Live Stream - Digital Painting inspired by Africa!

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[Music] you hey everybody Tara blaze here with Dustin blaze it's July 14th how are you how are you so I 14th Monday morning early 9 a.m. that's not that early hey you don't know you do know me you know you've been getting up earlier though you've been going on at sunrise getting your little photography's yes yes I have although last night I was up are you gonna be following asleep today now all right I'm drinking coffee and black berry flavored bubbly stay hydrated my friend yeah we just got done doing a couple mile walk with the dog and it was sweaty I was tricky shitty mm-hmm we got a brand new bathroom that we just got finished yesterday and I took a shower in it and it's uh it's the best best shower and house but I want to remind you guys about the twitch are the about to twitch about our free Wacom 1 giveaway if you go on over to twitch which is twitch the dot TV slash Aaron blaze art and start following us you will be signed up just smash that purple follow button right subscribe or does it subscribe or follow you'll be automatically signed up to win a possibly a Wacom 1 straight from Wacom welcome welcome we've already given one away through our youtube channel and so this week it's going to be through twitch and then next week we're gonna do another one so we've got several welcome ones that we're gonna be giving away everybody knows I'm a huge Wacom fan I've been using Wacom products since I started working digitally if you go to the go to the set cam this is my this is the Cintiq that I use I love it it's the best piece of equipment I have I can't get by without it it has the 32 inch prompt this is the mack daddy this is the biggest one they have this yep this is the 32 Pro and and it's absolutely amazing so it's cool but you don't have to go this big and if you want to just get into the get into the game for a much lower price the Wacom one is the way to go definitely so I think they're retailing about 400 bucks us give or take yeah which isn't bed as a 1080p screen 30 it's a 13 inches size but it's got the same pressure sensitivity as out of a probe yeah and I am like I said I love it it's become our new go-to I used it a while back for something that we were doing I can't remember what it was but the point being is I thought it was gonna feels a little small and cramped for me and I it was great it actually was really great I loved it and yeah so there you go and think of a game one for myself in the future for on-the-go yeah I think you should yeah so walk him walking walking walking I love them and like I said I've been using them for 15 years and I've had almost every Wacom Cintiq you can buy mm-hmm over the years and now so we've still got great prices going on over our website we've dropped a lot of things I can't remember specifically where right now but I do know we've got a lot of stuff still dropped so if you go over to creature art teacher dot-com you're gonna find some great deals over there including my introduction to animation class that is still free that's the biggest one I think we've done over a hundred and ten hundred and twenty thousand downloads of that so it's crazy crazy hi-yah it's insane and and also all of my Photoshop brushes are $1 so the entire pack so I don't mean just like a single brush I mean packs of brushes are one dollar one dollar one dollar yeah until we get through the Kovan about the new the new course of the the four-legged it's a four-legged animation that's done that's done yep that's done that's not on sale anymore but we do have four new courses coming out that we're really excited about Dustin is currently working on a ZBrush course put on by my friend Tony Cipriano twenty Cipriano I've known for 20 in well thirty years and he started out at Disney when I started and introduced at Trent for a couple of films for Mulan for Brother Bear he did all of the maquettes Hemi uh Nala up there Dustin yes the top of the desk let me show you what the cats are easy easy oh god no no no no so so here's a maquette this is Nala from The Lion King and certain people were about certain people the sculptors were assigned to sculpt these guys and and then us animators would use them especially when the character would get into a tough angle like if I needed to draw the head like this I could use the maquette and draw it and it helped me hit the different angles that I needed to hit and so we all had maquettes for every phone we worked on and here's Nala for The Lion King because I did Nala and and so Tony did the maquettes for Mulan and and Brother Bear and so he is since transitioned over to working digitally and he is an expert in ZBrush and so we got together with him a few weeks ago and he did we spent three days with him we uh sorry I just burped bubbly through my nose all right but burned that bird but we um we spent three days with him and and he found an entire course on zebras an introduction and using zebras and we go through the whole process of creating a digital macaque so that was super cool and so Justin's working on that right now Nick is working on Travis blazes my brother new course on working in Calipari which is animation software for I pad no for uncut very cool animation software so we're really excited about that that's gonna be coming up in the next few weeks and cattle pigs really cheap I think it's about 15 bucks something I don't think it's super super expensive but anyway don't hold me for that I know it's cheap I just can't remember the exact price right and and then finally we've also got a new course coming out actually oh my my course on birds of prey that's gonna be coming out soon when I finish it I'm in the middle of animation and live streams and all kinds of stuff and I know and then we've got a Tim Hodge good old Tim Hodge who already has two courses with us how to draw cartoon people how to draw cartoon animals and he's just come out with how to draw cartoon mythical creatures which is super cool and right now I'd saved the best for last so right now the new courts from Tim Haj that's all coming out it's 50% off if you want to go over pre-order it so actually Nick is working on that course not Travis's right now working on Tim's to get that done get your facts straight so yeah so the new course from Tim Hodge is 50% off if you want to preorder it so go to creature art teacher calm it also be eligible for a free art giveaway so Tim is doing he's gonna be giving away a free original drawing to a random buyer so if you buy his course you might just get an original piece of art from Tim Haj tim is a great story artist in the industry he and I have once again have worked together for 25 plus years he was a story artist on Brother Bear among other movies and it was also a director for a couple of the VeggieTales episodes yeah yep so Tim's Tim's been around he's been around so and he's a very good man we're very proud and very happy to have Tim as part of our family so go check that out so let's draw today is draw let's draw well know for that as you can see on my desktop I have a giraffe I haven't drawn drafts I don't think ever for a live stream and you might have and as you can see I have a big giraffe skull behind me over yonder over there and so I thought it might be kind of nice I wanted plus I want to do a vertical for right Instagram today and and also the reason I wanted to do African is I want to just tell you a little bit because we don't have it fully baked yet we're gonna figure it out but I at least want to plant the seed in your ears so you can get excited about it as you guys know here this is a photo I took in Africa so as you know I go to Africa whenever I can have gone three times in my life and that's just not enough so we want to get back and this photo was taken while we were in our last trip to Africa Nick and I went in October this past October 2019 and we stayed in a wonderful camp and it had some amazing drivers Masai drivers guides that took us all over the place well since koban has come in the world is basically paralyzed and so the camp that we went to along with the drivers that work there they've had zero income we have had no tourists whatsoever which is never happens it's never happened ever and and their suffering and this is their only source of income and you know the Masai out there if they're not working doing service stuff like driving or working in the camps and that sort of thing they really just literally they tend their cattle and they tend their goats and and they you know their pastoral they move from from place to place and but they still need a source of income in order to send kids to college and that sort of thing and and so and that's including the villages too because the villages there depend on tourism when we went in we bought a lot of jewelry and they take that money it's all communal it goes into the communal kind of the village pot and and they use that money for buying goods for the village sending the kids to college all of that and so our friend Moses who is kind of the leader of the of the guides that we had there we're trying to set something up in Moses over the next few weeks we're still working out the logistics of it but um you know our we went as a group called expedition art and that's the this group that I belong to Nick and I and we tried it we're trying to improve the world one drawing at a time and it's all natural you know trying to improve the environment help endangered species that sort of thing we're a collection of animal artists and so all of us went on this last trip and so we're talking about now doing a pay per view much like the courses that you've seen me do in the past where I've done live animation courses that sort of thing where I've gone a full day and people pay to come to attend the class live virtual over you know you can be anywhere in the world we're talking about doing that with a half from lecture and so we have Darrin Bader who is the art director director for Red Dead Redemption right yeah yeah Red Dead Redemption and he's quite a few other things he's just an amazing artist and he was on the trip with us Manu Carrasco who is Carrasco I always say his name wrong and I've known for years maybe I'm sorry I love you who is kind of the leader of the expedition art group he's gonna be part of it Nick will be in there and Kristi Tipton and and anyone else that we might be able to get along with Moses who is our Masai guide and Driver and we're gonna be kind of planted all over the world but all together in this live stream that we're going to do for you it'll be a pay-per-view and 100% of the proceeds are going to go back to the Masai and the guides and the camps and helping them out so we're really excited about it we're still planning it it's going to be a really cool thing I think it's going to be very affordable it's going to be several hours we're going to be drawing we're going to be lecturing you're going to be able to ask questions we're going to be going over our photographs over our videos all kinds of cool stuff it's gonna be like a virtual Safari yes so I've been talking for 16 minutes indeed are giraffes somehow related to horses you know what I don't know I think they might because they're woofed they might have a common ancestor but I don't know that's a good question that's a really good question I've never I've never someone might want to check that Dustin you want to looked at us I just looked it up are giraffes really the holes mammals but drugs are closely related to okapi yes yes I knew that and other even even-toed ungulates oh really like cows and deer oh those graphs are more closely related to pigs dead - or TSA's really they're more related to pigs than the horses did you hear that and be very distantly the closest relatives the horses are zebras and dumplings yes that makes sense obviously in all three of those are part of the equal die equine equine I must crawl in to make acquaintance cocoon I must cut the belly in crawl into my cocoon I was from a Saturday Night Live skit thanks gosh Scottish school hooligans whatever I can remember what I was I was a Mike Myers yet he talks about killer I think was killing a cop's horse or something and crawling to keep warm inside his equine cocoon very specific yes yes all right so let's start drawing goodness I've been talking for so long so the first thing I want to do is I just want to rough sketch our little guy in here he's not such a little guy you know giraffe have the same number of vertebrae in their neck as we have in ours really yes really really early what is your favorite animal documentary colored eyes I bet it's at the colored I don't colored on which my favorite animal documentary yeah eternal enemies it's the struggle the the the battle between lions and hyenas it's called eternal enemies it's filmed by the show bearish husband-and-wife team we'll definitely see that but uh and we we watched it as reference for what movie thanking The Lion King that's right I mean lions and hyenas I mean exactly and that it was a big was a big influencer for us on the lion king eternal enemies I recommend it it's it's pretty amazing you know there yeah one of my my recent favorites is from Disney Plus as a hostile planet oh yeah yes so you know so many intense shots and there was it like camping hmm is it like camping nothing like camping but you just said it's intense so younger dad you what is that call that's called a dad joke about like one of the first shots it shows is a Snow Leopard your snow tackling is prey and falling oh that one one eat like oh like hundreds of feet and the and then everything is just some part okay I know it's horrible yes I've seen that and it gets up and walks away yeah it actually gets the prey doesn't it yeah but is just like it does not hold back game punches it shown how brutal some of these things are well there's another one I don't think it was Disney but one that showed the horrible who's uh who was a em where they showed the walruses jumping off these cliffs and falling to their deaths it was insanely bad because I think they may have been hostile play I don't think it's Disney though knows I'm Disney Plus on National Geographic oh I got you another is own another thing is uh the peace in the mountains oh yeah yeah the little East wing's the Gosling's what does that Gosling's is that what they call ya not these things every time I think yes nicely every time I think of Gosling I'm thinking of the actor counselor Ryan but hey Aaron you should draw a draft Pig then No because giraffes are more closely related you see what he's saying there do you think practice does not make perfect but perfecting the practice is the way I don't know I think you're splitting hairs now at that at this point either way Pratt you know just getting in there practicing if you're if you're not making marks on a screen or on a canvas then you're not learning that's the bottom line really practice makes better in my yeah NIC's we should try caroling lights on the future Stephen get her to answer all these ethical questions that's actually a great idea Terryl Whitlatch is an incredible creature designer animal artist and just an encyclopedia on the history of where animals come from and I've learned so much from her Nick and I both have she's just an amazing incredibly talented I hate you were talented incredibly skilled artist and an an incredibly nice woman Facebook comment Aaron here's an idea find out how much carbon we digital artists consume with our various tablets and energy consumption make an easy way for people to calculate that and then offset the carbon through environmental action as an artist group holy moley you're a thinker yeah that's kind of a cool idea not sure how we would approach figuring that out I guess it's wouldn't be too hard if you just average out the number of hours you work on a particular tablet and then work the number of gigawatts Keats lane to us a little bit about the anatomy of the giraffe sure the big part is what's interesting about giraffes is that they're not any different than let's say a horse or an antelope let's draw an animal so here we might have or deers so here we have an antelope now I get a draw bigger enjoying school so here let's say we've got this we Purdue while the wall was seen was on an our planet our planet there you go boy that was brutal so I'm just gonna draw a general antelope okay let's move this over huh very straight across the back okay so real quick I'm explaining stuff talking about an ellipse here don't interrupt me fine so here we've got we've got muscle coming up in here here's your shoulder blade there's a shoulder coming down the leg here ribcage comes up here put up our upper upper part here's our hip right there thigh comes in right here and tail and then worth here's our our antelope points okay so there's let's say that's an Impala not the car but the enemy all right so there's our Impala I want to show you you know and it's that's not much different than a horse right you know it's just taking and changing proportions this is where I want to show you about comparative anatomy and how you can learn about other animals just by understanding a few animals okay so if we have an Impala like so like that okay got remember I always break it up into six different parts we have the head we have the neck we have the shoulders and front arms trunk of the body hips and back legs and then tail okay those are the parts that I try to remember memorize because those are the parts that generally change shape from animal to animal but every animal has them so if I let's change let's shrink this up so there's our Impala like so so let's draw a draft well we move that Impala out of the way oops move that Impala over here there we go so let's draw a giraffe well a giraffe has the head like we were just talking about and he's got horns on his head and all this stuff but it's generally the same shape right okay so we've got this kind of wedge shape now the only difference is we've got you can see in the Impala there's this nice sweeping neck while a giraffe also has a nice sweeping neck it's just longer but it's generally the same shape just stretched right okay same number of vertebrae seven vertebrae in the neck okay so there's that they even right down to the eye the eye is generally the same shape if they're nostril up on top same shape okay so now what do we have here giraffe is really stretched so there's a hump for where that wet the shoulder blade is right here's the shoulder blade here on the Impala right there you didn't didn't didn't did it see it right there well giraffe has the same shoulder blade same muscles attaching to that shoulder blade there just a little bigger but look at this shape on the Impala of how the this all comes together right here okay now if we look at it on the giraffe we're just going to stretch it out because we also have whereas the the Impala is straight across on that back the draft is sloped down okay like this and we've got what have we got the muscle coming up shoulder way out here and then big ankles but we've still got basically the same leg you see that same shape working into that into that front leg there okay everything follows through see them you know we got the belly there on the Impala you've got a belly here except it's a bit more wedge-shaped still get the ribcage and all that coming through like so there's our hips coming down right down to the legs here or the thigh there is our knee the knee is right about where the body connects on the Impala same thing with the knee on the giraffe we got a long calf I got to pull this one down a little bit more front see there look at the shape on the Impala saying I got to get a little longer there but who's that same shape on the giraffe giraffe has a longer tail and so but if you look at if you just certain animals you just need to memorize their shape okay that's all you got to do but it's still the same parts look at that Impala okay so we look at the head let's just look at the head of a giraffe compared to an Impala or a horse you know here's a horse not much difference is there there's a horse head right there it is drew we do it very fast okay so there's our Impala there's our draft there's our horse they're all basically the same okay and when you look at the the skulls you can see that the skulls are basically the same they're just they're just things are stretched and sheet and shifted you know here's a giant giraffe skull you can see that bump on the head you got the nasal opening here but there's really it's basically a pretty straight forward ungulate skull the horns for the dress they use them for battle you know they hit each other with them and that sort of thing look at the shape of this neck on the impala look at the shape of the neck I'm just right up here with the horse comb oh the oh yeah and so here's a horse skull and you can see if you look at the giraffe in the background let me take this bottom jaw off because I don't have the bottom job but you can see those similarities you can see a horse has a little bit more of a cheekbone whereas the giraffe that it goes underneath and goes behind the eye a little bit more you got a little bit here okay but you still have the same you know horses have front teeth on the top giraffe don't there are more ungulates on you-let's don't have those top teeth but you still have the same nasal opening all of that it's just there's sheep differently those are them you gotta remember they have all the same parts or just shape a little different there we go got it people he stole it okay so let's work our way down so here's our neck it's just stretched out so I get a you know as a as an artist it's my job to remember okay it's basically the same as other four-legged animals other ungulates but I just got to stretch it in a giraffe way that's what I got remember okay this is the giraffe way and then we get to this body shape this wedge shape I know that that's giraffe shape and that's all I got to really remember because the other parts pretty much are the same as other four-legged animals I just got to remember okay it's longer that sort of thing so now we've got got to give them a little bit more of a belly they tend to have a rounder belly here so we've got this giraffe now and a little bit of a mane doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo to do like so okay so that's that's what I recommend try to remember you know for me the work is always not what are the parts because I already know the parts I know that they have the shoulder blade working into the shoulder and the elbow and the triceps and how basically a four-legged animals put together what the the thing that you need to memorize as an artist coming into different animals is how is that specific animal shaped differently but remember it's not your it's not that you're memorizing a new part for every animal aspect well ma'am with mammals especially it's just you remember you have to memorize the shape and that's the that's the work right there so there you go now back to our regular broadcast no back to our regularly scheduled program if one wanted to join the efforts of expedition art how would one go about joining Oh what happened hold on see every once in a while I get this thing where just see that yes yeah it just follows so let me let me do this I can't even we see everything go to here look now I just lost everything I lost my OBS did you I'm flying blind yeah we lost everything now oh there we go there we go I literally can't get I can't get rid of this it's really weird for some reason that caps locked see caps lock won't even come on it's this weird thing that gotta look at the tabs real quick down below I thought I saw one one of the apps there we go so I just pushed I just pushed my my my I just pushed the button on my stylus in that took care of it it's really weird I'm gonna blame it on Nick dang a Nick Nick stop doing that so if one wanted to join the efforts of expedition art how would one go about joining well you can go to the expedition art website and message them there and it is Nick can you pull up the website for expedition art I don't remember it off the top of my head I think it's expedition art org think but I'm not sure okay so we've got this and it's you know it's really cool to see giraffes in the wild and I've seen a lot of them and we plus we've got some great footage yeah expedition artwork there you go so go to expedition r dot org and contact them there and and there you go so head neck torso legs back fail what's that's what changes from animal to animal noted well its head its head neck no its head neck I look at shoulders and front legs torso then legs and hips and then the tail one two three four five one yeah it's it's uh yeah that's it basically are the two bumps on the head horns yes they are twitch comment now I want to know how many skulls you have I have a lot of skulls well just one here I laugh at my jokes too all right when are you gonna draw a white vs leopard of African plain when you gonna leave me alone I uh I don't know that's a very specific question isn't it very specific it's very specific and I've got this head you see you've got this draft then see if you got this draft head I just thought I reckon her thanks who wants to mind the answer what's a punishment got to go a little bigger with it there we go so that shoulder blade is sitting right in here which comes down to the shoulder which comes down to the elbow which comes down to the heart and then that there we go I'm gonna put a lot of him in shadow yes I'm gonna do my normal thing mind the whole thing for those of you that weren't on the livestream on Friday let me show you we have a good one yes on Friday this is one we did on the livestream on Friday that was a fun one and this was a leopard that we actually saw we tracked we followed it through the trees and across the plains and all kinds of stuff and so I pulled up a few pieces of reference and we kind of made up our own image and and came up with this that was a fun one that we did on Friday and the next winner for for the walkin was this Friday right yes sir a securities and so and there's still time to be eligible for that as far as you just got to go to twitch go on over to twitch twitch TV slash Aaron blaze art and you will be eligible it's signup smash that smash that purple follow button mash that purple I'm trying to talk and draw at the same time I always have a hard time smash that purple subscribe button to follow me and you will be eligible for a brand new welcome one I'd be an artist on the internet when nowadays pretty much everything can cause controversy yeah alright my name and I'm not and I'm not immune to it boy I've had it a couple myself my thing is I got a like Nixon I got a uh I got to wait 24 hours before I post something because I get caught up in the melee here I say put some beauty back into the world and then I see something that really annoys me and they go off on I'm not and I'm being guilty of not putting beauty back in the world is it a good idea or even possible at all to be both an animator and a sculptor it's definitely one who makes maquettes for animators absolutely yep quite a few are is the drive sitting or standing sitting can you sit right there yep I'm gonna have a grass grass grass coming up like so thing we're gonna drop the horizon I'm gonna drop the horizon down here I think dangerous if you keep your distance they're not dangerous if you keep your distance no would you keep your distance you're fine but I think they can be dangerous but I've never had one showing the aggressing congressional take off before they'll before they show any aggression we see a lot of them on the Sun Safari they're really beautiful and you can see them from way off you know you really feel like you've gone back to the time of dinosaurs or some prehistoric time but you can look across the plains and you see a herd of elephant half a mile away and six giraffe over here another mile away and you know all these giant fauna this giant fauna out on the on the plains that says that every time I mention about walking one and they they imagine the from the prices brought the price is right it's a new car it's a new walking wooden just sign up on Twitch slash Everglades art and you'll get a free walk of one no you'll be eligible for there's a difference cuz we're only giving one away don't me speak uh-huh misspoken youtube comment thank you for your lecture in Moscow Russia it was so so inspiring we did that last year and we got another one coming up in August Nick I think I copied you on that but in case I didn't I'm doing another Moscow lecture but we're gonna be doing it virtually in August it's a bear hug to me would he break my spine a fait squeeze is hard enough it was so so inspiring now I'm saving up for an expedition to see live whales in their natural habitat that's super cool I saw some in Hawaii last time we were in Hawaii they were breaching all around us and it was really really cool you think the future of film screening will mainly be streaming at home versus theatres oh no I think you know just like the Spanish flu this this will go away eventually I think there's always going to be a you know a group of us that we included that will always love going to the theater I need your help I bought your brush bundle and when I try to download your brush it takes a super long time why is that I don't know that's that's probably the speed of your internet that's not an issue with the brushes the brushes are the file depending on the file that you're purchasing it might be a little bigger but that's probably an issue with your internet even if it's a Wi-Fi then you know the the modem tends to slow down sometimes so you so sometimes it needs over a restart so you just it's the good old fashioned unplug and plug it back in plug it in plug it in and hopefully that'll help where's the light heading it's heading over to the bar so here I'm just maybe I'll raise that horizon just a little bit I think I got it a little too low just don't want it centered the other option is to do it up here what do you think about having it up here does the horizon that's not bad either maybe had been slightly lower so it's not even on the neck okay I just don't want it to be about a third looking at the rule of thirds I'll bring it down here how's this right there all right right there YouTube coming oh that's the same this is all grass grass grass grass so [Music] all right get lots of grass in here all right there we go now I can see hey YouTube question hi Aaron I've been reading a book called dream worlds by Hans Walker he has done composition work for brother bear have you seen the book could you discuss composition yeah I can talk a little bit about composition first of all Hans Bakker I know Hans very well he's an incredible artist he did some beautiful work for us on brother bear did really beautiful work on Mulan and Balto and if you look at the Lion King stage show on Broadway that logo is Han bakit Hans Bacher's design how people don't know that people don't know that but I generally work in rules of thirds I keep my centers of interest and thirds or if I'm really I'll go symmetrical sometimes to really draw attention to something but there's all kinds of different rules for composition so it's hard to say you know for me it's it's finding the most pleasing placement of subject matter in an image to support the spirit or the or the idea of the image you know it's it's not there's no one way to compose something which questions iron I love giraffes what is your process for deciding on the background well in this case I've got reference that's going to be my influence and then I usually do my own lighting there's a lot of you know I like to do dramatic shadows and stuff like that so that tends to be my crutch I might go to and it will be here as well because I want the attention on the head so I'm going to thrust the the body into shadow like he's sitting in the shadow of a tree right now there's no real light direction it's all diffuse light this is the image that I'm looking at right now and so really I'm just I'm copying the composition but I'm going to change the lighting and I'm changing the attitude on the face a little bit as well we'll keep it kind of loose I want to remind you guys that if you go over to creature art teacher and duck to come you can get Tim Hodges next course on drawing cartoon mythical creatures if you've ever if you've gotten any of his other courses you'll know there are a lot of fun cartoon animal how to draw cartoon animals and how to draw a cartoon people so now he's come up with how to draw cartoon mythical creatures and like I said it's a lot of fun it's got a great way of teaching it's wonderful for younger audiences younger audience members younger students and so if you go over to creature art teacher right now and you can pre-order it and you'll get it for 50% off if your pre-order so there you go the more you know the more you blow what do you see a future where cinema from other nations get more recognized worldwide and not just the US or Japan Welker parasite just got a huge recognition and that's Korean I think it's already happening Netflix Netflix is totally international as far as its content goes so yes the answer is yes is there any books you recommend for learning or getting better at animation the animators survival was a Survival Guide or survival kit or something like that by Richard Williams the illusion of life by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston richard williams is probably the best one do you think the old muta to the Beast is better than the new one in terms of the beasts character with his posing excetera yeah I do I think that his look is a lot more interesting sorry JAMA my friend JAMA designed the the beast in the in the new one I just I felt like he I wanted him to be more animal uglier that was the whole idea I know the executives kept saying no he's got to be sexy no he's nothing wasn't supposed to that's the whole idea was that no he's not supposed to be sexy they completely I think they missed the boat on there and that guidance ideas that she was supposed to fall in love with a beast yeah not a sexy prince with cords yeah so I'm going to create a clipping mask so I can just draw right over this guy we're gonna start drawing start drawing some of the markings good question hey Aaron I loved your offs what is your process for tada oh it's just enough dang it Nick keeps walking away from his desk thanks did you know that giraffes did not have I'm giving Nick a hard time it's funny sorry go ahead did have short necks at first yes evolved from deer like animals yes I did know that and they just evolved to get stuff up in the big trees up enough branches above okapis don't have super long necks I'm gonna draw this fairly fast one of my first digital images of a giraffe from the LA Zoo is there a scene you've animated in in your early career that you cringe looking back on or wish you could have changed I don't know about there's certain things that I cringe some of the dialogue that we wrote in brother bear I cringe at and wish that we had recorded it a little differently or pushed for better acting there's definitely some stuff with Raja that I wish I could have I could go back and redo because I think my four-legged animal animation now is better than what it was back then yeah there's always something that you wish you could improve upon I don't know about cringing you know we that the directors never let anything go through unless it was good enough to go through so I look back on it and it's like oh that's okay but there's definitely stuff I could go I definitely go well you know I can do better than that now followed show YouTube question do you think all art skill is earned from practice or can you be born with talent I think you can be born with a propensity towards something but practice will always always 100% of the time trump talent I've seen it firsthand now someone was never done digital art how hard will it be for me to go from paper to iPad Pro I'm scared of Technology you know I was too until I did it and it wasn't it wasn't a bad leap you know for me it was all about you know like I had a hard time switching to a tablet or I'm you know I'm looking on the screen and not where I'm drawing that was weird for me but other than that it wasn't it wasn't too bad are you keep checking your perspective in a drawing how do you keep checking it yeah you just can you just do yeah you just check it I'm not sure I understand the question become like making sure the perspective you're trying to draw is correct yeah I think I might get that but it's yeah you just do it you just check it before you wreck it rocket hey you know geez a reference went wrong and I rely on them too much but I can't draw well from memory it's okay as long as you're not I'm a big advocate of using reference we all use reference as artists in some form or another and so that's fine for me it's really not being a slave dear reference bring yourself to it you know I use reference all the time but I never draw the image exactly like my reference never I always improve upon it or at least what I consider improving upon it once your favorite animation as a kid what was my favorite yes homo superior animation that's a good question I loved Warner Brothers absolutely and I love Disney movies you know we didn't I think we didn't when I was a kid you know Disney wasn't putting out milk movies like it did through the 90s and 2000's it wasn't a movie every year was you know you might get a Disney movie every six or seven years and so when that came out it was a big deal you know it was you know like I saw Robin Hood in the theater in 1873 with my grandfather and then the next movie I saw was the rescuers I believe that was 1977 that was four years later so that wasn't too bad I don't even know if the next one Fox and Hound Thaksin hem came out and what 8281 I love fox now this is a funny question not sure how do you draw from memory does that just come in time yeah you know you studied something long enough you're gonna remember how its put together and that's literally how you do it if you are you if you're you know dumbfounded about how to draw from memory then you probably haven't studied the subject enough to memorize it but after a while you'll be able to do that if you do it long enough I was always flabbergasted by it as well until I hit a certain milestone in my work where I actually started to work from memory especially with animal drawing I never thought I'd get there with the animal drawing until I actually sat down one day and just started drawing and holy moly I remembered everything holy moly a lot of artists often say they don't like their own work do you have do you have war did you ever have difficulty putting your work out there because you don't or didn't like it no my works the best of course the best in the wild no of course you go through that every artist goes through that and but you just kind of you got to you know working up confidence in your own work that's something to a skill that you have to go through as well and and you just get you just got to do it just do it you get along with technology are you already having old man problems with it I've always had old man problems with it but I have a young man in Nick birch that helps me and so n Dustin blaze so between Dustin blaze and Nick birch I I don't fear technology I embrace technology I liked it and Steve Coleman Steve Coleman helps although I don't interact as much with Steve Coleman you gotta watch that guy he's suspicious he say he's suspicious he's always so those are the ones you gotta watch out do you know how the spots on the drives are organized is there a specific pattern there is I can't explain it I don't have it memorized yet but as you can see as I work down the neck see how some even though there they're not totally repeating patterns there's certain patterns along the neck that that do and then depending on the species of giraffe or subspecies that those changes well every time I hear the sound of air and getting an email I check my own Inbox sorry I got a trick I got to turn that off let me come up here and go to here and go to do not disturb we go do you still get or used to get impostor syndrome or posture complex all the time how do you deal with that you just you get over it you become more mature about your work you become more confident about your work that's the biggest part it's just becoming more confident it's where it's it's where you think everyone's gonna realize that your fraud everything you've been doing all the work you've done you don't really know how to draw it's just you've just been faking it and at some point someone's gonna figure out you're just an imposter it's true Glen Keane used to talk about it all the time and and it's something a lot of us go through as artists you just go alright I don't know what I'm talking about someone's gonna figure out him full of crap how many trips have you made to Africa and did you mainly shoot your references with photography since I every because it's full of dangerous animals I've been I've been three times yeah but I draw along the way to draw and paint and shoot with photography and video and I cannot wait to get out there myself yeah I can't wait to get you out there do you think everyone can be an artist or only it's like to you know I think anybody can be an artist anybody can be an artist it's like you know I think we all have something to say visually just I think the same way that I think anybody can be a musician I think we all have a creative outlet and we all can express our ways or express ourselves in different ways like for instance you're all about drawing and I'm all about photography you know yeah different different kinds of art but still are in the end exactly art nyan are in the like in yeah this is yet and this is the my only friend the end but I was such a cool part of Apocalypse Now it was like right towards the end wasn't it that's why he's gone this is he know it was it was uh it was actually towards the yes it was but it wasn't cuz it was different the end it was just is that part of the yeah I got a whole bunch of stuff I've been missing here hold on sorry Nick Burch did you know that the trees change their leaves flavor to be bitter when they notice or be eaten by giraffes and spread chemicals to alert other plants around so that they get bitter and the animals go away isn't that amazing yeah it really is actually I didn't know that drafts tongues are purple did you know that isn't that amazing hey crazy twitch question do you know James gurney yes I do he's awesome he's one of my favorite artists actually he wrote and illustrated Dinah topia which I've seen all the original art they didn't show in LA and I went and saw it was great my friend Marty just did an interview with him it's very inspiring to watch curry paint he makes it look very effortless doesn't he I'd love to get mr. gurney in and do some courses for us he's incredible with gouache my favorite thing about giraffes is how is the way they walk with with you or no not with you will you ever enemy and Hannibal pacing where they look two feet down at a time like to drive yeah probably I think a giraffe loved walking animation in general would be cool yeah I do have a very specific walk can you do a procreate livestream soon sure I guess we can do that Nick gonna have to do a procreate livestream sir we got to do it now no fine so create now get to the procreate get to the pro create a beginner watercolor set get a because you can use it in the field as well get a Cottman field kit and be sure to get cowbell if someone asking you to do our summations no I'm just doing my own well they're pretty darn fun thank you so I'm just putting in local color literally I'm going really opaque obviously cuz then we're gonna we're gonna play with some subtleties later on I'm more used to to see people do doing backgrounds first you always focus on the main subject first what do you do art I do I tend to just because that's just where my attention is it's but not all the time but I tent I tend to yeah spend more time there so we've got a lot of wrinkles in here so a lot of these shapes are gonna be on top of each other so I'm just kind of in generally going quick here because it's all foreshortened you know foreshortened you don't I watched last night Madonna and I watched last night I haven't seen it in years and it really holds up and it's so it's such a good movie 9:00 to 5:00 that's the one parting with her watching that for the first time in the temporary housing that we're at in Port st. Lucie oh yeah he knows of the first and last time I watched that that movie and we right I think we rented it out of the off of the red oh yeah it was probably me saying you got to see this movie how did you see this whoo yeah I remember remember us ranking at the movies on the red they call the red bottom mmm yeah we would rent out like three different movies a week this is pretty much our modern blockbuster yeah it was me it's still around isn't it I don't know if the Reds are the red boxes are still around or not is it true that you should wash your hands after drawing because it will shock the muscles out create subtle shaky what no I have never heard that but go ahead sorry I didn't mean to be so incredulous I don't know we call it plasma I've never heard that that is very confusing Wow [Applause] you never paint total value first or you always know I always start when I'm painting digitally I have that ability I have the the luxury of being being able to break up my shadows and lights from from local color so I tend to do that when I'm painting digitally can establish my local color first to me it's just a great way to get started so turns out great boxes do yah-tchi yah-tchi [Music] that sounds so as an idea yeah so as the the skin is wrinkled and kind of turning away obviously the shapes are gonna change they get more compressed and skin closer together hey hey hey hey tell us something different about the main differences between digital and traditional painting well the it's I think it's easier to start with the similarities for me the similarities are still about light value color composition mood you know that's all the same from traditional to digital now what's gonna change obviously is the technique right and every medium whether it's watercolor and a car or acrylic which are both traditional are gonna have their own approaches and to me I think you know working digitally is not much more different than watercolor is to acrylic or or even watercolor to oil you know watercolor to oil both are considered traditional mediums but they're just as different from each other as digital is from say watercolor and so digital to me it's just a different medium that's all it is that's all you're really learning the tools are different the pencil is fancier the paintbrush is fancier that's really it I've disinvested into an iPad and loving procreate what is your favorite drawing app for the for the iPad do you wish to use the most procreate yeah WH your number one that's the only one I use it there's no choice it's a fact yeah and I've got a procreate course on my website and also if you like this stream hit please hit the subscribe button and share it it really helps us a lot mix reminding me I always forget to remind people to to do that and yeah because it really does help us a lot to you know get the get the message out I realize the very beginning of that it sounded like like you're getting into a song if you like this dream did you ever find it difficult now to compare your work outers well what do you suggest to overcome feelings of some doubt self-doubt in these situations stop doing it stop it compare yourself to yourself compare yourself to your artwork a year ago compare yourself to your artwork a week ago but don't compare yourself to other people be inspired by other people you know be inspired by other artists I've always been inspired by other great artists learn from them it's not a competition you know it's and it's it's wonderful to be inspired instead of when you start comparing yourself and feeling defeated what a horrible existence that would be you know always just you know it's not it don't don't get into that contest mentality get into the hey we're all in this we're all artists together let's see what you created kind of mentality let's have fun once you can get your head in that space then takes a lot of pressure off could you explain exactly what rim light is I heard a lot of animators use this term before I don't know about animators but painters and that sort of thing rim lighting is just another source of where the light is coming from so more often than not in rim lighting the light is coming from behind the subject whether it's directly behind the subject or off to one side and behind but what it's doing is its lighting the other side but you're catching just a little bit of the rim of the character and that's getting that's being in weight and therefore you get the term rim lighting it's sort of like the moon when the moon is lit from behind on front of the Sun you get that crescent moon and when you get an extreme crescent moon that's expense that's rim lighting because the Sun is actually behind the moon off to the side lighting it it's also popular among the among photographers especially during cold an hour yeah like I've gotten so many animal photos with with the light towards the back and it creates real nice run whining subjects and you can find a couple of those on my Instagram go over to Dustin underscore blaze that's 5 5 5 6 6 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 3 5 4 that's 87530 9 or 8 6 75 8 6 75 3 yo now they're struggling to design characters especially in the way of clothes and props do you have a process or some tips towards designing characters yes research the more research you do the better off you are that's especially with clothes and props don't do it out of your head research research is the ultimate seed for ideas because you're going to gain knowledge you're going to understand what it takes what what goes with that character that you're creating Batman on YouTube asked can you list your favorite brushes no they're all pretty I don't have a bunch of favorite brushes I really I mean this this is my favorite brush that I'm using right now this is my my brush that I made the thing we're gonna draw right on down there my favorite brush is this one it's one that I made a couple of years ago and it really is versatile I use it for sketching and for painting pretty much everything so on the draft here I've gone and I'm underneath the the the marking layer and kind of varying up the the skin color not the skin color but the hide color died I've got other giraffe shots let me show you let me show you something where's my gr ass there we are G rafts let me get I want to get close-up on the head there we go that's what I'm looking for whether it be in African wildlife course and what animals will be in there yes there will be or will there be separate courses for you camel no I'm gonna do an African wildlife course Luva wallet where's my detail and hold on a second file that sounds perfect right there thanks for actually a favor see how that x-bar think that actually see when you get you always should have enough reference on hand you know I always make sure I have enough reference on hand right for all the referrals all right here open Desktop there we go okay okay and then we're going to go image adjustment our rotation horizontal look at that bingo for example and you use that as my reference here there there we go is there a specific way to approach a giraffe pattern there is for me I still really depend I don't have draft patterns memorized there's still a very specific approach to how once again it depends on the subspecies of giraffe on how their patterns work some are tighter than others how much reference is enough reference I think enough is when once you feel comfortable with what it is that you're creating it's again I'm just getting the general coloring here on your trip South Africa do you try to draw or snatch you every animal in Africa or do you just focus on specific animals no well there's certain animals that I find more you know more interesting to paint than others I'm not going to you know I think Mongoose are really cool but I'm probably not going to come home and paint them so I mean I shoot photos of them if they're if they're there but but not a lot how often do you talk to yourself in weird voices when you're deploying alone I do it all the time you're pretty psycho I don't [Laughter] they attended talk myself quite quite a bit here and there yeah hey oh that's a good-looking thought all right there don't you tell you something that's a good-looking right there good countdown kiddo that's what dad would say if he if he just approved of what I did I just wanted a big thumbs up from papi hey Aaron I took the day off from work today to spend my birthday doing your character design course that's pretty darn awesome nice then I realized your light your stream is live hey from a fellow for a little Floridian right on right on right on right on [Music] what do you love the most about drawing the relaxation aspect of it I just love to draw hey many many days it says hey brother bear thank you for the mention of inspiration I am humbled and love you man miss you and Dustin miss you till midday hey you're an amazing artist Manny your ink work is insane I'm always inspired by it and definitely looking forward to the next Meetup yeah me too so many who's on right now is one of the guys that will be joining us when we have this figured out hey Manny I was talking about what we have in the works that it's not it's not fully baked yet but I wanted to plant the seeds so folks could get a little excited about it about getting together and doing a little livestream regarding Africa and our experiences there as a group and all of us getting together and talking about it and benefiting our friend mr. Moses yeah so now we're starting to now we're starting to get somewhere I'm going to take this I'm going to lock that and we're gonna play with polar what do you don't like what you're drawing what do I don't like what I'm drawing when you're going questions no I'm just kidding what the heck happened there good that what I've completely confused what happened with my what I don't get this what happened I don't understand why I did that to that everything okay was it because I did that we're trying to figure out why did I take the clipping back I took the clipping mask off I guess it took the clipping mask off so I got to go back and click on that and go to create clipping mask oh there we go you went back I guessed it I fixed it good job oh I guess when I who animated Zazu Ellen Woodbury she's a really cool animal sculptor now as part of the animal society of animal artists she does really cool stuff I love Ellen wood berries work look her up kid you did question heron have you ever been to the Kruger National Park I have not I have not been to the Kruger National Park I've never been to South Africa I've only been to Kenya and Tanzania I'd like to go to Kruger I'd like to get to South Africa like to expand my horizons mega Rangers training the horizon Shane what you gotta do an idiot I can't draw straight lines my hand is a bit trembling any ideal or trick practice I don't know I don't know what to tell you on that one so here I'm gonna I'm just gonna go soft on the grass this is gonna be underneath I'll have some harder grass up on them as it goes over our everyone doesn't talk to himself he has Nick for that that's right they're worthless hey if you like this stream hit the subscribe button it really helps us a lot really it really does because then we can get the word out to more people about whatever what we might be doing really be selling prints of the of these live stream paintings are any more traditional sketches absolutely love the leopard one you gave me that right there yeah I was goofing around last night before we went to bed and I did a little home some kind of sketching I animated all day yesterday and then at the end of the day I felt like pulling out some traditional work and and did that so yeah we'll be selling some traditional stuff so I got this guy on here we did this we did this on the live stream a few weeks ago so I'll be selling this stuff and yes we'll be doing prints if you weren't in artist what else would you be musician definitely time and effort and energy into guitar guitar guitar we tab on the guitar man it agree tear twitch question hey Aaron what is the average time to produce a feature animation not four to five years from concept to writing to finish brother bear took us six years that's right folks six long years so I'm just really quickly laying this all in and I'm going very quickly with it I just want to lay in the roughest indication first and then we'll go in and we're gonna we're gonna have some fun this all of this and we're just laying the groundwork for the ultimate image and then in the end it's all about just tweaking let's do your part easy what's up what's the name of the pencil your kernel music well I'm using a stylus and then the brush is a one of my my custom brushes it's a my pastel C brush I made a few years ago that I used all the time and it's available on my website if you sign up for my newsletter you'll get it for free or you can go to my website creature art teacher comm and you can let me see here and you can we have clouds well maybe none that's you can get it there it's in my original custom brush set there we go it's in my original custom brush set and [Music] it's at creature art teacher comm sorry I always have a hard time talking and drawing at the same time I'm trying to figure out what it is that I'm trying to create got some hills in the background back hill oh hell there's this Ridge that kind of runs along the western side of the Masai Mara where the Mara River is and we kind of follow that Ridge when we go back and forth between the the between the camp and the between the camp and the safaris each day each day it I'm gonna keep everything loose keeping it loose keeping it loose this is yeah did a storyboard go back and forth I mean all the time we find story flaws in the board deed change the script or directly the storyboard both will be both we will do both he's on fire okay so I'm just going to get some variations of color in here not really I'm not worried about getting the the fine details yet so I'm just roughing in some of them nicer areas they're just roughly roughly roughly getting it in if you met met your musical artist self from another universe what would you guys do together play guitar we played guitar time to get time man I'm still dosed doing local color adding some variations yeah I don't know let's go up to the sky shall we after this guy let's go back to the sky my only friend the end all right lost the brush I didn't I lost a lot of brushes what's that man what happened Oh No what'd you do Oh I did a digital lion but what did you do I did a digital lion but after I finished all the detail it seemed to have lost a lot a lot of it when I zoomed out and and looked in am i doing something wrong sorry if it's an awkward question no it's not an awkward question you're focusing too much on a small area yeah so don't you know that's that's a that's a common mistake don't put so much energy into one tiny little area look how notice how I'm working really broad I'm looking I'm working on the whole image right now and then I'll pick the areas that are areas of focus and I might put a little extra detail in there but not everything needs to be detailed and certainly you don't have to go in super tight on most everything because you want everything to kind of have unity and when one area is super detailed and put the rest of the entire image is just generally loose yeah you're gonna have it's gonna be a disconnect and so you know your detail is all about balance actually let me do this why does Disney like to take ideas and works as long as you are under them he said they don't but they say they do but they but not wine what's that say that again why does Disney like to take ideas and works as long as you are under them like to take thing mean use your ideas as long as you kind of I'm not quite following you like if you have the idea for like say a movie or or anything about that stuff like once it's in concept ideas like once it's when you're under Disney like whatever you make okay they take notes well it's because they're paying you that's why they're they're paying yeah yes that's the reason so I'm going really loose with this this is one of my texture brushes that I've got once again these are these are for sailing creature it2 dot gonna greet your teacher dog oh they're having some fun with some of my cloud brush in this dark these aren't cloud brushes these are there we go yeah yeah on the final drawings in a feature of vectors or raster hey or does it even matter say that again our final drawings in a feature vectors or raster I don't ever roster raster profit do not vector no you're not vector Victor they seem that Walt Disney and in elevator what would you say the one hey dude how you doing hey I'm one of your employees in the future yeah it ain't another shake you sounded like Bob Ross when he said let's go to the sky it's going up to the sky sound let's do hey let's go up this guy you tube coming I worked on the thief and the cobbler that must be the longest time in production of any animated film some friends were working with key drawings that were almost as old as me yeah it's it's pretty insane how old that film was which movie the thief and the cobbler Richard Williams started that like 60s that wasn't finished until the 90s it was in sick all right so I've got everything kind of laid in that feels pretty good let's go ahead and start laying in some light and shadow we've been at it for an hour and 49 minutes we're gonna set this to multiply I want to go cool on my shadows this time I'm gonna use the same brush my little texture brush here little brush a deck jerk I'm gonna have it dark in the foreground that's who da oh wait you're just gonna like No there yeah yeah one birds-of-prey course no I've been working on that thing for two months it's driving me nuts a nice do dairy and I'm sure it's driving Nick nuts Nick nuts he's going to be released to mama don't say that that's why I said no it's not me this is [Music] oh this is gonna be cool all right I'm gonna treat this like a sunset imagine ladies and gentlemen here is the famous everybody shadow it's someone saying that yeah yeah but this one he see he's in the shadow of an acacia tree she's the direction excuse me I'd like to make an order would you draw a tanda next time yeah yeah I like this my only friend lien all right here we go tap of light light deep do them Dustin can you do the voice of any kung fu panda character not really never really mr. oh no how about now Dustin whatever canon or nikon guy I'm a Canon guy but it Sony has won me over yeah my actually my very first camera my very first starting camera was I can't can't can't what I say camera camera my very first canon camera was the Canon Rebel T 6 with a starter kit it was basically my starter set and from there throughout the year I practiced with that though eventually I went to Sony or dusty make me laugh he's turned with the impression I try my best I really was calling I gotta answer this sorry take over Dustin okay hello so like I said I was a cam guy dad is currently a canon canon user but I switched over to Sony back in September with the a 6400 and nowadays I used a nine mark you and I've gone with a full frame setup for for all those months now any more questions for a little while we wait for father with the realtor sorry about that folks I'm back everybody all right Joline on them questions all right so let's put another one on there and let's go to overlay let's go to some nice warm color what is the next reference back of it now hopefully you get I'll get something out there at least in the next few months are you asking me no just thinking to myself like what kind what I'm with Ryan Bergen from Ron Burgundy like what animals have I not shared yet and do I have enough photos of those they Hey what's your favorite animal to capture on film because not really film but my favorite animal to photograph will probably be great blue herons sandhill cranes twitch question any more plans to work with Tim Hodge in the future I love his courses the answer would be a big no a guy's a jerk of course we're gonna we plan on working with Tim forever Tim's a great friend absolutely can you purchase be used on procreate yep that's a big yes yes they can [Music] has there never been to a point where he finds himself drawing the same animal poses over and over again well sure we get stale every once in a while I get stale every once in a while I gotta step out on myself a little bit and say okay I gotta I'm doing the same thing over and over again you get stale every once in a while every once nope I'll get standard I get stale every once in a while you get stale everywhere you went stale so you get stale the room every once in a while you get stale every once in a while what colors do you usually use when doing light and shadow and is it multiplied for shadow and color dodge for light thanks now I use overlay for light multiply for shadow and there is no set color I'm always it depends on the image that I'm creating you know for the color I'm liking the sketch liking how where we are right now so that's pretty cool you know that's that's cool you know so that's cool sounds pretty awesome you know so that's awesome you know that's cool hopefully the future can create a buffalo reference packet horse reference back clean definitely a future future plan okay so here's what we're gonna do see I'm going to set this to multiply we're gonna start creating some darker shapes in here I'm gonna do it the real question is where does the kid broom earth-shattering kaboom so we're gonna get some grass shapes in here but the first thing I want to do is get some of the dark shadow shapes and I'm going to keep it loose this is how I create depth from the grass what you're gonna see I do this and I don't know you know I'm not taking a lot of time where the idea is here to build up layers YouTube's question how would you go about doing an animal study for example for Anatomy would you focus on one area first for a lengthy period of time or just draw the whole animal I usually truck I try to draw the whole animal so I understand the relationships of all the parts the rhythm you want to understand the rhythm how everything flows together I loved so much this color palette is it supposed to be during the golden hour yes exactly this is supposed to be done during the golden hour that's why I'm kind of laying everything down a lot of that's why the shadow is going across him and the way that it is in fact I might even hit him with even more shadow on his body what is the purpose of mirroring the image when you draw does it help with the symmetry it helps me see the composition in a new light and so I can see if the drawing needs help or not and Aaron yes Jay should I define my style of building my portfolio or is okay to go along with them while I experiment see that again should I define my style before building my portfolio or is it okay to go along with it while I experiment it's okay to go along with it while you experiment you report your your style is gonna change throughout your career my style changes all the time on a future stream can you draw Kung Fu Panda no no I don't draw other characters I might do a Disney character once in a while here and there but I really don't do other characters I try to keep everything original I don't like to ride on the coattails of what other people have spent a lot of work designing it's coming from a younger view or that watches all of her streams I just now read that Nick okay I will I will do it okay yes I will do Kung Fu Panda for you in the future stream sorry about that I thought you were more on a professional level perfect but for the professionals out there you know a lot of people out there talk about doing fan art for me doing fan art is just riding the coattails of other of other artists you know it's okay to do fan art for yourself it's when people are out there profiting off of fan art that I don't agree with do you know Terryl Whitlatch if so would there be any chance of against appearance from her in the future yes there is a chance of that yes I know Terryl Whitlatch as a matter of fact I wrote the foreword to one of her creature design books also does what is your opinion of one her brother's taking Elmer's gun away yeah we really angry good yeah I think like Elmer without isn't done just feels off I feel like that was like the meat bit of one of the biggest things about his his comedy his character is Catholic that FLE quiet [Laughter] because then how can we have skits like the famous dog season rabbit season taxi number wire like we won't have any any skits like that LM oh well our thing so next I go a little bit brighter and now we're starting to draw the grasses we go over the darks the ever find your style does just come to you your style evolves on its own your style is a result of all the influences that you get from other artists so it will evolve you can't help it from evolving you can't stop it kid the enemy advice if I have one work at an animation studio but I don't live in the u.s. oh yeah there's still studios that will will work with you from especially now that will work from you with you remotely especially because of Kovan I have a good friend of mine Armand Serrano that just got a job he's in the u.s. he just got a job in South Africa he's not moving to South Africa he's actually just gonna be working from his home in Southern California and and there's a lot of studios that are doing that vice-versa I was following a Instagram question I was following along with your oil painting course and was not able to get a canvas that large any tips for getting details on a smaller canvas sure smaller brushes you know it's harder it is hard I like that's why I like working on big canvases because I like working bold you know in the same way that you see me working digitally where I don't spend a lot of time doing really tight detail it's all about color and value and I feel the same way about my traditional work I like you know as I've gotten older my desire to do tight detail has waned I don't feel the need to do tight detail anymore that's something I did when I was younger and for me now it's all about trying to get it's all about trying to get you know more of an impression I've become much more impressionistic in my work as I've gotten older what should I do if my teachers don't like my style what should you do if your teachers don't like your style yeah listen to them find out why they don't like it and if it's a viable answer then listen to them your teachers know more than you do that's just how it is so listen to what they have to say find out why they don't like it and if it's a viable answer then listen to them if it's not then trust in yourself maybe your derivative maybe your copying too much of another style maybe they want you to be more original but either way listen to what they have to say I feel like my this my style decided to be a certain way without letting me know yeah it happens and if you don't like it then you get a fate to break through it you you have to fight for your right to party can you show mid-water barclays can i what can you show me a little more sorry I try I try to keep my eye on the whole picture that's why I tend to not have it zoomed in all the way so you can see the grass is already starting to come together a bit now what I'm going to do is I'm going to work on top I want to work on top of the does traditional medium make your digital art process better I think it does personally I think both inform each other what is this technology you're using to draw this piece I'm using a Wacom Cintiq 32-inch pro 32-inch pro I am using Photoshop as my drawing program and the computer the macro computer is a Mac Pro yeah that is the detective have you done a review of your layers no I have not have you seen juniors grades so let's go all the way down shall we there's my shadow there my grasses there's my light layer there's my markings layer there's my local color layer underneath here's my Skyler kind of like that like that that's interesting I might tone that down we sit let me try it something there image adjustments hue/saturation we bring that saturation down I like that all right so there's my grass layer prayer prayer so there's a few different layers you always work with references or indeed take occasional breaks from references I'll take occasional breaks father Osho Desson we beginning the ps5 I was thinking about just getting rid of some of the drawing layer what do you think about the new Wacom one I love it I really like the new Wacom one well without the spots the drive looks like a giant snake the Wacom one is a it's a great entry-level Wacom Cintiq pen display unit whatever you want to call it I think it's a great introduction I don't know where I have it right now are you are using reference for the grass as well or do you have the patterns memorized well I do a lot of the grass I've done a lot of this grass in the past so I don't have to look at it although I am looking at grass here I'll show you let me show you something here's the grass right here and there's the grass that I'm drawing so you can see I've got a lot of grass to draw do you know how long this dream has been going on I've been on it the whole time well it's 11:13 now so 2 hours and 13 minutes give or take give or take so there we go so the idea here is to have these grasses all kind of blend in with each other and those dark areas in the grass should give it depth I don't remember if I have nasty before but what's your opinion up the software sketchbook it is a free software equivalent to Photoshop and procreate would you recommend that for a starting point or I don't know I've never used it I've never used it so I don't know I'm never what is it called sketchbook you know I don't know what that is I've never used sketchbook I really think you should be doing you should do like a like a review series of different drawing apps yeah I see mine my belief is this I think you find the one that works best for you and you stick with it I don't jump around using different apps jump around jump jump jump alright I just don't do it which brush do you use for grass the same brush i was using i've been using for all the rest of the painting actually as the grass recedes into the distance we're going to be changing up our technique a little bit that I made a comment about sketchbook saying I've seen I don't know automobile designers of using sketchbook a lot that's super cool we're gonna put another shadow layer down I'm gonna try going a little warmer with a shadow and see how that looks have you heard of the mother color technique their color Walter color I don't know what the mother color technique is I've never heard of that it so I'm just pushing my darks a little darker some of my darks I should say pushing them a little darker one thing I want to do is make sure that I'm getting some grass dart grass coming up over the light grass like so you want dark shadows over light parents nick says sketchbook is made by alias some people that make all the same people that make Maya Amaya show uses it and loves it oh that's cool and your cell door side saying don't disturb me I'm watching an air blazed livestream please do not disturb me I'm dead tired my friend is dead tired do not this deal my friend damn you're right to try on Travis does still Mikey here we go again yeah yeah I had to take care of my brother what do you think Michael Metesky Bethesda's force dynamic life drawing series of books I don't know I've never seen it if you had any exotic pet what would you have any exotic pet I would have definitely not any kind of cat because that's just you just can't do it if I could give them the room that's a tough one I don't know so I'm just gonna keep working this grass for a while because I think it's a kind of integral part of the of the composition what would you have as an exotic pad Dustin and I don't want to have any big cats because I just think you know big cats need to be wild Quokka Wacka Wacka we'd have a quokka he'd be happy and it's a good choice meerkat meerkats a good one actually that's a really good one they're super social else and even then you can't just have one meerkat you have to have nine yeah but what's wrong with that nothing well you'd like to be my guest in a virtual expedition exposition from Ecuador yeah some point we got to set it up we got to go through the website but that would be cool I like to go to Ecuador actually who's your favorite Disney villain Cruella De Vil and Medusa they're just evil so now what I'm doing is I'm just adding some deeper darker negative spaces in here to push the the depth in the grass or the gorilla and well Medusa yeah Medusa was from the rescuers down under oh right no no no first rescues I mean rescuers yes yes I'm sorry and then and then you know Carrillo from the 101 dalmatians and it was crazy babies that died back yeah we never want to adopt a homely little girl neck who were that and enter and his name wasn't that though with that would be the other members name and now you get back here a little mushy I saw I saw rescuers in the theater when it came out I was came out the same year as Star Wars well is it yep the first farmers yep 1977 that's always like the opening song for the rescuers yeah very soothing it is and all the artwork yeah all those little pastels oh so I'm just getting some darker areas some negative spaces and the in the crashes and the grass of saying I'm graduating I think my favorite character in that is probably the Dragonfly Evinrude I wonder what they used to make to make his sound you look 3d animation I love 3d animation as long as it's good yeah I surely do [Music] now let's see if I can do this I don't know if this is gonna work or not it's not too bright huh should all artists know about the excuse me head was a little a little bubble in your throat bubble birds see all artists know about the golden ratio sure I think it helps dumb to know it but for me composition is more about if it looks good it is good I don't know that you worry too much about rule although I think understanding the rule of thirds and things like that does help so here what I'm trying to do is is give the sense of dappled light and so some of the grass is getting hit by light in certain areas and you see you see you can remember stuff like this because if you go out and you and you drop from life or if you can just remember your experiences if you get out and get out of the house you know you'll you'll realize oh this is what it looked like when I went out I saw the grass is sticking up there catching light in this certain way you can create this dappled light effect see how the light is falling across the tops of the grass go ahead Justin sorry what's your 3d it favorite 3d animation I'd really love The Incredibles that's a good one yeah that's acting for the amount of detail that was put into it at the time was a Avatar James Cameron's Avatar oh yeah avatar is great I didn't think about avatar tell me for from for that area of like of time like one of the CG was was good then but James Cameron's Avatar holy moly that was a whole other level yeah they cannot wait for the sequels where's your inspiration coming from by the photograph I'm looking at but also the fact that I I went to Africa for today's image that's where the inspiration is coming from life real life since real life [Music] with so many live live-action Disney films being remade as live-action what would be your reaction to Jonathan are wanting to remake brother bears alive action I think it'd be cool as long as it's cool it's done right yeah oh Dropbox let me pause it's not it's not pausing it hold on let me go down fear pause sinking there we go the stream is drunk dropping in and out yeah has the stream drop for for a minute there because when he what do you pause it it makes the computer run an extra prompt in extra process so I was like I'm gonna slow down a little bit gotcha alright so now you can see the grass really coming together and and it's really just layers and value I really love getting the tips of the grass you know dappled light on the grass itself and when it comes to the live-action adaptations I think one that really needs to be done and I think would be a really huge hit it done right Treasure Planet yeah a lot of people like to think that I've seen the I saw a post of like the different concept art designs I want while it was the main character and and like the design base is off of Tom Holland oh yeah it was like he would be perfect for that role he wasn't but the question would be who would play the cyborg Oh see a mirror there do you tell us any dad jokes well you know you can't play poker in the African savannah because if there's too many cheetahs you know how you catch a polar bear well you get some frozen peas and you cut a nice in the hole I mean cut a hole in the ice you get some frozen peas you cut it cut a hole in the ice and you sprinkle the peas all the way around the hole so when the bear comes down to take a pee you kick him right in the ice hole that's a bit extended one [Laughter] I had to work with that I'm gonna go a little rougher now I'm gonna Buffalo said to another Buffalo bye son now you're drawing a hyena for a live stream not for a live stream although I have drawn here's a hyena with a gruesome ah yeah he grew some prey I don't know what that would look like digital ain't it so here I'm just loosening up trying to get a little looser as I go back in space using like my my textured brushes hey Gabi's here it did last night I think I found my new favorite medium oil pastels yeah I saw the best it was pretty cool that's a nice image you did there that just having a gator to walk through my backyard that was a kid I came home from school I had one sitting in front of the drive in front of the front door well I mean you did do the hyena during a live stream once somebody's oh that I mean that Elvis thing yeah the other side what is the drawer so sad and alone well that's how giraffes are especially the big males they hang out on their own they like to run solo that's right he's not sad he prefers it this way I love you drawing me [Laughter] chat with it instead he's asking house of I was Marshall how it was his birthday excellent it was fun he had a very it was fun you weren't even there he's up in Vermont it was fun having him here oh it's nice yeah it was nice having again yeah he's doing good now oh yeah except Franny went in for an open-heart surgery yesterday so she's in the recovery Frannie is his girlfriend she's doing all right though she's recovering please would you do a livestream of a polar bear underwater sure we could do that at some point absolutely interesting I'm gonna put a little dappled sunlight on him what do you think is the hardest animal to draw I don't know I mean they're all animals have a certain level of difficulty to them little dappled light on this guy you know everything has its own level of difficulty and so where is we're not put the let's just put it up on top shall we they set that to overlay one more little shot of bright light here yeah we do discuss some conventional mediums that work best with your grass technique the light or dark looks great digital gouache wash is probably one of the better approaches I think about this is how I approach my grass digitally the same way I do it in wash Oh so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna layer on top we're uh we're on the home stretch here I'm just keeping everything pretty loose who's coming down and creating a of a light layer here have you done coloring for animation tolerating for animation II I've I've colored my images you know I've colored my characters in animation I'm not sure I followed the question other than that yes I mean I've colored my images before all right so here what I want to do I'm gonna move him out of the way I'm gonna click on this one I want to remind you guys too if you want a chance you still have a chance this week to win a welcome one to win a wacom one just going over to twitch dot TV and slash Aaron Blais art and you can get and if you subscribe to my site it's my channel over on Twitch you'll be enrolled in a chance to win a brand new walk and one so it's pretty good deal a deal there but me but he's new here so check it out go on over you'll dig it so going over to creature creature going over to twitch dot TV and flashback / Aaron blazar sorry man I was something wrong with my brain when I start getting into the drawing gear and I'm thinking thinking and thinking and and hit the subscribe button yeah what's up Tyler I haven't seen you since staring at me what's up amen amen hey there but this is sunrise or sunset I'm thinking of it as sunset personally do you prefer old or new disease I think it really depends on the movie to be honest with you kind of a cop-out but from the contest if you are already subscribed or followed to the twitch channel do we have to do anything else nope as long as you're already following them you're okay basically we're going to be picking a random person from our following list is what one good compared to the Cintiq it is walking one is this antique it's just it's just a smaller one it's an entry-level Cintiq so yes the answer is yes yes are you planning on making some advanced animation tutorials I've got some I've got acting for animation that's part of my that you can get a creature art teacher calm and I'll be doing some even more advanced ones down the road do you prefer Incredibles or Monsters Inc Incredibles [Music] is welcome Cintiq 16-inch as good as the 22 inch HD no as far as display goes no but it's a great entry level 22 HD is really nice as his other products actually actually have you done moving hold of lessons in animation no I haven't I could it's a good idea there we go this is because of the plot the character design they like The Incredibles more plot character character not so much a design the design is fine but I really like the writing I think Brad Birds pretty genius when it comes to his work Brad Birds the director there we go here's our little giraffe I may go a little darker in the background I think just to get that head to pop a little better what if I can get away with that but she that's uh cream it you guys remember when we said those Tuesday streams are gonna be a little bit shorter yeah good times sorry I'm almost done oh wait there's one more thing isn't it we need to see how that's gonna look it's too dark those were the days yes they're gonna keep that a little darker sorry Nick hey I am sorry and then I'm gonna create another layer on top and I'm gonna create a clipping mask for that and I'm gonna set it to multiply I'm going to do the same thing there Aaron you're gonna highlight the eye maybe go what was the most challenging free to n mate in your career I've there's a lot everything's challenging I always talk about the the beast scene and buting the beast where she's where Bill is trying to bandage him that was probably my most challenging the one that always blows my mind is the rock the Roger Rabbit see when he's upside down yeah and spinning and spinning oh yeah that one was hard that was hard that took a few weeks to do there all right Nik just for your own pleasure to finish this up really quick there's our giraffe because that Roger Rabbit scene where did it all like words the animation begin like when he hit when he slams onto the refrigerator or when he starts to weave slides off through fridge or I mean I did this shot before it too so oh and he's lifting out what he's carrying it I did a whole that whole first part of the whole up is everything the first minute of the entire episode but that pendulum swing though yeah that was the last of it those the last of us the difference between a clipping mask and just a mask I've seen both sides options in procreate they don't know the clipping mask I don't know actually I think the clipping mask is just to mask off a certain I don't know because master meant to mask off certain areas to be honest with you I don't know so let me repeat I don't know sure someone out there knows if you come to keep down Capetown we have a beach with paintings all over I know I want to go to keep town where's Cape Town South Africa Nick was here to finish the live steamer earlier so you can go back to his closet it is like California on the way beads yeah dad all right then yeah no more one more things you sure no I'm not sure you save your work so there we go so that's I mean this is really kind of a lesson in grass as well doing that I'm gonna put all this into a folder there was like no more one more thing what do you sign it no I didn't sign it yet there's one more thing well no I didn't say I was completely done yeah oops got to get a little bit of but fur actually here have you ever lost to work while saving no but he did a loose work because he didn't say oh yeah we had that happened last week they're just getting some nice little fuzzies there the stream is falling apart again huh the stream was going down again but it's who's stalling there's our little guy I think we need to lower this dream to lower bitrate oh you know if you know what we didn't do what I've got my freaking I got to say Ethernet cable I forgot to hook it up I got it sitting right here sorry Nick do you even think about it idiot II actually I do want to try one more thing so there you go there is there's one more thing so what is the whole more thing or today it's going to be hurting in an area color Dodge have you ever done city speak background arts dick goes I knew it but the one more thing yeah we all we were all waiting for it this is wait you guys are doing this over Wi-Fi yes we are streaming over Wi-Fi but we have plans of hooking up to Ethernet okay I mean what kind of camera do these stupid well for for dads face right now we're just using a Logitech webcam there we go but for the set cam and for my camera we are using handycams with kim links that convert hdmi video ports into USB ports and so that way you can connect your camera to your computer alright everybody so this is it so there's our our zebra no here's our giraffe you know it's a zebra here's our de RAF for the day and I hope you guys enjoyed it I know it was a long one that was uh three hours I know well most of it was the half hour of it was spent running my mouth but I hope you guys enjoyed it I certainly did and remember going over to twitch you still got time and go to twitch dot TV slash Aaron blaze art and hit the subscribe button and you'll be signed up for a brand new the chance to win a brand new walk and one but if you don't get it this time don't worry we still get a couple more chances for you down the road so anyway I really had a great time today I got to get going I got a lot of work to do I hope you have a great rest of the week we'll see you on Friday I'm sorry I was just looking I got one more question here what can I do if I have a complex idea in my head but get totally overwhelmed by it do you have an easier way to tackle very detailed backgrounds like jungles start with the big shapes work toward the small shapes start with the with the big and the broad then we work towards the detail do not start with the detail there you go and remember our new course from Tim Hodge is available if you go over to Creech our art teacher comm you can purchase it now in pre-order and you can get 50% off that's from Tim Hodge that says how to draw mythical creatures and there you go so going over to twitch dot TV slash air blaze art for a chance to win a brand new Wacom one and then go to creature art teacher dot-com for more great deals on courses and get Tim Hodges new course on how to draw a mythical creatures for 50% off in pre-order have a great week you guys be safe put some beauty back into the world and Dustin take it away thank you guys so much for watching let you guys enjoy that stream and in case if you're interested in any wildlife photography for you people out there you can check out my instagram at dustin underscore blaze and I in fact posted a new photo or earlier today and I posted one yesterday and trying to get back to the daily posting so hopefully we'll get that going but also you can check out my reference photo packs for you new folks out there at creature art teacher comm and I believe they are part of the are we having any sales phone of them a preacher teacher or yeah yeah so yeah okay but anyway so you guys once again so much for watching I'll see you guys Friday and until then cowboy bebop see
Channel: The Art of Aaron Blaise
Views: 13,623
Rating: 4.9830747 out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, giraffe, wildlife art, Aaron Blaise
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 17sec (10637 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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