Ariana Grande | Full Interview

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hanging out in the city right now ariana grande oh we're on yeah we are we were just discussing um Zach sangs Halloween costume I gave him a very helpful tip you give me a lot of helpful tips that's true you listen to none of them yeah he listens to none of them some of them I do i'll true but i've learned once or twice each weird one talking you with like mics and from my face because it's been so long I know it's weird I have so many questions that are not for on the air I have so much to tell you I do I hear like life things everything but over the last year you've been on tour yes I've learned so much from you solely based on your work at the head it's unreliable your work ethic mr. radio station when I was like 14 how crazy that so crazy you the first time you interviewed me I was um I think like 15 yes it was right before Victoria's premiere hmm and he was red hair I was so excited I was like Zach sang wants to talk to me that's so cool we hung out for like two hours we played with marshmallow shooter and it was over then then it was it yeah but do you think about those days at all of course oh my god all the time the we are is fun there's good times special times yeah would you go back to the others time would you go back to the simple times if he could no I wouldn't I wouldn't change anything everything happens for a reason I'm content I'm very happy let's look at the last few months okay world tour yeah a whirlwind I feel like Kansas City was yesterday yeah watching you do your first show and you just wrapped up in Brazil it's crazy that it's almost been a year it's like there were 83 shows that's so many what keeps you going in between that um I mean well after a while the show gets easy like your voice right now two days after the tour has ended is so healthy and it feels really like I guess all the singing was good for me because I was singing in like a healthy placement and it really just like exercised my core is my helping my chords are in good shape I worked up good stamina it's like you know what I mean so the show got easy after a while but it keep it to keep me going I just spent a lot of time with my my friends on the road and my crew is great company and I FaceTime my family because I miss them at home the best people in the world are a part of your crew yeah I have made more friends in my crew in your good anywhere else without you I'd be literally I'd be so unsocial it'd be stupid yeah you really do surround yourself with good people but it's so necessary yeah because I I can't even get eggs really good I got a carton of good eggs you do see somebody else use is good a great omelet yeah I'm using good egg now for a few years and everybody gives me no you have been using good egg that is a very Zack saying thank you say of me that's it she understands me do you hear that Jill yes I'm trying to understand how you're cool in any way it's crazy while you're on tour are you writing music you yeah well that was when moonlight I guess was was buoyant I guess how does that work so it's because II that show is taxing I've seen the show news just punched her microphone oh that show is tested but it really is like it so it's a lot of work yeah it's not simple like you go and you write from there I mean well I mean you know we you know me personally I'm yeah workaholic I I inherited my work ethic from my mom who inherited it from my grandpa and after a day off I'm ready to go again I'm antsy I'm ready to create something that would work on something new but after you know like I said the show got in my body after a while so it was super easy and I would get on the bus and I would FaceTime Victoria and you know we would write together and then on my weeks off in LA I can't there were only a couple but I came in in May and I spent a couple weeks with Maxim's oven and Elia and we did focus and a couple other records very excited about and you know we're wrapping up in November and it's almost done it's crazy because it's been almost a year of working on this album like right after my everything came out yeah me and Victoria we're already like thinking about the next F and like inspired and ready to go it's like I don't ever want to stop creating so lemon let's get into that process right the woman with no short answer ariana grande with the bed there eloquent thank you and they're done right oh thank you the process of making music for you what is it like you're going through noir everyday life and you're being inspired when you get an inspiration where does it go and how does that translate into a song lirik well it depends on the situation like when it comes to um like moonlight when when that song happened I was sort of just like Toria oh my god you never I send her voice note I saw the voice was like Victoria oh my god you're never gonna guess what happened above the bubble I have to tell you so many things in blah blah blah and I was like please coming back uh and I told her about this like cute night and all these things are happening I was like I have to try to talk about this and I wrote a voice I wrote a a long note basically okay of everything I wanted to like say in the song and like I send it to Victoria and she was like let's do it let's pursue this right now and then I think moonlight was done and within like 48 hours almost like a diary entry yeah it's quits yeah it's really wonderful though it's one of the plus sides of technology is that you can pursue things that inspire you and make you feel creative so instantly and yeah get things done from afar but then after moonlight I was like hey Victoria what are you doing for the next five days and I stole her and I put on my tour bus as we get riding I'm coming in with stuff like when you're living your life and you see a situation have you ever had to really make that determination this is too personal for a song or is it it isn't I mean here's the thing there's there's a fine line because part of you is like hmm do I want to make this about my personal life right now and am I am I gonna be secretive about this and whatever but then at the end of the day I'm like you know what I'm a 22 year old girl yeah if I'm not writing about what I am directly feeling and what I'm going through in this moment as honestly and as genuinely as I can then I'm gonna feel like I'm sacrificing my artistry and like I'm sacrificing my genuine this is my music and I don't want to do that so Amazon it is personal yeah it's personal as as can be yeah 100% as can be is that the worst part of this entire thing that it is all personal because there is no saving grace yeah I mean no it's it's wonderful to me because I don't have to pretend I never started pretending I never held back I've always been an open book you know me yes sorry I'm very easy to read horrible liar there you go to get what just sees it to get not oh my gosh you look back and you see old Ariana - new Ariana and you think about how much you've learned and how much you've grown it's insane yeah can you pinpoint one or two things like the biggest thing you've learned over the last maybe four years when uh I guess when you just like be yourself you know and in your most genuine possible way and are completely unafraid that's when everything starts to fall into place and that takes a while see with so much public like you know rumors and opinions horse you know what I mean it's like yeah you get scared and you want to hold back a little but then I was like you know what like none of this would be happening if I just show like just was like God and just was myself and I went out and I was my silly self and then ego and it all goes away and then they're like that's me and it's a life changing oh yeah when you let go and you're like here you go they gonna leave it would you like not gonna let the can be like why hold back you get you can own you one life just have fun and be yourself and don't worry about the rest it all falls into place amen but it you know yeah hey go let's look like rambling rambling but coffee rambling yeah 24 hours for you Viva Glam baby yeah Mac and this you've been working on this for so long I've seen so many different sizes everything I showed you the lipstick forever ago you're beautiful you are is like in New York and you're like why are your lips black - baby I was like oh oh I should tell you so yeah you know it's been under wraps for a while but I'm so honored to be a part of the MEK family Lita glam UT it's so personal to you everything and even the makeup like you trying it on and having Delina work it in and all this kind of stuff like phenomenal stuff around like you use this ya know it's been it's been exciting because I haven't been able to use it for yeah because people didn't know about it so I couldn't go around with like the color on and not be able to be like oh it's this color yeah so yeah um it's really exciting but the most exciting part about it for me personally is that all of the money made off of the lipstick in the gloss go towards the MAC AIDS Fund to benefit people we are affected by hiv/aids which is amazing because so many companies just say oh of this or like $1 with every purchase goes to so-and-so but this is literally every penny Wow like is amazing completely guilt free shopping like you're helping somebody and you look fierce I just got the chills yeah no it's really cool it's special it's no it's cold yeah cool for you to be able to do that now in your life yeah well absolutely yeah I feel like I'm at a point where I can use my voice and I can yell about things that I'm passionate about and and I you know that's that's a blessing I'm excited I don't want to just entertain I want to I want to make people feel something I want to make people you know feel I want to make people give back and feel empowered and feel happy and you know like they're not alone you know whatever all that good stuff it's exciting to be able to use my voice to do it's pretty cool yeah it's cool I'm rambling cuz it's know I'm nervous and it's cool you know as you go into 2016 do you have any goals what do you have Ellis I want to make um sure that moonlight is my best album yet they've only been three but I want to make sure that it's the best one yet and it I think it is personally I love it I'm very proud of it and how okay so when you're doing a song how often are you listening to it is that what you're listening to in the car constantly you know is it when you're making new music and you're putting it all together you definitely listen to it um way too much because you're just you know it's like you it's you it's like a baby yes you made a new baby face of David and you know you have to make sure it's right and you listen to over and over again and then and then you get the mixed version back and you have demo itis and the mix sound so alien to you and you're like that's not right and then you're like oh weird um no it's an amazing process that you get very attached it's it's um yeah do you know what a hit sounds like now that you've had so many no I mean like I don't know I dunno you know what I don't know you're the guy I've asked you I always ask you but it's pretty pretty bad I get I you know I have feelings in my butt that are like oh my god this gives me butterflies but I'm not I'm not that guy I'm not that guy who's like that's a smash I'm not I gotta like you that guy I'm not that guy give me you'll know I need to give you the song to to validate you're that guy bang who says the word smash still at me you scooter you Charlie Charlie walks left me a mess yeah that's the only three people I know no one else I know I'll take that company any day yeah I need to do Andromeda side saying it now so I can be in that company hell yeah Aaron Simon gross is coming you have best friends yeah you keep people in your life oh my gosh my childhood friends are my my best ones they keep you sane yeah I love them they're my love them I'm so happy Aaron's coming for Halloween what's he gonna be like Birkenstocks like what is he gonna do gypsy like what is he gonna be Patti LuPone here's a big Owens Gypsy Rose Lee and Mama Rose like what are they gonna do if Aaron is a Bergen sock and yeah nobody I hope people know who Aaron is you don't know who Aaron is you met him Dan met him yeah I know Aaron of course I know where Aaron is one of my best friends of all time and he is like the most educated about musical theater and like anything of the sort that of anyone you've ever known in your he's an encyclopedia of musical theater knowledge I'm awesome when he speech Teddy speaks he has an accent that no one else in the world has you need he just built his own vernacular it's also so personal like when he talks to you he looks at you yes like he's their president he's phenomenal wait pigeon-toed yes he stands like like this like each foot is like right there on the other side I love him he's great how do you how do you balance new friends and old friends you know I like you have new ones like it just at the Staples Center right we're like we're backstage Katy Perry's there the guy from how to get away with murder and origin you black you at people those are new friends dude yeah well you know Katy was very nice to me when I first put out music and she sort of like took me on her wing and like hey like if you ever need anything I can totally be here for you and whatever she was very welcoming wonderful and it was so crazy because I went to her show at the Staples Center a couple years ago and I was totally inspired by it I was like wow I was like I want to do this one day and then just three years later um I had my own show there yeah she came and she held my hand on the prayer circle and she was there and she was like girl you were here a few years ago watching me you know you're watching you you better kill it girl so she's always been really supportive and that's kind of that's like the that's very surreal that's rare yeah isn't it I mean you've been wanting with enough people and I mean able do that you know and it's really nice that's Reina it's always it's always so nice to meet somebody who is so successful yeah and who's so humble and so down there it's a nice and generous and welcoming be nice because you she'll fan your over some people like tom Felton oh yeah oh wow you have big ones from yeah yeah huge yeah tom Felton gonna be in a music video I absolutely he dreamy he was like if you ever needed one in music videos like I was like I don't know what the next single is but we're gonna find it we're gonna make sure your ear like I did yes I don't know what the video treatment is which song is gonna be next but new single number two you're the lead let's go come true literally I just watch so much you drop by he can walk by in the background this is it that's all I need but I do you make she old friends at new friends like Tyler's now closer to Miley and like yeah yeah you you connect people yeah I guess so pollinators I call it Oh God when you put it that way I mean I guess but you know I've always been so close with my core group that I I I don't I don't feel like I need anything else I always I I'm social yeah you I socialize I I socialize but you know I I have my my core group of people that I know since forever in Brian it's got it's like we go back five years now that's crazy that's five years I remember when you first brought that and they were the twins and yep I can't easily 8e to see the evolution like do you go back and have you ever like listened to put your hearts up no well yeah that's like that's like scrolling too far back on Facebook and you're like with a profile go back and you're like no and you delete everything crazy that's there's that one day when you just lead everything from like mm like 13 1/2 point five on and then you delete everything it's like born 2014 when you when you listen to it if you watch the video like what comes to mind what video um put your hearts up way I don't I just say a kid who had red hair but wanted to do music really bad so she was kind of stuck in this weird world where she was half her character and half herself and it was like weirdly confused but then shortly after it was like hey now it's time to actually be me do her this yeah I feel like put your arse up would have been cats single you know I mean it would have been like Cat Valentine single yeah you know yeah I really wanted to do music but I couldn't wait so I was like stuck in this weird world where like it was like I'm cat but I'm we but even then like everything you're putting out was doable yeah I remember like I would listen to music that has never even seen the light of day or the first version champagne or whatever like the songs were the duet version of honeymoon Avenue they both have I think it and with Sean Kingston he there was a song or two what was that so long ago I remember that yeah yeah like we're talking years that was so old it's so creamy like I remember hearing it I was like yo this is pretty good pop music I have something in my eye I think it's a spider web oh I'm so sorry I can't open them no I'm really sorry this kid lying right here it's all good keep going okay focus is coming out Friday yes it's a huge day for you tell me about the song focus has been um a secret I guess since May and when we first wrote it and cut it and recorded it you know and um it's been so hard to keep my mouth shut I've been so excited about it I love the teaser uh the teaser pictures the white hair thank you sis you're looking good granny chic yeah Nona inspired yeah I really was like when I put that wig on I was like when I'm 70 I'm gonna grow it out good oh that I'm gonna let it but I can't wait to gray I was like mom this is what do you think I'll go gray and she was like well if you're anything like the rest of your family 24 yes it was a good look I like this thank you I agree - thank you my mum my Princess Leia I like it moment very nice thank you very very nice thank you very much for Star Wars I am I'm very excited you know who I got to spend some time with on the set of screen point is Billie lourd who's Carrie Fisher's daughter and I was like your mom I just like dude I know she's great how much scream queens as a whole was it good to be back in TV yeah it was really fun it was like a little tease because I don't get to act anymore and I was like wow I forgot how much I loved this and you know it was really fun I always wanted to do something scary and to be to do my own death scene that was been goals since forever I love horror freak right here I'm such a horror freaking Cermak with Ryan Murphy like he's so attentive to detail like it was amazing to see him direct and be like no change this shot just a tiny bit and it'll make it more suspenseful or like hey can you like slowly creep in and but then like tilted and I was like it's so cool to see him make it more suspenseful but the tiny little things you can learn from people like that all right Lilly yeah that must be a crazy experience all around bees everyone from Ryan Murphy to Kiki to Abigail Breslin to Nick Jonas I mean yeah Oh Kiki Michelle everyone was great what it casts no it really was such a great time that week and a half in New Orleans was like one of my favorite weeks of my life it was so much fun it really was so much fun it was great what makes it fun was it the company everyone was so nice and but everyone not just the cast it was like the cameramen and the the props guy Nika leaps so nice yeah he's waiting shuttle did he go I just did a nicest guy every time I got excited every time he brought me my like my sorority cell phone prop I was like thanks Nico it was great like everyone's so nice but that's what you want that's what you need for to be successful yeah for everyone to be happy yeah what do you still want to accomplish like what do you still want to do oh so much I still have I don't know I'm just getting started really I'm 22 I'm so young how crazy is that that you're just getting started yeah it's nice yeah I had a weird moment in the car the other night what was it um I don't know I was like thinking about everything and I was like really nervous because I was trying to get the video done on time and I was stressed and it was doing this and I was getting nervous and I was you know and I'm excited but I'm nervous and I'm excited but I'm nervous and I was like I had this weird thing in the car when I was like oh my god is this really my life right now like am I really so like nervous and stressed because I have a new song coming out in little blood and I just finished my tour I had this weird pinch me moment in the car and I was like getting teary and I was like don't cry don't cry oh that's too cheesy don't cry but yeah it's still super surreal to me that like this is my job I guess but you know how the entertaining part isn't really my job I want to do more than that but yeah go ahead but those moments are so special like I remember having having exact moments like that right yeah and you would laugh if you were there I might be like shut up like that up it revalidate things for you though and it kind of when you put you in force perspective yeah because you lose on time so fast yeah and it cuz you get wrapped up and you're like days like today where it's like 7:00 a.m. thing that I thought that NPM shoot didn't and it's like so many things that you get wrapped up and you forget that you're like wow a human being I am no like I'm totally a human being but it's like you pinch yourself and you're like wow this is the whirlwind but if this is my life and that's crazy insane it's still weird to me you're ma I had a moment with your mom if you like a few months ago crying she was crying boy oh wait wait because it was so nice because you were about to mark on your first world tour Liz just locked in sex drugs and rock and roll that's not come on and then I locked in the new radio contract and she was like my babies it was a it was all I'm so emotional yeah because it's great it's insane we're having an emo bunch like not allowed alone no more fun but our fun is monopoly and chillin and watching movies and um and Sleep No More yes oh my god yo that was I will remember that night for the rest of my life Sleep No More is this uh it's Shakespeare it's it's in a factory and you go through with masks yeah beautiful and it's intense and it's like a world amazing and you follow the actors yeah so they you can they separate the people going to the show from the actors by a white mask so all of the audience members wear a white mask and the actors are not in masks and they it's like a really interesting interpretation of Macbeth I think yes is that Macbeth yeah yeah and um and you follow around whatever actors you passed and you just run around after them and you're trying to watch a story and you know all the normal characters don't look at you and they're just acting and whatever but the witches like the three witches or whatever can look at you and like pull you into rooms and like do when we were talking yeah it's amazing that's so cool in just two point perspective who Aaron Simon grosses I remember being in the middle of this and looking over and it's the middle of the sex scene and they're naked and Aaron is perched above the bed looking down just watching intently we can do whatever you want you can like a climb up on things and crunch Aaron was like oh that's amazing that's great yo focus scream queens you got Zoolander 2 coming oh my god how cool is that it was I get so nervous cuz I don't know if I can talk about it yo give me something cuz I know what it's about and it's phenomenal I mean like people know I mean people know your movies yeah that yeah I mean that I tell my face somebody somebody saying no we're going to I've been getting tweets about it okay well I don't I'm not reading says yeah I'm not in it I mean but you're all wrong is not in it and then that's it okay I'm not in it though but I'm sure it's gonna be good if you were in it if I had been apart it would have been really cool it would have been my life goal but you know do you have somebody who you follow like somebody that you're into on Instagram that you look at you're like yeah this person's cool or follow somebody's tweets uh yeah I mean I don't know dumb question move on that's a hard one I'm kind of recovered I follow Zach sang one yo thanks Zach sang what I think could you send me with my tweet notes like I was ready to get them stop tweeting about your hygiene I know here we go there you got your poor hygiene no you're like I smell really bad I haven't showered in three days hating life is like burgeoning okay first of all my dating life is on the come-up I'm sure oh it's sorry what do you think if we decorated this for you great I love it I mean it's pretty cute no I'm not it's not yeah okay I think it's divine Heather you happy with that Heather Heather worked really really hard on it yells Heather I feel like a mother who's not being appreciated this whole thing just came through like God thank you I'm gonna make that my ringtone Iran they called me God I'm gonna go away now oh my god come here Friday moon late 2016 what are you gonna be for Halloween yeah I have a couple things up my sleeve I'm gonna do a couple wardrobe changes throughout the night throughout the night you want yeah are you gonna do more than one night though like oh yeah it has a full weekend it seems like Friday night strikes I'm yeah in costume yeah because I have a costume for my for my event on Friday and performing in a costume mmm and you should come yeah and then I have um two looks for Halloween Day I think a um I talked about them like they're like custom-made like divine ability leg Avenue like Hermione costume but ya know yeah it's a it's a pillowcase with eye holes no I don't know I just love Halloween I love it are we doing a Halloween Horror Nights we should yeah we definitely should we that's our thing yeah that's our fave yeah what's like the spookiest thing you've ever gotten yourself into Oh God stories for days oh my god I've heard about demons do you heard about that I think we've been through that no um the spookiest thing I've ever gotten myself into um Hotel del Coronado is like super haunted and there was a room where all of the craziness happened where the woman I believe killed herself and she said it said that her ghost sort of lives on in that room in blah blah blah and I really wanted to find the room that was really young I was like 15 and it was me and Kristi okay and microchip alone I loved them and my mom and we were trying to find the room and we noticed that like the numbers on the doors weren't really the numbers on the doors and there was like little outlines of like old numbers and we were like they changed the numbers on the door because so many people were probably trying to look for the room and like mess around so they must have changed the door numbers and so my mom my mom Joan Grande was like was like found like the cleaning lady and she was like hey like can you show us where the haunted room is and she was like oh I can't do that like I'm sorry I'm my mom look gave her like 50 bucks and though we when we stood outside for a while but it was so crazy I could I swear that when you walk past the door you got like a chill ice wearing and then me so me and Christy we were being so naughty I don't know why we would ever do this we were like knocking at the door we calling glucose name definitely right up when we did our homework before asking Oh screaming about belting phones by asking pleading and um after like 45 minutes because we were like why would we do this ever um we felt this like rush of energy like hit the door and like maybe we were just crazy but both of us at the same time we're like and we screamed and we breast started running but our scream scared it out of Mike and Mike risk jump down the center of us of a spiral staircase he was like hey Johnny jump down like six flights I like jumps through the center so funny my mom of course my crazy McCobb like gothic mother was like are you going this is just getting excited come on should I kick the door down make us believers my mama's like yeah that's like one of my favorites always ever but you'd run into a demon my mom bribing look lady my piece of fez burger you're ultra-sensitive well you you see that you get that it comes to you I just want it to be like I want it to happen you want to be real mm-hmm ariana grande focus coming out today so glad we've spent so much time talking about the single I know I feel like we've covered ghosts ghosts everything we've covered uh what else Mac we covered writing friendship friendship things tom Felton cross pollinating John Monnett um I hey this is my list yes good yeah I wrote a list for your hygiene hygiene was important yeah but I have so much to tell you off this microphone that it's crazy all right thanks should we set it off then yeah we will all right bye gang thanks for hanging with us Ariane not exactly any other questions I just have a question about snapchat you love that don't you sometimes I do my baby bro yeah I go I go like days at a time where I'll snap everything and then I will forget about it for like a month that's what I do you do yeah it's like every guy's the same but you know sometimes to me but I'm great first snapchat experience I was there but month 4,000 oh my god that was my very second Alexa made me get a snapchat forever ago and I really didn't want to like use it at all so I made like a some sort of username but much more and I had like four friends are you like beavis and butthead I don't know I enjoyed it and you would use it you were ringing at it I snapped like twice yo they were creative snaps all it takes is two any question now okay Ariana Grande love you dude thank you love you dude thanks for hanging yeah
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 1,178,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ariana Grande (Celebrity), Katy Perry (Celebrity), Zoolander (Award-Winning Work), Halloween (Holiday), Staples Center (Sports Facility), Victorious (TV Program), Miley Cyrus (Celebrity), focus, Justin Bieber (Celebrity), Big Sean (Celebrity), Victoria Justice (Film Actor), frankie grande, Demi Lovato (Celebrity), Taylor Swift (Celebrity), Scooter Braun (TV Producer), Mac Miller (Musical Artist), Nickelodeon (TV Network)
Id: lm7IUJeRFEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2015
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