The road to better lighting: key considerations and top tips

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we're talking about providing light for people to get from a to b whether you're a road user or whether you're a pedestrian you're generally going on a journey in some form and along that journey there will be risks associated so it's key for the human eye to be able to identify those hazards long before an accident occurs [Music] hello and welcome to thornlighting's let's talk light today thorne presents the road to better lighting key considerations and some top tips and as you can see from this wonderful background picture here albeit blue sky thinking going on we have a really nice scene with one of our products there the r2l2 lantern lighting the road perfectly and the associated footpaths for the pedestrians my name is martin thompson i am the phone applications ambassador for united kingdom and ireland and today there everyone is on mute but questions will be answered separately beyond the presentation so please feel free to write directly to me on my email address the bottom left hand side of the page there martin.thompson at we have an exciting four weeks ahead of us today we start with key considerations and top tips with myself but in one week's time we will be going over to dan pass who will deal with your root mapped out dealing with five application areas and other topics and then in two weeks time we have peter thorns who is going to deal with introducing the rpec optical system to you all and he's going to be accompanied by maxine purdue one of our optical designers and then in three weeks time we have valdemar becker our global product manager for outdoor lighting controls who's going to talk about all things zaga zaga up saga down and zaga drivers saga control systems and then in four weeks time we're gonna have voldemort back to talk about our central management system urba sends which deals with the larger outdoor lighting control systems so for today i talk about the way forward the first word i will say and i will repeat is safety we provide artificial light in an outdoor areas for safety first and foremost it has to be top of mindset for anyone involved in the process of delivering road lighting to the public environment so that includes manufacturers it includes designers it includes consultants and indeed it includes the end client because the end client should really look at their own spaces and should talk to their own people about what they want and there's pockets around europe that are engaging with the public to decide what is best for their environment in terms of road in terms of pedestrian and safety typically in europe we use the common platform for lighting design which is the european standard en13201 normally generally referred to as 13201 and this deals with lighting requirements for road lighting it also deals with the environmental aspects and it also talks about energy and it also talks about testing so there's a lot that the en 13201 parts one to five deal with safety i mentioned first and i promise safety will always be at the top of the agenda so for people predominantly we're talking about pedestrians because they are more vulnerable than someone behind the wheel of a motor car or indeed on a motorcycle or indeed a cyclist a lorry a bus all of these people are much safer than the pedestrians so the most vulnerable person would be a pedestrian and i talk about people but it's also about animals it's also about the place itself the environment we talk about the whole aspect when we when we're actually doing a lighting design for road in terms of the people um people walking along the street need to be able to be aware of what's going on on the road and vice versa the road users also need to be aware of what's going on around them in the place itself but also in particular on the adjacent footpath and we mustn't forget you know the environment right now in the world you'll have seen the global conferences taking place on the environment and what we're going to do collectively is a human race for the planet so it's crucial that when we're designing our products we we design for the environment as well as the people as well as the places and the technology that's available to us now allows us to do much more environmental work than ever before and the technology is there so it's right now we need to do these things some of the key facts um when we're talking about the road lightning what are we actually talking about we're talking about providing light for people to get from a to b whether you're a road user or whether you're a pedestrian you're generally going on a journey in some form and along that journey there will be risks associated so it's key for the human eye to be able to identify those hazards long before an accident occurs so the road lighting is definitely there as a preventative measure to accidents occurring and of course it's the amount of light used and we talk about light pollution and the environment again so if we can do this safely and at the same time decrease light pollution we've got towards a great actual road lighting scheme and of course when we get to high speed roads and we've got people moving quickly eyes and brains moving quickly at high speed it's the ability to navigate under those pressures so things like road markings things like road signage and other road users a key for the eye and the brain to work sometimes with split-second actions and it's very very key that all everything is highlighted perfectly for the eye to allow the brain to work quickly to allow the body to then change direction and change actions as required again to prevent accidents so when we talk about road lighting and the peripheral vision i take this picture on the bottom left here where we've got a cyclist happily driving along and we've got a pedestrian that's obviously about to go onto the pedestrian crossing and on the right hand side in the peripheral vision we've got two pedestrians both walking towards the pedestrian crossing so the cyclist has a couple of questions here to answer really is that pedestrian going on to the pedestrian crossing yes he is i'm going to slow down by the time i get there that pedestrian will have crossed the pedestrian and beyond the side of the road and then i can carry on on my journey or indeed is the pedestrian going to achieve the pedestrian crossing area before i get there do i need to start slowing down now or can i get across that before the pedestrian arrives it's all these seconds of decision making that the eye needs to make with the brain and the good quality lighting that does the not just the road in this case but it does the surrounds nice big wide footpaths parks to the left beyond the actual road area and off to the right hand side you've got the buildings and you've got the promenade there perhaps with shops you can imagine two scenes here one scene with a fully packed um low peak uh win this evening or high peak wind this evening in the high peak the streets will be packed the vehicles will be going a little bit slowly but there'll be a lot more activity to think about for the iron brain and as the evening goes on into the middle of the night you might get a scene as we depict here with just the odd person you know in the in the uh in the scene to think about and then when we talk about you know the actual flip side of the coin from the road use it to the pedestrian the pedestrian also has responsibilities so as they come under that pedestrian crossing in the top right hand corner picture there they have to think about that road user has the road user seeing me if not just pause a moment to verify that situation if they haven't seen you stay where you are allow the road user to carry on across the pedestrian if they have seen you that pause has guided the road user with the eye with the brain to stop the motor vehicle and you can cross safely and we can't go across any key facts without talking about cost saving and sustainability of the lighting scheme so a lot of big schemes do require fast returning investments so you've got to think about having a a really good sustainable lighting offer but also a cost-effective offer at the same time and eco-friendly products we talk about the life cycle of products so you try to recycle as much of the materials at the end of life as you possibly can to reuse those materials and for 10 years now in in our company we've used epd which is short for environmental product declaration and the eco-friendly side of that product is all highlighted right from the very birth of the product all the way through to grave and of course at the end of all of that scheme we need to reduce energy consumption so it's going from a typical scheme of let's say 150 watt lamp perhaps with best case conditions with an electronic ballast you could be looking at 165 watts of energy being consumed in the modern lantern environment with the technology available that can easily be brought down to circa 50 watts or less so you're saving easily between 50 and 75 percent energy just by changing the lantern if you then go on to use controls you can actually reduce that energy even more energy is a key part of any major installation that we talk about but the other major that i believe in is the obtrusive light side and making sure that the products that we put into the marketplace for a particular lighting design do not impact on people and the environment three typical phraseologies use the spill light sky glow and light trespass so if i can just point my cursor up here to towards the sky glow side of things this is completely wasted light and worse than that it's going directly up into the nighttime sky affecting everyone else's enjoyment of the stars at night and those dark skies and the second one most i guess appropriate to pedesta to residential is people in their own homes getting this sort of light trespass directly from the lantern going under the ground floor here so you can imagine a residential user being nicely sat in the living room comfort they've had a hard day at work and the last thing they want to see out their window is a direct view to the point source of an led lantern so you must think about controllability of that backlight when you're designing a product and then this upper echelon here of the light trespass into the first floor you do not want the nighttime event in the first floor to be disturbed by light trespass you want dark rooms for quality sleep at night people securing rhythms to be balanced and people have long and healthy lives and productive daytime only becomes as a result of good quality nighttime sleep and then finally the boundaries here that we show in different areas so here you've got the main part of the reference area that we're actually trying to light by the design under en13201 and then we've got the immediate surrounding area where there might be an element of light required just up to this red line here and then you've got the surrounding area where probably you don't want light and where you most definitely don't like want light is the spill light area and here we have light going outside the beyond the the boundary of the lighting scheme itself completely wasted spill light completely wasted energy and this is something you just should not do just for those amongst us who might not understand some of the abbreviations here ulr and dlor is dealing with the upward light output ratio of the lantern itself and ideally you do not want a lantern here for example to be tilted you want a zero degrees um mounting height if you can um to deal with and let me show you a couple of pictures which depicts that a little bit better so here you've got in this bottom left-hand corner you've got this lantern here which is at zero degrees tilt and here you've got a lantern at circa 5 degrees tilt you can see the light pattern is changing this is sending more light higher and across the road so you're going to get spill light with that and this one here is stopping that light it's putting right into the design area that you're looking for and just a couple of examples up here top left now we're talking wide beam and narrow beam and in the rpec uh presentation you see in two weeks time you'll hear about 20 different light optics around the rpec that can put the light specifically where you need it for the best energy best lighting uniformity and best use of light for people and road users so as i've said please avoid tilting in your lighting designs all of our latins are designed to go with zero degrees tilt if you can get a quality lighting design at zero degrees tilt you're doing the right thing and of course we talk about less lumen output so the controllability of the lantern is key in terms of the technology you can actually control the specific amount of light you need to actually achieve the light and design requirements under en13201 so you save more energy you use less carbon and every different design you do in there is a quality design delivered to optimize all of the elements that we talk about when we do enlightened designs for road lighting the whole lighting picture will be spoken in more depth next week by dan pass so he will talk about major roads and minor roads not just residential areas but also conflict areas pedestrian crossings and bridges all of these areas require different lighting treatments under en13201 dan will delve a little bit deeper next week for you so watch out for that please when it comes along next week and i'd just like to finish this particular presentation with a little bit of a case study this one was one of our partners uh the city of sunderland in the northeast of england in the united kingdom and their their project here was around about 27 luminaires need to be replaced as part of their reduction scheme in energy but also the improving the nighttime environment for the social side of things trying to get more people out of doors at night get that social connectivity going and also the economic growth so it was it was a multi-faceted um brief by the client and 27 lighting points were indeed changed you can see some of the numbers down here 9 000 tons of co2 was saved per annum thereafter and here this is what we talk about controllability now we saved an additional 25 of the actual energy used by using nighttime profiles for the council to match the n13201 optimizing the use of the lantern and of course we used the rpec optics throughout and we used multiple rpec optics to provide different schemes across the whole lighting picture and importantly for the council let's not forget money's heavily involved in anything we do in the world today and they saved 2.4 million pounds per annum over the last few years as part of this 27 000 r2l2 landings that went into this particular scheme and just a quick look at the standards that we work on i've mentioned dn13201 it deals importantly with the the selection of lighting the guidelines it deals with the performance requirements the calculation side of things the methods of actually measuring that lightning performance once you've actually done the scheme and it's installed and of course it deals with indicate is upon the use of energy and how you can actually change that and the rpec optic actually allows lightning designers the choice of optics to save more energy depending upon the area you're trying to light but we mustn't forget there's many more standards around europe that we can touch upon cei cie for example here with 150 115 and 132 they deal with the um the limitation effects of obtrusive light from outdoor lighting installations they deal with the recommendations for lighting roads and of course the design methods for lighting roads most importantly under cie and then en40 deals specifically with lighting columns and all things structures so anything we need to look at with respect to design of columns we can we can find those regulations stipulated in en40 and when we talk about en 12767 we're talking about the passive safety of such support structures and road equipment where you might want actually a particular what we call a knock down when we see a column being knocked down it moves away and it actually absorbs the energy so it's actually trying to preserve life of the driver if indeed there is an accident takes place what we call an rta which is a road traffic accident involving a structure we talk about passive safety to try and save life and the final one which a lot of lightning designers use on a day-to-day basis is en 12464 commonly known as 12 464 and this one we're dealing here with is part two light and lighting and it's dealing with lighting of workplaces which again part two of that is outdoor workplaces so it will deal with you know specific workplaces and outdoor environments that need lighting such as car parks for example so that's it for me for today so please get in touch i remind you to write to me directly if you have any questions on this early overview it's martin.thompson at some we have four more sessions coming up in the next four weeks so please look out for them they're about the same length of time 15 20 minutes snapshots at road lighting and that's it for me today so goodbye and farewell for today [Music]
Channel: Lets Talk Light - Thorn Lighting
Views: 16,900
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: l1G4R5Kf_R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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