[LIVE] Day Trading | How I Made $1,000 in 25 Minutes

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Good morning, it's Clay at ClayTrader.com. This will be a live trade video where I try to capture some of my trades as they play out live. Real quick, if you're new to these videos, what do I mean by live? Well, I mean that this is a situation where I have not recorded everything. And now I'm coming back and doing a voiceover or some sort of post commentary. Nothing like that. I'm recording myself, seeing the information for the very first time. So if you want raw thoughts, raw reactions, just all that, you will get that here. If you want a nicely edited video, nicely scripted video, you won't find that here. But nitty-gritty look into what it's like to be a day trader, how day trading can play out, then you're definitely gonna get that. Market opens up here in about five minutes. So I'll keep you updated. Markets are open, watching ticker symbol DD out of the opening gates. Although I will say, not as fast of a mover as what I thought it would come out the gates behaving as, so I'm gonna go ahead and probably... I mean, I wanna keep an eye on it, but like I said, I thought it'd be a little bit more volatile. So what's going on with AG here? Pull back. If you do hear typing, that's just me making alerts to my community there. Let's see NVAX at 244. And 244 upside break point, one minute. Let's get that change to the... Oh, and there it went. Right up through 244. Well at least the community members got it, right there. You can see the alert, at 244 upside break point. If you're not familiar at the, I do offer at claytrader.com a private trading community. Oh wow. Oh, I totally missed that. And if this thing wants to keep going, I'll try for a hundred shares short up at 255. Oh, no, it's pulling back, so nevermind. Oh wow, yeah, MRNA just... let's see what's going on with... Yeah, opened and then just completely rolled back over. NVAX trying to get moving again. Try some at 258. That may seem far away, but NVAX can be a very, very fast mover. No, DD is actually just not doing much of really anything. NVAX is going. But all right, for now I will just go ahead and pause. Watching 252 as a potential short, here. In, only got a hundred though. See if we can get it down through 251. Took out some of the position just because I didn't like how it was behaving and rightfully so, because now this thing is snap back upwards. But we'll see if it wants to come back down. So again, only got a hundred to begin with at 252. But trying to see if this thing wants to come back down. Okay, out there now down 183. So in all actuality, that was good. I'm happy that I didn't get that full size. Cause it did, it rolled back a little bit, in hindsight. Yeah. Look at that recovery back upwards, wow. Okay, well, not the greatest start to the day, but I mean $183, something that I don't think is gonna be the death blow. All right, I will go ahead and pause for now. Okay, gonna watch for 259. Okay, all in there. Got some on the back test there at 259. Let's see if this thing wants to get continuation up to at least 260. If we can get through 260, it should really go nice. So all out there, beautiful. Now up 278 on the day. Just wanted that scalp. Put myself back into the green, after the red movement to the downside, so fantastic. So from one, whatever I was down, down 178 to up 278, I'll take it. Let's see what else I can find. And here we have it rolling back over. And one of those situations where, you know, some times scalping is the way to go. If you watch past videos, sometimes scalping is not the way to go. But in this situation, you know, had I wanted more, than this thing is now officially, you know, totally rolled back over here. But happy with that. So think about it. I'm batting 50%, right? I've only been, I've been wrong half the time, yet I'm still sitting up $278. That just shows the power of why risk management, risk control is important. And what's, oh wow, BB just getting... 'Eh, but not the fastest of movers. I mean it moves, but not... I mean, it might be good for a quick scalp. All right, I'm gonna go ahead and pause. And look at DD, to think I was bearish biased on this thing. Which is, you know, confirmation always matters. And you know, it just, but this thing has just continued to grind higher and higher. I am still bearish biased on it, but I mean just slow and steady grind back upwards. Although I'm also thinking maybe just calling it good. I'm not willing to do that yet. I got some other stuff with my day I wanna get started, too. So if I can, you know, walk away with 270 bucks in, you know, 20 minutes or so, I'm not sure of many places in the world where you can make that sort of money. So not gonna be a greedy savage, but I also, there does seem to be... Oh wow, well credit to you, NVAX. Things were looking shaky, now it's worked it's way back up there. But is this gonna be another fake breakout of this area? What is that? Yeah. All right. TSLA, actually, looks pretty good here on the pullbacks. Consolidating out. What is that? 820. I'm gonna get that alerted. TSLA 820 upside break point out of consolidation. Oh wow yeah, NVAX just... I could see 260 as a potential short, if this is a strong, or if this is the fake move here, the fake breakout come back down to 260. 260, 265, yeah, I don't know if that's a risk I'm willing to take. Cause you always got an ask, if you're wrong, how much is it gonna cost you? And if I'm wrong about that, that would cost me more than what I'm willing to risk right now. (laughs) Whoops! Well, that's all right. Good old hindsight. Cause again, it's easy to sit here and play the hindsight game, but again, had I been wrong, would I have been okay with that? And no, I wouldn't have felt good. So it just wouldn't have been a... I mean, it's all you can really do is laugh about it. But that's what you gotta do. You gotta walk yourself with, you know, start off the whole process with, "if I'm wrong, how much is it gonna cost me? "Am I okay with that amount?" And if you answer "No," well then you better not be taking the trade, because your risk is too much. All right, I will pause. All right, totally, I don't know how I missed it, but Hey, that's why I benefit from the chat room just as much as anybody else. MRNA dead bodies here, look at that nasty move to the downside. So watching 165.50. In there at 165.70. Looking for this thing to come back down. To at least 165. If it gets down through 165, it should go pretty nicely. Just watching right now. 165.50 being a bit of a stubborn area. There we go... nope. That fast right back to it. Will this be when it finally goes? Okay, there we go, got the break. Took out some more down there. Took out some more in the 163's. Still have a hundred left, excuse me, still have a hundred left. Can it get down through 163 and break to new lows? Wouldn't that be something. Won't just knock down the door of 163, can it get down through there? Now let's do this. So we've got 50 shares for the ride, if it happens. I'm gonna throw out 25 more down all the way at 162. Got those, beautiful, beautiful. Austin, I owe you a drink my friend. Apple juice, water, Powerade, whiskey, whatever your drink of choice is, Austin. I'm gonna throw out one more at 160, just to see if we can get a big flush down there. Granted, just have 125 shares left at now at this point, let's see if we can get down to the 160 mark, and I'll call it good on the trade. There we go, all out there, $762. And I get it, sometimes it can come across as a sales pitch, but truly, I mean, that is a very beneficial part of being a part of a community. Shame on me, I'm not quite, well I know how, I only have two eyeballs, but missed, MRNA. And right there, you can see, thanks to like I said, Austin, got my eyes on it. Now did Austin tell me how to trade it? No, he just alerted a situation. The situation being, you know, a whole lot of downwards pressure. And then I took, you know, I took matters into my own hands, if you will, and made some good money with it. So it is 9:25, I am twenty five minutes in, up $1,040. And I'm not a greedy savage. I do not know many places in the world where you can make $1,040 in literally 25 minutes for sitting at home and pressing some buttons. So I am happy with that, and I'm gonna call it good. But before I go, some requests on my part. These videos are not easy to make because they are live. You know, this is not a voiceover. Meaning I have to think what I'm gonna say to you, I have to actually talk to you, I have to think about what I see in the chart, I have to analyze the chart, I have to analyze and put together a trade plan for myself, I have to type in alerts to the chatroom, I have to think about what I want alert to the chat room. Point being, there's just a lot going on and these videos are doable, but yeah, they're, a hassle, you know, they're, not the most easy thing to do. But I will keep doing them if I know that there's interest. So if you enjoy these, if you would like for me to continue to do these, two easy things to do: hit the like button, leave a comment. Even if it's just a smiley face emoji, a thumbs up emoji, something as simple as that. But those two things communicate to me, "Hey, you know what, Clay, please keep doing these videos "because I, you know, I enjoy them and I will watch them." And as long as I know people are enjoying them, then I will continue to do it. And then also check out the channel as a whole. There's a lot of other content on there, other live trade videos. So if you wanna just kind of see more of the channel, hopefully like what you see enough to hit that subscribe button as well. I'd love to have you as a subscriber. But overall consider joining the community, as you saw the real life powers of it right here. And if you do wanna join mine, I'll just add it because I can see people, just claytrader.com/team, that's where you'll wanna go. And you can learn more about the details right there. So claytrader.com/team, if you wanna try it alongside me, other quality traders, like I said, Austin, shout out to you, a good eye on that one. We would love to have you. So thank you for hanging out and hopefully you are all doing fantastic yourself. First off, thanks so much for watching the entire video. Real quick, before you go, I wanna invite you to a live webinar, web class, training workshop, online event, whatever you wanna call it, but it will be me, live, revealing to you what I discovered that has allowed me to transform myself from being an employee, to being my own boss. Including how I had only one losing day out of 73 days in total. I'm gonna cover three keys that have helped me unlock profitable consistency within the markets. The first key is super weird, but in a productive type of way. The second key is super awesome because it quite literally is wired into our DNA as humans, making it very easy to use, but in a cruel way, this becomes a pitfall for many traders. I'll explain it all though, including how to avoid the pitfall that it creates for some. And yeah, the third key, when you hear it, sounds way too good to be true, but it's not. And I'll show you how it all works. Then at the end, I open it up for a question and answer session that is, again, totally live. Even if you can't make the live session, please still sign up, as it will be recorded. And you can go back and watch the replay that I will send you. Click the image on the screen or click the link down in the description box, so you can get the date and time and claim your spot, which I should note is limited, due to the fact that this truly is a live event. If you have any questions, let me know. If not, I'll be seeing you soon.
Channel: ClayTrader
Views: 104,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Day Trading, Day Trading Live, Day Trading Penny Stocks, Day Trading Stocks, Day Trading Learn To Trade, Day Trading Technical Analysis, Day Trading Stock Charts, Day Trading Pull Backs, Day Trading For Beginners, Day Trading Strategies, day trading options, day trading cryptocurrency, day trading 101, day trading for beginners, day trading Forex, day trading strategies, day trading academy, day trading shorting, day trading mrna, day trading nvax
Id: 3llLYOvu100
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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