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i'm not into all these [ __ ] new trainers you know bounce around gyms and leggings and vests what is it jim shark griffin [ __ ] like it from me that's why the gym is private pillow as i've told you before i don't like the minbo uh we've had legends in this gym you know what i mean and if you're around people like you want to tell you about now that's why you like how you like like houston avenal dorman go paloman his lads [ __ ] hardcase as well bloody fits right his large boss of the mma pro mma fighting up and in i remember one time like you know when you'd on these diets you to form a bit of an arc building room so like me and lady used to be faced in the gym every morning he's passed away now laddie by the way foreign proper old-school lad worked on the bi for years on his own still at 60 likes standing there launching our fellas joining me and these are tough people made from that hater yeah not like [ __ ] puddings and all that do you want to mean to go to gyms now when i went to gyms do some tough men xboxes you know ex-fucking wrestlers about but it's changed all now and you don't have to be an art case to come in i'm just thought about i like to be around people who are real not all these [ __ ] gel dead villains flexing themselves in minutes [ __ ] all i come into your grip and saying as i said but i remember one time me and i used to be faced in the gym at seven o'clock and i'd be getting ready for contest built and anyone who does the stairs knows how hard this day is that's all go old school i throw i lent this off a book by a bodybuilder called flex wheel and said if you want to get in the best shape of your life right get a sauna suit on throw the layers on the [ __ ] beneath so you know you see all the outboxes do with the bin bags then yeah and you can your condition can go really good if you do your cardio little tip for yours there if you do your cardio like this so remember name i told it [ __ ] the sauna shoots on it was one of them the best ones and then once done by ricky and used to say i don't think yeah yeah don't know whether you can still get it where's the thing does he yeah they're [ __ ] brilliant made for dropping a bit of [ __ ] and they make you burn more calories so i throw one of them on right and then i throw two pair of kicks on three with the tops sometimes bill i throw for a culture and i put the beneath on so like me and larry be faced in the gymnasium we always had a bad dream and he coming and he'd be wrapping his hands just by the look of him you know he's at the bar a million fights you know an extra pro again be wrapping his hands up last morning i'd be like down on these [ __ ] steps i couldn't fall i mean i was [ __ ] blitzed glad you're coming and he was always dead complimentary but when you're on low carbs and you're doing two hours of cardio you couldn't give a [ __ ] if dory ain't coming and said yeah you're looking well late you just want to get the day over with that's all you keep thinking about when you're on these diets just get over today just get over today any proper bodybuilder will tell you that you hate it it's all about the last four weeks right so i'm like down this [ __ ] step and i'm pissing out of me so we had showers and you're a big open block you know what i mean so [ __ ] i goes through and he's like all right lads shout me let's see what you look like i'm not one of them people built to start giving it all that gear you know what i mean and he knew that but he just won he just wants to give me compliments because that's what he was like looking well strong but i was a [ __ ] knife i had three weeks to go and [ __ ] and i couldn't even [ __ ] flex myself lad so [ __ ] jumps in the shower you could just walk into the showers in the algae like that betty penn out loud get in [ __ ] how many weeks have you got to tell you what you look [ __ ] well there i was [ __ ] i've got a little bit of with him and i shouldn't have had more respect for me elders do you know what i mean you know what i mean i did have loads of respect for him that he was a good pal but at the time i was on my ass and i couldn't be asked you know what i mean and he says turn around just go like that let's see laughs let's see she always had the interesting bodyguard even though he's the next vlog right saying and i went bloody [ __ ] off i said unfortunately he meant hey so it turns out he meant don't be [ __ ] talking to me like that you know like i went flat on my thrones you're like anything next minute billy just went [ __ ] off i went [ __ ] up and give me a wacky way hey don't dishes he said i'm only giving you the compliment you know kidding me knock me [ __ ] out in the shower i went through like bloody yeah they're like down [ __ ] down but david type of people he just went why'd you look [ __ ] great but don't get arsey with the lads you know love stay using that because you're on a diet don't get like that there was a lesson to be laying blood i mean i deserve the [ __ ] clip mate off a legend and that's what i got so that's what i try to be like with the lads in the gym if they come up to me and go you know i'm gonna die shut your [ __ ] mouth get on with it and that's what you're not gonna get at them [ __ ] gyms like just to be round fellas who tell you to shut up and get on him no babysitting no same with me mate sir jim john kelly live you'll just [ __ ] slaughter you if you come to him and go um [ __ ] you i don't want to do that when you [ __ ] get out then you're soft retaining for get out
Channel: The All or Nothing Podcast with Billy Moore
Views: 45,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X6esE80H4o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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