Living with the Hyundai IONIQ PHEV - Real-world MPG test !

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to petrol ped and welcome to the hyundai ioniq plug-in hybrid now thanks to high and ruk i've got this car for the next week and finally i'm gonna get the opportunity to live with a hybrid car and put to test those claims of huge MPG figures and just how easy is it to to live with a car that you have to plug in overnight you know what is it what is it going to be like to drive what is it going to be like to live with and over the next few days I'm actually going to go on a bit of a road trip and put some miles in this car interestingly it's just been dropped off by Hyundai and it doesn't have very much electric charge at the moment so I've just plugged it in I'm gonna leave it on trickle charge for the next few hours and then we're going to jump in it and get going on a bit of a road trip [Music] okay so I've had this thing on trickle charge for about three hours and let me just fire it up and I now have a full battery by the looks of things which is very cool now what I'm gonna do from a fuel economy point of view is although there's a trip computer on here I'm gonna go to the garage and brim the tank it's pretty much full anyway the guys dropped it off full but I'm going to brim the tank and then I'm gonna do a manual calculation for fuel economy over the duration I've got the car so next stop is going to be a quick splash and dash at the local garage and then we've got about a hundred and thirty miles so first out then I'm on full evey at the moment and I have an electric range of thirty seven miles and a gasoline range of 408 miles making a total range of 444 miles according to the little computer thing down there so it will be interesting to see exactly what I'm going to go to this okay here we go at the fuel station let's get some of this old-fashioned gasoline in this car and see just how far we can go on a properly brim tank [Music] well there you go fully brimmed so next stop strap fit now let us get going what is very weird about this car is it has a foot handbrake I've never quite understood foot hand brakes especially in the days of the kind of electronic flick up handbrake I just can't see the point but it's very easy to kind of forget the hand brakes on and you kind of drive off and hear this graunching of your rear brakes on and the car feels really slow and then you realize it's still broken so we now have a gas range of 516 miles an electric range of 34 miles so that's a total range of 550 miles ok sitrep and I find this quite interesting I've been driving for literally just two couple of minutes shy of half an hour other than just under sitter 18 miles but really interesting I'm scrolling through the menus on the car and the engine temperature is cold I've got no engine temperature at all because I haven't actually used the engine yet I've been running on completely evey I've actually got a cold engine so it's got an interesting thing you know when you're driving one of these if Matan you driven for a you know 15 20 miles on electric and then you get onto the internal combustion engine and you push on you kind of then have to wait for the engine to over okay so we have reached an important point in the journey I am twenty six point eight miles in and I've just had a thing pop up on the dashboard to say we are now entering hybrid mode no longer can I run on pure evey I don't have any more juice left in the battery so up until now my boy MPD is actually saying 99.9 mpg that because that's the maximum number of digits that can be displayed there but clearly I haven't used any fuel yet at all because I've been running on TV mode but I am now no more electric rain so I'm running on as a hybrid and I'm guessing the engine temperature's going to start running up as well now what will also happen here which will be quite interesting is the internal combustion engine is not only going to be driving the car but I'm also going to be I'm guessing doing some charging of the batteries the car you goes into charge mode whenever you lift off or whenever you brake and so it's always trying to regenerate and recuperate energy if you have really short runs if you are only doing a 5 or 10 miles school run you could get there and back without ever going anywhere near the ICU however sorry i seee however as soon as you want to go a bit further than 20-25 miles you're going to end up going into hybrid mode so we're now we've still got a hundred miles to go to the destination so we're now going to start using fuel it will be interesting to see what that fuel consumption is like over the full journey though but if we did a fuel consumption gauge right now I've used no fuel so that's you know one hundred and hundreds of miles per gallon but that's not the full story [Music] 85 miles in and I have to say I'm still very comfortable but the star feature for me so far in this car is adaptive cruise control of all the kind of options that you can check on a car it always rate very highly for me adaptive cruise control it just makes a longer journey on a two-carat or motor weight so much more relaxing and this one works really really well so yeah I'm really liking the car in terms of a fuel economy I'm still no electric range left but I'm averaging now 72.1 miles per gallon according to the computer so it's still brilliant but clearly because we've got no electric power running on the petrol engine and we are consuming go-go juice as we speak [Music] so we have arrived at the destination now normally what would happen when you arrive a destination is you get your bag out and you go inside and not have a drink or something but no before I do any of that I need to plug the car in so I can charge the batteries up because tomorrow morning I need to drive from here in Stratford to Cheltenham and I reckon I can do most of that on electric power but I can only do that if it's been charged so let's get the cables out the back plug the car it so all parked up or one of the things that I needed to think about was where am I going to get the electric from so now for my friend's house I'm staying in they got electric in the garage so we basically run the cable underneath there so these are all things you kind of have to have a think about you know if you're staying over where are you gonna plug it in luckily I'm gonna be able to plug it in here [Music] with charging this is quite cool it's like the holiday the indicator on your smartphone if you can see the little indicator on the dashboard that shows I'm charging of what three bars there but there's only one flashing so it's quite a lot of charge left so that's it if I lock the car that will then lock the charge point into it can't be nicked and the car is now going to charge overnight and tomorrow morning I don't need to drive over the cheltenham I should have a full load of electric and there hopefully a bit more electric range right I should see you guys in the morning good morning so we are in the car ready to rock and roll I'll tell you what this foot brake doesn't offer get some taste on getting used to now interestingly is a very cold morning this morning and even though it's been charging all night long the charge indicator doesn't say I've got a full tank of electricity which is very very weird and I'm not sure why so I've only got 9 miles of electric range even though I've had it on charge all evening and I'm wondering whether that's got something to do with the fact it's only four degrees outside and the other thing that's notable this morning because it was cold when I started the car in warm conditions you start the car and the engine doesn't kick in this morning because I've had got heaters and and all that kind of stuff the second I start of the car the engine kicked in I guess to kind of you know help warm the car up rather than using the batteries but yeah that is quite interesting that I have literally nine miles of electric range now that is gonna scupper my fuel economy now my my route this morning I've got thirty four miles to go to my destination today and I had hope to do most of that on electric but it doesn't look like that's gonna be the case and then the interesting thing and this is interesting about plug-in hybrids is where I've got a park today there's no charging so I can't top the car up during the day to give me that electrical boost on the way home so I'm gonna have to basically do 70 miles today but only eight of those I can do on full evie so that's gonna properly scum per my fuel economy Ron I find that really really interesting see this this is this challenger half with plug-in hybrids is there is that kind of short range if you can't plug them in every night then you are compromised and maybe if that was your style of journey everyday maybe you're better off with a full-blown hybrid rather than a plug-in that's it I'm not very far into my journey and I've just had hybrid mode come up on the dash so yeah that's interesting I need to maybe just check the fuel the powers on all night long I can't understand why I didn't charge fully but I'm now driving it in hybrid mode which which will severely affect my fuel economy well I have safely arrived at my destination pretty much all the way on hybrid power I now need to go and do a day's work so I shall see you at the end of the day but there's no chance that we're gonna have Eevee on the way home but I'll catch you a bit later on in the day a hard graft money's earned now time for the drive back to Stratford what a beautiful beautiful day it's much much warmer I can report that basically yeah the electric status hasn't changed at all because I wasn't able to charge you know interestingly in this car park there is a charging station but I'm not sure the etiquette whether you can leave a car on charge all day I imagine that that's bad form but I don't know we'd love to know put the comments below what you think about that one but I think it's a case of shades on music on head back to Stratford ok so all is revealed I am now back where I'm staying and I just checked because I was really concerned that it didn't charge properly last night but the charging unit is just here and what I noticed is that the trip had actually gone on the extension flex so we are now fully charging you might be able to see that so hopefully tomorrow we'll have a full charge in the ioniq four-hour drive back to where I'm working but yeah hopefully that's kind of answered the question is - why didn't have full charge in the car this morning see you guys in the morning good morning well I think charging work last night let's have a quick look oh we have a full charge excellent Oh cut out one's kicked in so off we go to work now I have to say this foot handbrake is a pain in the bum I really don't like it at all so one of the things I am going to do notice the engines kicked in because it's got to kind of do all the heating and stuff because it's quite a cold morning again this morning but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put it in force it into hybrid mode so when I first drove this car on this journey I had it in fully v and it ran as a fully V for the first 20 or so miles and then ran all the battery out and then ran as a hybrid my plan because I've got a drive to work today and then from work of they're gonna drive home so I've got quite a lot of miles to do today and if I ran it in fully V mode this morning I'd run out of battery and then it would be really struggling and all the way home so I'm gonna try and run it in home hybrid mode and see how much that battery will last so the idea now is there the petrol engine is gonna work and it's going to be assisted by the battery and I should in theory I reckon anyway get longer battery life and more fuel economy I reckon over along the journey anyway so let's kind of see how that works so we have arrived now interesting I've done about 40 miles on hybrid now my indicated mpg and I know that's not massively accurate but for now it will do is 60 miles per gallon which is nowhere near the plus 200 miles per gallon quoted by Hyundai for the combined cycle of this car but I still have 37 miles of electric range so I've got pretty much a full battery to basically use on the way back to church ester this evening that is me done the end of the Working Day and I'm now on my way home back to the barn I have 112 miles to get home I have let me to see what my range is I got 36 miles of electric range still 293 miles of gasoline range I'm in hybrid mode but I reckon so how to get the really high miles per gallon it's relatively straightforward if you are doing a journey that was let's say 25 or 30 miles and you have a full charge you would do infinite mass to the gallon because you'd get there all the way on electric any more than 25 to 30 miles to the gallon you're going to use up your electric and then you're gonna start going into your fuel and the further and further the journey goes so I reckon if you did a journey that was like 50 or 60 miles you'd get super super fuel economy because you could run the first half of the journey on electric and then the rest on hybrid mode but if you're running a long journey so I'm going to do you know 112 miles on hybrid mode I'm still only averaging about 55 60 miles to the gallon 60 odd miles to the gallon in this car seems like an achievable MPG but 200 plus miles to the gallon really doesn't it really doesn't on a short journey if you're only commuting 10 miles to work him back on a full charge you wouldn't even need to use any fuel at all you just charge it up and use the electric but longer journeys there's just no way you're gonna get 200 odd miles to the gallon it's just it's just impossible it doesn't work [Music] [Music] so really interesting I've been thinking about this for the last 20 minutes or so so on my way up to Stratford I used Eevee and I ran out of electric charge and the hybrid engine kicked in and I stayed on it on a base amount of electric charge and you could see that the car tries to recuperate energy and put it into the batteries whenever you lift off when you brake and those types of things and they then maintain the charge at a certain level I'm now at full electric charge but I'm running in hybrid mode and it's done the same thing basically so my charge has stayed I'm basically completely chopped up and it recuperate energy and puts it back into the batteries whenever it can and it's basically drawing forward momentum from both the engine and the electric motors but the downside of that is my my mpg for today so driving to work and then on the way home and I work on a half way home he's only 56 miles per gallon now I know I can improve that what I'll probably do is when I get nearer home because I'm going to turn the whole bit off and go to pure easy mode and use up that electric because I guess the argument here is there's no point getting home and still having a full electric charge what I really want is to get home and have used up all the electric and then that kind of minimizes the amount of fuel you use and I think that's kind of how you need to try this car now then for about the last 30 or so miles I've been running on pure Eevee and I have now run the battery stake down so that the car has just kicked into hybrid mode but interestingly my mpg for this trip has now risen to 72 point eight miles per gallon and that's a mix of a and B Road and quite a bit of motorway driving over a distance of about so far what I've still up ten miles to go before I get home so about a hundred and fifty miles and I'll think that's too bad the downside though now is that because I'm now running on high Brid that MPG figure is unlikely to go up if anything it's gonna start coming back down again good morning guys and what a beautiful day it is here in West Sussex today so we are very at nearly at the end of this video I'm gonna remember to take that foot brake off and the hybrids kicked in because I've got no electric I didn't charge the car overnight we are very nearly the end of this video the last thing I want to do is I'm going to drive to my fuel station brim the tank and then do a manual miles per gallon calculation to see what mpg I've done over the three hundred and sixty four miles I've done in this car over the last three days or so here we go then local fuel station worth pointing out by the way I've done 366 miles I still have just under half a tank of fuel left I actually need to fill up at all but for the purposes of this little experiment I'm going to right then the numbers are in so I've just put 20 3.8 liters of fuel so let's just quickly stick this into good old Google 23.8 that works out of 5.2 four gallons 5.2 four gallons and we did 366 miles so 366 miles divided by five point three 4 equals accurately 68 point five miles per gallon is that good is the footbrake again it's a really good mpg figure don't get me wrong and I know I'm feeling I've ever owned a car that delivers 60 68 miles per gallon it's brilliant but in real-world driving conditions that's what you're gonna get and yes as I explained if you have shorter journeys where the larger proportion of the journey is on evey you're gonna get much much better fuel economy than that but over a range of different types of lengths of journey and different driving conditions that kinda 65 to 70 miles per gallon is absolutely achievable so that brings me to the end of this kind of living with real-world fuel economy test I hope you've enjoyed it if you have done so give me a thumbs up comment below are always welcome and if you haven't done so already please subscribe to peghead for plenty more content to come and i'll see on the next film which is going to be a full review of this car a collaboration review everything you wanted to know about it and the major thing I'm going to do is I've driven this car quite conservatively since I've had it just to try and see what the mpg would get out of it but I haven't yet really put it in sport mode and seen if it's got any kind of to it so tune in for that one but I'll see on the next film guys you take care drive safe [Music]
Channel: Petrol Ped
Views: 199,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Petrol Ped, Vlogger, YouTuber, Hyundai, Hyundai Ioniq, Hyundai Ioniq Plug-in Hybrid, Hyundai Ioniq Hybrid, Hyundai Ioniq EV, Ioniq Review, What is the MPG for the Hyundai Ioniq, Tesla Model S, Tesla Model X, Audi E-Tron, Toyota Prius, Hybrid fuel economy test, Hyundai Ioniq MPG, How does regenerative braking work, Plug-in hybrid review, Plugin hybrid fuel economy
Id: WapdPZFOegA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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