Building a computer from used parts

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hi my name is Carrie Holzman and today I've got a new computer build to share with you as I look around at the different videos I've done in different computer builds that I've shown I'm always looking to do something a little different so as you can see before you I've got a bunch of old used motherboards that have been pulled from systems that have been repaired or upgraded I will generally hold on to these for spare parts things like these little Tower Clips will break off on a system and they're virtually impossible to find without buying a new heatsink so to have these boards sitting around I can pull those little towers out if I need them or if I need a heatsink that will fit I've got them available potentially if I need RAM to test with depending on why the system what was wrong with it why the board was pulled some of them worked fine I couldn't tell you which ones are which now because they're covered with dust it's been a long time but one of the things I do not do with a little exception is I don't like to sell used parts I love the idea of keeping something in circulation and keeping it working and keeping it out of the landfill what I don't like is jeopardizing a relationship with a customer who say I upgrade a system I take the old components I put them into a new system reinstall the operating system all the updates get it all ready and then sell it at a discount but I can't warranty it because if I warranty it and something goes wrong with it whether the hard drive fails or the motherboard fails that's directly costing me from my pocket out of what little tiny profit I might have made and the amount of time I had to invest is the same on a new system it takes just as long to install a used motherboard use hard drive use power supply install an operating system install all the updates the antivirus the drivers it takes just as long on a used one as it does on a new one but the new one will have a warranty that I can stand behind and guarantee that customer will be completely satisfied their system will work 100% for the length of that warranty what will happen especially with customers who really don't know you very well as you may have a system that's been working great and the minute you sell to the customer Murphy's law kicks in and within days or a couple of weeks that come back and say something doesn't work anymore they expect a warranty even if you told them they're not having one they don't remember that anymore you could have them signed paperwork but you better file it away where you can find it and then approach the customer with an argument on why you're not going to help them without additional cost it's never going to work in your favor the customer will always be upset even if the customer knew ahead of time there was no warranty the customer may even accuse you of knowing what you sold them was failing how do I know all this I've been through it it's not worth it just throw the parts away or donate them or keep them for spare parts until they're obsolete and then recycle the parts there are people I know that have done nothing but used computer rebuilds they don't make much money they enjoy doing it and they've dealt with some very angry customers and doesn't bother them for me it bothers me I want all my customers 100% happy and again the only way I can do that is through warranties that are offered through the manufacturers but here's where this video gets a little different recently I had a customer wanting to upgrade systems that I built for him in 2011 so the parts are parts I used that I selected and then I built so I know the history of the parts I'm going to build with today the second thing is the system's going to a friend of mine a friend of mine who is understanding a friend of mine who knows I don't rip people off and a friend of mine who knows that he's getting a heck of a good deal and he's willing to accept whatever risks that may come with saving that amount of money and it's not worth losing a friendship over I'll tell you that right now if this goes sideways for some reason and my friend thinks I owe him a motherboard I will have to buy it and I will lose money and that will be my punishment for doing something nice but this is a good friend I don't think it's going to happen but you know when push comes to shove I have to save you know my friendships going to be saved first at whatever that cost is and so by avoiding this whole situation you avoid that situation potentially and I'm very busy and the last thing I need is to be dragged down away from paying work for doing somebody a favor there's an old expression no good deed goes unpunished and if I didn't really trust this friend I wouldn't be doing this I'll just leave it at that so what we've got are the parts that I pulled out of a system that I've just recently posted about an upgrade where we replaced a Core 2 Duo system this is in the same office but this is a core i5 it's a little bit better than the the other one also built in January of 2011 and it's going to run Windows 7 without any problems at all helping me today on my build if you look back here is Big Bird now some of you may say why big bird well might have asked myself that same question until I saw a documentary on big bird called I am big bird the Caroll Spinney story this is not a movie or documentary rather for children this is a story of abuse as a story of love it's a story of loss this is a story of perseverance in the face of adversity this is a story of tragedy and murder this is a story of perseverance who knew the guy that plays Big Bird has been playing him is the only one who's played him really since forever so when I was growing up he was big bird and today he is still big bird now when I say today I mean today it that I'm filming this video so we're in July of 2015 you know you could be watching this video in 2019 and you know the guy may have passed on I don't know my crystal ball doesn't work that well but I encourage everybody who's who can appreciate the story with I'm going to guess is going to be adults to watch this movie and don't be turned off by the fact it's Big Bird and Big Bird is for children Big Bird is one of the most recognizable characters around the world and if you've ever grown up feeling like you don't fit in if you've ever suffered from depression or just being at the wrong place at the wrong time a set of circumstances this is an amazing documentary right now it's available on Amazon and on iTunes and it'll soon be released on DVD and I had no idea that the character of the person Caroll Spinney who plays Big Bird was had such a fascinating life and what an incredible story so for inspiration we've got Big Bird here to see us through and keep us going in case we run into any we kind of give up stand up first you want a big bird you have a little too much to drink there buddy a little too much birdseed all right we're good Big Bird's good the guy who does big bird also does Oscar the Grouch and there's one of many interesting things you'll learn when you watch this it's uh what a wonderful documentary and I want to remind you I don't get paid to do any of my videos everything you see here is just my own geekiness coming out that I want to share with you in the hopes that if you're a geek like me you'll truly appreciate it so how about we get to work what I've got here for a case had to order a new case obviously I basically had to pull all the components out of the other system so we had to pull the motherboard the RAM CPU you'll see I always keep the RAM CPU and motherboard all is one I don't mix or match them I know that it worked or it didn't work as it sits so apart from taking parts out for testing or for you know replacement as I mentioned earlier that's the only reason why I keep these here and why the components stay with the board the CPU RAM and memory are always married together this is the old power supply that we pulled it's an old hard drive that I pulled that's been cleaned I'll do a video about cleaning hard drives another time we've got just a standard 15 dollar optical drive our two SATA cables we've got a speaker for the motherboard we've got a power cable this customer will need a power cable and these are some screws for the power supply for the case I was looking for the cheapest case I could find and I really didn't want to buy this case I've got a video where I had to build 14 computers for a customer and these are the cases we used and seven out of the 14 were damaged in some way shape or form many of them had dents they had a little plastic feet on the bottom that were damaged we're missing one of the cases the power wouldn't turn on and it was because the power cable was pinched between the front bezel and the case and it severed the wire and I had to get my soldering iron out and and fix it and what's interesting what I find fascinating is the psychology of some people who leave comments on these videos that assume I don't know why they do this but they assume I just take it upon myself to solder a wire together and give it to the customer as though the customer has no idea in many cases time is of the essence and so if something goes wrong I have to call a customer and say here's our options we can send the stuff back and we can wait a week to get a replacement hope the replacements going to be ok continue the work and have the stuff done at that point or if you want I can fix the problem myself it's going to be a soldering job I have to do I don't mind doing it we can keep your project on schedule and have everything delivered on time and every single time the customers always tell me well we shouldn't say every single time but most of the time they tell me we trust your work if you can fix it and keep us on schedule we're good with that and of course the warranty is still in place anyway so you know if I get used parts like I mentioned before that were supposed to be new and we're under a time crunch I have to talk to the customer about that and say what do you want to do and in most cases the customers say if you think it's good we'll leave it to your judgment so but it's interesting how people will automatically assume the negative because I didn't explain that then other people will say you know you've been talking all this time you haven't built anything yet well because if I don't explain all this then all this other assumptions get done and all these nasty comments get left with information that's just filled in their imagination because I did not provide it in the video so that's why things get a little wordy and to help you understand if you're going to post a video on YouTube what to expect from others and in fact I wish there was a way to make anybody who ever left a comment on YouTube positive or negative I wish there was a prerequisite that required them to create their own video so that they had to deal with both positive and negative comments so that I think if you had to experience it you'd think twice about what you were going to say or if what you were going to say was even worse and so the the comments section has often been turned off because it takes a lot of time to filter through that in the process of getting an intern who will go through the comments for me and remove anything that's disparaging or disrespectful or you know has information made up or a spam so more than likely I won't even see the comment anyway even if it's you know it's nice when people leave nice comments but you know unless you're talking to other commenters it's going to be what the videos are getting so popular it's a full-time job - just sift through the comments so the best way for me to deal with it is to simply turn the comments off and if you look at my most popular videos less than 1% of the viewers leave comments anyway so if those 1% unsubscribe well I won't even notice it anyway the case is an Antec and it's a VSK 3000 and it arrived damaged wouldn't you know it the Box they ship it in is very thin it's not the kind of standard I mean look it's just there's not much to it and you can see up here it was ripped that something had gone through the box this is clearly a problem with the shipper and the whole faceplate was pushed in and luckily that's a part that pops in and pops out so I was able to pull the face off of the computer push that part back in and then inspect the rest of the case other case damage I've seen on the 14 computers that I built with this case where they don't use standard computer screws on this and they strip out very very easily and once they strip out they'll never tighten again and that's very frustrating to deal with you know especially on a brand new computer case now in my opinion an techs should remove their name from this case this is diluting the value of their brand I don't have a problem with antec making cheap cases but they should do it under a different name just as General Motors has Chevrolet and they have Cadillac you come to expect better quality from Cadillac than you do from Chevrolet and you expect higher prices from Cadillac even though they're all built by GM and this goes the same for Toyota and Infiniti Honda and Acura Lexus and I could think of who makes Lexus this is Toyota Honda and Nissan so there's lexus acura and infiniti the computer manufacturers in my opinion need to operate under the same principle Antec should be making quality cases that they're proud of that are built well not like this can you hear that can you see how much room that how much listen I don't know how much you can see that this whole thing just bends in it's very thin metal it's very sharp metal it's very easy to cut yourself on this if I was antic I would make up another company name call it basic basi Q which is their line for this that should be the name and only under research should you find out that basic is related to an Tek so that's just some business advice for an Tek they should know better than that but this is the case it's $30 and I got to be honest for extra $30 you get that Corsair 200 R and it's so so much better than this screws don't strip out there's room for solid-state drives and the build quality is much better the steel is used is much thicker you're not going to cut yourself when you work on it it's more upgradable it's going to run cooler I could go on and on but this is built for is cheap as we can build it right so the motherboard is basically free all these parts are basically costing us nothing the only thing that we're spending money on is going to be the operating system that's a hundred dollars nothing we can do about it and the case the cheapest case I can get away with is $30 this will also only have USB 2.0 but that's alright because these boards only had USB 2.0 so let's get to work now the standard builds we're going to do everything the same that we normally do and these were just put out here for display purposes so you get an idea of how parts can build up really quickly in a repair shop and really need to go to a recycle bin or a trash bin I would probably still keep the heatsinks I'd probably keep the memory and everything else just go because I again because I selected these parts and because I know when these parts were installed and I know the only one who's ever touched these parts is me I'm very confident that this is going to be okay to use and I hope that doesn't turn around and bite me on the butt so let's get some work done we're gonna go ahead and remove these four chintzy screws from this cheap case I got a caution you to be very very careful these edges right in here and right right in there are very very sharp and those cuts are horrible they just they're very painful these really thin razor-sharp cuts like paper cuts are difficult to heal or they take longer to heal you can research it on Google and probably want to have a tetanus shot if you do this a lot so the panels here again it's just it's not as it's cheapest and as thin as they could possibly make that we're going to set that aside and we're going to take the other one off and again there it's really hard to I've got to get my fingernails underneath underneath to try and pull this panel off it's really a struggle there we go because there's nothing to grab on to like there would be on a case with more substance to it now inside of this computer case we've got our front port umbilicals here and we've got the instructions and screws that are just masking taped to the bottom of the of the case now it's interesting that Antec says this case has a two year warranty it would cost you more to ship this case the Antec than it would to buy a new one and you have to pay for shipping so even though Antec may send you a new case they may also say the damage isn't their fault damage with shipping the shipper is going to say the problem was it wasn't packed well enough all the finger-pointing starts and you're left without a case and that's all you really care about they care about all this other stuff so just keep that in mind it's okay to buy cheap and it's okay to buy on a budget what's not okay is to have unreasonable expectations of what you're going to get in return for your money so if you're going to spend that little tiny bit of money this is what you should expect so just so you know a happy customer and give you a little business secret a happy customer is made when the person in the business sets the customers expectations and then that person meets or exceeds those expectations it's that simple it's not rocket science the easiest things in the world I'm going to go ahead I'm going to push out that cover we're going to put our optical drive in right there now you see this doesn't lock into place like other cases it'll slide all the way back so what I want to do is I want to make it flush with the front and you'll see there's numerous holes here that are going to line up we're going to get our screws or you want the fine thread round-headed screws which are in here somewhere and we're going to use four of them so there's one I guess I'm going to dump the whole thing out here there's two and this is a good time to check and make sure it's staying flush sometimes you might have to hold it with your hand before you tighten the screws down we're going to turn it around and do the other side this is getting on my way so let's get rid of that let's get rid of that let's go to that and two more screws here we go while here and one right here now in order to expedite getting these videos out as quickly as possible we're not going to do with any of the close-ups and cutaways that stuff takes hours I recently went to a oh here in Arizona to find out what it would cost me to have three cameramen and rent the studio for half a day to make a one-hour video and the bill was $28,000 basically it's $70 an hour for editing and they estimate one hour of editing for every minute of video you watch so the videos you're watching me make that are over an hour or valued over $30,000 if done in a professional studio so think about that as you watch this video for free and you're about to leave your nasty comment alright so optical drive is in and you know I got to tell you the case is it's not a bad looking case it's a nice looking case it's just one of those situations where the case quality is one of the worst I've ever seen just absolutely the worst and to see an texan name proudly boasted on the front of it is shocking to me that's that would be embarrassing if the I won't even put a bill by Carey Holzman badge on this no way I don't want people to know that I'm not putting my name on it so you get what you pay for alright now you notice one of the things I've got with all these old motherboards are the i/o shields the i/o shield stay with the board because the i/o shields are often have the unique cutouts specific to that board so here I've got the i/o shield this is just going to pop in the back here see if I can stand over here so you can see what I'm doing with the holes for the audio facing down and the keyboard and mouse holes up at the top there's no screws or anything required it just pops into place you'll see the whole case bows out as I try and push this in this is more difficult to do on a cheap case generally speaking on a cheap case you were going to work harder than you will on it on a quality case that is of moderate expense generally speaking there's exceptions to every rule but again I want to set your expectations and I almost just cut my right then Wow Wow okay hopefully this video won't get too bloody now I'm going to lay the case down let's get these screws out of the way set them over here and I'm gonna go ahead and put the motherboard in right now so the motherboard it's going to go in it also I've mentioned this numerous times in my other videos but watch very closely on how I handle the parts you should handle your parts the way I'm handling mine you don't see me working on carpeting you don't see me grabbing the board like this you don't see me touching anything metal on the motherboard I'm holding it by the heatsink I strongly recommend you follow my lead on this and mimic what I'm doing if you want your build to come out right these here are also cheap little knockouts that on a more expensive case would be actual plates that screw down there's only one screw in here and in order to put a card in this you've got to remove these two screws and remove this whole lid off of this let me show you if if this were if we were putting a video card in here we would have to take these two screws out like this and then we would take this top off then the video card or whatever you're going to put in there it's going to sit on top of that and actually hang outside the case normally this is internal to the case now in this design once it's in there then you can put this piece back on and then put the two screws back in because we're using on board video we're not going to worry about that that's not something we have to deal with but it's it's just another it's another cost for saving money so what I'm looking at is if I line up these ports there we go I'm going to line that up and then I want to look and see where the motherboard standoffs have to go as fan cables in the way and I can see on the motherboard here where our standoffs have to go now this board has an extra hole right up here that will not be used because there's a hole let me show you there's a hole right here and that this mounting hole right up here she'll fall right through there so we know we're not going to use that one we've got one two three four five six mounting holes we're going to use on this board since we know that we know we need six standoffs so I'll go through the bag of screws that came with the case and I'm going to count out six standoffs and I only have five figures so they give you these plastic ones too and these plastic ones are used I don't like to use the plastic ones because they dry they crack and they're difficult to remove the motherboard if you ever need to however I don't have any choice in the matter well I take it back there is one standoff in the board I won't need to use the plastic ones anyway but that's what they're for using them instead of the metal standoffs and we're going to put one right here you do not want to over tighten these because they will strip out the back of this plate and when they do it can be very difficult if you ever have to get your motherboard out because the screw will just spin and spin and spin and then you've got to get creative with some needle nose pliers and maybe have three hands and a help before have a friend help you to be able to hold this from spinning without damaging your motherboard it is not fun now this one I can only get it in a couple turns it won't turn anymore which just goes to show that the case manufacturing did not put the threads and properly in the holes that were put onto this plate but again all to be expected and you probably will see me work a little bit harder and struggle a little bit more because I am working with a cheap case I don't know if I've emphasized that enough but witness me all right so this is a five millimeter ratcheting socket and I'm just going to tighten everything down that one I couldn't turn I'm going to force it through and it's going to rethread that hole and just maybe a quarter of a turn past tight even if that may be an eighth of a turn once the you feel resistance maybe just an eighth of a turn nothing more than that because these will strip out and when it strips out you know you've over tightened it some lessons are unexplainable some lessons you will just have to experience until you fully understand them and when you strip one out then you're going to know how tight was too tight so we're going to take the motherboard now that we've got the motherboard standoffs in place line it back up with the holes get this fan cable out of the way again here we go and I'm looking through the motherboard holes right now to make sure that everything is aligned and everything is not aligned I put a standoff in the wrong position so the standoff that I put on here does not go here it actually goes down here this is why I visually look through the holes before I start tightening anything down to ensure that I can see there's a standoff behind it if you place a standoff for example if I leave that standoff there and I ignore it it's probably going to ground out against the back of the motherboard when I apply power to it and then who knows I could see smoke or maybe my system won't work it's hard to say so this is a very simple but very critical part of building your computer and that's why I count how many holes I've got and how many standoffs I've got I've got to know that nothing is behind that motherboard because once the boards in I cannot see behind it anymore so one more time we're going to fit the board see if I got it right this time 1 2 3 4 5 6 I got it right now I'm going to pull they have a different screw here that's got a it's got a different thread on it I think that's the one we want it's a coarse thread with a round head on it and you probably if you're new to building computers know this that's not the right screw it's going to want the fine threaded screw and I should have actually checked that before I started you probably do not want to use a cordless screwdriver on your first build you can use a cordless screwdriver if you want to remove things but to install them it'd be very easy for you to accidentally strip out the threads I'll let you decide that your parts your money and sometimes the only way to get good at something is to break a few things in the process of learning as they say a can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs cracking a few eggs alright so got three of the screws for the screws and I'm not tightening them down I'm just getting them started that way the motherboard can still ship it's got a little bit of shifting around the board can do just in case I need to line things up to make the screws line up with a standoffs better and then we got the last one here and then hopefully they'll just go right in tighten it all the way down good and now I can tighten down the other five that one's done screwdrivers not like in these days okay it is a little frustrating when the screwdriver is slipping like that because it can you know if you allow that to occur it can strip the head out of the screw and then you're going to have a very difficult time removing it you're going to be in a world of hurt if you stripped out the standoff and then you stripped out the head on the screw so now you've got a screw that just spins and it won't go anywhere that's if you can even get it to spin with a standoff below it continues to spin yeah so the Devils in the details but they're very simple details it's not complicated so here's our board installed and before we go any further make sure you can see all of your ports make sure that none of the grounding straps of your i/o shield have been covered up or covering up or blocking any of the ports here make sure that your your audio connectors here are through their holes all looks right to me the next thing we can put in is very simple and that's the hard drive the hard drive is simply going to go right here in this tray slide that into position right there's as far as it goes you see that there's a the holes here are oblong so this will slide back and forth for the best position I need a coarse threaded screw which was the screw I initially thought was for the motherboard turns out the only place we're going to use those is for the hard drive you will see this case does not have a place for a solid-state drive so it's possible to use a solid-state drive in this but you'll need to get a two and half inch to three and a half inch drive adapter to do it go ahead put two more on the other side this computer is being shipped so you want to make sure everything is going to be secured and won't break free and shipping or again going to have it on be customer we don't want that I think the last thing I've got to put in and I think I just cut myself well the last thing I want to put in here is the power supply I really do like these I've talked about this before in past videos the Antec 430 watt earth watts power supply and antics not making them anymore I haven't seen one of these dead in a long time this was put in in 2011 no I take it back this was put in prior to that I don't know when but it was carried over from the build before so this power supplies at least five years old at least at the time of making this video now you'll notice there's nothing to support this power supply in the case the only thing that's going to hold it are those little tiny screws that's it so these little tiny screws that aren't even about a quarter of an inch deep are going to carry the entire weight of this power supply on other cases they have a little platform or some cases the power supply goes on the bottom and that this one this one is going to be requiring me to hold it with one hand where I put in the screws with the other hand you'll see the cables always go towards the back there is no room for cabling to run behind the motherboard on this case so all the cabling has to be wire tied in here which isn't going to look very pretty this customer won't care but keep that in mind there is no room for any wires to go back behind this board if you try it chances are you will actually pinch and short-circuit the wire when you put the cover back on so you're basically going to fry your computer but don't worry it's going to look great on the inside so I'm going to take the four screws out that we have for the power supply and I'm going to use my left hand here to hold that power supply in position and it's a bit difficult to do there we go and again I don't want to tighten anything down we just want to get the screws started one screw goes into every corner with one offset by about an inch do not put two screws on one side if you do you're doing it wrong I assume you watch my videos because you want to learn how to do it right by it's your computer and you're welcome to do it any way you want me I prefer to do it the right way I have a very strong sense of pride in my work and I would be embarrassed and humiliated if I put two screws in one corner but that's me now this is our completed computer we've got every component in there that we need for this system to boot so now it's a matter of hooking up all the cables and wires the motherboard cable no differently than any other computer is going to go on right here you can see how that board is flexing because there's no support here so be careful and be aware of that up here in the upper left corner we've got a four pin CPU power that's needed which I have right here because this power supply was already used with this motherboard it's previously been the the spare four pin connector has been wire tied back and that connector actually goes upside down with the clip facing the bottom and that clicks right into position this is a good time to make sure all your cables are not tangled up like that I don't want that there look this that's okay then we've got the SATA power cables to go onto the hard drive and the optical drive so there's one for the hard drive and there's one for the optical drive right up there there we go all these cables are not going to be used these are for future upgrades or future needs I see something as tangled up here and trying to figure out what it is I guess it's going to be okay so I'm going to clean up the wiring a bit later right now I just want to turn this thing on and get the operating system installed on it as soon as possible I want to hook this exhaust fan up looking on the board to see where I have any extra fan headers and it looks like I have one right at the bottom my advice to you is don't worry about cleaning up your cabling until your system is functioning 100% that means your operating systems installed your drivers are installed Windows is activated at that point you know everything is working shut it all down unplug it from power and then clean up your cabling again I'm going to have to bundle all this together somewhere in this area so it's definitely not going to be a showpiece but it will also be a fantastic computer at a bargain of a price for this customer so here's our audio connector if I look on the board front audio is actually usually it's down to the left corner on this board it's right up here and that's going to go looking for the missing pin because it only goes on one direction that's going to go on just like sooo we've got the front port umbilicals which is the power switch reset switch harddrive led and power led we start with the hard drive led first it's got a positive and negative it shows as I'm looking at it negatives on my left and that's going to be your left two and positives on the right so I need to flip this upside down I need positive to be on my left and that's going to go in the very bottom left first two pins and above that the power switch now I'm sorry the power LED goes directly of that with the positive power led cable going directly above the harddrive positive cable so there's my positive one they've split this connector so that there's two separate pieces you have to put on and they do that because some motherboards have the positive and negative separated by a pin so that you need a three pin connector most are using two it's nice when a manufacturer splits them in that way you're not locked into one or the other finally we've got the reset switch which goes on the next set of pins right next to the hard drive LED and then the power switch which goes on the next set of pins just above just above the power above the reset switch and right next to the power LED so they're all grouped together these these are technically it's eight cables each one is a pair right two four six eight and they all go right together like that starting from the left side moving to the right as I've described it that's how it works on every gigabyte board I've seen in quite a while a soos may change that around a little bit on this board they also give you a three pin power LED in case your case has a three pin connector like I mentioned you can use either location and then above that is a four pin connector that's for the speaker the speaker has no positive or negative you can't put it on backwards it will always work and finally we have the SATA cables that we're going to need for the optical drive and the hard drive so one there for the optical drive and I'm looking on the board to see which is SATA port 0 and which is set up or 1 and it looks like as I look at the board and again without doing the close-up show light you'll have to refer to my other videos you can also refer to your motherboard manual but what I'm looking for is a little diagram on the board that that signifies to me we're sort of SATA port one is now this board has as I'm reading it it's a tattoo so it's not going to have the fastest static connection which is fine we're not using a solid state hard drive anyway if we did put a solid-state drive in here it will not run as fast as it possibly could and it appears that SATA port 0 is right here this top one on the far right that appears to be set as 0 we can verify that when we turn the computer on for the very first time to determine that that is in fact plugged into the right place I actually want to put this SATA cable on the hard drive and I want to take the other SATA cable which has the l-shape to it and put that on the back of the optical drive they all work the same it's it's one cable per drive it's a lot better than the IDE days when we had to set jumpers for masters and slaves and things like that so that SATA port 0 and the one above it should be set a port 1 and now I'm going to grab my monitor keyboard and mouse and we can turn it on and see if it's going to work so there we go okay so I just cleaned up the counter a little bit put the old boards back there put the extra screws back in the bag so the customer can have those want to keep their power cable tie it up nice and neat use my own for the test fire and I'm realizing I did not plug in the front port USB sometimes I get in such a hurry I forget so let me go ahead and take care of that now this is a very simple connector on the board there's actually these two blue connectors either one will work one pin is missing so that means this will only go on one direction I guess I'm going to plug it in right there there we go and now we're ready to do our very first test fire if I put everything together right it should work these are the dongles for the wireless keyboard and mouse and in fact you know what just so you can see what I'm doing there's a lot of USB ports on here I typically always use the ones closest to the top for the keyboard and mouse power supplies in the off position and I'm going to not use the customer may want to use the ps2 ports for the keyboard or mouse that's up to them I'm going to use the DVI for the video we're not plugging anything else in no Ethernet no speakers no other USB devices all I want to plug in now is the video and the mob and the power and we could verify that make sure none of the cables are up against your CPU fan cuz that is going to be bad times you're going to wonder why your systems not going to boot so make sure your fans are clear of cables we're going to put the DVI cable on right now and we're going to put the power cable into the back of the power supply we're going to flip the switch on the power supply to on I'm gonna hit the button up here I got to step around to find it right here I want to see that power light come on it does I want to see the hard drive LED light blink at some point I want to see some video I want to make sure my fans are spinning the rear fan is spinning the CPU fan is spinning and I'm not getting any video I don't think the monitors all the way plugged in about that there we go this Dell monitor has a power cable that sits upside down and it just Falls straight out you have to keep pushing it up here we get a loading operating system which I don't think is going to do anything I think it's going to sit there these early gigabyte boards used to have this long delay on loading operating system and I think it's because they still have the IDE connectors not this one doesn't it's like it's trying to load I've seen this before once we have something for it to boot from you won't see this long delay so if you tell it I want to boot to my optical drive first and then my hard drive second it sits there and it waits for the optical drive for or an extremely long period of time before it moves to the next thing that was unique to gigabyte boards in this era when this was built in 2011 I'm not sure why it happens has something to do with the BIOS it seems to be stuck right there but it boots and that's all I care about because I can now install Windows there's nothing for it to boot - there's no disk in the disk drive and there's no operating system on the hard drive because I cleaned the hard drive and cleaning it means it's wiped of any partitions so it's just like it's a brand new out of the bag again so we've got a copy of Windows 7 Professional for the customer I also keep it on a flash drive because it'll load faster so I'm going to put my flash drive in and we're going to use the customers product key so I'm gonna just plug the flash drive in any of the USB ports there flip the switch back on on the power supply hit the power button back on the on the case let's make sure this optical drive is empty yeah there's nothing in it that's always good and it works that's also a good thing to check and I'm hopefully going to see yeah there's our BIOS screen I'm also going to look for a newer BIOS this version says it's f3 on this BIOS and here we can go to f12 for boot menu so let's hit f12 if it'll let me hmm don't seem to be getting too far with this this is a unique thing and I'm actually glad it's happening on camera so I can show you sometimes there's USB incompatibilities with specifically the the keyboard so what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn this off and I'm going to grab a wired keyboard see if that makes a difference remember what I said when you're using used components you know you kind of take advantage of modern technology because everything tends to work so well today but when this stuff was first introduced there was still some growing pains with compatibility and problems like this weren't that unusual but it's a little easier to swallow them when it's all brand-new stuff when it's used and you've grown accustomed they're not having to deal with this anymore it's a large sense of deja vu and oh boy I get to do this again so I'm just got a USB keyboard here I'm going to plug that in the back I had to remove the monitor cable just to access get my fingers in there to pull that little dongle out and let's put this back on flip the switch again and let's turn it back on and see if we can do anything with this keyboard because this one I'm not going to do anything for us up there and let's hit f12 and see if it's going to let us boot to the USB Drive you'll see down here it says delete to enter BIOS f9 is Express recovery and f12 is the boot menu so I'm pressing f12 I'm still not getting anywhere now the other thing that's important to remember is to have patience sometimes a system may be looking for some old hardware that was plugged into it before it was dismantled and the BIOS was set up to look for it and then the BIOS is sang up can't find it the other thing that can happen is the USB Drive I'm trying to boot from may also be preventing the system from booting typically when the system freezes like this and you've been patient and waited a long enough time try different USB devices so I'm pulling my my copy of Windows 7 out we're going to turn this back on again and let's see if I can hit f12 now if it's going to do anything you can see I'm accustomed to things happening a lot faster so I'm really impatient with this yeah now we've got loading operating system with nothing for it to load from so that doesn't leave me much choice but to go ahead and load from the disk and you know what that's alright it happens so we'll open that up put that in there and it turns out reset switch is working I just tested it I just saw the hard drive LED blink so we know that's on correctly and my USB version of windows 7 is not going to function the system won't boot with that in there so here we're back to loading operating system along with this long delay and it's very very frustrating so one more time I'm going to go in the BIOS and I'm going to check our boot order here want to make sure I've got the hard drives plugged in the right place and it doesn't even want me to go into the BIOS so I'm just pressing delete over and over and over again before the system boots up yeah I already saw that came up and said hard disk zeros on port zero and then the optical drive is on port one and I can go into the BIOS I can check certain things in we're in a HCI mode which is right I don't know what native mode is I guess I'm going to leave that alone we want to be in 64-bit HP ET mode because we're going to put 64-bit windows on CPU fan warning is enabled and our hard disk boot priority it's interesting it shows the the SATA as a scuzzy device which is interesting so first boot device is going to be the CD drive right here second boot device is the hard disk everything else looks good hit escape we're going to go over to save and exit and now that will boot and it's going to install windows you watch I feel confident about it so we have to wait this out where it says loading operating system it may sit here for up to as I recall it was like 30 seconds it feels like forever there it goes it wasn't 30 seconds and now Windows is loading files so I'm gonna go ahead I'm going to get Windows installed on this get it activated get the drivers installed get the BIOS updated maybe a BIOS update will solve some of this then I'm going to clean up the wiring and I'll give you a sneak peek of what it's going to look at with the wiring cleaned up so I'll be right back okay I've got Windows installed and updated I've got all the wires tied as neatly as I can on this case as I mentioned there is no room to run any wires on this side of the case and I did verify the BIOS on this board is the latest its BIOS version f3 which on this motherboard which is a gigabyte it's a GA H 55 ms2 v motherboard which is a socket 1156 and it's pretty unusual for a board to only have three BIOS updates in its entire life but that's that's the way gigabyte did this one for whatever reason and now I can put the covers on it and it can be delivered to the customer so let's go ahead and put one side panel on here and this can be a little tricky I did verify I did in fact have a slight cut on one of my fingers we're not finding it now but when my fingers rub together I can feel it bugs me that's what I get for the cheap case so there's the one side panel we go ahead put the other side panel on it's great to put this one on the one with the holes is generally in the area here where the CPU and video card could be that side is that's how you can tell each side apart there's also a little cutout here with this loop that sticks out and that's for putting a lock miniature lock on here so that if this isn't a place of employment that your employees can't unscrew the screws and take memory out of it or take the CPU out of it that was a problem one of my employers many many years ago I don't know how often it's happening these days and then they keep the original screws that we took out when we first started this project you're going to go back in just like that and I just realized I still have my mouse dongle one of these days I want to forget that that's got to come out and there it is all said and done ready to deliver to the customer and hopefully have a happy customer for a while giving these parts a second life hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you next time bye for now
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 325,607
Rating: 4.7536006 out of 5
Keywords: Carey, Holzman, used, parts, cheap, budget, time, effort, easy, difficult, warranty, guarentee, Computer (Industry), save money, old, Simple, Save, New, Industry (Organization Sector), recycle, refurbish, windows, hard drive, memory, motherboard, Cars, Toyota, Nissan, Auto, Life, Mazda, Volkswagen, Hyundai, Infiniti, Autos, Automobile (TV Genre), Drive, Gameplay, Laptop (Product Category), Television (Invention), Recycling (Industry), Sedan, Ati, Nvidia, Core, Volvo, Amd
Id: OyTA5PbtZNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2015
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