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there are some moments on live TV that the people involved simply wish they could do a retake even though there's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian you can't really decide if your dog is one a woman went to a Morning Show hoping to prove to the world that her dog was vegetarian but when the doggo was given the choice between a veggie bowl and a meat Bowl she went straight for the meat one storm storm we hate to put the Temptation in front of you let her go go oh she's obviously going to go obviously are you little yes I didn't swear at the Grammys James Franco was on stage giving his speech for winning best actor in a Comedy Award and he invited the filmmaker Tommy wio on stage to celebrate with him but things got really awkward when he tried taking the [Applause] mic 19 years ago at the Albert dock in Liverpool history was made during the this morning show when they were doing a weather segment And the reporter had a bit too much momentum and took out one of the pretend Sailors right oh my gosh are you all right oh my God I'm so sorry when a man's phone started ringing mid interview he chose the least subtle way of putting it on [Music] silent um there's no amount of professionalism that can save a journalist from being scared of a bug that looks big enough to be paying taxes oh oh what is up that's because it's hot outside stuff like that happens okay at least it waited for the man to finish talking unlike a lot of reporters like quite a long time to make change even with the best will in the world after a cheeky jab from the Golden Globes host aimed at the NFL and Taylor Swift he received a deadly stare from Taylor uh the big difference between the golden globes in the NFL on the Golden Globes we have fewer camera shots of Taylor Swift I swear there's just where to go to here sorry about that when reporting it's important to stay hydrated that's why one of the workers at the station was kind enough to fill one of the reporters mug having no idea she had other plans with it I really appreciate Dave gave me a mug like this did I just do that on air I didn't know it had anything in it okay that's aring well people say that video games improve hand eye coordination but this would make you think twice about it okay evacuate and evaporate are very similar sounding words so I don't really blame her when I first moved here I think the first time I moved here it was like this so we had to like evaporate and it had like bolts and stuff out here but once it do hit that they probably going to tell us to evaporate and then that's what gets on my nerves all the time we got to keep evaporating yeah during a Spanish trivia game show where the winner gets $200,000 a woman was eliminated just a few questions away from being a finalist by over complicating the question in what year did NASA made a trip to space led by only [Music] woman [Music] for they say a reporter's job is to dive deep into the story but I don't think anyone meant literally an example of the cat distribution system in full swing happened during a news report want to say something and they say romance is dead so let's talk to stormwatch C meteorologist Mike Rizzo about that we're using air quotes warmup warm up yeah totally you know I'm I'm a Hot Lover a hot weather lover right there you go wow okay happy happy Thursday good morning during April Fool's Day a woman had the great idea to put on a green suit and creep up behind the weatherman knowing that she would blend in with the green screen little did she know it almost caused her the job since the producers were not happy about it St George showers will continue into the evening hours here uh sometimes we're simply doing too much a reporter was doing a report on wearing masks on the subway and tried looping around the subway cart for no real reason trapping the cameraman inside put that into perspective we have not seen May Since may cut Howard Dean was a former governor of Vermont who was running for president in 2004 and was even getting traction with voters after he spent north of $30 million in his campaign but it all went downhill when he screamed out of excitement during a speech that was later broadcasted 633 times and political commentators said that it destroyed his campaign since people stopped seeing him as presidential we're going to South Carolina and Oklahoma and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico we're going to California and Texas and New York and then we're going to Washington DC to take back the White House I have no clue how this happened but during a news report not one but two reporters read a tweet claiming that with $500 million you could give over $1 million to each American and neither pointed out the obvious mistake given each American $1 million and have had lunch money left over it's an incredible way of putting it it's an incredible way of putting it it's true it's disturbing it does it does suggest a sports report went wrong when a Rowdy fan was aiming to be on camera but was quickly when the reporter handled him like a prop with one hand while smiling the whole time you don't want to be right let's get into the high note to self always double check the names before going live because you never know when someone's name is going to give you a surprise happy 80th birthday to enorma STI of equipment happy birthday to you Miss enorma hope you have a wonderful day in the early days of Justin Bieber's career Ellen encountered one of the most awkward moments on her show when he picked her out from the crowd right there she's got everything I need a weather report turned into a skin Report with a Southern accent reveal on the side I so pale you're on it today's snow is crippling much of the Washington lowlands one of three in drop towers are terrifying sadly for this reporter he had to do a retake despite really not wanting to the entire Fair organizers expect organizers expect nearly 100,000 people to come out here to experience all of the fair's ups and and it's Downs as well a meteorologist was sent to Uncharted Territory when she had to do a segment on a haunted house needless to say it didn't go well oh God so a quarter is obviously 1/4 and with an hour having 60 Minutes makes 1 qu of an hour equivalent to 15 minutes this man had a hilarious reaction when he realized that he had a mental slip up on live TV while the sign says that it's four quarters for an hour but a quarter only get you 15 minutes so if my math is correct that's not an hour that's not an hour but it is and also a qu 15 minutes rewind take that off take that off you're right 15 minutes is a cool I swear to God I do not do drugs I have not had liquor my friends are leaving me well anyways we're doing a story about they want to change the part that one teleprompter fail or a creative way to spice up the news check your panties about 175,000 rice I think that was supposed to be pantries what seemed to be a normal weather report took a big turn when the weatherman went and gave the real scoop Ryan what's it look like out there yeah uh it looks like snow just like I predicted in my forecast from the studio I spent 120,000 on a degree and four years in college to come out here and look around and describe what I see too well for rapper Diddy happened when he was at the Ellen Show saying that something like a clown wasn't going to scare him and well Ellen put that theory to the test I'm not afraid of clowns I but I heard that you [Applause] were when a so-called martial arts Guru was on live TV showing some tricks that were way to too impressive the host tried to reassure the audience that they were real bricks but apparently they actually switched them before the show that's incredible wait to be honest I actually felt These Bricks these are real bricks I mean there's there's no door oh oh wow check it out baby guns guns how the hell did you do that oh my God during a mixed doubles tennis match smashes two serves on a row into his tennis partner and considering those serves go well over 100 mph it probably hurt [Music] oh she's done it again oh no number twoed at 93 mph on the back of the a very exciting project by the Portuguese Navy was a sort of new drone technology that they wanted to show the public after people were wondering why they were spending so much money but well maybe doing it live wasn't too good of an idea at a show with Tyra Banks as a host they invited a huge Road to surprise the guest Hillary duve the problem is that the host got a little too scared and fell off the couch a kind of embarrassing moment for a singer happened at a concert in shangai when a local celebrity didn't realize she was holding the microphone upside down which obviously revealed she wasn't [Music] singing They later announced that she was actually singing and that it was a double-sided mic which didn't really help after a win from a football team one of the footballers was being interviewed and got asked if he wanted to thank someone and that's when he thanked his wife and his girlfriend and I appreciate my friend also my wife and my girlfriend I mean my wife yeah sorry to say I'm so I'm so sorry my wife Liz in a Japanese game show called brain walls a wall comes toward you with a shape in the middle and you have to make the shape with your body to not fall so they come up with different strategies but one of the contestants for some reason chose a bizarre move when a news reporter was doing a report on a theme park he got a little too confident in one of the games and managed to scare himself Tower you can let me go whenever you want all right oh oh God okay so it's 40 ft tall and there was actually a 15t little hanging thing before even though Gordon Ramsay is one of the world's most well-known chefs when he tried speeding up the cooking process at the Late Show with James Cordon he almost started a fire and his told him the bacon was kind of burned sorry I'm getting I'm getting [Applause] Crisp that's when Mark Zuckerberg was doing a Q&A with the audience he was responding to a question about how to deal with criticism and he accidentally said he's not human but it is going to bother you because you're human and and I was human I am human still um but um but it but I was just referring to myself in the past um not that I was not human tables can turn quickly when two TV reporters that worked in the same network were dating the man went for a proposal just to have her now ex-girlfriend hide under the table but well sometime later their paths crossed again a hilarious moment at the erov vision opening happened when dimma Balan descended on cables and got his jacket stuck in the wire and Incredibly he did not break character for in a [Applause] [Music] second a painfully awkward moment to watch takes place at the fide Chess World Cup in which a handshake looked like a rock paper scissors [Music] game during a hockey game a commentator put with his co-host on the spot after a suspicious sound came on back hands are down the [Applause] ice was that you no a contestant perhaps celebrated prematurely when she went to hug the judges without noticing the pit between the stage and their [Applause] table despite timing the confetti machine perfectly with beat drop she still didn't get it quite right [Music] Conan O'Brien is known for not saying the most appropriate things on live TV at times and when Beth Bears accidentally touched her co-star Conan was very disappointed I just touch your boo what roll that backat I didn't see that roll it back I'm sorry roll it back even though bees suits are designed to protect beekeepers they're not fully sting proof and beekeepers regularly get the occasional sting a reporter learned this fact the hard way online live television find attached to this story on our web an extremely awkward moment went viral when a Red Sox fan realized the camera pan on him and he slid his hands away from his date and well upon some investigation made by the internet it turned out that both were actually married to different people during a mini documentary that aired live years ago Elon Musk was shown in a household setting with his now ex-wife and it got extremely awkward when she went too far when saying that she would have accepted a proposal from anyone and how she thought of leaving him thousands of times um I'd probably have said yes to anyone that seemed half sensible if they proposed after 10 days just cuz it's kind of an interesting thing to do times right I'm getting on a plane to England and I'm never going to see you again really no um no no not really Jennifer Lawrence perhaps went too far when she scolded a journalist at the Golden Globes when he was using his phone to read his questions because he struggled with the English language and was nervous how do you see yourself for the you can't live your whole life behind your phone bro huh you're just not going to you can't do that you got to live in the oh sorry sorry sorry how do you seat yourself for the Oscar night and how was we're at the Golden Globes if you if you put your phone down you'd know that when Gordon Ramsey traveled to Thailand he was struggling to cook the authentic version of the local food and it seemed like tables turned for Gordon Ramsey when a local Chef wasn't afraid to critique his Pad hi what do you want to know from me ask me well how is it h oh no look at that face this is not P at all a quick witted Olympic snowboarder made an incredible save after almost admitting to drinking under the age of 21 I had unlimited like service after that I was getting drinks and I was getting snacks wait a minute drinks you're 19 years old yeah I'm talking about Mountain deud baby all right at the first day on the job for a young reporter his segment was interrupted by a curious baby elephant in throughought cases it is up to us to be guardians of our own natural world save our wild species and provide a home in a popular Japanese show a group of marketing professionals were shown a biking campaign of a race when suddenly a stunt man came crashing out of the TV and their reactions were priceless [Applause] when a helicopter takes off it produces around 4,000 cubic feet of air per minute which would be the equivalent of 40 fans blowing in your direction here when a reporter from the Hollywood minute was clearly intoxicated slurring his words and behaving erratically Kristen Bell became increasingly agitated ated and gave him a well-deserved slap towards the end okay bab bab Kristen it's really okay oh my God during the recording of a departure of a ship in Greece a man pulled up last minute to the port and he was caught missing the ship just as the ramp was closing and to make things worse his taxi left [Music] too [Music] okay not 100% sure how we're supposed to know he was actually reading but a man in India went on live television to prove he's the fastest reader alive when a karate master was trying to promote his martial arts institution he claimed that he could crack coconuts with his hands on at a concert in Washington du aipa accidentally hit one of the dancers with the microphone causing it to go missing in the crowd and well some fans were confused why the song kept playing but she still carried on the show like a professional and handled the situation [Music] well when a math professor failed miserably at what she called Simple Math on live television the cameraman decided to do some damage control by panning out to some artwork you simply cannot leave one of the strongest men in the world hanging our competition when addressing the judge in the courtroom you always want to address them as your honor since well they are choosing your fate this woman made a big mistake when she called the judge love we were together for 6 years love if you call me love one more time oh I'm sorry it's a Hab meal times can quickly work up a temper in Lions when a news reporter decided to interview a lion at a sanctuary just before his meal time he wasn't too happy go into his den in the back right T during the pre-show of major ice hockey game there were three hosts doing a live broadcast on the game and sport in general and viewers noticed that one of the hosts didn't get to speak much when a news reporter had very different political views than the station she was threatened to be fired and that's when she decided on the next report to quit live and well awkwardness ensued not that I have a choice but it I quit all right we apologize for that a man's plan to charm the judge using his better version completely backfired when the kid gave his dad away did he go through the red light he again today after Kevin Hart made some jokes about Shaq's life and retirement he got some Instant [Applause] Karma Anthony Anderson gave Sher Shepard a good scare when he pretended to send a snake flying off ater an ABC news anchor had a laughing attack on air while covering a funny segment of a baby giving CPR oh my God I'm sorry that is so cute during Good Morning Britain a guest stormed off after the reporter accidentally dropped a rare plant absolutely oh at the Brit Awards which would be the equivalent of the Grammys in the UK Adele was given a heartfelt speech after receiving an award but in an awkward turn of event she was cut off because she was taking too long in the room with all of you I'm so sorry and I can't believe I'm about to cut off off I'm so sorry can I just say then goodbye and I'll see you next time around ladies and gentlemen it's BL during a live show Ed Sheeran's earpiece fell out during the performance causing him and Taylor Swift to be out of [Applause] [Music] sync to promote the opening of a theme park local reporters went to visit the park and get in some of the thrill rides what one of the reporters didn't know is that he was getting in a ride that had the tallest Inver in the southern hemisphere to the end [Music] holy Shaq is a man of very talents including freestyling apparently and when Nicki Minaj was a guest at his show he decided to risk it all B Nick Minaj will you marry me no oh she said no man messing up the flow a very confusing moment for talk show host Jimmy Fallon happened when he was surprised by Lady Gaga in The Middle's dialogue just for her to drop some money on the table and leave be careful be careful in those shoes when Keanu Reeves was doing some press for a movie in which he did the voice acting for a character named Ted the interviewer didn't even know which character Keanu was Ted oh my God you just lost all of your cred dude you that's right that's what you should do right now for some reason this Chef thought the assistant Chef wasn't worthy enough of his handshake they chief stge surgeon Javier is entrusting me with a scalpel an incredible Smooth Criminal is this dog who stolen impanata on live TV when a TV reporter decided to go off script to give some words of wisdom he tried quoting you give a man a fish you feed him for a day you teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime but forgot the phrase halfway te him to a to fish you give him you give him and when a wildfire was occurring near the city of Rancho kukamonga in California it caused the city to be filled with smoke causing heat and smog so the KTLA crew went to check it out and interviewed scared residents but well one resident was more interested in the reporter than anything else you live around here yeah wow you're super pretty you want to go on a date sometime we're on there live right now on K actually luckily the man wasn't injured but to be fair those sitting benches completely blend in with the surrounding okay this probably wasn't super intentional but during the Grammys presenter miles frost didn't match the excitement for Harry Styles as he did other artists gry goes to [Music] Beyonce lizo and the Grammy goes to Har [Music] Styles a mortifying moment for a jogger happened when she was on her her morning run and took the reporter's question to literally please Erica odonnell and can you spell first and last if i r s t l a s I met your first and last name I'm so nervous I found after multiple dead rodents were found on the floor at a retail store called Family Dollar a TV crew went in to reveal the dirty conditions the store was in and that's when they were kicked out and yelled by by one of the employees who correctly predicted her fate he you clean it go clean it you clean I don't work here I don't either and remember that employee who got in our face and cussed us out yesterday she's been fired during a TV show a group of unsuspecting people are lured into an elevator that has been specially rigged with a fake floor and when the elevator doors are closing suddenly the floor of the elevator appears to give [Music] way there's a famous quote that goes a journalist is someone who writes what someone else does not want written but sometimes there is such thing as TMI and um I was having some issues and then it was Obama traffic and I accidentally had an accident in the car oh no and I had to do and I was wearing leggings oh and so it was some of Shakira's songs are so catchy that it seems that even professional journalists can't get enough of it my Hips Don't Lie [Laughter] oh as a reporter is talking about an upcoming game the Oklahoma City Thunder sneaks up from behind and got a mic check from the startled reporter some winner [Music] merchand 2012 was a particularly challenging year for Greece and societal tension was at an all-time high but some protesters took it particularly far when they snuck into a newset Network and threw flour and eggs to a reporter doing a live segment when a reporter was fired and was not given the opportunity to say goodbye her former co-anchor went rogue on air in defense of her and shamed the station for the way things were handled the viewers experienced was rude it was cruel it was inappropriate and we are so sorry and well sadly he got fired too a new segment had to make a cut early when the anchors couldn't stop laughing Cedric the [Laughter] Entertainer we're coming right back when you're the president's dog you have special privileges the French president's dog sort of interrupted an interview and he went number one on the presidential Palace fireplace after visiting a demilitarized zone divid F in the Korean Peninsula the vice president of the United States mistakenly said that the US made a strong alliance with North Korea when she really meant South Korea and viewers were extremely confused for a few minutes so the United States shares a very important relationship which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea and it is an alliance that is strong and enduring with the age-old debate of Spider-Man versus Superman WFAA news anchors might have just created a superhero crossover we never knew we needed who's your favorite Marvel Comics hero mine is Superman remember the motto with great power comes great responsibility have a great night everyone we'll see you again at 6 after football player Zeke was suspended for six games back in 2017 reporters were trying to get to the bottom of the accusations but his teammate was ready to handle the questions now what kind of personal conversations that have you had with Zeke about his situation uh I mean I've had a few but they're personal for a reason fair enough yeah I walk right into that one what was about to be an epic start of a boat show went horribly wrong when the host Mis aimed his jetpack Fox 5 Morning News starts look over there and it starts right now a good lesson to learn is that if you're next to a water tank with large animals inside they might make a splash once in a while a reporter chose a wrong spot to make an interview and ended up being soaked by a dolphin sorry B it's not just a show it's really educating the people at the European Athletics Championship they were interviewing the second place winner which was very confused when the reporter asked him about how did it feel to win the gold medal and it turns out the athlete had no idea the first place winner was disqualified for cheating and he actually won the race no Champion see no yeah right winner a woman got the giggles at the worst time possible while at work making a new story about downward tilting toilets and her co-workers were completely baffled for too long portly waiting for sorry you guys the company says it could save millions of dollars for a year I'm sorry I can't ridiculous get it other girl is ridiculous oh yeah I put too many puns in here PE TV is a Shopping Network in which display a wide array of products but the variety of products mean that sometimes segments get weird group projects aren't always the easiest and it can be difficult to schedule time to rehearse at the Oscars three talented makeup artists won the Oscar for best makeup and hair styling for their work on the movie Vice but it seemed like they didn't get much time to rehearse the speech Jeff Waxman and uh Jennifer M Jennifer moff our DP Greg Frasier our scripty Kate and Paula Williams Jamie kelman ad
Channel: CubeHub01
Views: 996,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live tv, funny moments, fails, embarrassing moments, funny fails, live tv gone wrong, on stage
Id: fpaezhY0uO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 15sec (1815 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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