What A US$23,000 House Looks Like in Rural Wakayama, Japan

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] all right and this house here costs 23 000 us dollars a friend purchased this with my help uh therefore i'm here and it's 30 years old it used to belong to the hamlet chief the chief of this area called ryu in ryujimura it's uh close by city of the onsen the hot spring and it's really nice inside so the previous house that i helped another friend purchase for 10 000 us dollars that requires some work uh but that's a lot older that's a 100 years old so and it has a tattoo so it has historical value this building here is much newer i wouldn't say it historical value but it's a very very nice home a second home to be in so this friend in singapore loves cycling and loves uh going to the outdoors so this is the perfect location for him and his friends and anyone who want to come once come so i'm going to help to clear all the grasses and everything here let me just turn around all this stuff here needs to be cleared because well not the trees uh he can decide if he wants to he wants to keep the i think it's sakura tree the crochet is quite nice but it's kind of in the way i'm not sure but the rest like the grasses have to be removed otherwise uh they'll start slowly start creeping in towards the foundations and you ruin the foundations plus also ruin the fencing so i'll remove whatever i can first and clean up do a very simple cleanup of the inside uh i'll show you what's inside this is the entrance way overgrown with weeds i have a broom that i bought from a traveling room salesman salesman the other day uh and i'm going to clean this up first let's go inside all right so this is the house house tour you would come in by the gang gun the main entrance you put your shoes down here uh there's even a ledge for you to remove your shoes on and once you come in this is the view that greets you you get the kitchen on the front just to turn on the light so it's now all bright so let me start with the kitchen it's a very large space where you can even have a kitchen counter in the center an island kitchen because there's a gas plant on the ground the middle thing creating a sea and a power plant too so this is the kitchen it comes with a fridge that i assume is working i'm not sure i haven't turned it on i'll try it later and there's a gas stove that is there with propane gas and it leads to this area which i assume used to be where the family here used to eat uh there's a big big space here i assume for cupboards uh maybe uh maybe some cupboards for uh crockery and all that it has a balcony i can't show you outside because it's really bright right now but i'll show you the outside later this house has great views the television there i'm not sure if it works or not but then if you go out to the left you get the two main rooms with the anger on the side the anger was a space that liked the balcony this was the main room because guests would come in from the main entrance and they will be greeted here so everyone can sit here and this would be for guests uh you hang a picture in the al kofia tokonoma um lots of cabinets everywhere but let me turn around so [Music] yeah you can see the entrance right there with some slippers uh i'll show you the view in a moment i'll stop the camera and put it down then you can see it's very nice tree outside but let's go up first so let's make our way to the toilets um it's kind of dark here darker than the rest of the house but there's a very nice bathroom the bath buff has a heating from um kerosene and also wood you can use either sauce and that's the garage enough for about a car and a half a large car and maybe a half so good for bicycles and all that let me turn around again oops and over here you have the urinal urinal and some oil and this is the uh washlet uh without a sitting toilet uh with a washlet so it's pretty nice then let's go upstairs so through the kitchen and to the upstairs the only part of this house that needs a lot of repair is this the flooring here has gone soft and i'm assuming it's because of the water that came in through this door they might have left this open and over time the floor went softer so it's it's an indentation here but norissa and the carpenter will be coming to fix the house very soon we're expecting it to cost a couple hundred dollars so not too expensive this goes about 2 meters times 90 centimeters so not too bad but it's really really soft right now and there you can see the bathroom has a wood-fired stove which i'm really envying because that keep costs low especially if you have some firewood and this is the big boiler uh oh wait it's not this looks like it's electrical i'm not sure it might be kerosene but i have to check it out it's by takara standard a very good manufacturer so let's go upstairs after says here [Music] and again i can't show you the view because i have to adjust the camera settings but this is the room and this is what uh really sold the house for me this is the bedroom and the views are great i'll show you there's a bouquet on both sides this is very good study and uh since the view is great from here i'm going to set the camera down and show you the views so this actually has typhoon shutters aluminium typhoon shutters very sturdy uh my house doesn't have them because it's really old this one's much newer 1980s so late 1980s 1990s so it does have typhoon shutters and sliding windows that do not creep not like mine and uh this view here i think was the view that sold it for my friend i would love to live here this is a great place for a desk and the view you get is just fantastic uh it's also east facing so you get the rising sun from this room but not the very hot setting sun in the summer it's from the other side and uh in the evening i bet you get great views here because the sun sets on all these so you don't see the sun setting it's behind you but you see a golden glow here uh there's also a secretary you can see down there that's a neighboring plot of land with a field below i think the plant rice there it's been prepared so to be rice you can see how our rice grows from this window and this window will give you views of winter perfect views of winter i came here first in winter it was fantastic it was all white you have used a spring the circular tree has gone to leave here but you have a sakura tree here and one down there the weeping sakura blooms later summertime we'll have the sound of crickets and there's a river down below so if you're lucky you can see fireflies from here a very faint glow and uh you can you can see almost no neighbors uh on this from from this view except one that's across the road far away here's the attendant at the petrol kiosk the gas station so yeah this is a very very good view to say and it's the same window i just wanted to show you how it looks like from inside the room if you set a bait right there somewhere there and you wake up you stand up you get this view oh move there so you can see [Applause] that's what it looks like over here like this can you hear the frogs yeah so there are frogs outside right now it's uh middle of spring so they're here and uh yeah i really really like this view i hope to be invited here to do my work so yeah set a table here you could set actually two or three tables and my friend runs a business so i think the employees of that business they could come here and work so you know who you are this room here is enough for at least 10 employees to work in and if you turn on the second floor towards this side get a balcony to or wash your clothes well no you can't have a washing machine up here because there's no plumbing but you could bring it up if you want to yep there is no there's no water piping up here a lot of pt but you could bring a pipe up from there it doesn't cost too much and you could place a washing machine here or you need electricity also so electricity and powerpoint uh you could have a little washing machine thing going on here you could wash your clothes here uh and if you really wanted to even place chairs here and the view is great let's see let me show you what's outside and welcome to the outside this purple tree here is the chinese raid part uh cersei's sinensis it has a bumblebee buzzing around gathering pollen right now and nectar of course nectar not pollen but nectar and uh it's a very beautiful tree but in front of it is this tsugi tree this kryptomira tree two of them which i will chop down because they are not big enough to be dangerous as of yet if they grow any any larger they will endanger the house here because uh it grows into huge trees these probably just just came as saplings from the trees over over there uh in the distance though you can see a huge structure let me zoom in that just across the road is a structure that's been around for 370 years it's uh the home of a jizo sun a bodhisattva and the bodhisattva there takes care of children so people from all across the village and across the region they come here with bibs that they place on the bodhisattva and afterwards place it on the children that gets born also women who have those wrapped around things for their bellies they put them there to be blessed and supposed to help with a safe smooth childbirth uh before we go all the way inside and just having you and on the balcony again uh you're looking at the inside and this is another tokonoma for decorations for a scroll and flowers but there's also this strange hole here with pretty sturdy flooring i think it used to contain a television because there's a television park there uh but it's so it's also a very good place to store books i'm not sure you can store stuff here uh i think it needs a curtain to make it less strange looking it's a ninja hole so you could also have cat stuff and finally a view of the uh well a view from the staircase the [Applause] top of the stairs um those are rapeseed blossoms and [Music] the person farming this actually owns the plot of land here uh the uh the neighbor nearby i think the person who wants this is a teacher at the local elementary school so i'll have to say hi and um and greet them it's a custom here to greet whoever that's nearby and when the friend comes i've reminded him he needs to bring gifts for everyone so we'll be doing a whole tour of the village or the nearby hamlet or visiting everyone here neighbor up there down there across the other side to say hello also the hamlet cheese with hamlet chief for now the new handheld chief who now lives on the other side but i just wanted to show you the view here because uh this house here if i lived here i'd never work it's just all around views this is a perfect viewpoint i've brought you down to the first floor and i promised the view of the outside from here the angawa land tower is a space where you can sit and entertain people from in the past we open these and my house doesn't have windows here it just has wooden the wooden shutters for rain this house is aluminium shutters which have removed of course move them all to one side but during a typhoon you can close all this to all the shutters to protect the window um if you open this though there's lots of weeds and everything growing outside so that has to go first because they attract insects and all that they want them flying into your house and it's uh it doesn't make for a good view so today i'm just going to help to remove all these things cut the grass down do some weeding and uh that's it for now so the other thing is to sweep up this room i've forgotten my vacuum cleaner so that can't be done today uh outside today inside maybe tomorrow it'll be raining the next few days so i have time to clean up [Applause] okay so three hours later most of the crawlers are done done with i'm going to finish smoothing this up and call it a day all these beads in front of the house have to dry up first before i can throw them away or burn them so let them dry out a bit more after a week and i'll come back to uh see see what i can do uh for now i am all dirty so i'm going to just finish up here and go to the onsen the hot spring just uh three minutes down the road up the road so that's for today's episode bye
Channel: Ryunohara
Views: 923,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qp0cXfA1-Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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