LIVING for FREE in NYC for 24 HOURS!

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you know last week I survived New York City on this one dollar the challenge was fun and definitely definitely got me outside of my comfort zone but because I had no plan because I was thrown off guard it was incredibly difficult so today I thought it would revisit the idea just one with a plan into it the absolute goal to live one entire day for free in New York City so it's 9:00 a.m. right now a little bit tired because I usually start my day off with a cup of coffee and unfortunately I didn't find any place that was just giving out like free cups of coffee however and this was this was a really surprising one to start off my day I would say this is a win I found a place that gives out free expressos [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow what country is it from oh you've got this oh you got oh yeah I don't know anything about ecology huh so cool thank you man have a good day wow so frickin cool you literally walk in there and there's just like a coffee bar right there for you and also the guy there I guess you would call him like the bartender was like so cool so nice like told me about the coffee so I got my energy booze now and I am just so ready to continue the free day now as you guys know I am an internet entrepreneur so it really doesn't matter the location that I work in or really the place so normally when I am in New York City I either work at a cafe or a co-working place but unfortunately all of these places they they cost money so I thought about going to a park or using like the free Wi-Fi outside it's called like New York free Wi-Fi but to be honest the internet speed is just it's not very good but after researching for not that long of time actually I found this place it's called the Amazon co-working loft and it's basically a free place for people to come and work and just be in a creative environment oh yeah yeah do I just check that oh cool so this is just like a free co-working like play space Wow so this is like an Amazon run like thing yes okay why is why did Amazon do it like just because oh my gosh I'm here at the AWS co-working loft here and it is just insanely cool you walk in and you've said greeted by you know free coffee desert station and also a candy station and also not to mention he the Wi-Fi speed is literally off the charts but anyway today is a real workday so I'm gonna get some work done and see you at lunch time oh my gosh like what not only was it a super like insanely efficient workplace but also after hitting the camera I found that they had like snacks there they also have a beer bar there where it's literally like a keg that is three different types of beer honestly like the guys don't ask just Amazon it is nice and and you are to Google you are too but anyway now it's about noon and I'm feeling a little bit hungry because I've only had chips expresso coffee and candy today and at first when I was looking for the free lunch I was like checking if there was any special events or any promotions and unfortunately I found nothing of that kind but then I literally hit the jackpot I found like the ultimate way to get free food you see all you have to do is just download one of the apps that gives away free stuff there's literally hundreds of these apps so anyway right now for lunch I'm headed to one of my favorite sandwich chains in New York City hit a question I just don't know yeah and I have like so is it just like any sandwich so cool nice man yeah one of my friends he's like yeah man you have the Dhamma of his half it's a free sandwich hey free food in New York City I'll take you right there we go Wow total zero day man okay you could say you could say that I'm feeling like I'm winning that life here when with the Italian here it's topped with capicola mortadella pepperoni salami provolone cheese and fresh lettuce tomato mayo an Italian seasoning I gotta say this looks to be the most delicious sandwich that I've ever had for free so anyway let's just dive right into this free food everyone there's the meat and cheese and all the seasonings and dressing like going together makes for a sandwich that does not taste like it's from a chain just throw wood Wow honestly I feel like I'm spending a better day than if I were to pay today anyway in the afternoon I'd like to get a quick workout session and what did that be like a yoga class or just running around the city now of course you can use the outside environment of beautiful New York City to you know to run or there's some gyms outside but to be honest I wanted to push myself I wanted to find something that that's not like your just everyday like obvious experience and after searching after looking through the internet for free gyms I found this app called class path and super quick description of this app it's basically like a place where you can do literally any class possible like boxing cycling just regular gym time boot camp so long story short I went with our free week trial and I'm going to a class now that was a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be when I walked into class I was like oh I biked everywhere this is gonna be easy at first I was like oh I got this [Music] but then it started to get harder and harder and harder and then then it just went crazy and I started the sweat and just get in an amazing workout now I want like something to like cool down something that you know to recover from this workout [Music] honestly nothing has ever tasted better than a free mangos smoothie these things are usually like seven dollars each but when downloading the app it's free and it was so funny the the person at the cash register like even was like whoa but when I'm sippin on this mango smoothie or I should go back to work I have a lot more work to do today but this day has been just so much fun so far I want to keep going with it I want to do something fun I want to do something amazing I want to do something that is pushing the limits to free stuff so anyway let's go to my favorite free thing in New York City free kayaking now Michaels waving at me like ripples of water when I was brought up with always to keep it simple but to my simple co-author the level of my credential so I played between I love my man them like that example no alter-ego we flow below zero he's the hometown hero Leo predicted speed up honestly kayaking is one of the best things to do in New York City and it's free but right now I'm feeling pretty tremendously hungry so I'm gonna try to go form the most epic feast that's ever been free yeah I hit the like three what that's good chop the other be great I'll go it not sure yeah oh hi how are you I know you do YouTube right yeah my must subscribe wreck oh wow what's what's your name Jeff Jeff I just wanted to meet you honestly I love your videos and thank you live like like there man that's my favorite area it's so great yeah the other day I went to the balut guy and you know like yeah so work in front of their ex oh really where do you work whatever between the places you checked out no way cool awesome yeah thank you yeah okay so welcome to the I guess you would call it restaurant rooftop of the nights you know a lot of people that go to fancy restaurants they have an incredible view but in New York City you have the unique opportunity to pretty much have a rooftop at every building so anyway I spent the duration of the last couple hours just going around to all these different places that offered free food and I put them on this massive tray so on the tray we have a Jersey Mike's veggie combo wrap and all bump on avocados chop salad a bear claw from Panera Bread a taquito from 7-eleven and a melting cookie dough blizzard from DQ to be honest when I made that video about being hungry I thought this was only gonna take maybe like 20 or 30 minutes to get but because all the locations were so spread around New York City it took a few hours and I am absolutely starving so I'm just kind of like dive and dig into this right now [Music] really this sandwich never counted taquito before nacho cheese I feel like this is the first healthy thing that I'm actually eaten today feels so good eating the salad [Music] it's stuffed with almond paste and the blizzard you know a big part of this channel has been about living cheap and going after whatever you want whenever you want and today living for free in New York City while still doing pretty much everything that I do on a daily basis and kind of doing it sometimes better I don't know for me there was a certain there was a certain coolness back into it to live an entire day for free most opportunistic disease in the world it was truly a freeing and liberating experience anyway guys I hope you saw that you can literally live your way every single day it's not really about if you can do it it's how you can do it now if you guys want to see that kind of like prequel video to this one where I literally had zero plan and I was surviving in New York City for one dollar you can see that here I'll leave you guys with that thought and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 5,538,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 24 hour challenge, Living cheap in nyc, living cheap, living for free, nyc, LivingBobby, nyc vlogger, SURVIVING 24 HOURS in NYC with ONE DOLLAR!, Living Cheap in NYC - Dollar Meal Challenge!, Casey Neistat, 24 hour overnight challenge, Yes Theory, overnight challenge, challenge, 24 Hours, new york travel, nyc cheap eats, new york city, Here Be Barr, Living Cheap in NYC- $10 For A Day?, cheap nyc, sandwich, pizza, street food, Buzzfeedvideo, Buzzfeedblue, prank, seek discomfort, free
Id: hftwNMQPMbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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