Living in Japanese Countryside as a Foreigner

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and you live here right yes yes how's life in this city here I think it's hey guys Heidi I'm Takashi from Japan so today I'm going to interview foreign women lives in Countryside in Japan every time I upload a video filmed in Tokyo I got lots of comments like oh why don't you interview someone lives in countries like YouTube make videos about the countryside in Japan so I finally did it it must be totally different from life in Tokyo okay let's find out today on my channel I need to be Japanese people in foreigners in Japan so the best channel for anyone who wants to come to Japan without traveling or living and you can also learn Japanese here so if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe to my channel and on my Instagram I show my daily life in Tokyo in the information about Japan so if you haven't followed yet please for it too okay let's get started okay thank you for taking time where you from I am from the United States United States we're in the states Arizona Arizona nice to meet you nice to meet you so we are now in yamana spirit fixture it takes like two three hours from Tokyo and it's kind of Countryside and yeah as you can see obviously and you live here right yes yes we brought it here at first at first I was learning Japanese I've been learning for three years and then I started looking for schools here and I found icla the one I currently go to and they offered me scholarships so now I am here how long have you been here I've been here for about one month just one month yes and you're gonna be here four years right yes how's life in this city here I think it's really great um it's really nice to have an escape from Tokyo because you know you can go whenever you feel like it but then you don't have to stay in such a crowded place you don't have to look for somewhere to stay you always have somewhere nice and quiet to come back to if if you're into that kind of thing you didn't hesitate because you know if you go to Japan people use usually you know go to Tokyo Osaka and it's totally different lifestyle I guess so like you didn't hesitate um I did a little bit mostly because the reason that I wanted to come to Japan was for my future career which is business and you know being in a big city is probably best for that but like I said previously it's I think it's really nice because of where I come from it's very small smaller than this so it's Arizona yeah it's smaller than this yeah a lot smaller yes so I think it's really nice to have this nice place to study relax you know just be yourself rather than being in Tokyo and you know like where's the train you know that kind of thing how about the locals people I think Japanese people in Tokyo and Japanese people in this area like they are they're very nice to us they understand I attend an international school so we usually just kind of stick together but usually um if you can speak Japanese they are very friendly to you typically if you don't they're understanding but it's since we are in the countryside it's probably best that you start learning it just so you can be able to speak with people but otherwise they're very friendly so do you think like it's the best place to learn Japanese like Countryside is is a you know better place to learn Japanese compared to like big city what do you think uh I think it is mostly because you are surrounded by people who don't um necessarily speak English fluently and they're not used to interacting with foreigners but it really is up to you to learn Japanese all right and you know it is kind of up to you to go out of your way to speak to them you often go to Tokyo right sometimes a few times a month yeah what's the difference how do you describe Tokyo what's the difference mainly it was the amount of people that you have to maneuver around over here as you can see it's pretty empty so you don't really have to worry about where you'll be how long it takes to get there and then the crosswalks they change relatively quickly and you don't have to wait for someone to go in front of you go this way and transportation is a lot smoother because there's one train station here so it's not anything crazy like Shinjuku yeah when you go to Tokyo like you don't feel like you want to live somewhere like like cities or does that make you feel like staying here honestly it does make me want to come back because usually at night I think it becomes crazy and usually when I go it's by myself I do get that feeling of loneliness and out here it's like you know you have like a place to come back to I've only been here for one month but it's already a really friendly community and it just feels a lot safer and better for the mind out here maybe also because you're from the place like like this as well maybe yes it does it does remind me of home yeah I guess if you're someone who likes nightlife and going out I would probably stay with Tokyo but it can be quite expensive so regarding maybe housing prices and everything out here is definitely way better right but um yeah I wanted to ask the prices how cheap it is um I've heard from a few friends that apartments by our University are about 200 US dollars a month I'm not sure how much that is in Yen so it's really cheap but it's it's like a one bedroom kitchen and a bathroom kind of thing so it's definitely a lot cheaper than maybe your 1200 US dollars a month out there for the same room but um I mean you can rent a house here with a few of your University friends and it's you can split the cost and it's way cheaper if you go on the train to kofu you have your typical karaoke izakayas you know all those karaoke's open all night that's usually what US college students go for we just go to karaoke or we'll go to the downtown area of kofu and we'll stay at the nightclubs overnight but yeah so so you don't need to go Tokyo yeah it's smaller scale definitely but it's it's there if you want it yeah okay like how do you describe chromosome cons of living Countryside as a foreigner because I think it must be different you know if you're a foreigner or not if you live in Countryside in Japan right yes um so the pros you can always go to kofu and you can always find something to do there of the cons oftentimes we do say that we're bored and we just resort to studying I wouldn't say there is too much to do but you can always go for a walk but then again you can get on the train and go to kofu and you can go to karaoke you can go to cafes bars all that it might be it might be boring but if you get bored you just gotta study so it might be good for you guys it's both a good thing and a bad thing okay can you can introduce yourself in Japanese hi uh you're 19. yeah people I think people are gonna think you're gonna do it um people say that right yeah I've I've received that a couple times here but no I I just turned 19. so when you came here you were 18. wow that's very impressive like 18 years old American girl came to Countryside in Japan and you didn't have any like friends or queens before right wow yeah um it was scary at first but it must be yeah I definitely came here not knowing anything I went from hanada airport to sakayori like alone so my Japanese was decent enough for that at least because you used to studying Japanese for three years or so right just by myself yeah okay once you came here I think there's a lot of things happened like like you know there's something that you didn't need to do or there's something you you really needed to do but you didn't like in terms of the learning language like is there anything uh definitely learn learning grammar like the correct way that's something that I didn't need to do in here but that I didn't need to do is mainly vocabulary and um just Basics I learned a little bit of kanji back home so now in my classes here it's just kind of a refresher but definitely grammar I cannot stress that enough Grandma forever yes at least for me it was hard to form sentences at first maybe even now but um without grammar I couldn't even begin to think of how to form a sentence oh so you've been here for a while now what do you think your process running Japanese you think you got better like you know you studied three years in the state and you came here and you experience life in Japan you think it's very very efficient to actually come here or yeah I think it's definitely helpful uh just because back in the States I didn't have anyone to speak with but you know traveling here alone you kind of pick up on some of that stuff like out here the trains don't have English uh oh really yeah oh oh really it's different in Toca yes oh yeah the closer you get to Tokyo the more English you'll start hearing but out here I had to learn Nina like you know all that terrain language so it was definitely nice to be out here and it's definitely a lot easier to pick up on Japanese words out here okay thank you so much thank you can I check okay thank you for watching so far how was it that was interesting I hope this video will help you especially if you are interested in living Countryside Japan okay anyway thank you for watching if you like this video click like button please subscribe to my channel and if you have any question that you want me to ask people in Japan please leave the comment too see you next time
Channel: TAKASHii from Japan
Views: 1,160,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8F1YtBsizO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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