Driving Downtown - Pittsburgh 4K - USA
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Channel: J Utah
Views: 396,015
Rating: 4.9036732 out of 5
Keywords: Driving, Downtown, Pittsburgh, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, PN, USA, PA, Ohio, shipbuilding, petroleum, sports, Gulf Oil, Sunbeam, Rockwell, Westinghouse, Google, Apple, Bosch, Facebook, Uber, Carnegie Mellon, University, PNC, Park, Mount, Washington, Heinz, Field, Pirates, MLB, Steelers, NFL, Penguins, NHL, Hockey, Baseball, Football, Duquesne, Medical, Center, FedEx, Bayer, IBM, navy, Bridges, skyline, Tour, Tourism, Guide, 4K, UHD, Nova, museum, Energy, Environmental
Id: 8vHVswDrXjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2016
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