LIVE - The Ultimate $3000 Intel Gaming Computer

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hello everybody welcome into my latest live broadcast today is Monday the 10th of February 2020 when I defrag to my zebra my name is Carrie Holtzman welcome in today guys I've got a killer gaming machine to build here this is about as good as it's gonna get on the intel side maybe go just a little bit better for a lot more money but this would be a three thousand dollar bill that would be perfect for gaming any game any resolution multiple monitors whatever you want ray-tracing it's all there as well as just be a kick-butt system overall for everything else besides gaming including video editing photo editing music production it's got a lot of power a lot of RAM great big powerful graphics card not the best money can buy but maybe right up there right at the edge of you probably don't want to spend any more you could certainly spend twice as much on a Titan level of graphics card but it really wouldn't see much performance improvement so the shirt where everybody wants to know where is the shirt that's from Etsy a link to the shirt is in the video notes below the video I don't get any affiliate link or credit for that that's just good for the seller you know anyway welcome in everybody thanks for joining me today Glen says did you get that shirt because I showed it to you a few days ago no I ordered this shirt about two weeks ago I think you saw it from my link Glen no I stumbled on this shirt but I was looking through it see it I just stumbled on it and I had to have it so if you sent me a link to it that was coincidental there's NC doesn't ship that fast I recommend guys listen what do we have here 318 people watching live races I'm disappointed you didn't get an Oscar who needs it he's grouchy anyway let's see what do we have here scroll up see what I've missed a lot of people joining early today before the stream started Peter lacox contributed 20 pounds thank you Peter thanks for your continued generosity I appreciate it more than you can possibly know hello to Jamie Munez and Stephen Bernstein sherry MacFarlane and stealth mode Chester Hughes Alice de pez Joseph Neil Cosmo and Eddie to aghh Jonathan Pazhani and Dave Murray as well as platter jockey Phillip Hurst Oh Kenny wooden John Craig Rick Lakes Steve Devine welcoming guys hello everybody what else did I miss here let's see Jessie Curt contributed $5 a Thank You Jessie Roger Hall's contributed $15 and says here's something for the channel well thank you Roger Rick Lakes contributed $2 and then the contribution just now came in from Thomas Robinson for two pounds thank you do I have a discord I did have a discord it lasted about two weeks before people with nothing better to do essentially turn it into a custom estable in an abuse torture room so I shut it down it's just too immature if we're going to do any type of a discord in the future it'll be a pay-to-play it's the only way to get rid of the trolls and there's too much entitlement I keep enduring constant abuse from people who think because they have an internet connection and a computer they're entitled to complain about my videos and it's really really frustrating to me my videos aren't made for those people if you enjoy my videos if you see value in them whether that's educational value entertainment value whatever that value is you're all welcome to them if you see no value in them shut up and leave so it's really really frustrating to me when people think they have a right to abuse me you have no right to abuse me and furthermore if anybody does they'll be short-lived here on the channel because this is a supportive community we have an amazing community here and to have some stranger come in and poison the well because hey it's my poison and I get to use it wherever I want now you can you can use it in your well not on mine so continuing to endure that and it's the more I undo it the more I'm moving towards a pay model so that these entitled people will go away if you pay something then you have a right to complain if you can get a refund if you don't like it but it is going to ruin it for the people who can't afford to pay who also see value in the content it's very very frustrating to me that somebody feels as though I owe them something or that they're owed simply because they voluntarily clicked on a video and didn't like it it's very frustrating so again I I try and be as full disclosure as I can with regards to some of the frustrations and things behind the scenes as I try to keep everything real and transparent here on the channel and if you are considering starting a YouTube channel I want you to understand that you will endure harassment no matter what you're doing if you're giving away free money somebody will harass you and tell you you're doing it wrong and all the people who complain none of them have any videos they're all cowards and they're all as far as I can tell completely thoughtless entitled morons so they have nothing I ever want to hear that's going to be useful to me and I will ban them immediately I have no tolerance for it and they're endless it's like an endless supply of jerks but in the meantime let's focus on the amazing community we have here we have 528 people watching live now and you guys are some of the most amazing people I've ever met on the internet and I'm very proud that you're a part of my community and so please understand that when you hear me complaining I'm complaining about this percentage of people that are leaving comments the vast majority of comments are very kind friendly suggestive and even helpful so please don't take what I'm saying the wrong way if the shoe fits however you know Rick Hubbard's contributed three pounds he says everyone be safe be lucky and be happy right on thank you for that and what else do we have going on here John Craig contributed ten pounds because he got my vote Kerry right thank you Coggins contributed five pounds he says good evening a welcome in Frederick Garner's contributed $20 say Frederick thank you so much miss very generous and did I get everybody I think I got everybody all right 603 people joining today welcome in and bare pastas Carrie we love you too and enjoy the moment right on thank you that's where I got a I got to keep practicing my focus on you guys and not on the not on the losers because they don't deserve my even recognizing their existence but I'm so fed up with it I'm so tired of it it's not original it's not unique it's lazy its ignorant and it's what gives them the right what gives them the right so if you want to talk bad about me go start your camera up on your phone or whatever on your YouTube channel you can say anything you want on your YouTube channel tell us how you really feel I got a whole Chuck Barris thing going on here guys ever watch the gong show Steve Divine's contributed to dollars he says keep up the great vids hey thanks you guys for supporting the the channel and that helps me to create more and more content better quality audio better quality video more cameras hopefully I'll get I get to a position where I'll have a studio set up and hopefully even a camera operator and the contribution now just came in from andreas Kenna Strom who's contributed 200 Norwegian Crona says hey Kerry I hope you're doing well here's a little contribution for a Coke or two just bought the net fix tool hey Thank You andreas I want to say that I'm glad you brought that up the windows optimization tool let me rephrase the Windows 10 optimization tool is on sale this month for seven dollars it's usually ten bucks the net fix tools back to 20 bucks which is as normal price and they work with all language versions of Windows 10 now with the thanks of a viewer named Fabrice they fabrice worked with with Nick over at d7x Tech and was able to help Nick out with making sure that it'll work with all language versions of Windows so my previous disclaimer no longer applies where I said it only would work with English language check for updates if you already own either tool right at the top it says options click on options and check for updates to make sure you always have the latest version those updates are all free at least for the next year anyway we'll figure it out as we go along but thank you for everybody who purchased the tool I hope you found it useful and thank you for supporting the channel it means the world to me you guys can't possibly know how much that means to me but I try and find the words every time but the more you hear me complaining about the abusers the more it makes me appreciate you guys that much more so that's the flip side of the the jerks right it would be very easy for me to sort of get accustomed to the gentle kind and supportive nature of this community and I suppose on one hand having people come in and be jerks it's a nice little kick in the butt I need from time to time to remind me how amazing you guys are because you're not like that Steve D'Amato speaking of which Steve Devine just contributed two dollars he says keep up the great vids Michael Martin contributed two pounds he says evening carry just purchased that t-shirt reminder I don't make any money off the t-shirt it's not my idea this is an Etsy seller and the Etsy seller doesn't even know I'm doing this they're probably gonna wonder why they have a sudden rush on t-shirts but it's funny right for those of us who get it Glenn says I missed this contribution oh no let me go back and find it Blenda he says we have as much tolerance for trolls as veggie Mike I thought all Australians loved Vegemite I had an Australian friend visit and she was a drag car racer back in the day and trying to remember her name it was a long time ago it's 20 years ago it was a it was kind of a funny name for a drag racer Australian it was something like crash or wasn't crash it wasn't that obvious of a joke anyway she came out to the states for some drag racing stuff and and we hung out for a little while and she just talked about how great Vegemite was and we went to the store and we found a little jar of it and it smells like rotten fish paste would you eat that disgusting oh no it's great you put that on toast you know like it's like peanut butter it's not like peanut butter peanut butter doesn't smell like fish well you better try it oh hell no put the lid back on I can't even smell it they was funny cuz I I like the Australian accent and I kept teasing her she's like will you stop making fun of the way I talk you're the one with the accent not me I said I don't have an accent you have the accent and I can prove it tell me there is a cherry tree in the Northern Territory she goes wow there's a cherry tree in the northern tan tree I go there you said the word tree two times you have an accent I was proud of myself for that I thought it was hilarious did you get the replacement power supply yet geez I just mailed the power supply out on Friday I don't think I'll see it was it Thursday or Friday I mailed it out I think I won't see it for at least a week probably 10 days Rachel Rochelle splat I think was her name if you google her Rochelle splat I think that was just an Australian drag car racer Michel Martin's contributed to pounds seizes evening Kerry just merged purchase though I think I heard that one already blend Davey says we defragment rolls to the results ain't pretty Vegemite is fermented yeast you know what's interesting is I like the smell of yeast if I'm making bread that's a great smell but that you might mm-hmm not so much anything that ends in ight I don't want to eat Marmite Vegemite I shoot at tenner I wouldn't want to eat it Eric says I'll always be in chat to support you in any way possible in every livestream Thank You Eric that's very kind of you to say Shirley Muldowney no no or shell splat she was she was one of the youngest licensed drag car racers I think she was the youngest in Australia but this is again 2025 years ago it's a long time ago maddie Yoel has contributed $10 he says good day all eight Maddy thank you so much and Maddy also made a very generous contribution to the channel last week and again a huge shout out and thank you to those of you who are contributing it's very very helpful Vance stone Jr's contributed $10 he goes for another of those cocaine he drinks that's like you need one thanks for all you do yeah you know the coke energy drink was something worth trying and not interested in having it anymore trying out these colored right so I have these contact lenses when telling you the story up get through this real quick so we can get with the bill I had to follow up with the eye doctor to see how the contact lenses were working out and I went to put them in this morning and I thought I was good to go and then I looked in on the counter and there was a contact lens on the counter and I can't tell if it came from the right eye or the left eye and they're different prescriptions I'm looking in the mirror I can't tell the prescriptions are very weak so it's not like one eye is blurry in one eye isn't or vision is clear nothing like that I'm looking on the sides to try and get an edge nothing I can't tell which contact lens is missing so rather than guess cuz I was guessing it was my left eye I just went to the doctor's appointment said look I'm missing one of them for all I know maybe the other one didn't go in either and she's like it's your right one and they said okay well glad I didn't try putting it in I said I need colored contacts so I can tell if they're in and I won't forget to remove them at night and I didn't want anything striking I didn't want blue or green or anything that would be like yeah I wanted something more subtle so we went with this eh if anybody's looking I know is it awful you can be honest do I look like a freak not the rest of the face just the eyes I don't know I kind of like them we'll see how that works out did you get a good look did you see it is it focusing I can't look at the camera and look at the screen but they're gray and now I can see them like I can put them in and take them out so much faster because I can tell if they're in my eyes so if you put the lens in your ear do you hear better I've not tried that yet I don't think it works that way but maybe if I put a hearing aid in my eye I'll have no I'm not gonna say that joke zombie strange but interesting I'll take that I'll take strange Sharon says that's my eye color ish back away from the camera yeah it's HD I wouldn't want to see it either I'm sorry I apologize face is okay this makes me look younger sold her TV context somebody should think of that that would be a great idea Carey has wrinkles you know what do you want me to do I'm old you should get them all black to really freak some people out if you look at a video called I think you feat freaky it's not think it's Fink fi NK by a group called die Antwoord or in a South African group the girl wears constantly black contact lenses so her eyes look like a mosquito or a seal or something you know they're just solid black it's freaky unsettling life has wrinkles mark drobe seniors contributed 10 bucks hey Thank You mark thanks for the kind words yeah I think I just don't know any other way to know if those contacts are in my eyes and you can't you don't you're not supposed to sleep with them in and I'll forget I'm so busy I will forget to take them out so at least if I look in a mirror and I have a visual difference I know if they're in I know if they're out if I know if I've left them in and I tried like a lighter brown but they were too subtle like it couldn't really tell then I went with like a hazel but that just looked weird almost alien ish and there weren't many color choice everything else was shades of blue or green and that's just not me but anyway let's get to the build all right sunglass contacts my interesting is they do have auto tinting contact so that why anybody would want them I don't know unless I misunderstood the eye doctor I'd swear that's what she said so the parts the parts we're using today this is going to Michael and what Michael wanted was sort of the penultimate computer to do everything including gaming and what we've got here is the same motherboard we used prior the z3 90 a horas pro they do make a Wi-Fi version of this I don't recommend built-in Wi-Fi on a motherboard unless you're dealing with like a mini ITX where space is limited because that's soldered on the board you know the Wi-Fi is a part of the board it'll never come off sure you can go on the BIOS and disable it but every time you get a BIOS update it'll keep reenable again you know you it's something that it's not like a set at once and you'll never deal with it again with an ad in wife ID card you could just yank the boyf ID card out put an updated one end with the latest Wi-Fi standards and speed performance security distance and it's a part swap it's super easy it's one little card or you could even go USB and just plug it in external to any desktop or laptop I don't know why anybody would want Wi-Fi in a full-size ATX motherboard but that being said if you want it you know it's about 50 bucks more and it's the same same box it just adds the word Wi-Fi on to it and it gives you built-in I think it's AC Wi-Fi if I'm not mistaken for the chip the CPU another one of these blue orbs I'm collecting these things I don't know what I'm going to do with them but if I get a studio I probably will have a bunch of these on the background so I'm saving them for some project this is the 9900 K you could go to the K s which is really hard to find right now they're over a thousand dollars on Amazon oh the Mugen 5 was is back at $49.99 on Amazon by the way I don't so what happens is and this happens a lot inventory runs out it happens and then people think the parts not made anymore when the 200 our inventory went low everybody said they were cancelling the 200 R when the Mugen 5 inventory goes low people go I guess they're not making the Mugen 5 anymore they're making the movie fine it's available it's just sold out right now so amazon has adjusted the website now so it says you can order it and it's available on Friday the 14th of February is when it's due back in stock so guys don't be Chicken Little you know because an acorn falls on your head it doesn't mean the sky is falling and if you're gonna say something like that verify it give me an official link from the manufacturer because there will be an official statement from the manufacturer when a product is no longer made if you don't have that statement then it's probably not true and please don't start the rumors because rumors fly around faster than facts on the Internet Glen Davies has contributed five dollars Australian he says we will know the contact lenses aren't working when you try to plug the ram into the nvme slot yeah or that or there's something in the coke for the RAM he mic went way out of the ordinary here went with four sticks of 16 gigs each 3200 mega Hertz Corsair Vengeance I do believe it's black Ram and it's got a big ol cooler that comes with it which I don't know if we're gonna use that if we have room for it we'll see we'll see what that's gonna look like but that's why the box is so big that's expensive stuff of course speaking of coolers the Mugen 548 bucks on Amazon speaking of SSDs 9 SOT the 970 Evo plus 2 terabyte why these are up over 500 bucks makes no sense to me you should be paying 3 99.95 no more than that if if anybody's trying to sell it to you for more than $400 I suggest you just be patient inventory is low the price will come back down we've got a cd/dvd reader-writer just a pretty plain power supply which is kind of surprising you know we have such high caliber parts Mike decided you know look we don't need to go over the top on the power supply off the warranty is good we I don't need modular I don't need any fancy stuff this is 700 watts which is more than enough to power everything and it's 80 plus rated so we should be good to go there and finally well I guess it's not finally you know the case is the 200 are but this Asus r-tx 20 80 TI is the part of this bill that really puts it over the top and this will be fun to measure the performance men with on when we get that up and running you know the Box kind of arrived with a little damage on it but I'm sure it's fine so the information there on the back of the box so my sister did a great editor of the build I did for Joey and if you recall in that video I meant to put Joey's parts in the be quiet pure base 500 case that I had and forgot and I built it in a 200 R and then I made another video explaining that the computer I was gonna sell to Valentine needed to go in Joey's 200-hour case and those were the parts that were written to be quiet pure bass 500 I just slapped him together and I didn't know what I was gonna do with it and then Valentine said he'd be interested in it but he he wanted the 200 our case Joey wanted to be quiet case and I switched cases I took all the parts out of one and all the parts out of the other one and I swapped him when I did that on a live video when my sister edited it together she didn't notice the case changed at the end so some of you sharp eyes and have pointed that out it's a mistake wasn't made in the sense that that she used half of one build video and half of another she's got the right video she's just missing the video in the middle where I swapped the parts and I don't know if she'll fix that she spent a lot of time editing it if you can imagine it's very discouraging right now after all that time and to be proud to be done with it release it to the public and then realize there's a hole to our piece she's missing that has to be edited and then injected properly or she's gonna have to find another way like maybe just a blank card that just says case was changed and not even I don't know but that's the fun part of being an editor so don't be don't be hard on her you know she she didn't realize that and and this is when you do editing really really well nobody notices it it's it's one of the most frustrating jobs in the world that at least you think people can say wow you did a great job on the edits if you did a great job on the edits nobody notices it's only when you make a mistake that people notice the editing so you know give her some slack she did a great job with it and and I'll have to talk to her see how we're gonna address that bill says I did notice that and also the music was really nice yeah the music's very divisive it seems like 80% of the people like the music 20% of the people did not like the music are you gonna do you know everybody's got different taste in music we got 955 people watching now won't you give me a shout out to me where you're watching me from where in the world are you and while you do that I'm gonna clear the counter off a little bit here so we can get the motherboard prepped so while I was on Etsy now that I'm convention it I I picked up another shirt let me see if I can find it I got it back here somewhere where is it ah here we go my sister thinks I've gone Etsy crazy she's probably right so there's another one I picked up and then this is an arcade that opened across town that must have like 200 video games they must have 50 pinball machines they've got video games I never even heard of from the 80s they've got all the classics tempest in Galaga and Galaxian and it's called star fighters arcade and it's in a little industrial park and it's like a bunch of lists of video games on the back if the shirt will straight now come on shirt hold straight yeah those are all the games they've got there so I was set in high scoring gyrus and Galaga cuz you know that's how us nerds mark our territory have to let those kids in there no actually there's a lot of a lot of people my age there too you pay $11 to get in and then you the games are all on free play so you can play as much as you want but the place doesn't open till 7 o'clock at night and there's no drinks and they have models sci-fi models like starve the fighter ships from Battlestar Galactica I can't think of what they're called this though they have a big model robot of the flying robot from Johnny Socko and the flying robot if those of you are old enough to remember that TV show the ship from space 1999 all the Star Wars ships their projectors showing sci-fi movies on the walls as you can imagine I was in nerd heaven they have like a phone booth in there I don't know why like a classic 1980s phone booth they have memorabilia like just little models and even these large scale models of different sci-fi related stuff just on top of the arcades and across the entire place the walls are filled with albums 12-inch album art from like Duran Duran and the cars and talking heads and just just all across the walls just so much for the eyes to take in it's a really really cool place it's a long way from my house but totally worth the drive it's by there's an airport called Falcon Field in Mesa Arizona and it's not too far from there so if you live in the area if you're by the area if you like our cade games this is an old-school arcade just the way it used to be in the 80s it's that size and no more tokens no more quarters you pay your 11 bucks you go in and everything is on a free play it's very very cool really enjoyed it been there done that got the t-shirt is the phone booth a Superman reference you know it could be it certainly wasn't a British poem but it wasn't Doctor Who they didn't have a Doctor Who pinball machine which I never saw before yeah I don't know what the Bill and Ted yeah maybe the phone booth was Bill and Ted you know we don't know I didn't go inside of it maybe there's some vipers yeah that's what the ships were called from Battlestar yeah they had a couple of vipers anyway it's really cool really liked it if you couldn't tell Michael Danes contributed $5 he says carry no arguing it's official you're the man all right what did you think I was gonna say this is $2,400 on Amazon where's the extra $600 in parts at no it's a lot more than 2400 I mean the the RAM itself I don't know what price you saw on the RAM it's about 200 bucks let me think it's about $200 from the motherboard about what is it like 500 or something like that for the for the CPU so that's 700 the RAM is probably 300 that's a thousand this right now is 500 that's 1500 the graphics card is like $1200 so that brings me to 27 the case is 70 the power supply is another hundred and then there's another hundred between the optical drive and the cooler we're right at about 3000 and in Windows 10 there's another hundred bucks on top of that so I think it puts us just over 3,000 I think you're missing apart unless I forgot to add a part in the parts list I think it's all in there though should be about $3,000 the graphics card alone should be it's a twenty atti I think that's 1,200 bucks if I'm not mistaken I'm not selling the parts so it's it's not in my benefit to tell you it's more money than it is so but if there's a mistake there I mean that's possible I've been known to make mistakes it's happened Lucretius as I did the usual $20 PayPal donation again thank you for the amazing community Luke thank you thank you for being a great part of this community it's I'm lucky to have you in the community stream yeah I can see the streams kind of it's in the red here I just noticed that that's interesting let's see if the stream levels off we'll give it a minute I can see OBS is in the red here prices could have changed since all right no I just put the parts list together hours ago just a few hours ago if anything the price went up you're saying that GPU is nine hundred and seventy nine dollars okay well the price might have gone down on the GPU I I can't remember I thought it was around twelve hundred for the twenty eight ETI but I could be getting it confused with a different model Glyn Davies contributed five Australian dollars again he says here's the new t-shirt idea two computer mice with the slogan wrong Mouse carry yeah kind of an inside joke I don't think if you were walking around the neighborhood anybody would really make any sense of that Randall L says we are located in Northeast Mesa directly south of Falcon field Airport our building we are right next door to the East Valley Justice Court who's we thanks you guys for letting me know where you're watching from it's always very cool to see the reality of you know how far these videos reach out around the world live it's pretty darn cool the nine hundred and seventy nine dollars for that GPU is the used price that makes more sense Glenn says it wouldn't be an inside joke if you had several million subscribers well I don't know that that will ever happen Randall Hill says starfighter arcade do you I'm confused Randall are you just copying and pasting something off the website or do you own star fight you said we like you or you're a part of it because if you're a part of it then We Need to Talk cuz I have a theory I think the person that owns Starfighter arcade is somebody who fixes these machines themselves because there's machines oh that shouldn't be running that it would be very hard to find anybody who knew how to fix them so I have a theory that the person who owns this arcade is somebody who very much likes to collect these video games and likes to collect the memorabilia and had no place to put it all and they said you know I should open up a place and let people enjoy these and make a little money on the side or hopefully at least break even sell the t-shirts and then I suspect that they are the same people that also work on them because they enjoy it that's my theory but I'd have to talk to him to find out but I don't know who the owner is Randall says it was a copy and paste okay that makes more sense and how's my stream doing now stream is back in green so let's see if we level off here before I get started Luis Trejo says I don't know if someone else here is from Guatemala but more people should be learning from you Wow look you know people decide for themselves some people don't want to learn some people already know everything some people don't like my teaching style some people don't get it some people don't see value in it and that's okay what's not okay is for them to complain if they pay for it they can ask for a refund if they didn't pay for it they can click it off but just have to do this it's a lot less effort than complaining and nobody's ever gonna see their complaint like if they're rude their message gets deleted then they get banned and they can never post again unless they create another YouTube account and if they repeat it the whole thing happens again until they're nice constructive criticisms always welcome be nice easy okay so I think it's leveled off it's been green here for a while all right so I wanted to start by prepping the motherboard here put my coke back here and I will move this off to the side let's get that off to the side we'll push this off to the side I think I want to start by getting this cooler out of it Pandora's box they put it in here because always a challenge getting this out of the box they have a little piece of tape you cut that just takes this label off label it's a weird piece of cardboard cut and folded understand the purpose of that you think they could have just printed right on the orb for all the effort they went through and and exactly in opposite sides there's more tape that holds the two halves of the orb together and it's hard to cut the tape because it it's right up against the plastic Glenn Davey says sadly I have to go now don't break anything I'll try not to try not to come on but thank you for all your contributions today and of course your participation man oh wait a minute be a new world record on how fast I got that open see here's the thing technically all Intel had to do was mail this to me didn't even need any packing they could literally put this in a bubble envelope and ship it and it would arrive just fine there's nothing to damage here let me give it show it to you close-up this is properly packaged there's no reason to add the extra expense to that plastic orb that's gonna end up in a landfill for the next 2,000 years before it biodegrades simply to give you the impression that you've got more for your money yeah you got garbage you know you know what else is garbage garbage bags when I go to the store and I buy garbage bags I don't need them jewel-encrusted so you can charge me five dollars more for luxury Gucci garbage bag is that where the world's going am I gonna get Gucci garbage bags now I buy garbage bags to throw them away that is garbage this is gonna get thrown away it's a waste of materials resources and money from both Intel and me the consumer keep that crap and take ten bucks off the price of the chip maybe it's sell a few more tell us how you really feel carry so let's go and get the motherboard out of the box here I'll go down there that's where that goes what's up Jimmy Jimmy says hello everybody and we'll stand off there I'm gonna take all this little MDOT to standoffs and steers out of there guys got our G connector there as well we'll deal with that later that's everything else in the box we'll just leave that all for now let's see what we got going on here a little craziness in the chat room today but it looks like you guys in blue have it taken care of so thank you for keeping that static out of the room I appreciate it very much Kari can you use that box as an Intel cookie jar I am sure that's not food grade plastic and it would probably be cancer-causing over a period of time and even if you meant that as a joke I wouldn't even put a goldfish in it I'm pretty sure it's it's not good for life a thousand five people are watching us live right now fYI the name of that object that contains the CB U is a regular dodecahedron it's one of the five platonic solids it's not a romantic solid it's just platonic that's funny says it's always good to hear you complain about unnecessary baggage you should have heard me when I was a baby complaining about the placenta who's this for Jimmy Jimmy what's up my boy there's some plastic that you will encounter on many computer parts and you'll see that throughout this build video and it's there to keep the part from getting scuffed or scratched and shipping because customers will return a perfectly good working part if it's got a you know scratch or a scuff so manufacturing in the manufacturing process rather they will add plastic typically over any corporate logos or anything that is visual the part that actually matters is all the circuitry on the board but none of that's protected so the part that doesn't matter that's the part that they protect just saying it's a weird world we live in if you're a logical person or maybe I'm the weird one because I'm a logical person living in a non logical world I don't know oh there's a go-faster sticker that got away from me that was in the box just put it here for now yeah we're having a little some drop frames here today for some reason which is unusual it's been good for a while and then all of a sudden today when I want to do my video it's acting up however it seems to come and go like right now I'm looking down at the status of OBS which is the broadcasting software and it looks content it's very happy and stable now as I said that it just dropped a little bit and now it's picked back up again I have found that rebooting the computer restarting the cable modem the router none of that helps it does seem to be something related either to my ISP or to the ingest servers at YouTube when this happens I've never been able to change the ingest server and have it make a difference so if it is YouTube it's out of my control and if it's my ISP it's out of my control so we'll just do the best we can with it but it's seems pretty happy even when it dropped it didn't really drop any frames the connection kind of went down and they picked back up again well we keep an eye on it and and keep letting me know when it doesn't because if it goes in the red and I don't notice it that means you guys won't be water you'll be missing all the work I'm doing who is my ISP Cox Communications pretty much the only choice you have if you live in Phoenix CenturyLink is very very slow and other than that there's satellite which is very very slow and expensive and that's pretty much it do they make go slower stickers I imagine if you got like an HP sticker and put it on there it's bad carry is there a way to get your computer to recognize more USB cameras on a desktop computer it should recognize as many as you plug in now whether or not you have the bandwidth through the USB ports to support that many frames that much data throughput depending up there HD cameras if you're going at 30 or 60 frames per second each pair of USB ports is on its own channel so if you you notice how with the USB ports are always in pairs so if you plug one camera and one USB port but leave the other one blank in the pair and go to another pair plug another one in there should be no limit that I am aware of but I don't use web cameras I use real cameras so Brendan loonies contributed two pounds and says carry for president yeah like I didn't have enough trolling that's all I need I can pretty much predict from now on every president elected in my lifetime will be they'll have an attempt at at Pietschmann because now there will be revenge so McMullen or democrat one will try to impeach the other for the rest of my life that's the way the world has changed now if you don't win rather than just wait the four years and vote some bunny out if you don't like them now it's just a tack attack attack attack attack and then when you lose complain about the people that you selected voluntarily to represent you in the attack and then and then complain about that it's really really frustrating to sit by and watch it whether or not you'd like the President of the United States there used to be a certain level of respect regardless and that is just gone away now and now it's all about you know you must think like I think and if you don't I'm going to force you to do it and if that continues yeah it's gonna be worse and now that one side has attacked the other and lost if the other side wins in the future election then the other side will attack them back and it's just gonna be back in where it's gonna be like the middle east it'll just go on forever we have to learn to compromise we have to learn to give and to take we have to learn that what we used to know and generations before us is that if you want something you give something and you have to give something you may not want to give but if you want that other thing back in return then that's what we call compromise it seems that people are no longer willing to compromise and they would rather attack I think that's very unfortunate and I think it will be the beginning of the end for the United States of America as a Free Republic a nation if it continues I think it's going to get worse and it may get potentially violent so I'm very very sad about it I'm very sad I've never thought I would see this in my lifetime nothing prepared me for it even Nixon wasn't treated this way and he was a pretty bad guy so you know the worst-case scenario is you got a deal with a tyrant for four years so what then you get him out of cares it's four years it's not forever but I don't like talking about politics on the channel because if you don't agree with the way somebody else thinks they immediately don't like you anymore I don't have a choice who the president is so the least I can do is respect the office but I would never want that job but I don't know why anybody in this culture that we live in in the United States would voluntarily put themselves in a position to be attacked no matter who you are or what you stand for you will be attacked so it's just sad it's just really sad that's supposed to happen in other countries that's not supposed to happen here Cosmo says you got to have faith yeah I mean you just got to hope for the best you know that's all you can do even any-any even mention of it even just talking about compromise people get upset even in the chat room they're already upset how dare you talk of compromise how dare you bring this subject up so you can't even reason there's not even you can't even open your mouth to discuss it in a you know open-minded frame I'm not saying you got to think like me I'm not saying it's got to be my way there should be give and take and God forbid I'm the devil for suggesting people take that into consideration and and so it can't be discussed so you know it's sad it's just really sad I think I'm gonna move the camera so I can get a some closer shots of the board so hang on there guys will I move the camera around oh let's get this moved over okay hold on guys some it's gonna get a little bumpy here for a minute as I get some cables tangled up and here we go people said Kerry for president and that's what brought that up I'm like II even if I could run for president I wouldn't want to I don't know why anybody would want to do that so that's how that whole subject came up because you can't even try and sound reasonable you can't even say hey let's just keep an open mind and consider each other side I'm not gonna consider your thoughts go to hell okay then okay sorry I just it's so preposterous I find it funny if you don't laugh I guess all you can do is cry let's start by getting the CPU installed I think I can I'm trying to find a good angle here let's move the camera a little more here let's zoom in a little more whoops there it is okay so putting the CPU in is a lot easier than getting the CPU out of the box I can tell you that much so here we've got the core I 999 hundred K and you'll see this does not come with a cooler and if it did we wouldn't want to use it anyway so this is what you get for your 500 600 bucks this right here and there's C though that's not supposed to open like that but apparently the plastics a little wasn't closed all the way at the factory or I don't know little misshapen but that's the CPU and then underneath is the documentation we've got right here and in the documentation on the back page of the Intel chips if I can get this out of the box there we go there's a little go-faster sticker for ya that you can put on your forehead I guess I'm not sure where that's supposed to go and then we are done with that box so to install the CPU I'm just gonna lower this push this lever down and off to the side and then we're gonna raise it up like so and when you open up the little plastic container there's a little indents on each side so we can grab it just like this so you don't have to worry about an anti-static strap you just hold it by the edges if you hold all your electronic parts by the edges there's no place for static to go then what I do I'll try and get you a little more of a close-up here what I do is I put one corner or one side in first up against there's a lip I push it up against the lip of the socket very gently when I say I push it I'd say I rest it against the lip of the socket if you notice there's a little gold triangle in this corner and there's a little triangle down here on the circuit board which you can just barely see it's right behind this heatsink if I pick this up a little bit maybe you can see it a little better it's right there and those two triangles are going to align so I'm just gonna take this and gently press it against the ridge and you'll see that that gold triangle alliance with the white triangle then I'm gonna gently set it down and it should rest within the the lip that exists around the socket and I try and grab like the sides and wiggle it this this way in this way to see if it swivels it shouldn't when it's in there it's gonna be held in place by the little little ledge around the socket and the pins are recessed so by gently twisting it without pushing down I don't risk damaging and either pins it's when we lower this lid that it's gonna put pressure straight down onto that chip and then those recessed pins are gonna come up and make contact with the bottom of the CPU and that's gonna force that little plastic lid up and that plastic lid is there to protect those delicate pins because they're very very easily damaged they're very small so if you ever have to take the CPU out you should always protect those pins especially if you're gonna mail the board for warranty your warranty will be void if you mail the board back without anything protecting those pins because those pins will be pretty much guaranteed to be damaged and that's that's it for the board once those pins get damaged and they're sure somebody with a lot of time on your hands a lot of patience and a Magnus microscope and some skills ultimately it's cheaper and faster to buy a new board than to try and repair a damaged socket in most cases now there's people out there that can do it there's people out there with nothing else better to do or they appreciate the challenge of it but there's no business in the world that makes any money that I'm aware of fixing sockets on motherboards because you could cost you more money in labor charges than to buy a new board so that's the CPU installed and as you can see that was a lot easier than canning it out of the orbit of the bugs and I guess well put the m-dot to drive in that's gonna go right here and if I rotate this around a little bit maybe like which way is like which way this way I'm trying to get a good angle I'm gonna go this way give you a bit of an angle on that so you can see it now this board has these little heat sinks that cover the locations for em to s one here and there's one also over here and that's really an aesthetic more than it's useful for keeping your drive cool it does help keep the drive a little cooler but it's not remarkable you don't need to have a heatsink on an MDOT to drive it doesn't hurt to have one unless you've got some aftermarket heatsink that sits up too high it it prevents your graphics card from going on in which case that would hurt now we're gonna lift the heatsink off and you'll see there's some blue tape on the bottom and that's a thermal pad and that helps transfer the heat off of the MDOT to drive onto this heatsink or heat spreader to help keep things cool we're gonna leave the tape on it because that keeps it free of any contamination dust fingerprints things like that and now we can get the MDOT to drive out of the box again this is the 970 Evo plus and there it is the price on this drive has gone up quite a bit and again the rumor mill on the internet is preposterous there are a lot of people that think that the the reason the drive prices have gone up is because of the Wuhan vibrant coronavirus out of China we want China but the prices on this were going up before that virus got all over the media so I think something else is going on I don't think it's related to the to the virus outbreak although that certainly hasn't helped things I can tell you that inventory is inventory so if there were a million of these drives in inventory in the US they'd still be widely available today regardless of the coronavirus clearly inventory levels are low and they've been low for some time and I'm not exactly sure why but unless you see an official link from Samsung and a press statement or from a reputable website like a non tech or Tom's Hardware I wouldn't believe anything anybody says about the reason why because they probably are just guessing now on the board itself I've got to put the little stand off and that's what I took these little bags out for these have the little stand off and screw that we need for both MDOT two drives here and I guess we don't use this one as memory recalls because that same screw holds the 80 millimeter drive in so I guess I'm gonna put one set of these back so we'll set those aside for now the normal price on the Samsung 970 Drive should be $400 I believe it's the fastest MDOT to drive available for PCI Express generation three by four it pretty much just SATs saturates the bus as much data as the bus can carry and that's all she wrote it's go ahead and get this out of the box oh I got to put the little standoff in screw and what am i doing alright so we're gonna put this in the eighty position there's numerous holes along this board and they're for different lengths love em too but you're unlikely to see anything other than eighty millimeter that's the size desktop computers use and in abundance those are the ones that are manufactured the most and because of supply and demand the more common size is cheaper and more widely available and that's the eighty millimeter I've got here it's eighty millimeters in length twenty two millimeters wide sometimes it's referred to as 20 to 80 you might see it listed as next generation form factor or ng FF whatever you know it's Tec so they have to make it overly complicated with ridiculous jargon but regardless of that is super easy it just looks like a stick of gum with the gold fingers go into the socket you're gonna put it in on a bit of an angle like that and then I'm gonna push it straight in and I won't see the little gold fingers anymore and it kind of moves up and down like that and will get you a little bit closer here so you can see that's what that looks like and that's gonna line with the little standoff down there and I'll take the little tiny screw that was in one of those little plastic bags and I'm using my J is magnetized screwdriver Jas I guess is what that Japanese industrial standard it looks like a Phillips head but it's it's a little more narrow so it even though a Phillips number one will fit into this screw head it definitely doesn't fit it's tightly as a ji yes you definitely feel a difference so it's worth it if you're doing a lot of work like this to make the investment in a JIS screwdriver in the link for this driver in fact the whole driver kit is in the video notes below this video if you look you'll see there's a Amazon store that I've got that it has all the tools and equipment that I use in video production purchase from Amazon and if you use any of those if you purchase anything from Amazon using my Amazon link I make a small Commission even though you don't pay anything any differently everything's still the same for you and it's a great way to show support for the channel I just realized I did that off camera I just pulled the tape off of the heat spreader and it's got a little tab on one side right here and that tab is gonna slide in a little slot above the m-dot to drive don't slide don't make contact with the MDOT two you've got to go above it into the slot and then just gently set this down and it should align with the previous standoff that was already there and we'll just put the screw that was there that we just took out we'll put that right back in and don't over tighten these screws they're just there to secure everything into position and that is all you have to do so with that done we've got our CPU installed and we've got two terabytes of storage installed just that easily and then here in the box that the 970 Evo plus comes in samsung hides the documentation not that you should need it but that's there as well and the rest of this is for the trashman eleven hundred and thirteen people are watching now welcome in everybody good to see everybody and today it's a Monday the 10th of February 2020 I want to make sure I don't confuse these empty bags because the I don't know why gigabyte doesn't put everything in one bag but each little screw is in its own bag so I've got two extras that need to go back in the motherboard box since I won't be using those on today's build I will take all the extra documentation and other parts we don't need anymore put those back in the motherboard box and I will do that consistently throughout the entire build process so that when the customer gets their computer it be no different than if they built it themselves if there's anything left over they'll have it because they might want an upgrade or or need those parts for a change in the future and you don't get that when you buy one of the pre belts like Dells or HP's you know they just give you the bare minimums so here all I'm doing is assembling the computer I'm not selling the computer I just build them so that's why the customers always get even extra thermal compound will be given to the customer what's up Jimmy that's a good boy you know you're a good boy glasses what about me I'll get back to you on it I'm kidding you know okay I guess I can start putting the bracket on for the cooler the CPU cooler you guys if you're a regular to the channel you've probably seen me install 20 of these I absolutely love the Mugen 5 cooler I think it's a great deal $48 all day long on Amazon like I said inventories a little low this is not a good time to be buying computer parts CPU prices are are up the solid-state drive prices are up and the coolers have been out of stock so everything's been low on inventory I don't know if it's coincidence or what's going on these will be back in inventory at Amazon on February 14th so they're taking pre-orders now if you're in if you're ready to buy a computer if you're in the market to buy computer parts you've picked a really bad time if you wait these prices will come back down and you probably won't have to wait very long maybe two to four weeks and everything should probably return to normal I mean I don't have a crystal ball but I've seen sort of the same rotation over the last thirty years of of parts going up and coming back down and going up and coming back down and we seem to be in an up phase right now if you've got the money and you want to spend it by all means go right ahead I don't know why anybody would spend more than they have to but that'll be the cost of not being patient I guess all the prices I mentioned are all us-based prices we have people watching from all over the world and so the value of your dollar as well as any tariffs your government may place on items will vary according to your country in your governments policies and I can't speak for 192 countries but I can tell you about America so and even that one I'm not too sure all right that's empty I just take all the parts out and dump them on the desk so I see what I've got to work with and I'm gonna sort through these with you here to identify which parts we need for this build and which parts we can put away and give back to the customer this socket will fit on Intel and AMD sockets and as a result there's gonna be parts you're gonna have left over regardless depending on which socket so we definitely need the backplate this we've got to have these brackets that that sort of have a bend to them these let's kind of look like parentheses these are for AMD mounting so we're not building an AMD today let's spare parts we've got this bag here that has screws and spacers this is if you wanted to add an extra fan to the heatsink which we're not going to do one is enough we've got our thermal compound we're gonna need that the regular straight brackets which are used on Intel's socket 11 5x we need there are four fan hangers - or for an extra fan if you wanted to extra expense and more cable management we're not using those and then finally in this last bag we have a couple of standoffs and screws and there are two sets of standoffs they're both big ones and small one I guess it's not a really good way to show you these small ones are first socket 2011 or 2060 six so the small ones can go back in the bag and then that leaves us the for regular screws and the four tall standoffs right here and I just take all this extra parts I put it in a ziploc bag with the documentation you might want the documentation but if you watch this video if you just follow the way I do it I think I'm clearer than any documentation Donny seekers contributed $4.99 he says you're awesome thanks for all you do hey Donny thank you for supporting the channel thank you very much just finishing off what's in the box we've got the cooler or the fan rather and then we've got the heatsink itself which we'll go ahead and remove clear some counter space set that down and in the box the rest of the box is just empty nothing else in there nothing that matters it's going in the recycle bin okay so saya that gives you a really nice Philips number two extended screwdriver that's magnetized it comes with the cooler and I'll tell you what you'll want to use this for anything that has a Philips screw around your house or anything you need to repair so if it's a good quality driver unlike some of the other manufacturers that are so cheap as to give you a little allen wrench tool that you would throw away and it'll blister up your fingers trying to use it scythe charges a half the amount of money as those other guys have a better cooler that runs quieter is easier to install and include a real actual screwdriver I don't know why anybody would by any other manufacturer but that's me what can I tell you I guess I'm a weirdo and I like value let's go back to putting the heatsink on back to the motherboard here and I'm gonna just sort of hold it by the edge see if I can adjust the camera a little bit if I don't drop the motherboard that would be good I'll raise that up a bit come on stay there nope okay I'm gonna have to set this down let's make an adjustment on the camera to bring it up a little because I want you to see how I handle the motherboard a lot of people are afraid of ghosts when I refer of ghosts I'm talking about things they can't see or explain that don't necessarily exist but they believe in them and one of those is static electricity electrostatic discharge used to be a real problem in earlier electronics in the 60s 70s 80s but now not so much it still can be a problem it's potentially a problem but not the potentials far less likely today than it was 20 30 years ago but a lot of people giving advice on the Internet learned their techniques 20 or 30 years ago and they have not adapted their knowledge to current state of electronics the truth of the matter is all these little components on the board are highly susceptible to electrostatic discharge when they're bare when they're in a factory and a bin once they're mounted onto the board they're already grounded so it's pretty difficult to cause static damage possible but you'd almost have to be intentional I take extraordinary precaution by always holding parts by the edges and the reason I do that is back in the day when static was more of an actual problem I used to work for some pretty cheap companies that wouldn't buy us proper anti-static equipment and so I learned how to handle parts through the edges so that there was no place for static to go if a static shock were to occur now there's no harm in buying an anti-static strap and wearing it if it makes you feel better if it gives you peace of mind don't let me stop you the fact that I don't wear one and the combined with the fact that I have a verifiable history in the industry you can verify in the internet as an author as a radio show host as a technician for over 30 well not over for nearly 30 years I hope adds some gravity to what I'm telling you as evidenced through experience that what I'm doing otherwise I'd be out of business and warranty work and pissed-off customers if this mysterious ghost of antistatic was causing motherboards to suddenly fail you'll see most of the systems I build I don't see them back for gosh minimum of about four years and upwards of eight to ten years so clearly static is not an issue I deal with and I if any place in the world to live where static would be a potential it's the dry desert air static loves dry air if you live in a more humid place the statics less likely I also work on a non carpeted surface could be wood tile laminate flooring that will also help reduce the odds of any static discharge but I shouldn't even have talked about it this long to be honest it has to do with the know-it-alls who come in and have never experienced an actual ESD a situation in their life and they they live their lives through reddit in through YouTube videos with no actual real world experience and it's very frustrating because they're they think they're the internet police and they think they know what they're talking about and what that does is it confuses innocent people who now don't know whether or not to believe me or to believe the comment and then they read on reddit or whatever I'm going to suggest to all of you any information you get off the internet that you verify the source of it including myself verify where that information is coming from if it's coming from somebody named fly guy 23 I don't think I would really listen to him somebody should be bold enough to put their name behind anything they say and if they're not willing to do that than what they have to say isn't worth hearing as far as I'm concerned so this back plate has foam on one side and that foam is going to be the side that goes towards the motherboard we don't want to put metal against the board and then you'll see there's two holes cut out on the plate and there's two screws right here on the back part of the socket of the CPU and we're gonna set that right there like this right over those holes now in each corner there are three mounting points and we're gonna use the middle one for this Intel socket and we'll place that right there and again I want you to pay attention because I don't often talk about how I'm holding the board I just do it without thinking but these little details can make a big difference in your success when building a computer also in not injuring yourself these little silver parts down here those soldering points are very sharp and they'll cut you I mean you'll bleed so it's just a good idea to avoid them for a number of reasons so to avoid any self-injury and also to avoid injuring the board the handling of the parts is important not just through anti-static strap because even wearing an anti-static strap doesn't mean I should be going around touching any of these silver components it can still cut me and I can still cause damage and you think static is bad you should try getting blood off one of these just all right I'm trying to battle misinformation on the Internet I don't know how successful I'm being but boy it's really frustrating when people who refuse to use their real name insist that you listen to them and they can be pretty insistent then I'm telling you right now I don't care what their excuses I don't care about what their privacy concerns are when they insist you listen to them as I'm doing now that should be your warning to not listen to that somebody should say here's my opinion or here's my belief take it or leave it they shouldn't shove it down your throat and then argue with you about it like what difference does it make in their life if you choose to agree with them or not why are they so why is it so important why are they so what's the word why are they so insecure that they require your approval in agreement and if you don't agree with them they feel threatened that's a very weak minded person and I think you'll hear me say it like I've you know let's just tell people to go away somebody wants to argue they're just like you know what videos are free if you don't see value and I'm go away now to me if somebody said that to me I think well that person sounds confident the person who wants to argue about it all day they sound insecure and not even sure themselves and they need your agreement to put them in the right frame of mind that they know you know that confirmation that what they're saying is true and that's right there is a big big part of dialogue on the internet I see it everywhere alright so we've got the mounting plate installed with the four standoffs those four tall standoffs just like that and I'm gonna put these little brackets right here and it's gonna go on with this little cutout facing the CPU going over the lever that we lifted earlier and we can use the included driver and these screws are going to hold that bracket on and again it helps to use a magnetized screwdriver and that'll prevent you from dropping the screws and potentially scratching the surface of the board which would not be good so don't put any pressure on it you'll see I'm struggling a little bit here to get everything aligned and if you push down hard and the screwdriver slip so the screw slips off from under you go gouge right into the motherboard and that's generally frowned upon to put it mildly come on I haven't eaten today and I think I'm getting a little shaky I'm definitely getting a little shaky today so that that's when I used two hands well just get that side started and come on to do the other side and then this other bracket faces exactly the opposite way on the same side on the opposite side but the same direction I'll find the words there we go and then this side right here now this is what the final prep board looks like we haven't put the RAM in yet I suppose I can still do that but that's what those brackets look like when they're on and installed in the proper orientation and then of course there's the back with the backplate on and that's the proper orientation of the backplate and if you're following along with me and you've reached this point congratulations you've done it all correct so far we've got eleven hundred and fourteen people watching now welcoming everybody if you're new here there's a lot of build videos repair videos and upgrade videos and even exposing scammers on my channel I hope you will check out the library the quick tips section everything here that you're seeing today this is all live and unscripted and hopefully you'll be a supportive and friendly member of our community Jesse says I need more coke I think you might be right Coca Cola's sounding really good right about now I think I'm gonna go ahead and move the camera back because I'm not gonna prep any more right now I'm gonna leave the RAM out for right now and we need to start prepping the case and I need a wider angle for that so let's get this move back hold on to your butt's oh come on this is heavy it looks better Wow listening to health advice yeah there's a comment that chat about talking to the doctor about listening to health advice on the Internet yeah that's as much as I complain about the bad tech advice a health advice is worse because now people's lives are in steak and people are anonymous most of the time and don't realize the damage they're causing other people I'm helping them well that might be your intention but that doesn't mean that's what you're accomplishing so I'm gonna move some of this out of the way so we have a clear area to work this the these are the extra parts for the cooler and I'm just gonna set those in the box keep them out of the way and again I want to encourage you pay attention to how you see me thoughtlessly handle these parts I've been doing it for such a long time I don't I'm not really conscious conscience of conscience conscious of the fact that i'm doing it but i'm always very carefully handling the parts I forgot my go-faster sticker we'll put that in there yeah we can move those out of the way okay that too a coke and a coke ah I've got one right here oh I hear angels does anybody have any questions for me I've been so busy working on the board I haven't looked up with the chat room in a while so if you've asked anything I totally totally missed it so feel free if you have any technical questions feel free to ask and do my best to provide an answer for you even if it means telling you to watch one of my other videos but I will provide the answer if I know it Samuel says it's all self-diagnose each other yeah that's gonna work out fine I'm sure so I think what's interesting to me is how and I and I and I can't emphasize this enough how people feel it's so important that they're heard but they won't make their own YouTube video I encourage everybody who wants to be heard make your own YouTube video on any subject what's ever on your mind do it and then after you're attacked think twice about how importantly you want to be heard if it's worth it you see what I do as I'm trying to educate people and I have a history that's kept me in business that's verifiable and if what I was doing didn't work I wouldn't be in business this long but there are people out there that want to tell me I don't do it right but they don't own any business they don't have any history online and they're often using a fake made-up name but damn it they want you to hear what they have to say because they've deemed themselves to be equal to or greater than me in the regard of the advice I give despite the fact I charged nothing for to give it out completely for free they don't want to watch it they can switch it off it's a very bizarre thing and I'm constantly berated by people and I encourage everybody to experience this because I think if you go and make a YouTube video and you're lucky enough to have people watch it you'll also be hearing from a certain percentage of viewers about a what a horrible person you are how wrong you are whatever it happens to be it'll be nasty and then I think you'll be less likely to do that to somebody else once you've had it done to you that's my theory and that's why I encourage everybody to do it but everything's looking real good today the chat everything's been it feels good to get it off my chest if you can't tell like it's it's it's a puzzle I'm trying to solve and sometimes I feel by vocalizing it it'll come to me the only solution I've come to at this point is to charge for the content it's the free content that invites the entitled know-it-alls to come in and berate and abuse but gosh I hate the downside of that which is there are plenty of people who who enjoy the content for free and benefit from it who are kind and generous in being generous with their comments and thoughtful and it's a shame to punish them because of the the people that it's the only way to seemingly get rid of them so I'm there's no sort of perfect solution it's got some collateral damage no matter what I do but what I'm trying to do is empower people to be self-sustaining for you to be able to build your own computer for you to be able to upgrade or repair your own computer and I think that's a bigger mission in my life than the people who attack me as a result like they're not important compared to educating people and empowering people it's worth the abuse if it means it's helping somebody and I just wish the abuse would stop I wish if people didn't like something they'd just go away I don't know why it's so important they think they should be heard it's just weird to me they have a youtube channel if you have a YouTube account you have a YouTube channel that's what it's for my channel is not for you to be heard your channel is for you to be heard so be interesting to see how this develops how the internet develops how the next generation growing up behaves but I'm hoping again by vocalizing by talking about it something will click and I'll figure out a win-win situation but every solution I've come up with has a loser that's not fair you want RHIB uted two dollars this is great video hey thank you Hugh is it possible for magnetic screwdriver to lose its attraction or did Mougins send me a dud yeah Craig that's from Craig Lily magnetic screwdrivers do lose their magnet anything magnetized will start to weaken so you can buy a magnetized er which I have right in here somewhere where's my magnetizer I think the one in my Amazon link below is in blue but it's the same thing and you just slide the screwdriver through the hole that says magnetized and it'll magnetize it slide the screwdriver through the hole that says d-bag ties it take the magnetism off of it why you'd ever want to demagnetize a screwdriver I don't know back on the in the CRT days if you got a magnetic screwdriver close to the cathode ray tube it would discolor it you could leave that color permanently until you degaussed it but these days I don't know why you want to demagnetize but yeah if the screwdriver becomes weak the magnetic power of the screwdriver becomes weak or maybe it was never a magnetic screwdriver you can make it one by just buying one of these if you don't want to buy one of these but you have an old hard drive laying around open the hard drive up and inside of the hard drive is a rare earth magnets very powerful and rub the screwdriver against it and that will magnetize the screwdriver as well and you'll have to buy anything so a couple different ways you can do that you know ghetto style where we just take an old hard drive and rub up against the magnet maybe you've got a magnet laying around the house the stronger the magnet is the the more it will transfer that over to the screwdriver so a nice rare earth magnet is ideal those are the really they're often small but very powerful magnets or just by the right tool William Bailey says hey Kerry great show hey William did your daughter get her computer I haven't heard anything back usually no news is good news I hope everything's good there yeah if you had an old glass TV and you took a magnet around the outside edge of it you'll see like a rainbow discoloration and it can permanently well not permanently but it can leave it behind requiring what's called a degaussing which is just basically demagnetizing it Darren says I think in most subjects you'll find there's always going to be a small portion of people who deem themselves to be the world's biggest expert in that subject regardless of their experience I don't care right like I if you think you're an expert I think that's great you should go on YouTube and you should share your your experience your expert experience with the world if you were truly an expert you shouldn't just be leaving comments and random videos I don't it's not really something experts do they're not known for that experts generally author books and share their knowledge in a platform that is more open to everybody not just to readers of comments of certain videos nothing wrong with having confidence in a subject I don't want to discourage that at all it's how you go about sharing your information I suspect somebody did it to them and that's how they learned it and now they do it to others so if we would just stop we could have a whole generation of kids growing up that have never experienced it it wouldn't know to do that to somebody else a lot of a lot of people's behaviors are based on what they themselves experienced in the past and then they repeat it so if we show kindness and if we show acceptance and if we show I'm trying to think of a word for like accepting apologies you know we don't have to dig through somebody's Twitter comments over the last 10 years to find one thing they said bad ten years ago and then hold him to the fire over it I'm not the same person I was ten years ago I don't think that's fair and I think we should learn to gosh why can't I find the word when somebody apologizes somebody says hey I'm sorry we need to learn to accept that and let it go and if we can raise a whole generation of kids that way I think it would significantly impact the future of the world and how people treat each other bill says yes she got her computer she is thrilled with it thank you extremely pleased with your work see that means the world to me see that's a real person with a real name who put their money where their mouth is bought a computer for me well actually they bought the parts and they had me build it and they liked it so much they asked me to build another one for his daughter and he just told me that she loves it and you know what a fetus said she didn't like it I do what I can to make it right you see the difference on what I'm trying to express like when a stranger comes in and attacks versus when somebody who who supports you or as friendly and they have an issue that I want to know about the issue so I can make it right but when someone comes in and attacks me I have no choice but you know and it's a stranger I got to defend myself I have to so thank you for the follow-up bill I appreciate that I'm glad to hear that she she likes it and I hope you'll be ordering another computer got any more daughters they need a computer for other family members actually I don't need the work right now but it's the greatest that I can ever get you know it's great when somebody trusts me to build it but it's even better when after they've done that they want me to do it again people like mati Mahdi's had me build three computers he wants a fourth one now it is the single greatest compliment anybody can ever give me and it means the world to me and thank you thank you for letting me know that fuels me man that that just energizes me recharges my batteries Robert Bob let says I love the computer you inspired me to build see that that means the world to me - I love it I need more of those comments unless of the nasty ones because those mmm they're just invigorating we look through the comments and see if I've missed any other questions here compassion TJ says that's the word I was looking for yeah you know Compassion's and empathy those are good things you know when I was trying to say Karrie you could make your streams like semi payers only in other words a third of the stream you just cut the public stream and stream only for the payer I don't know if YouTube offers that option I'm not aware of that Craig says I took an old hard drive magnet so I got the screwdriver magnetized it wasn't gonna bother the Mugen five people over something so small as a screwdriver I mean Craig mostly the way returns work is you have to pay the shipping back to them and honestly you can go to Home Depot and buy a brand-new screwdriver for less than it would cost you to mail that screwdriver so I ya just magnetized it I I don't know that that's really a warranty issue but I don't know what side would do to help you in that case if they would just send you another one that would be a really weird support call in my opinion because it's not a technical problem and it's something easily remedied which you've taken care of Kevin biller beck has contributed $5 he says your videos helped me build my PC three years ago and it's still working great love it that's awesome awesome thank you guys robert says I love your t-shirt I can't stop laughing what's going on with RGB you don't have to buy RGB so that's really targeted to home users there's no business in America there's no corporation in America that I have ever been to that has computers with RGB there's plenty of non RGB components out there but a lot of what you see people talking about in the forums they're all enthusiasts and hobbyists they're not working if they were working they wouldn't have time generally speaking to participate in forms but that's why you see me use the parts I use this motherboard has RGB on it it's very subtle but the case the $200.00 a fantastic case it's 70 bucks and you know be quiet also has some some nice non RGB cases like their peer based 500 and 600 those are just off the top of my head there's plenty of others Robert says where do I get the t-shirt like that so I put links to everything you see in my videos in the video notes below the video if you just read those notes it's got all the parts on today's build the shirt other channels I have you can subscribe to my Windows 10 optimizer tool my windows 10 net fix tool just check it out yeah yeah Erin wants to know do you install the Intel security vulnerability updates on those Intel builds well to that extent I will install the latest bios and I will install all of the Windows 10 updates until there are no more updates if there's anything special somewhere you've got to go to get something I think anything that's important will be patched through BIOS update or through Windows Update if it's not then either it's not that important it's not that big of a risk or the update it hasn't been released yet in the case of you know a BIOS update or a Windows update in the case of a Windows Update you'll get those automatically over time there will always be more security issues and the security issues don't just rest with Intel security issues rest within the software you're using if you use Java or flash they're extraordinarily and profoundly rife with exploitable code Firefox had an update to an update that caused remote it opened up the possibility for somebody to grab remote control because you used Firefox and they patched it relatively quickly Google's had the same issue Internet Explorer and edge have had similar updates Adobe products have had similar updates nobody's immune from it and it's not isolated to Windows it's not isolated to the chip and these will continue indefinitely there'll be more security concerns tomorrow next week next month some of these security concerns that have been brought to light like meltdown that's been around for twenty years just nobody knew about it and the minute they talk about it now the bad guys know about it when they may not have known about it except everybody made a big deal about it what are you gonna do when Apple's had security issues Linux has had security issues there across the map security issues so the best thing I can advise you to do is keep an up-to-date and good antivirus software that's paid and not free as well as make sure that your operating system is kept updated having the latest bios is beneficial though not always required and really understand the real risk involved most of the time they're making money from scaring you they want you to click on the article to read it or watch the news you know world's coming to an end at 10:30 News at 11:00 III don't really think most of what you're hearing about is really that big of a threat the corona virus is all over the news you think it's the beginning of the end of our population of the planet I can't speak for other countries but in America fear is the number one seller if you can scare people you can make money so my advice to you is to ascertain the actual level of threat as it pertains to you to determine how critical or what priority it takes in your life to mediate it most of this stuff like meltdown and scepter I've never seen an exploit in the wild it takes advantage of it I don't know of any customers that I've ever been affected by it certainly none of my customers but you know there were enough articles to make you think that you were gonna be impacted by it when in fact the likelihood of it to this day is highly unlikely unless you do very questionable things with your computer but if that's what you do with your computer then you take the risks that go along with that going to seedy websites and pirate sites and things like that will always invite that kind of trouble if you're just an average user using your computer and average things you don't click on willy-nilly links and you don't click on attachments you're not accept expecting it's not likely it's just going to infect you one day for no reason highly highly unlikely but if that ever changes you can count on me to make a video to let you guys know about it but I won't just scare you I'll also give you the solution I will never ever ever come out here to just scare you I never do that I will tell you here's what the potential issue is here's the likelihood of it affecting you and here's what that was pleasant and then here's what you can do about and it's that last piece that's really really important telling you that there's something out there that you can do nothing about is pointless all that's doing is creating anxiety and it's not helpful to anybody it's not accomplishing anything but driving up your anxiety in your fear over something beyond your control and furthermore is not likely to affect you yeah that one kind of hurt Joseph jar stuffers contributed $10 he goes carry maybe you're possibly the Mike Holmes for computers have he worked with Intel opting I think Mike Holmes is a very admirable guy he does he had a show homes on homes where he would renovate homes in Canada that were poorly constructed it feels like every home in Canada it was poorly constructed I've never seen Mike Holmes walk into a house and go hey they did everything right but I love how he kind of over engineers everything he sort of over does it I love that because that means what he's doing will last a really long time and now he's got his kids joining him in anyway it's it's an interesting show Holmes on a Holmes was what it was called and it was fascinating some of the things they would bring to light you know a house could be tilted you never even realized that he'll drop a marble on the floor and you'll watch it roll and you go how did he notice that but and then he fixes it so that's a great compliment to come here compare me to him thank you have you worked with Intel often so Intel obtained is another one of those big marketing things that had all these promises that fail to deliver when it reached the market when it actually existed you know they talked about it a lot well it was soon to be released but after it was released it was a big dud it's really just a big cash for a mechanical hard drive that's pretty much the only time you're gonna see any benefit and solid-state drives have become so inexpensive it just doesn't make sense to have a big mechanical drive except for you know if you have big storage needs but even then big storage needs aren't going to benefit much from Intel obtained because it's a cash cash means you're loading the same files over and over and over again so some people will see a benefit to it but most people won't obtain has the potential with Intel's x-point technology to become something that the marketing company said it could be that's the trick when the Intel octane product hit the shelves and reviewers got it and they held the marketing company to task about what they said about it the marketing company said wait wait that's not what we said we said it has the potential to do this level of performance but we're not there yet we're only in the first generation within a couple of generations this will be the future of storage okay that's not exactly the way they set it the first time but they sure took the time to clarify it after the product was released and didn't live up to the hype this is common in marketing in the tech industry so well they're talking about the potential what they're not talking about is the competitor working on something else that'll hit the market long before obtain reaches that point maybe some other technology will come and just wipe it off the map and if that doesn't happen then obtained will continue and and get better and better but if something else different comes out then Intel may say well this doesn't make sense to pursue this anymore and they'll just drop the product altogether we'll see which one happens first but there's no point in having Intel octane if you have a solid-state drive you won't see any benefit from it you won't contributed $5 he says I work and I'm an enthusiast and I learned some things from you that helped greatly well thank you Hugh I appreciate that and of course there's always going to be people that both work and are enthusiasts but they don't make up the majority you know we tend to be one or the other so you don't have to take what I say so literally you know it's obviously there's there's always a gray area and there's always people where there are exemptions from the norm if we you know what's common okay good now 81 is country - five bucks he goes can you speak on the pros and cons of overclocking RAM or a GPU anytime you okay well hold on Hugh one also contributed to dollar juices great video thank you again you so getting back to this question from K Dow some people confuse overclocking RAM with XMP so XMP is not overclocking the rim that's just an extreme memory profile that's stable and will run without any negative concerns regarding the reliability of the Rik well not necessarily rely with regarding any warning of or avoiding taki to wait voiding of warranty or causing the RAM to reduce its lifespan right X and P is not overclocking so overclocking is when you take a product whether it's a graphics card GPU or a CPU or Ram and take it beyond what it was engineered to do so if you went and bought a Toyota Prius and you put a supercharger on it so you can get more horsepower and make the car go faster then you would have a couple of side effects to that if you know basics of engines you would know that the engines gonna run hotter and it's going to be pushed harder than the engineers designed the Pistons to be pushed and the crankshaft and all the inner workings of the engine we're all engineered for longevity with a certain amount of force and pressure or not and in the way that it's used so if you increase the force and pressure increase the RPMs you're gonna wear these components out faster you'll also void your warranty in the case of what we're talking about with a car you'll reduce your gas mileage significantly and you'll probably have to put some aftermarket cooling system on to keep it all cool but if you just leave it alone you'll probably find you have a car that lasts longer that it's more trouble-free when you start to push the limits of what the technology can do you reduce the lifespan you potentially void your warranty you affect the reliability and then you enter into this area of slower versus slow and steady wins the race so if you've got your supercharged Prius at the racetrack and I've got my regular Prius at the racetrack and you and I are racing and you're way faster than me but your engine breaks down you can't finish the race I do and I win now which one of us has a higher performing car I do if you go to start your car and it won't start because the modifications you've made but my car starts cuz I left it alone who's got a faster car I'd say the one that starts is faster so there's this closed-mindedness when it comes to overclocking that you're getting something for nothing but the reality is you the amount of money you have to spend in the amount of time and experimentation results in a very little increase maybe ten fifteen percent and then when CPUs were three hundred megahertz fifteen percent was markedly faster if your computer takes two minutes to boot and I tell you by putting a solid-state drive and you can take that 2 minute 120 seconds boot time and you can reduce that by 80 percent for a couple hundred bucks we're not even for a hundred bucks you can reduce that boot time by 80 percent that's a significant return on investment but let's say you've already got an SSD and now your boot time instead of 120 minutes let's say it's 20 seconds 25 seconds I don't know whatever 80 percent is and you say to me I want to go to an nvme drive and the nvme drive is several hundred dollars instead of one hundred dollars now it's several hundred like this Samsung Evo 970 plus is four hundred five hundred dollars how much faster from 20 seconds is it gonna be I mean what difference does it make at this point the most you're gonna save is 20 seconds no matter how much you spend you can't go any fat it's not gonna boot up before you hit the button it's never gonna work that it's that we're gonna know what you're going to do what you want to do it didn't do it before you push the button so the most you could possibly save is 20 seconds is that 20 seconds worth that several hundred dollars the the diminishing returns the higher and faster that we go stock on these CPUs and GPUs it's so profoundly fast right now that today's computers are mostly waiting on you the idea that computers need to be overclocked is a silly waste of time for people who have nothing else better to do and a lot of money in their wallet to spend the money and fart around that's what I'm calling it farting around for something that doesn't matter the the the amount of performance you're gonna get back isn't like it used to be it's almost indistinguishable except in benchmarks and for people who claim they get better frame rates you know look they're gonna tell themselves whatever they want to hear to justify all that time and money they spent they're not gonna say I was an idiot for overclocking most people don't some people do most people don't they once they've committed to it you know no regrets the tattoo that's spelled wrong no regrets you regret that nope I meant it to be that way I mean you kind of have to you got to live with it now you've made the investment you suffered through the pain just tell people you did it on purpose and it's meant to sarcasm that's what people do now nothing you're gonna learn in overclocking will apply in the corporate world that knowledge does you no good if you were to do that in any corporate job in America in IT you would be fired instantly I can tell you because I've seen people get fired for doing stupid stuff that they would do at home that won't fly in the corporate world if you're doing it because you're bored and you have nothing else better to do when you have some money laying around knock yourself out that's a personal little hobby it doesn't really make any sense right hobbies don't have to make sense it's just the way you squander your time that's fine but the idea that it's somehow making you a better gamer like oh well I can game better now because I get 15 more frames per second so if I get better pots and pans I'm a better cook if I buy a better camera I'll be a better photographer if I buy a nicer piano I'll play piano better it doesn't make any sense but sometimes what people do for enjoyment doesn't have to make sense people will die attempting the summit Mount Everest dai they will give their lives they'll risk their lives for what so you can come back and go hey I did that I got a picture I can Photoshop myself on Mount Everest what's up there's there like a gift shop up there I don't think so something to do somebody with a lot of money and a lot of time and there are bodies up there to this day they cannot retrieve why what a shame so for me as a person in business not as a hobbyist not as an enthusiast but as somebody who operates a business where I need to generate a profit in order to pay my bills overclocking offers me no opportunity to stay in business so I'm pretty passionate about how stupid I think it is but that's just my opinion and it's coming from somebody who used to overclock back when you could actually get a difference but you could feel and a real difference back in the day when you could take a 300 megahertz Celeron and bump it to 500 that was a massive increase totally worth doing today going from 4.6 to 5.0 who cares seriously and especially when the consequences of that are added cooling louder fans and system stability being iffy no business runs that way not for long you've got to be productive and to be productive means that car's got to start every time you know what I'm saying we're going back to the racing analogy the car has to start every single time if the car breaks down you can't win the race so sometimes the slower car is the faster car sometimes the slower computer is the faster computer but don't confuse hobbies with a business the IRS doesn't if you run a business that loses money I think it's three years in a row the IRS will no longer allow you to take deductions on it because that is a hobby that isn't a business and you better come up with some other clever way to avoid paying your taxes so yeah it's a tough one right because people are very passionate about overclocking they're they don't want to be told what they're doing is stupid who would want to be told anything you're doing is stupid and when I say stupid I'm defining it by meaning you're spending money and what you're getting in return is very little from what I judge is an investment but they'll say well I'm getting the enjoyment out of it well I don't enjoy blue screens and I don't enjoy diagnosing I do it every day and I'm paid to do it so when I sit down at my computer to get work done the last thing I need is a blue screen like I've been doing it all day it's not it's I enjoy when a blue screen occurs and I have to solve the reason why I enjoy that challenge but when somebody does it to themselves on purpose it's just annoying right like like for me there are people who need plastic surgery and then there are people who want plastic surgery and if I was a surgeon who spent all this money in years in medical school me personally I would not want to cater to people's vanities because they just decided I want a new nose not because they needed a new nose and didn't to think you could lose a patient a perfectly healthy patient can go in somebody like Joan Rivers for a normal procedure let's say that's voluntary and not come out they go in and they die if I would do the effort of being an educated surgeon I'd want to save people's lives I'd want to make people's lives profoundly better so I have a real issue with people that have unnecessary surgeries and I have an issue with doctors who perform them it seems like there's enough people that need real surgeries that can't afford them or for whatever reason can't get them and these doctors who could be performing life-saving surgeries instead opt to you know pin somebody's ears back because their ears stick out too much I mean I personally find it ridiculous so that's just my perspective I'm not saying that they're wrong just saying that it wouldn't be Who I am if I was a surgeon I would want to save people's lives and if I was a plastic surgeon I'd want to help people who had a deformity or something that affected the quality of their life aside from the their own mental illness that they can't get over whatever they think their physical flaws that has absolutely no that nobody notices with them most of the time you know and as a technician I want to use my skills to help people and I don't think showing people how to overclock is beneficial to anybody it's just a big waste of time it's not profitable it's just a big money pit and manufacturers love overclockers people who make liquid coolers and RGB lights they add a lot more profit margin on that stuff so manufacturers are happy to sell you this stuff at a much higher profit margin they're happy to take your money and to exploit this illogical desire in the business world that doesn't fly and there's a bit whit has a great video I love it where he talks about the the pane of glass that has RGB lights from the Sun if you've not seen that video I should put a link to it it's hilarious I love it it's very sarcastic but at the same time it's kind of true the mentality is look if these people want to pay extra money for something they don't need let's sell it to them because it's real easy for us to make it profit from it and so the manufacturers like with case windows and RGB lights and liquid coolers they're making more money on that than they are on motherboards or CPUs I can assure you the profit margins are much higher not because it's worth more it's because those people who spend money for that unnecessary stuff are willing to and the manufacturers are more than happy to take your money so I'm always gonna go back to the business side of it if I was a manufacturer I would sell you liquid coolers and RGB lighting if it meant my profit margins went up because I'd be stupid not to but why you would pay for it doesn't matter to me why you would pay for it the fact that you are I'll make it so just because and I want to emphasize this because I don't support it doesn't mean it's something you shouldn't do it means I can't sustain my business on it so it's not worth my time or effort might be worth your time and effort it's not worth my that's all I'm saying you probably heard me cursing a lot when I was doing that one RGB build with all the extra cable management that came with it and I had a bad RGB light on a fan a perfectly fine working fan new out of the box but because the RGB light was flickering had to be replaced so there was a warranty that shouldn't have had to have happened there was all these extra cables I had to manage all four what does the computer read any faster no is it any more reliable no is it annoying if you're trying to sleep at night with it on got me started who else let's the know about overclocking Paul wants to know do you think the technical computer business kit version 3 is useful absolutely if you're in business or you're considering being in business for yourself one thing I did not have when I first started or any examples of invoices contracts there was no resource for it the computer business kit is probably one of the single best and least expensive investments you can make in your own computer repair business and I highly highly recommend it that being said you shouldn't just take that stuff out and start using it as laws vary from place to place you need to adapt it but at least you've got a starting point which is something I never had and then you can just modify it to suit your business requirements or local law requirements which is a lot easier than starting from scratch yeah absolutely it's like a hundred bucks it's totally worth it yeah I'm just looking back through see if I've missed any other questions rich Robbins a faster video card can make you a little bit better gamer because you can see parts of person come around the corner faster okay sure you get that's hilarious gram gold sauce systems has contributed five pounds say thank you Graham and Winston anglers contributed to Canadian dollars Thank You Winston Bearpaws contributed two pounds he goes keep the coffers grow hey Thank You bear pot so on YouTube there are lots and lots of channels tech related channels that will discuss overclocking and liquid cooling there's very few channels that show real technicians working if you had a zoo filled with horses and you had one zebra would you want the zebra to be just like the horses right so I feel like what I'm doing here on YouTube is very rare where I'm showing you real actual work and to suggest that I should be doing with all the other people on YouTube are doing or the vast majority of them it's like I don't think you're getting what the point of this channel is there's lots of those channels already doing that how many channels are actually real working technicians Tim's computer repair does it there's a there's not I'm not saying I'm the only one but I'm saying there's very few of us percentage-wise compared to the number of hobbyists and enthusiasts making YouTube channels in fact all the big you know million subscribers and more tech channels they're all hobbyists none of them as far as I know our actual working technicians in the PC world so I think some people don't get that but that may not be what you're interested in you may only be interested in the hobbyist and enthusiast stuff and if you are this isn't the right place for you and that's okay but I wouldn't try and change the zebra into another horse not me I'd say I like that one that one's different than the others but that's the way I am I wouldn't try and make it fit in to all the other ones but that stuff is everywhere on YouTube all that nonsense all those other tech channels cover all that nonsense it's easy to find you don't need me to do it how's the stream bin if I've been losing any little drop frames there I know it was stuttering earlier as its tabled out stabilized Glenn baloff has contributed $2 he says I want to buy some zip disks hey good luck with that man Chris says don't stop the rant well that's how you know I'm a real nerd real nerds know how to rant dreams looking good okay thanks for the update and just don't move fast yeah at my age that's not really a problem let me prep the case I think what I'm gonna do cuz it's I'm kind of a little burned out today I'm going to prep the case put the motherboard in it and I'm not gonna do any testify or anything or cabling until tomorrow because I'm pretty shot today it's been a long day often times when you see me taking a lot of questions it's because I'm trying to get a breather I'm trying to break away from monotony sometimes doing this feels like I'm groundhogs day like I'm doing it all the time over and over again and so it's it's a way for me to sort of break it up and you know if you're somebody who's impatient you just want to see the build I want to remind you that these live videos are unscripted and they just kind of happen and my poor sister sits through these takes all the rants and non build related dialogue out and will edit it all together from start to finish no matter how many days it takes and compiles it into one edited video and those are freely available on my channel for you to watch it anytime that's on tight what's up Lyle what's up my boy it's not time yet ooh that's looking laggy what's going on way as soon as I went back to work it started to lag is that how it's gonna work well Lyles found a box Steve Carissa is contributing $15 he says there's no stuttering on his end keep the good stuff rolling and prance on maybe I just need to do a video of me ranting oh did you miss a box butter get it you stinker you screwball yeah I'm talking about you give me your side I they know when it's getting close to dinnertime you're early boy you got a half an hour I think your clock is off here no don't take that outside I'm not picking that up in the yard until prefer it Lyle prefers Intel boxes they taste better I guess you want some salt with that or are you just gonna have it plain I know your brother's crazy you want some attention you have a crazy brother there he goes speckies but you want to finish putting that together for me you want to be defragged No okay it's not time power cable that'll go to the customer and of course documentation for the power supply hey we got black screws with the chief power supply look at that the expensive power supply heads silver screws and the cheap one came with black screws here you go Lyle there's no other stickers or anything on here so fan will face down hey hey don't take it outside not outside cuz you're gonna make a mess and then I have to go out in the backyard and pick up all the shredded paper shred it in here shredder I gotta keep an eye on you today you're acting up give me this [Music] so so apparently he thinks it's time to play it I don't know why Lyle and then I put the camera on him and he goes right to the food ball oh I tried I tried okay so we have the black screws for once which is good and we'll put one of those in each corner here with the top corner being a little offset by about an inch I saw one customer put three screws on one side or no screws on the other and I said why did you do that because well isn't it how you did it on your video I'm like I've never ever done that on my video you'll see me put one screw in each corner why in the world would you try and put three all on one side when does that make sense it wasn't trying to embarrass him I was trying to understand why would you do that especially if you saw my videos what were you thinking documentation for the case we'll leave that out and we'll lay the case flat so I can get the motherboard installed in here now the front port umbilicals out of the way like I said I'm gonna leave the rim out of it for now and I'll plug the RAM in tomorrow when I follow up on this build because this is a non modular power supply I'll make sure I plug in the eight pin power adapter and the CPU fan header before I put the heatsink on and then after the heatsink goes on then I'll put the RAM and I think that'll be a more logical approach less frustration if I do it that way well that's not lining up properly hmm wonder why usually like on the last time I did this same motherboard in same case it just went right in sometimes you're just gonna take it out put it back in again Oh perfect yeah it just gets a little out of alignment and it's so precise that the screws simply will not go in if you're just a millimeter off it's enough that the holes not wide enough to accommodate for any variance or tolerance if you're not exactly over the stand-up and so rather than try and put the screw in on an angle or try and force it I would suggest you take the board back out and reseed it and do that as often as you need to until the screw will go in straight without a fight sometimes you got to put a little pressure on the board typically towards the back of the case but in this instance I had to push the board down this way and then it lined up perfect and usually once you get that tough one out of the way usually the others fall right in line oops and again where the magnetized screwdriver helps a lot here so that I can hold the driver you know I've side down and not have the screw fall off that's my last square right one two three four five six seven eight that's all of them okay guys so that's where I'm at on the build today tomorrow I'll do the cabling we'll put the cooler on and we can test-fire it and then put the 2080 TI on and we can run prime95 and we can run the heaven benchmark on it but I am beat I am absolutely beat today I don't know why I just I'm feeling it today so past Me's contributed 10 euro says for our greatest to build press well I don't know about that but thank you and let's see if there's any other questions I can address before I say goodbye this is Lyle named after a bit with no okay so let me give a shout out to everybody who's contributed during today's stream and that is going from the most recent past to me a Steve Caruso Glenn Baldauf Bearpaw Hugh Wong and Graham goal soft systems Winston Anglo you long and Joseph jars door jars defer Kevin biller Beck and K get out 81 you Wang again in Brandon Looney Michael Dane Carey is the Dalai Lama of the computer world I wish you Wong again Donnie Seager Jeff zero zero zero zero contributed two pounds I missed his contribution sorry to miss some shows due to shift work hey man you got work and Brendan Looney Glyn Davies for our numerous contributions today thank you and Michael Dana's well mark drops senior Mario L thank you for all of your support Vance stone a junior Michael Martin and andreas Khanna strim Steve Devine and Randall Hill Rick Hubbard and John Craig cog gin and Frederick garner Thomas Robinson Rick lakes and Roger Hall as well as Jesse Kirk and Peter Leacock and Hugh on again and Jesse Kirk again thank you guys so much fantastic friends of the channel first contribution today from Brendon Looney thanks for all of your contributions as well Brendon and to all of you who helped keep me sponsor free here on the channel little off my game today and I apologize for that I really wanted to get the build started and you know some days they're better than others you know I've had a long day before I even started the video today and I appreciate you hanging in there with me as I tried to focus and get it done but I have appreciated your company along the way and of course I always appreciate your friendship so thanks all my friends in blue for helping keep it civil in the chat room they were really being tested today so thank you very much for taking that burden off my shoulders and to all of my friends here there who are not yet blue I do hope to have a chat room filled with blue one day and that'll happen just by me recognizing you was a regular and being friendly and supportive to others in the chat room it's my pleasure to turn people blue and there's lots of ways that you can be blue some people are generous with contributions others are just generous in the kindness that they showed us strangers in the chat room and Michael says it's a blonde Monday it is Monday isn't it maybe that's what it is I'd never really I've never really felt certain days were bad like Mondays but I'm feeling it today I will I'm planning to do a attack vets episode with Mike Smith tomorrow I think we're gonna get started around 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time I think is the current plan and we should have everything ready to roll this time we shouldn't have all the technical issues like we did before I think I've got that all sorted and again with help from the chat room when we were struggling to get that all running we were trying to do a show before the end of the year we just couldn't get it done we had a lot of technical problems and then Mike got really busy so we will shoot again for Tuesday something's going on Wednesday Thursday I've got a presentation which I will hope to air soon after the presentation and I've got another presentation and editing and hopefully I can get that done and then Friday something was going on Friday what was it I just know I had a busy week so lots of content still coming at you and posted what I can with something some things are working or working some things are still in editing being worked in editing so as my sister releases that content I'll release it to you guys and then I hope to soon get back to the xenos build and the 3950 that's behind me once I get these customer issues I still have that laptop that I showed a couple weeks back that poor guys just waiting for me to clean it up I don't think I have time to look for a hinge and replace it there's another guy with another laptop wants to do swap out to a solid-state drive and both of these customers are at the same place where my presentation so if I time everything right I'll have the laptop ready to bring back and pick up the other laptop well I've been in that in the community where the presentation is no stress it's all good thanks you guys so much for joining me thanks again for the contributions the support the kindness and the chat room and I will wednesday have a dentist appointment window is the dentist appointment I don't think it's this Wednesday I think it's oh I do have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so have a doctor spring this Wednesday and the dentist appointment next Monday you guys know my schedule better than I do all right ah maybe it's the contacts maybe it just hurt my eyes thanks again I'll see you all again very very soon tomorrow to be exact and remember tech bets tomorrow evening but I'll be finishing the build up in the afternoon take that's in the evening my time and I got to find my outro yeah this one will work alright guys I will talk to you very various I'll see you very very soon until then bye for now bye for now I I think I need to trigger this with a lexer or something I'm waiting to see people in the chat room say bye for now there it is Wonder Woman got it bye for now you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 21,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carey Holzman, PC, build, pc, personal, computer, assemble, how-to, DIY, gigabye, evga, case, ram, memory, rgb, ultimate, nvme, m2, samsung, classic, gigabyte, screwdriver, tools, easy, windows, microsoft, hard drive, ssd, hdd, cpu, temp, temperature, water block, cool, cooler, cooling, big, biggest, best, psu, power supply, #computer, scythe, 1080ti, 9700k, intel, corsair, game, gamer, games, gaming, fortnite, call of duty, minecraft
Id: T43tyj5G38A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 8sec (9668 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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