Live Demonstration: Holmatro, Pentheon Series

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all right we're live thanks everybody for joining us today uh my name is danny sloan i represent our mro and tactical vendors here at federal resources um joining me today is roscoe ross of holmatro he'll be presenting um and demoing the new pantheon tool lineup we speaking a little bit about the tools as well as demoing their cutting and breaching capabilities so make sure to stick around for that he's gonna use them live has a whole setup for uh actually showing you how the tool works before we begin i want to give you a little bit of background on who we are as a company so federal resources is a solutions provider to our military federal government and first responders and for decades we've partnered with industry leading companies like homatro to bring innovated solutions to our customers through combining these products with our procurement vehicles we work quickly and effectively to get customers equipment in hand and federal resources has multiple contract vehicles with various scopes and ceiling values where we look to assist our customers with rapid procurement from man-made to natural disasters swat team missions vehicle rescue calls and a variety of other scenarios homantro has risen to the top of the list and is trusted as one of the world's leading providers of rescue tools for those listening in if you look at the bottom of your screen we have the ask a question and the request to quote buttons which are available to use anytime throughout the presentation and lastly before i turn it over to rosco with whole mantra i want to note that we're having a demo day and a firing range scheduled for june 2nd in fredericksburg virginia which includes a breaching demonstration from holmatro the registration link is in the chat right there so feel free to click on that and sign up we hope to have you there um with that rosco i'll turn it over to you sir thank you sir hey i want to first give a shout out to fr say thank you for allowing us to do this on your uh live chat on a friday once he said like he said i am roscoe i am the federal manager for multrow uh coming to you live from glen burnie maryland at our factory where we actually make all these tools um today i'm actually getting the opportunity to go ahead and tell you about our new pantheon line as well as our socom backpack kit i think i'm going to go ahead and start with the pantheon since i'm right here the most critical piece of any battery type tool is actually the battery so i'm going to tell you a little bit about ours this is a 28 volt 7 amp hour battery we actually made it out of large celled or extra large cell lithium ion cells the reason we did that is for actually a couple of reasons number one large cell lithium ion tends to heat up much slower than any of the others so as an anticipation that that might be happening especially in your warmer climates like afghanistan or back or down in texas or arizona with california you name it we've made these so that they're suitable for all climates we have them up in alaska we've got them down just about everywhere around the world number two is we've actually made these smart so this battery will actually talk to the tool and the tool will talk to the battery and what it will do is in extremely warm situations are when either the tool or the battery is getting approaching the part where it's too hot what it will do is it will slow down the rotations of the motor and the pump but keep the same pressures on at the tool the cutting head so that it has a chance to off get um cool down dissipate some of that heat there are several other things that happen with this but i'm going to go ahead and show you one of them and uh to try to save battery power we've all gone to a deadhead situation where we've been out there and we're going after a cut or a spread whatever and it just keeps sitting in the same spot over and over and over again so what we've done is we've actually made it to where once the dead heads or the tools touch you'll hear an audible alarm as well as down here on the screen it will tell you all you have to do is go back the other way back on and you're back in business hopefully that makes sense to everybody uh since batteries are so critical what we've done is we've actually made it so that you can check them out yourself i'm going to show you a quick powerpoint slide here real quick and what it is is you can actually plug these chargers into your computer and have the battery health checked so it'll tell you the state of charge the battery health you name it it'll tell you everything you need to know about this battery one other thing if you look on the bottom portion of that picture or that screen you'll see that you can actually check the tool itself uh to be able to do that you actually have to come to glen burnie maryland to take a dst course or a service technician course it's it's really simple god i've done it and i breathe out my nose and drag my knuckles for god's sakes but um that'll allow you to get on the screen to actually check the tool you'll see everything working in real time you'll be able to do all your annual maintenance you'll be able to do if there's a problem you'll be able to fix it not a problem so are we off of powerpoint then nope yeah we're gonna be all right so hopefully you can see me over here this is actually our charging stations so we have three chargers you can have a battery on each one of them and they're actually daisy chained from one to the other so by running off of 110 power you can actually charge up to three batteries but wait that's not enough each one of those can actually charge a tool that's actually on the bat on the battery that's actually on the tool we call this onboard charging but it's just a magnet all it does is stick down but it actually sticks inside this port in the back and you're charging the battery so you can actually charge six batteries off of one plug now battery life is important these these will last an hour or really thereabouts i mean some guys are getting a little bit more than others because they're more um experienced doing extrication than the younger guys they don't fiddle with the back end as much but the batteries last for one hour it'll take one hour for this to charge again and since two batteries come with each tool you should be able to use it indefinitely that being said on the charger when you're using 110 power this will actually take one hour as well when these are hooked up together what happens is it prioritizes the battery on the tool and then once this is completely full they'll charge then the one that's on the battery now for 12 volt charging it does take a little bit longer if you want that information please go ahead and reach out and ask me um does anybody have any questions about the batteries or the chargers looks like we're all clear in the chat and the uh ask a question feature fantastic let's go ahead and talk a little bit about each one of the tools this is the uh pcu 50 it comes with something that we're calling a stepless speed monitor so what happens is normally battery powered tools have two speeds slow and fast that's it there's nothing in between you're either going to be way up here and closing the blades and once it hits some sort of resistance it drops way down and it uses that same speed all the way through the cut what ours does is a mechatronic capability are you on the powerpoint then we're going to yeah it's a mechatronic system inside there the tool that continuously optimizes the motor and the pump settings to deliver maximized flow of fluid over the entire cutting range so think of it as a five-speed automatic transmission versus a three on the tree transmission it's constantly moving and changing it to optimize the cutting force and the cutting speed the second picture the first the top picture that you're seeing actually shows the uh mechatronic uh in the uh pantheon tool the speed curve that's up there the second line down is actually a lines tool that runs off of either a twin line or a single line core hose and a pump where it has three stages in it and the one on the bottom is actually the two stages ran off of a battery if you look on the bottom the orange portion of that picture will actually show you the amount of time and speed you're gaining by having a mechatronic system inside the inside the tool i'm back on me no you're ready you're good i'm good still okay so all the new python series tools are in basically any climate it doesn't matter what it is extremely hot extremely cold and actually underwater we have a rating of 57 which is just like everybody else for one meter under water however common ours is a little bit different for our competitors you have to have a trained dst come out and take a look at it and flush it out and everything else ours all we ask you to do is rinse all the gunk out of it that's all we're asking it still works you don't have to wait 72 hours to use it again it's ready to go right after you pull it out of the water hopefully that makes sense we have a new control handle on the back of all of our tools this control handle just like a motorcycle if you pull it towards you it's going to open up if you push it away it's going to close but it comes in two speeds and ultimate control so i can barely turn it on you'll barely see those but you can feather it anywhere in between it's not just open and closed it's a feathering capability that's huge as always we still have the eye bolt technology in there that allows you to get in much smaller places because we don't have to have the gap in between the blades which allows you not to have to have that flowering technique all the time and allows you to get into deeper cuts for those of you who have not seen it we do have the blades at a inclined angle of 30 degrees which allows you not only are you not having to do a military press to get that up to the top beam you can actually use it right here in the center of your body where it's most comfortable and still make the cut i can still get up at the top and i can still get down here at the bottom without getting on my knees hopefully that makes sense the one thing that i like this for is especially when you are at a 30 degree offset like this is you're gaining much more room before the tool ever even comes close to the patient when you're cutting that that b pillar we've actually optimized the head and the cutting spaces so it's going to stay longer and longer and longer available for you to actually go out and do the job there's nothing worse than blades starting to get dull chipping all that other kind of stuff we've hardened these and we've actually made it so they last much longer let's go ahead and uh move on into the new spreader now i've got to come out from around here to be able to show you this because it's our new spreading tips tell me if that's in focus so as you know these are much more aggressive here and in here and the teeth on the outside of it on the middle of it right here are much larger so as soon as you get into that spread or that trying to get purchase on it automatically you're right there and then these teeth go opposite directions so that no matter which way you're pulling or pushing on it it actually grabs a hole on the interior you're not going to lose out of that very simple on and off as normal just press and go as always we have our new grip that's on here a polymer all these come on these new polymer grips are 360 and they go on all the tools i always have the lights on there but there is a battery back here that you can turn them on and off does anybody have any questions about the new cutter or the new spreader all clear here hey there we go let's move on to the new stuff for me for just a second as i move this [Music] so this is a ptr uh 50 which is a ram and it actually comes with the laser i'm going to try to show you the laser hold on i'm getting close maybe oh no i've i've hit heidi several times there you got it so in the beginning i really didn't think this was going to be that big of a deal however comma now that i've been out there and actually demoed this at night several times i can't tell you how much i really enjoy having that laser on there it is huge because you're not having to go back and try to refine that spot you're not trying to have somebody guided in there for you you can do it all by yourself one man a couple of things that i like about this is it's small enough at 22.4 inches that it pretty much does all your spreading needs what this does since it gives you two handles to be able to carry it you can get in those tight spaces and actually make room that's what a ram is for whether you're doing a dash roll or actually trying to lift the hood you i don't care but this only goes up to 54 inches that's kind of great but the best part about it is this is all you have to do is use this extension on the bottom and you don't have to unclick anything you don't got to take off the ram head or anything once it's on there now you've got 71 inches of reach and what this does is since these are all smart tools as soon as you put this on it knows it's there and reduces its speed and pressure so that there's no buckling or anything else to take it off literally you can do it with a gloved all you're doing is you're trying to find that detent pin and just depressing it and pulling it off just like that very very easy to do is one of my favorite ones that just came out finally we have the pct 50 which is our new spreader one of the great things that we've come out with this just like our old 5160 is removable tips what this does for you is it allows you to make a complete cut all the way through instead of stopping right here where the blades are where it just matches everything you can actually make complete cuts all the way through the blades the other thing that we've done is we've added additional teeth for gripping i can't tell you the number of times whether i was on the service or in in the military you name it when i was cutting the number of times i get into a combicut and i start skipping out because there's nothing to grab it now that's there and you're not moving once you get into a good cut well pardon me a couple of the other things i really kind of want to go over is uh this also has the i i i cut it by the way just in case anybody wants to know these tools once you get them in your hands and you start playing with them there's nothing out there that compares to them i'll put them up against head to head anybody that you want to know so if if you're interested in a demo a live demo we can go ahead and bring these tools out to you let them go out there and play with them see what we're going to do with them uh and we'll go on from there so if you're ready is there anybody got any questions over anything that we've covered on pantheon so far i think we're all clear cool let's go ahead and move on over here to the socom backpack kit pardon me so can you see me okay i gotta tell you these are a whole lot easier when you're in person you actually get to see people so this is the brand new uh socom backpack kit it's actually designed for the military uh the military actually assisted us in designing what they wanted and what for first off the battery life on this lasts for about 35 minutes continuous use under pressure ready to go and trust me those guys really really uh pushed it out there to make sure that that would work it ran it runs off of our old gct batteries so they recharge in about 45 minutes or so for 35 minutes of use very easy it runs off of our old core hose so it can be run with any of the core tools that you have except for the rams the only ram that it works one well with this is this this is the dr200 it runs basically just for breaching and just for reaching so breaching wise this has an 11.8 inch stroke with eight tons of pressure we're going to get to that and show you how to use it here in just a second the other thing i'll tell you to do is all those roll up doors get this up underneath it and it will raise it up 11.8 inches i guess um because there's not that much force behind it we build it heavy duty with a strong striker plate behind it so if you have to get in there and really beat in to get into that gap it's available to use we've got the 5006 special materials cutter which has a one inch opening basically anything you can get into that one inch this is going to cut and it's going to cut quickly it's it weighs about 14 pounds but you got to have that kind of mass behind it to generate those kinds of pressures this is a great little tool if you're trying to get a little rebar if you're trying to get through padlocks chains whatever's in your way to make that breach this is what i would go for first very small opening to get into but if you can get it in that one inch gap you're ready to go and i don't pretty much know anybody in the military who's not familiar with the 511 this is the same thing as your hct 511 that you use by hand or the gct 511 that you use by battery the only difference is this is run by a pump so you've got 51 tons of spreading capability and 12 13 tons of actually cutting force which really makes it good because it's light enough you can do just about anything but it's powerful enough that you can do things that you require so you can lift spread cut it's the jack of all trades master of none so what i would like to do now is i'm going to go ahead and put this on and if you can bring that around here we're going to breach really quick so hopefully you can see this we have one two three two by twos and a two by four here on the door pretty solid and we're gonna go ahead and breach that really quick for you gotta put all my safety glasses otherwise mom's going to get me total weight on this is about 35 pounds so it's not hard to carry or get a hold of hopefully you can hear that here we go in three two one [Music] [Music] hold on for just a second let's take this off and show you cutting some steel instead so here's rebar three quarter inch [Music] and this is supposedly masterlock's best non-cuttable uh [Music] helps us to cut the right side i guess so i hate the the backside of this ripped out i don't know if you can see that or not but uh i'm gonna see if i can't find one more spot to try to get into that and break it because it's not for lack of force it's just the back side of it broke you gotta love training games right [Music] [Applause] foreign that's a little bit better so does anybody have any questions whatsoever or anything that we've covered so far i think we're all clear was a whole lot better when you're doing it in person i got to tell you um well that's about all i got here if anybody has any questions please feel free to go ahead and reach out to me or reach out to your local rep for a demo we'll bring this down there and you can see what you can bring with it absolutely ours let us know absolutely just a reminder we will have these uh demos in person you can get hands-on with them um on june 2nd in fredericksburg virginia so if you take a look at the chat there's a link to register there we'll have a lot of other demos as well so i hope you can make it out there but last call for questions anybody on the line here all right we're good to go rosco we really appreciate the uh the support great presentation um and uh we'll talk to you soon thanks guys all right thank you
Channel: Federal Resources
Views: 189
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 0x_uSsNKAns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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