Most Unbelievable Moments Ever Caught On Camera!

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the world is full of mysteries but sometimes the most unbelievable things unfold right on camera a good thing to know is that if you're ever leaving Hana airport in Tokyo you might want to sit on the right side of the plane to be able to see Mount Fuji the tallest peak in Japan Starship is a spacecraft by SpaceX that has 33 booster engines and produces 3.3 million lbs of force and it's incredible to watch [Music] with some paint jobs and Bentley running upwards of $20,000 a general manager's heart ski to beat is a lady sprayed paint on one of the SUVs for a demonstration of the paint protection product over the next three five or seven years SE cucumbers are scavengers that collect tiny particles of algae and microscopic marine animals with their tube feet and it's very bizarre seeing them [Music] eat this is incredible footage of the icon of the Seas cruise ship which is the largest in the world it has a length of almost 1,200 ft and it costs almost $2 billion to build and in some areas of the ship it almost feels like you're in a city instead of a cruise in a one in a trillion moment caught on camera a 4 ton killer whale was seen colliding with a dolphin it would seem that the whale was using a hunting technique that involves stunning the prey during a busy season big hotels have to get hundreds of room ready for new guests every day and the amount of sheets that have to be washed is unbelievable oh my God and this is also why you might want to tip the housekeeper tarantula in order to grow do something called molting in which they shed their exoskeleton to allow for growth and repair while it's a cool process it's also terrifying it's always easy to forget how fast Formula 1 cars go since you usually see them through stationary TV cameras or point of view cameras as they begin the climb up R and along the K St but Red Bull partnered with Dutch drone Gods to achieve the impossible when they created a drone faster than an F1 car being able to reach astonishing speeds of over 190 mph and it allows us to give us a completely different perspective to Formula 1 racing now you don't see all movie when he like comes in like that maybe this homeowner should turn his house into a car wash for Easy [Music] Money during a concert Taylor Swift did the unbelievable and went Super Saiyan [Music] if someone's trying to help you while you're at the ATM you should never let them hold your card CCTV camera caught this thief pulling an incredibly quick robbery when he very quickly swapped the cards to the victim and peaked his [Music] password USS Detroit is a 3500 metric ton ship made by Lockheed Martin and it's crazy to see it being Sid launched into the ocean a painting by Philip Alexius who made it all the way to the 21st century from 1914 was completely destroyed in merely a few seconds when a protester spray painted and [Music] keed this man might actually give Prime Mike Tyson a run for money when comparing next ring absolute Precision meets mind-bending physics as performers navigate a constantly shifting platform in Yan bis's [Music] choreography when a homeowner refused to sell his house to the government in China there is not much the city could do so they decided to build a freeway around [Music] it a man went on a hike with his dog when all of a sudden sudden a massive Landslide started occurring dragging the doggo down despite being very confused of what was going on the Husky remained calm and was completely [Music] unscathed okay you really need to trust your friend to do this but it helps if said friend is a professional golfer wow doing a parabolic maneuver you can create a zero gravity environment for a couple seconds inside the [Music] aircraft oh my God during a live news broadcast there was a miscommunication error that made one of The Producers think they were off air and well it revealed a very odd trick in a physics defying moment apparently a constant line of air is enough for a screwdriver to float a 200 IQ play by a woman with a jumping spider on her leg happened when she remembered that there was a fly roaming around their food so she took care of two problems at once bro he's going to get it I was looking at oh my God he going to do it yes thieves usually try to Target people when they're at least expecting it a man in Bangladesh managed to excel at this by snatching a phone off a moving train this is what it looks like when I try to solve my problems around 9% of the people in the United States have theophobia which is the fear of oceans and one can easily understand why with videos like this one when a man was opening a pack of Magic the Gathering cards he pulled a $2.6 million rare card and well he decided to take a video and couldn't stop shaking this is believed to be one of the most powerful lightning strikes caught on camera it even lit up the entire Sky Steph Curry is so good at basketball that when he lost a dribble he figured that something must be wrong with the court and well he was right [Music] canoeing is meant to be a relaxing activity unless you get stuck on something that feels like a [Music] rock Victoria Cameron represents Stevenville high school and not only can op in a treadmill at 23 mph but also won the State title at an incredible time of 11.35 seconds very agressively that is C actually she wasted zero time Against All Odds a man managed to stay dry when his group raft flipped [Music] over okay sometimes bears want their piece too just just oh no okay maybe the ants are getting Bolder sometimes when buying a car from Facebook Marketplace the seller leaves out some important [Music] details big excavators can weigh up to 50,000 lb and are huge but the marble quy in Italy is so big that it makes it look tiny it's always a good idea to do a rock check before walking on what looks like a normal Sandy [Music] Beach this is a water slide in Brazil that is not suited for anyone scared of heights or stairs [Music] a good thing to know is that some sea snakes such as olive sea snakes are highly venomous and sometimes during mating season male snakes become hyperactive and confuse humans as potential mates and approach drivers or boats perhaps one of the most terrifying videos to watch these ants built a bridge to attack a wasp nest that would make even an engineer proud okay is this person moving left or right apparently no one knows Z Jones is an American football player who has a very peculiar and unreal looking way of standing [Music] up a strange moment caught on film in the streets of New Jersey is a bear that's been cited multiple times while walking on 2 ft like a human even though this is not common practice at all and not a good way to launch a vessel that was newly built these workers had to ingenious how to set sail without Machinery sometimes at the beach we can witness a natural phenomenon of bioluminescent water which is usually caused from an algae bloom of Plankton and well every time the water is splashed it and it's kind of like Nature's LED lights a marine biologist got a jump scare when a camouflaged octopus came out of nowhere with UFO sightings seeming to be more common than ever there might even be some solid evidence for the existence of alien life a really strange video to watch comes from a plane passenger Which films what looks like a shape-shifting UFO in at 30,000 ft in the air okay this is probably one of the craziest survival stories but after a ship sunk off the coast of Nigeria some divers were doing a search of the wreckage and in a heart stopping moment one of the divers gets his arm grabbed and that's when they found a man who managed to survive for 3 Days in an air bubble in the ship all right you found one yeah he's alive he's alive okay keep him there keep them all right just just all right and well after being rescued he mentioned in an interview that he'll never go to the Sea again with plane engines being around 13 ft in diameter it makes sense they're really loud a not very convenient airport is one that's right next to a beach and a redditor managed to capture the chaos it makes for beachgoers when a plane is taking off [Music] okay a video that looks straight like an if there was a glitch in The Matrix is from this bird in a farm who appears to be lagging when a man was hiking next to a waterfall he noticed there was an extreme updraft and decided to take a video and well it looks like the waterfall is experiencing reverse gravity with a shell of fireworks being usually about 3 to 12 in in diameter sometimes it can be surprising how big the display turns out to be a mesmerizing display is the biggest on-shell firework ever wa w a clip that looks completely fake but is actually real comes from a man demonstrating a crazy spinning effect he managed to make during a pool game [Music] a not so known fact is that elephants actually eat the leaves and even small branches of trees a crazy display of strength by an elephant is him taking down a tree in order to eat the leaves from the [Music] [Applause] top an absolutely unbelievable creation by laboris Suz is the world's largest air cannon that can shoot air more than 300 ft with enough strength to take down a huge wall of cardboard [Music] boxes in an unbelievably low odds moment a woman was cycling alone in the desert of Dubai for hours on end when all of a sudden the ruler of Dubai showed up with his Entourage and handed her a bottle of water hiratsuka City Museum was able to capture an explosion caused by a space rock that crashed into the Moon the explosion from the impact was so powerful that it was able to be seen from Japan even though it's been over a decade since Gangam Style was released you got to admire the Showmanship Sai puts for shows a man in Brazil caught footage of what would be the heavyweight champion of the Amazon forest and it's something you definitely don't want to see during a [Music] hike at afterlife in Mexico City Italian DJ anema had a display of an AI stuck in a screen trying to break out for his song eternity and it shows how electronic concerts are evolving with Incredible [Music] visuals for an advertisement to show what the new Tesla cyber truck is capable of the Tesla team set up a race between a Porsche 9911 and a cyber truck and well not only that but the Cyber truck was telling a 911 as [Music] well in one of the weirdest boxing fights of all time heavyweight boxer Harper exited the ring just seconds after the opening bell making it one of the strangest fights in history and ctis hased out the ring can believe I've never seen it before heed out ring he's not F he walked out of the ring I've never seen it before in my life at the Wells Fargo Center there were eight events done in eight days one of them involving an ice skating Rank and it's incredibly satisfying to see how the workers create an entire venue from [Music] nothing this ax thrower managed to get a rare triple bullseye [Music] since high heels require a change in the mechanics of the foot you don't see anyone doing lots of physical activity on them except for this lady who managed to run through a floating Bridge without [Music] falling sometimes we just have to be generous and share with our [Music] friends in places that have very steep angles in Hills after a heavy rain or an earthquake locals tend to evacuate some areas that are likely to be victim of a landslide which is the sliding down of a mass of Earth and well they're incredibly scary to watch this game show really did not expect one of the competitors to make it look this easy [Music] [Music] after a herd of African elephants crossed the road the leader of the herd gave a thanks to a driver whose trip was [Music] interrupted a good lesson to learn is that if you ever leave your phone near a group of frogs you're probably not getting it back [Music] not 100% sure why this opal was split in half considering that it would slash the price by 10 but it's fascinating to see the RGB looking lights inside the rock a heartwarming moment that a kid will never forget happened when the dad memorized parts of his favorite TV show and pretended to participate in it with the first use of CGI in a movie was in 1973 and it didn't become a full thing until the late 1990s film producers had to get creative to take a scene idea to [Music] screen this is astronaut Bruce mandalis above Earth during an incredible untethered from Gravity space [Music] wall this man is the fastest clapper being able to do 14 claps per second even though Safari buses are extremely safe and surrounded with cages if a group of tigers approaches it can still be scary at the sanero stadium in Milan there are these columns that also are staircases that look like they're spinning when crowds are leaving but in reality it's just an optical illusion and the structure is not moving when a student arrived 30 minutes late to class the professor decided to teach him a lesson by trying to embarrass him by asking what problem they were trying to solve and well he wasn't expecting expecting the guy to be a genius you sir what are we soling uh all right that's a good guess even though this criminal had agility the cop had strength a strange moment caught on the CCTV at the subway was in the middle of the summer when a woman unfastened her trench coat and proceeded to walk away in Brisbane Australia there's an annual fireworks display which features aircraft demonstrations from the the Australian Air Force and well they fly very close to buildings a mega storm caused the Pasa bulker to head towards Navi Beach which was concerning considering it's a 738 ft long ship that weighs 169 million lbs and well it got stuck near the shore and there was 1.6 billion dollar worth of damages caused to the ship Ilia malanin is the first person in history that was able to land a Quad Axle which is a jump that requires to complete 4.5 turns in the air before landing which was previously thought possible beautiful bloated down worth a look taking it a break and how many times will we be watching that a watch that has an unbelievable price tag comes from the diamond company named graph the watch is called hallucination and has over 110 Kat of colored diamonds and well the price tag is an astonishing $55 million a good thing to know is that snakes have no interest in humans so it's extremely unlikely they will ever chase you but if for some reason one decides to follow you climbing a tree is not a good idea since often many snakes spend a good amount of time in trees to escape predators and to catch [Music] prey a cat had an existential crisis when it met a tiger cub since it quickly went from the king of the jungle to not so much when a small water leak was ignored in a building it quickly turned into a massive problem after a heavy rain with Rolex watches going for thousands of dollars wearing them in public can make you a target a businessman visiting London was befriended right outside his hotel entrance by what seemed two drunk guys and they were acting fun and trying to get him to dance while they stole his $40,000 watch and he didn't even realize the MSG sphere is the largest LED wall ever built that cost $2.3 billion which is more than what the Burge Khalifa cost to build but well some people are concerned that it distracts drivers since it can be seen from miles away some students at Stanford made a Next Level invention by developing glasses that trans describes speech in real time meant for people who are deaf or having hearing problems and in the future it's believed that it will also be used to understand another language with a translation feature so using our device you can actually see captions for everything I say in your field of view in real time this is an example of form over function in the making of a car you put on your get in helmet and voila okay it's probably not the best idea to stay close to these speakers for a prolonged period of time but at an outdoor demonstration they placed over 100 speakers and they were so powerful you can see the shock waves and even the movement In Crowd members [Music] hair a strange footage comes from the Birmingham Museum and art gallery in which all of a sudden a floating minion appeared and kind of looks like it's patrolling the place this man eating a snack looks straight like a glitch in The [Music] Matrix have you ever wondered what would happen if a normal person was running a 100 meter sprint with pro athletes well this happened recently when an untrained girl was chosen to represent the country of Somalia as a favor for a politician and well needless to say she was dead last this worker is so good at this job that even a crowd formed to spectate his incredible plate stacking skills during American Ninja Warriors a dog decided to work smarter not [Music] harder there are times in which at a busy restaurant someone spills something like ketchup this machine aims to get rid of the mess as quickly as possible [Music] soil liquefication is a rare phenomenon which usually happens after an earthquake or other rapid loading that causes the strength and stiffness of soil to be decreased and it's very strange to see if you ever want to get into the American Ninja Warrior show you're expecting to train five to six times a week just to have a shot at passing the course but in Japan a chimpanzee did it without breaking a sweat [Music] moles dig pretty hard and they can put up to 40 times their body weight behind their shovel-like paws but this also means that they can't walk very well this is the most venomous animal in the entire world the box jellyfish they can kill a person within a few minutes or sometimes 4 to 48 hours due to the aruk kanji syndrome which is a delayed reaction to the sting since they live in coastal Waters areas that are known to have box jellyfishes around are marked and the beaches have Stinger enclosures squirrel unwillingly went into a wild ride when it tried taking food from a bird [Music] feeder in south central Pennsylvania there's a place called Gravity Hill and it makes you wonder about basic [Music] physics coming back got a magnet on it ever wonder what the inside of a shark looks like this man got a surprise when he saw a baby shark trying to eat the [Music] camera despite setting a new women's world record at the 2020 Olympics Alexandra mirow did not win a medal but her climbing speed is unbelievable this Bobcat jumps over a river with a single leap if you drive a lot on highways toll expenses can add up to hundreds of dollars a year so people get creative on ways to not pay them when a cop pulled over a truck he realized that he had strings attached to the license plate so he can pull it and hide it from the toll cameras an idea he got from the James Bond movie the plate is attached to a cable you see this right here yeah y from inside as soon as the a to he's going to pull the lever so he pulls the lever and look what happens when a rugby player celebrated A Try by spinning the ball behind him it landed right in his hands when it came back [Music] down Auto stereoscopy is a way of displaying images that look 3D but without the need of using 3D glasses in Ching do there's a huge billboard which has this effect and it's definitely an attention grabber despite spiders not being known to be the most appealing animal there is a type of dance which is inspired by spider movement and well it's mesmerizing but bizarre to [Music] watch during a soccer match Japan versus Jamaica a one in a million moment happened when kubos scored a four-man nutmeg goal okay not sure how he does this but in a restaurant one of the waiters managed to bring fire to the plate from above okay maybe there's more context that we aren't seeing in this video but a very strange footage caught on a CCTV camera is a bike caught riding by itself and well it managed to go and impressive distance [Music] a very heartwarming story comes from a man in China whose son was abducted by an unknown woman and at the time the police investigation proved ineffective but the man never gave up and started his own search which included driving over 300,000 Mi with a picture of his son and handing out flyers and well after 24 years he was finally able to reunite with his son and his reaction is priceless caution Jun was reunited with his parents after a DNA test threw up a match it's no secret that Cristiano Ronaldo is an advocate for people to eat healthy and for some reason he's not a big fan of Coca-Cola so when he sat down for an interview at the European championships press conference he removed the Coca-Cola bottles and said drink water which caused the Coca-Cola stock to go down which caused a $4 billion loss in market value an incredible feature on a TV is a joint screen feature that allows two things to be playing at the same time but it only looks like one but if you put glasses on you can see the other screen an incredible discovery that came from the slow-mo guys happened when they decided to drop a slinky and watch it in slow motion and well apparently when a slinky Falls it doesn't actually fall until all its weight is transferred to the [Music] bottom an incredible demonstration of skill by Swiss goalkeeper summer was shown when he managed to make five incredible saves in a row an incredible human LCD video is one in which high school students decided to cheer for their soccer team in a Noto traditional way and decided to make a complex routine which looks unreal a very rare phenomenon or Volus also known as roll clouds in which air currents coming from the storm caused the cloud to roll parallel to the Horizon a place that looks like heaven on Earth is at the top of a Salt Flat in Bolivia in which a thin layer of water transforms the flats into an incredible reflection of the [Music] sky an unbelievable display of synchronicity to watch comes from a halftime show in which the performers managed to be in perfect sync without colliding [Music] [Applause] oh in Rockaway Township New Jersey a family got a bizarre surprise when they went to the backyard and noticed that a mother bear and her five Cubs were having a pool party in Canada a group of skiers got together to perform the longest skiing backflip chain which became a world record with 30 people performing in sing [Applause] at an NBA game Clint capella completely shocked the entire Arena when he managed to hit a behind the backboard trick shot versus bucks nice pass to Capella he is surrounded he is double te fires one up and hits behind to be kidding me shot clock running down in China there's an unbelievable tourist attraction which is a Cliffside water slide which is all glass and allows for amazing views and an overall unreal [Music] experience an almost unreal footage to watch comes from a man in a balcony who filmed lightning striking the same street light 11 times in a row a possible reason for this is that after the first strike the air channel stays ionized allowing the charge to build up [Music] despite there only being a few cases of captive gorillas behaving aggressively towards humans they're still scary if they come at you a scary moment for a tourist at the zoo happened when a gorilla hit the glass where she was standing and then ran [Music] off it's no secret that there are some strange Guinness Records that some people wouldn't even think of attempting an expensive Guinness record to practice is the Titus parallel park which was just 3.15 in [Music] apart during a girl's birthday one of her friends unreal reflexes managed to save the party when the cake almost fell to the [Applause] ground a one in a billion moment happened at a golf course when a golf ball got struck by a light lightning going at 88 mph a hilarious joke on wrong happened when a man tried to get his girlfriend's attention causing an unfortunate phone drop a beautiful moment of respect happened during lockdown when a man couldn't attend his aunt's funeral so to honor her memory he coordinated to make a heart from sheep that could be seen from heaven [Music] in a neighborhood in California several people reported break-ins in the area and that's when a couple created a motion activated sprinkler which kept a thief away from their [Music] home Splash was a short-lived South Korean show in which they invited celebrities to make a dive on live television and one of the participants absolutely nailed the dive considering she had no diving experience 33 Thomas Street is a 20-story building in New York with no windows and is known to be one of the most terrifying looking buildings in the world it was originally designed to withstand a nuclear blast and be self-sufficient for 2 weeks but even scarier is that the inside is completely mysterious and there hasn't been a picture of the inside since the last one in 2004 [Music]
Channel: CubeHub01
Views: 587,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unbelievable, moments, caught on camera, incredible, sports, unexpected, if it were not filmed, 1 in a million
Id: 1WtAsqTl3wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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