I chopped both hands off - the maddest Scouser in Liverpool.

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hello everyone up with all good big shout out to KR cers and transport limited and a big thank you to everyone who likes shares comments and subscrib to not podcast with Melle Billy Moore okay so some of you may remember I done a podcast with a guy called Leon seasman now Leon seasman allegedly claimed that he chopped or pee those hands off both of them put them in a b bag threw them in the am you I'm going to have a little catch up with him and ask him a few questions because in the comments the story is uh like he's a Walter MTI you know they're very ambivalent and I know a few people who know him and said like he's [ __ ] round bandies madly you know what I mean that's the type of thing he would do so let's catch up with him and see what he's got to say the only person that have Mo about a n getting choed up yeah is a nun yeah I'm not you know the best comment I've seen on name was Kenny zag leash and he says he sounds like a well balanced young man I thought he's been at the Scot gy you know I was laughing me yeah well there was a few comments saying you you were a Walter M and you know it wasn't through and you know he's you know well you know funny enough me I was telling you about that screw what it was you know why why names never got mentioned that cuz they couldn't pour on who Sho them cuz we blindfolded them three of us no one me up he was going to stand in no he gave my name to the police so I got arrested but that's all he was willing to do do you know what I mean and like obviously I'm a scou mate I'm the only one to go ass when they were going to me it with I was going on and all that just W in them well yeah man [ __ ] I went to I got a scw there he used to bang me up a swiming armies big vanin and like you used to Dr me up and go L he's in there he's a nons and all go fill him in and he bang me up and then like when I get next go he come wit and go he was behind he saw and all that well DET take on him and Sh him but he he he could clarify certain bits and you know CU he's all my paper this screw Yeah Yeah Yeah you mentioned that the other day I got a message out of the blue and then like I went all right you L just he m about in nor career he said but lad you stuck out M you stuck out you know what to be fair a few people who have bumped into since the podcast who know you would have met you you know said the same you know you know he's a he's a game what you what you get me I've got no F don't give a [ __ ] what people think of me cuz like none of them are going to come and say to me K anyway but like and like all all these ones that I don't on that that but for those that don't really know much about the podcast if they haven't seen it like Leon when you were younger you know you C A a lunch or a piz of file and Shop both his hands off yeah put them in a ban bag and then the mai threw them in the mai did you stand by that one of yeah I standed mate it was [ __ ] there enough sh in am am anyway listen all I wanted to do me listen I went to kill him face yeah and me m like me off and Sh myself after that I'll be honest I couldn't so what's the next best thing m just wanted to make sure he never put his hand on another kid now whether he does a prosthetic or whatever I don't [ __ ] know I've never tried to find out yeah you know once I done that that as far as I'm concerned it was over yeah I got me time I on me time like let's have a like me six years like with a guilty pleague yeah for your first ever like proper time in course it's heavy yeah I was getting it I was getting a 15 no I'm not getting a 15 or or a six me for lights of something stupid do you know what I mean like being away with like S boys like you know them all yeah you know Paul Harden Paul Harden showed me Dres and Y and like I've got a lot a lot of time for Paul adman CU he is one of the gamest people I've ever met him my day I mean he's got hands on him like he show me thees m he's just I don't know I just seem and not like making an impact on people and he show like T to me and he showed me the you know what I say don't know what one yeah cuz you got loads of energy Let's Go and show the The Lads a little bit of this energy and the girls I've got I don't have many mates like I've got I've got I can count my friends on one hand and I don't even need that but like got kids in that L I don't like P people like not under pressure but like out the way take them away from the kids just to help me this fell he's got is all right and he he's got his roots all around him you make that am I've actually went when the other one [ __ ] fing me I socket now you like BR BLS then he was like just I'll have one part yeah I put one there I put one there and then I put one and just move and then [ __ ] you can see this sh it's just like and just over going right like that all the time and just but I love to and then I've got a bad to like you know then FL your punches love we them over here See's taking your s go roll roll and F [ __ ] off yeah guys anyway do you remember when you were a kid yeah you always remember your first time don't you of what you know when you get your n something yeah yeah right my case I never forget me yet because like me M's gone to me I'm saying to get into this P will you go with a mate and it's always it's always a fat ugly one in it and you're like that N N I walk around the corner she was in the wheelchair and I've gone L you've got no [ __ ] g l please lad please I over he said just wheel around that you know like in in Crosby Marina yeah and better H up so like I'm pushing around and she's going B you know I can still do stuff don't you and I've gone what are you about she went listen she say just lift me to the decent branch no way you get the little Snee and let me hold it put me legs down you said there still feel things I just can't walk and I'm going now you sh I thought you a little F so thinking yeah [ __ ] but yeah I love that all right girl so she's hanging on this [ __ ] Branch like that for like so I put legs on me and I'm Smash and I be I'm going my that me get her out put her back in the wheel here right and when it gets to me m I'm blowing [ __ ] red swea you I she got a FL and all that [ __ ] off listen mang I said we'll meet him tonight and I'm going l no no no I don't want to look this girl but we went to this club in Crosby David pay and it was wheelchair friendly which was all right so we've gone in there my dance for like that no way used to stand there with a b and this [ __ ] SC like that just stay at me off me fatigue and looking at that's me brother I you he look like off lering last night next thing he's walking through the cloud and the Cloud's just going like that and I'm thinking oh my days he's going to flatten me I'm getting welled everywhere and he just went like that put his hand out went shook his hands and how come you shook my hands he went the last [ __ ] left in the oh that's heavy s she that never happened by the way was his yeah yeah that's that that's what I saw that fell on the you got water and that he was he was just laughing his head off and he me yeah but I that joke can change all the time and change it so bit of a comedian yeah yeah I I love it listen I've got a thing about making people laugh I was bullied when I was a kid yeah yeah and used to think if I make people laugh you don't want to hit me so I got really good s a cop mechanism yeah yeah I use it in everything in life you become conditioned to deal with physical pain as well yeah like I swear I could let you hit me in the belly bill yeah and like it wouldn't do nothing like yeah yeah it wouldn't do nothing you me I'll be surprised if you move me a this it's me getting it and I'm saying you've got a it's honest but I want the 50 find 50 pound that's honest we we'll think about that one little try like goes like that lad and this kid's one of them know if you can't do something it winds them up to that and am to go about it I've lost counts he like me little neph yeah of course you can straight here yeah in this shot yeah stra there oh you moving kid you moving solid yeah sh youuuu only white and shter but moves yeah yeah yeah can move me back there's only two people on that little St tro me I'm [ __ ] sh there you go I took a cheap shot of sh when he was sparing yeah cuz SP part never turned this years ago this when he was fighting and I CH shot and hit me on on the for I seen a bright light and then me but went went into the ropes right thanks for the thanks for coming on anyway it's been nice anytime what have you got what have you got to sh the AC there all the AC and I going Su you Granny don't give a sh you know what I mean if you got something to say you know you're always welcome to come and say it you know what I mean you might say not after it but you're welcome to come and have a chance but I'm not asked no I did what I did right the people at matter know I did that thing right now if that non wants to come come forward and put his throw his hands in or a fake ones he's all right he can come and do that but we all know he won't do that cuz he's a [ __ ] wrong but instead of being happy D I'm doing the community of service you s think he's a real scouser and all but get a [ __ ] life well there you go thanks for watching make your own minds up on H Leon if he any news a character take care
Channel: The All or Nothing Podcast with Billy Moore
Views: 98,115
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Id: F0DusOpJe38
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Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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