Liz Gillies | Full Interview

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look at you it is the Zach sang show Liz Gillies in the city over by ok sex drug is in a rocky Rogers no no octave headstart SD RR + X June 30 is it's gonna be amazing you got the day right this time yes ma'am this nine days away you have to I got to get an on point but I've also i watch FX as you know I'm a huge ya fan of the network sure I love seeing your face every time on the the FX app you know promo commercials haha they don't always run real commercials so they run the same promo over and over huh oh my god so glad to see haven't seen you in so long you thinking of the last time yeah it's bill because I haven't seen you since you went away to New York to shoot the season now when did I see you before that we went Oh Chateau or cross highway tonight I know it's not noxious but actually wasn't alright I made you the vegan place yes right the food you said it was fine I'm obsessively no everybody I took a Leon and and Matt they did not they did not care for it I don't seem like a Leon Thomas thing he was like I'd love meat and I'm like that's gonna be a challenge here no it's all fake stuff Dan you would enjoy it yeah well vegan you like fake stuff well no I'm a vegetarian but vegan restaurants usually suck well no this one so this one's like harsh this one is yeah well usually morning this one is um great it's some shameless plug is called crossroads yes really really good it's really good I think you'd even you'd like it dude chicken and waffles the best chicken and waffle I ordered them every single day last year I went I went on a bit I will I lived in Williamsburg this year in New York when I was filming the show how was that yeah I mean there was great food okay it was a great location for me because we shot a lot of the stuff in Williamsburg so I don't have to travel that much what top two or three worst human beings I've ever been around in hey I'm sorry I can say hey I figured like oh my god listen I'm like a New Yorker I'm Jersey I spent so much time in New York this will be great Williams Briggs not boy even Brooklyn it's into own thing it's the LA of New York I think is the weirdest place I've ever been and I lived right by the rainbow bagel shop oh my god Thompson's bagel right or they made a different one but they said the rainbow baby looks I follow them on Instagram I'm obsessed that's fun like I'll sure but did you eat one no it's this interesting story but it's kind of boring but I was out it was right there and so there would be a line every every single day around the block for the rainbow bagels and I would lie be like why they must be so delicious and everyone's like well we have actually never tried them and I'm like to wait on line that's why because it was like a two-hour wait so like to wait on line for two hours for something you've never had just and then then take an Instagram with them and I swear to god I one time saw somebody taking Instagram with the bagel and just drop it after on the street didn't take a bite all your might but they wanted the Instagram it blew my mind so one day I went in there I was never gonna have when I was very adamant about that but I was so stupid I went in there unfortunately the bagels were out of control amazing I had a normal vehicle but then the dude recognized me he was really cute and he gave me a big bag he's like just take this home and I'm like there better not be a rainbow bagels in here and he's like just take it home and I opened it and it was a plethora Randy didn't try one because that's like sprinkle cream cheese on it's like a full birthday cake experience yes I find silly you've lived on my dream I like all of their photos on Instagram I'm obsessed with their bagels yeah they were actually the bagel I had was pretty incredible I have to say yeah I've got to give it to them it wasn't that same place but it was amazing but it is said that we live our life or Instagram right I don't know I mean like idea I love a good selfie but am I gonna wait online and take a picture of a head of crop I don't think so I'll position my dog weird for an hour and have Italy crying leave me alone stop touching me I like got the shot by but I will never not a bagel sexually sex drugs and rock and roll season 2 how are we feeling right now it I went came on the show last year and I was like it's so risque or just sweet it's I wasn't ever sketch this year yeah mmm um the way to give you an idea I got the episodes they sent me half the season and my parents really wanted to see them cuz I always just send them right to my girlfriend joy is my heart for Achilles David gillies George gillies the best and the ghillies so so I my mom's like can I see them no and I was like hey like wouldn't it be fun to watch them live I can't send them to them yeah I'm riding a man oh I am I am slapping I'm like doing things my lesbian half the season Wow yeah it's not bad it's just it's graphic a lot of stuffs very graphic do you enjoy channeling that side of you what the lesbian side of me I know I know there's a lesbian sided oh yeah I know one exists because I'm smart why I you know somebody tagged me the other day in a the photo of you and Ariana kissing and carefully yeah by the way that's my only experience kissing a girl so when I had to do this scene or team mm-hmm I know as I told you I don't I never had a childhood teenage life so um I never went to college so alright you would have hooked up with a girl in college I don't know what I would have done it I think I don't know what I would have done but anyway so this girl and I she and I I was honestly hoping she would be a lesbian so she liked Haley to walk me through it yeah how do we make this kiss look great and I was just I was nervous and luckily my character in the show is equally as freaked out she's so freaked out and she's I act I've using I Love You Man I act like Paul Rudd and I Love You Man I like I can't like Stan like fumbling I'm like I can't look at her it's all physical comedy which was actually really fun for me but it's pretty much exactly how I would handled it Wow um but the girls really great her name is Rebecca and Iommi Jones and she was in Hedwig action on Broadway cool American Idiot she's so cool are you naked in front of this girl we're now naked in front of in this John Corbett oh wow yeah what is it like to a Caden from second city Wow like a dream is that oh that's a weird thing for you um it was I just I just it's not fun to be around people and have your top off it's never fun it sounds fun but it's not and it's I it's everything you think you know about oh this is what I would do and this it she goes out the window and she I got nervous but it was fun some very mild it's a very mild it's more comedic than anything but it freaked me out I I started I would put like a strapless bra I'm like this is as much as you're seeing you can see the side and they're like okay and then the camera was catching it on my call right well then I'll put a little cut leg lead I like the cut lip yeah yeah and by the end I was in pasties so doing boobs yeah you see um you see some you don't see my nipple you can't on FX oh he's ah but you see I'm sorry guys but you see like you see like me doing the stuff you like a jingle cuz here's the other thing like I don't have small boobs so they're they're they're lowriders but they're not like they're not perky little fake boobs so like I slapped him and also there's like a riptide up here I just I'm like guys it's not cute I said I wanted me to lay down there like how about you lay down and it'll be really it really oh she's like a really sexy cleavage and I'm like yeah where are you under my armpits that's where things go when I lay down you're talking about this is not gonna be cute all I'm doing is looking at your boobs bro you look phenomenal today thank you you all in my Kevin you always do know you I love your shirt which I can't zoom out your shirt I know it's not like that here I'm gonna insert shot later yeah what have you been up to life is good here I mean yeah I'm very impressed by the studio every time I come back improvements I got to show you the brand new one we have a new one being built a closer cereal no no it's not done yet it's not done okay Lord some tells me if like ariana came through you you'd get that thing done and you'd throw him there is this is like your garage behind I'm in your studio yeah this is where we just we throw people here no it's beautiful I love this place but we have it's coming it's gonna come at July I think it'll be nice like end of July top of August okay it's gonna be pretty but life is good you know I mean you know I walk I watch all of our old videos together all I watch them too they make me laugh they're like home movies really are I mean they are classics I really are we make the mistake of not hanging out before them so we actually just kind of have real life conversations and then we record them and put them out this is usually it is usually how are you doing everything I don't great l'homme going well you told me you got a new animal no I'm getting a new animal okay nice robot number six well we had a cat that lived outside and wouldn't her name muffin brains okay I didn't name it good name cats like 112 years old I when do cats die like as if that'll speed it up enough but I don't want the cat to die such a sweet cat but I'm curious like I mean breast I didn't know cats could live 18 years yeah I don't want the cat to die but I just get your haunt you now what yeah it's gonna haunt you you know if if my boyfriend sees this video and see if I googled when is the cat in it I see be devastated he grew up with this cat the cat's very very sweet but the cat lives outside and won't come inside ever since we got our big dog Lucy and so the cat we what came in the house one day three years mind you the cat is not come inside we walk in the house one day and the cat is just sitting basically like this and we're like oh hi what's up and I don't know anything about the animal so now we officially have a proper five animals living in the house well she says that's not huge no are you you're taking care of them yeah no no we don't really they live a paradise life I really do I mean come on I've been to your home it's beautiful thank you have you continued to put your touch on I know you were redecorating a furniture coming tomorrow oh and I have pillows coming tomorrow I'm a homemaker the day I die Susie homemaker what how's everything else going I mean are you good good I'm good what everything else like what well I mean you got season two coming yeah promo coming up are you doing anything with Dennis so much that we're actually doing a concert oh my god I think it's the 29th but I'm not positive I got the date run oh so sad so we're doing a concert for Sirius XM he'll you can talk about it no it's not is that no yeah yeah they won it's we're doing that and I'm singing like five not a constant it's like a big raging concert no it's a small thing I'm singing like five six songs from the show that's awesome what are we thinking are we gonna take our are we gonna take music to radio here or do you think there's something you should I wrote two songs this year and they made it on the album so that's amazing yeah I'm happy about that they're called you don't care no keep going I care no I really do the songs are called uh just let me go and don't break me - I love forward song step forth no yeah anyway so they're gonna be on the album I'm excited about that one of them is in the show so it's exciting yeah I'm happy come on come on I mean we all when you first landed this role the thing was it was going to collide both worlds right this is amazing I'm excited can you really want me to your process of writing these two songs like what is it like for you because your affection s like perfection yes like you really are I am I am I'm really bad at recording I hate recording man I hate it so much I like singing songs live and I I just it's torture me is that because it's just one and done of course it is out in the world you can't go back and edit life I watch your covers religiously all the time my favorites what the old ones from when I was a child at a very nasal voice I'll in Italy you're a little bit older I like the last concert you did where you did landslide or I did one maybe thirty person Loki performs in a restaurant but thank you so much in my big concert MSG it's huge you didn't even go to it so I did get invited I'll just show up there you never invited over last year you wanted to see me sing jazz and I told you I could try to get gonna make a wish I was going to travel for it I already dying wish I really wanted you it's passable you look there's something something's off you know I went to the doctor the other day no no it's not but I really you know my eyes or my eyes are uneven and so my night or don't like utility what do you mean like where they fall in my face hate pop properly I guess one is higher than the other same thing two years didn't want my they go like this and I thought it was my glasses in my ears are uneven no really no it's it's how you grew up with your spine the doctor you told mine in my ears yeah yeah everything's connected to your face didn't go to a real doctor very obvious just some guy in a hut nice huh um okay so have I flustered you a little bit why don't you get some good questions out what show off your game i watch your other interviews you're such a boss you're like here my questions Bam Bam Bam that people like wow this is amazing question I come here and I'm basically like watching what the seas are watching sand dry that's two different watching paint dry watching Stan fall well I want to get on your mat in the thing I sound so down oh you mean like the the Carson the hourglass yeah weird no but I want to get into it I get into where you want to go because I was having a conversation the other day with Madoff and a pirate desert and we you know you are so unbelievably talented and I'm giving you the middle finger as I say that to you because it sorry and we're so talented this hotels it Liz no I you know we're again you do everything make sure you had all your fingers by the way you I yeah what you for fun you do you really do everything do Matt tell you we've been writing yes yes but you be so funny it's so inappropriate but it's so funny there it's something there's a child involved I'm really excited too much but it's really funny where do you want to take this because you really can do anything SSL should be in your future yeah you Shing I say all right that's a story I want to read re on SNL this year she invited me last minute and I you know I'm making an embarrassingly big SNL fam is kind of crazy I've actually wormed my way into a couple those parties already and so they all saw they're like oh god and so back she's here she is it should have some association this time so I went there and I and no one like gave me a heads up so I go in there and I walk up the stairs and I'm not an emotional person you know I don't even know if I can cry but I found out that night I absolutely can and I was very emotional and I they sat me right in the middle then the band was what really got me I was just so overwhelmed when I heard like the prayer murder drew I was like ah and then and then Larry David came out and no one warned me everyone was like oh they should be like itll is like fYI Larry David is here so just put that in your brain and then I saw him and for some reason it was my reaction to go like do like a chicken arm but then down and I shattered my elbow on not really shattered but I couldn't bend my arm for like a month and I ruined my elbow which kind of put a damper in the night but not totally and I saw Arianna and I just lost my mind I'm Nettie's why don't you a story as much as I wanted to tell you that there's nobody me middle nn-no but it's beautiful because I mean you grew up I was so proud of her and she was wonderful and it was crazy to be there it was really insane do you want to do that 21 SNL yeah of course please you should make it happen make a call I don't know I think this you should put it out into the universe I think it's gonna come not the secret would you rather which other host or be a part of the cast I think it might um Cyrus got really congested oh no um I think that I think I think I'd like to do like host 12 times and then should I should I choose to be a cast member after that they have to make you one my time I have a free year they should let me they shouldn't buy my request it's not as you know I mean I think I'm cool I see all the people that host like 25 times a 15-times Alan Alda Justin Timothy exactly I would love to do that what else is on your list of goals I want I'd love to get into movies Zack yeah I love to get into the picture is that where you're going after this you have an audition no it's not for that but I took mom a megabyte to look really young it's such a drag because I really put my best I really did it I think I didn't alright job today you look beautiful I gotta look like after this so I'm glad we're doing this before I don't know I'm auditioning a lot you know I keep I keep busy were you okay what with the home decor and the auditions the baking the animals oh you are promo now I was working with genesis season wonderful it's wonderful it's always wonderful the show is I you know you sent me two episodes this morning I wish you would have is okay I honestly I'm not mad you didn't watching because I did give you Piper gave you one hour but but I binge this past weekend I did I went back and forth between oranges new black and sex tourism and rock and roll on Hulu so I was going around Hulu now which is really good it's great I mean it gives a whole new life maybe you guys have been binge watching yeah no I actually no obviously it's the first I've ever watched the full season of anything in my life really I watched every single episode we in love I think oh that's sweet that makes me it they're also really short and it's really easy to well that's also why like ten episodes 22 minutes each I can it's not too bad but it's light so this season is more dramatic though for sure and we do an amazing Hamilton parody which I don't think anyone has done like we went all out I read in the script was like that'll be funny but I'd like kept going they built a stage they hired Broadway dancers and singers and and and Campbell Scott who is a famous actor Broadway actors done lots of Shakespeare's playing the lead role and it is so good and I cannot wait to see I've only seen half the season so I'm really excited well so ok that's how it works when will you get together half of the season I don't know if I will I don't know if I will I think I have to wash them with the world and we got to sit down with your family and watch it I don't want to yeah you're naked in it I don't want to do that I don't want them to think that I am that way what have any sort of sexuality it makes me very uncomfortable maybe are you for real I mean I'm for real it's also the biggest joke because like I don't know if you saw they put a mute that item there's a music video that yeah bang-bang music and I'm just bait say look I'm as a vampire horn and I'm like rubbing my boobs and I'm in the shower rubbing my boobs and I'm like gyrating on a bed and then I'm like throwing a man down and it's my boyfriend saw and just started laughing Matt saw and started laughing he's much as like this is so funny because it just couldn't be further from you I'm like dude I was so freaked X I didn't know how big a deal it was gonna be so I couldn't walk there like you to do a music video and I thought I was I was kind of like victorious we had to do a music video which is like it's hot it's like a full day but it's not it's it's mild it was not that I walked into what I would look like it could have been anybody's music video like a big star I thought it wasn't mine they really went all out and then and then there were sets and they were pirate there was pyro like big explosions which I'm not good at every time I'm like this every take I flinched I'm not cool I can't walk away from fire it turns out I shouldn't be in any action movies how I did a terrible job so I don't know it was just funny to watch and it's a lot it was very much that must feel good yeah I are hot no I what what what when you walk into a set and it's a male's address me an all-plastic so I was an all-plastic and I was in front of a fire so I don't know if you guys know anything about science it's not the best combination to steam in there no you don't steam like it like a plate of broccoli Zach you burn you burned to death so I was close but not burnt yet my clothes were melting on to me I was like this is not hot anymore do you did you watch the music video dance course her boobs look great thank you I think you mean a push-up bra which is not something I normally do as now it's like it's it's too much that's a lot yeah they were slap me in the face all day I was like gee I'm literally I'm clubs this close to getting a butcher knife I'm just slicing him off myself I was getting sick of these guys today they're down mm-hmm being in such trouble talking about boobs I promised everybody on my team I would make a rhythm i my team my agent some a publicist but I make a really strong effort to just be like a sweet demure girl next door this year oh I'm light in my hair I I do want it I like my hair like no I did it was jet black oh yeah you know every girl I mean you know how hard it is to get to this color from jet black I did in three weeks one month girl have another neither I never died me either cut your own hair yeah I cut my boy chest hair I did a bad job a couple E I did a bad job last year man I was like I can do it I can do anything and I can't cut you can't do that no hole it was really intense I felt really bad I need to go somewhere that night and it kind of like went up cuz you know you cut hair it goes up well you don't know when you have long hair it just goes up after it calms down in like two days you know what is Michaels reaction in that moment he's like well this sucks whatever it was like I crocheted him PES Paige would have like gotten the snack after that like he's over it let's keep going and ask me like crazy questions well no I just think I think in the show your dad is into you and I think it's weird that he wants to bang you no he doesn't want to bang me he wants to make me the first episode before he knows my daughter we do kiss as everyone we've all kissed our fathers yeah it's time is funny you can't even leave that in uh um no I feel bad now it's perfect it's probably not good I you know he doesn't know I'm his daughter so he kiss me he kisses me the first episode but then I I said I'm your daughter no more kissing after that yeah but it just seems like he's jealous of every situation he's jealous because he never succeeded and he wants to succeed and he hates that I'm getting all this attention in the beginning we're very cool cool as a cucumber this season where we were very good the direction kind of changes the energy changes to Ava Ava my stepmom on the show my surrogate mother I guess she really wants to be performer and she really wants to sing so the it's kind of a shift of power to her and he gets super jealous about her because he's like I accepted the daughter thing becoming famous I see that happening she can really make us money we should let that happen but my own the person who's been there with me since the beginning now wants to take the spotlight from me too so he's not good with he's like people beating him out and everybody beats him out he's a failure wow that's the answer he does not want to sleep with me I swear to god he's totally good totally he goes what there's so many all these cultures ego ego ego it's crazy it really doesn't sing I know it's crazy but it is really like it lives in a world of reality yeah you know it really does so what else did you think I mean this is the first show that Dan's ever watched like from start to finish I mean I got to take you out for a nice seafood dinner I don't eat seafood when did your worst I also thought it was a little soy gonna miss but you also had to mention Ariana's name I was like okay what do you mean like II Ariana's name oh my god in the first that was to toy with me that was all that was okay cause I'll jump in I didn't improv that he's got improv well I was in the show you said something I was like my line was like he's worked with all these big pop stars everyone from Rihanna to Jennifer Lopez - Ariana Grande and like it's a totally legit thing if I'm not saying it but it's just it crosses it's like the fourth wall yeah this is weird me it's like if I said this radio host is bigger than Sachs saying at that point just turned that camera in wink like you know I couldn't do I cut it's weird I'd say but you know you think of people all the time save other people's names and shows I just didn't I did felt funny is it crazy that it's getting you know I love watching you do you're saying I love watching already do her thing even Matt and everybody from you know victorious and the whole little Nickelodeon crop of like in unbelievably talented people right like it's pretty we talk about it every maybe like every time you come on at least a little bit you know yeah is it still surreal to watch ariana I mean even like no I just did it yeah sorry I was surreal for me yeah that was surreal everything else I always thought that I always I lived with her and I knew yeah she's just super determined super talented and it just makes complete sense it's crazy sure it's crazy yeah but I don't free one and she's on the right it's like old hat you know you mean it makes she's she's it's been a while you know exactly I never I always expected it to have its own you too dude you too I love seeing you on buses that was my face Jesus man way to just twist the knife you know I'm like I love hearing Ariane on the radio you're like in you're on buses the bus don't wanna bus Jesus man I'm trying okay and you're on the bus that's gonna be my new things when you gonna put out your own album Liz Gillies album god I know I actually not good every time on the show for five years I've said I don't know guys I would love music from you man I know I am technically putting out two songs this year cuz I did write them and they are coming out on an album yeah I need to just I think my whole thing is songs to me are like a tattoo where I just said songs are like tattoos and I feel like Joni Mitchell ones that actually sounds a little like tattoos alright um anyway I feel like songs are like tattoos where you have to like them for a long time before you put them out if you write a song six years ago a lot of the time I already song I think it's amazing but this is gonna change the face of modern music was it a week later I'll be like this is garbage so that happened to me a lot few too many times for me and the songs are actually quite good but they're not they're not that at the level where I'm gonna put something out I've also put too much pressure on myself I've never put anything out so now I feel like if I put anything out it has to be amazing where I feel like I should just start releasing music to get that out of my head I there are like five songs I've now liked for about three years and that is good enough for me well but I also think like if you took those songs like a producer and like you matched your you know what I mean like creative minds collide even go to Michael you know yeah we try not to be trying to mix it's never good to Widow and sugar you eat anyway it's always one how is your music different or compared to the music in the show that you write like I was Gigi compared to Liz in real life because there's it well the songs I wrote I look I really love them one is really weird one is um I actually might mind when I did a little production on it when we first wrote I wrote it with um with Michael and somebody else and we it was strange it's a very cheeky song one of them this one just let me go and it's very like it's almost buh ish no we're doing very chit and I'm not comparing myself but a little influence the other one is more bluesy as like a blues song a piano blues ballad and I love both of them I would sing both of them what I listen to as I've said a thousand times it's just I listen to I unfortunately listen to Cat Stevens all day long I listen to 70s folk rock which dad is hates he hates it so much and so like if it's just he crumbles every time I bring it up if I bring up Jim Croce or Cat Stevens or Johnny Mitchell Dennis literally like he shuts the door in my face he's like get out of the room who is he influenced by like he's writing a lot of the music right is he producing these with you yeah we were in the studio and he and we did the he chose the production because it has to sound like the band you know I feel like I put my demo forth but has to sound like the band's sound in the show otherwise it doesn't make any so bla bla bla yeah I've songs in the show is it a little bit show when you're writing are you writing to a lens of Gigi or yeah I was for this time 1% I had to I mean I wanted to get them in the show also wanted to get that how much liz is in Gigi cuz you make some Kirk sarcastic comments in the show I'm like that could be Liz yeah no last year last year she was kind of she's way more serious last year she was very like everyone stopped drinking and partying and let's make me famous and that's why I'm out here and it was a little like enough Gigi but she shoot you kept the band she kept their heads on straight and she was the she's the adult in the band and she had a lot to she was raining everybody in so she kind of had to be that way and now this year she has fun and she's just trying things because there's a death in the first episode this year an old friend of theirs and so everyone has these midlife crises and I have a quarter life crisis because everyone's like you haven't done anything you have to live you have to have a threesome or a lesbian affair or something or go out and drink enough fun which as you know we talk about this all the time we've done none of these things really so we don't hear oh maybe we've done a little more the last year we're starting to grow up a little bit a gin drinker now so that's exchanged baby steps by the time we have one but still by the time our 48 will be there will be there will be ready for our 3-1 and will die yeah and not with each other have you added have you had a three-way I have a question for you do a absolute of course not be do you think I would ever answer that on this show right I don't I talk about you're not Howard Stern I'm not talking I just wanted you but I but I I'm not gonna lie to you have you had three-way yeah yeah no I gotta get you that prostitute man you didn't I give you a choice of 10 have we told this story the day I got the phone calls you told the story early it's true I don't I stand by it oh is it illegal though prostitution depends where you are exactly I would have taken you to where it was not illegal thank you I don't know what I was thank you oh so she basically she basically just goes out and she makes a checklist a bucket list basically and she she decides to live a little more she's I'm much more like her this year she's she's cool she doesn't weigh more like legitimately sexy moments and I do but all of her goofy moments all the moments she screws up because she's a buffoon and she's not sexy that's me like everything she when she's with the girl the girl is so sexy and confident and she's just she is a blubbering mess she just doesn't know what to do she's she like takes a shot and spits it all out because it's too much I'll go she's a disaster still it's she like will look great and then be a clown and that's kind of how a really different side to her really really different so much more like me and then she has all these sweet sides with um with flash with Corbett like a lot of bed scenes not even like were they not sex scenes but like where they're just laying in bed and they're talking and sees intimate little relationship moments like romantic comedy type stuff which I've never done and sweet there's a sweetness to her vulnerability so that was really fun for me would you learn from doing this last season that I could that I was happy that somebody that I finally got material in my career where I could do something other than the snarky witty little yeah it's really I mean I I don't want to do that anymore really and I do little pieces of it but I'd like to do other things I saw that in vacation I watched you well that was it that was it that was like a cameo as like a standalone I don't consider like my top 10 greatest roles now even had 10 rolls I'm on this show now the patties are things is it annoying when people still call you Jayde no I understand that no I mean that's the most that was the biggest Liz like fans that's what they see me as but I will tell you it cuz they're so they just associate thanks so much with how you looked on the show ever since I light in my hair yeah when I'm at black hair I have no chance of going to a mall it's just a disaster when I have this hair I might as well be a garbage person yeah what's is that the proper name for you yeah I know I think they just don't I know I came and not in only it's just they just don't they wouldn't know it wouldn't know sex drugs and rock and roll on FX yes 30th June 30th Liz Gillies Denis Leary dudes it's really I mean come on man congratulations ice-t doesn't he try to feel time like come on I mean right yeah I love you okay yeah I got your first thought when you had to put those things on my boobs my nipples and some of your other outfits you're like ass is hanging out what was your first all you looked in the mirror don't you eat a doughnut tonight Liz don't you do it and I did it anyway I discovered this restaurant guys I hate the most I've ever eaten this last season I did so far I have I've been alright I've gotten away with it but I don't know what I really ate the most towards the last five episodes so I gotta wait and see we're where'd you go know everywhere everywhere and I told you I had this weird I had this your thing happened to me where I would like an old movie star like a 60 year old retired actress I or something I'd be like I need a shrimp cocktail in a gin and when I'd call my friends maybe like I don't want to do that that's horrible I'm like I need like I really need scold seafood and a gin my two I never eat seafood I drink gin I don't know what the hell's going on and I would go to these I'd sit in a beautiful restaurant 11 p.m. because you can do that in New York you can't do that here oh thank you very much and I would sit there with like a cocktail like a gin cocktail eating shrimp but I would just like chat with different with friends and it was so strange I'm just I get older I'm like Benjamin Button the unlikely but not but not I go I leap 10 years instead of 1 so I was 40 last year I'm 60 this year I'm telling you no that's not the right math but it's just I'm gone I don't have anything in common with people my age whatever I had is gone but you still maintain like a group of quality friends from Jersey such old souls oh those friends yeah totally well they they grew up with me yeah you need to keep people you grew up with around you they're good eggs I like them all you haven't met all of them but I mean I look at cocky I look for before you met four of them yeah Kristen Kristen yeah Shannon I think that's it I see yes just the stirring yeah well there is somebody else there's a boy there one at Chelsea's boyfriend okay yeah Liz Gillies sex drugs and rock and roll June 30 if any other questions yeah um just came prepared well no I was looking at line sometimes people compare like Amy Winehouse like Liz could be kind of like that that must be a lot of pressure because she is Amy Winehouse um I never heard that um you haven't no but that's I really like Amy Winehouse that's cool I could do that I wish I was I was as cool as anymore now like I think Dan's flirting with you not like he has the more glue in there don't even bother you I can't Alec this tell me once already told me we're having sex tonight and she wants to take me out to dinner so I don't know who's doing the floor now fine I'm not I'm just man I'm just being honest and assertive ah first of all I'm a married woman so watch it the last time you were here you you did say you wanted to be over your knee and spank you said he needed a spanking what did I say I did went as far as saying any defend him over I think I keep pizza yes cases yes Valenti yes we could do that how about that that's it I'll get in so much trouble oh do it it's so dominatrix is not good no I'm not drunk I told you I'm trying to get rid of this image Daniel the whole second season is about that Dan will you let Dan will you let Liz Bend you over her knee and spank I don't want him over my nails I'll have my F stop your hand oh I wouldn't I want her to slap my ass with her pasties on Oh daddy little Tim why I'm not even lying to you because I have an audition after this and I just bought like a sportswear I literally have them in my bag all them right can you take them out I just want do they look like they're small I can't we were just cover your new face really small yeah but I need a picture in my mind no we have time we have time for paint we have time for pasties always done your pasties um I'm really trying to soften this image guys it's not working out for me I mean you know oh god guys I don't know where they are it's not important we could just go through your bag and see what else you got in there what do you keep it dudas news might this is my party cool I lived in Williamsburg and so I got I can't find it I got I got those what do you call them the shelter they start but are they but they're have they have a name like super super stars these doors so I saw one wearing them in Williamsburg and I bought them okay and I felt really cool my brother's sake is really cool is you think you're Kylie Jenner and it's like he totally toys me I'm like stop no I don't don't I look cool and he's like you look really cool you trying to be Kylie Jenner he's like is that your is that your biggest inspiration dude look at her hands come back to stop it you're making fun of me he won't let me be trendy or cool he makes fun of me I do anything about the trends of today I bought those because I saw when we're in the room and it looked comfortable I'd be like yeah those were cool yeah I guess Jenner I guess all the cool girls wear them I didn't know that at the time you know more of those while I was eight years old I know make yourself sound like you're an old man and she's a little girl you're around the same age Kylie jet that's how you should date date Kylie Jenner good so far who has her number she's been on this show yeah she has well you have her number then no duh her contact I do call her I've been sleeping up for Kardashians lately you like that show I'd never watched it before I don't know how I missed the whole thing it's quite I missed the hole I missed the whole thing we almost lost Pete I'm now keeping up with them good good Cheney episodes yeah I mean the episodes of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians show you got some problems they're just a wacky family yeah they really never met any of them really not one no I don't go out and I don't go to nobody not any Kids Choice Awards or something no I also miss meeting Michelle Obama the Kids Choice Awards why I didn't go to the best person I ever met his joys were that I'd run into like an old Nickelodeon star and I'd like my facebook ambarella exactly exactly but I never I never ran into the president's wife oh I saw her and his framed in Matt's apartment and every time I go over there I just scoff I just look at it my dad's angry Wow that's I mean she was there a Taylor Swift that year the year you got you on your first kid Choice Award she was because I was doing it we didn't have enough merit at that point in to meet her well I you came to me right but where after you got back you got off the stage after winning yeah and I was broadcasting like doing like the behind the scenes saying go man yeah it was such an amazing moment I'll remember forever it was really nice wrong excuse me could I please have it in him no don't talk about the president talking about you and we want choice when you wanted that so face is only when I was like look I didn't know what to do it was amazing it was fun it was a really amazing moment last thing I've ever won yeah you wouldn't wear you laughs although I did read on a list that I am like maybe the 37th person in line to maybe get nominated for an Emmy this year hmm could you know how it works the first 37 always get the Emmy awesome I won't be nominated for any Emmy this year but that's alright it's okay it's okay it's okay wait last thing before you cut me off yeah Matt told a story when he was on the show and I'd like to retell the story cuz I wanna make sure everybody knows yes right go ahead we were at a club where I was singing and we were all ordering drinks this wasn't Ken and we were with me my boyfriend and Matt and Zak and so we ran around the table everyone was ordering drinks and Matt said oh I'll have a glass of red wine at the time I think I had a vodka on the rocks I just won I'm not really an alcoholic but I just I like to cut to the chase my boyfriend had the same and Zach said I'll have a lemon drop like a like he said it like that like a like a sweet little troll in a fairyland I'm more like what so then they came back with the drinks and they said red wine two vodkas on the rocks and the Lemon Drop for the Little Miss we we made up the last Little Miss but he might as well oh it was a bright yellow I know and it was just holding a show but I want to say it again it was a bright yellow champagne glass sugar rim and a swirly mystical I got like it's like a wonderland it was like it was a bit I wanted to jump in it was the sweetest thing my daughter if I had a daughter would drink it it was just you it was a phenomenal beverage I sure I taste it Matt taste and he's like unfortunately tastes great that's the truth about that you know but that's me I can't do the hard liquor like you know when we drink I just you know I'm trying to get into the wine you know I'm trying to like I'm um yeah I don't make it that does it yeah okay no but I think the lowest calorie I think it's like gin tequila vodka oh okay I'm no scientist I think that's it if I'm not crazy not that like I just had I have one and then I'm I'm ready to I'm going I'm out you're done I'm not out like I'm not on the floor but I'm it's over you feel good nights over yeah for me good I don't have any I don't I'm not like a big drinker so I like the taste of gym though that n'cole shrimp come love it why do I love it it'll disgusting no that's yeah hey come on you're getting a little bit too old too fast I'm too old I'm too damn old yeah you get married okay ask that sure I don't know fine yeah when you call you call your call cait- I feel like I'm married that's it like it do you need it I mean finally I feel like I'm happy to be married I go to Restoration Hardware and I pick out furniture and I bake and I make sure the dogs are fed in there and that makes me my boyfriend does that I'm not the dogs were all be literally one on top of another dead if I like if I was in charge I'm not excellent at that but I actually am it's just not you know it's like the thing it's like when you know someone else is gonna do it you don't do it exactly it's like everything it's like when your mom would clean your room compulsively as a child you just didn't clean it cuz you figured it would get done always gets owned I assume I don't think about their lives they're great well they're all really good sorry thinking marriage like whenever because you're kind of in it now but you don't really need a really young yeah yeah I'm a little young wouldn't you say 22 that old you are I'm gonna be 23 Angela oh yeah you're way too young I'm Way too young I mean less the next time you I don't hope for this but you could come and be single next time you're here oh my god he's out of control today he really are you just like are you on fire in the mornings is that what I think should come a little later no no I think he's feeling confident I just why what's going on with you I just enjoy having you around list do you know do you know he's never been on a date in 25 years I don't go on those things 25 yeah why do I look as I'm don't look younger no I guess you look 25 I'll go with that um I went on a couple dates once my mom made me yeah yeah regret it no it's always a story let's go for the story just get through it they're all gonna be bad you're never gonna meet anyone you like exactly so what's why let's go first cuz go for a story make them feel weird make them cry this is what I used to do would be something there is one guy I went out with I shouldn't name them and we shouldn't do this but a joke no no no no first of all taking this interview way too long I know that no I love it you need to tell me that story no it's I just it's strange strange men okay strange men my mom made me she's like you need to die told you last time it was a certain point where my grandmother my great-grandmother everyone I knew was like we don't know what you are we don't know what you're doing because I had no interest I was just a mental case so I went on in these dates and I would just basically do therapy sessions I'm like did your father ever love you and they just start crying like I would just whip out these because I'd be so damn bored that'd be so boring but I had I had no choice but to make it interesting for myself they cry and then they would just be so confused at the end it didn't no one ever tried to kiss me which I'm like my dad unappealing nope they were scared or sad because of the questions they never went near me so I just I'm not gonna grab you it's I'm not touching you so I said just drop me here but wait I don't want them know where I live so just drop me at the corner it was horrible but date dating is great so fun so fun that's a PSA for dating it's crap but do it you need to you know he's never bought anybody a gift either I don't like they don't like it that's weird I love gifts I'm amazing a birthday a Valentine's Day a holiday it becomes so I make it a Martha Stewart Wonderland my favorite thing I don't like getting I don't like giving them stock word he has problems so many questions for you yeah good childhood bad childhood okay well that's another day another story that lists therapy sessions yuki that's what we should do I like that list just the three of you four of you if you'd like yeah Jesus pure confusion we can just take what you like okay well um we should do that I'm down for that you want to do it yeah sex drugs and rock and roll on FX June thirtieth Liz Gillies and Denis Leary and binge watch it now on Hulu that's right I seriously do it it's it's the most convenient thing in the world I love it what it is because it's convenient yeah there's not a lot of ads it's great no it's great it's amazing I should have put cold spoons on my eyes this morning if a little puffy Jesus Johnny you look beautiful Liz Gillies you're amazing everybody come on come on backside beautiful thank you guys and you I really think you made Dan's day he I'll make his night oh I want I'm going after this absolutely no yes bye I really don't care Wow the bubble letters it's nice you still go hmm I like it looks great I want people to see it
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 210,651
Rating: 4.9748588 out of 5
Keywords: Liz Gillies, Sex, Drugs, Rock n Roll, Rock, FX, Zach Sang, Ariana Grande, Ariana, Matt Bennett, Victorious, Dennis Leary, topless, lemon drop, vacation, SDRR
Id: vNxrEIbWhZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 22sec (2602 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2016
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