Living Cheap in NYC - Dollar Meal Challenge!

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] you know i moved to new york about one month ago or so and my first kind of like real observation of new york was how ridiculously expensive the food was like let me walk you through just a like seamless ordering trip of mine i go on seamless i look at all the restaurants i see that a salad costs 15 and i end up just going down to the dollar slice pizza place and eating a dollar slice now there's nothing wrong with dollar sliced pizza but there's kind of like a like a gauge four dollar sliced pizza that you can only eat so many dollar slices so that's why today i'm taking the dollar meal challenge across new york city let's go [Music] thank you now fortunately i do live in chinatown which is probably the least expensive place of manhattan so the first stop on our trip is to my favorite dumpling store tasty dumplings hi uh can i have the cabbage and pork dumplings okay chinatown is honestly the best place on earth kids love disney world i love chinatown okay now on to business the dumplings i went with the pork and cabbage dumplings for 125 and something that i really like about these dumplings that are kind of different from the other like one dollar dumpling places of chinatown is they feel them like massively like these things are packed to the brim with anything that you order within them so let's get to eden [Music] i'm sorry i feel like eating on camera is so awkward so i'm gonna laugh through this entire process of this dollar meal challenge but this is what's inside them there's pork and cabbage in there there seems to be a lot more pork when there is cabbage but it's really good it's like a it's a good quality tasting pork at least for chinatown and something i also love about chinatown is that the dumplings are handmade you know like these are not like warm-up dumplings these are not frozen dumplings these are literally dumplings that they made this morning kind of a like new york insider tip is when you are in like the ethnic neighborhoods it may be obvious but you need to eat the ethnic food that's there so if you're in chinatown eat chinese food if you're in little india eat indian food little manila filipino food but chinatown dumplings [Music] one [Music] is [Music] okay that pizza is for me just inviting me back here to eat some pizza with them it's so nice gracias amigos amigos juice okay now i know what you guys are thinking i wanted to make this video to move away from eating dollar slices every day but this is just like it's too good to not include in this video joey pepperoni is the best dollar slice pizza of new york city speaking spanish in new york city gets you places you know after eating all that dollar food you get a little bit thirsty and in chinatown there's only one type of drink that you can drink and that's bubble tea honestly there's nothing more refreshing in chinatown than a dollar bubble tea now i'm headed to meet one of my friends that's ironically like the bubble tea god on youtube so funny that we were both thinking bubble tea at the same time we're bubble tea brothers yeah man what's like the difference between like a dollar bubble tea and like the three dollar bubble teas there actually is a huge difference it's like a dollar slice of pizza and a three dollar slice of pizza oh man but don't knock dollar slice pizza man i know but you know how you get dollar slice of pizza is the best pizza but you get six sometimes after a dollar slice of pizza but a three dollar slice you know you'll still you'll still feel good yeah another dollar bubble tea sometimes like oh i need to lay down i feel light-headed why i love bubble tea is because it was a good way to be one with the the chinatown people and chinese culture and there's a cool group of people that work at the store so it's a great way to to feel at home here because sometimes new york city doesn't feel like home but when you have a good bubble tea joint it does that was deep that was really [Music] the dollar bubble tea god okay so this next one is kind of like a secret tip of chinatown see in chinatown there's all these bakeries and at 6 30 they all go about like half price off so i'm gonna go to my favorite bakery which also is the best name in the world lucky what is after seven o'clock discount discount that's it what is it it's it's like a dollar fifty for three different items you can call me lee lee yeah last name last name lee okay [Applause] [Music] you want a chinese sausage okay yeah okay okay i love it okay sausage [Music] okay that was that was amazing lee the the woman that i met in line like she sat down with me she ordered like the best bows for me here she gave me the like list of bows in chinese for me to order by myself when she's not here it was her birthday today so she gave me like one of her birthday like cakes like new yorkers are absolutely amazing like this is what makes this city like just so incredible okay i love new york and i'm feeling really really really full right now but on to the next one okay now i realized that all of these choices that i've given you are not the healthiest options in the world so right now i'm gonna go to my favorite fruit market and also like vegetable market supermarket of new york city okay so i didn't know the name of this place before but the best fruit place in new york or the world is grand star lotto store i don't think i'm going to get anything today because i'm super full but that is the place that has the best deals for fruit in new york city now the best place for veggies and really anything that you want to eat is literally directly under the manhattan bridge and it's called new york [Music] [Music] the flavor coming off that grill is just so incredible like i don't know how they flavor this but it's just like the best thing in the world it also feels good to finally be eating like something mildly healthy okay i have one more place to go i'm incredibly full right now but this place like you guys need to know about thanks [Music] uh [Music] okay so i'm here at xu xiao fujiao cuisine and i got the two dollar peanut noodles this is probably one of my favorite restaurants in chinatown mostly because most of the items on the menu are like two dollars but because i've had about like five meals before this i'm gonna try to power through this and then call it a night done okay so that is the end of the one dollar meal tour of new york city you know if you told me how it was gonna feel when i started this i might not have done it but it was it was really interesting for me too you know i did just move here to new york one month ago and i have found it incredibly difficult to find you know good food for a cheap price so this kind of allowed me to get out there and to research a little bit and to try different foods that were one dollar you know but really today was special because of the people that i met you know like i had bubble tea with my buddy brett i went to the pizza place and spoke spanish with the guys i've never met those guys before actually and they invited me in back they like gave me free pizza the lady at the chinese bakery like she today has just been incredible now i hope you guys enjoy this video just as much as me you know like i really wanted to show you guys that new york can be cost efficient and also if you are curious about you know different cultures you speak maybe a little bit of other languages like broken spanish like i speak it allows you to you know meet new people to be introduced to incredible things and overall just meet incredible people and eat delicious food so i hope you guys will visit a few of those different restaurants and kind of like just be curious about cultures a little bit more in new york city because this city is absolutely incredible i mean that's what this city is it's just many cultures living together and just embracing cultural awareness in general so that's it for me guys i'm gonna go take a very very very long sleep to recover from all this food down here um i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: LivingBobby
Views: 4,600,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: living cheap in nyc, nyc streetfood, nyc cheap eats, new york travel, new york food, dollar pizza, new york pizza, budget traveling nyc, backpacking, backpacking nyc, travel for cheap, bubble tea, nyc vlogger, casey, neistat, casey neistat, here be barr, dollar pizza challenge, one dollar meal challenge, nyc chinese food, chinese street food, best nyc pizza, Best nyc streetfood, new york city, nyc, new york, cheap new york, LivingBobby, SHE MADE ME!, Brett conti, meal
Id: 90nRUjEVu1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2017
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