Live your life in a profound and intense manner !-Sadhguru motivational

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there's nothing to get in this life there's really nothing to get in this life either you lived this life in a profound and intense manner or you did not what will you get in the end uh if somebody dies in the agricultural College do they bury them or fire them how is it what's the tradition buing is good for agriculture because human beings make good manure so in the end what will happen to you and me they will either barriers or burners that's all will happen in the end you think something else they'll give you a price nothing will happen in the end only thing is the process of Life how wonderfully did you live that's all there is so if you are doing something really wonderful do you want to prepone it or postpone it huh preone only so you must find what is it that you really want to do if you find that one thing you will always prepone everything not [Music] postpone as a generation if you create a huge amount of positives negative will become small if you create huge amount of negatives they will become big and positive will become small this all life is there has never been a point anytime and there never will be where everything is perfect okay there's no such thing because life is a possibility because it's a possibility it cannot be perfect doesn't matter what we do there's still something more to do always that is why it's an endless possibility striving does not mean I want to be a good man I want to be a good man see be being morally good is only good for the society not good for the human being yes if if you're morally correct it's good for people around you because you're contain but it's not good for this life so this life needs a little different kind of nurture in that context how many people in this world are going to stri before before you and me fall dead how many people in how many people will be set the seed that they will be striving to be a better life than the way they are right now a little higher expression of life this is all your focus should be time to understand all the problems of individual nature are generated from within and we don't have to solve problems that we create we just have to dissolve problems that you create you don't have to solve if there's a problem in the situation yes we have to solve but you have a problem within you solution is not what you need solution is madness solution means for an illusion you're creating an illus solution something that you make up for that you create one more solution that you made up once again now you just have to turn off the problems you're going through a certain drama only thing is you're a lousy director that's all there is in of improving your direction now you're trying to find a solution for a situation in a drama it's like people watch a cinema and come home and they have big arguments about what happened there so the thoughts and emotions that you create you don't have to find any solution for it if you just turn it off it's gone if you find solution you moving towards Insanity because you create a ghost and you create a Ghostbuster the ghost that you create you must learn to play with them hello I'm saying if nobody willing to play with you you have to play with somebody right so the ghosts you create if you like them you play with them if you don't like them turn them off but sguru they keep coming you don't play don't like to play with them don't play they come and go never it ever happened that one thought remained for more than a moment isn't it it comes and goes comes and goes let it come and go if you try to find a solution for that you will head towards Insanity so this has been a problem everywhere that we try to transplant what is happening in one place simply as it is in another place not just geographically and culturally even from Individual to individual that what worked for one person we try to make it work for another person and destroy that person completely unfortunately this is labeled as education Mass producing people though we are a mass of people on this planet a huge number over 7 billion people still you were produced individually not mass produced are you right from my childhood I've been noticing this that most adults want to teach something when they see children all those damn things which have not worked in their life this is one wow you have to take with me that is from this moment onwards in your life you will not pass on anything that has not worked for you to anybody else hello even if you cannot pass on the best things to other people at least what is not worked for you you don't give it to anybody will you do this yes does anger work for you so don't give it to anybody does misery work for you does depression work for you so if you are angry if you're depressed you're miserable just shut up okay and sit in one place and handle it people start developing this things for everything when their logic fails they will think that you know you want to do something you don't know how to do it you're not sure whether to do it or not do it then The Simple Solution they're taking is okay this finger is this this finger is this yes no give it to the child if he holds this yes if he holds this no this is not intuition now this is just that your logic has become you know incapable it's collapsed unable to come to your logical decision so you are succumbing to this simple way if some child holds your hand like this or like this yes or no anyway when there are two options 50% of the time you could be right yes being 50% of the time right is not good enough isn't it yes isn't it so I was uh you know uh some time ago I was visiting a a homeopathic doctor there in his Clinic they put up an ad some homeopathic medicine which will work for all kinds of snake bites you're living in Bombay Pro probably it's not a issue for you where I come from snakes are everywhere on a daily basis so I looked at this and uh then I asked him how come this medicine you're advertising that uh it works for all kinds of snake bites because if you are not already aware of this snake bites are fundament mentally of two kinds one type of Venom attacks your cardiovascular system another kind of Venom attacks your nervous system the're two completely different kind of chemicals and it works upon your system in a different way generally for both you have different types of antidotes but for everything this particular medicine is supposed to work how is that possible so the doctor said see in India 9 90% of the Indian snakes are non-poisonous so 90% of the time it works so that's not good enough isn't it is the remaining 10% which is crucial isn't it so so intuition don't get into this thing about you trying to be intuitive never try to be intuitive logic is dependable isn't it there are moments when there is certain Clarity which has no logical explanation at that time it's okay but you never try to be intuitive if you try to be intuitive your logical mind will become deceptive and come to all kinds of stupid decisions you'll get suddenly guidance voices from the heaven you know all kinds of voices people are hearing logic is Dependable go by it at least you won't make a fool of yourself one thing that you must do to yourself is you are absolutely truthful to yourself if you're also truthful to everybody around you you will get other kinds of benefits with people but I will not go that far right now with yourself you are 100% truthful otherwise all kinds of of Tricks keep happening to be truthful to yourself is not a easy thing because there is lifetimes of habit of Simply buing yourself a guest came to Shankar and P's house and being a South Indian man down south you know P come from further down south he was carrying an umbrella which is common thing in Kerala and Southern Tamil Nadu to carry an umbrella is a very common thing because rains can be very heavy then they walked out he took the guest out then it started raining but changar Pai did not open the umbrella the guest said why don't you open the umbrella Shar said I'm sorry the umbrella is full of holes then the guest asked why did you bring it well I never thought it'll rain today a whole lot of people are like this they think somebody else has to catch their lies this will take a long time because someone else catching your lies will take lifetimes you must catch them you should not let your chickens pass to become 100% straight with yourself take a certain amount of application but if this one thing you do this piece of life will work for sure 100% then figuring out a few things is very simple for that I am there if you just fix one this this one thing that you are 100% straight no any kind of deception when there's a hole in the umbrella you know there's a hole in the umbrella you will never forget that there is a hole in the umbrella okay if you are like this rest of the work becomes very simple and easy how to address the larger issues of my life there are no large issues in your life what is the large issue that you're talking about it is just about what job to take which girl to marry where to go for vacation whe whether to get married or not get married you know these are the things isn't it these are not large issues these are little things in your life yes oh is it just a small thing whom I get married to I'm not saying it's a small thing but as an issue it's a small issue little issue as a consequence to your life yes it has many things but this is something that human beings have done for millions of years we have enough experience on these things isn't it we know that whatever job we take whoever we marry it is just the way we make out of it every experience of life you can make it an riching experience every experience in your life you can make a curse out of it see there is nothing wrong in your job whatever job you're doing there's nothing wrong getting this job there's nothing wrong wrong in losing this job there's nothing wrong in getting married there's nothing wrong in getting divorced there's nothing wrong in not getting married there is nothing wrong in anything there's nothing wrong in this or that but it is just the that you make misery out of it that's wrong you do this you make misery out of it if you do that you make misery out of it that's what is wrong with you so you got married is it wrong that's not the point there's nothing wrong with it you did not get married is it wrong no there's nothing wrong with it that's wonderful too you got divorced is it wrong no that's also wonderful it is just that you make misery out of everything that's what is WR you just address that one issue everything will be settled spiritual process means to become like a mountain stable still because it's only when somebody has a very stable base many things can be done exuberance of Life Is Possible only if there is absolute stability otherwise exuberance will lead to Madness yes that's why a lot of people who are a little creative a little active a little exuberant always end up being freaky and nearly insane because without stability you cannot have a dance going this is [Music] why Shiva means Stillness Shiva means dance at the same time either you see him sitting absolutely still or you see him in an explosion of dance because an explosion is Possible only when there is a stable base an explosion which is not destructive is Possible only when there is stability and stability people try to become stable by controlling and trimming their lives this is the way your grandmother would tell you how to be stable control yourself then you will be stable yes if you're dead you will be stable very I promise you that so normally people who talk about stability are all constipated existence you know what's constipation that means it happens little by little their Joy their love their ecstasy happens little by little here and there that's constipation [Music] so stability is not because you have trimmed your life down or pruned it down to minimal and you're stable that's have no consequence stability because you see everything utterly clearly that is why when we say Ad Yogi we're talking about stability at the same time and exuberant dance this is Possible only because he has more than two eyes not necessarily three more than two that means he sees much more than most people ever see because he sees much much more able to be stable stability it takes to allow exuberance to happen otherwise you keep curtailing your exuberance because because it hurts when it's out of balance if you're out of balance and you move at a certain speed you're going to hurt yourself whether you're riding a bicycle or you're riding the cosmos if you're out of balance and you attain speed you're going to hurt yourself very badly so balance is very important and balance that comes out of curtailment is not balanced that's you know package death so you must understand this if everything that you try to do is becoming frictitious friction is happening obviously you are the Sandpaper you know what's a sandpaper I'll ask them to provide you a sandpaper a small piece every day whenever you have friction with somebody just scrape your skin somewhere so if you don't cure yourself quickly you won't have any skin left when you don't have any skin left then you will not touch anything you will not create you will not look for any friction you will walk in suppose you had no skin how would you walk even a little feather won't touch you like that you will walk isn't it because everything hurts now so if you want that kind of treatment we can do otherwise first come to your senses friction is happening means wherever you go friction is happening obviously it's you one simple thing you can do to reduce friction is I've told you many times but you've not done this is whatever you're saying in a day or in an hour or in a minute how many words per minute are you uttering bring it down to 50% still do the same work you will see a whole lot of friction will go down simply because you're not blabbering yes and we've been trying to train you whatever you see whether you see a man woman child cow donkey donkey also no how will friction not happen it will happen so only when sguru is here like this rest of the time like this it won't work bring this into you not just as a symbolism genuinely so [Music] friction of two kinds one within ourselves outside is just an expression and a consequence so this whole thing about inner engineering means just this that when you sit here you can sit here without any friction if you can sit here without any friction outside friction also will go down but when you meet a sandpaper there must be some friction there are sandpapers hello so when you meet a sandpaper there must be friction otherwise how there will be so generally we avoid sandpaper if we can but sometimes we have to work with them when we have to work with the Sandpaper you need tact this is something you have to learn this this will not come this is not nothing spiritual about it this is tacked in the society sometimes it doesn't work but it's a question of skill some people who are not spiritual in anyway they are very tactful when they meet sandpapers you will see these kind of agents and others who working in government officers and in political atmospheres they are so smooth it doesn't matter how rough the other person is these people just they'll just get their job done and leave so working with sandpaper takes a little bit of skill and experience nothing spiritual about it it's a social skill but uh generally in the asham very few sandpaper once in a way people pop up sand on them but they drop it you know they don't keep it all the time sometimes sometimes they are like that they're not like that all the time so when they are like that when the porcupine has its thing up you must just keep away a bit when it's down you can talk to it he doesn't keep it up all the time he doesn't have the strength to do that so oh your friction you must understand it's just you a certain day a bull and a pheasant were grazing bull was chomping the grass pheasant was picking off picking ticks off the bull partnership the huge tree of the edge of the field the Pheasant very nostalgically looked at the tree and said oh alas there was a time I could fly to the topmost branch of the tree now I do not have enough strength in my wing even to get to the first Branch the bull very nonchalant said that's not no issue just eat a little bit of my dong every day within a fortnight you'll get there Fant said come on what kind of rubbish is that the bull said really try and see the whole humanity is on it so very hesitantly the Pheasant started pecking at the dong and low on the very first day it reached the first branch of the tree within a fornight it reached the topmost branch of the tree just beginning to enjoy the scenery and farmer was rocking on his rocking chair saw a fat old pheasant sitting on top of the tree pulled out his shotgun and shot the bird off the tree the moral of the story is many times even can get you to the top but it never lets you stay there uh if you're postponing something you're obviously doing something that you don't want to do if there is something that you really want to do will you postpone it or preone it hello do you see somebody's waiting for someone they badly want to see only 10 minutes in the 10 minutes they will look at the watch 25 times why they want to preone it you're doing something that you don't want to do so you want to postpone it I'm asking why the hell are you doing something that you don't want to do no because if I do this I will get that I will get that that's not the point there's nothing to get in this life there's really nothing to get in this life either you lived this life in a profound and intense manner or you did not what will you get in the end [Music] uh if somebody dies in the agricultural College do they bury them or fire them how is it what's the tradition buing is good for agriculture because human beings make good manure so in the end what will happen to you and me they will either barers or burn us that's all will happen in the end you think something else they'll give you a price nothing will happen in the end only thing is the process of Life how wonderfully did you live that's all there is so if you are doing something really wonderful do you want to prepone it or postpone it h preone only so you must find what is it that you really want to do if you find that one thing you will always prepone everything not postpone happened in 1941 this is just when the Nazi moment was building up in Germany and in some parts of Europe so one day in Austria a bunch of German soldiers came broke into the homes the Jewish Family a rich family they broke the home and took away the adults took everything was robbed and these two children a 12 year-old girl and 8-year-old boy were taken away they were taken to a railway station this the month of November and December kind of time when it's becoming very cold so they were kept on the railway station for 3 days because the trains did not come boys little boys being boys they started playing football so they were playing football and uh then suddenly the train came the train is not a passenger train it's a cargo train the goods train so when the train came the soldiers came and rushed everybody into the the wagons which are there everybody got in and the little boy and the girl also got in but the little boy forgot to wear his shoes he left his shoes outside and they pushed him into the wagon so without shoes he came his sister a 12-year-old girl saw her kid brother coming without shoes and she got mad with him she held him by the ear boxed his ears scolded him nicely slapped him say you idiot already we are in enough trouble now you come without shoes because in Germany in Winter no shoes means you may lose your feet so she's angry about that in the next station the boys and girls were separated after 4 years after the war was over she came out of the Concentration Camp to find 17 members of her family including her little brother all had vanished no records no sign of them they just evaporated at that time the only thing that bothered her was the last few things that she said to her little brother she loves her brother but the last few things that she said to him were such terrible things it rang in her mind and troubled her these are the last things I told my brother and after that I'm never going to see him is gone so she took a W if I speak to anybody in my life I will speak in such a way if this is my last word I will not regret this one thing transformed her life in such a way she went on to United States she died in 2006 she did some phenomenal work built a hospital somewhere near uh Chicago I think she lived a fruitful life I'm saying even if you put through the most horrible situations either you you can come out using that experience as a better human being or you can use the experience to become a horrible mess so whenever something hurts you there are two options you can either become wounded or you can become wise this is the choice the more things hurt you early on in your life the wiser you should have become isn't it but unfortunately most people become wounded this this is simply because they just need an excuse to turn their own intelligence against themselves that's all especially if the world around you turns against you is it not very very important that your intelligence stands up for you
Channel: Smarter By The Day
Views: 65,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sadhguru motivational, inspirational talk sadhguru, wisdom of sadhguru, mystic on life, sadhguru speech in english, indian yogi, spiritual master, smarter by the day sadhguru, motivational speech on life
Id: 3R7XuSZqkDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 49sec (1909 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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