VCA19 - myR | quiK (Samus) Vs. FOX | MkLeo (Joker, Lucina) Smash Ultimate Tournament Losers Finals

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yeah let's see what happens I can't wait to see this it's an exciting one we're in Lu loses finals the winner of this will join collusion Ian brands MK Leo versus quick alright let's see which approach and Kelly will take against Samus yeah remember he does have the rebels guard against projectiles potentially yeah all right again with this air hitting Joker instead of the left maybe that's actually that actually anything maybe if you aren't there as a character you can prevent Samus from grabbing that I already know but there's things that we know em kayla is known for these drag down and do this such a long extension and punish the gun off stage again displace the movement trick out a little bit nice run oh hey you can see their house guard coming out as well yeah and I'm sure em Kaleo will become faster and faster at reacting to those projectiles with rattles card or the reflector our scent does have yeah very dangerous reflector oh he's got a counter and reflected the Tetra and mckarrick on and that out there just does it our sin is here and Santa's have gone second stock for a quick classic well you know look at the movement quick is known for this you know just that that's that's a unique movement style just again it's one of those things we just like to show it off a little bit to keep that movement that movement going in this guy make their opponent just it's so much harder to read that kind of easy and then maybe we reset your mindset a little bit after losing a stock earlier yeah oh the rebels guard against the bomb our sin is slowly but truly coming back to em kill your side forward smash not gonna be enough to take it just yet we're gonna that we are trying your love again yeah I know the N mod recovery from layer though using their invincibility and recovering high on to the stage just to avoid that neutral air they try and throw I think at this point maybe the pressure oh wow oh wow they Anna Boch avoided that waters oh ha caught it they've done though the gun just stopping SAMHSA's grab immediately downtown will be enough first dock quick is its to stock to peace but quick is you know and the in leading can you call this two stocks I don't know I mean well we're about us a 2-1 but uh we'll see how old how much damn percentage quick can get up in this stock before he loses there and that's the most important thing right now it is you know being Emily is yeah stay resolute try and force ass ten before the stock is gone yes every hip counts oh wow that usually doesn't cure but I can yeah almost did there whopper yeah try it so times because that yeah great right now they say you just trying to make sure he can get us and start it before he loses stop that does hurt though not a good position for quick what can he make happen maybe he can get Leo off stage before our sent us here that would be perfect for him but they or such a careful player yeah and this is again this is where like you know like you know that that live nature as I mentioned before of of jokers it's gonna play into his hand like able to kind of just like duck and diving we between all these hitboxes are being thrown out well and I can believe the forward till beat get up attack there [Music] yeah remember there is the reflector quick is being cautious about his charge shots our sin is gone oh there it is again safe and shield for both parts of that the bomb and the charge shot again you know Leo's aware of these like these are these low jump overs into the back air so he's keeping himself safe in that shield again when those moments come out aren't be a shield once again yeah taking the stock has proven to be really difficult against leo another Dombey yet feels like leo is just waiting for the charge so there it is right when I say me an rebels guard just came out immediately and that will be immediate our sin so fast with that one does not wasn't ready for the macro con but there doesn't matter back for our back so yet [Music] at the moment at the moment very nice okay he can on the charge right into the iPad a really nice guy clean stuff again so how has that stock once more but again the percentage is just too much oh go through with the animation safe for now but not done yet you got one last play here as a looks like MK Larry's gonna try and just close out this first game barrage attack 180 percent haven't got a hit yeah either thing work no not yet no trying to go for the stock there with a down for sure the official that the effort or it will be too redundant it did he maybe yeah yeah that will definitely do it at 200% yeah could you imagine be didn't right turn my back ad I mean even where they even without a sin you know you have to kind of like I have to put purple yeah yeah I mean yeah the suit the suit is heavy yeah same as Stannis lives long but not that long alright which stage are we gonna see as the contour pick it's a good question I think I mean maybe trying to avoid those voices platforms where Leonie is able to you know pressure underneath those shocking underneath the platform something to F do know yeah I'm taking over getting rid of those because like to remove the shocking effort that can come through and that's like a really more model yeah that's true I haven't even thought about that yet that's yeah and avoiding to protect us also is harder if you have no platform to stand on well that said you know we do have the you know easier to I guess easier to you know being able to jump up and meet things with rebels Garo McCarrick on all right pretty slow start but it's been working out for quick so far we have to catch the meat in there it's 2% gonna jump once again yeah so that's the thing with awesome online very nice gain I wonder I think it's the first movie I actually managed to get that Kent that had that confirm one lay oh this set didn't happen at all in the first game then again we see quick going very deep just to hear popping that bomb just keeping himself safe in the drop zone okay only here in the role on this time I can't believe em Kaleo got baited like that to go down that still didn't take the stock was not fully charged oh yeah the rebels came out but he didn't all that is I think I might have found my buzz it but start going down crowd coming alive here cheering for their European representative okay yeah quick the ledge seems to be quickstats friend right now he feels really confident over there just stalling out with his bombs and is there our sin almost on deck there it is as well he is a rip to the mask from his face and reveals his persona as a grabber we'll be trying on that back for a bombs as well just to try and catch these wings of rebellion once again oh how much gauge I just have as well it's almost gone again Santa's can't just go out so far with this movie yeah yeah oh that way okay maybe he was a little too close to the ledge before dessert to connect m'kay lay with known for going so far out and that's the thing either he knows that so he's able to really utilize every element of his recovery to keep himself so far gone he's looking pretty slide right now [Applause] oh okay you're trying to discover that aggression once more they're the backbackback air will connect 121 percent half of the gauge filled up they're going to be looking for that rebels guard to get our are sent out immediately and try and rack up some percent nice yeah keeping him off stage seeing the early grapples coming out getting into his face with that nail take another stock and stock lead for quick cash it as finals now catching is they're not there but a tether yeah recovery is so difficult but but that quick has the timing okay no that jump is still there now what an option for men can do though yeah all right now yeah just keeping that space very very solid visited the said eras but with a quicker recovery the cage is slowly here prevent the rebelling us fools are saying in the on deck very very shortly oh that one hurts forward smash still living though yeah and that really is it if if our sin comes out before quick losses the stock maybe if you can get some percent in as well lair just wants to end it now and then make full use of our sin there is it is a slow methodical but it is effective waste time oh and that's hold on a bit sure why yeah I mean not again using that to to stent but you know it'll air immediately saw that a new exactly way needed to do a high up acre with that tent it's gonna be gonna be okay oh I was about to say that's what the samus is good at just darling off stage forever oh there's no dump okay they are not quite finding the right position to punish quick and layer with back in again and then that's just that's just his monster you know even if he has the stocking he just tighten his defenses it was so hard for cook to get any hit in that last stock and now he's finally starting to get the odd hit here in there but he had to do that he had to play conservative but now he can take a little bit more advantage and a little bit more initiative and see if he can you know get the you know just the jump I guess on someone like Kevin Kelly oh I mean good luck supera even game here quick again off stage so much in this match looking alright so far but it's gonna be looking scary as that rebellion gauge fills up you know who's coming out soon once again catch the oh wow max rad corrupted it's gonna go looking for a nice edge garlic possible maybe quick taking a game off MK Leo with the charge shot into that one one of this set you see what it moms too quick as well taking away those platforms really helped him out there it definitely did yeah and yeah he isn't scared he isn't scared going off stage he's and scared staying on the ledge for a little bit longer just to not get caught by by anything that Leo tries to catch him with a very patient very patient definitely and but yeah again we saw quick going in and out of that defensive and aggressive play but yeah they wasn't falling for it as much as honest review opponents he made it really hard for him to find a footing the scene is coming yeah okay and this is serious this is serious m'kay Leo cannot afford to play around now I mean this is definitely 100 percent of of him he really wants to win that and apparently he thinks lucena is his best chance in doing so yeah I mean we know that obviously we know that he's a mouse or he was a math prodigy back into mesh for anything trying to make mother but he just came to the conclusion that you know machine is just gonna be able to do I wanna I wanna see so yeah we'll see we'll see this is definitely new for quick now he has to readapt to a new character yeah again quit going up getting his invincibility back as well with that down special that is barely on the ledge yeah very strong performance so far from em Kaleo with the north deport for nice landing so clean and we know that here it comes into this character this move settin and his knowledge of movement is gonna be an absolute danger or side B catching the spot touch again getting the right option on the ledge and okay Leo seems to be in quick head in quicks head yeah just going over it Messina is really fast actually for a sword fighter she's super fast and so far it seems easy for him to get through all the projectiles and the bombs with Mussina no top left very nice using a bomb to force the underneath option I'm countering immediately with the forward air yeah thank God that was actually so smart phone quick he saw that MK Leo had no jump left because you saw you see the circles right if he jumps and he just jumped right as he got hit but from quick and quick immediately abusing that going very deep offstage nice RB and carry into up a very nice yeah screw attack there's the - tag just to follow up from that long range on the long range over the charge on it's not such a back and forth year again Amplio trying to catch him off stage but clinic just doesn't having it in recovery is so smart every single time throwing out these options keeping it tense right now that the back end nice parry Oh - attack I'm pretty sure that's very rare to see that kind of thing so I think quick girls not ready to do any kind of punish there oh yes stunning timing starting coming one of those things he does exactly in hadn't use that option before had the bright right positioning and it's to think so much in this game is situational and contextual yeah yeah moment and is being able to make the right decision at the right time and that wily I was one of the best yeah I was wondering when we're gonna see the first counter - edge guard samus since he could have done the same with Joker with our scent but that was never really an option to go for it but now I got a witness with Lucena 80% how much damage can M Kaleo do before losing his own start much more out of shield this opponents not landing up at yeah there is some fear and quick here what an edge card from M can do will that be it that's the barrier beautiful red card once again going so deep quick holding his head there now the clean performance from MK layer so having over to the new D Lucina Wow yeah yeah it worked out well for him so far thinking Lee senior as well from what it seems then is I can come the conversation with quick yeah I'm pretty sure he will the question is will there be a switch from quick is there a reason to switch to zero suit I don't know I don't know Lucina is such a balance out character she can do a lot she has not a lot of like matchups that really hurt her yeah so counter picking her is is a weird thing it's it's more of a preference thing I think but we'll see I'm honestly expecting the samus [Music] and which will it be there it is blog man he's coming with a meaning again and you're talking about how much of a of a matchup shift it was you know and there were elements that was so good from quick but you know any latest having too much too much speed and and too much quality with this particular character in order in order to kind of like you know keep a need to keep quick from like Cooper from pushing forward but can quick in this game for maybe adaptations he needs because you know we've seen him adapt fast and well and can he do it here Wow yeah and again the the bomb I think she'll coped Lucina and cobbled into the charge fraud very well played by quick very nicely I'm waiting for the delay as well to get that down angle dancing blade finish Amelia yes they had havin a lot of these empty hops coming out from Leo so I think just wanting to call some of these houses yes that was a mixup from what he usually does usually you know every time there was a bomb there was a bomb there he forced MP Leo to wait and to wait for the right moment to get up Wow another roll in he just doesn't stop with the pressure up tilt neutral air audience she's very excited to see this right now quick is putting on again this is the thing he does he's just so good at yeah changing his game [Music] oh wow quick Silva Oh finally I'm Kelly or getting something here taking the first stock but this is a full stock lead you say that it's MK Louis a mate there's the the we'll see what can happen here okay okay yeah the momentum definitely shifted here I think this is the only quick needs to not get you know like too hasty he needs to place a fast but not hasty is what we're talking about right now double jump once again looking first of all oh man alright dashing and therefore once again leucine off stage yeah these few hits on on lay off means so much every percent now is just extending quick sleeve more and more Oh wonderful yeah he's spot dodge to force the onus on something else that that was the yeah the air dodge came in and in another F smash but this is a high percentage right now can quick finish this game before empty Logan into this one the let's go quick chance in the arena he rather charge his charge toxin so it's a pressurizing point of his game plan here as we see and hello so here so you coming back charge what is expended on there to ward smash that is so much percent and quick again on the ledge down tilt double jar a big top this is scary that for smash we would probably claim it at the end of the stage so scary right now for both players and Kaleo though is resolute we know what he's like he's calm under these kinds of situations the bomb defusing that moment there's the landing there this is surviving odd yet not yet it's this quick MK leo going so deep and he knew it he made the choice he decided to go low because he's been trying to stay up high but M Hillel is seeing the option goes low in the back it'll be it he's done it so many times he was out there further and further out to to catch Sam's to try it over and over again and now at the very end we saw him actually catch quick all the way down there finishing the game and the set
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 509,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp video game, bootcamp, boot camp, ultimate tournament, ssbu tournament, ssbu smash, smash bros, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, ultimate, smash bros ultimate, melee, ssbm, EVO, EVO 2019, mkleo, Marss, glutonny, Maister, ESAM, samsora, fatality, leffen, mango, tweek, nairo, VCA 2019, Vienna, Vienna Challengers Arena
Id: 3CKeFQdngpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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