i only ate REDUCED FOOD for 24 HOURS (ad) | clickfortaz

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reduced food haul everything I can seem tomorrow for the 24-hour Thailand is going to be out of date this is a bad time to say I don't like cheese announcement time I have a second channel called click or more tars see what I did there and you should definitely go follow it if you want to see everyday blogs spoken word poetry me just being a hot mess and inspirational content and beauty truly inspiring stuff link to my second channel will be in the description box go subscribe thank you hello welcome back to channel this is the face video of 2020 which is wild you guys have asked me to do this video in the past and then I saw my friend conduit and he did in London I basically do was like you know what I kind of want to try it out and I tried to do different things from him so it's not just like a complete copy but yeah if you have watch cons video I'll leave a link to it in the description box below go check him out he's a great youtuber and friend this is gonna be my take on it in Cardiff the main reason I wanted to do this video is just to raise awareness on food waste as someone who worked in a supermarket for five years I saw firsthand how much food went to waste and let me tell actually towards the end of the time working there they start to implement changes and they tried to cut down on how much food they'd waste so there's definitely changes being made and that's kind of what this videos about I think this video will highlight how much supermarkets and food companies are doing to reduce the food waste and how that actually benefits us because it means we get food for cheap and it's good food I don't think this video would have been possible a few years ago so that's kind of cool this is me living off reduced food for 24 hours let's go I did some research and the website skint dad mentioned littles selling one pound 50 veg boxes I was just wondering if they do the wonky food waste boxes a veg boxes [Music] because they just depends on whether they are manual TV and then they do sell at reduced value but sadly and is that policy knowledge don't you have them available if this of the floorspace you gave to the carbocation I just must get all this Putin bed well you won harvesting very excited the good news is I managed to get the veg box the Pat who says I I missed my too good to go order I didn't wake up in time I've done a whole video on there too good to go out I think it's really great he encourages to reduce food waste so that's always a good thing and also means you get restaurant and cafe quality food for like a fraction of the price I did a whole video just on this app already I'll leave a link to that video in the description box below so basically ordered breakfast last night and you paper all on the app so I've already paid for it and then they give you an allotted time slot for you to pick it up and if you don't pick it up in that time slot you don't get it it is basically you are offered to be in the process of trying courage to not waste food I basically wasted food or money but it is a very similar order to last time so I'm just gonna show you what I got for breakfast last time and it's pretty much gonna be a similar thing I just go through the Box now and you like it so my big bag of spinach and then you get all of this stuff I feel it one bad the spinach it would probably be one bit be so you better get all of this for free or supplying two cups of broccoli whole bag or carrot and open bag or potatoes they look perfectly fine little bit green but I think they're fine I obviously think I think it's fine the apple doesn't look like it's on it's fine but perfectly edible I'll just cut up into the slices cool peppers I'm sensible peaches I never our peaches aligned whoa these these are really good tomorrow's I see nothing wrong with these I don't know why these are in here and a parsnip me this is like the best find I have ever gotten I'm so happy with this yeah I think I'm gonna make roasted vegetables tonight so yeah all the people who say you can't eat healthy on a budget prove me wrong prove me wrong and look how crazy learn this like it's my baby oh yeah so as I was doing this 24-hour challenge I decided to buy my food than night before so first off is M&S food hall I don't normally shop at MNS but I know they sell really good quality food so if you can get it out reduce price you really have got yourself a good deal I came at 6 p.m. and it turns out that was the right time to come because they were just stunned to put out the reduce food there were so many options there are also a lot of healthy and vegan options too which was really nice and if you're really lucky you can find some really good deals like this toasty that was reduced from 4 pounds 50 to 45 P we love a bargain that went so much better than I thought it would that was great like M&S delivered next I'm gonna go to marcin's which is a supermarket chain in the UK and it's more like average price like everyday people would shop there M&S is like fancy people stuff this is more like everyday Joe so we'll compare and see what kind of stuff we get there I definitely missed the reduction times if the world kids don't give you a specific time when they're gonna bring out the reduced food so it pretty much is a guessing game but I think based on today I think the reduced time is 6 p.m. which if also Marcus is 6 p.m. then you got to pick which supermarket you're in a shop up very wisely and I'm quite happy I'm glad I did M&S because I was like M&S it meant that I missed the rejection time Morrison's and basically everything was gone by talked about it and also I did notice that the reductions on the products that I saw it wasn't even that big of a reduction you went to M&S you can get the same kind of priced foods but I can't really make that judgement because I wasn't there when everything was coming up maybe there was some really good stuff and they're the ones I've gone which would make more sense but I am why compressed but I managed to get something for 8p I think that's the lowest reduced price I've ever gone I've got more than enough food for 24 hours so I think it's been a successful trip reduced food haul I've got some pancake 20p fruit for 2.99 sushi for two pounds of for Penn vegans for gay bar nays 1 pound 75 sweet potato and cashew curry 1 pound 26 cheese and onion quiche for 8 P and a chocolate cheesecake for 65 feet looking at the food it's actually not my but it was spinach and chickpeas and red quinoa in it so this is like super healthy it was like the most obvious thing I probably ever eaten for a whole day I've managed to spend less than 10 pounds dude these challenges I am on E I am thriving somebody that's kind of all day oh yeah I just looked it so these meals it says used by the 28th which means they advise you to no longer consume the food after that taped I am planning to film this video tomorrow which is the 29th so might get food poisoning we shall find out i'll document it for you oh ma I think we don't go well this is the only thing that's best before everything else is used by so everything I consumed tomorrow for the 24-hour Thailand is going to be out of date for breakfast I have a bowl of fruit and two mini pancakes when I've asked you pancakes it just reminds me I'm Mathilde I'm in a really like message that's a real bargain and so this is just shows how sad I am I let you took a picture of my veg box and sent it to my cousin so like look what I got like that's the kind of stuff that excites me in life I'm very fortunate that I don't need to live on a budget I could buy things for full price and buy expensive things like that it's just not in my nature to do that because of how we were brought up when I do these videos it kind of changes my perspective on things and it just makes me so appreciative and I don't want that to ever change oh the store beat is a little funky spin the fridge it's fine I'll be honestly I'm not really a massive fan or pancake all my complaining I'm just expressing an opinion oh these are twenty P for a six-pack how much is it for one quick muss let me know what the answer is 3 V who's a pretty decent you know Oh most breakfast sorry huh you know all these food do taste a bit weird I think it's fine for lunch I'm gonna have this vegan spaghetti Bonny's mmm smells really good passes are all soft and mushy and it's a bit like there's no distinct flavors to it it's all kind of blended into one very blunt taste so that's the only downfall but it's not bad it's noisy not that bad maybe I'll try again in the future when it's like not on a date maybe he's fit as a holic tape maybe that's why it doesn't taste like good Dean it shouldn't be on this right now but oh it's not got meat in it so it should be fine right no I may or may not have just woken up from one now anyways it's time to eat more food that you all I do is not Benita parley no I was time to I don't think necessarily oh I didn't think this [ __ ] gonna have the sushi next and it's the signature fish selection and like it's our date I don't really want to eat out-of-date fish cuz that's a hundred percent guaranteed some another in it I don't know one of the diseases tuna might be okay and he smells legit okay these two I'm not risking cuz that's just asked for trouble so I'm just gonna play safe and eat this one it looks so freaking cute mmm mmm what's happy person wasabi see that ready oh oh really you wakes you up doesn't it oh talking about sushi I'm vlogging on my second channel and I'm also to be posted pochi on my second channel and I posted a video where I basically showed you guys how you can get 50% off food every single time surprise every day we have one hour before they close their shop we deduce the solution to make a 50% discount we didn't even try that so baby if you like sushi and you like it sue then you should go to it sue before closing time and you get 50% off all the food I'll leave a link to the blog in the description box below and also subscribe to my second channel to see more random blogs like that yeah I don't know what this season is is it crap should I be you know de crap ok I'm not gonna risk anymore that's the end of the sushi cuz I don't want to die so now I'm gonna make some roasted vegetables but sushi time wait oh for goodness sake what's wrong with it with the roasted vegetables I'm holster canal complete doesn't go over there but we'll make do it's what we have left I feel like this is like now the Russians we have the two cheese and onion quiche pieces oh it doesn't smell too bad I don't think that smells bad and then to finish off a beautiful cheesecake is this a bad time to say I don't like cheese I'm not gonna lie to you I'm not getting very hopeful but it might surprise me it's just it looks so soggy oh I don't get why people are so obsessed a cheese you know one thing I never understood is why are people so obsessed with pasta and cheese no oh I didn't mean up pasta good but pizza I mean it's not it's okay but I'm not gonna like when people say that that's the only food they can have for the rest of life I'm like wow have you tried rice have you tried ramen ramen this way Zach and I'm also not a big fan of cheese which would probably explain why I'm not a big fan of pizza this is really zoomed in you can see all my pores massive here ready ready it's attaching us gonna put me up I know it one God you know I'm gonna choose this part no still squishy still squishy you make some difference what do we owe oh nice lift you have nothing oh just a cheese and the opacity it's basic Caesar than a [ __ ] Oh song success peace was the best but a pea that is really very good oh that lesson I glitch in this video is don't judge the food by what it looks like because the act it is be good old a bit to doodoo oh and we have made it to the end of the video oh I love me some cheesecake this was like chunks of chocolate in it this is really chewy Yannick Ella my main goal when I do these like cheap budget food videos is to normalize it every now and again if you can save a meal from going to waste I'm gonna pop fracture price why not this video is sponsored by skill shape still she is an online learning community that offers membership with meaning with so many topics to explore real projects to create and the support of other creators girl--she empowers you to accomplish your goals my course of choice is instagram-worthy photography by Brandon Wolfe oh I really want to get into photography this year he shows and explains in a really simple way and he gives cool tricks and his Instagram is just beautiful so that's my suggestion for you guys if you entered the same kind of thing definiteiy come out but there's also loads of other topics like productivity lifestyle illustration film and video so yeah definitely check it all out on the skill share website skills your office class is designed for real life so you can learn and grow with short classes that fit around your busy routine filter is also incredibly affordable especially in comparison to in-person classes and workshops skills you are given away to free months or premium membership to help you explore your creativity if you click on a link in the description box and after that it's only around $10 a month I just want to quickly thank you guys on supporting me and this channel is because of you that skill share consider sponsoring me again so thank you for always being so supportive and helping this channel grow and I hope you guys enjoy this video I hope you took something away from this mainly don't eat out to date food leave all the food poisoning and Salmonella to me thank you so much watching and I shall see you guys next time but so what do
Channel: ClickForTaz
Views: 1,121,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reduced food, food, challenge, bargain, cheap, supermarket, 24 hour
Id: rzqifBW8hdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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