to maybe making proto regret this choice right off the bat the lucino is at least holding up you got to figure out a way to build that distance between you and roy you don't have the best options out of i believe you know you have nair i believe up smash is a pretty quick option as well too but a lot of that really pales in comparison to what roy can definitely do and as we can see right now no platforms for you don't ever air dodge it ain't never safe to do that there's a double s dance with a quick 40 cooking up these new arms yeah definitely a little bit of desperation on protozen with these defensive options trying to dash attack in to create some space for himself or rather take space from cola but it's just not happening okay down to love that up smash putting some size will percent here on the board and yeah you've got to play the spacing game here i mean this is a very different type of amendment than what i'm used to seeing proto play down smash at least shaking cola off for just a second here but is it too little too late rod this is looking like a 3-1 cola wrap i'm a big fan of proto i'd love to see him go further in the bracket but cola just looking like the man to beat right now oh we'll see how long you can act like that you know because you keep jumping incorrectly on midman and i mean look this is fighting game stuff one on one you know sometimes if you reach i will teach if you jump improperly i have the punish for you as you can see right there rory without a jump roy really without a recovery system good enough to get back to the ledge proto taking full advantage of that oh scary hours oh man feeling like i may have spoken too soon on that 3-1 victory for cola but he's going to get back to stage goes for an up throw midman not the best coming down from the sky but proto going to avoid danger here he's still alive on this second stock getting a lot of mileage out of it that he is that shields getting ate up though without the proper eye to shield out just to deal with always have to just roll away or jump out and then try to reset the neutral start swinging those arms around yeah it's very hard to punch roy with anybody but especially mid men at least you know on shield on whiff midman has a real fun time with you she could just swing from across the stage and do a ton of damage for whatever option you picked oh yeah just throw those down till it's no invincibility uh oh oh no proto did did he tether too many times he reached the limit he might have that might have been three yeah oh dude and cola opening up big off the respawn oh gets away with that down here somehow by the grace of god uh-oh wait a minute ramram coming through and smart to delay the recovery wow delaying the recovery unfortunately does not serve you any justice gets back to the ledge just to get knocked back off love that gets the arm swing but at 73 these percents unfortunately are starting to climb now however midman of course not with the conversion game that roy has but certainly with the strength factor one or two punches you're back in this man proto was at only like 36 when he killed cola's second stock and it is just starting to get real out of hand yeah the 112 right here proto gonna need to channel all of that instead changing the channel to the next set it's gonna be 3-1 for cola taking proto-bottom out of the winner's bracket man that was a really good set cola played out of his mind we talk about how he's a momentum-based player right should be really very up or very down when he's on the sticks but man that was all the way up right there oh no doubt about it with no real sign of coming back down at all love that ledge trump boom right into the back here didn't even know you could pop off like that in easy slides i just learned something new today just learned something new okay there's that nare and of course you know proto it's a little stuck into this corner there's the grab break smart stuff to just again try to stall coal out in the corner i mean worse you have to do it if you hang at the ledge maybe not down smash if he's fast enough you know we've seen a little down till now last game but cola really let proto come back to the stage for free and then some of those interactions that kind of came back to haunt him a little bit however cole was still able to persevere through 3-1 man wow on proto that means that's almost unheard of that's a big win man but cola certainly a player who's capable of it man just falling short on the tether or you know not allowed to grab the ledge again i also love how cola saves his ledge trumps for situations that are gonna win the game for him or even win the set right he stood there and down tilted several times and proto is probably just thinking about that when he's getting back to the stage right like what's the lead trap going to be nope just snatch that away that's right snatching it away in a dominant way cola of course going up 3-1 if you're just tuning in over proto i mean a really just a strong showing right there from both those two individuals i mean when you see those names in bracket i don't care if you're the best player in the world or the worst player in the world you know what i'm saying it sends chills up your spine it might make you tremble a little bit those two are not to be taken lightly and i hope that match proves certainly why not
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 207,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultimate, boot camp, bootcamp, bros, championship, finals, games, hungrybox, ibdw, leffen, mew2king, mkleo, pound, pound online, smash, smash Ultimate, smash bros, smash world tour, ssbm, ssbu smash, ssbu tournament, super smash bros, super smash bros Ultimate, swt, swtc, twitch, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, ultimate tournament, wizzrobe, world tour, zain, zero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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