Live Webinar - D-Fend Solutions, Inc. EnforceAir

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all right we're live thanks everybody for joining us today my name is danny sloan i'm on the market management team here at federal resources um a little intro on fr we're a solutions provider to our military federal government and first responders and for decades we've partnered with industry leading technology companies like defense solutions to bring innovative solutions to our customers and through combining that innovative technology with our procurement vehicles we work quickly and effectively to get customers or get equipment into our customers hands fr has multiple contract vehicles with various scopes and ceiling values where we look to assist our customers with rapid procurement enforce air which is defense flagship counter unmanned aerial system product it detects locates and identifies rogue drones in your airspace and then neutralizes the threat by allowing you to take full control over the drone and land it specifically in a pre predefined zone the deployment options including vehicular tactical uh and stationary make this uh solution the ultimate cuas system for operational agility and flexibility with setup transfer mounting and configuration within minutes for everybody listening on the call i ask that you take a look below the video here for the request to quote button as well as the ask a question button feel free to use those throughout the presentation we'll be monitoring the questions and answering them as they come in and before i turn it over i've got terry here with defense solutions i want to note that we one are looking forward to a great presentation today but we're also going to have a live demo on march 30th in maryland so make sure to follow up with the fr account rep um you know who invited you on this call for additional information information and with that terry i'll go ahead and turn it over to you hey thanks danny i appreciate it good morning everyone uh what i first say is uh danny look after this call if you want to talk about a job with defend after the way you described our system uh happy to have that conversation well done but uh thanks so much for you know the backdrop and the introduction i'm thrilled to be here with you coming to you live from my hotel room in los angeles um i'm here this week uh because we're demonstrating our system at los angeles dodgers stadium today and tomorrow uh i'll tell you a little more about that later in the threat to the stadium environments and how our system is ideal uh for that type of scenario and environment but uh i'd like to talk with you a little bit today uh after showing you a short video um about how prolific the drone problem has become um and how counter uas or counter unmanned aerial systems uh capabilities like ours are helping defeat uh the real threat uh that could result in some damage harm uh or undesirable effect or uh event um and then what we refer to as the careless or clueless users who buy drones on amazon without a license background check you know don't go through pilot certification and are flying them in what sometimes becomes unrestricted airspace and then we've got an oops a problem there where it could collide with a plane or other types of activity where it might fly into a stadium so um i'll just have a short powerpoint presentation after a short video that i want to show you right now that kind of you know kind of captures if you will that the context of the drone the proliferation of drones and the damage they can cause and it talks a little about the types of solutions that are in place and why defense solutions in force airs capability or solution system uh the enforce air system uh is ideal for the cyber takeover and then safe land and control of the drone so um if you let me here i'd like to go ahead and uh share my screen we tested this so hopefully it goes well as the testing so stand by one sec perfect we got the video there [Music] and terry while the while the video is playing we don't have audio so if there's anything you want to call out feel free to do so this so here's our system that's the assembly there the antenna coverage provides so in addition to getting the drone in this location we also get the radio controlled operators location all right sorry you couldn't hear the volume on that it's it's quite remarkable but hopefully you got the gist of it with the video uh in the terms being portrayed again sorry all right so i will now share my powerpoint presentation let me know if this is uh viewable as well and i'll go through some slides quickly perfect yep great so again i'm terry divitorio i'm the general manager of defense solutions north america uh i manage all of the canadian business and the us business i've been in the job for a little over a year uh so i think i'm through my probationary period uh but uh i'm thrilled to be managing this organization for north america and i'll tell you a little about the company here in a second but here in north america uh we've got a group of folks that work for us here in the tysons corner area or well back in the tysons coronary in virginia that's our home location or headquarters in north america 15 folks there and we have four folks up in the canadian area in ottawa servicing the clientele and the vertical markets that we serve there a little bit about the company uh the company is uh headquartered in rana and israel uh we have 150 people in the company most of them are located there and renown on uh where we do the actual development of this capability a lot of system engineering a lot of our frf tactical communications expertise a lot of offensive cyber expertise um and that group there develops the software and the hardware that goes into our flagship system called the enforce error system that i'll talk about later um the company's been up and running since 2017. um our system is operational today it's trl-9 technical technical radio technology readiness level 9 i mean it's operational tested and deployed uh we're globally positioned around the world supporting customers in the far east europe middle east uk canada latin america and the us our system is designed to support um counter drone activities for military special forces where we are down range and some undesirable countries and areas around the world providing uh protection against what uh terrorist groups like isis are doing with drones uh flying drones to conduct intelligence surveillance reconnaissance missions while also using drones to carry bombs and payloads to drop on our troops uh consulates forward operating bases uh we're also supporting the border and border patrol agents uh on the southern borders of the u.s and other country borders uh we're down in the southern borders where we were last week the cartels are using drones to courier uh opioids fentanyl marijuana cocaine across the borders a new delivery mechanism as opposed to tunneling through or driving across um and for the cartels purchasing drones in the hundreds of thousands uh of volume of drones at a very low price um as a mechanism by which they're now using uh to communicate their nefarious activities uh we're also supporting airports around the world um you know it's uh unknown to many folks that the the airports are plagued with drones flying in and around the restricted airspace along the inbound and outbound core air corridors there have been countless close calls uh for around collisions um but there was several incidents where uh not only within the united states but also in the uk where a drone flying into the restricted airspace closed the airport for a matter of days because of potential damage it could have cost so you know and the airport scenarios were very very prolific um at several airports within the united states canada and then overseas as well and then we're very big in the law enforcement space and in the protected detail space with customers who provide that kind of functionality um for several different types of scenarios so the system has a lot of utility uh it's been tested proven deployed it's operational in places today so if you were to look into acquiring a car us system there's mounds and mounds of data uh where we've been tested evaluated and approved and there's great references from both commercial and federal customers who've had our systems for several years that you don't have to listen to me you can take it from them that were in fact developing a very unique capability so a little bit about enforce air which and danny said is our flagship counter uas system it's it's a premier rf radio frequency cyber takeover technology and i'll describe that a little bit so you understand what i'm talking about here but um there's three ways to take down a drone uh there's a kinetic solution where you shoot the drone with some type of projectile um or you fly another drone into that drone or you fly a drone and throw a net over that drone but in a kinetic kind of way uh something happens to the drone and then the drone no longer is able to fly so it's going to crash uh and when it crashes it could crash into a state it may crash into a building it can crash into some critical asset and there's going to be collateral damage so kinetic is one way to take down a drone a second way is to jam the frequencies across the frequency spectrum so that any drone flying at whatever protocol or whatever frequency it's communication signal between the remaining remote remote control operator and the drone uh is severed because of the jamming of the frequency the communication can no longer occur that's an effective way to take down a drone however when you're jamming that frequency between the drone and the radio control operator you're also jamming all other frequencies in the areas so if you're in an airport using a jamming system you're also jamming now the national airspace system for communications between the air traffic control towers and the ground and planes security first responder type of communications are now jammed so although it may it may counter or mitigate the drone issue or potential threat it also disrupts all other communications so not exactly totally effective the third way to take down a drone though is with what we do well which is our cyber takeover or cyber radio frequency takeover capability and the way that works is that we're able to surgically break the communications between the remedy remote control operator and the drone and then we go ahead and take control the drone from the remote control operator and then the drone belongs to our system so it's a it's a method by cyber offensive uh engineering capability that we're able to go ahead and manipulate that signal and surgically sever that communication and then steer the drone to communicate with our system and the drone thinks it's still talking to its remote control operator and taking direction for where to go and where to land once we have that communication signal back to our system then what we do is safe route the drone out of the dangerous area and we do that through a series of wave points we can go ahead and go above buildings around buildings uh out of the area completely so that we mitigate whatever threat that drone was posing and then we can safe land that drone in a designated space that we determine is safe for that drone to land so our system detects drones that are flying in the area and then we take control of the drone if it's deemed unauthorized rogue or a damaging or threatening drone and then we take it out of that area and go ahead and put it down in a place that is safe for that drone to land so no kinetic collateral damage no frequency jamming that disrupts other communications so our system is ideal for what we call highly populated dense urban environments cities forward operating bases uh embassies uh stadiums for where we're demonstrating this week so that's what the system is and what our system is not is we don't do any jamming we do any kind of kinetic crash projectile uh firing everything and an important point to reference here is that we need no line of sight for our system to do what it does so we don't need to be able to see the drone um if it's anywhere in a large urban environment like a city we could set the system up on you know building and you know 3.5 kilometers away our system you know it doesn't have to have visual sight of the drone it will detect the drone and then then determining what we want to do with that drone we can continue to let it fly if it's authorized if it's unauthorized then we can take control of it safe landed so the process by which we go through uh those steps um are what i'm showing here on this screen we call this the kind of kill chain or the counter uas kill chain or life cycle where first our system in the way we set it up and i'll show you uh an emulation of our graphical user interface so you can get a better depiction of of what i'm talking about here but when we set our system up uh the system is able to detect drones up to three to five 3.5 kilometers uh in an omnidirectional type of scenario that's one antenna configuration that we have we have other antenna configurations i'll talk about later but we'll just focus on that and say that for a bubble of 3.5 kilometers our system can detect and alert all drones in the area that enter into that 3.5 kilometer range so the system gets to detect an alert notice and then we start to track and locate where that drone is and we start like a track and i'll show you that to you here in a second on the graphical user face uh user user interface so we're tracking where that drone is flying and that's in a detection zone at 3.5 inside that detection zone though we also determine what we call a no-fly zone or protection zone and that's somewhere in the 1.5 to 1 kilometer to 1.5 kilometer that you know we're detecting those drones a little further out but if it comes into that 1.5 kilometer range uh we're going to do something with that so we're tracking those drones as they're flying around and if they get close to that that protection zone we do something to the drone i'll talk about that here in a second but because there are so many drones flying in the area and i'll talk about like an airport scenario for example uh there could be construction going on at the airport there's security going at the airport where they're using drones authorized drones to support those activities so what our system does is once we locate and track it we're able to identify the drone is authorized or unauthorized or identified as friend or foe and so if a you know a series of drones have been given to us and their protocols and their identification numbers that are authorizing area we can white list those drones and allow them to continue to fly even if they fly into the no-fly zone because they again have been authorized so we provide in the system a unique identifier for each drone that's detected and when we see that that's on the authorized list we whitelist it and let it continue to fly and then focus on those drones we identify as either rogue unauthorized or we call foe from that point we also then want to understand where is the pilot of this drone and we're able to actually find the pilot with gps location so we got the drone flying we have that detected and tracking that and then we get a signal of where the location is of the drone operator if you think about it from a law enforcement perspective uh or a border patrol perspective this is very very important information and intelligence uh which allows them then not only to track the drone and potentially get the drone in a payload but also get the operator the drone and arrest him if he's conducting illegal activity once we have all that data the system then says you know what do you want to do if this drone enters into the protection zone we have two options and and everything up until this point was passive listening now the system's not doing anything but other than listening and tracking um but at this point now we want to do something with this drone because it poses a threat we can we can fend the drone off and say just go back to your home location where you took off from and land there or we can take control in the safe land the drone by going ahead and manipulating that signal between the rc remote control operator the drone severing that communication in our system taking over that communication and telling that drone where to go and where to land so again the performance of the system i talked about we set up a detection zone in a mitigation zone uh it detects and identifies up to 3.5 kilometers maybe further based on the rf conditions uh or antenna configurations and then within that safe zone we have a mitigation or protection zone where the system can either autonomously uh be set to take over any drone that enters that space or it can be manually set so that some type of decision needs to be made by an authorized person to go ahead and mitigate that drone either fend it off and set it back to its home location uh or take it over in safe land so i kind of tell you all that to say here's what the user interface looks like um and i'll go through this quickly so you kind of get a sense of you're an operator now you've got one of our systems set up right now in an area for which you want to detect and protect against drones so this could be at a nuclear power plant could be the stadium a military forward operating base along the border many different types of use cases and scenarios here but along the wider side of this the darker shade of green is is the detection zone and so that is pre-set up by the operator and that's on the right-hand corner or right-hand quadrant of this uh graphical user face which is kind of the mapping section inside that detection zone we have a light green area which is the protection zone and i'll talk a little bit more about the lines the dots and the other things after i finish kind of the kind of overlay of the user interface along the top is our menu board it allows a user through a touch screen on a tough pad to you know set up his protection zones and detection zones determine if he wants the antenna on off if he wants to run it manual mode or autonomous mode and that gives them some other functions and features about you know multiple protection zones wider array of the data and this is actually where the user kind of interfaces with the system on the left hand side in red orange gray and blue is what we call our drone ticket panel and these are drones that the system has identified and is tracking and they correspond those cars correspond to what you see there on the map so the red drone on top um is it is a drone that we've gone ahead and mitigated and it's in route right now after being mitigated to a safe landing zone so that drone was a t determined to be unauthorized or rogue represent some type of threat so the system identified that drone and gave us the option to mitigate it and that is in the process of mitigating the orange is a drone that we've identified in our tracking but have yet not yet mitigated it's given us the mitigate button option but we've not determined whether or not in manual mode we want to mitigate this drone um the grade the gray box is a drone that's already been mitigated um it went from orange to red to gray and is now on its way to a safe landing zone and you see the track there and then the blue paint on the bottom is a mavic 2 drone which is an authorized drone that's been white listed and we'll continue to track it but we've identified it and took it out of a potential threat list and we'll continue to track and monitor its activity but we know it's been white listed and it's safe and authorized to operate in that space so what type of drones present the type of threats that we're worried about or concerned about so there are five classifications of drones according to the department of defense and you know group one two and three are smaller drones group four and five are those big predator crawler drones that you know the military uses that are you know sizes of small planes our system focuses on group one and two drones and these other drones that uh that are easily available to anyone today to go on amazon order one of these for you know 700 to 1500 to a couple thousand dollars have it delivered in a couple days and there's no background check there's no certification there's no pilot requirement you've opened the box up put the batteries in powered up and you're flying these drones uh so easy easily accessible affordable delivered and no one checking whether or not you're you're authorized to fly this and no one verifying whether or not you've been through some training course to ensure you have a safe pilot uh capability um so the major threats that we've seen and the feedback that we're getting from the customers around the world who are fighting you know cartels and you know drug dealers um bad actors who are trying to get contraband into prisons um you know terrorist activities that are you know using drones to carry payloads or conduct intelligence uh surveillance reconnaissance are what we call the major threat drones or high endurance drones they can carry a payload of up to three to 12 kilograms they can travel four to 20 kilometers and the protocols associated with these drones fall into you know what's known as lightbridge or occusync or do-it-yourself drones these are some of the communications protocols and i provide those there because these are the more difficult drones to take over because of the encryption that's developed when these drones are manufactured dji uh and that's a chinese drone company um owns about 90 of the drone manufacturing market and so they're the most prolific drone company in the world and you can buy dji drones on amazon after our presentation if you like but they make you know phantoms and mavics and and these are the types of drones that carry the lightbridge and ocusync protocols that are very hard to break the encryption and take over that communication between the remote control operator and the drone itself but as you can see some of these drones are quite large they have cameras they can carry payloads um and an easily accessible affordable and kind of the drone du jour or method du jour of terrorists cartels and other nefarious actors uh who want to use drones to conduct their illegal activities we qualify those as major threats now the minor threats are smaller drones like wi-fi drones that don't have the capacity to carry large payloads or fly long distances but still have all the functionality of the high endurance major drone threats uh from a camera perspective or the ability to conduct conduct some nefarious activity illegal activity and are also what are included in our drone library of drones that we're able to actually capture with our system take control safe land uh i think one of the last slides i hear is to talk about you know the system itself uh so you saw in the video there's a tripod there's a pizza box and there's a couple of antennas that i'll talk about here that go on top of the system but that's the form factor of the enforcer system very simple uh very lightweight uh packs up in three pelican cases it can be assembled by one person in five to eight minutes uh the brain behind the system is that box in the middle it's called our software defined radio sdr uh and that's where all the hardware software firmware interacts and allows us to conduct the activities that we're able to do with those types of drones i showed you the previous slides the system is mounted on a tripod if you want a fixed or static site and then it can be mounted with different types of antennas so i'll go out from the middle to the left and right uh the white antenna we call it cupcake is a radem antenna and that provides a 365 degree omnidirectional coverage area of 3.5 kilometers for detection and about a kilometer and a half for mitigation uh and that again assembles in five to eight minutes it can be disassembled if the threat is moved and an agency needs to move to a new area and reassembled uh so it's the standard tactical solution that we provide the black antennas the cylinder antennas to the right of the sdr might be the left if your screen is backwards or minus backwards or we call our high angle folding antennas and this configuration deployment option these antennas provide a greater range of north and south latitudes of up to 40 degrees so with this antenna configuration the optimal the scenario for this deployment is in a highly populated urban environment where drones are flowing sliding below buildings and above buildings or below where the system sits and the system can detect both up 40 degrees down 40 degrees and cover drones in both the above and below type of threat scenarios those antennas fold up quickly again a five to seven or five to eight minute assembly disassembly for that um and it's sometimes used in conjunction conjunction with the radium antenna i'll go to the white vehicle uh maybe on the right right or left and that's known as our covert vehicle kit where the antennas are those black four black uh cylinders on top of the um vehicle those are magnetically mounted and the sdr the software defined radio is mounted in the back of the system and the tablet for interface is mounted either on the back of the headrest or on the window with suction cups and you then have this capability on the move it provides that same 360 on the omnidirectional coverage but it's now mobile so you can drive around perimeter fences and boundaries and have that type of 360 bubble um capability it can be deployed in conjunction with the ground level tactical system uh so that it provides you know beyond the 3.5 coverage uh area coverage while it's being driven around uh we also next to that have a military vehicle configuration where the cupcake antenna is mounted on an m raiser or some fl fl tv flm tv or other types of military vehicles um to provide that military functionality on the move like we do with the covert kit going over to the other side are two other antenna configurations the white fins are our long-range directional antenna these antennas provide seven to nine kilometer coverage for detection and three to i'm sorry four to five kilometer uh coverage for mitigation these antennas are ideal for airport scenarios and border scenarios that have where we deploy the antennas at an airport on the inbound outbound corridors for flights uh and then a border wall in each direction back to back to provide 79 kilometer coverage along the border wall where they might also have a ground level tactical system at a border crossing and then on the move covert vehicle kit to provide the mobile coverage uh in a combined scenario and then the last uh antenna configuration deployment options we call the high altitude stationary where it's the same high altitude tactical antenna you see on the mounted system next to the sdr but this is a fixed uh antenna configuration on a building or a pole as opposed to be mounted on a tripod with the sdr so a lot of flexibility a lot of adaptability agility with what we're able to do with configuring the system deploying a system to meet whatever mission requirements or mission needs or operational needs our customers have so kind of closing here uh what we really like to foot stop and say you know differentia differentiates us from the competition uh beyond the fact that we're not kinetic we're not jamming and we don't need line of sight is that our system is future ready and we're always updating the system um with new protocols and new drones that are rolling off the manufacturing line the defending force air system is a library based system meaning that inside our systems we have we have about a hundred ish i can't say exactly because it's our ip types of drones and drawing protocols that we have successfully uh figured out how to detect and mitigate now there are drones out there that we don't mitigate or detect but what we did is identify what are the most prominent types of drones uh conducting the most various types of activities based on feedback we're getting from customers today around the world that you know are presenting serious threats to their continuity their mission their operational requirements and those are the drone protocols and drones that we have in our library but those experts in israel that i talked about uh those folks come out of military environments and in backgrounds that are along lines of signals intelligence offensive cyber reverse engineering protocol manipulation and these guys and yells there um who i think the average age of the company's about 24 years old which makes me feel kind of old they are experts in the ability to manipulate quickly a new drone and drone protocol and assimilate it into our library so that we're able to get that update out to our customer quickly so they've got the latest and greatest capabilities against what the adversaries may be thinking about using as a new drone new drone protocol so the system updates and releases updates to customers on a quarterly basis or if a customer has a pressing need we get right on that and our time from new protocol be released to actually fielding that capability is somewhere between three weeks and three months so our guys are great guys and gals are great at this we get a lot of positive feedback from the operators in the field but what we're also very good is assimilating that feedback into what is the next iteration of capability that we need to roll out for our customers and then be rapidly responsive um so that is what i have today with regards to all the slides um happy to go into questions and answers if we got time right now um but that that's our system thank you for listening to me and uh i'll turn it back over to you danny awesome terry well it looks like we got a couple questions here um we have four so far i'm sure a few more will will roll in um first one here can you speak about the detection only system yes absolutely so our system can be sold and configured to only present detection functionality to the operator it can be hard coded to prevent any type of mitigation and so we have a different type of system development process for that so that that mitigation functionality is not even included in the system that we would deploy to that customer now if that later that customer is able to actually mitigate if laws and regulations and authorities change uh then then it's just a change we sent out is a software update to the system one of our engineers shows up and does a little bit of configuration management on that uploading it but we do sell the system as a detect only capability in fact that's been one of the major requests for non-federal government customers um in the critical infrastructure space the airport space the stadium space uh because they're not authorized to mitigate uh as the laws and regulations stay today perfect um next question here um this was during the time when you were discussing um or you had a slide up of all the different color coded pathways and the question was does the drone do all this does your drone do all this work which i believe they're referring to the system itself kind of mapping all that out automatically or how much of it is user input so um no the system does all that uh the operator when setting the system up after he assembles it five to ten minutes after that he then takes his tablet out and he sets his protection his detection and protection zones and so those are polygons that he can set up he can set up multiple detection zones multiple protection zones he can deploy several sensors and have them feed into what we call our multi-sensor command control system so he's monitoring multiple sensors and again all he sets is his detection and protection zones and either sets the system to autonomously mitigate or manually mitigate but as a system is turned on um as soon as the drone is fired up in many cases before it even takes off as soon as the drone is fired up and turned on uh the orange detection bar comes on that a drone has been detected within that range it then gives you the type of drone the protocol the distance uh gps location uh and then it starts to track that drone with an orange track now if another drone flight goes is powered up and that drone is along the line and we determine it's one of our uh authorized drones then we whitelist that and then the blue tab uh is is set in the pane in the uh drone uh ticket pane and a blue track but the system does all that based on the operator configuring the system before uh the actual operation so um very intuitive uh it's a three-day training course on setup operation troubleshooting um and it was designed for you know simple simplistic field use so uh not a one intensive training process um not a lot of certification required uh so the system does all of those things and color codes everything based on the operational scenario set by the operator but again pretty simplistic uh this is my detection zone this is my protection zone i'm going to set it to auto uh autonomously mitigate or i want to manually mitigate and get that mitigate button but every orange drone that pops or every orange ticket that's generated is a new drone that's been identified by the system and then it moves through the process if we mitigate it it goes to red while it's being mitigated and reprogrammed and then once it's taken over and sent to the safe through a safe route to the safe land it goes to gray and then again the blue is a white-listed drone perfect thank you next question um regarding how do you get around the legal issues created by the functionality of the system i think we talked about this a little bit but so you know it has been a a challenge we're not trying to get around anything so let me just put that out there first we're operating within the construct for which the department of justice has said uh these types of systems can operate so federal government government agencies in a law enforcement border patrol homeland security national security type of role have the authorizations to conduct both detect and mitigate excuse me functionality i'm going to take a sip of water here i'm doing a lot of talking there was guidance issued by the attorney general last april that said federal officers within the department of justice and the grade of gs 15 or above um have the authorities to mitigate drones uh there's discussions around whether this is a title three type of wiretap function and that's why it requires federal law enforcement approvals uh there's also concerns around privacy and what is the system like ours or a system that's doing you know protocol manipulation what type of private information is it getting off of the drone remote control operator of the drone an answer that we probably is we don't get any of that we get gps location lat lawn uh and then that ability to manipulate that packet or so that we use to take control of the drone so we're not trying to get around any authorities uh what we have done with stadiums nuclear power plants other critical infrastructure assets who are don't have an fbi agent or a department justice agent in gs15 or above grade at their location is develop a network solution back to where an operations center does have an agent at the gs15 greater above and in real time when the detection is happening it's also feeding back to this op center and if that drone enters the protection zone then an alert is sent back and then an authorized trained gs15 above uh grade law enforcement agent can make the determination whether mitigated out so a network solution is available uh for that type of scenario um but that's why you know to the previous question uh we are selling it as a detect only capability but you know we're not ambulance chasers uh unfortunately though sooner or later or when not if a drone takes out a commercial airliner or crashes into a stadium uh or god forbid you know releases some type of uh nefarious or uh chemical biological you know payload um those authorities are going to extend down to state local law enforcement and uh and and other security professionals are responsible for protection of critical assets stadiums uh you you name it what they might have uh but as it stands today um there is a limitation on the mitigation piece um but because of the robustness of the system to detect um detecting and then being able to kind of manage the risk of what do we do now that we know this drone is flying around um maybe then there's a call to the local fbi office for someone to come check out what they might need to do to mitigate it it becomes a threat perfect thank you and in that same vein we've got a question in the chat that says the faa made a ruling lately it sounds like the requirements for uh wrecked drone users is going to be vastly changed with broadcast id will this change the effectiveness of your system at all no in fact it's going to enhance our system uh so you talk about remote id uh and so we've been anticipating you know this ruling from the faa and so our system has been designed to be ready for whichever way they pivot and decide on how they're going to implement this it'll be it'll be a time before any counter uas system today is actually able to integrate remote id into the into its systems functionality but our system was designed to be adaptable to what we believe is you know the couple of ways faa could go with requiring remote id for for registering all drones that are purchased by you know consumers so it's actually going to enhance the drone ecosystem it's going to enhance the protection of society from you know potential drone incidents but for us it makes our job a lot easier because we do use those identifiers and are able then to i think assimilate whichever which whichever way the faa is going to go with remote id uh into our system perfect and then a follow-up on the legality question so um you're not quote-unquote hacking the data packet sent by the drone um and are you getting the drone serial number so no no it's not hacking so we don't say it's hacking but we are able to manipulate the protocols and so it might be conceived or perceived as hacking but it's a it's a very short burst uh we get necessary data telemetry data gps data um remote control operator location drone location um and we get information about the drone type of drone serial number of drone and then we translate the drone identifier to our unique identifier so that way a scenario where uh with a border patrol testing evaluation event a live drone was flown over a three week period from the other side of the border conducting isr intelligence surveillance reconnaissance but because we tracked that drone and gave it a unique identifier the first time we identified it or detected it every time that came back and forth that drone popped up again is this is that same drone with our unique identifier um so it's protocol manipulation it's a small you know surgical bite if you will that we take to get the essential data that we need and then we're able to control the drone and sever the communication with the remote control operator so hopefully that answered that question perfect um we've still got a couple questions rolling in here can the system survive in a saltwater and high moisture environment and could it be used on shorelines and or vessels so yes we have a maritime deployment option uh where it's been tested on both uh more small boats than the larger boats um where it has been uh covered by a wave salt water wave it's no standard uh it's it's fantastic against specific military standards and i can get you those test results in those middle specs um but yes it has been tested in a maritime environment uh specifically with that type of scenario for waves coming over a small vessel who's doing border type of uh protection uh and security perfect um and then we've got two more so far here it says you mentioned that your system detects the connection between the drone and the user on the ground and takes control of that connection what if the drone is operating autonomously without a ground operator can your software still seize the control of that drone great great question and uh it's when we feel quite often because the drone technology is evolving at a rapid rate and so now we are working on autonomous drones in to assimilate to our library uh we don't have the capability yet i say yet um but it is something that all of our customers come to us saying hey you know this looks like this is the next step in drone technology development and it's going to be ideal for our adversaries the guys that we're trying to chase and those that we're trying to protect against uh to utilize to you know evade uh this environment or this type of system that we're using and this is really kind of a cat and mouse game um so you know as we develop mitigation risk mitigation capabilities you know nefarious actors and bad people and and uh the terrorist groups they're always looking to you know work around or evade those types of countermeasures so you know as new drones capability comes out we have to keep pace with you know how is our system going to effectively provide the same detection and mitigation functionality uh if there's no remote control operator and the drone is flying on autonomously and there's still going to be something that we're able to detect um so our folks are working on that um it's definitely in our roadmap but it's a tough challenge and i'll say that about this whole process uh this is very hard to do that's why there are very few rf cyber takeover in safe land counter uas companies a lot of jammers a lot of kinetic solutions but very few rf cyber takeover and safe land capabilities because it is so hard um so i offer that up is an answer is that not yet uh but i i'm we're working at it and we're also looking at you know what else might be coming down the pike uh to again evade the counter measures that our system provides um just an example of of something that just rolled off the dji uh manufacturer line is a new drone they call fpv it was rolled out last week you wear goggles to operate it's a stick joystick cut out it's crazy that's already in our library it just rolled off the manufacturing line about two weeks ago so that's the kind of you know capability in-house that we have to keep pace with you know this very prolific market awesome um next question does it only work for aerial systems or can be used with unmanned ground or surface or water systems it's uh it's a counter uas counter drone system that's that's that's our expertise that's our sweet spot and that's what we focus on perfect and then uh looks like last question for now unless we get any more popping in how large of a power source is required for the system for both a mobile and stationary system very little power we run the system off a generator where there's no shore power or battery pack 2940 batteries um we have a white paper that provides all the technical specifications that you can get from your federal resources account representative but a law a low amount of power needed or required to operate the system the covert vehicle kit can be run off the cigarette lighter adapter so that that can generate the power to gen uh to power the system or it's a ventronics battery pack with 2940 batteries uh that are swappable provide multiple hours of coverage but uh low power source requirement to operate maintain the system perfect all right well that's everything in our queue um i'll do one last call for questions here a lot of good questions i appreciate the feedback from everybody i think we're all good to go if you do have any more questions you can certainly follow up with the person uh your federal resources account right but terry we appreciate the time it's a fantastic overview and we uh we're looking forward to working more with you in the future sure and one last thing i'd like to say to everyone is thank you for your time please reach out to your fr account rep they've got you know some of our market material our technical specifications and white papers and i also like to add as danny talked about earlier uh we are conducting uh in the washington dc area on march 30th tuesday march 30th a live system demonstration um and uh we it's it's in benedict maryland it's about a two hour event uh but uh you'll see us fly multiple scenarios including swarms where our chest system has been tested up to 12 drones coming in from north south east and west and mitigated detected mitigate all we'll do that scenario uh and then we'll do a covert vehicle kit and several other scenarios um but again march 30th tuesday in the washington dc area you can also get more information on that from your fr account rep thank you all for your time it's been great talking with you if you need more information please hit the defend website had to give a plug or you can you can get to me uh through linkedin uh or other source but uh thanks again everyone it was a pleasure talking with you great thanks eric thanks everyone for joining have a good one
Channel: Federal Resources
Views: 191
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 28sec (2728 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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