LIVE - Statement from Intel blames motherboard manufacturers for 13th and 14th Gen CPUs FAILING!!

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome into my latest live broadcast it's a rare Saturday appearance and I will try to make this video around 20 minutes or so I'm going to do my best but the bottom line is that there was a a leaked uh notice from Intel or statement from Intel to motherboard manufacturers not intended for the public that appears that uh Intel is blaming the motherboard manufacturers of situations involving unreliable or unstable 13th and 14th gen Intel chips that uh as I suspected Intel suspects I mean they're not 100% certain but suspect it's it's due to uh Power limits being honored by the motherboard makers and requesting that those motherboard makers honor their limits as a result you may find that there is a new bios update on or after April 18th of 2024 from Asus MSI ASRock and gigabyte however there may not be if you see first of all if you're affected by this we're assuming you have a 600 or a 7 00 series motherboard at this time two we're assuming that oh am I not live am I live or am I not live confused I've got no video over here hold on a minute guys I have a I have a technical issue I am live okay I monitor the chat and the video over here on the tablet and for some reason the tablet has returned me to the home screen so that really just screwed me up so bear with me here just a second I've never seen that happen before don't worry this is not a 600 or 700 series Intel tablet uh let me go back to my channel I have no idea what just happened there but there I am okay I can see myself now pH now if you have a 600 or 700 series Intel motherboard meaning you are likely running a or 14th gen Intel chip and you are having problems with the the heat of the chip being out of control or the chip not being stable check your motherboard's support site go to the manufacturer's website look up your board look up bios updates and look for a bios that is from April 18th 2024 or newer April 18th 2024 or newer it may be a beta bios and that's okay beta bios is highly recommended if you are suffering from this if you're a victim however if you're not having any problems at all then there's nothing for you to fix and you don't need to worry about it now I want to read out loud the article from Tom's Hardware which is quoting another article from a German website which uh was able to grab this statement from Intel I guess in ways they haven't quite explained but nonetheless let's take a look at this together and let me turn on my window capture here the link for it is in the video notes below this video okay Intel issues statement about CPU crashes blames motherboard makers bioses disable thermal and Power Protection causing issues Intel points out motherboard profiles with disabled protections while exceeding recommended voltages to gain High overclocks so this article is by rashan Ashraf shake and it was posted just a couple hours ago now Igor's lab which is another website you can click on this if you want to see what Tom's Hardware is using as their Source seems to have tamed a message originally destined for motherboard manufacturers concerning a prolonged stability issue on the company's 13th generation raptor-like and 14th generation Raptor like refresh CPUs they rank among the best CPUs it made sense for the company to clarify the issue where many blame the motherboard manufacturers in a race to become the fastest performer by having overaggressive voltages for higher for allowing higher clock speeds the company specifically points out the issue with the 600 and 700 series motherboard manufacturers that disable thermal and Power Protection ction in order to achieve the highest possible overclocks even at the cost of instability that's what the chipmaker said in the message uh this is the message right here in italics Intel is observed that this issue may be related to Autos specification operating conditions resulting in sustained high voltage and frequency during periods of elevated heat analysis of affected processor shows some parts experience shifts in minimum operating voltages which may be related to operation outside of Intel's specified operating conditions while the root cause has not yet been identified Intel has observed the majority of reports on this issue are from users with un unlocked overclock capable motherboards Intel as observed 600 700 series chipset boards often set bios defaults to disable thermal and power delivery safeguards designed to limit processor exposure to sustained periods of high voltage and frequency for example disabling the c or the current Excursion protection enabling the ICC Max unlimited bit disabling Thermo velocity boost TVB and or enhanced Thermo velocity boost ET TVB additional settings which may increase the risk of system instability include disabling C States using Windows Ultimate performance mode and increasing the pl1 and pl2 Beyond Intel's recommended limits Intel request system and motherboard manufacturers to provide end users with a default bios profile that matches Intel's recommended settings Intel strongly recommends customers default bio settings should ensure operation within Intel's recommended settings in addition Intel strongly recommends motherboard manufacturers to implement warnings for end users alerting them to any unlocked or overclocking feature usage until is continuing to actively investigate this issue and to determine the root cause and will provide additional updates as relevant information becomes available Intel will be publishing a public statement regarding the issue status uh with regards to recommended bio setting recommendations targeted for May of 202 so we may not hear more officially from Intel on this until next month could be the beginning of the month the middle could be the end let's just hope they don't postpone it any further Asus was the first to address this issue on its side of the fence as it began rolling out new bios revisions with an Intel Baseline profile which mitigated the problem by lowering its power limit and using Intel's recommended settings eventually two other motherboard makers addressed this with MSI providing a tutorial on how to tune its Motherboard BIOS to run Intel's power limit and voltage specs gigabyte rolled out beta bios revisions like Asus it's uncertain why MSI didn't roll out similar firmware for some if not all of the company's motherboards naturally these settings will reduce performance but it's a lot better than having crashes while gaming or doing other intense workloads the problem has mostly been with users of core I9 skus from both Generations the lesson is that overclocking should be a manual and custom attempt why because not all silicon is the same not all 14 9900ks or 13900 K or ks's will run the same speeds or have the same thermal limits they're all different that's the nature of the manufacturing process each one is unique the same as all the others enabling extreme settings by default is also not a good idea especially when increasing the power limit and turning off other specific protection options that are normally enabled out of the box Intel introduced extreme power delivery with its 13th gen CPUs like the core I9 13900 K which peaked at 320 Watts via this profile at the same time Intel had recommended steps and motherboard manufacturers should have played it safe so that end users who would have a tough time navigating manual settings in the Bios would not be on the receiving end Tom's Hardware says perhaps Intel should have structor guidelines for respective motherboard manufacturers to follow given that such issues can last a few months before they can be narrowed down and that is the article now here's the thing if you go over to their source which is Igor's lab they show some demonstrations here of the 1400k Peak Performance delivery profile and the extreme power delivery profile and you'll notice the iccmax is almost 100 amps almost a third more that's a massive increase now my concern are the simpletons who think that they're losing performance and yet when I talk to these folks who I call simpletons I ask them what justification they have to need that in other words if you buy an Intel CPU or any CPU for that matter it will will run at the rated speed on the box this is your regular speed this is your turbo speed anything above and beyond that rated spec on the box is considered overclocking and what overclocking you get from your chip depends on your cooler your motherboard your bios and your ability to overclock as well as what we call the Silicon Lottery that you got a better piece of silicon in your chip than somebody else did or maybe you got a worse one but this idea is oh yeah we're reducing ing power but at the cost of performance if you see more than a 9 or 10% decrease in performance you've done something very wrong in general you're you are going to essentially be pouring in a ton of power at a much higher expense to just get a little teeny tiny bit faster what this does is it causes your chip to overheat it could cause vrm issues on the motherboard it could cause instability issues and ultimately and indefinitely not it will definitely degrade the lifespan of your chip so I don't know how long you plan on keeping your chip but if you're going to do that to it you're probably not going to have it very long before you just totally blow it up it's just going to die a very early and Unexpected death and I'm telling you to expect it if this is the behavior that you're after I would love to know the justification on how you would spend that kind of money and that kind of time to just go 10% faster and you don't care what the electric bill is you don't care how much the cooling is you don't care how much you're shortening the life of the processor you must be doing something really important with that computer in business we don't do this this would never happen in a corporation because I can assure you if Dell or HP or any of the like Lenovo any of the big system integrators if they pulled this stunt they would lose sales of $100,000 worth of computers in indefinitely forever like when a big Corporation Ford Motor Company Intel themselves anybody that delivers a service to you from a grocery store to electricity utilities water they're buying computers by the thousands one individual Corporation will buy well over a thousand computers well over a thousand computers every year and they generally stick to one manufacturer but if that one manufacturer is overclocking those chips and it's causing their employees to not be able to work which is causing their customers to not be able to get serviced you are going to be in a bad bad bad situation your it Department's probably all going to be frazzled because there's there's more work than they can do your profit margin is going to go down into the toilet as you're trying to fix a problem as you're still paying your employees a salary even though they cannot work this would be absolute disaster so as a home user just tinkering around with nothing better to do knock your socks off right have fun but in the real world where money is made and the thing that makes the world go around where it actually matters this stuff isn't toyed with so you there's a reason why hobbyists and enthusiasts deal with this and businesses don't and I will say this you know I I I'm in business right so I'm a bit biased on this subject but it is so pointless and unnecessary these days that I have very rarely run into anybody in person that can explain to me why all of this overclocking is necessary in most cases they're chasing benchmarks that for some reason or another they're believing which I don't understand why people have faith in the numbers they're seeing from benchmarks being accurate nor do benchmarks ever and I mean Ever represent actual usage of a computer sometimes people ask me what's the best way to test a computer before you deliver it to a customer what's the best uh simulated work there's no such thing the best best test for the computer outside of making sure windows installs and the systems running like it should from all appearances in most cases you don't need to go any deeper than that I often will stress test them briefly to make sure I don't have any potential heat related problems from a customer but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is the customer end results the real world results now I realize a lot of younger people they're not interested in the real world they want want to live in fantasy land they don't want to come down here they want to be up in the clouds somewhere and and that's fine if they want to be out there I don't have any problem with it but you don't need to follow them and you don't think you don't need to think that they're that they know something we don't they're avoiding reality they're they're trying to achieve something that doesn't matter and it makes no difference in the world in most cases and they have a lot of time and a lot of money and they think it's fun in business we don't think this is fun in business this is what keeps you running an 18h hour day you can't get home once you get home you barely fall asleep and you have to get back to work again because it is all hands on deck red lights are swirling alarms are going off customers are taking their business somewhere else the the the company's profit margins are falling the pr mess with the news is picking up the stories it's stressful for all the employees it the customers are pissed off so there's nothing fun about this now having said that when you buy your computer you are free to do with it whatever you want I'm not sitting here telling you you you can't do this I'm telling you if you're going to go down this road this is normal and if you have any experience in the business world you know there's nothing normal and this will get you fired if you pull this kind of stunt you will lose your job for all the reasons they just said so businesses have to sustain a profit and they have to keep customers happy and they have to keep delivering a product or a service even if that product or service is a case or a motherboard or a CPU you wouldn't be able to own these things without businesses and you likely wouldn't be able to afford to buy them without businesses providing an income so all of things outside of business are they're they're the result of business and without business we'd have none of it so for me my measure of what is important and what is critical is business-based because what's good for business is good for the consumer but what's not good for the business is typically also not good for the consumer it's just that the effects are affecting one person instead of a company with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of employees right if a government service shuts down if a hospital shuts down if you're in the middle of a surgery and the computer overheats well you're on the table I think you're going to have a very different perspective versus just toying around with your computer on the desk because you want to play a video game and video games that's a whole another thing as a recreation they're fine but as an addiction they are destroying lives so I hope that people that enjoy video games do so with moderation and that it's not what their life is all about and I hope that you don't believe that buying better components makes you a better gamer if I want to go play a traditional Recreation here in the United States a baseball buying a better baseball bat or a better mitt to catch the ball does it make me a better baseball player so you know if you want to go home and polish your mitt and put little bedazzles on it I mean go ahead but you're never going to find that type of attitude for the people that play for money they're they're not into that they're just they want the best equipment within reason and then when they get the when they get paid all that money yes they might wasted on stuff that's totally unnecessary to show off to flex but they have that luxury I don't know many people who have that kind of money to spend just to show off if you do I'm jealous but in the meantime if you're affected by this I need you to tell me leave a comment in the chat or uh below the the video and let me know what is the Mak and model of board and CPU you have what are the issues you're having and did is there a new bios did you download it did it make a difference did it solve it if there is no new bios for your board and you're having this issue I strongly urge you to reach out to your tech support of the motherboard manufacturer and ask them where your bios update is and let me know please let us know because I'm one person I'd like to know the consensus of individuals that are actually affected by this not living you know on the peripheral watching if you're living on the peripheral watching enjoy the show you can keep your thoughts to yourself if you're affected by it I would love to hear from you very quickly let me take a quick like I really wanted to wrap this up quickly uh where are we at we're almost at 20 minutes so I just wanted to say a quick hello to everybody in the chat we did lose we got a uh a reset on the moderator status so if you lost your moderator status not to worry it's coming back it's YouTube reset um don't don't take it personally as I see you in the chat room and by the way I have to see you in the chat room in order to uh put your moderator status back the way it was so uh nothing personal don't be offended by it and I will do my best to quickly turn you back to Blue again as you were again nothing was done you haven't done anything and you weren't singled out it happened to everybody and we're just putting it back now and it's a nice it's a nice way to sort of uh spring clean get rid of a lot of moderators we had that were no longer uh participating moderator status is considered temporary as long as you're a member of the community or a paying member when we see you first of all if you're a paying member you should automatically be B if you support the channel if you participate regularly in our chat room as a friendly kind person you should be turned blue but when we stop seeing you when you're no longer uh a regular part of the community you know you might lose the blue status but you can get it back again by simply becoming a familiar face in the chat we love that very much in fact that's why I turn people blue so I recognize them um we have so many folks that pop in and pop out it's hard to tell those who are regular from those who are uh intermittent or stop in once so that's why I do it it's really just a status symbol there's really not much you can do with being blue uh it is simply um it's simply a status symbol is all it is but it's my way of letting me know letting you know that I appreciate you that I recognize you as being a friendly member of the community and a regular participator so this will affect uh any 600 or 700 series Intel based motherboards again 600 and 700 series so if your motherboard begins with the number seven or the number six there you go uh look at your motherboard manufacturers website for an updated bios dated on or after April 18th 2024 if you're not affected by this or you don't have a 6 or 700 series motherboard this is nothing to do with you even even if you have a similar problem it's not likely this problem this is very specific for the folks that are affected by this there are similar heat related problems and stability problems that people can have based on their configuration based on their cooler based on how they use the computer based on how they built it that have nothing to do with this so don't think that you're affected by this unless you have a motherboard that starts with the number six or the number seven that uses an Intel chip and this will affect any intel chip not just the K processors we've seen it occur on the non-k locked processors as well so it is not limited to a specific model within the range it's the entire range of 13th and 14th gen CPUs okay so if there's but what I'd really like to do is here from you guys what your experience is are you having this issue what CPU are you using what make and model of board are you using and is there a bios update for you let us know and if you do put the BIOS update on does it solve the problem if there is no bios update contact your motherboard manufacturers tech support and ask them for a bios update demand it and then we'll wait for the class action lawsuits to come in after that that so this is the [Music] um this is the beginning of what's to come and we'll wait and see how this plays out but we're we're at least moving forward in a direction that leads us to a solution and that's my main concern is I want to make sure that the systems I'm delivering are going to be Rock Solid that it doesn't poorly represent my build quality or the part quality that I select for my customer customers remember this is a direct reflection on me from my customers perspective okay so that's why I'm so worked up about it uh AMD is no better AMD also has a very similar problem we'll talk about that in another day and um there's David griswell letting me know he was blue well we'll make you blue Again David no problem you will have to bring that to my attention in the chat room I don't have any way to make you blue out side of the chat room um but on the other hand you shouldn't be able to tell if you're blue or not unless you're in the chat so I'm not quite sure why anybody would would know if they were blue or not unless they were in the chat room but if you're watching this video after it airs live and you're a regular member uh just know to bring it to my attention during the next live video that you participate in I'll make sure to correct that again nobody was singled out everybody lost blue status and um we're just resetting back to um our active members basically anybody who's actively participating in the show we want to make sure if they're regular viewers that they uh show kindness and and are polite we definitely want to turn you blue so but just know it affected everybody not just you okay I think that's going to wrap it up and Paul Brien wants to know about ASRock boards this effects all boards all the boards there is no one maker of motherboard that is exempt from this you will have to tell me again don't ask me you need to tell me if you have this board a 600 or 700 series Intel board you need to let me know I cannot tell you you need to tell me so let's be very clear when it comes to questions and answers it's my turn now to ask the question questions and it's your turn to give me the answers so that we can get an idea of how many of you are affected how many of you found the resolution through a bios update how many of you applied the BIOS update and it didn't work and how many of you are still waiting on a bios update because one's still not available that depends on the manufacturer and the model of the board you have so you need to tell me please leave a comment in the chat and that way we can assess how many people are affected in what's going on here and uh that's going to give us a bigger scale of information from which we can extract basically uh an anecdotal unscientific sort of the group that comes here and watches these videos how many of them are affected by it and that will give us a much more I a better idea of percentage wise in general probably get us in the ballpark of How likely is it that this is the fix or that there is not a bios update you need to tell me if you're not affected by it and you don't have a 600 or 700 series motherboard I don't need to hear from you not on this issue all right guys that'll wrap it up for today uh I might be back later tonight with Mitch we were talking about maybe just doing a hangout video not really doing any work just hanging out but we haven't decided if we're going to do that or not we'll grab a bite to eat and then depending on how we feel there may be another live video tonight to look forward to I hope so in the meantime thank you guys for uh hanging out with me today stopping in and we will uh see you all very very soon I look forward to hearing from those of you with 600 or 700 series in mother boards with a status update please please let me know leave a comment in the video below share with us the make and model of board what CPU you have and if you're suffering this issue or not if you're not suffering this issue doesn't affect you move along nothing to see here if it is affecting you please let us know if you've downloaded the latest bios did it fix it is there no latest bios available you're looking for a bios one last time you're looking for a bios dated April 18th or later of 2024 if you if any bios available for your board that is affected by this is prior to April 18th of 2024 that's likely not the fixure looking for thank you for watching I'll see you all very very soon until next time bye for now [Music]
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 10,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aGvzPYScMVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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