How to Self Assess Your Drawing Skills

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how to self-assess your drawing skills do you know what is your level of drawing skills according to the standards of classical art education many self-taught artists and art students tend to overestimate their level of skills not because they are proud of their achievements but because they do not know what the standards are the following information will help you to assess your level of drawing skills on a scale from zero to ten level zero a complete beginner in constructive drawing who draws from observation by intuitively judging proportions or by copying photos and then renders tonal values to make an artwork three-dimensional such an artist may have been drawing for many years but is still not able to see mistakes in their own artworks and does not understand why his or her drawings lack realistic appearance why facial features in portraits are a bit off why figures are stiff why one can draw from photos but cannot do it properly from life memory or imagination such an artist may say phrases like i just need to loosen up my drawing style i need to work more on my observation skills i need to be more expressive in drawing i can't figure out what is wrong in this artwork somehow this portrait is off but i can't tell why it's all about innate talent which i don't have such phrases are a telltale sign that an artist not only lacks the required skills of constructive drawing but also does not know what skills are missing and what is needed to draw realistically usually it is a self-taught artist with no academic art education or an art college graduate who has been taught to be creative but did not receive the skills of trade to express one's creativity because contemporary colleges no longer teach these skills to the full extent good drawing skills are not an inborn talent they are a result of proper art education which is based on fundamental principles of constructive drawing to get an idea of such an education check what art students learn at russian children art schools the list of topics below is only about drawing in addition children also have lessons on painting composition sculpture decorative arts and history of arts level one children art school year one how to sharpen a pencil the right way how to hold a pencil with the candle grip how to draw perfect lines both straight and curved how to hatch and cross hatch in layers how to measure relative proportions alignments angles and cross points with a pencil how to draw simple flat geometric objects rules and principles of linear and aerial perspective one point and two-point perspective principles of constructive drawing how to draw cubes how to draw ovals how to draw cylinders both standing and reclining how to draw simple geometrical three-dimensional objects in perspective how to draw cylindrical objects like vases pots and mugs how to draw man-made geometrical objects rules and 15 elements of composition golden proportions theory of contours proficient tonal rendering techniques level two children art school year two classical orders doric ionic corinthian how to draw classical capitals how to draw simple still lifes with man-made objects how to draw still lifes with simple organic objects how to draw animals how to draw draperies how to draw complex still lifes with draperies how to render tonal values to reveal complex construction and aerial perspective level three children art school year three how to draw interiors how to draw exteriors anatomy of a skull planes of a skull how to draw a skull how to draw an achorche of a head muscular anatomy of a head proportions of a human head and face how to draw simple classical busts and head casts how to draw classical head casts with complex hairstyles and facial hair how to draw full face and three-quarter view portraits level four children art school year four how to draw a skeleton proportions of a human body how to draw an echocare of an arm how to draw an acorchae of a hand how to draw an a crochet of a foot how to draw an a crochet of a leg how to draw an echocare of a torso level five children art school year five how to draw classical canon figures both male and female ancient greek and roman sculptures how to draw draped figures how to draw multi-figure compositions how to draw portraits and figures of life models during all five years of study copying from photos is strictly forbidden this is because copying develops a different set of skills to those required for constructive drawing and suppresses one's ability to learn good skills of drawing from life memory and imagination by the end of such a school a teenager would have stronger art skills than the majority of graduates of contemporary art academies in europe and america and be considered as a professional fine artist by western standards however this level is not good enough to enter some of the best art academies in moscow and saint petersburg that is why such a graduate would take additional two to three year art courses to get prepared for entry exams the description below is an approximation of different art academies curriculums because every institution has its specifics and specializations it tells only about drawing although art students have many other subjects level 6 art academy year one how to draw complex still lifes how to draw interiors how to draw exteriors how to draw classical busts and full body sculptures with the full knowledge of human body anatomy proportions and constructions level seven art academy year two deeper knowledge of skeletal and muscular anatomy of a human body head and face geometry construction functionality of bones and joints and geometry of muscles their origins and insertions life drawing how to depict emotions in portraits level eight art academy year three how to tell a story about people by drawing the world around them how to portray the inner world of a person and sitter's personality how to draw double figure compositions to tell the story how to draw human figures in motion how to capture a moment drawing from memory and imagination level nine art academy year four how to draw multi-figure compositions how to draw genre and historical artworks level 10 art academy year five how to express the artist's inner world and point of view through realistic figurative art convey emotions tell a story deliver a philosophical message here's how to properly measure your drawing skills if you have some gaps in topics at any level your skills are at the previous step for example if you have not fully covered the 15 elements of composition or principles of constructive drawing you have the previous level a complete beginner by russian children's art school standards if this applies to you don't get upset you are not alone struggling with self-education or not getting the right knowledge from your art college it could be hard to admit that all your efforts and many years of practice may stand at level zero but admitting the truth about your current level is the first step to advancing it every next step requires proper knowledge and skills that must be gained at the previous levels for example to depict emotions in portrait an artist has to have solid understanding of human head anatomy its construction and proportions as well as the ability to draw lines as intended by the artist's mind not to mention the developed feeling of perspective both linear and aerial solving artistic tasks like telling the story and expressing the artist's point of view requires a great set of skills that have to be learned and practiced for many years this set of skills is what other people call talent but those who know how hard they had to work to get these skills fully comprehend that 98 of their success is due to good art education hard work and practice not some inborn talent that makes their art wonderful to help students like you we created the life drawing academy correspondence course in this course you will get one-to-one personal tutoring from the professional artists and art teachers who will guide you all the way until you achieve the advanced levels of drawing skills this is the only art course available today on the internet where you will get dedicated art tutors for a lifetime for a one-time low fee upon enrollment your drawing skills will be assessed and a special curriculum will be designed to fill your skill gaps this curriculum will include up to 100 drawing tasks every task will come with detailed explanations and instructions and your progress will be assessed on a task by task basis you will progress from simple to more advanced topics until you reach your desired goals there is no way to fail you will be guided one step at a time and the whole process of education will be easy and smooth because it will be tailored to your pace learning abilities and timing you will receive all information in writing so you can study without any pressure to memorize everything from the first time we can only accept a limited number of students you can enroll in the life drawing academy correspondence course at a huge discount today before the price goes up
Channel: Drawing Art Academy
Views: 155,536
Rating: 4.8832407 out of 5
Id: OdNeOF18zdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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