Living in my STEALTH 10 foot Box Truck TOUR: Murphy bed, Kitchen, Bathroom and Much MORE!

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what's up guys dave here and welcome to my new home on wheels [Music] so inside here may look like a tiny micro studio equipped with a kitchenette a full sink and renewable energy but outside looks just like a work van i got this van so i can live in the city most of the time as comfortable as possible and to avoid the high cost of living i'd love to hear your thoughts on this one so make sure you comment below just below that like button and if you enjoy this type of content make sure you subscribe and hit that bell notification so you get notified every time i upload with that being said let's jump into the tour so there's three ways to get inside the van here obviously through this front compartment driver side door passenger side door the big barn doors in the back what i love about a box truck is especially this here is it has a pass-through door so wherever you're driving you can pull up open this door and now you're in your home and when you want to cut out the world just close this door here so the bed is up now so you have this giant walkway where you can get in and out and in order to put this down there's just these three slots here there's one two and three this drops down and so does your bedding and now you're in chill mode so looking down here we have six big giant storage here large countertop what i like to do is throw a couple pillows i have a bunch of these throw them up here and you can show up here as far as storage this first one is going to be the brains of the operation power source here 2000 watt pure sine wave inverter for your ac appliances charge controller this is the diy lithium battery in here with the bms this is 150 amp hour lithium battery over here just storage a bunch of clothes my drone and a bunch of bags and gym shoes right over here i actually have a closet finally and what's cool as well as you can see the back here this is cedar cedar is supposedly good to repel bugs from eating your clothes on this side here so the two open away so you can have access to it from the outside this is going to be my big giant tool shed sort of junk drawer under here is a bunch of power tools and things like that over here just more storage a bunch of rams i need to do a lot of organization because i'm not utilizing the space properly and a bunch of other stuff here again i'm gonna build some shelves in here so i can utilize all of this space another cool thing i added is some motion lighting as you can tell it's dark here this is uh underneath the bed here in case you're wondering and as soon as i open this up there's light 20 leds on a motion sensor this is just magnetic if you see that strip there place it right up and there's an on off switch and then there's that motion one as you can tell over here is dark but as soon as i open this up there's light if you want to check this out i'll leave a link in the description a lot of drawers this van is also equipped with a cassette toilet to pull this guy out hit this little switch toilet pops out right there handle your business these are on 300 pound sliders very strong you can sit on this no problem hit the switch again in you go make sure it's locked and boom this is a 2008 e350 super duty this is the first year ford introduced the new f series front end with improvements all around this is the 5.4 liter v8 so it doesn't exactly sip lattes like a prius and if i intend on saving money i just don't drive it as much luckily i've transitioned to all online work so i don't have to drive this beautiful baby all that much now if we come around this way this is a little pass-through door here so it has a little key so this gives me access to 15 gallons of water here five gallons each and it's just held in by this bungee really easy to access so i can fill it up and put it back in right there lock it up underneath the chassis here is a 10 gallon gray water tank this is the piping that goes into underneath the sink down in here and it's got the spigot and another bigger hole to drain if you come around this way of course a locking gas cap very important and welcome to my porch this is my one foot porch i like to leave my sandals here [Applause] or some plants or something like that of course we have the big double doors here big barn doors and the bed is a murphy bed as well it goes up so you can have this giant walkway [Applause] and on this side there's another pass-through door here 20-pound propane tank here it is in a sealed compartment and it's vented outside so very easy just disconnect here take the whole thing exchange it out put it back in drop it in here and lock it in place so these michelins right here are actually the same size as mercedes sprinters 245 75 16. these are the tires that come stock with sprinters very high mileage tires and long lasting so this isn't my first tiny home on wheels before this i had a 2009 toyota sienna [Applause] [Music] that i lived out of traveled out of and worked out of i've always been interested in alternative lifestyles and i decided to take the plunge my toyota was a swiss army knife tiny home that was very versatile functional and comfortable now it's off to a new person who will enjoy it and hopefully take her on more adventures than i did so i knew that hospital green on the inside here had to go right away so let's go shopping for some paint [Music] okay the one we're looking for is diamonds therapy cover this all up get this white down and then start going with the trim here so i think the toughest part is the prep work in my opinion that's the part i hate the most it's more gratifying to paint a different color you see a visual change but all this is necessary just so i don't get paint all over this wood here [Music] so these brushes at home depot are 10 to 15 bucks at the 99 store 99 cents that's where i would recommend getting your paint supplies and then pay the big bucks for the paint already starting to take shade look at that green pop all right very overcast today but on today's agenda we will be touching up the paint here finishing up all the little tiny pieces like for instance up here that was difficult to get to finally finished taping off the rim here believe it or not before uh when it was green i painted it this blue color right here you can kind of see i try to do the the trim here in this blue color did the painstaking work of taping every single trim here that took believe it or not it took an entire day and then it was just too much and then i painted right over it so let's get going here's the countertop on the sink side really nice wood grain love this look this little trim here and look at the size of this sink everybody you can actually wash dishes now and then this i love as well industrial style pipe little ikea fake plants i know it's hard to keep live plants alive so yeah this is a foot pump faucet sink combo and so far i'm in love with it let me give you some light here and how it works is you just uh pump down on this foot pump down here and you pump and out comes your water and it comes out according to how hard you push how hard you push down and how much you go up on your foot so the down pressure and the up pressure so below the sink here is where that water is sorry for the mess um is where the five gallon water is right now it's in that first one and then when that one's empty you just swap it out and again that back door is right over there so you can access this water from the outside or the inside and this little storage area right here is nice and tall uh so i could put some nice tall lawn chairs and stuff right now i have some tripods in here another tool case that i need to give to my buddy and just some randoms in here baseball baseball bat and then it just closes on these little magnetic pins here now realistically you want to take advantage of this counter space so what i do is i grab these rubberized mats here and this is easy to clean as well just rinse them down and drop them right over here kind of covers this entire counter so if you want to you can put whatever you want up here and it's not going to slide around if you you're driving nothing slides around what when i'm not doing dishes that's what i use it for as another counter but when i am doing dishes what i like to do is obviously right do your thing here dump the dishes here let them dry these are like some thick grooves so they're like the water can puddle up in here uh the runoff from the the dishes right let it kind of dry off here on its initial stage and then if you have to bounce because you actually are on wheels sometimes i forget when i close these doors and uh close this sliding door i kind of forget that i'm on wheels because it is kind of like a micro studio in here um anyways when you need to leave and you're like oh what do i do with all the dishes up here they're still wet what i do is i grab this collapsible bin right here so it collapses all the way down to this small but i put all the dishes in here that are still drying it just sits right in here perfectly fits right in here and then over here i have my uh dr broner's and stuff and some uh hand soap and when i'm driving it just stays in here really convenient really enjoying this setup right here you may be wondering what these loops are for here i got four of them so in case you're into tantric yoga you can add your straps right in here and do your hang i'm just kidding it'd be cool though right this is actually straps for a surfboard you hang really long one if you like whatever board you got and some snowboards during the winter time i will be out with the van in mammoth hopefully cross your fingers and i'll be strapping my snowboards right up here there's also one more area to strap on the outside that i'll show you right now so right on the passenger side there are these little connectors here there's four of them and therefore these little loop guys here so you push this it's on a spring so once you're in there you twist and now you're locked in super strong strap whatever you want right out here or just rock climb hang hang from these okay so let me show you the counter on the other side same thing lights up here led i also have a led strip that i strung all the way across just for now this is the three three burner dometic also comes with a stove i literally just cook pizza in there note to self don't put it on this bottom rack even this rack's too hot gotta go up down over here i just put a lot of my dishes and stuff like that behind this little door is gonna be the propane a little more storage in here and this over here is the isotherm fridge actually holds quite a bit of uh food and it also has a freezer right up in here but realistically i like to put another pad on here and set up an office it's going to be like a standing desk for me this is actually a great size so let me go ahead and set that up for you see what it looks like just wanted to show you real quick this is how i set up my laptop and a switch or if you're using this you can slide your phone in here or tablet and this is actually how i travel and it doesn't move anywhere this is aluminum underneath is this rubber foot so it doesn't move anywhere okay so this is how i usually set it up i leave my laptop and mouse switch right up here and this is my standing office right on this counter here because you're not cooking 24 7 and so you want to use this space for most of the time so when i'm done working on the computer i can just close it leave it here drive off no problem or if i want to get fancy with it i slide it right up in here when i need more counter space sits right in there and off i go so just a side note if you happen to be a tech nerd like me something like this is awesome to stay organized it holds all your stuff doesn't fall out infinite possibilities of arranging these it's super slim slides right into your backpack next to your laptop in case you're on the go this is perfect it has a bunch of hard drives in here bunch of cables cords some ac outlets my galaxy s pen for my galaxy fold that i'm actually filming on but this is from cocoon it's called gridit i'll leave a link in the description if you want to check this out been very convenient to organize everything in one spot instead of searching and searching for cables everything is right here always with you in a bag it has a loop you can hang this up really cool and convenient then i just grabbed my little ikea cube seat it also doubles as a hamper so move this right over here so i could use this as a seat and this is my office right here open up the doors have a view to whatever i like nice and modular setup outstanding office and a sitting office so let's talk about some of the things i want to do in the van that i have yet to complete we are going to be adding some arctic turn windows right here the hatch style double pane acrylic with the sunshade and the mesh included one right up above the cooktop here and then one right above the sink here next thing i'm going to add is a computer monitor up here that way when i'm in bed laying this way i could be netflixing and chilling or playing video video games in bed and then when i want to drop this down and have an extra monitor pop out to have two monitors i also have a lavender pro diesel heater that i'm going to be installing so stick around for that unboxing and first impressions of this if you know anything about these lavender pros they're a lot better than your regular chinese diesel heaters apparently this lavender pro are from the guys from wabasto and they splintered and made their own company at a fraction of the price i'll be doing an uh a breakdown of that to look at the internals as well so you can see the difference another thing i want to add in this cabin area here is i want to be able to utilize some of this space up here without leaving enough space so i don't hit my head but i was thinking like a mesh net here that i can put um i don't know paperwork or blankets or whatever up up in here um i didn't mention there is a backup camera here it is wired right into the light so this is what it's like laying in bed i have the led strips on they just kind of circle the the perimeter here almost up in here is tongue and groove wood really nice and then we have the max air fan there so imagine a monitor right up in here maybe like a 33 or 34 inch computer monitor so you can be watching whatever you like here through the amazon fire stick apple tv whatever thing you got or connect it to a gaming system so you'd be playing right in bed all right that just about does it for the tour guys i just want to send a big shout out to jacob who designed and built this box truck you are a gentleman and a scholar sir and hats off to you also hang out for that window build install we are going to be installing arctic turn windows and jacob will be helping and let me know are you on the go as well are you in a van or are you just interested in this lifestyle let me know down below for my notification squad hashtag otg in the comments i see you guys early thanks so much for watching the video guys and until next time peace [Music]
Channel: DaveOTG
Views: 37,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Czwyu28lDPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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