Part 1 LIVE - WHAT is Project Zero - Future of PC Builds?

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hello YouTube and everyone in chat this is your Opel nutty we G to got a great show for you today it's going to be an awesome build and wait till you see Uncle Mitch I barely recognized him when he came through the door so are you going to be surprised let's roll the intro bye [Music] [Music] hello and welcome into the latest live broadcast here on my channel Carrie Holman what a unique name I'm Carrie holsman I'm Mitch Morrison that's right that's or or am I Mitch Morrison You Wish who who is the real Mitch Morris he wants my hype was anybody's actually not that picky it's Friday January 19th 2024 thank you guys so much for hanging out with us every Friday we do a live video at one o'clock Phoenix Phoenix time phonix time yeah I had to I had to pronounce that F that's salabo all right right uh that's 1200 p.m. Pacific Time currently 3 p p.m Eastern when when Eastern and Pacific well pretty much the rest of the world yep obeys obeys y Daylight Saving Time Phoenix stubbornly never moves our clock so half of the year the Pacific Time and Eastern Time change by an hour we're always at 1:00 Phoenix time if you're watching anywhere in the world and you don't know what that means go to Google type in what time is it in Phoenix or you can just ask your phone push the little microphone and then whatever time it says look at your clock and do the math it's that easy so uh we certainly love to have you here during the live and joining us in our live interactive chat we're unlike most other YouTube channels we actually like our audience we don't just say you guys are great we want to talk to you we want to hear from you we want you to be kind and supportive to each other and to us that's all we ask just be considerate have courtesy and if so you're welcome in and thank you thank you to all of our members and supporters uh we see a lot of contributions coming in in the chat already and I want to just give a shout out to our friends over at acronis acronis is the software you see me use for backing up cloning and imaging machines I've been using it since 2009 I use it in my business so you know I reached out to them hoping that they would support us and they are throughout 2024 there's a 30% off coupon if you guys are interested in any of the acronis products we'll also have them on throughout the year to demonstrate the product it's a free trial if you want to check it out and if you've missed our previous interviews and demonstrations they're all still in the library just search for krie Holman and cronis and uh most of that if not all of it still holds true even when acronis updates the version every year it doesn't change by that much so you know they add some new features and things but if you watch the you know most recent content that's right on with the current version you can follow along Click by click and if you decide you'd like to buy it I want to save you some money it's a good price but it's a better price when you can get 30% off oh yeah and then also our friends at instant house call instant house call is the remote access software once again I use it in my business and when someone needs remote support I'm using instant house call instant house call also has a free trial if you want to check it out if you need OTE access to something or if you help people with their computers inston house call has a bunch of tools for technicians to uh help diagnose and repair computers which makes it different from other remote software there's also a discount code if you want to purchase that and it's much more affordable than I think uh pretty much every other uh remote software I've used they're like three times more money than instant house call also instant house call is a small company uh the gentleman who owns it and runs it is Corey fruitman kind of sounds like Carrie Holzman if I was Canadian anyway he's a great guy we've had him on the show uh we also have demos of the product here if you want to learn more about it and my thanks to acronis and in instant house call for supporting us also our friends at Robo form if you're looking for a password manager once again it's a tool I use and recommend to my customers me too you use it do you use a cronis oh oh yes indeed there you go see I don't even know what Mitch uses it's not like I'm here twisting anybody's arm you better buy this you better buy this yeah what he doesn't use is a razor obviously who said that yeah yeah I Chad I have never gone in my entire life more than three days without shaving you're sporting a different this is close to like two months and it's driving me slowly insane but I think I told you the last time I was here I'm going on Saturday February 3rd I'll be in La shooting a scene I'll be acting in a scene where I'm an undercover cop uh in a car wait you're an undercover cop yeah or you're just playing one on TV I'm playing one on TV oh then you can stay yeah and I just wanted to try something different and believe me the second they my uh my scene is wrapped I'm actually bringing you know a plugin electric uh shaver that's coming right off cut all right I'm cutting literally where's your bathroom and I'm going to just better have an outlet and just so when they say cut that's that something else to you so yeah when's that coming up uh Saturday February 3rd over in Burbank yeah oh in Burbank yeah well you got a flying or driving uh I'll drive because um I want to bring a lot of different clothes the director said you know bring layers and bring you know you got to bring a lot of stuff yeah and and you don't want the door blowing out on you uh no all right no what is that a five six hour drive yeah and they only you know the airlines are so cheap they when you fly they only give you one token for the restroom and I need at least two you know what a token for the restroom are you flying Spirit the love Spirit yeah um yeah that's definitely a different it kind of works but you don't like it yeah no I I I'll break your camera and come up here and give them the give them the closeup give him the closeup there he is hideous you know what hi I think if we get you a cane and you put your pants up closer to your nipples yeah we could probably get you into Sun City without any you know ident identity verification yeah oh yeah come on in you know there's the when you pull up to these adult living communities there's always the guard shack right and then you got to like they're like what are you doing here young man but I think with the beard and your pants pulled up and a cane yeah they would just you know oh make way no you don't have to stop and uh and a makeup artist told me that um facial hair on a man adds 10 years and so my partner is a goodlook black kid about um 28 or 29 so uh I don't know just want to try something different it's funny when I go to the bar contrast when I go to the bar the lady bartenders you know kind of whoa Mitch you know and I'm like yeah I don't really care for this look and I was surprised that a lot of women go I kind of like it on you I'm like well that's tough cheese because let's take a vote in I can't stand it let's take a vote in the chat room should he keep the beer no no no no you're going to have to do whatever the chat room says yeah I never you know two months without shaving terrible just terrible if I ran two months without shaving I might get a little stubble you know for my beard never grew in full and then when it started to fill in it's all gray now so what are you going to do yeah careful what you asked for cuz uh so that's how that goes we got some contributions here good let me where's my mouse boy will my four brothers and sisters be surprised when uh they see that clip and I certainly chat will um uh bring the clip for you guys to to see here uh the guy said he'll have me a copy of my scene in literally a week after we shoot it so mid February when Carrie has me back I will bring the clip and there's no cursing so it's familyfriendly and you can see me acting actor yeah Paul O'Brien contributes two Euro says because he's happy nice to be happy he also five euro again from Paul o'ri he's got come on guys donate so Carrie can buy Mara a nice belad Xmas Christmas present from the community let her know she's worth it she need more does she need more stuff all right well thank you Paul Ben lir joins us from Scotland with a 5 pound contribution says the temperature in Scotland 2 degrees CSUS they can go to bed now without 10 layers of clothes on that's what he says Rick lakes with a $10 contribution there's 10 for maralina why is she getting all the money is it because I don't have breasts yes I do y there's our friend planet cryos with a $2 contribution he says sup thank you blet cryos thank you Rick Lakes Ben L and Paul O'Brien Mark Gaines joins us from Northern Ireland five pound contribution what for Marina why is did she say something in the chat room what's going on over here ghetto fortnite somebody new yeah $1.99 in Super Chat thank you Mark Gaines thank you ghetto fortnite here's our friend Buster Peter lck joins us from Scotland good evening he says Carrie Marina Mitch and everyone in the chat all the best from Bonnie Scotland the temperature in Edinburgh 39 degrees Fahrenheit 3 degrees Celsius at 10:00 in the evening no that's 8:00 in the evening military time and and uh contributes 10 pounds as always Peter Buster as we call him thank you for your continued support your generosity and of course your friendship Ron mura with a two pound contribution says hello Carrie and chat from Liverpool me and John would thinking of gotten the bond back together there you go he David Graham with a $2 contribution says here buy some razor blades you better shave that down before you start razor blade if you've never done that it'll tear and it hurts yeah yeah so you got to get a trimmer right and you got to trim it down first yeah then you get what I do I actually go three I go the trimmer then I go the electric shaver but the electric shaver doesn't get close enough yeah so after I'm done with the electric shaver then I grab the razor yeah and then the worst part is for the next 20 minutes I'm feeling my face to find that one hair that's this long that somehow escaped yeah all three the trimmer the razor and the electric razor and and I'll feel it and I'll be like oh there's one right here and then I got to stop everything I'm doing yeah because I don't want to forget I don't be walking around public with one hair sticking out like that how's it going yeah so go into the the restroom into the mirror find that little straggler get rid of it I'm good come out about 20 minutes later like what's oh there's one right down here it's like this long it's even bigger than the last how was that there the whole time and then finally you know I so you got that to look forward to well and I thought if I go into the bathroom I would I would shave and just keep the stash and what do you call that and see and just handlebar mustach just just this much and see if it makes me look tough but I don't have high ho you could play with it that is fun I suppose when you're shaving to kind of look at what yeah you know you could see what you look like with mutton chops right you can look and see what you look like with a soul patch yeah with just a mustache or The Handlebar yeah so with uh but no it's coming off and then right at the end you can just do the little stash just to see nobody has to know right right yeah but at least I can Chad I can say once in my life I went two months without shaving because up until now I yeah I never never gone this long and don't like it yeah I think it's something you get used to there's a guy on YouTube called beard meets food and he's a competitive eater and he's got a beard like zezy top and when he's done you know he's shoveling this food down because it's often yeah not only do you have to eat a bunch of food but you have to do it within a certain time limit so when he's done eating he'll grab a napkin or a towel and he does this whole face up like he's getting out of the shower shower yeah and I'm like oh gosh that's so disgusting can't even imagine yeah you know mustard or sauces that are still left over in the beard not for me Matt says I feel bad for the homeless tall guy are you are you casing C casting aspersion in my homeless tall guy me me what's why are you homeless yeah I'm not so I'm sure Toto will bring you in I mean that's true yeah somebody mentioned that they're seeing them February 18th um again I'm seeing him March 18th in Tucson March 19th and Scottsdale at I think Casino Arizona and then my brother in Bale has six front row seats for April 9th he's like you you got to come up it's front row baby it's all right I'll I guess your brother's a fan runs in the family I'll drive again uh no I think by being around me so much and and seeing my office full of nothing but total memorabilia of photos of me and the boys now that guy in Toto he is the son of John Williams the guy who wrote All the movie things like for Star Wars ET Superman yep yeah Joseph Williams yeah Jose Williams the son of the famous John William Williams the lead and his dad's still alive so his dad's got to be he's 90 something 92 or three just retired I think who John Williams a genius yeah who knew John Williams son was in the B did he do the the final Indiana Jones score I think that was he told Ste Sten I'm out this is it only for you if it was anybody else no but after dial of Destiny I'm I'm done could be wrong but I seem to recall call him going no I just want to want to retire so I'm like go he earned it yeah Star Wars Jaws she Superman close en Close Encounters I mean yeah Close Encounters 1941 never saw 1941 no some some of the themes are so you hear the theme and it's iconic really um become um part of the culture yeah so all right what do we got going today oh and then Duran Duran is my band right and they're coming here to Phoenix I glad to see they're still together still playing yeah and I believe it or not I think it's four of the original Five Guys it started because one guy died I think yeah but here's the thing ticket prices just your basic general admission are you sitting down two big ones $191 is where ticket prices start and that's before the fees and the taxes and whatever else they add that'll be that'll be nose B and it's all the way across town so it's like H I really like him but uh I can watch a concert on TV I can pull it up here on YouTube yeah it probably have better seats yeah and it's in February like the 4th or the there's something it's coming up in a couple weeks yeah anyway yeah that's that's abandoned the they're not big right now like they just released an album in a Halloween album but uh it's not like it's breaking the charts or anything so I I don't get that price other than they have a loyal fan base that obviously can sustain that ticket price so once again I will continue my life having never seen Durand Duran live in concert and there's some you know I'll never see the Beatles live in concert I'll Never See nxs with Michael Hutchin live in concert so just got to learn to live with it I suppose I'm not paying $191 plus tick fees and stuff forget it but what I will do is I'll spend money on computer parts because I have a problem I I love building computers and I love showing you guys all this new stuff that's coming out so the folks over at MSI introduced last year at CES this idea of moving all of the ctors to the back of the motherboard so you're not running all your plugs right up on the front of the board where the window is to your case and then you got to you know hide your cables or get cable Combs and you know all the ridiculous things people do to try and make the best of it I'm not pointing at Mitch I'm pointing at the streamer back there with the you know like the light up cable thing and all that other stuff so it's called project zero and this simply is moving the connectors behind the board which which is not that big of an engineering challenge and then it requires a special case that has openings for those connectors you know to be exposed and accessible now there may be some cases out there that just by coincidence are compatible with this but I don't know what they are and I'm not going to just try a bunch until I find one if I find one that works instead MSI just recently so they announced this last year but they just recently uh released this stuff to the public and I couldn't find it on Amazon but Newegg has the boards and the cases and they had a combo where if you buy the board and the case they'd reduce the price well what could is the board without the case well the case on the other hand is also compatible obviously with a regular motherboard you don't have to use this so I've never bought an MSI case before but let me show you what the bundle looks like um my thanks to Mara for putting together the thumbnail and the U and all the links in the video notes today so let's go to window capture here now this is a pretty good value here for $299 you get the motherboard and you get this pretty attractive looking case here now they sell they MSI sells a AMD version of a microatx motherboard and an Intel version microatx motherboard that are project zero and they have this case this is a micro HX case you can always tell what if a case is micro HX or Not by counting the pcie slots you can't really see it here but if we have seven pcie slots then that is uh going to be a fullsize case right or it'll take a full ATX motherboard so if I look I want to say this is uh well that's clearly a microatx board you know we just have the two slots basically here and no connectors do you see any connectors nope we'll go over here very clean looking unlike me all right yeah exactly and then as we F around let's see back IO looks pretty standard nothing nothing special what's this on the side what's that for tennis oh you can Flash the bio oh that's cool oh and then a seos clear okay that's pretty neat only five gig ethernet yeah there's 10 gig see the little 10 right there there's your flash bios so you have to put if you want to flash the BIOS through the through the BIOS it doesn't matter which USB port but if you want to flash the BIOS through the board in theory you can do that without Ram or a CPU but you've got to label it it's got to have a certain name and it has to be plugged into the flash bios Port that's the only place that'll look for it okay and it does take a little longer but we've got a couple 10 gig per second ports this is a 20 gig per second you see the 20 y written right there and then we got our standard audio out and it's got built-in wifi6 now if we move forward here to the back of the board check this out scroll around here there's your power connector MH there's your USB 3.1 there's your USB 3.0 typically this is located exactly in the same spot on the other side of the board all they're doing is Shifting it around there's your audio connector USB 2 connectors uh USB here right over here what is this can't read it SATA I guess that's where you plug in your SATA drives fan connectors uh front Port IO your power switch reset switch power LED you know whatever the case has to support and other than that it's it's a standard board it's not really that dramatic of a change okay and if we look at this case you see the slots one 2 three four five that's microatx okay if this counted out to seven sometimes it's hard to judge from pictures so that's why I'm telling you if you're not sure about what size motherboard the case will accommodate you'd need seven in order to have an ATX fulls size ATX board so the problem is MSI offer this board as a fulls sizee ATX not just Micro ATX but I couldn't find a case so I'm like well what good is ordering the fulls sizee ATX and again they have one for Intel and one for AMD in full ATX and one for Intel and one for AMD and Micro ATX but when it comes to cases they seem to only have the Micro ATX cases in white or black and this is apparently what they look like so they're a little wider so that that you have a lot of room behind the board for all of those cables to go here's a diagram here miniitx will obviously fit microatx it's got the cutouts for the uh ports to pull TIY through there then of course it's got your GPU slot here or PCI slot and a shroud over the power supply that doesn't go across the entire bottom of the case which is an interesting choice and that way you can fit a bigger uh all-in-one cooler there and uh let's see what else do we have down here tops and basically it's telling all the fans that are in white those are 140 mm fans nothing's in white that doesn't seem right it looks like it's trying to tell us 140 is on the top oh no it's showing they're all yellow yellow so that's indicating they're all 120 so what's the point of this 140 if you don't have any room for we'll verify that when we get the case out then um there's a apparently a fan controller Hub on here that's located looks like behind the board well we'll again we'll take a look these panels come off no idea what they're trying to tell us in this photo did you get white or black white white because the board is white yeah well I suppose the board's white and black right okay so I guess either one would have worked but I I went with white and they had white or black available but again only in the microatx side of thing which processor did I pick I went with the ryzen 57600 we've already built a $15,000 server we repaired we've got a 14900 K we built we got the MSI Meg motherboard that we got on sale these are all big beasts and it's draining every penny I have and then some so I needed to go a little bit more conservative on this build so 200 bucks there's a ryzen 5 it's a six core 12 thread I'm hoping it comes with a cooler but if it doesn't we'll figure that out I've got coolers but I'm hoping I don't know this is only my second time using the the uh the New Zen or is it called see I'm not even up with this whole thing here it's the new am4 socket you got coolers are you talking about wine coolers no wine cooler what you barles and James that Beard's having an effect on you I'm going in the way back machine then for Ram I've got the o y blade Ram that's RGB that looks really sharp it's in Black that way I think it'll go contrast with the white really well and we're going to do 32 gigs two sticks of 16 it's very aggressively priced and I've had very good luck with this company despite they have a website o l y but they don't seem to have a Twitter presence so I don't know what's up with that it's good value I've had very good experience with this Ram now I did something very different for the power supply I was looking for an inexpensive white power supply to match the white case and I saw this aevia is that how you say that aevia and that's a 600 wat power supply because I plan on using Onboard video and if I was going to put a video card in this I would probably go with a lower end um something that didn't require more than 600 watts I guess is what I'm trying to say and I really don't want to put a graphics card in it at all again I'm trying to keep my price down I'm not a gamer I don't need that and the price it's a very good price for a 600 wat power supply if it's any good I've never used this brand before but the reviews on it seemed pretty decent I mean not the best not the worst so you know if most people were happy with it I'm hoping that we'll be most people if not I'm a tech and a reviewer and if there's anything bad to know about it from my experience I'll share that with you or we'll share it together and then over here this is the SK hyx Platinum p41 it's one of the highest rated Gen4 m.2 drives you can buy right up there with Samsung's 990 and Western digitals SN 850s but a much more um welcoming price point I suppose you'd say so $59.99 it's a that's a great deal and it does not come with a heat sink this version but that motherboard already has all those heat sinks and we always want to use a motherboard heat sink before we go using anybody uh any any third party heat sinks because it's going to look better and um it's actually going to cool better finally what's this last one oh so I think these are a complete waste of money by the way and I will do a video to confirm my suspicion that they're kind of fun and they look neat even though once we put the cooler on it you're never going to see it I also never changed the CPU out not that you couldn't it just you know instead of using a lever to lift the CPU out now we're going to use screws and supposedly this helps with the cooling but again I just think it looks really nice as a builder and they're like $8 or something they're very inexpensive and it's called a contact frame and they make them primarily for Intel chips because they're rectangular instead of say uh um these ryzen chips which are square so this Con the frame comes off if you haven't watched me do this before there's four screws that whole top comes off silver Square here but in this fits over the CPU and then you screw it down and it gives the supposedly gives the heat sink much more surface area and prevents any sort of warpage that can occur over time with extreme heat overkill for us today but for eight bucks I'll do it looks nice it looks yeah I really like the looks of it and they give you a little screwdriver for Allen wrench for that as well as some thermal paste which we'll use our own thermal compound or if the CPU comes with a cooler it'll already have a compound pre-applied okay so that's our parts for today all the parts are listed in the video notes below this video with links the very links I'm showing you and of course prices are subject to change today is the 19th of January 2024 if you're watching this video in 2027 these parts may not be available or every motherboard may all have connectors in the back or this was just a fad that didn't catch on so bear that in mind that these videos we when you're watching videos on YouTube they can go back 16 years at this point so uh pay attention to when you're watching a video to when it was published a date is always right below the video itself the publication date I've seen people leaving comments on videos that I published years ago and I guess they don't realize they're watching old content so Frankie be with $9.99 says good to see you guys Mitch you look great go get your phone it's pinging driving me is my phone beeping hanging driving me insane I guess I didn't silence it before the show I think send so I silence [Music] mine ah let's see are we getting gift cards let's take a look oh luk greenia sends $25 via Paypal how cool is that thank you Luke as always and libowitz IT services I don't know who that is sends $31 via Paypal says 31 years ago spin rate Creator Steve Gibson then writing his Tech talk column infow World magazine called out video card manufacturers collectively for writing drivers intended to cheat on benchmarks yeah is that Mark yeah oh oh there we go yeah that's Mark in the chat room last week Carrie you called out current trade rags in general and windows Central in particular for sloppy reporting I've been wanting to do that for years now but I didn't have the platform thanks for being brave enough to always tell it like it is Carrie oh that's very nice thank you so much um I don't know if it's being brave I was you guys never had the opportunity to meet my mother but let me just put it to you this way when when I was growing up my so kids would would say you're mama this or you're mama that and I notice that when they did that the other kid would get really really upset don't you talk about my mom and I never really understood it like who cares like my opinion was you'll say that to my mom's face I dare you right like it didn't bother me your mom wears combat boots go tell her that and then let me watch let me watch what happens I never felt to defend my mother she is a tough lady and she always told it like it was she did not believe in lying and I'm like you know wouldn't you lie to save somebody's feelings no geez mom wouldn't you lie if you I don't know there's a song by depesh Mode called The Policy of Truth where I played it for my mom I go mom what do you think of this right basically the lyrics are you believe in a Policy of Truth and now you think your punishment is unfair well that's what you get for sticking to your Policy of Truth right and she goes no I don't agree with that song your punishment is your punishment it's what you deserve geez so anyway I my mother was very very morally strict not religious really but just this very strong sense of right and wrong and yeah like if you needed a shower she you know you need to go wash something you know she'd just say like it was hey Mom you know what happened at school today I'm not interested you make a Better Door than a window so stop blocking the TV you know so sounds not like the most pleasant person but I assure you it was all done in love and you know she's around the kids every single day and enough is enough I think is kind of the the message there but nonetheless obviously it's had an effect on me and I don't really think about it as being brave I think about it as writing a wrong or bringing awareness to to what I feel is an injustice especially if it's a bullying situation where the victim cannot really defend themselves I was that victim at one point for a long time and then decided to turn things around because I couldn't rely on the kindness of others to step in and help me if I wasn't going to defend myself nobody was going to defend me and as a result it was kind of tough right it's a brutal way to sort of wake up and realize you're on your own so if you don't do it it ain't going to get done and if you want to have some success in life especially as an adult you're going to be competing against other adults in whatever your career choice is or you know even sporting events you know not events but things that you might engage in are naturally competitive but you're going to be competitive in The Works Space you're going to have people throw you under the bus and things like that you've got to be able to defend yourself that's my conclusion and so I felt that this was a great Injustice to Ace magic and uh the language barrier and and the reach that they have just they weren't going to really be able to properly defend themselves in my opinion they did but the way that they did it it probably didn't get many views so I was doing my part to convey the message they put out their acknowledgement of the mistake and that it wasn't a virus it's a browser hijacker it's still bad okay but it's not as bad as they made it out so at any event I appreciate your support your kindness and as long as you know we can continue here to be um you know not beholden to a particular manufacturer we're free to speak our mind and it's the internet is an interesting place because if I call somebody out they say yeah you go get them but if I pray somebody oh you're a sellout so God forbid I have my own positive opinion of a company or product a service that must be because I'm biased well no as much as I will mention things I don't like I think it's also important to mention things I do like and it's just like we let's say Mitch and I go out to eat whatever after the show most of the time when we get service it's good it's nothing special it's not terrible it's not great and so when it comes to the tip I leave a tip it's not terrible it's not great it's just average but every once in a while we'll go somewhere and the service is outstanding and I'll double the tip right so as much as if the service was terrible I'd want to you know maybe talk to a manager or leave a one-star review and more other people don't get burned over here I was burned over here I'm when everything is just kind of down the middle there's nothing to talk about it's it's exactly what was expected nothing less nothing more if there's an extreme on the bad side or stream on the good side I want to call that out and just because I call out the good doesn't mean there was anything in it for me so those people online that have made these accusations I'm glad I don't live with their mentality that anything good must be fake and that everything that's bad must be real that's a terrible way to go through life with an attitude like that and you know somebody will say well you're clearly biased and I'm done watching you I'm like well thank God you're gone I thought you were going I thought you were never going to leave I don't want people like that in my community good riddance to you so in any event uh there wasn't just two or three people but I don't even know who they are they're not supporters they're not contributors they're not kind they're not courteous and they had no reason to uh attack me right like it doesn't make any sense so in any event we're glad they're gone now we have all these amazing people remaining and I thank you all for being a part of this amazing community and I thank you for your contributions your support and your membership Carrie before the show let me pick up that motherboard box not this one not that one no oh no that's the Meg oh okay I showed I showed Mitch $600 motherboard going to do some curls I'm like you and I you and I will build with that probably in two or three weeks I still have to decide the rest of the parts but the Box how heavy would you say that box is 6 lb I was guessing seven or eight 8 lb yeah I don't know but you certainly fory yeah so used to motherboard just oh okay he's like f here you go that's the MSI Meg okay the z690 ace those came in we got a great deal on them 200 bucks a piece instead of 550 a piece okay and I ordered a 14900 K another reason why we're not going big on this one because it would be ashamed to put anything less than that yeah in this amazing motherboard this expensive motherboard regardless if it's amazing okay and I still have to figure out everything else case power supply Ram solid state drive cooler I haven't figured that out yet but we have a few weeks today we're working on Project zero nothing too heavy here in fact uh this is microatx so uh compare them pick this one up tell me how it's actually kind of kind of chunky that's at least four to five lbs you know maybe half the yeah all right let's do this all right I'll tell you what we are not going to need the power supply for a few minutes so let's set this aside I'm not exactly sure how we are going to test this board without putting it in the case you know if we have the board sitting upright and all the connectors are underneath of it right you'd have once we prep it we might have to put it in the case before we can testy right we've never done this before this is is a brand new design okay let me move this out of the way I'll just put it in the other room and then let's um let's move this stuff over here and I'll tell you what I'll be the camera girl okay got to come up with another name for that and we'll have you unbox it while I film it how's that I I can't stand the pressure look at your k yeah telling you that Cane's coming all right so let me oh I suppose I need to plug the camera in probably it's not wireless you know I got to plug a cable in there and then you got to you got to switch things or show me you know click on the eyeball or you know what I'm talking about click on the eyeball very technical Mitch the director the technical director and when you're when you're directing me don't don't say action don't say action I I don't it's it's you know camera's rolling sound is rolling go when you're ready I don't like action now yeah that bothers me just go damn actors are so difficult to work with I don't like camera ready I'll tell you what I can stand everybody in the in the industry if you ever get the experience of going out to being part of a Film Production or television production it's a Roger that Roger that right what did I get into the military somehow why just say okay or gotcha got it understood yeah Roger that all right what is down here what is this oh and Chad someone someone will do your Uncle M solid if you're new to the show and you want to see some acting clips of mine you go to short for Internet Movie Database and you just type in Mitch Morrison and uh my page will come up with head shots and a couple of video clips and uh there you go hey there's Patrick Kennedy joining us he says this is so cool you know who Patrick Kennedy is yeah yeah welcome in Patrick's always good to see you my friend is he a moderator in here yes good good good Patrick over at the web both the website and YouTube channel serve the home and uh great content there mostly focused on business stuff but there is some Mini PC cross over and networking crossover that you guys yeah a lot of Home users would find quite useful he's a very fast talker I yeah I mean in another life I think he was an Auctioneer myself he's not fooling around he's going to give you the information there's no fluff like my channel it's it's F in the 46 minutes you and I have been just doing monologue it's fast and he have two videos done okay all right all right good to see you Patrick and welcome in my friend yeah uh what am I missing let me just I just want to hit the chat here real quick okay there's Sher McFarland joining us and Douglas Bell and oh Alan lindes joins us lives down the street about an hour and a half away Cass gra bar libowitz there he is he says your mother sounds like a very wise woman yeah well like I said you wouldn't want him to tell her she wasn't she'll make sure you understand what else Martin wolford's with a $5 contribution says happy Friday everybody oh it's Friday happy Friday project zero a stroke of Genius or a solution searching for a problem I guess that's going to be up to each of you to decide y okay well um go back over here by the way Uncle Carrie that uh Chad both Carrie and I are from Michigan and believe it or not yesterday was official Michigan day did not know that until today so I missed it but I'm like I saw that on the internet I'm like what does that even mean I I don't know but it was official Michigan day I'm like okay are the Lions still doing well they told they were they were doing really really well I haven't watched any football in a while so guess I'm asking the wrong guy all right let's stick to what we know and it ain't Sports yeah here we go blow up camera camera rolling speed yeah not action go when you're ready okay now we have done no rehearsal what a shock yeah no one could have guessed we've read no directions we've never done this before okay so we're going to share a first time experience with you guys and here we go whenever you're ready oh is that what you want me to say on your time yeah here we have a box okay this is just Riv in video yeah what's what's in I thought that board looked no we can we can do take two oh no this is live all right we'll still do it any Okay just set that board down for a second on your time no worries no pressure no pressure it's only 10 million people watching okay all right take that wait wait no no we're not done with the Box okay take that top piece of cardboard and just uh set it down somewhere throw it what do we got in there uh we have oh yeah European regulatory notices that's a page turn note Wi-Fi oh antennas antennas some SATA cables SATA cables do we have go faster stickers an installation guide okay and stickers all right we got stickers well then it was worth every penny 3D okay unnecessary Zoo yeah okay all right all right so nothing nothing too surprising yeah it's going to build on the box nice yeah I wonder how building on the box is going to be with the connectors behind the board oh yeah now this one is sealed sometimes you know they don't come if they didn't put tape on it that motherboard would go boom right through that bag but I'm very impressed okay Lord knows what would happen if he didn't put tape on the back of the bag that motherboard would Escape now now set the board down normally first of all all right what's missing you should know the answer if you're paying attention um yeah all of the you know I don't want to get technical on you the the inputs yeah well they're not always inputs they outputs too but yeah the io connectors our connectors how about we just say connectors they're all gone turn the Border over let's see if it's a boy or a girl okay steady now oo now there's something we've never seen SE before and you want to tell me what all these connectors are uh let's see how well does yeah uh Power uh two s is satus skipped one satus uh just before I don't know what that connector what's that connector that's our USB 3.1 front panel connector for the USB type-c if your case supports it 3.0 says right there are two sad as you can often read right on the board is that a fan no that's not a fan fan would only have four three or four pins that has way more than that want to guess again um water block I no that water block would only need three or four fans like a pin uh like a fan so howmet two4 are there any words around it no just jfp1 whatever that means what's next to that two satus very good what's next to that uh [Music] jfp2 uh that's probably know what I don't know what that is that that looks like it could be just going to say RGB I don't know what that is hm what else we got USBS so you see USB I don't know does that say USB that's what it looks like yeah it says USB right down inside so that's our USB 2 for anything we've got on the case what's this little one do dad next to it I'm kind of curious who you know that you know what I need my glasses cuz this is all just a big blur I mean the camera does so much for me one set of glasses thank you very much I'm going to bring my glasses and my shoes what is that that's kind of that's a jumper for something we'll have to look at the manual for once I suppose what's next to that what's this connector well that that's got to be fans that's correct yeah fans this is going to be what [Music] um I don't know there's only one connector that has a tooth missing like that there only three that's going to be your argb okay and it says jrgb if the camera would focus right then over here there's a five pin I don't know what this five pin is right here okay um says jt1 then over here we have another jrgb and over here says J odd that's going to be your audio your front Port audio that always has a tooth missing either on the bottom row or top row second from the end which if you can see this damn camera and then of course our CPU or is that our GPU that's going no the GPU connector would be on the GPU so that's going to be what we call EPS power or CPU power we have two of those and it actually says CPU power if you read the writing right on the board what can it what does that one say j a r GB so that's a third RGB for your RGB lights V v23 and then over here we've got fan one fan two fan three yeah well it says system fan one oh system pump fan one CP so it's not fair to ask MIT because he's standing on the other side and uh kind of blocking the words there but then it would be rude to you guys if we turned it the other way and then what are these uh J bat so probably for the battery maybe clearing the seos I don't know what that is I bet you Patrick Kennedy's watching this laugh and going how can these guys not know what that is this is all Child's Play to that man well that man's a genius all right so well let's not go that far okay you can say Rockstar okay now here's our IO is it backwards let me yeah let let's go ahead and turn the board back around let's give it give it some humility a little modesty and then turn that around and this will be exactly as we showed it from the website we've got a uh flash bios this is particular ly helpful if you say you buy a CPU that the BIOS doesn't recognize say the board was made 6 months ago and your CPU just got introduced and you had to be the first to have it the board has no idea what it is so you have to update the bios for it to recognize and if you don't have this kind of feature what you have to do is grab an old CPU and then boot with an old CPU then Flash the BIOS then put the new CPU in well who's got old CPUs laying around that are compatible not most of them us so with this option here you can Flash the BIOS without it typically and this board may be different but in the past the way this works is you have to use a small flash drive you download the latest bios it has to be named a certain name typically the flash drive has to be formatted like fat 32 like if it's NTFS a lot of boards won't recognize it and say you don't have a all we need to have on this is power and nothing else and we put the flash drive in with that specially named bios in this slot and then we hold that button in flash bios button for a few seconds and then we typically get some kind of a light that flashes now this is a much slower way to flash a bios but if it's all you got you know even if it takes 10 minutes instead of three minutes yep just do it once and then it should recognize your new CPU now our CPU is not that new well kind of is it's a 7600 But I would assume that this is going to see it okay but just in case it doesn't we could show that feature I suppose we could show that feature off anyway well we've got it why not let's do it let's do that let's do that first before we do anything else okay before we add um anything else we'll put power to the board we'll go to the MSI site we'll download the latest version of BIOS not knowing what we have now okay okay we have no idea yep the only way we're going to know is if we put CPU RAM and Boot It Up but I think we should be able to do this without a CPU or Ram just a power supply and a flash drive if you say so I think so okay that's how it works with Asus so I think MSI is probably the same if not well it's a live video and uh you know mud in my eye there you go all right so let me go back over to camera one a Twist of my neck don't hurt yourself all right and yeah okay there you go picture and picture you're put it up in the corner this is our picture and picture solution here yes all right we're trying to save money yeah all right let me turn this off and save the battery we're probably going to want some close-ups later and maybe uh sell a little noos on the merch site yeah not noos well yeah noo and what's the stuff to keep you from getting seasick Dramamine Dramamine and no dose branded with my logo yeah I probably sell out I never get seasick as long as I can see a shoreline now if I've never been way out where I can't see a shoreline but as long as I can see a shoreline doesn't matter what that boat's doing if that's level well if you can see a shoreline you're barely away you're not far enough out the only time I've ever felt the motion of ceasing sickness I think one time I was on a whale watch and the waves got really heavy yeah um but normally yeah yeah I I enjoy it I'm a roller coaster kind of guy so you bring it on it's what I'm saying so you we got to switch because you need a flash drive well what do we want to do first yeah I suppose we need to get the latest bios bi so see how to do this now let's go to uh see if I missed anything in chat here hey there's Bob R joining us good to see B Katrina H in the chat room and there's uh Danielle emberly joining us Les Stevenson Matthew Burton welcome in guys Steve Mercure Bob R has been a member now for 20 that's amazing yeah says he's still watching thank you Bob and baby Grant with a $2 says did you just find your lost scw that's exact exactly what was on the ground was a small just a black case screw pretty Comm and uh there a little message here what am I supposed to do with that no what did I just do I didn't me to do that to Patrick no that's not what I wanted to do did you put and time out no I I removed his message it says celebrate his first Super Chat on a live stream and I click it and then I went to click away from the options which are you know all the like punishment options and I accidentally hit remove and I thought oh no I hope I didn't remove him but it looks like it just removed his message okay I'm sorry Patrick that's not the first time I've made a mistake live we professionals here all right yeah yeah p r o f TC h a l vetal yeah like it's fine I turned I tuned out 10 minutes a no he's still in there all right uh stealth mode is now a member for 20 months as well says he's glad Mitch likes the beard I'm glad you like it because I do not oh it's not what he says he says get you some of that I guess GTS y get G good what's GTS y gutsy I GTS y good to say yes good to see you Mitch yeah okay like the beard all right these kids in their letters yeah Ian gu with a 10 pound contribution says hey Carrie Mitch good to see you both back Building Together he's watching us from London love that town loved it I wouldn't know I've never been loved it when I visited there we go people are saying good to see you I think we got there but thank you and uh thank you Ian yeah all right so power supply I'm not going to should I open that new power supply I guess we'll open it yeah and even after I just moved it to the other room Chad it took me a long time to where people were talking about goat and I swear to you I thought for the what what what a goat and you're like you don't know what goat means yeah it's an animal they're like no you bone head it's greatest of all time why didn't you say that yeah why didn't you just say it why didn't you just say it you know a haircut place called goat haircuts and you think well who needs to get their goat a haircut right but there you go letting your age yeah slip out there now this B this uh power supply doesn't have a lot of connectors here on the back and they used unbreakable tape apparently so here here muscles all right grab this where's my skizzers SK I'll fix this one for no weedies this morning okay cookie all right right better than grape nuts break the hardest substance on Earth break your teeth all right all right so let me go back over here okay so this is what the power supply looks like pretty pretty anemic on the connectors on the back but it is 600 watts of what does it say Essence power you'll have to turn it around solar powered Focus yeah so we just have uh what's looks like a One graphics card connector power and then three regular connectors for drives and then Essence sounds like a perfume yes definitely not and it's very powerful yeah other than that looks like a pretty regular ordinary every day don't see anything special oh my gosh it's not Auto sensing it has the old switch from 1997 to pick between 110 and 220 Watts okay well now I know why it was $42 okay all right so right there yeah can't recommend this power supply folks that's what's it on 120 you think I can read that tiny writing okay I'm assuming it's on 110 okay however this will be the small I haven't seen hey Patrick when's the last time you seen a switch Yeah Yeah that says 110 okay all right well there you go uh smoke test all right real smoke 42 bucks that's why it wasn't 80 it was it was half price cuz it's uh it's probably not 80 plus certified either now and I you know I kind of made it a rule only to buy 80 plus certified power supplies regardless of the wattage I broke my own rule on this one apparently and was won over by the price shame on me I shouldn't have done that however that kind of tells you where we are financially on the channel That We're just trying to get you so much content with a tight budget I'm going to put that with a tight budget and so you know I could build one thing and then not do anything else for a week or I can this is not up to my normal standard but this is also a board that we're building for the channel there's no customer that this is going to I'll try and find a customer for it unless I keep it myself so we've got our cables we've got our power and we have some big thumb screws instead of the regular K screws which is weird but you've got black plenty of got a buch you buy them on a bulk on Amazon so okay so the rest of this um don't need that and just get this out of the way and let's just take a look at how we're going to do this it's going to be a little weird having some connectors under the board well we're you want me you want me to unrra these you yeah go ahead and un ramp them and then let's see what we got here oh you know what no uh don't unwrap those we shouldn't shouldn't need those yet because we this is a semi modul power supply meaning these connectors are optional these are not every motherboard needs power in CPU power and those are the two that don't come off because you you have to use these regardless of what you're building so flip this over here see how this goes probably just have to keep it upside down it's kind of weird you know it's kind of weird but I like it you know so also the clips usually go towards the edge of the board the outside edge but the clips here are going to go on the inside and that's probably in effect of uh inverting when they flip it over not too much pressure well yeah that's another challenge right so really it should go in the case first I didn't hear the click no it's not all the way seated um is there anything we can break I think we're okay we big heat sink and this big IO cover so I think we can push down on it safely and then yeah I didn't hear that click either but it looks like it's fairly well seated there you usually give a little tug test too it's yeah it's see I just thought I heard something and then I don't think it matters which one of these we use and these connectors oddly face the edge of the board they the exact opposite okay I don't like that lack of consistency okay now let turn this this way okay let's turn this this way let's go over to the MSI website so what I do is I'll go to Google and in Google I will type B 550m project zero that's the name of the case or the that's the name of our motherboard project zero and bios and the first link that Google search engine provides us takes us to microstar International's homepage where I can now share the screen with you screen capture screen's my screen window capture that'll do and uh this is the landing page here at MSI talking about this board six layers of circuit board 2 oz of thickened copper pump fan support back connect design probably should have did this earlier looked at all this stuff but there you go you can go check it out what we want is we want to go to the support side of things here now typically MSI azrock Asus gigabyte they have two different Support options they'll have one at the top of the page now this one is just generic support for MSI products and then they'll have another support that's down on the product itself that is support specific to this product that's what we want to find latest bios so under drivers and downloads says how to flash the BIOS sop download YouTube MSI how to use M flash we suggest using Chrome or edge browser to download bios it doesn't matter so the latest bios again we don't know what we have but it was just a month not even a month ago it's just a couple weeks ago so it's a good chance we don't have whatever this is except the board was just released so maybe we do but uh oh that's a beta bi bios though so is that one never mind so okay well apparently this board's been out longer than I say because this goes back to March huh so scroll up scroll up but look at all the beta versions here 153 is beta and then they never finalized it before 161 came out as a beta uh what's before that version 13 or 1.3 depending on how you want to read that does it prove ddr5 memory compatibility something about mitigating a security issue more with memory comp compatibility the S3 issue that's like waking it up after it goes to sleep stuff quick system compatibility when the XO function is enabled yeah we see those bios updates all the time for that compatibility correction um well this is a puzzle we should not have a beta bios on here so downloading the beta bios is typically not something you would want to do at home but I'm a technician and these beta bioses wouldn't be released if they didn't think they were candidates for public release but for boilerplate disclosure and disclaimer they'll say you know don't do this unless you need to so I don't know the way this board is right now if it will recognize our chip but I also want to demonstrate how this ability to flash the BIOS without a chip works because not too many boards have this feature and we've shown it on Aus twice before in the past but it's been a while so let me take a look at what's in that zip file I have to go to my downloads directory here on the streaming computer extract this ZIP file here locally to the streaming computer you obviously need another computer to do this part and inside we just have a text file and a bios file now in order to learn how to use this particular bios feature we will not be using M flash so M flash is when you're going into the BIOS it's called M flash right in the Bios and that's typically how we show how we do our stuff here so what we want is manual yeah I'm going to go to the manual write it down on the calendar it happened Y and it looks like there's only one to choose from so sometimes you'll see six or seven from some manufacturers or some makes of boards or models of boards that you know sometimes it's just about the BIOS other times it's different language so this one's got multiple languages all together and one false swoop good for them now in this contents here make that bigger so Z can seiz it what does it say about it's a safe boot jumper so that's remember all those letters we didn't know next to the pins gotcha that's an explanation here so that jbat one if you shorted that out that would clear the BIOS there's also a clear BIOS button on the back of the board so this is the old school way to do it and again an exp this jc1 connector was a chassis intrusion so if somebody opens the panel up and you've got that hooked up obviously you need to have a case that supports that uh let's see bios it'll say uh updating yeah you didn't say the magic word yeah no no no uhuh the Jurassic Park reference Linux that's how you use Linux okay let's look at well I got to keep it in English it said page 51 see any page still not still not in English like how hydrog glyphics all right yeah what are they hydr Hydro so they're created by water water yeah um had to check Bios mode bios setup bios user guide resetting the updating the BIOS with M flash well read the screen pretty small mention having a switch for two different bioses the switch between them like a second gas tank it says skip this step if your motherboard doesn't have that I didn't see that out board uh update the BIOS with MSI Center updating the BIOS with the flash bios button download the latest bios okay we just did that rename the files to ms. ROM and save it to the root of a USB storage device now they don't specify if the USB storage device needs a format like fat 32 xbat uh regular fat or NTFS they don't maybe it doesn't matter but we're going to use a small flash drive so the first thing I need to do is rename the BIOS file which out of the zip file look I I've seen where assus has a little program called bios renamer and I've seen people on YouTube say in order to update your assus bios you have to use the BIOS renamer and change no you don't that's only if you're going to do it this way with no CPU and no Ram otherwise you don't need to use the BIOS renamer MSI doesn't give us one they believe that we're smart enough that we can figure out how to type in MSI ROM this seems much too complicated for me I'm just saying well that's why I'm doing it good all right MSI ROM it says we're changing the extension are you sure yes indubitably all right all right now in the drawer in front of you are a metric ton of uh flash drives we'll just grab one of these small 2 gig drives they cost me all at $2.50 each and they're great for bios spashing or making like m test 86 boot disc or cronis rescue discs and we have to yeah let me let me step around because I got to plug this into the streamer and copy the file over onto the splash drive and I believe these are all formatted fat 32 so we should be good there and I close the window no I did right click on the file and choose copy so I realize you guys are just seeing the you're not seeing the open Explorer windows here so that's why I'm giving you a play byplay then right click and paste it's pretty small file it's only going to take just a second here we're looking at a file size of uh 32 Megs actually pretty big for a bios that flash drive okay now now I can go back to camera one wait wait let me finish reading connect the power supply up to CPU power one oh it does matter which are those okay make sure we're in one one wait give me my glasses and let me see did I plug it into one no of course not I plugg it into two so we'll move that uhh didn't use the magic word plug the USB storage device that contains the MSI ROM file into the flash bios port on the rear IO panel press the flash bios button to flash bios and the LED starts flashing the LED will be turned off when the process is completed got that there'll be a test later yeah bring a number two pencil yeah all right let's go back to camera one don't they stink because they're a number two you get it just saying all right sharp is a bowling ball today all right is that your dad joke for today or did you have something else I've got nothing I'll say yeah all right so I'm going to move this plug over to CPU power one I had a 50/50 chance this is why I don't gamble yeah okay I'm just not good at it and then you know we're facing the camera over there this is the you step around yep we're going to plug this into one of these which one was it you got your glasses you can't even see even with my glass right here it's very small okay very tiny okay now with all that done you'll notice I've left power unplugged from the power supply just so it doesn't accidentally turn on we don't have a power switch or any any other things hooked up just power no CPU no RAM and let's hope this doesn't explode yeah yeah let me give you the sound effect thanks and then and then with your teeny tiny doll-like fingers you need a you need a super teeny tiny going to push the button in and hold it did it say how long to hold it okay now it's important you use a flash drive because the flash is flashing well but it's important to use a flash driver and an LED and back here I don't know how well the camera is picking it up let me cut the lights there is an LED on the other side of the board that's flashing right now you can and it's I don't know if you can see it but it's right here okay now you can see it blinking on and off when all this blinking stops we're done so there's a lot of faith involved in this process because you're assuming that as long as that light's blinking and again if you have a flash drive with no LED on it that's okay you can use it but as a tech Tech I like to know what's going on at all times but with only having this one led to rely on you're going to wait for this led on the motherboard to stop flashing stop flashing and that's how you know your hot pocket is ready yeah no that's how you know it's done and again this is a slower process than when we go in the Bios I'm not sure why that is Maybe I don't know having a CPU in Ram speed things up but this way if you have a brand new CPU and let's say you were to put this CPU into the board and the board says I don't recognize any CPU that's because your bios is out of date and this is a particular issue specifically with AMD boards this does happen with Intel but not very often like if you have a 12 gen Intel board it should be 14th gen compatible with a bios update but if you don't have a 12th gen CPU to flash the BIOS and you don't have this option which most of the boards I use don't have you're going to have to find an old CPU just to do the BIOS update once that's done you're good for the rest of Eternity as far as that goes you can put your modern CPU in it unless another new modern CPU comes out and have to update the BIOS again the developers don't have a crystal ball so if the board came out before the CPU came out and we didn't know because you know the companies don't tell you what's coming out they tell you what's coming out soon but not necessarily what's coming out next so as a result then they have to play catchup for compatibility yeah it's taking too long it's a process yeah this is a process and it's important you do not interrupt it as any other bios update you want to absolutely be patient or you could brick the motherboard so that's no joke if you want it to be done right take your time it a song about that didn't I yeah take your time do it right I'm not singing I wouldn't do that to you thank [Music] you and um just kind of looking and talking about coffee in the chat I don't like coffee you like coffee love the smell but smells tastes terrible James Carter says the BIOS needs to be renamed m. ROM at least I did on my MSP board yeah you are correct sir Ben L says every time I update the BIOS I get a bit Locker warning Yeah so basically you don't want to update the BIOS on a board where you're using bit Locker so it's just saying if you're using bit Locker on a you know um a motherboard where you're updating the BIOS in a traditional way that if you're using bit locker and you update the BIOS nothing on your hard drive will be accessible so make sure you turn bit Locker off if you're using it it's just a generic disclaimer doesn't matter it's not telling you you are using it it's warning you if you use it turn it off before you update the BIOS if you're like I don't know what bit Locker is never mind well it probably doesn't apply to you but you probably want to just make sure it's turned off this has been going at least three minutes yeah it's a slower as I mentioned this is a slower process this is a 32 Meg file some bioses back in the day were're just four mags or eight mags some were 16 so bioses are getting bigger and bigger and um such is the way of things this fan isn't even turning on the power supply I have to assume that that only turns on when it gets hot or this is broken already I imagine we're not drawing much power to do this so again without a CPU and without Ram okay it's blinking real fast right now see that yeah so maybe that mean is it supposed to do that your gamble is just you know do this isn't a gamble this is following the directions I'm just doing what the directions say I'm not guessing yeah so there should be no gamble unless you unplug it or interrupt it or pull the flash drive while it's in the middle of this in which case you might as well just give yourself a nice big kick in the nuts but we but we you know doing at the other way the oldfashioned way we'd have been done and oh yeah smoking a cigarette by now however however it's a vape yeah okay okay but but the point is you may not be able to do it the oldfashioned way if that CPU isn't recognized by the P we don't have any choice okay but we also don't educate our audience if we don't show them this regardless if we needed this or not yeah I'm going to say let's pretend we did so if you find yourself in the situation and you have a motherboard with that button here's what that button is for and here is when you would use it and here's is here is how you use it that's the whole point of this example so you really think have we not done this and put this on I don't know it might not have there's no way for me to know recognizing people if it did work then I'd have no reason to show this demo yeah right so by by me remaining ignorant and not knowing the answer to that I'm not suggesting you do this unless you're teaching a class you should plug your CPU in and in a rare circumstance where it doesn't recognize your CPU then and only then should you doing this we're doing it to show you how to do it not because we need it we don't know if we need it or not but here's what I can tell you if I've updated to the latest bios I know for a fact I'm not going to need a new bios anymore like the what if goes away so in other words before we did this this CPU may have been recognized or it may not I don't know but when we're done I guarantee you that CPU will be recognized that's all I'm saying so I'm not recommending you follow that advice you should because this is a this is an uncommon procedure and it's less desirable because it does take longer and it's very precise which USB port you use how you name the Biers file etc etc um this should only be done if it's necessary but if it's necessary and you've never seen anybody know how you show you how to do it you might be very nervous about so we're here to just give you this education in case you need it and I'm also curious myself because I've never done this on an MSI I've only done this on an assus board I think I did it on a gigabyte board once but I don't get too many motherboards that have the uh bios update option now the MSI Meg you know these boards that are super fancy high-end expensive boards will almost always have that the cheaper the board is the less expensive it is the less likely you're going to have that feature so just so you know set your expectations accordingly most of you probably don't have a button on the back of your board for updating the BIOS unless most of you have some pretty nice computers in which case I stand corrected Johan Roger says it's a time bomb you know what life is a time bomb it's nap time wake me up when I bch just got to take us 23 nap gets cranky burp him later so just looking in the chat if there's any I really like the boards like Uncle Carrie it's it's few and far between but the kind where you can do it uh over the Internet or yeah well when it works yeah when it works but it's just so convenient you go into a bios and it says you can't screw it up yeah and it's and then the ethernet reaches out to the company yes here's the new one does it and so yeah you can see it definitely flashing so I'm not watching the red light so much as the white one down here yeah and you sure you name that right Ms I it wouldn't be working like this if it was wasn't yeah yeah it would already stop flashing yeah so the the flashing light on the flash drive indicates that a read or a write is taking place is going on that's why I like seeing yeah that something is happening that we're not locked up mhm and that everything is progressing as it should although that's what this light is for right they're assuming that you don't have a light here yes and even if you did just because that light stops flashing doesn't mean it's still not processing and how is it processing without a CPU anyway how does that work I don't even know doesn't make any sense to me but here we are and we're doing it so clearly this is a real thing I suppose I could rotate this a little bit maybe to see that white light a little better there you go I just don't want to unplug it while I'm moving it you want a drink uh AUA po SC PO for no herban that smells like iodine I'm not a shot guy really never have been people you can I buy can I buy a shot and I'm like no just I'm all just give me the five bucks yeah five for a shot more like it's been a while since I what what do you want uh water please yeah Fiji yeah if you got it I got one left ah it's got your name on it expensive yeah I refilled it from the toilet this morning all right then it then it ought to be filled might be a little bleachy yeah there you go thank you only the only the best yes for my crew we're going to keep the light off in here until this is done so you guys can watch watch me flashing you don't want the lights on when I'm flashing you yeah well cheers right on ding here's to uh Friday well it's Friday and and to um reverse table mounting yeah I trying to make sure I wasn't doing an inuendo on that one Nick poverman prefers a nice single M Scot there you go is it Shaman Mitch you know Spanish too do you know Spanish no but I do learn in every language how much baby and I won't pay that in every single in all 43 languages on the world oh Ingo corrects the the whole thing about updating the BIOS with bit Locker so your system isn't going to boot when you update the BIOS bit Locker on so you need to use your bit Locker recovery key so it's going to tell you if you're not going to turn bit Locker off be sure you have your recovery key and that's usually like you know it if you log in with an MS Microsoft account it'll save that bid locker key but if you can't log into the MS account because your system on boot then you need a copy of your bit locker key it's a pain just turn bit Locker off update your bios and turn it back on it would make life so much easier but good to go appreciate that uh additional information I don't use bit Locker myself so we have almost 400 people watching right on let us know where in the world are you watching us from and we'll have the lights back on here in a minute guys we just want to see these LEDs otherwise it's going to be hard for you at home to see what's happening Wayne says he likes the way the studio looks with the lights turned out yeah I look a lot better I'm much more handsome with the lights up you said it I didn't oh you see his teeth yeah let's both smile on three one two too much brightness oh that was the top of my head okay Samuel joins us from Pennsylvania Raphael is in Jasper Canada stealth mode is in St Augustine Florida where it's sunny and warm Sydney that's kind of what July and August I'm aiming for Mitch Uncle Mitch's next trip to Australia nice New Zealand yeah well that'll be cool I I'm very interested in that Peter joins us from Netherlands Andy Kane is in Wicklow Rick L and Chris Johnson from Albuquerque New Mexico we've got Richard paler from Washington State Bob Peterson joins us from Minnesota getto fortnite in Pittsburgh watches us from Sweden look at that choppa's in Sydney and Peter Lok our friend in Edinburgh Scotland Jonathan in Lincolnshire UK and John Rogers and Dayton Ohio there's Scott joining us from Wisconsin Wisconsin Wisconsin you like some cheese some beer and some bacon my mother grew up in Green Bay Wisconsin and my father in a little town called Vero veroa Wisconsin so uh sounds cold yeah yeah very Boston let's go park the car is it too much OAB Haba yeah luk Green has joining us from Vermont it's going to be negative 20 to 25 tonight welcome to Vermont Rick Lakes is in Minnesota 55 stain dude Oklahoma Mort Tots in Maryland and Steve mcure in Arkansas Andrew Hurst is in how do you say that moram moram morami he's in the UK let's just leave it at that and then we've got uh John Lewis from Salvador Brazil yeah it was either going to be South America or Australia but I'm kind of tired of visiting countries uh with different languages at least in Australia and uh they speak English or Ireland I could do Ireland and Scotland might not understand they don't speak English yeah might not understand Paul O'Brien joins us from Ireland Bob bars in Boston where Juan joins us from Finland and Dan Nelson in Sweden James Carter in Chesapeake Ohio Doan 2000 also in the Netherlands and Nick caff's in West Cork Ireland shamim Karas joins us from gothenberg in Sweden Mark Creswell in Southport in the UK and uh Michael joins us from South Wales in the UK I love that Welsh accent I'm telling you I can listen to a Welsh accent I don't even care what you're saying you could read me the ingredients on a bag of chips crisps and I would just be riveted to listening to the sing song tone of that accent we've also got Ron Barnes joining us from Ohio and Starshine and nodding Hill I guess that's in the UK we've got Mark Gaines in Northern Ireland and um Joshua gwenan in North Carolina the Bron joins us from Jama man yeah spent a week there one day no Buffalo Soldier spent 10 days down there once yeah liked it Nick poverman in belmare New Jersey and Sher McFarland in nor Eastern Ohio Douglas Bell joins us from Oakland California and uh let's see John Williams and Madison wiconsin Sarah Helen and is in New Zealand got a kiwi oh claudo Ventura joins us from Portugal G mcra is in Fort wor Texas are you sure this is an April no it's not April this is a longer process this is normal absolutely do not interrupt it I cannot emphasize enough and that's why I want to show this live because you might think this isn't how long a bios update take oh yes if you do it this way universally it takes a while it's a good has it even been 10 minutes it takes a good 10 minutes so yeah when you're sitting here watching it it'll feel like 20 but uh watching paint dry all right fascinating yes how come you can tell people there's a million stars in the sky and they'll believe you but you put up a sign that says wet paint and they have to touch it yeah got to skeptical don't step on the grass they have to step on the Bradley Morris says it's freezing in Illinois 10 degrees there Tim teal joins us from Ohio we've got uh Paul m in Fresno California and Kurt Schlegel joins us from Aurora Colorado uh Jerry Watson's in Oregon Colorado yeah I guess I'll be driving up there the beginning of April Greg doler joins us from Birmingham in the UK John F's in the up in Michigan we've got uh did you ever get up there when you michig never isn't that funny I've been to Traver City yeah but that's still pretty far I uh Sate Marine was yeah that's pretty yeah that's good I was a child so I think that is technically the up but uh it was a family trip but I was a kid my dad liked to put the kids in the car yeah you know I kind of want to see that mov Island and that hotel you've never been there uh no been there like five times oh it's pretty nice touristy nice do they allow cars on the island or no cars trucks and ambulance and that's it that's it everything else you ride a bicycle walk or a horse drawn carriage okay uh let's see uh the great movie called Somewhere in Time with Christopher ree takes place at the Grand Hotel and Jane Seymour yeah and then there's also a Morgan Freeman movie that takes place on um B ale B is yeah called B ale yep it's all right outside see how I pulled that you did sharp as attack the uh Bel isle is actually just a little Island right across from Detroit Michigan it's right there whereas the other places we're talking about are way up at the top they're good 4our drive from Detroit all right keeping going here Nicholas is in Newark New Jersey and uh Matthew Burton's in taon isn't that a creature in Star Wars Taunton Massachusetts Roger nirra joins us from Norway have you ever been to Norway no that's on my bucket list I definitely go John P is also in for Vermont along with our good friend Luke greenia Rudy Kellerman joins us from South Carolina see some of you were like wait a minute I live next to where that guy said where are you at you guys might make some new friends here uh let's see uh Les Stevenson joins us from Toronto yeah that's another city that's on my bucket list Toronto yeah bring a lot of money okay it's pricey David mois says he's from PA Dorset in the UK Jarry gilholm also in the UK Ben lards and dundy Scotland and uh Steve gearings joins us from Michigan John Williams wants to know if you have a dad joke to I you know when I left the house I forgot to get I forgot to get one I was in such a mad rush to get over here because it's really what I live for you know wow you have a sad life David Herzog joins us from Milford Ohio and uh something I can't read let's see there's a different language there okay that's obviously not a message for me Dustin Fuller's in Klay Township Michigan and did we get through everybody see any question for Mitch have you ever worked with Morgan Freeman seems like he'd be very intense to work around uh no never have be very professional well always comes be intimidating well prepared in that magnificent voice of his this has been over 10 minutes I'm telling you not that I'm a clock but I mean uh yeah that's I don't care if it takes an hour you leave it yeah alone it won't take an hour but it is a slow again we don't have a processor or Ram in this right so everything's going to be done at at a at a board level speed right this is kind of like U would imagine it might be the way that they're done in the factory I can't imagine takes here's a tip quit buying cheap USB driv wouldn't make a difference in this case I don't believe you no you're right it would we're we're limited without a CPU right and I can't emphasize that the fact it can even do this at all at any speed is pretty darn impressive if you ask me yeah now it's a shame in the instructions here they don't tell you approximately how long to expect this to take because first of all if you're not familiar with the process you wouldn't know any better but if you are familiar with bios updates you would know we could have done this three times by now and the regular way I'm thinking four but if you don't have any choice okay you got to leave it be Nick poverman said here's a dad joke the other day my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally gave her a glue stick she still isn't talking to me but I'm bum dang that's a good one Dan Nelson says what do you call an unpredictable camera Loose Cannon W there you go there's a couple of dad jokes for you painful Cherry McFarland said so the flash drive will stop blinking when it's done then well when it's done it shouldn't be reading or anything else from the flash drive right but there's again some flash drives don't have LEDs these days so what we're really what the manufacturer is saying is watch this light here on the board and when this light on the board stops blinking then it's done but what I'm trying to tell you is since that flashing indicates data is being read or written to the flash drive in theory they'll both stop blinking in theory yeah in theory when this is done blinking that it's done reading from The Flash in this case we're reading we're not writing anything so that's uh that's why I said you know I mentioned the flash drive might be easier for you to see but just because the flash drive stops blinking doesn't mean it's still not processing right that's not the one to go by you want to go by this one down here I say down here but this is the the top of the board I've got the board upside down because of the cable sticking out like this obviously this would be a lot easier to do if we went ahead and mounted this in the case yeah however it's harder to put the CPU and RAM in that way so we'll do the CPU and RAM and SSD and then I think we need to put it in the case so we can hook power and do everything else so we'll change the order of how we normally build by prioritizing uh putting it into the case sooner and that's a big case it's a big case but it's also a little different than other cases in the sense that it's got the cutouts for all these ports and uh it'll be interesting to take a look at that yep because that obviously is important to be able to access those ports and it's also important to have enough room for all those cables so you can put the back cover back on and this case is a little bit deeper in that way specifically for that reason Nick poverman said he just got a fired from his job at the keyboard Factory they told him he wasn't putting in enough shifts all righty then RAR man said when he did as a sous sport it took between five and 10 minutes well that's where I got my timeline because I've never done one on an MSI board and it was about 10 minutes on the uh some suport I don't know if it was one of the red Ripper builds it was a high-end motherboard this one's taking seems longer but that doesn't mean anything is wrong or unusual nothing to worry about just leave it alone this is one reason why you don't want to do this right in this way you would want to go through the regular bios option it's much faster and you get more of a you know a progress meter on screen versus a vague blinking LED and after a while it might make you think something's wrong and you might be inclined to interrupt it thinking that you're not interrupting it and in doing so brick your motherboard yeah so it's no joke leave it alone yeah walk away go do something else b l said this could be a five-part stream just doing this it shouldn't be much longer I think we're through the bulk of it it's a big you know 32 Megs is a big uh bio size it really is I don't sure you can really appreciate a floppy disc was 1.44 Meg this bios would take oh about 18 19 floppy discs how long would it take to read 18 or 19 floppy discs back in the day comparatively this isn't that bad I was never so glad when they switched from the floppies to the plastic ones hard drives the you know the the little ones the the zip drives No the three and a quars or I I don't know the plastic those are still called floppies yeah the plastic one with the silver that's a floppy yeah but but the floppies you know what I'm thought the the original ones were 10 in and 8 in and they would you could you know were flppy yeah that did throw a lot of people off because they'd say you know I got my little hard dis it's like no that's still a floppy disc yeah that's still a floppy but in fact if you open it up there is a floppy disc SI but it held a lot more info on well eventually 1.44 megabyte was the standard for for IBM PCS and then on the old floppies depending on you know got an Atari or a commodor or an apple you could double side them you can get a hole punch then flip them over and use the other side some of those were like 360k so you could do 720k and using both sides it's like getting a free disc using the other side although sometimes the other side didn't work or it had a lot of on it and floppies in general yeah they were real flaky one day they work one don't get it too close to a magnet you totally erase Frank Jimmy said he was going to tell a time traveling joke but you guys didn't like it see he already told it yeah and and the zip dries were like kind of like this that you actually there was a slot on the machine that you shoved it in right so it was kind of more portable is what I they had an internal and an external version of a zip drive and it was just basically a floppy drive on steroids it would hold 100 Megs then later they came out with the 250 and then after that and it was still using magnetic based floppy media after that they came out with the Jazz Drive which wasn't that successful which was a hard drive platter okay in a portable enclosure and uh those were a lot more delicate but they could hold a lot more data I think a gig H all right Gregory Howard with a 10 $10 contribution hey guys he says that little PC the coffee machine PC he bought for me he says it's running great that looks like as much fun as watching water freeze this year well you know depending on if you live in a small town that just might be a daily activity what do snowmen eat for breakfast this is from Bob R what do snowmen eat for breakfast Frosted Flakes there you go no shortage of dad jokes out there thank you for the contribution Gregory Howard does anybody have a time on this how long we've been going so far somebody watching has to be able to rewind the video and do the math on this they can tell us I I don't know what it is Craig cabona with a $20 Super Chat there says nice to see you and Mitch together hey Craig thank you yeah we worked out our differences saw counselor yeah oh wait no that never happened yeah medicine through Pharmaceuticals he slipped a little something in his drink and we're all friends again yeah no we've never yeah not been friends that I'm aware of if if so he hasn't told me yeah but if he did I'd straighten him out I'd say listen you're going to like me or I'm going to beat the crap out of you yeah till you like me yeah that's how it works and Chad I think I've told you this maybe years ago but I'm one of the rare individuals that I've never even had a puff of weed so you're one of the rare individuals I thought you were going to say that likes me oh that's that's give me a dollar hey a dollar is a bargain yeah you know what I'm paying tomorrow yeah H well like you said had this had had the website even said approximately they should have given us a heads up on even just in air approximately 10 to 20 minutes at least you would have gone because most people would have said it's broken pulled it out and break most people would I'm not even sure most people would have the yeah guts yeah I don't know I don't know but certainly right one of the motivations I had to demonstrate this was to alleviate this concern because I knew this was going to take a while honestly this is taking longer than I anticipated but I've never done nmsi bios before this way okay so uh the person who did somebody in the chat said they did this on their MSI did they say how long it took I don't know Paul wants you to check your email oh my phone stopped beeping yeah there's that yeah things are kind of looking all right well we'll find something to talk about while we wait let's see a couple of contributions Bob R says TGIF with a $10 Super Chat happy to be here in chat today well we're happy to have you 29 minutes has it been 29 really Andy Kane with a 5-year-old contribution say happy Friday and I'm glad to be a part of this great Community well Andy thank you thank you for the contribution thank you for being a great part of this Comm of this great Community Paul O'Brien with a twoe says check my email so that's what I was going to do right William Gail says he just ordered the geekcon Mini PC well let us know what you think about it hope you use my link oh I got a text from a friend who every Friday tells me TGIF and I said you know you're celebrating Fridays when you that's one less Friday we only get so many Fridays yeah and every time you celebrate one you're really saying goodbye and that's one less you have left he's like well now I'm depressed that's uh yeah this is kind of like SpongeBob many hours later a few moments later a few moments later keep up the great content this year is looking great so far $25 that's from our friend Paul O'Brien there in Ireland and uh let's see I got an advertisement from New Wave toys they're coming out with a little pinball machine but they initially said it wasn't going to be playable it was just there to like light up and look pretty amongst all the little arcade games and people revolted how dare you you know and then they said okay okay we'll make it playable but it's digital it's not going to have like a little like it if it had a little pinball that would be so cool so we'll see what they're going to do I'm not a pinball person anyway so I'm not interested in that and then of course uh um we have some conversation with our good friends over at acronis as we move forward with them they're going to be supporting us all year this year and hopefully that will continue indefinitely but looking forward to uh working with them and you know having begen on the show um learning more about the product and latest features that they've added so there's a little interaction there uh Mar is doing a great job of keeping up the correspondence for me because it gets a little bit uh overwhelming for me sometimes Katrina says she's watching from Hot Springs Montana holy cow I don't get many people from Montana anywhere Steve Mur says I get 31 minutes on the rewind to where you started this update so we are over a half an hour that seems pretty unusual uh again when we look at the um at the information it says press the flash bios button to flash the BIOS and the LED starts flashing the LED will be turned off when the process is completed so the fact that that's still flashing indicates you know they're still busy we're still doing some now I am on the right page right I did go to the b550m project zero because when you rename a bios it's possible to put the wrong bios on the board I would think because it's not really cross-checking anything and you don't have a CPU and RAM so you better make sure when you do this you know what you're doing it's the b650 make sure I'm on the b650 page yeah b650 M project Z that is exactly what we have I am on the right page remember they do have an Intel version of this but it wouldn't be called a b650 because that's an AMD chipet um and sometimes like when things seem like it's taking too long when I start wondering you know have I messed something up this self-doubt is uh something we need to uh control and you know it it can lead ultimately self-doubt leads to disappointment or disaster in my experience so I'm going to continue to be patient with it I really think that's a ridiculous period of time maybe while we're waiting let's Google because it wouldn't be just me thinking this is a long time how long L keyboard there we go the keyboard went to sleep okay what does that tell you how long does MSI iOS flash take um but here's the thing we're using someone said okay updating bios vers versus the BIOS flash button let's take a look share the screen with you guys on what we're seeing got nothing else to do so that's just entertain I think somebody said a half hour but it's been longer than it USB stick formatt in fat 32 download the latest bios rename it MSI ROM motherboard connected with the CPU just the CPU power and 24 pin USB stick plugged into the flash bios Port flash bios button pressed and now the little LED has been flashing for an hour and a half although it should only lasts two to five minutes I've tried it with three different USB sticks does anybody know what the problem is or give this a read for a failed bios flash PC must be turned off okay we did that for the flashback bios to be started don't turn on your PC first following directions are for Windows based okay don't care about that now he's saying rename the BIOS there should be folders on the USB oh should be no other files or folders a blank USB drive turn off the computer carefully take the PC apart and remove all the components so they're saying take out the CPU take out the ram if you want to do it this way then wait about two minutes before next step just in case there's a power onoff cycle plug the USB into the USB port just below the BIOS button once is a different don't touch any jumpers on the board push the flashback button then release it about 5 seconds later LED above the flashboard will start to flash after 15 seconds the flash drive will double this is the writing to the BIOS period once done writing it will stop flashing and the power supply will turn off for a 16 Meg bios it should take four to five minutes if you're 32 Meg bios it should say six 6 to 7 Minutes people have said it may turn back on if so just turn off and unplug the power supply on the bio should be flashed if one of these steps does not happen it's a failed flash okay did as you described no parts were installed da da da da I tried it with MBR and GPT formatted bios uh formatted flash drive I also did a bios reset reset the bios just keeps blinking for hours and it doesn't turn off I had the same problem with my b550 ended up buying the same board to test what was wrong started working fine with the new board I think I may have bricked my board since my older processor didn't load up anymore oh the blind following the blind I love this conversation someone says I have the same problem I think I need to send it back what is the brand of pen drive you use the brand normally the brand name ones are better someone said they only use SanDisk did you get this resolved I have the same issue see I told you we wouldn't be alone here um okay well I would say this is three times longer that we've waited than we should have waited so this might end up being a five PR they might be right I think I'm going to interrupt this and start again in theory we should be able to Simply overwrite a corrupt bios this way that's the other benefit theoretically I just don't want to bring that on myself you know what I mean yeah so and you know I don't know that a name brand uh flash drive is going to make a difference so I'm going to cut the power here this is the dumbest thing yeah you really shouldn't do this but after a half an hour I feel like as other people are saying they're waiting an hour and a half and it's still going we got other things to do today so I'm going to cut power and you'll see there's a little remnant of power look it's running without power that's impressive we have cut power and it's still running how's that possible I think it's draining the capacitors on the board and uh that's the spookiest thing I've ever seen finally the capacitors got drained now I'm going to just try this one more time the same process we turn the switch on and then I'm going to step around and I'm going to press the where's my glass can I see my glasses please one more shot here flash bios do I just press and release it CU last time I held it in maybe I should not have held it in so you'll notice this light starts blinking immediately then that light starts so it's obviously still trying to flash we're at 258 so by 38 in our that's our local time this should be done within 10 minutes if it's not done within 10 minutes we can try a different flash drive and hopefully we're not bricking the board we're all under warranty this would be covered under warranty by the way because we're not customizing a bios right this came from the manufacturer everything we're doing is reported by the company and so if what they're giving us isn't working that's a warranty issue and if that's the case we will wrap this up early and continue on another day but we still have a number of steps before we throw in the towel don't give up on your first attempt sometimes you you know you you have three strikes before you're out so we're on strike one now if this doesn't work the next step will be use a SanDisk Flash drive try it again if that doesn't work the next step is just going to be let's put the CPU and RAM in it and see if it boots right and if that doesn't work I'll probably have to do an RMA for the board and send it back or off camera maybe let it Flash and go to bed and see if it's still flashing in the morning you know so again it does seem confirmed that 10 minutes is the normal time we've waited three times longer than that always be patient always wait longer than people say sometimes I'll be ready in 5 minutes means you know half an hour later you know what I'm talking about in the meantime Aziz light we bring the lights on I wanted the audience to be able to see what if we cut the difference and just turn half the lights on can they still see yeah that's a little bit we're going to be a little dim yeah I mean yeah we're already a little hey you know who was in champ the man Michael was in yeah Patrick Kennedy says maybe try without updating the BIOS well I appreciate the suggestion Patrick but the point we're trying to do here is to show people how to do this and any problems we encounter are problems anybody who decides to do this might encounter so we're actually glad it makes for a more interesting video if everything goes like it should it's not as thorough of an education or experience right so I kind of like it when things don't go as expected because it makes to me the video more valuable I'm not worried about the motherboard I don't this doesn't go to a customer nobody's waiting on it we're under no timeline or pressure and I just want to show this process and ideally show it working just because it didn't work the first time doesn't mean that trying it again isn't worthwhile we're trying a different flash drive isn't worthwhile if we try a SanDisk Flash drive and it works like let's say the second attempt doesn't work but we do the same thing using a name brand flash drive and that does work then we've walked away with some knowledge we would not otherwise have and I feel like that's the whole point of me doing my videos is to share these experiences together so people don't have to keep Reinventing the wheel now after a certain amount of time you go okay we need to move on you know what I mean so after our third attempt then we'll just try and you know put it together and see if it works assuming that I don't have this figured out in three attempts like that's a worst case scenario um one of the benefits that we have here on YouTube is you know we're not on network television we don't have you know a producer or show product a what do you call that production manager or floor manager yeah pointing at the clock going we got to era commercial or whatever so let's take advantage of the freedom gr the great thing is is when this video is done we we can edit right and and do a few moments later you but you need to know if you want to do this at home this is expect you know this is what happens ideally when it works here's what happens when it doesn't work and then hopefully we can figure out why it didn't work and if it just never is going to work and we can't get the the the system to boot up then it's an RMA back to the manufacturer or could even send it back to New Egg where I bought it within the first 30 days you can often do a replace or exchange with the the seller which might be free returns depending on who you bought it from versus if you send it back to the manufacturer yourself you will pay for the shipping up and they'll pay for the shipping back Samuel wants to know if we won't why don't we turn on our logo behind us while we're in dark it's been a while you think it still works uh plug it in and I'll take a chance sure you're standing on rubber yeah you ready one two three look at that we're in business now oh that bios is going to work now yeah I can feel it or's the radiation coming off of these fors and tubes either way smell something burning yeah just pardon me Wick time right has to get a snack got to keep that blood sugar up all right so we got to go five more minutes on this and if it still isn't working I guess I can prep the sand dis I'm going to assume even though it would be a little early if it finished right now let's prepare for the worst so let me grab my um sandis I got some here's a cheap sandis drive here oh you know what here's one that's a little bit better than sand disk and let me plug it in back here come on Carrie like that and it's blank is it fat 32 let's see if it's fat 32 watch your step there F 32 and then we'll go over to downloads back over to that file oh no the folder I already extracted there's our folder copy MSI ROM out of there and put it onto Sand click and paste it's already removed from last time and an IG just testing get behind you over here let me tell you chat uncle krie and I lifted this this thing and it was you know not that a was an anvil but she was pretty heavy and uh we had to find a stud now we're talking about me anchors anchor oh well yeah if you find a stud you don't need the anchors yeah so Ben L wants to know if you you update the main bios does it update the backup bios most motherboards do not have a backup bios that's very unusual gigabyte was doing that for a while that was kind of their claim to fame was their backup bioses I don't know of many others who did that maybe a board here or there but for the most part most boards only have the one and I do believe this one only has the one so that's it backup bioses are relatively unusual even gigabyte has more or less stopped offering that except on some boards but it used to be like on every board it was sort of their thing that differentiated them from competitors Katrina says updating the BIOS on this board this way at times can take as much as two hours according to MSI support that's insane that is insane so regardless I'm still I still want to go with like the 10-minute Market and and that's the problem like if let's say we were 45 minutes into it and we really need 2 hours well now we're going to need 3 hours cuz we just started over so we need two hours on top that's why you really don't want to interrupt this process so I suppose that's possible and and why would they say up to shouldn't it always be the same like if you have the same board and the same bios which is the same size flashing it the same way shouldn't the time be exactly the same for everybody unless in fact it's on the flash drive that you're using and that's what's differing the times so we're going to let this go until my clocks is 10 after 3 we're at 7 after 3 I'm going to give it three more minutes but if that doesn't work we're going to try one more time using a SanDisk Flash drive and if that we'll give it 10 minutes again 11 minutes if that doesn't progress any further we're going to try putting the CPU and RAM in it I think and see if it boots I have a suspicion that we've only got half of BIOS if if it takes 2 hours and we're only running it for an hour and we shut the power down then in theory we have half a bios and in theory it should not work right this data when it's reading it off the USB it's not like it's got a buffer it's putting it on our uh flash chip on our our bios chip so if our bios chip is half written it's incomplete and it can't start benefit is we should be able using this process to override it even if it's not all there in theory this is a BIOS Recovery method so I feel pretty bold about this for that reason now unfortunately and still it's 308 we've got two minutes left I'm not feeling it I don't think anything's going to be any different however um I'm still I'm going to wait it out just to be sure two hours that's doesn't seem right definitely think we're looking at part one regardless because we're already an hour in today but two hours we're two hours in we're two hours in and we haven't even flashed a bios yeah but we're learning we're having a new experience still blinking and it's 309 onoc said this is one of the reasons I avoid generally avoid AMD products yes and wey to your secrecies that can hit you on the face like Carrie said earlier Jim kgm said this could be called project zero for a couple of reasons at this point and we're 310 yeah and we're still flashing Let It Go to 311 I just want to be sure before I chop its head off I am nothing if not a gracious K Rick Lake says shut it off Gary P the plug Ben lar said wouldn't it update faster with the CPU and RAM and stuff well assuming it can read our CPU see the whole point of this is if your motherboard does not recognize your new CPU when AMD releases a new series of CPUs and you want to upgrade the motherboard you bought last year to the new CPU the BIOS will have no idea what that chip is and the system will not boot so you'll have to use the old chip to flash the bio so It'll recognize the new chip before you can put the new chip in but if you bought a motherboard without the old chip and you've got a new chip and it doesn't recogn you should always try first we didn't try because we wanted to show you this process I think a lot of people watching aren't paying attention on why we're doing this so yes it would have flashed it would have been much clearer to watch The Flash happen through the BIOS with the CPU and RAM installed if if the BIOS that was pre-installed on this would recognize that new CPU it might have it might not have we'll never know at this point I don't care this should work regardless so we we're at 311 right now so let's go ahead and cut the power we're going to try one more time with a different flash drive but I think if this doesn't work I'm going to assume that with only half a bios the board will not boot so I think what we would do from that point uh as a technician is I would say let's go ahead and whatever happens let's let this flash drive go ahead and run we'll end the broadcast we'll go eat and we'll take our time and then we'll come back and see if it ever finished it's not like we have to sit here watching it it will wait patiently and indefinitely when it's done Focus Pocus where's my glasses I can't see so good without my glasses bring my glasses and my shoes um now you're sure with the right slot oh yeah yeah no it's it's pretty obvious flash bios okay flip this on Hocus Pocus bowlegged Locus here we go now see this flash drive has no yeah No Light No Light so I have to rely oh oh this is different the fan just kicked on the lights blinking faster now okay this is different the time is 3:13 so we'll give this till 3:25 we'll give it 12 minutes okay this is different yeah the fan did kick on that makes me feel like it's doing something are you telling me my $2.50 flash drive isn't equal to or greater than my $10 SanDisk Flash drive ah it's pulling more power because that's why it no yes yeah yeah so obviously it wasn't pulling much power before it never kicked the fan on so the fan on the power supply came on the light seems like it's blinking faster now and that seems to indicate it's doing something it wasn't doing before it's quite possible it never even touched the BIOS before now oh we got a couple up we got a red light and a green light over here on this side of the board we didn't see that before did we no did not okay so that would indicate to me despite the flashing it wasn't actually doing a darn thing so likely we never even touched the BIOS in that case the system if it was already preconfigured with a bios that would recognize this ryzen 57600 then it would boot however we wouldn't learn this is this not worth the education where else are you going to get this type of information let's take a look and see what happens here I am hopeful that you know since since we're getting a different response from the board we have a red and a green LED on facing us and this flashing is happening faster and the fan has come on we have three different things simply switching from this Cheapo USB flash drive to a name brand flash drive I will erase this before we put this back now let's see how long it takes and this is what happens when you buy cheap crap by the way right you guys wonder why I always buy faster flash drives and I keep telling you time is money but then when it's your time and you're there going geez Carrie I'm just sitting here watching now you're wishing I used a faster flash drive aren't you that I didn't spend the $2.50 that I opened the wallet and broke out the $10 bill and bought the nicer flash drive well there you go this is why I say what I say you don't have to buy the most expensive flash drive but if anything's important you don't want to put it on a cheap flash drive so I don't mind using cheap flash drives for boot discs like for a cronis rescue or m test because I can just recreate those if they're not good or incompatible with systems but this is a very different experience right now and this teaches us a little something about the difference so that if you experience something similar you don't have to wait a half an hour like we did you could say oh I recognize this Behavior this indicates it's not working let's just go ahead and stop it now and let's try a different flash d drive so now you can recognize the problem you potentially know what the solution is because our response the board is reacting differently I am making an assumption that this is now doing what it's supposed to it may not be we still might be sitting here for 20 minutes and have no progress however I think this is going to be perfectly successful so smoke them if you got them all right Jim kj3 says if things don't go wrong then you don't learn anything no you just confirm what you thought you knew right that's all that's without any problems you might assume you know but until you actually do it if it doesn't have any problems then you're confirming you do know but if you do have problems then that's an opportunity to learn and it's not something to be avoided it's something to to be embraced and to cherish and say oh you know what this is a great opportunity this gives me a unique video I couldn't schedule or uh script this type of video and yet these are the very things that people at home that do this procedure are likely to uh experience and so if you Google it and you see somebody says well it could take up to two hours you know what I mean like you're getting all kinds of different information from who knows who on the internet and who knows if they know what they're talking about whereas here we do live unscripted real videos showing in real time not only what the process is but how we react to it I'm not freaking out who do I care doesn't work send it back who cares not like this is a pacemaker you know what I mean it's fine this is a it's just a motherboard for crying out loud so no reason to freak out or make a big deal out of nothing now um that doesn't mean I won't but I'm I'm just saying I'm just saying it's just another day in the shop for me I don't care David Graham wants to know are the red and green lights acting like readed and right lights no they're just on they're just solid yeah there's a red light and a green light on and which which was not on with the other USB I didn't notice them before if they were there I didn't notice them but I see them now they're pretty bright y but they're solid oh it shut off it has shut off and turn back on and turn itself back they said that was normal okay they said it was normal and no more flashing okay who says it takes brains all right I brought you an egg and some nuts all right why did you why didn't you bring me a box of candy it's too expensive I ate it on the way over well you didn't pay me pay me for the last one all right now yeah here's the deal we need to shut the board off but so the lights's not on anymore so we're done this process has completed and this is what I wanted to demonstrate because you're like well it's still on yeah but the light stopped yeah it did shut off and come back on we saw the fan stop and that couldn't have taken more than that took about 10 minutes or 10 minutes yeah okay so SanDisk Flash drive generic flash drive it matters don't be so cheap all right anyway um now we're going to put this I am glad everything went down the way it went down that is totally worth this whole video just just this alone could be its own little Standalone video not that many of you would need this process but should you should you need it or should you consider it I want you to have proper expectations and bear in mind that isus or azrock or gigabyte they're process May differ slightly this is an MSI experience okay all right so let's flip the board over and I'm going to take the uh Power connectors off because I need us to be able to push down on the top of the board put the CPU on because we need CPU RAM and nvme and Storage storage and in theory we should boot right up I really don't want to flip the board upside down with the ramp in it though cuz I'm afraid there you go I could damage the ram but you know like when you're I don't know you might be driving your car and you narrowly Mish hitting something that could have ended your life and then you laugh like or roller coaster you know it's something that you know death is near and it's funny when you don't die right there's like this adrenaline that you get hit with I didn't die hey that was a close call kind of like bungee jumping you know you're falling and then the thing pulls you back and you're like oh I could have just flatted against the ground so that's what I felt just a minute ago I was like ah there's that little rush of adrenaline it worked just think if I would have started with the sand disk we would have never known it would have just worked exactly like I said and you guys would think okay I'm prepared now watched Carrie do it then you go and grab your cheap flash drive and you have a very different experience for me would you feel a little deceived like hey that's not how it Carri did it now what do you what are you thinking the first thing to would boot be the CPU frame yeah we've got the contact frame I'm just want to move this power supply out of the room darn it I was getting hungry I thought we were going to go eat yeah but we we're still going to go on here for another half hour so the contact frame so contact frame is in the box now I'm going to switch to our overhead camera here okay we're going to go here we're going to drag this across not that I don't trust you but I don't trust you no this is a little bit delicate the screws need to be tightened uh very precisely here and I do think this is a complete waste of money to do this however it looks cool so let's go to what do we call this one closeup camera it's called the same thing uh let me keep let's move this keyboard over here you move this closer to me and move this see me that closer to me too and in the box so down yeah these are like 10 bucks or less on Amazon and the link is there came the frame here's my cheap flash drive okay and here's the flash drive that worked for us so this was also pretty inexpensive in the Box was the frame just the the hex they can't see it you can see what they can see right there the hex allen wrench allen wrench and screws yep we're going to need those screws so one of the first things we have to do is take off these plastic um hold Downs you want the electric yeah give me the old lightsaber here I don't hit the camera with it I guess I can this [Music] way now I'm only taking these off to give me a little more room to work we don't necessarily have to remove these and I still haven't determined if that CPU comes with a cooler because if it does it likely we may need to put these back on but also for clarity for the shot I want you guys to be able to see what I'm doing here so we just get those out of the way um let's do this let me get the CPU over here okay and the blade yeah go ahead and open that for me let's go to camera one here for a second so people can see what you're doing let's go ahead and open that yeah yeah my heart yes if I had one you would have cut into it all right I'm thinking fan does it feel like there's a heat sink in there is it heavy I mean I could probably read the product description but you know I'm a see it to believe it kind of guy take your time we got all day yeah here is our CPU and our go faster sticker 3D all right and nothing and drum roll please is that heavy is there something in there oh a fan okay this fan this fan screws down so we these are going to stay off that's what I wanted to deter okay so and we got thermal compound already on there and uh I really like the look of these CPUs I like how they did the heat spreader on these I just think it looks cool yeah all right so we're not going to install that just yet so we want to take this Frame off so let me get my screwdriver out of the way and I need to get my glass get my glasses on so you need a number one and then this is the thermal compound and the Allen wrench they give oh it is Torx it's not Allen oh okay and you know what I have a Torx bit that would fit that but I'm just going to do this by hand because it's kind of delicate okay like me I'm a delicate man you say so all right yeah did you know your arm is bleeding and three of your fingers are missing I didn't notice yeah delicate now this is optional and probably completely unnecessary I noticed these aren't tight very much they're they're just kind of snug it look does look cool though c l cool so the um the contact frame certainly makes it much more difficult to change your CPU out when have you ever seen we change a CPU the last Blue Moon the last Blue Moon you you drank yeah so the the bottom frame plate the back plate behind this okay just fell away fell away because of the ports lifting the board up right you notice a little arrow right there that indicates uh pin one Theory we should be able to just lift this straight up I actually you know completely unscrewed these screws so there's that caveat really nothing to grip it by something is still holding us in here better check the bottom well I don't want to move the board there a frame just mean screwing these enough seems like it's dropped away there it is I I'm just trying to be cautious because I don't want to touch these are all very very delicate pins they're very easily bent but we wanted to take this Frame out which looks like so all right and we're never going to use this again so it'll go with those with these uh plastic uh Heat sink hold Downs we're never going to use these again you might hold on to them in case I don't I just throw them in a motherboard box and then there's our frame yeah so then we're going to grab our contact frame here which again I think is a complete waste of money however it does look pretty neat pretty pretty neat now something I should have done a little differently I'm realizing now is before I took this Frame off I should have went ahead and mounted the CPU in there that way the pins would have been protected so I kind of I I missed a step also we know that pin one is over here in this corner and this corner does have a little flat spot on it that indicates that as well and that would have avoided any confusion over which way to put the CPU in that I'm about to encounter right now so we'll grab the CPU it's okay I'm a professional I can do this three different ways let me open this up and take out the CPU okay CPU has the the gold arrow and I be careful you want to drop anything right now so we're going to rotate that this direction so that that arrow is going to match there was an arrow here yeah and the CPU will only fit in one way you can tell because it's got a little Notch cut out right there and one just above it and there's little tabs stick sticking out that fit into those notches that don't exist on the sides and if you turned it around the other way The Notches would be moved over this way and wouldn't line up so there's a couple different visual cues to look for now when I set this in I let my the pads of my finger kind of rest on this Edge so I'm not touching the pins and that allows me to get very close and then gently set it down and rest it on top and you can verify that it doesn't twist if it twists you're not in the socket now this is resting just over over the pins it's not until we put pressure down onto it that it compresses down and makes contact so these included screws are what we're going to use we don't we don't reuse any screws here and then on the contact frame we have that same Arrow right there that's going to face in my case it faces me right there's our arrow and this will fit like that doesn't that look cool scissors oh yeah I need to open this plastic bag thank you Nurse that's her finger oh thank you a little one all right so so don't throw those away I got that sticker in there I got to get the go faster sticker it's on the other side I Know It's Tricky forget yeah that's why I just set it aside I'll take care of it later all right let me get these screws out of here now what we want to do with these screws these are going to be the same torqus and you're going to use the same tool here to put these replacement screws that comes with the contact frame and I'm just going to set the screws in right now is this the dumbest add-on ever I think it might be and you say it looks cool but when you put the heat sink on can you see it nope nope so why are you doing this yeah eight bucks to tell you and show you why you shouldn't okay now I will do a video doing a heat test but clearly this is not a CPU that gets that hot but we'll Doo 14900 K with and without the contact frame using everything else the same same cooler and verify that if it makes a difference that's likely the kind of system you certainly don't need this on an am5 cuz it's a square shape Intel's chips are rectangular and that's what they say makes them prone to bending in the middle when they get hot so if you never run it hot that's another issue so that you wouldn't have to contend with so I'm going to rewind this back a little bit and normally when you go backwards you'll hear the screw fall into the socket however because the back plate has fallen um it's no longer see how I move the board the back plate and underneath isn't moving so for example if I lift this up and out of the way there's our back plate right there and we need to get to these holes all right these are the holes that the heat sink is getting away okay so these holes that that are very flush those have to this is going to be a little tricky with this board having the connectors on the other side it's lifting the board up in a way so what would have helped me if I had a brain is I would have left left these on of course because that's going to hold the back plate up for us but I was trying to give you guys I was thinking of you right I was thinking you'd see better on the other hand it's not like it's a big deal back there that's backwards this board come on see I just made it harder on myself if I did so two things to do differently one would be go ahead and leave these on and put the CPU in then take the frame off and put the contact frame on then take these off that should be the order of events if you don't follow the order it's not the end of the world just working harder than you to so what you know what I mean like you know who cares it's doable either way so now if I raise this up here I'm going to have to just going to have to hold it with my hand once I put one on it's likely G hold in place now and I don't hold it anymore side too just because when I tighten this Frame I want everything to not possibly warp and I didn't consider those ports on the back of this board you know lifted up so that back plate would fall away normally the back plate would drop a little bit but not that far all right so we'll pretend we did it the other way just between you and me tell any they are little save and again a learning experience why do we do a certain order of events sometimes it's just OCD and other times there's actually a reason that makes sense but when I wind these backwards now very gently and I don't know if the microphone with the noise suppression will pick it up there's like a click yep when you hear that click that means it's seated into the into the threads below so rewind the opposite corner did you hear it m you can also feel it because you don't want to cross thread you want to make sure these are going in straight oh that one was quick and then we want to go opposite corners and just to the point of getting some resistance then you want to slow down and turn the screws a little at a time so we'll go right there what kind of wrench is that right there this is a Torx wasn't the wasn't the guy in the band The Monkeys Peter Torx Peter Torx no t o r k Tor and Davey Jones Dave Jones jve Jones Locker yeah what that was about and so you see I'm doing opposite sides right so we want to make sure we're completely flush there's nothing going to be any warping and then if you want more leverage you turn it this way and then we'll tighten but don't wrench it just did you see they're making a movie on um Richard Simmons and paully Shore's gonna play them yeah have you looked at Richard Simmons and paully shore side by side they look they look very similar and paully Shore has been doing some exercise videos online and I guess that's what sort of brought every hey you know he's even wearing the short shorts I don't think he's doing it on purpose they said you would make a great Richard Simmons but it's the getting the hair right well they that makeup will do that and then Richard Simmons came out of hiding and said I don't approve of this I don't give him normally he's he's like in hiding now right for a biopic so he's like 75 years old he's like leave me alone so now we can remove those correct yes now that we've seated this these these now again if we had a heat sink that's going to attach we'd leave these on but the heat sink we've got is going to screw down which personally I prefer into the bag let's go over to camera on here momentarily so people can see what we're side of that view we're taking this off and Mitch has got this little please sir may I have some that's that's the bag the contact frame came in now the the little go faster sticker that AMD gives you those of you who've used amds probably have tried to reach around back to get that but it's actually something you kind of have to peel out ah see that like a car no no you still driving at Yugo no the Yugo has to start uhuh hey that thing's worth like $400 now okay I don't own a Yugo see how much fun it is to get this out but you want a a VW thing right I wish yeah are fun cars especially in Arizona when doesn't rain yeah I'm just going to use a little tool nurse turn your head and cough there is there he is there yeah they're not supposed to do that at the dentist that was wrong little teeny tiny ryzen 5 hey makes your computer go 10% faster that is not true what if we got oh there's instructions in here who needs these why am i showing it to this camera when that camera's on let me switch back over take a look at these because it's covering your face take a look at these ah clear as mud yep file at did you get all that yeah you like my camera face what are we at 20 minutes before we're at three hours let's see if we can step this up all right now underneath these you know we better go back to camera one close up camera we need a number one for those underneath this should be some m.2 and that's it I I think there's one under here no no there's capacitors yeah yeah um I don't think there's anything under here for us it's probably chipset so whatever m.2 do we don't do we have m.2 on the back don't recall seeing any M2 on the back no so apparently this doesn't have very many m.2 slots so we're going to take this off that's one two three four screws we'll need the uh Japanese industrial standard uh number one right here tiny screws don't lose them they're not captive so that's kind of a disappointment when they're that small if you drop them in your shag carpet you know what maybe you can get away with not completely removing them if I flip this over though oh look standoffs came out oh they are standoffs ah so those screws are different on this side because on this side they're not there gotcha so I guess that makes it easy to know how to put it back and then we have two M do2s and may I say congratulations and thank you to MSI for putting the screws there for us so they don't have them in the Box in wasteful packaging and then we've got thermal tape already pre-applied with a little cover on them so depending on which m.2 slot we want to use now are both of these m.2 slots equal or is one faster than the other for that we need to refer to the manual to determine because I don't see any writing on either one wait a minute is some writing no it's it's just like part numbers that's not going to help me so let me go back let's go do this let's go back to camera one here for a second let's go back over to the manual did I leave the manual open or did I close it it that was wishful thinking I think I did that when I was Google searching some information on that flash process so let's I have to redownload usually where I want to look for on the manuals pretty much right up in the first few pages here so let's grab the window capture this time and let's make this spot usually right in the specifications where there's a picture of the board and the tell you what they are so like this for example is telling us if we're going to use two Ram modules which sockets to use okay and this board board also has a little etching on the front so we don't need to refer to the manual because it tells you right on the board so we'll come back to that let's continue looking for two information again it'll be right up here in the front specifications okay so here under storage m.2 two slots supports up to pcie four Gen 4 by4 apparently both slots are equal doesn't matter which one we use okay and it will support raid zero raid one and RAID 10 for SLE and it supports raid zero or Raid one only for m.2 so we could take two four terabyte drives pair them together for one big 8 terabyte drive but if either one fails everything's gone yep so I hope you have your backups so it doesn't matter which one we use which one you think we want to use I'm thinking the bottom one because it'll move us away from the potential heat okay from you you know if a video card gets put in there right if if you got a slot here yep suppose we can go back over to the camera if we have a a Gen 4 Drive generating heat here and we have a graphics card generating heat here and we're generating heat here want to move the heat away now it's obviously designed to have two drives side by side which is going to generate even more heat so this is really six of one half dozen of the other and my theory probably doesn't well it does probably make a difference with the heat it's not significant enough to really cause any issue but I'm kind of a better safe and sorry so when given a choice with everything else being equal I'm going to go to that that slot down at the bottom that also means that when I put this back on which way did it go g I go this yeah because that slot there goes through that hole that this is the plastic cover I want to take that off now so I don't forget that's where we're going to put here that's our SK hyx go ahead and open it where did this screw come from did I lose the other one no it's still there oh sorry that's that so that screw was for the heat sink and the small screw that I left on the driver is for the m.2 dri drive so we're going to cut back over to camera one here so you can watch Mitch open a box where else can you get riveting video like this on the internet watch this video titled old old man cutting box that was me by the way you would be ancient men okay I said you would be what do we have here we got our in I lost it no no you haven't this this will throw a lot of people yeah I lost that here so this happened to me too so don't feel bad when you open up an SK hinx drive you go I on no drive where is it but you see how it's cut out here ah and you see there's there's a lip mhm want to do this so it doesn't fall out yeah separate I think this indentation it's there to keep the drive from moving around but it gives you the impression somebody stole your drive yeah so we're going to separate want to do this without knocking the drive out it's kind of tight I'll just put my thumb over over the drive and now I can rip that off without worrying about that thing flying across the room and then there's our m.2 now this is a what is this two terab 2 terab two terabyte it's a fast drive and um well of course we don't have Samsung magician still a really good high performing drive very highly rated you can look for other reviews specifically on this drive or even Google for articles where they've written about this drive and it was a bargain for two terabytes it was a good price yeah so and then if you look here on the motherboard it says see right there tells us where to put the memory modules if we've got two says first and it shows that we're going to use the one closest to the edge and second away from the CPU here so we're going to put a ram module in and skip a slot put the other Ram module in first let me go ahead and put this cover back on so I've already removed the tape and just make sure that that at least I have something to align here right I'll give credit for that now I can just it's not important that these have to be all tightened equally but isn't going to hurt to to tighten them equally right to not tighten one right just start them all and that's a good practice in general sort of a better safe than S type thing here once you get the mostly installed at that point we can go ahead and tighten them down and don't overtighten these folks they just need to be snug bring them down snug it up you're good to go two terab two terabytes installed now we've got our Ram so let's go ahead and take these empty boxes and set them over there oh this is the good stuff all right so o l y this is the blade Ram okay Mitchie all right see another blade spread out yeah bch with the knife yeah now I'm not going to use this thermal compound that well I'm showing this camera I'm not going to use this thermal compound I don't know if it's any or not I don't know but our OEM heat sink has already got ther thank you very little 3D my eye all right so the ram if I go back over to closeup camera here's a little information about the ram it's also there's a link in the video notes if you're interested there's all your details right there my eye there's what the ram looks like in case you never saw Ram before Oh that's interesting it doesn't have that Bronze Top anymore now it's very obviously so the other o o y we used had sort of this Bronze Top okay and I thought it was an RGB but light shine through it now this has the kind of the Frosted top which is obviously RGB I don't know what the difference is and you want to put those in before the cooler uh usually put the cooler on and then the thing but whatever just saying I'm just saying yeah I might put these in first because to be fair that Cooler's not going to have an issue with clearance now when we take ram out of the package you don't want to bend the ram if necessary bend the package and the ram just kind of free there now some Ram is going to have uh some plastic on it this doesn't seem to have any and and when we go to install the ram I open all the clips even though I'm only going to use two of these and we're going to go to see if this Notch lines up this way or the other it's got to be we're going to gently put it in the track and lower it down if you use any Force you're doing it wrong no Force should be needed when it's properly aligned this side isn't opening and they do that because it would interfere with the graphics card if it were there so let's go ahead and just see if we can gently put this in the track if you put one side down before the other it's on an angle and it won't sit right but that's awfully stiff it's stiffer than I like but it looks like it's all lined up at that point then we can use force and we can go one corner and the other corner and you will hear it click into place you should so basically this label needs to face the CPU and we're going to skip a channel line it up in the track should go in nice and easy that's a little tighter than normal but we're we're good there but before we put any Force we just want to make sure we are in that track on both sides and that our Notch is lining up it's quite a bit of force now I can close these and for the sake of just wrapping this video because we've got about I want to wrap up here in the next 10 minutes okay we're going to apply power to this just as it is it's going to be a little tricky because with the connectors being on the bottom side of the board uh I have to figure out how I want to do this uh and we'll just do our first test fire assuming we get into the BIOS and everything posts correctly um then everything else is a formality so let's go ahead and get that heat sink put on let me grab a different driver here I need my yellow handle all right so which has handed me the AMD stock cooler which should be all we need for this build thermal compound is already reapplied and um typically this can go on one of two ways in most cases you can put it on with the AMD logo over on this side or flip it 180° and it could go on this way too now personally uh this is kind of close to the ram I don't like this sticking out you know if I use that last Ram module it's going to cut things a little close for me so those are the only two ways we can install and you can see we've left a little residue behind but that's okay so this is the way I want to install it just like this make sure that we're lined up uh don't worry about this plug yet we we'll get to that in a minute and we're going to just start couple of turns here opposite corner couple of couple of turns don't go too many turns cuz what's happening is it's going to start seating this down against these Springs but it's going to make these last two very difficult to start so just no more than a couple turns on this you definitely want it to get started or you're going to have a heck of a time if you start tightening the others you'll have to loosen them in order to get you know if you missed if you thought you got it started and you didn't you're find out soon enough and the best easiest way to remedy that would be to just loosen them back up just keep them bare barely read it in there now that we've got them started we'll just turn them a few more times just two three two three you don't have to do three that's just what I'm doing two three two three oh that one's already tight two three I'm going to go ahead and tighten this one all the way down to now guess what I didn't start that one see that I thought it was started it's just spinning and now to start it is going to be very difficult so we got to back these off especially this one on the opposite side don't back them off too much or they'll pop out so I I I turned that one till it tightened to make sure it was in and now I'm backing it off so once again we're going to go one two three two three one two three two three one that's tight two three four tight one two three four tight just one more check that's tight opposite corner tight tight always go opposite Corners finally we have our CPU power cable what's interesting about the CPU power cable is I think we have to run this behind the board some way I thought that would be one connector that would be you know one wire that we would see but it appears maybe you're supposed to go right through there is that maybe how it works where's our CPU header oh CPU fan the other side carry it's over here will it reach and my power cables here so that's not the right route that's the way I would have done it but you know I always do it the hard way so we're going to have to run this cable because they don't want us running it we need to run it this way so there is a little bit of cable you can see and then on the other side of the board now for now you know the heat sink will be a nice little pedestal for us when we flip this over but we don't want to turn it on that way because then it won't be able to breathe we'll plug this into CPU fan right there okay and while it's upside down let me grab the power supply let's let's go back to camera one again and uh put the screwdriver away let me grab the power supply don't plug the power supply into Power until you're just about ready to turn the machine on you don't want anything to accidentally power up before you're ready that's never happened to me before he lied so that's why I do it that way so we're gonna we can for right let's get this out getting hungry bch a bit peckish you know little peckish I could eat well we're just about ready we're going to run a little bit long but overall not too bad considering our challenges today um Power on CPU power one gu they want you to use one before you use two and then I need a power switch okay so where's that going to go is it over here yeah this connector you didn't know what it was over here this is this is where power switch power LED all that goes right up here right up at the top for the audience it's the top right corner for us where's your little switch here we have a lot of them in there there's a ton of them how about we use this one I haven't used this one in a while okay so I'll go ahead and plug uh we'll use the LED to why not plug [Music] in should be the same layout just backwards so the switch would go on the top row and the LED will also go on the top row closest to the edge positive cable closest to the edge so that's exactly the same orientation of cables now flip this back over so normally this would be in a motherboard right and we're going to have to just kind of have it little wky here this out of the way and then I'm going to plug in uh keyboard and mouse which I have over here let's go ahead and move this switch over towards you that way the explosion goes that way okay and then I'll grab my HDMI cable as well and we'll get the uh power cable y smoke test kids yay or nay real real real smoke or you guys think it'll work poof we update the BIOS correctly is our Ram compa my vote is me thanks for your enthusiasm more well that's neither neither yes or no okay so we're turned the power supply now has power we are live with power and I'm going to switch over to our HDMI input here before you do anything wouldn't that be lit though the power button be lit not until there's power oh all right let me go to the HDMI input and let's reduce the size of camera one move it over here okay buddy you ready yeah smoke test here we go Space X at this point three h right again well that was that was disappointing that more would happen yeah nothing let me check my power cable good here what about here uh yeah did I wire the switch backwards I don't know work I said work damn it hold on let's just make sure I've got all my cables seated properly let me shut that down for a moment let's flip this bad boy back over here this gets a little bit complicated yeah see I don't have that cable anywhere close to being installed all the way the power yeah the main 24 pin power cable is sticking up a good 3 mm that's that wasn't me no did you do this no I didn't hear the click still didn't this connector is I heard the click go it's definitely the connector's fault don't turn on yet put it back over so there with all the cables hooked up with this being wired backwards this would be much easier to do in the case all right but but we're professionals so let's try this one more time feeling for the switch okay now anytime you're ready three two 1 um man spun for a second oh there it goes okay hey a ram lit up we've got rgbs no touchy now remember the first boot could take 60 to 90 seconds as it trains the CPU in Ram and uh be patient and look how good that CPU contact frame looks I can't see it hey look BOS that's an odd beos press F1 to set up F1 it shall be that's much better and we should have that latest bios what was you remember the version I downloaded does anybody remember zero oh no that's the BIOS version zero let's take a look if we turn off camera one so we can see the whole bios uh 161 were we on 161 I don't know it was beta I know that yeah yeah January 4th 2024 that was what two weeks ago yeah so that's got to be new that's brand new bios flash worked contact frames working got low CPU temps here and uh RAM is working fully compatible and uh I suppose I can take the close-up camera out one more time here so you guys can see what that RAM and everything looks like well it's all fired up and top down view let's go this way and uh Jee we've been switching between four inputs we're really using the heck out of our capture card today let's go over to closeup camera Kill the Lights is that slick you see any cables nope I mean ignore all this over here never never mind that it's all clean so now what remains is we have to mount the motherboard into the case we've got to uh install Windows do the Windows updates install drivers load carries Windows 10 Optimizer install power supply obviously when we install into the case we're good to go we are done so overall a little bit a little bit of fumbling a little stumble but firsttime experience with a brand new concept here with you know some unique challenges that uh I turn the ceiling fan on the cables in the back I hit the wrong button that's better so overall totally worth it as far as I'm concerned I mean I I I've been doing this for such a long time that anytime we can mix it up and have an even if it's a slightly different experience I'm hungry for that so I I think it's a great idea this whole project zero thing and overall a little challenging to work out of the case overall I would say you know put the motherboard into the case might be one of the first things you want to do yeah the contact frame is a complete waste of money by the way at least I think it's a waste of money regardless but if you're ever going to use one really you want it on a on an Intel chip primarily doesn't really have any benefit on an AMD because amds are square and intels are rectangular and then again on high-end Intel chips you know something that ends on a letter K and the bigger the number the hotter it's going to be and the more likely it could theoretically Bend which could cause the heat sink to kind of no longer be touching the top of the spreader and as a result of that then you get higher temperatures that's the Theory the man manufacturers are going to say so um am I not I hit the wrong button I'm sorry guys I thought I was full screen now we're full screen I I had it full screen for us and not you guys overall I hope you um were able to learn along with us and that's the point of these videos is to be informal not to be polished and edited down where all that good stuff to me that's the best part of the whole video is you're biting your nails going did he break it is the BIOS going to work if you say 10 minutes versus if you wait 10 minutes it's a very different experience as we experienced together it felt like forever and uh by shutting the machine off after a certain amount of time you see we didn't damage anything but you just you want to wait in excess especially when bios spashing just to be sure because if damage is done it won't matter regardless when you turn it off if the damage is done the damage is done I'm going to go ahead and shut this down here and I want to thank everybody once again for Super Chat contributions today for your uh participation in the chat room to all my members I thank you for uh helping keep this channel independent and we will have a part two where this will go in the case because that case is also a little different how I'm not sure yet until we get it and we work on it this little piece here this is kind of extra got somewhere to put this stuff um let me check the phone one last time just to see if I've missed anything coming in where we working one of those Wasing what no no just kidding all right let's see uh looks like we do have oh it's a message from our friend Marco okay he's just being silly and let's go to where's my inbox okay again thank you to Paul O'Brien and Alan lindas and Luke greenia for your contributions as well as um as well as libowitz it Services thanks you guys once again plus all your super chats went back to the beginning but well no that's so this is the YouTube Studio screen oh got you that's not our obs that's why that's why you see me have the OBS screen up so we don't get thrown by that delayed feed the YouTube studio is terrible there's no excuse for that that's why I have this this is much more up toate but it's still behind but when looking at OBS Studio we're still taking the heat sink out of the box or something I mean that's I don't know why the Studio's been open the whole time why is the video falling behind that's on on YouTube and it's very confusing if you're a Creator and you think you're why am I watching in something from a half an hour ago uh thank you Mar for for monitoring our chat doing our thumbnail great thumbnail today as always and of course the video notes uh we bought all these parts nothing came from MSI for free all the parts that we purchased we have our purchase links where we got these parts are in the video notes that's exactly what we paid that's exactly where we bought them finally um just to remind you that that would not be possible without you guys and without our friends at aonis instant house call Robo form and VIP cdk deals with the discounts they offer you they're their discounts that are all year well on everything but instant house go so far we we'll talk with them and see how long we can extend a discount but for right now there's a discount on all of those products available to you they all have trials so you can try before you buy they're all guaranteed heed and so there's a peace of mind that if you are going to buy the product you're going to get that product there's no Tom Foolery okay hanky hanky no not hanky no there's no scamming Happening Here I I personally am very involved in picking out which companies we allow to associate with because as a professional technician I don't want to jeopardize my Integrity so I'm not in it for the buck a minute to save you money and to make sure you buy quality stuff so it's up to you if you want to take advantage of these offers but thanks to the folks at aonis Robo form instant house call and VIP cdk deals for making these deals they didn't have to available to you guys and of course thanks to all you guys for your chat membership uh super chats and your friendship your kindness is very appreciated and of course thanks to our friend Mitch here yeah if any if I'll try to send you photos from set um I'm sure you know they won't want me to video but cuz I'll be working but photos I said are you going to have some stills of me in the car and the cameras and the lights are like yeah yeah I need I need that for my social media sure absolutely so and then uh they claim that'll be Saturday February 3rd I'll have a copy video copy about a week week or 10 days later in high def you know you know we can premere it here the actor and I have been working with our acting coach for the last three weeks in class every Monday working on the onepage scene and polishing us so I think we're we're getting pretty close yeah well you better be yeah it's a long drive to do it again yes good old Burbank all right all right well that'll wrap it up for us for today thank you guys again and we will see you all very very soon and you know Mitch tolerated me again yeah I don't know how he does it yeah should I say the end yeah bye for now what he said my stomach's growling Ah that's it stomach growls we got to go enjoy the weekend bye for now
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 9,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectzero, msib650mprojectzeromotherboard, projectzeromotherboards, invertedmotherboard, howtocablemanagement, bestcablemanagement, backconnectorboard, MSIPCIExpressSteelArmor, MAGPanoM100RPZ, m100r, msimagpano, whitepccase, careyholzman, careyholzmanbuild, ApeviaATXES600, MicroATXGamingCase, matx, 600Wpsu, amd, AMDRyzen57600, Ryzen5, heavygraphicscards, PanoramicDisplayCase, OLOyBladeRGB, RGBRAM, SKhynixPlatinum, SKhynixPlatinumP41, cablefreecomputerbuild, computerhardware, Thermalright, cpucontactframe, cpuholder
Id: Lnzc3noE6KA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 50sec (11510 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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