Liz Gillies Talks Dynasty, Victorious and Special Guest Matt Bennett

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[Music] Phoebe is the Zach sang show we got Heather dad we got Liz gilja we also I'm not bad with that corner I just I didn't want to pay I didn't want to come on Ben feeling kind of anxious lately and so it helps for me to kind of bring an emotional support and I gotta go my best though I don't want I actually I'm happy we were both going to wear silk pajamas today so he's wearing a so pajama shirt it's nice it's so there's no confusion it's his equivalent of like an orange vest on a plane under pretty animals the service need to service them yeah yes nice and you're wearing pajamas and it's like 90 degrees in the studio right now yeah I thought that it would be air-conditioned but I guess new studios in there yeah yeah because everything else I like this couch so I feel very much like I feel like your little Howard Stern it's very very nice but you hated it for the first you know moments what you're getting used to it you know like that do you know Halloweentown you know like I think it's Halloweentown to where they have to like go in front of like the jury of people and they're all in the courthouse and they're like I said I know you know I'm talking about I know what you're talking about yeah that's what it feels like right now I'm really nervous I get talked about the whole time he's behind what it comes in here it is now so I'll let him come when it's time yeah what do you have to say on the floor yes but in crouch meal okay hey congratulations on dynasty thank you that's you what big deal yeah well we have to celebrate Raj of happy yeah whether those money dance is like that where'd you come up with that idea for tonight I Owen to drink the next time I guess Wow that was not expected Wow quick it wasn't too quick so she said that release he wouldn't know Wow your first time popping champagne dude I just I but usually like it's in there and you it takes a little bit of nudging before a pop any sense punishes again you encoded Wow all right well part let's get on congratulations on are you seriously come on you how you feeling I'm excited I leave I leave very soon to go do that yeah it's going to be fun you're going to be in Atlanta that's what I'm shooting and I'm literally going for the summer months into the fall which I think tornado season starts back up in the fall we're starting tornado season which for me this is your worst nightmare well I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy to be working I'm excited about the show Atlanta is really fun it is great food I'm very afraid of weather so it's not a match made in heaven but I'm gonna I'm going to show up I feel like Fallon is a perfect role for you yeah like what went through your mind when you first read the pilot well I had appendicitis I'm actually not kidding I had appendicitis nose in the hospital I so I can't reference him again but Matt was with me in the hospital if no one else believed me so I told Matt to come down to the ER and then I did have appendicitis and they took I took that baby out and then I woke up and I had this email of dynasty and I was still kind of on a lots of drugs and I and I and I read it I was like that would be fun so I went and I right out of the like two days after recovery my real for that Zac watching you do this is a disaster sorry telling a story sorry okay science not hearing whatever I had to pay I might have done and then I did then I did the I got the audition in the same week I think they they told me in the room which had never happened before but how do you process falen like it what goes to your mind like how do you dissect her because she is complex yeah I well the original sound was kind of she was wonderful and I watched a lot of the original dynasty before because I don't be able to hate me like we're remaking something whenever you remake something you do a reboot there's a really good chance at the beat the oh geez the people who grew up with it are going to be like they're going to roll their eyes and so my goal is to create a character that pays I want to pay tribute to her and watch her but I want to recreate it so that it's not a direct comparison because I mean people were in love with the original characters you know it would die hards yeah yes like our parents their grandparents like my mom's obsessed yeah she's very excited to be on the show hey guys for people like me what is dynasty that I can explain have no idea so pretty much it's like the original was two families that were super wealthy right kind of competing against each other what I've been able to dissect just off of the big trailer that was really you spra was that this is kind of different right yes felon you you have a brother and you have a super-rich dad right they owned a family company and your dad yl energy oil energy they want to uh he's joins wants to bring in a new woman I get him get married he has a girlfriend right yeah which is very which he always has new girlfriends and he always new women coming to the house all I want is not only for my father to love me but I want his respect I want to be taken seriously I want to inherit the company I want to run the company when you wanna be lazy oo sounds be a boss and she can't and I think the original found wanted that as well but I would say that for the women in our show for Krystal and I we've really kicked up ambition to to fit this generation to fit the times now versus them they kind of were kind of okay just being wives and you know to his back then and now we definitely have a lot that we want to do now is crystals family rich to you no not at all God comes from pistol comes from nothing she works for Blake for for Blake Carrington and then he takes a liking to her and they end up you know I have it I walk in on them basically not which I feel like I've done in like every show I guess not victorious but that's like am i walking in on a parent having sex faces like it's almost like it's on autopilot now I've done it so many times not in real life I've never done in real life imagine no I don't imagine okay George and Lauri enough stop George and Lauri as my brother and I have to go what's wrong with you Oh George and Lauri go that's my 21 year old brother and my mother ah it's good hard here is it though it should I should have more sweaty because it's already hot and I'm a little nervous Wow anyway holy okay he hasn't changed we're talking about so basically I I think it's going to be just another lady but then they surprise us with a wedding a little Metheny fight because you have to fight sometimes with and so she's now a huge obstacle and he's putting her in front of me which is even a bigger insult and so hurt my characters her whole thing this show centers around the feud really between crystal and Fallon and the original it was more so between crystal and Alexis who enters who is Joan Collins yeah who I don't know play that roba my god I've inherited a lot of that character and my my role is almost a hybrid I believe of the original Alexis and and Fallon so what was found the daughter and the original a she's a daughter yeah so I mean this is it's the same but different it's the same bit different yeah I mean listen if you watch the original dynasty it was it's fabulous but it was very much of that time you listen to things I say and you're like that could never be said now you know we have to kind of modernize it and update it and we have and it's set in Atlanta it was set in Denver oh cool so it has a fun young you know me as a young dude and you have two love interests right that play together yeah first season van had a lon obviously now it's you know your first scene you're getting like a pleasure by the person who picks you I now your driver someone just woke up yeah that was fun to shoot people okay so what is that like when it's time to shoot that scene like what is he actually doing in that mild I had to do more intense but I've never done that I've never done like we open and Liz it's tight on your like potato face from like your chin to your forehead and it's just like it's like face from Nickelodeon except paler with red or lips when I'm just like oh I just knew what it looked like I know what level to do but yeah I mean it's so awkward so you didn't know that this could never bring you an orgasm uh-huh right now gee I don't know face name it OB Chico's you got I'm not doing that now this one I still have a family when they're all gone I'll come on the show and I do it for your family's point is that your family's freaky so yeah because he's imagining my brother and my mother yeah what is it like when you're shooting that scene of like what is he doing down there how is he killing time like are you doing it separately his Jenga he is like a Scrabble we can cross Sheree is better any good no no Rob is really cool of this is the craziest so Rob who plays call han who's the limo driver who Fallon sleeps with who also does you're Julian loves to what he does your dirty nose my dirty work to I'm like get a picture follow them and he's like on it and then he shows me then I'm like no it's a good relationship but I really should really they really care for each other because he's he's known her since she was young which is kind of interesting too if you think about it but no I mean he understands her and so she's open and she's more vulnerable with him and Jeff who she's trying to she's not trying to use Jeff but she's trying to do business with him and it will benefit their company in her career if she if she schmooze him a little bit and flirts with him and gets on his good side so the Colleen is amore as of right now authentic natural organic relationship and but yes he's very nice Rob and this is so far that's the only one we've had that was like that we're in a very tight limo with a hot Atlanta day yeah it was a bit difficult yeah I didn't find how do you prepare for that like do you practice yeah I said my hotel just Miriam you're at practice no I go to work and I do it okay okay I don't fill a fine underwear with myself and I do that like what do you think I don't Lisa professional also while that's happening your brother is hooking up with your news mom no your brother in the show Fallon's brother he's hooking up with your new stepmom nephew yeah it's very everybody is sleeping with everybody yeah it's all over this has something it's created by the people who did Gossip Girl there's one the executive reasoning in Josh Stephanie Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage and I'm such a big Gossip Girl fan and I'm such a big OC fan they did both of them and so there were some shots that when I was watching the pilot that just looked like establishing shot like before blaring blaring Serena walkin I'm exploring from like two sips of champagne from the room temperature I'm assuming cheap champagne warning to nice I just watched the beginning of that trailer oh I do not seen it no oh well I could time to watch it right now is a great time to watch this what are your thoughts on it you said I mean about the tight shot they're like it's not the most flattering angle we could have picked yeah Wow okay thanks Dan I remember your question oh we're talking about okay the people who created the show they're the best in the business and their best I'll you know putting a yeah like this yeah well we're shooting a pilot with them what'd you learn did you learn anything you being on set was great I mean I really felt I I was so excited to work with them again I was such a big fan of both the shows and I think the energy it has the same feeling that same Under exciting feeling that when I was a kid and I watched not even a kid like I'll still rewatch gossip Rovio see now because I love it so much binges yeah and I think if this shows and have the same feeling and I know that I think my fans are super excited for it they kind of had to take one for the team with the last show is kind of set for an older audience they bake grooves with it so this is much more their demo and but I think there's something in it for everybody and these characters aren't in high school you know I think my characters are like 24 25 and everyone's in adult living their life and so it really spans a wide age gap which is a nice fashions amazing I had a four hour fitting yesterday how we done so much fun oh my god is ridiculous it was ridiculous it made me a snob like I don't dress like this everyday I did this kind of residue but I yeah it's the clothes are just incredible it's incredible so okay I want to get into Pamela Seymour and she originally played Fallon on dynasty do you reach out to her didn't connect you with her I haven't yet I should write maybe what she sent me a desperate good luck so yes em no I should I don't know I like the low key middle finger to in one of the shop no it's funny they didn't use that in the pilot but they did release that pictures I was sweating so much and there were so many bugs that day and every time a bee came around I would run away that's why I didn't look good in that picture not gonna make any excuses but my animal doing that okay that was just in New Mexico with me where are you you were also in the hospital yeah I was in the hospital again today yeah yeah I went the hospital a lot this year yeah I'm really I'm really bad luck I got a horrible stomach virus the night Matt was coming in to visit me in New Mexico I was working on this thing and I was like Matt come visit me and he's like for sure we're gonna do this which is that we tried to Santa Fe and I was like let's open up or is around its benefit like so excited and then I got a horrible stomach virus had to be rushed to the ER I had fluid there's a homo but the fluid so they do help he took like he described as tablespoons of blood well what yeah didn't you might as I invite my animal in minutes yeah it just helps where the fittest part of the interview come on it you can walk faster so cute you guys are you got zebras on your pajamas yeah this is just uh you look good you can grab that mic if you find that mic grab that mic yeah yeah baby you're on I really like I'm shot wide enough that you're good I'm sure not but oh God so tell them about what the what the hospital man said to you mister Hospice is miserable no man I said mister hospital man please don't take too much blood I haven't had much to eat I feel like I'm gonna faint he says he said I'll be careful he phantom have to cut your clothes off he said remember what no he said remember what grandma said the guy says hey did well grandma said always wear clean underwear because if you faint I'm gonna have to cut your clothes off whoa and then you go out happen but then don't think you're gonna get out of this hospital that somebody recognized you yeah who you are so you recognized me and then talked about cutting my clothes off I thought it was hilarious when she was very uncomfortable I thought it was it was equally poor and then I was like oh does this whole bag have to finish I'd love to get out of here and he's like we want to get in here I want to get out it was he attractive I don't want to like I feel bad what if I'm what if anything our type all right but he's not my type I'm you know committed mass committed to the Lord God we can't it's not how many times I have to do this one just one okay now you're out of it you went out you were in and I we came out I was raised somewhere in the middle yeah I would know a word like yeah action but we definitely celebrated I like little menorah and hung an ornament your house yeah man maybe sometimes I rip this sweet now yeah we're going to ask what is the poor bail yeah it is it's one you have above Andre yeah come on um so dry we thought open house that's one we went to an open house we pretended to be like I'll take that back now we would kind of like buying a house and she's like oh you're Hollywood people she's like in that case small and me like she thought waited like money we're gonna buy a house and I was like the bathrooms a little small mad and you're like it's small and she said wait wait let me show you the backyard I'm like oh you want us back here there that was fun Mexico Kilda we went to Mia wolf went to me al wolf what's meow meow lalls is this crazy thing they should have one in LA it's like a crazy art exhibition interactive you walk through it starts it's like a abandoned what do you laser tag that's what I guess it was because that's a big cavernous and they built a house in side of it two floors and you walk through the refrigerator takes it out of space yeah you go through the washing machine it takes you through a wormhole whoa yeah I just are just plain it's like an acid trip you should have this year it would be so it would be it wouldn't be as special if it was here though because you know it's not a photo ops yeah Albuquerque I you know I haven't been yet but I like the community by Albuquerque they're good people they're they really don't know well I we talk to them every night we're on the radio there oh hi Albuquerque yeah kko be a burger I plated The Weird Al Yankovic al-bakr there's any Neil Young I actually is really sad I was I was really bored now in Albuquerque I was not like I Albuquerque is amazing I was on the wrong part I was downtown a lot of homeless men real and we really there's a really interesting you know all the community there I don't have a problem with homeless men these were really I've never known this type this breed of homeless mastery so it's different every job what was the New Mexico breed of home at like encountered a whole different vibe than than we did when we were there we were kind of might cast that I was with we do is more like very aggressive scary murderous middle then I walk into the hotel like neck hanging off like eyeball now that was like they're so sweet in their flirty as hell yeah encounter you know 2017 great a lot of gay homeless man oh hey I'm all for it yeah I think that's great good you know we're guys didn't getting numbers though because they have no phones you know maybe a winter coat or two new tether it to but I was walking down the street and you know there are two homeless people passing a joint around and I was like I didn't know if it's legal there so I just like looked at them like snot I mean I do on a street and they go ain't daddy the whole person to me and I my brain was just divided that I went hi LA and what you left yeah I want I wasn't gonna following his rat he was real it was got an hour like I don't know what the real version of them yeah like that complimentary while the two of you are on the couch victorious are we going to be doing a real finale boy I sure hope so the talk always kind of comes back around I'll be the one to just say the thing it's looking better than it has in a while really it is you know something I don't you little don't leave we talked about it you know I mean you saw it happen on Twitter that was a positive emotion know what I'm saying everyone seems like they're they're willing and able well the conversations are with Arianna and then I think Dan chimed in and then Victoria timed in then you guys chimed in then Leon and Danielle and I think the thing is if we can get Arianna to do it she's the big get then I think that she really wanted to do if she does want to do I think it's about timing I think we all none of us we all want to do it and the network wants it too I'm sure who knows I would they don't want us running around those sets again can't you can't you guys to say hey Ariana let's do this yay hey come on now take time out of your busy schedule to just throw a bone to us little yeah and how much going I am medicine Ellie we're all we all want to do it that's mean it was cool to see it happen because it does like maybe once a year the conversation kind of comes up in some way it's nice that it's now concrete like we all kind of design a little sounded out there too Oliver no no I mean I mean metaphor in a way we it's a metaphorical concrete thing that kind of soft metaphorical concrete okay I mean what do you want out of it would you want it to be a reunion where you want to put like it I guess nothing is what we want to be on it you'd be great if we all graduated Hollywood our early mid to late 20s exactly yeah left does perpetually 1670 yeah to have us aged out yeah go to college finally waiting where's kiss first kiss I'm sure Dan has a ton of ideas Rebecca and Jade have this point I believe a two-year-old baby whoa something I haven't and I just announced yes if there was a timeline they've definitely got she's definitely pregnant none and I have had the baby because I was a bigger pregnant like two Christmases ago I mean J I'll be still saving social Mario's fashion eyes like a Freudian slips because I was really pregnant you I mean Jade you're saving yourself for marriage to Robbie is still savings also really well it Rex has not all them and all the times you had to walk I had I was an active participant yeah thanks guys maybe there's a round you guys are all friends this is a door no so fast we are brunette neither neither Lopez we don't have anything better to do surely we have nothing better to do I literally flew him out to see me last week to go ahead of slow four days but she that's fun and it keeps you sane and it keeps you happy where do they keep us insane I mean what making them keep this something the fight scenes in Dynasty yes how much choreography goes into that like how much work it was a lot so Natalie and I initially did an eight-minute crazy borderline just like a little bit like a different type of show fight scene whose bed floor wall like it was crazy are you wearing whoo if I die to the swagman like windbreaker looks really sexy it's wide swings what actually really finds sort Natalie is like super beautiful and ethereal and she's really hippie-ish and she and I'm just the opposite I'm just I just talk and I there's no mystery with me at all we know that and so we did the fight scene she was wearing like a free people like like flesh-tone onesie and like these cute jeans and I was wearing like I like I got prepared like I'm Nickelodeon we had stun stuff I was correct so thankful it is like huge Anika and I Fletcher and like and I watched the video back and it just looks like she was like a dude stunt guy oh my god that's just a side note so we sent them this eight-minute version and it was way too much and we ended up condensing it to what was in the what we've got your first like real fight scene mm-hmm I don't know I played a lot of who have hit people so it's like but this one this is going to be the most for sure this is going to be really the most intense and it's the first of many I'm sure I love many young they were incredible if you've seen the original dynasty of you google the pond is a very memorable one and so they're known for Alexis's studio is incredible I mean and they have these stunt guys that are just these huge men that swap out for these you know Dancy actresses incredible because I don't really try to hide it that much I mean the and thrown through windows and then the cottage on Commerce really and so look beautifully but meanwhile there's like a dude like picking up the other one and it's it's I'm really excited to be a part of this institution that face that you made when you grabbed your soon-to-be stepmoms hair that's the other thing I have to learn how to fight pretty because I fight like I'm like a scrappy boy we thought man you know I can get very into it uh I mean yeah just then you got my wrist oh my neck and I my name's gold so she she's an ankle biter she but my ankle light no yeah I don't even gone on you're like where are you right now you single yet and I look at you Jen champagne wearing those silky pajamas I'm generous all for you uh-huh where are you with with whatever you're into waiting for you let's try things on a lot of gifts I come in here I just watch an interview did which one the latest one that was just posted I just clicked one Madison beer yeah oh very pretty girl Damon back I don't know any of anyone so I'm just like I found like someone's like gravure II pretty girl has Holte been back in a while yeah she came back I saw her lawyer hasn't responded to any any of my I've been trying to contact that my house it hasn't worked out yet I don't think she really knows that it exists which the lossing both the lawsuit and you told me the a word so that's the a word asks with the a H word oh okay what do you think I forget what do you think of her new album a hopeless Mountain Kingdom yeah no that's a real name yes just you know so much music on it like tracks and elite yeah there's beats beats and just like vocal takes and singing and production value to sheet your lyrics or and throw some lyrics up in the air and you know juggle him around other drums I don't know much I think it's a really good album I like it I only album on is from now that I listened to recently it which I've been really vocal about like it's embarrassing is I Harry Styles is a libido goes great okay it's a great album but do we not feel that parts of that album were obviously stolen from no previous icon great if it's on the radio verse gnomes I'm not preaching to the choir right now but I feel like if it's if that type of music makes people want to hear other types of music that are super musical like that what does it sound like the Rolling Stones what's that Oh II if kids are doing that instead of being like you know I totally get it like it's better that way don't you think I totally understand and him getting on the radio ushers in a beautiful boy I'll have anything with Stevie Nicks I don't know fine thumbs up from me no I I agree I don't have to hate him no I did I liked how to get out of jail yes no no yes on this couch naughty you told us always calls you jolly Brett impersonate is that right I'm calling you yes why don't you like top 40 music I don't I don't dislike it there are songs that I like and then then she's been such as this slated to me and I have to be named well sing it for you despedido dance leader you got to come to your senses that was another one I know this I know it I'm the one dj khaled I'm the one I'm the one I'm the one there's a new song I found out about I've never heard before but it goes rain drop drop top yes I don't know what the song is but if you say rain drop on the street people go drop top yeah all right - and I do that saying I'm walking down a street next to you know I'd like to prank people so I'll be like pretend to be talking to my phone or talking my friend and say something really awkward uh-huh like when I'm with Liz I go chain we had to go to the back we have buffet Tori at Hollywood every time wearing like I was like a Toys R Us yeah oh by the way I'm like mad and then the billionaire's back or just wreck enacted a Robbie from Victorious they usually were in such like oh we're in such a loser replays of it like that would never be here and so they don't believe in it so why can't you just say you don't like top 40 music and try to avoid guys I know everything I like um like Cat Stevens yeah I love like the song I did I made your creation you appreciate you be honest music yeah I mean that a little shorty yeah quality music yes and I like I like I think Bruno Mars is very talented so okay is this are you satisfied with your darkness no I'm when are we getting a live album not soon but not all why I don't you want to write it with me like I don't know you don't want me to write that why I'm not good at that oh I like you you guys could do something together we wrote a song me write a song here to mom and her best friend Diane no we wrote the other one no life is hard and it doesn't get better until you meet the boy you love boys come in all different shapes and sizes all different ages new surprises who will I find who will he be well do you have the same age as daddy will his beer tickle when I kiss and when he leaves me will I miss him it's a I love gay we are you shot a short where I play a young girl named victory Clark Dugan and her and she is a my mother Beverly hard to you cannot hear and that's the song that we sing at the end while we're driving into the sunset love that yeah I get are you seeing that great that's really awesome right now for real years when I show people tears in their eyes yeah that's a new lovely did it I'm on it when people cry cuz we did that all right smart hidden questions go I'm sorry you're in pajamas it's hot in here we're drinking champagne dynasty is coming to cwn we don't know right we'd all have a we have a set date word for me really funny because every time I come on your show like I and I said this before i watch other people's interviewing the surgeon was nervous you're so prepared you're just so prepared I came on the show like two years ago for a premiere date and you messed it up you just get the premiere date right and I have the premiere date because it's my bio on everything and you could have just looked at one okay so I don't remember right now I'm gonna look it up for like music it's October 11 I'm have to look at 9:00 p.m. on the CW after Riverdale they already know the time yeah and I'm here in October yeah because yeah yeah lose a nail that I look like one of the blind mice from behind he sent me a picture I sent him back a picture of a blind Mouse I go ah man but it came we're still where he said we're thumb la Eyeworks it's a cool look I like it a lot merci beaucoup yeah how are you doing what's your life like right now I mean there's no no life update I don't know life is going ok you know just trying to try to live trying to get by a little helping your friends yeah yeah yeah yeah some help from the friends that's good yeah none yeah it's not bad ok good ok you're gonna move to your go to Atlanta you're gonna be the brow bone oh my god probably like six or nine months oh whoa I know I'm not going to get to see you we see each other so much I'm going to do what I'm gonna do I see once a year and so what is nine months with Deborah leaves a long time so I I mean you you obviously got a place you're going to live there but you have a boyfriend here you have a life here your dogs are here yeah it's like a lot of animals here like more more than shippable are you to bring Otis with you no I can't you know why I'm not going to by the way the last times on the show like I think I'm gonna get a puppy you got it did it because I do everything I say I'm gonna do that weeks ago yes and I got that check I really so now no I'm not going to hold on okay so yeah I'm not going to bring Otis because he has such a vibrant life here and he runs around with all the animals and so many animal friends I'm not going to like put him in a condo ok are you worried about the animals back here in LA are you worried about I'm not worried about them they have a very capable father he'll take care of them and how often is the father going to come out to visit you father will come out when he can I'll be I'm not a needy little girl I don't need I don't need someone constantly there but i but i yes it would be nice we all leave when I can no come when he can I was thinking of getting a prairie dog before you judge me let me explain why follow an account have I showed you not to me soon yes nothing nice ooh he's a better choice on a red chalk no he is a prairie dog and I don't think that's his name I don't know the whole thing is my favorite thing on Instagram right now and he stands up straight and goes and then he eats standing up so he's so great and he just like lays on his owner stomach and I feel like that's perfect for me when I work on sounds like water probably back maybe like gin like when you're like in the middle of a scene like I can be like very dark and so I'm going to pet my baby and then it can go back and court our or whatever in Reverse it I'm not getting I'm getting up getting up getting in a live in a habitat you think you're doing your so you're going to do so yeah that are like a big lizard sexual crime something or let you know those crazy lizards IQ me guano Nick wanna hang on I can lend you my bearded dragon puffs yeah okay okay I never heard a dragon in Platteville it's my roommate but I take care of him because your roommate yeah you living with a mentor yeah might yeah you didn't matter Matt no you haven't matter I'm sorry Graham did Graham's met her like a lot he didn't acknowledge either time I don't like typical I meet you yeah anyway yet we haven't to drag it with one arm oh yeah one for you good for you that's great I'm so brave of you you're so brave do you want it no I'm okay right I want something with fur I really need that for myself yeah yeah good I don't love cats I have two they're okay I will get i Dita Von Teese is an incredible cat oddly enough you can look it up what is it you can look it up I don't know yeah I don't know I don't know man do okay what get a map I aren't flying on about God I oughta see got a 2-bedroom condo because I was like in case Matt will live with me I'm a Tennessee man real busy out here tough so it's kind of tough but maybe I can visit yeah yeah I'll make it out to Atlanta to see you I like it you know yeah like oh now it's for you to come everyday yeah look at you for Jen just killer patio that if I throw a futon out there it's just I got to go to the store and that would just smell doesn't get in the house okay dynasty dynasty October 11 this is our 11th at 9 p.m. yeah chopper 11th at 9 9 p.m. on the CW on a CW after Riverdale I mean you really do have great company on the CW I mean it's yeah that work to be on yes it's a cool Network to be on I did a promo shoot recently and I hadn't done one in a while because like the promotion shoots for sex and drugs were like we laid down and the fake cocaine all around and I was like throughout like drinking and then there was we had like the guy who shot like the Rolling Stones shoot us and then Dinah sees like Nickelodeon so I had to lay I forgot to rewire my brain completely like to be a good person than like I'd like pop a balloon and confetti came out and I'd like smile was this like a network-wide promotion yeah totally it was a big Network I was I didn't go to the hospital the time but I had pneumonia I'm not well I don't think I'm doing great I think I'm sick all the time your stomach has a lot of problems yeah yeah mmm I'm sorry yeah yeah it's okay have you had your house it's going okay okay biggest problem as a later you know to be honest with you Mike my thumb shake I just realized that you know it's happening on and off but that today at last now for highlighter and for a couple minutes I know I need to laughs let's cut that out does it shake like this or like this that it like it's like almost tremors in your thumb yeah and it's kind of us I know I got to get like a phantom like you want to be like texting yeah no that's probably not a lot of good well it could be two things it could be the fact that like when you hold your cell phone it is kind of heavy and like you know this dream of us yeah I do haven't I haven't blown out what number are we on then seven I got that but then it could be some on sorry about that huh no I mean you know it's nothing yet well figures I feel bad like a job that you know they can use fast that's it the fastest um and what about you and into a plus I'm good what about you I'm doing great thank you for asking were you nervous at first accepting this role because it really is I mean it's so famous it's known yeah I don't I really I do not want people to just by I think people love this show and I just don't want them to hate me for what I really want to get it right and if I don't get it right I apologize now but my question are how do I know if you get it right like is it is it within you you know the ultimate goal is for all generations to be happy with what with what we do with the show I'm pretty sure the younger generation will be receptive I hope so that they'll like it it's just to to make them happy the people that grew up with us that they get that nostalgic feeling so they're a lot of people were like why we just use the original cast members there are a couple of reasons there are rather old use some of them some of them yes some of them it might be hard it might be hard to pick up where we left off but we're going to do our best our writers incredible stat we have a lot of writers now but there Sally Patrick I'm really close with the writer of our show is incredible and she's done a masterful job and the original creators are involved today are husband wife yes they are that's cool yes it's obviously super wealth and the house that you're shooting in Atlanta it mean it's like massive it's like yeah we show it it's insane it was crazy I we shot that for a few days and I didn't I never saw the whole house I mean you're seeing wealth like that on crazy levels oh yeah how do you what do you think about it how do you how does that make you feel like seeing a house that large or seeing these private jets and all this it's kind of gross some of its really opulent it's really I would never need that much never I like small II like cozy so it's fun it's fun it's not I wouldn't I wouldn't do it but it's but I but it's I mean it's a nice place to shoot it's not like The Walking Dead we're not in the swamp like we're in a mansion so it's I'll take it it's also like a cool life to kind of live sure you know not bad you want a big ol house when you can me and no come on I don't know you can be like Ryan Seacrest you never barista Starbucks recently just she was until the bad thing I heard that was a thing so she has one of them I'm you probably you know and that ya know it's like it doesn't just do drinks Sheriff she her name or what wasn't in Bernadette printed ad Oh oh my god yes chef yeah it's like everybody everybody's got one yeah uh I drove next time once in Beverly Hills I was in my controller Oh baby that's a sad story we don't use into that super motor drive a Toyota Corolla yeah I tried to scream for my client guy and one of my first like little child lovers that drove a Toyota Corolla memory and your child lovers spat and then I was like 14 thank you what saying what yeah I had like I made out in a Toyota Corolla or a few time oh wow wait do you think you up from the schoolyard or wondering what's a kid oh wow I was thinking about that like six years let's in the champagne now I don't I don't it's fine it's a question what colors you're Ola I've been in it you said it what they called each at a meeting number yeah you spend many many days in the Mini Cooper and then you had a Mini Cooper for a second and apparently was the worst car you've ever been in that's correct yeah what are you driving now adays was that what are you driving down did I'd be a little smartass that's cute I Drive what do I Drive Batman it's me insane I don't drive and I don't need to I'll be driven but I'll be driven in Atlanta yeah I don't have a driven showed your eyes I had a couple questionable if I do I do lift out by the way down to burn for two reasons one because I was like whoa what's the whole thing I was like I'm not going to take over anymore look at me I'm so making a difference however the clue yeah then uber just didn't they always said no cars available for lift I know that yes is good like one Mike Michael it refers to my boyfriend request one it was like 20 cars luck VIP helicopter all right outside did you check your rating I must be low because they've cut me off can we do that right now me I can you know to do it it might work but I'm telling you it hasn't been working with that I mean I do list now I just want to know your rating is yeah my guy oh oh I can find out yeah they tell you hmm this is garand this is exciting not fair though because my I take them so much that my average must be you know you take for over a year and for people like you cool multiply that but you know 300 people don't like me and 700 people do that's how many I'm taking yeah and I think I'm not a mathematician but that's close to the numbers seems right a lot of money excuse me a lot of money maybe I'm making it shut up a lot of you mean fresh no he says you are like the Hawkeye white tea today I always wear the white tea the warm pyjama but thank you for coming a hug I appreciate that no I said you were a hot guy white tea like that's the brand of the shirt a lot of people want you to give him spanking that was a rather large vehicle yeah I was on some trip last year I was like I have to be good and I can't do these things that's fine if you want to come over here and I will take care of a cheeky cheeky do you want to know give me out of it a little sign barbecue do you not do you not like do when I last time like you got a little like kiss on the lips I'm a virgin Liz that's a lie okay uh what was last time I just flip on me she's asking you know being very you were calling attention to yourselves I'm giving you the pleasure but I think you were just answer the question a little lower yeah little rinky-dink I thought the Sun gave you a little rinky-dink listen I'm not here to answer questions nothing out of me well in act 1 do your job I've had plenty okay okay here's what we learned dynasty is going to be I now you gonna get it this time not telling you in one of the coming dynasty October 11th beyond 9 o'clock right after Riverdale on the CW you're gonna be gone in Atlanta for nine whole months a victorious finale it's a little more concrete than times in the past think so we've learned that that's big your sister or your your mom and your brother do not sleep together what else did we learn why do we have to learn Gillies really respect you and the fact that you're even introducing this topic into this I love I'm sad I feel really bad that like you just told me you don't feel anything here sociopath you feel nothing back you don't care uh dynasty watching on the CW please Gillies how do you feel about this conversation I feel like this is I think it's hard because every time so weird but this is the weirdest inner file and file but is that okay though really weird I'm weirded out by it I really this I and I'm so proud of you and I always say that like I'm not trying to be mushy because it's not going to go past that but I'm proud of you and I this studio is definitely a just get better and better and more and more professional I am the most uncomfortable in this present studio I've been in like for now I think you've been at all of them their eyes I'm in a city you I'm in a boom me too whatever everyone Araneae I miss that too oh my god you wouldn't come up the freakin elevator you wanted to walk up the stairs that was crazy though you're up 34 36 34 an elevator with Liz jump okay such a rude so rude what other fears you have whether tornadoes whether they're NATO's turbulent weather turbulence oh my god you're the worst thing for you I don't want a tiny little airplane - I'm afraid of gluten not afraid of gluten not afraid of some spices I don't do well I want to do I'm dying to do that show hot ones so good but I haven't had anything even like a mild salsa in like ten years oh you're gonna cry no I'm not going to can't do it but how funny would it be if I can just get through it it would be so fun you should try a huge fan of the show why don't you because I don't know what's going to happen to me I mean it's weird but that's the point I mean you know you get in not knowing and then you got to experience it I guess I'm just scared don't be afraid of the unknown with I guess I'm just scared dynasty on the CW and I I'm when is it again October 11 and if I carries a nine o'clock o'clock that's an after after Rivervale okay and I'm really excited for the show and I congratulate you at times it's Allison it's it's such an incredible character for you to play found you guys are you it's like you're perfect and yeah you know I asked over that Florence I don't buy anything you're doing right now I know you don't respect me that was an aggressive action aggressive scope enemy look at him definitely trying to wrap it up borders hands got you sweaty and there it's all here the thumbs they're always sweaty you're forgetting my diagnosis my some diagnosis oh I see a thumbs up I emailed my stomach doctor last night just telling him what happened this week and uh like what we went through like your stomach that you look after and I and you and he writes back what do you want me to do I was like oh you know when you think someone's like totally it's like if I was like talking to Matt and just like why you think I care about your problems like because you've always pretended to just really cheer me off guard anyway dynasty on the CW yes thanks for coming by oh thanks for having me thanks for having me in my service [Applause]
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 563,907
Rating: 4.9693637 out of 5
Keywords: Liz Gillies, Dynasty, Victorious, Matt Bennett, Matthew Bennett, CW, Riverdale, Ariana Grande, Joan Collins, Sex Drugs and Rock and Roll, Gossip Girl, The OC, Pamela Sue Martin, New Mexico, Meowolf, Finale, Halsey, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, Harry Styles, Bruno Mars, Ryan Seacrest, Radio, Interview, Zach Sang Show, Zach Sang, Dan Zolot, Heather Connor
Id: L44gWAp3DIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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