Living in Dubai: What NOT to do - Part 2/2

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welcome back to part two of the series if you haven't seen part one just click the link above here anytime I talked about any type of negativity in this video saying it's pretty much not allowed it basically means imprisonment for a period of time so just be careful and avoid these things at all cost let's get started public display of affection you probably hear as well sometimes a lot of people getting thrown into prison for kissing in fact the law states you cannot show any type of public display of affection so let's go into certain categories holding hands sometimes you might see people holding hands and again it's becoming like a gray area where people I want to say are accepting it but at the same time can land you into trouble if someone gets quite offensive about that they will report you and it will land you into trouble there you know if you want to show any type of affection try to keep it more private kissing is a big no-no in public kissing on the side of the cheats is a bit more accepted but the lips is a big No so you know just don't do it I don't want to strongly advise you know it looks very suspicious and people will actually come and tell you like you shouldn't be doing that here you know if someone sees you doing that you get into a lot of trouble for that one so the next one is sex without marriage the law states that you're not allowed to be having sex unless you are married to that person a lot of the tourists will come out here questioning this and let's put it this way hotels don't necessarily check if you're married so you're okay in that sense but if you are caught you can be landed into a lot of trouble I'm not saying that there this is one of the major things that they look out for but just understand the law sex without marriage will basically get you locked up in to prison so some other common ones during the month of Ramadan Ramadan is basically like a holy month that you have in this region once a month everyone fasts or basically doesn't eat for the entire day until the Sun sets and after that point everyone eats and drinks freely like it's a normal day during the period of the daytime they ask a lot of people not to eat or drink in public so let's say you're going and chewing gum for instance or maybe you're really thirst in your drinking water if someone complains about you you can actually get into a lot of trouble for that one so just be careful during the month of Ramadan not to do any of that in public this rule mainly applies for majority of the crowd but if you are elderly sick or someone that's very minor you can't get away with this the last point I want to touch up on is a little bit more of the business side of things a big no-no here is any type of bounce checked so let's say for whatever reason someone asks you to assign them a check and for whatever reason you might have not gotten okay you didn't have any money in your account and that check happens to bounce back if that happens that can instantly put you into prison that is a big thing in this country in general no one's allowed to be in depth if someone owes you money they can instantly call up the police and tell them this guy always made this much and he's not paying me and they can open a criminal case against you with him the spot so just be careful with that one checks stay away from them try to avoid them at all cost for whatever the reason is don't even accept if someone hands you a check a lot of times there's a lot of scams go on with them so again just stay away from anything to do with a check new one that just came up promoting charities you need to be a registered company to be doing any type of fundraising as much as you feel like you're doing something good for the organization be sure to register that with the government because trying to fundraise can get you into a lot of trouble sometimes in business you feel like you want to record the conversation of someone that you're speaking with maybe you're doing as a productive thing to actually remember what that person is saying and then write down points one step by step but unless that person knows that you're recording his voice he can actually put you into a lot of trouble so really be careful if you ever tried to record someone's voice and no matter what let's say in business that you made an agreement with someone and then that person lies and you have like the voice recording and you happen to show it to the court or any type of police straightaway you get into trouble it doesn't matter because the fact that you recorded his voice without his consent puts in some trouble so stay away from recording people's voices I kind of touched up on this one a little bit about talking badly about the government same thing for protesting it's a big no-no no type of protesting is allowed even if you're not happy with your company or organization you cannot go and try to gather all the employees to go on an uprise against the employer working without a visa so if they catch you working without a visa here you can get into a lot of trouble everyone that comes into the country has a work permit they're very strong about it so you need to follow the law a lot of people might come and be doing these freelancing jobs here and there ideally these freelancers should have some sort of license you can apply for these licenses but if you're planning to just come and work in the country with no paperwork that will put you into a lot of trouble so another big thing that can land you into prison if you're caught doing any type of bribery don't bribe the police here that a big like no no the government supports their local extremely well and it's just something you don't want to do or ever attempt when it comes to more business cases I would propose just to avoid it at all cost if you are ever caught in the scenario you can get into a lot of trouble so just be careful with bribery over here I think business is actually a very interesting topic here in Dubai I might actually go and create another video something a little bit more in-depth in this one but for this video one advice I would also like to give is don't go to court here as much as you're probably own money it's the most hideous thing in the world and obviously if they're owning you a lot it's a different story but if you can avoid it at all cost it's a very long winning process so you need a lot of patience and you need to make sure that you're financially backed up to be able to go to court otherwise you're not probably going to finalize anything within a year or two minimum I also strongly advise not to talk about any type of politics especially when you're going to a business meeting people will open up that conversation in this region they're very defensive on the people that they support so by you opening up a conversation in this topic might actually cause a bigger stir and might not end well and that goes the same to say for worldwide politics is a very touchy subject try to avoid it at all cost same goes for religion Dubai has many different religions here people might bring up the conversation with you if it's something that you get uncomfortable talking about try to just steer the conversation away change the topic but never be defensive if you both have different beliefs and support different religions as to why I say stay away from religion and politics pornography is not allowed in this country so try to not bring in any CDs if you plan to bring that into the country so that's the end of part two if you've enjoyed the video don't forget to give me the thumbs up button and if there's anything else you want to know just leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you and if you want to know an interesting fact you would notice that my t-shirts also different throughout the video and there's no reason for that because it was just a following day and we'll see you around
Channel: Carl Hewlett
Views: 124,750
Rating: 4.8967137 out of 5
Keywords: Living in Dubai, Moving to Dubai, What Not To Do, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Don't Do, forbidden, banned, not allowed, jail, prison, living, expats
Id: Rwz0kKkzK-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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