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got it [Music] uh [Music] how would our lives look if we were living in harmony with nature who is really the most evolved species on earth is it us humans or is it the bear the orca the eagle i'd be interested in your thoughts below i'm nicole my fiance jake and i are starting our family in the rain forest of western canada we call our place como rebbe because the rays of sunlight often pour through the trees of the forest which surrounds and dwarfs us we're starting our family while attempting to get off the grid and live harmoniously with nature we're not there yet but make a huge leap forward in this episode here's a glimpse of our off-grid life [Applause] [Music] [Music] ugh so what do you think it's awesome justin very nice you want to drill them in yeah okay and brush them and sand them and i'll uh bolt these so they're a lot [Music] stronger [Music] uh [Music] so [Applause] so all you have to do is do this one okay you ready okay flatten who's got the better squad [Music] oh yeah we got that here we go one so i'm gonna give you the face give okay on three we're gonna lean back one two three push up when i lean back you push ups ready and go push use your muscles i can't get a good grip can you grab one of my legs you can't go up and i lose it i think 2016 jk okay hold it strong i'm gonna i'm gonna let go [Music] because you have to wait till i go forward you have to i have to go forward more i have to go forward more put it forward a little more okay there we go i got you so now slow movement slow slow kill him straight i'll get straight stay strong you got it okay were you even off the ground i was oh that's a gross thank you here just do a handstand so you're [Music] [Applause] that was my fault but you started the class okay now give me this no this no stay up there okay touch your knee hold it there hold it got it we had it we could totally totally screenshot that and we got it for 0.5 seconds [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i've got your garden sitting right here cool can you help bringing it over yeah i don't believe that i have enough for two [Applause] [Music] oh um whoa in what planet is this level okay okay so [Music] it's looking good [Music] now these are the nicest boards i think i've ever cut you always say that i know but this tree is sacred this is the one that was close to the yurt and i just think this tree is pretty cool a lot of respect nice little raised bed that's awesome i can't believe you're hitting those perfect it's tough to drill yeah leave this in half okay can you just hold it for me on the sides really strong like that like very strong okay like super strong like you ready thanks for the help yeah thanks just don't move this board done stairs are safe let's see it come on love it i like it tell them home okay go home come home all right put some food in my belly i'm hungry let's do it foreign okay um so stay you know what i like doing is planting seeds in the rain i feel like it's um just good for the seeds and doing all the work for me hey you know what but i've uh for the past like 15 years i've been gardening i've noticed that whenever i like touch soil like i'm doing right now i tend to i mean i love it but i tend to get like severely dried out skin when i start touching compost and i even get like some weird like skin little things i found the secret to stop that from happening if anybody out there any gardeners out there want to know my secret i just go ahead and tell them i'll show them in a few minutes here black radishes that's all black radishes you can plant any other ones i wanted those anthocyanins spanish black radish all right so we're potting up all the mint keeping it in its own container and uh we're also transplanting some mint in the landscape so it can become naturalized and native we tried these wasabi's out in a brighter location but they just don't like it it is true that these wasabis need the darkness so i potted them all up and my hands are full of soil i don't like to wear gloves and um i just kind of rinse them off and wash them off when i built the pizza oven you guys saw me build the pizza oven from scratch start to finish the cement of the mortar putting the bricks together was just like corroding my skin and i figured out right at the end that if you um use vinegar it can chemically neutralize the cement so i thought maybe that would work for compost and i i don't know the science of it but i've been doing it now for a couple weeks and i got to tell you that when i put some just some normal vinegar and wash my hands with it there after touching compost i heal up and get cleaner and i feel fantastic and my skin does never look better while working with compost do you like it i don't feel like myself tired i'm dehydrated i haven't eaten and i'm full of bugs but yeah i like it it's a nice herb bed and we'll do radishes on the sunny side i like it it looks amazing there's me more it's gonna be uh kiwis and jasmine uh so uh foreign so all right i'm anxious to see these buns i like it all right ready yeah let's do it should we put some flour on the counter here is this what this is yeah so this is how we are celebrating our four year anniversary today's our four year anniversary well anniversary of what our first date yeah because i don't think you ever really officially asked me out what yeah i don't think so i think i did i don't think i remember you asking me no like ask me to be your girlfriend you know what i mean what are we in high school i don't know i have to ask you to go steady most people like that's when they count as like when that person asks oh i see so we just like i think we just started hanging out every single day that we're like oh i guess our anniversary is on our first date okay i like that what did we do for our first date you took me to a vegan restaurant called pomegranate cafe in arizona and it was delicious yeah like you already finished oh i'm sorry i'm too fast i'm thinking about our first date and uh you were uh you went to the table first and you're waiting for me when i came in right no you were in first what actually happened did you like wait in the parking lot or something like watch me walk in i did i had to make sure you were like legit in the comments let us know if you guys are interested into how jake and i met i think we did a video about this but we have to redo it there's an old video on our channel when we're in tenerife and we read our first text exchanges it's kind of long and i think we should redo it okay so are you guys interested do you guys want to know how this happened but do they want to know what like how how we met i guess i don't know how he met well the first time we ever met was pomegranate cafe yeah what what no that's not true well technically yes no it's not oh the phone doesn't count nicole doesn't think that we met before that she doesn't think that i remember her from our first meeting but i do you don't 100 what are we making steamed buns shoots powder and tofu powder with the chinese five spice so earlier you guys saw me put the chinese five spice in the veggie mixture and i have a video before that tells you how to make that and the peppercorns and the five spikes were from our tree that fruited while i was in the pot and i'm really excited to plant that tree sometime the next week [Applause] how is it making the fire with this new deck oh my god this is this was the goal the whole time and maybe our long time watchers have seen us through the walk stove and i'm always standing on a ladder and there's like salmonberry stump sticking out so like if i fall then i get spear so this is yeah and look at that color whoever did this tile did a great job it's very festive and it's very nice much higher i'm gonna just we gotta get the grandma we gotta have her just feed the fire yeah that's grandma's job yeah but look at this looks like looks so nice the beauty thing too is what does the smoke do get rid of the mosquitoes but it's also raining so that's getting rid of them as well so oh it's warm how does the fire look oh my gosh oh it's so pretty oh this is so warm right here oh this is so nice have a seat you did a great job at the bow it looks so good thank you i mean i'm still practicing i'm no expert yeah but we're getting faster and better look at how much heat is in there this has brought the wok stove to another dimension hello there grandma nicole how is it so nice this is a world of difference seriously and a protection for the rain hanging out by the fire waiting for that food this is really nice it's warm you brought tea we're going to use this this is pour from 1993. what's a good year gambe this is so nice look at our view there's no bugs it's warm these are like total coincidence we didn't intend for it to be all these things but this is a nice little area it smells good i'm glad i found these mushrooms melt your face off [Music] you like it yeah i think it looks awesome me too i think i'll sand it and then we'll do it again sand it do it again and then i will linseed oil to seal it i mean we should have charred this with the outdoor campfire in the beginning but see that what are you going to do i like the the keeper though behind you looking out i'm ready for the zombies let's be serious here go for it crack it [Music] cool looks great we have a lot more to do but let's start [Music] my [Music] wow look at the way that this looks this looks really pretty stunning can the camera pick that up yeah wow so this is just linseed oil that i'm putting over this for those of you that are curious wow that's so good color our bear is going to come by and lick the counters for the linseed oil i don't know well let's scrape it so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Living Off Grid w/ Jake & Nicole
Views: 8,398,262
Rating: 4.665545 out of 5
Keywords: off grid, yurt, boat, garden, gardening, off the grid, living off grid, alone, yurt life, tiny house, tiny home, off-grid, Jake and Nicole, Jake Nicole, DIY, Homesteading, How to, Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Yurts, living off the grid, permaculture, Bunkie, Cabin, Log Cabin, Fire, Blowtorch, Shou Sugi Ban, Wok, Chinese Wok, Bao Zi, Jiao Zi, Dumplings, Chinese Dumplings, Wok Stove, Cooking, Food, Prepping, Raised Bed Garden, Hügelkultur, Escape, Cabin Life, Hiking, Camping, Bushcraft
Id: 9RvEQuUOzyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 8sec (2348 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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