living in my car for 24 hours (winter edition) | clickfortaz

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if I don't find a place in the next five minutes I'm gonna cry Oh mom you're gonna pee myself in my car in the popular demand people welcome to another episode of living in my car no Stan Stan a bit more to the right your left no your body no walk there yeah this time I did it so that you could say [Music] here's what happened welcome to living in my car winter edition it is super cold today we asked a peak of winter well we're in winter I'm gonna be living in my car for the next 24 hours bacon Swiss set this baby up I've already got so much murder my shoes I've got my sleeping bag vinegar nebula toiletries saw it let's do this the first car rule has to be no muddy shoes in the car it's only been five minutes and I'm ready so muddy all my stuff is in the car now look my lil snap pile is that cute you got a layer up in the winter so I got me some fluffy salt what are the things that's different in this challenge could be the last time is I'm not relying on duvet and stuff like that because I want to utilize this space so I have a sleeping bag I've actually never used a sleeping bag oh and then this is gonna be my pillow it's gonna hurt my neck well then I'll just go sleep like this wow this is you the perfect length I could just sleep like this this is I'm gonna sleep tonight I have enough legroom I have enough room this is perfect for the size of my head we're doing great you can't see me so you probably wonder what am I gonna do to kill the time what we're actually thinking is what the hell is going on with your hair oh oh okay okay okay one of the main things I'm gonna do is edit a video luckily my car you can watch movies on it I've never really watched a movie in my car properly but I guess today's a day so I got some movies at Toy Story I'm incredible and I should kill some time if not just now it's currently 5 degrees which isn't that bad is it suitable to live in your car I don't know but I'm gonna test that out today so now I'm just gonna go ahead and edit in my car for the next couple hours then I'm just gonna drive around to find the nearest Starbucks and use their Wi-Fi to upload it what do you think about it so when you think about it not only am I gonna be eaten in my car I'm sleeping in my car I'm also gonna be entertained in and I'm also working from my car that's smart we're doing everything I'm as well move into my car this point we are just thriving guys just going to put my phone on charge you can see there's a function here this is DVD I just pressed that slot the disk in like so oh my god looks like a watching a movie it'll look cool I can watch a movie for my car's eyes actually mind blowing I have some [ __ ] in my car tomorrow so it's pretty much like a movie night so if it's me in my car myself these are wailmer so sconnie 2 p.m. and i am starting to get really hungry now then my best option right now is to go to the McDonald's drive-through which is in the healthiest but it does mean I don't have to leave the car media with two coke can I also just get milk on sugar yes I need to go out let the sugar become too high so our milk and sugar Oh awesome thank you she gave you milk I got that yeah the like it's always good to put the hammer it now when you're drying so I just love it you play it by the I thought I got free mail she needs some milk [Music] I mean you should he in Drive look guys they gave me milk and sugar I found a dual purpose for this so I'm gonna drink all the coke and then use this as my spit cup when I'm brushing my teeth later oh we do love a classy lady on this channel I'm consuming a lot of sugar any time now look how little against us spilling some good tea today don't drop my car bro I can't leave this car it's not me who's ready for McDonald's smoke bomb and Krieger love don't say I never treat ya got my sugar milk the best price is McDonald's fries bacon it's very wrong it's all about the sweet and sour kids I'm so interested to try out American fast food but in America they have different places I always eat people what Taco Bell in an hour yeah in an hour Popeyes also the McDonald's are different I sound really dumb now I'm really ignorant but I didn't know the McDonald's are different in different parts of the world or Japanese Japanese is so different to us portion sizes in America is so big I thought uncle tiny Jimmy I don't even eat how much is it hard tiny but compared to the size of my hand I should look up to compare to your face miss tiny you use tiny I got small ed - I wouldn't talk about I weigh too much mcdonnell's well we're at kid McDonald's is like a treat later there was such a treat we just have it once a year and it was like a big deal and we'll go to McDonald's you know so funny we'd ordered so much food home come home play or laugh yeah yeah with a fork ya know and we never did that we we well when we found out we were going to McDonald's it was like Christmas and now I mean in my car I feel a bit sick I do feel a bit sick you know growing up always wanted a party on McDonald's jungle yeah never happen oh I do like right you know I only recently tried a burrito I think it's too much effort I feel like it's a workout just to eat your food and it stresses me okay I know one yeah I don't want to eat food that stresses me out to you like I'm like full-on work I'm trying to fit it all in my mouth and like stop her from spilling I let you get exhausted from me and sometimes I want to try McDonald's from all over the world yeah let's do that oh just treat the different McDonald's yeah I think you're not banal bro don't even I used to talk in my sleep oh it smell good feeling it's not it's really not feels so good and by the end of you then you regret I regret it I thought I need to stop eating I just need to stop eating crap do not even resolution for next year no fast food by car right now it's an absolute stay I should do I should just see these nice I'm not good at the whole like drama stuff but imagine me doing a drama secretin on my videos like what's a tsys oh do not again oh you didn't hear some more do you want some top quality air somewhere right now well it doesn't make any sound okay no I need nails I don't have nails for this another handsome ah oh whoa I'm gonna stroke your face right now you know what's gonna happen now I know what's gonna happen I was on such a high this morning I was like yeah let's do this car video and now I'm gonna crush I'm gonna crush cuz I had sugar yeah it does stink I can't even open windows and they're breathing love it what's called a horn it's cold but you need to breathe fresh air does this count as losing the challenge if I just took my head out to breathe this is like this is that good eh right now today's choice of T is clipper Organic English breakfast tea I don't have to drink tea that much so I know a lot of people are gonna be in the comms like that's why I make tea but it's how I make tea I manage to get these sugar from McDonald's aren't they sweet hey that was a good joke come on that was good oh that's looking lovely that is how you made a classic British cuppa mmm it tastes like dead leaves we little bit deadly ball yeah that's that's just so taste us weed bro people in the UK let you dedicate time in their day for a tea break a dunk about a biscuit in there Oh in the evening just was about to get dark around 7 p.m. yeah yeah always tea break times like I don't even drink tea but if I did and if you're Asian tea time is like every other hour you know you get up Oh make us a cup on your way back yeah that's it all you need to do is get up obviously I'll make us a cup of love go on that's why I never like to get up so that's what you're brave anyway is you have to learn how to make good tea you're wrong clearly you can tell I don't make tea cuz this is not that great I'm mostly drinking this for warmth right now I'm not drinking of a taste I don't know how you messed up tea you brush your teeth [Music] he just looked at me like I already cuz I'm a waiter no boom-boom from I went by or whatever with no don't let me not please I'll go although my car no cop in it it's already a mess I think I'm going to God I took this I hope one day you get a boyfriend I think the chance is again warm one likely to the owners of you so what do I do with this now so just to show how close I am to the car I did leave the car but the drain is right there it's now ha 7:00 p.m. the coldness it's starting to hit me and I'm starting to realize just how hard this challenges I think I've hit that point was like okay this is not a joke anymore this is actually quite cold um so I'm gonna have to do stuff to warm me up this bag here is just full of hoodies currently the hoodie is called our tent in the car it's very very cold in this car and not only is it cold it's just like it feels very boring and bland cuz like it's a car it doesn't feel very homely just feel cold I feel like I'm getting weak so I need to eat as well oh yeah the real G this is such a look right here don't I look amazing oh yes oh sure I feel like I was fine when it was daytime but now that I've gone dark I am feeling a lot more so I need lights in my life it's time already oh my gosh crazy already I feel so much happier yeah that's what I needed fairy lights it also gives the effect that's warm in the car that's the one I saw another human and I freaked up oh god it's like me okay now is don't get scared because I do this by myself and I don't have moon to protect me not that you would have protected me but we could have like screamed together so now I go myself and I guess scared because it's tougher by the window I don't like it opening it does make me more susceptible to getting mugged fus more people can see the inside of my car but it's worth the risk for a bit of fairy like she's a natural idiot oh no one got away who needs friends and other humans when you happy like that's not true but I do like oh ok it's not the most stable thing it doesn't really stay it but you can imagine like it does stick so I have managed to you know update on the editing it took a lot longer than I thought but I've managed to edit it so what I'm gonna do is drive round and find a near Starbucks in stock usually there 24/7 or McDonald's that's 24/7 and they all have free Wi-Fi so I'm gonna try and upload my video one thing out okay tell you what you know when you're in a car by yourself you get so much more worried about what's around you the slightest noise freaks you out one of the things I want to do more is connect more with you guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask you guys a question in every video and then hopefully you guys will apply in the comment and I'll just pick a few of the best replies or just reply in random and then feature them in the next video though for this video the question is what's your new year's resolutions I think my resolution would be like stop being lazy and leave the house more I think I'm really gonna try to push myself in 2019 to be more productive push myself out of my comfort zone meet new people travel more just get out the house so that's my news resolution I just need to be less lazy and get out of my room more let me know what your new year's resolution is leave them in the comments below and I will feature some of them in the next video Oh heartbroken Oh No okay I don't know I think I broke my car Oh No okay okay I'm sad to panic now the Lighting's got in my car okay it's fine the car still works I haven't eaten anything since the McDonald's so I'm gonna have my ramen I've been really I thought this through because I have my hot water bottle no I got my hot water in my flask and I even got a plastic fork it's doing well we cook good ramen is my comfort food I stopped had a ramen for a really long time and PI long time me make something but for me that's a long time because it's really bad for you it's not good for your body but it tastes so good I don't think the war is piping hot so I think you needed to be like really really hot and usually do in a pan and but look we got to do what we got to do the fact that I have hot water is just a miracle right now it softened the noodles I'm John Young it's got bits in it and now I just mix this baby up JP ramen err some are coming your way I don't think this is good properly ready for some Slurpee a summer I rather notice it's done properly and it's very soupy so you can't eat all the flavors that's okay it's still edible religion tastes bad cuz I have no other food right now so it is kind of weird that's kind of disappointing I'm not gonna hurt you oh that's not like great I mean it's food but it's not great my trusted ramen has failed me even ramen my car's a mess I mean it's a steak back there what do I do my glasses I don't think that I've been really better is a can't find any of my things did my second hoodie not my face hoodie with a second one oh I can see again and now is safe to try him so our plan was to go to local retail park to use a toilet by turned up on this particular day all the roads are closed every side road closed I just want a pee man I don't think you'll be this hard to find somewhere to pee but now I'm starting to panic cause like I need to pee and I don't I can't even try the road three much all the roads say road ahead close and then is his division but literally there is no division there is no other route for some reason they have decided it to close a haul road and do roadworks and as a result none of us can bloody girl if I don't find a place in the next five minutes I am gonna cry I marked you gonna peed myself in my car that's not even like a joke anymore that's a as a general reality now don't even know why would it go they're just really what a P finally and plan is to go to tulips and it was one of the best and sighs my feelings ever mission white I am outside a coaster so now I'm just trying to connect that sweet sweet white hey I did it mission wife I have been successful Hey look I'm doing a survival hit your right thumb power 11 in the car oh I literally look like a caterpillar for the bug's life look at me I'm in a cocoon I'm just waiting to transform into a beautiful butterfly that's hoping it happens any day now I'm kind of tired of looking like this we can't really expect miracles on this channel nobody's actually really cute sir catch you guys in the morning guys [Music] oh yeah that was probably one of the ways leaves of my life it's so cold in this car right now it's currently eight in the morning hours of the tongues left but it's so cold in this car it's very different waking up in the winter time the feelings not as much cooked don't mind me just chilling in my cup or muscle on a winter's day hey is this a new love well isn't a hi I'm gonna try and go back to sleep no night guys okay bye guys I have no idea my like so yeah I'm awake I'm not doing that great so just a little breakdown of how much sleep went I was really cold I was so cold to the point of I would wake up coffee throughout the night I got a neck pillow so that my neck wouldn't hurt but my neck pillow up tea and up coming off my neck so now my neck hurts emotionally I don't know what I feel right now mentally I probably have issues and physically just not doing that great yeah by the way follow me on instagram because i'm planning on just livestream the randomly every now and again like in the morning what a great time to do a livestream unless you see what happens right up now they're probably gonna be like so confused ah it's paused again internet connection is really bad right now but say hi I don't know why I said that you guys can't wave to the [ __ ] how are you guys doing how am I I'm really tired I didn't sleep much last night it was the temperature right now I don't know oh I was on livestream and I just stopped wicked hey my phone let you just turned off that's great Wow my camera just died on me and I'm now blogging on my phone which only has 5% so this gonna die oh me too so I'm gonna give this quick my hands oh my fingers so cold I hope you guys enjoyed watching me struggle in my car for 24 hours but it's done now wait I've got freedom I think I'm ready to go out in the wild again show you get up okay it's so weird I can open the door and leave now oh look at that double chin oh wow that chin situation okay I'm a little old oh it's quite nice today today oh boy oh I can see the sky I can feel the air it's still cold up but it's great okay I'm out in socks and I can't Billy that's not great but yeah I did it I did twenty four hours in my car hey let me know why you try next by the way cuz I'm always up for a good challenge oh yeah thank you so much for watching me struggle in my car but oh wow it's so cold outside that my socks I let you stick into the ground Wow okay yeah thank you so much for watching oh I forget that I'm actually out in the public but thank you so much watching I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know what I should try next and um I love you lots and oh yes well give why not do this video like first put on your notification stuff give it a comment share with your friends cuz look I'll struggle for this one I really did but yeah thank you so much watch it I hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know watch the trial next and I should see you guys next time thanks for watching pals all of you hope your boy the last video I asked you guys what is your most embarrassing high school story and this is what he said mine was high school memory every single one we're off to a great start a guy I really liked waved at me and I was on watching else going so I ran into a wall and bumped my head he asked me if I was okay I didn't say anything but yeah I'm waved I walked off well is he asked if you were okay I didn't even get that so I had been waiting for my period for four weeks and because I'm young err kid every three weeks that Tuesday I was waiting to lunch to a school nurse why it was delayed but it wasn't until this period while I was sat down that I felt the fluid when I checked it was everywhere I had to pee really badly but there weren't any toilets and so the teacher told me to pee behind a bush oh my god this one is so extreme that it's acting hilarious so basically this person always wears a lot of makeup fake tan eyelashes makeup everything but this one day they did it and this is what happened in case you haven't guessed my teacher who never saw my bare face because I covered it all the time just assumed I was getting beaten at home because of my change in mood and under-eye bags I'm called the police and my parents I am so ugly that is basically a crime well wasn't that interesting thank you so much for sharing these stories they were there are quite something this videos question is what are your news resolutions leave them down in the comments below and I'll feature some of them in the next video but for watching I hope you enjoyed the video remember to click the top
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 684,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living in car, 24 hour, challenge, food, car, winter, vlog, for a week, living
Id: j481M285kLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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