LIVE Shop Talk 13: Looking Towards the New Year JOIN US!

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ah [Applause] hello guys this is Palma quarter live from our control room wishing you a Happy New Year hey this is a new day it's a new year it's a new decade and want to welcome you guys I see several of you are already out there and so it's great to have you there you guys give me a comment are you hearing me are you seeing me is everything live because you know you never do know quite for sure if things are gonna work so let's see yes calf liftoff ok there was a stupid blue screen problem on Windows 7 yeah there's a lot of problems with Windows we were chatting in the chat room a little bit about Windows I hate Windows and it seems like my whole life I've been trying to get away from Windows but then there is always one silly program that I need that doesn't run on on Linux and so right now I use Wirecast to do this live broadcast and for the types of things I'm doing I haven't found a substitute for Windows yet but I am dreaming of the day that I can blast windows off of all my computers and out of my life okay welcome okay let's see Jonah got a thumbs up welcome mayor everything's great loud and clear Nelson okay welcome okay say me I'm sorry if I don't pronounce your name right welcome yes okay big dogs great play okay good to go yes everything is okay alright everyone is there all right how was your how was your New Year's guys so did she have a did you have a good did you guys have a good New Year's celebration last night I'll tell you I didn't do a whole lot I just kind of spent the time with my family and enjoyed the and enjoyed the time with my family but hope you guys had it we're trying to give people a little bit of time here to join us and so I'm just kind of watching the comments as we are doing this and we will jump in and get started what I need you to do though is as always I need you to go and pour self a nice big mug of coffee since it's a little nippy outside I have hot coffee but then because this might go long I also have iced coffee so I have double coffee today okay it looks like we've got some people joining us out there we will give them a little bit longer and then I am just trying to do a little bookkeeping here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of try to get feedback from you guys about what you might be interested in and then what I would also like to do is I would also like to kind of give you a preview of some of the things that I think are very exciting that will be that will be coming up here in the next year let's see okay where's the iced coffee man here's the iced coffee can we use M L in arduino i do not know what ml is what is behind you you want to know what is behind me do you really want to know what is behind me what is behind me is a green screen maybe if you guys really want I can zoom my camera around and show you the studio it looks pretty high-tech but when you look at it's really pretty much of a mess and so let's see here I'm kind of giving people a little bit of time to come in I spent the time okay so had some people doing Arduino all right I want to see you a very warm happy wish you okay Thank You Abdul your Arduino series has been very helpful great thanks for your Arduino tutorial and fortunately I had a different kit oh man yeah okay the Lego kit is a pretty nice kit if you guys don't have one that would be a great one too a great one to get let me see here I am coming back over here hey you guys let me know let's see it's evening here and I've had too much coffee okay Henrik has had too much coffee already can we use machine learning and Arduino no machine learning you really need to move to the most excellent Jetson Nano which I happen to have here and I will be showing you some cool things that we're gonna be doing on the Jetson nano so definitely recommend that if you are going to be hello Gulam my Kosrae from France I can't pronounce these names I'm sorry I want to tell you hello so I tell you hello but don't be offended if I don't pronounce your name right hey you guys let me know I tried to put a I tried to put a yeah I think if you look in the upper right if you try to click point your cursor in the upper right of the screen you'll see a card and if you'll click on that little I what I would like you to do is I would like you to answer the poll and let me know what lessons are you doing on this channel are you guys coming from the Arduino side the Jetson nano side the fusion 360 side the 9 axis I am you or all of the above so sort of let me know where you guys are coming from ok drum wheelie lost me uh-oh that is not good that is not good so let's see hopefully you guys have not lost me ok seems like most people are still getting the feed ok I'll see you guys let me know what lessons are you guys doing ok what lessons are you guys doing like you you you tune in for the live chat today but as you watch my videos what are the ones that you are spending most of your time on or what are you getting the most benefit from ok happy new year GB silicon happy new year Carl's Thank You Col Russ 1 2 3 from Quebec all right so I'm waiting to hear from you guys about what lessons you guys are taking ah so soup joke says all but the fusion 360 ok that makes sense that makes sense the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi side cap ok that's great god I hope you guys like that new series of Arduino tutorials it's funny when I look at the statistics most people are actually on the old tutorial series that I did like 5 or 6 years ago and I have a much better series the new ones but it seems like a lot of the links out there are pointing to the old ones so people are still going to the old ones but if you haven't gone to the new ones make sure that you go to the new ones the Arduino and Raspberry Pi okay Michael bish ton is doing the B&O 0:55 was great what do you mean was great it is great I am going to actually show you a preview of some of the lessons that are coming up on the B&O 0:55 today so that that series is continuing Nouman okay love from Pakistan love you guys in Pakistan welcome I'm glad you're here he told me Happy New Year Happy New Year to all of you guys Embree do you plan different excellent things on your YouTube channel yeah in Emory that's what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna show you some of the stuff that we will have coming next year okay seems like that we have a lot of people doing the Arduino tutorials cheers from Romania hey welcome welcome looks like another Arduino person okay Arduino and Raspberry Pi Arduino I only got a few days ago dick Dolan only got a few days ago but on the Arduino hey man I'm glad to hear that you guys are on the Arduino but it sounds like most of the audience here is doing Arduino or maybe fusion 360 I need all right a Jetson nano guy okay you guys you know you guys that are on the Arduino lessons I think I'm a kind of like in the low to mid 40s lessons that have been released and those will go on up to about 65 lessons but you guys got to start thinking when you get through those 65 lessons what are you doing next and what I hope is I hope I can get some of you guys over working on the Jetson nano because I am really really excited about what we have coming up on the jets and nano I'm going to give you a preview here today let's see gary says that he's watched number 42 four times while soldering my current project okay well great what if we import a machine learning train model file into the Arduino okay the thing that I worry about the Arduino and machine learning it's just a little wimpy processor the great thing about the Arduino is all the libraries that are out there and the great thing is how easy it is to work with the GPIO pins but man if you want to really start doing machine learning and artificial intelligence the Jetson Nano is the platform for you I hear that top tech boy has a great tutorial series on that check it out okay Tony is doing Laura lor a loving the Nano elicit hey Richard welcome Richard glad to see that you're here and glad that you're liking the Nano lessons like I say we've got a little preview of the things that are going to be coming up there so let's see Ohio teen is doing them all hey man if you're really a teenager you have got a great future ahead of you because if you're doing this stuff in high school man when you get to college watch out the students that I have my high school students are going to college and I had one of them as a senior in college was given a product and he had done it as a freshman in high school in my class and so you can really get ahead if you take all these lessons okay let's see can I power Arduino from a 9-volt battery yes you ooh the Nano no no no they are green yeah the Arduino Nano you can run from a 9-volt battery it will work the Jetson Nano not so much it requires amps which a 9-volt battery can't okay you got Bertrand another Arduino guy Gary I like the way he struggle you like the way I struggle Gary okay Gary sometimes I think you guys just tune into my lessons kind of like people like to watch NASCAR's they just want to see the wrecks and the crashes and you get lots of them on my channel but really if there's one thing that you can learn for me it's how to debug and being a good code or a good engineer it's not doing things perfectly the first time it's about methodically thinking through a problem troubleshooting it and debugging it and I hope you guys are learning that as you watch me crash and burn on these things Hey seem olive and eat well from India all right welcome okay we got Bob since hey Bob good good to see you haven't heard from you in a while okay okay cap electronics man you've got you've got big things you've got a bright future that if you're tuning in and doing these things in high school man you got a bright future coming to college okay do you guys want to see what's coming up on the Jetson nano I'm trying to get some of you Arduino guys at least queued up to start thinking about moving to the Jetson Nano or thinking when you get through with those Arduino lessons moving to the Jetson nano so I'm gonna give you a heads up of what we got coming up there does that sound good you know what's kind of awkward there's a 30-second delay from me speaking and you hearing it so when I ask you a question and no one answers it I think that you're being rude when in fact you just haven't heard the question Rhett right I wouldn't you haven't heard the question yet I wish they would get rid of that 30-second delay YouTube if you're listening that 30-second delay it's just slowing us down okay John from Belgium what welcome Bharath I would love to see you teaching open CV with jets and you know barýþ where have you been I've got a whole series on the Jetson Nano with open CV and that's what I'm gonna give you a preview of dick I'm 61 Hey alright not done any program since the Sinclair spectrum all right I understand that I started programming in the early 80s I teach middle school and students that get into this stuff are really setting this off for the future oh yeah and if you go through this Arduino stuff middle schoolers high schoolers can easily learn that Ravana from Wake Island welcome okay glad to have you here Carol welcome okay coast welcome all right Brian McGee okay sounds like we've got a nice little group starting here so let's jump in and see if I can get some of you guys interested in the jetson nano I guess I better move out of your way and what I'm gonna show you here is I'm going to show you and of course I don't have a pointer I just you see this is why I need help in the control room I show you upside-down pictures I need help in the control room all right let's see if I can get even further out of your way that was not very helpful let's see okay you see here that we have the Jetson Nano and you can see using fusion 360 oh you can you see that yep using fusion 360 I printed a little base and then I built this little platform it's a set of brackets with two servos so there's a pan tilt there is a pan servo and a tilt servo and then I have a little help webcam on top of that and I am controlling those servos from the Jetson Nano and so let's take a look at let's take a look at what this thing does so we will need to switch over we will need to switch over to the Jetson Nano and what you can see here this is the output from the Jetson Nano itself so right here in this little box you're looking at the Jetson Nano live and then on the screen you're looking at what's coming you're looking at the Jetson Nano screen is basically what you are looking at and so what I am going to do is I'm going to fire up Visual Studio and this is running an open CV program and I am going to put an object of interest okay you're learning a little artificial intelligence today this blue pin is my object of interest and so I'm going to put it down here and then I think I will make the view not that view I think this would be a good view and then I am going to fire this program up and everyone hold their breath as is our custom run please don't crush on live TV this actually controlling those servos it takes a couple of seconds to fire those servos up and so let's not let's not panic yet okay boom a lot of stuff happening okay a lot of stuff happening what's the first thing that you notice happening here my object of interest has a red box around it you see my object of interest has a red box around it and then what else do you notice looking over here at the camera do you see the camera okay do you see the camera so I'm looking at the pin I'm looking at the pin and stuff from a webcam and then I'm also looking at the pin from the help which you see in the upper left and then I'm looking at the whole thing from another webcam so lots of cameras going on here but what you can see is I am grabbing frames from the help camera using the Jetson Nano I'm doing image processing and then based on what it sees it is creating this mask which includes only the object of interest which is the lower-left frame and then from that it's figuring out where the object of interest is and it is drawing a box around it okay something wrong with audio it just disappears sometimes I'm sorry let me catch up on the questions and you guys tell me what is happening here besides it drawing a box around the object of interest you guys see what else is happening and I'm gonna pause and catch up on the questions as you guys are answering my question which is what is happening here exciting besides just drawing a box around my object of interest capital electronics will move to the Jetson Nano as soon as one is available in South Africa okay man I know because I have a home in Africa and I know how hard it is and I'm not South Africa's very developed compared to where I live so I know how hard that can be then there is a 16 channel servo driver supe joy you are a very perceptive person because that indeed is a 16 channel servo driver I don't know what pixie 2 is so I can't answer that Joan are amazing yeah audio is fine with and Rick could you do a lesson on how to use the nerve 24 lor 1 RF module in Arduino I do not know what that is so I will have to look into that I usually use Wi-Fi radios that I reprovision for a hand band when I need to do heavy duty RF stuff AI singularity come in coming ok yes some people have concerns about AI and I can understand how it suits you Joe says super cool cool amazing yes big dogs great plays you were the first one to answer the question what is happening here ok the artificial intelligence is finding the object of interest and then the camera is what it is tracking it double chest bump alright have you noticed that professional football players when they score a touchdown or do something good they go like this I think engineers should start doing that right because the things we're doing I think are more important than the things that the professional football players are doing and so you guys leave a comment if you think that as engineers we should do this more or if it just annoys you because I know I do annoy people one of the things I really annoy people with is when I hold my breath and squidge my face when I'm gonna compile a program that's just the way it is I'm sorry if it annoys people ok cap saw that it was moving the camera want to learn to make this wall he told me Alice go to my art go to my Jetson nano tutorials and you'll get there now you guys are following that tutorial you're not here yet right but this is what's coming up in the lessons that are in this series all right so you can sort of see what you are gonna be getting to I think this is pretty exciting oh thank you cool deep saying that I'm a genius actually I don't think I'm a genius there's a lot of people that know a whole lot more than I do but what I know how to do is I know how to put myself in the place of a person who would like to learn something but isn't an expert in most of the educational material out there is a person assumes you already know what they're trying to teach and you just sit there confused okay you just sit there confused so I think more than me being really really smart I think more than that I know how to teach is maybe what I have going okay ESP 30 - yep I'm always thinking about that but haven't gotten around to it yet guess it should be possible to follow the complete pencil well you see oh look look at that it found the pen huh look at that it found the end of the pen now it has found that and so you can see you get a little clue that what I am tracking on is I am tracking on blue okay I am tracking on blue okay let's see I'm trying guys let me we're just kind of having a fun time together here on I'm gonna show you some other projects that we have coming up but it's a good time for us just to chat so I like looking at these comments guys the channel is doing great we've got an over a hundred and twenty thousand subscribers now and so what I want to say is is that with that many subscribers I cannot answer your questions and email so like people send me code and want me to look at it it's just I get hundreds and hundreds and I can't debug hundreds and hundreds of projects a day so what you're better chances post comments on YouTube and if it's something simple I see I will tell you or there's a chance someone else will help you but I hope you guys will start helping each other out a little bit because one of me 120,000 of you guys I can't individually help you debug your code but what I like is I live these live streams because it's a chance for you to ask me questions give me feedback it's a time for kind of like more like one-on-one interaction here so let's see if we can try to let's see if we can try to catch up on some of these questions and then I'll jump in and show you a little bit more about this project show you another project that we have going on okay can you do a series on AI industrial Internet of Things I would like to do Internet of Things but I am NOT like the world's biggest expert yet okay big dogs play varsity for the mod hey that's very nice looks expensive okay the Jetson nano itself is about 99 bucks and then there's probably with the camera and servos and stuff another 50 to $100 so a couple hundred dollars you can get this platform and be working on it cheese skate no we shouldn't do that okay I'm not sure what you're referring to cheese cake because we're a little out of sync on time so I'm not sure what you think we should not do I'm currently trying to get tracking working using the Arduino and ultrasonic sensor okay well that sounds like a good thing to work on let's see Engineers should probably click their pin okay are you controlling a car Joan or is asking dick Nolan okay how true so true yes you are thank you mister DMC okay I'm just trying to get to find and track closest object okay closest object should be pretty pretty good mayor you're correct I am tracking color you see I want to show you the easiest way possible so that you can kind of get into artificial intelligence and there's a lot of things you can track on the simplest things that you can track on or color motion in shape so we're going to do those and so you learn the basics then we can come in and start developing our cascades or downloading cascades recognizing faces understanding the difference between a face a person and a cat understanding like distinguishing learning who people are all that's a natural natural extension of the basics which is tracking on something simple which is color to tracking on something harder which is an individual person's face ok Mike downs thank you for the kind words brought from Turkey hey how are you doing would love to visit Turkey someday Mary from Ireland Mary whoa we have a female you know we have a demographics problem on this channel when I look 99% of the audience for my videos are men and 1% women and what we all know is women smarter than men we know that they're more organized than men we know that they're more clever than men we know that they're more creative than men and so women would be much much better engineers than men but we need to get more women into engineering so Mary if you really are Mary and if it's not Bob using Mary's computer welcome okay welcome Mike thank you Gary I'm back because my phone ran out of battery okay happy new year from Nigeria Oso leap I would love to visit Nigeria I have a home in Africa and very very much loved Africa I've been all over Africa but I haven't been to Nigeria Aman hello hello from India okay you guys welcome welcome welcome welcome all right so let's look at this program over here and you can see that I am tracking on the blue pin let's see if I can track on the red pin and to show you that I will need to pull this over that's the wrong view okay let's see if we can try this and then come over here let's see if I can track on that red pin okay so I'm gonna come here like this do you see how I dialed in that red pin if you look in the lower left I dialed in the red pin but the blue pin is a little bit still a better choice so it's selecting it but now I'm gonna tune out the blue and then I am tracking on what I am tracking on red uh-huh yes look at that tracking on red okay that I think is pretty neat and if I can track on color the next thing that is easy to track on is motion and shapes okay and then when we get to more complicated shapes we would be tracking on like a person's face okay let me look some more of these let me look at some more of these comments let's see we have nelio from cape verde where is cape verde is that a country or is that a municipality or is that a state where is cape verde I'm Nathaniel from the Netherlands hey I have been to the Netherlands at least four or five times you guys have wonderful chocolate and it is a very very nice place to the visit the people have always been very nice to me they're loved than the other ones I was visiting Phillips Oh Samuel removed his message why don't you remove your message okay let's see may-maybe we know just don't tell them not sure what that's in response to Oh some of these I don't completely understand Happy New Year's Baz eighty-one Happy New Year's Robin Edmondson just started following your channel still at early hour dueño stages but learning Lots okay that is great does the Jetson Nano have facial recognition does Johnny Cash sing bass yes the John Jetson Nano has facial recognition and that's one of the things we're working towards but this is the problem mr. Ohio teen tech if you go to the Nvidia site what they do is they say load this program run this command do this do this and you're just tapping in things you don't understand and boom it does facial recognition but there's no way you would ever be able to do anything on your own so in my series of tutorials I go all the way back to the start and I teach you such that you can write your own artificial intelligence programs you can do your own machine learning your own training so I'm really showing you how to do it and so it will do facial recognition in mice and I've done facial recognition on it just in my series of lessons I have not gotten there yet okay Cape Verde is in Africa a couple of island near Africa okay is that uh is that East Africa or West Africa you want to see my house in Africa okay we got off on Africa you guys triggered me you want to see my house in Africa there it is is that not beautiful wish I was there right now another view showing you the lovely the lovely Nile River and these are some of my people that do the work to keep things looking nice but I digress let's get back to our jets and nano and let's get back to our questions okay walk us Khan mr. Paul I've been watching your channel and learning how to make projects on the Arduino then learnt using Raspberry Pi now this new session love it okay great hey let's see so the the Raspberry Pi lessons I really need to do those as well the kind of stale lessons that I have are the Raspberry Pi lessons and the fusion 360 lessons so I need to redo those at some point the thing that gets me as fusion 360 keeps changing their interface so some of the stuff that I show in those lessons don't work anymore don't work that way anymore and people are getting frustrated but I'm frustrated with fusion 360 because they keep tweaking things like well we'll do it this way instead of that way and they're not meaningful changes and they kind of break my tutorials that way okay let's see yes that is very beautiful thank you Mary let's see okay is facial recognition fail if we put pic of the same person how to handle this I think the facial recognition would recognize a picture of a person just like a person okay I really loved your explanation about the GPS yeah I'd like to do a new GPS series as well I would really like to do a new GPS series as well okay do you guys think this is as cool as I do I would try to track a green pin but if you look back behind me and I can move it just by doing this you see you guys somebody was asking earlier what was behind me well what you can see was behind me oh I am NOT tracking on red very well now am i I need to tune my parameters so one of the things that kind of makes it hard is one of the things that sort of makes it hard is as you move the camera around it does an auto white balance and when that happens then it loses there it is okay so if you look at what's really behind me here is it's a green screen and then what I can do with that green screen it other shots in place of the green screen you see so I have all these different cool backgrounds that I can use in place of the green screen but because there is a green screen behind me what that means is is that these little webcams try to do an auto white balance and then when that happens I kind of lose my lock-on I use my lock on the item because it's it perceives it as a different color so I won't try to track a green pin because with the green screen back behind me that would just be too hard okay let's get back to the questions I got another demo to show you for you guys following along on the bno 0:55 is anybody following along on that series anybody because I'm having a lot of fun with that as well okay do you make a hardware list available for what you are using for the Jets and stuff yes just go to jetson nano lesson number one look down in the description it has links hook a brother up use those links and you can get all your jets and nano gear and it's no more expensive using those links it's just I get a I get a a little bit of coffee money from Amazon and then in one of the later lessons I'll show you what you need as far as the camera if you have a webcam any webcam would work or if you get the first list of stuff you could just use the camera that we have with the first stuff and so really these servos I think we're ten bucks in the bracket was ten bucks and so it's not that it's not that much to to get this whole thing get this whole thing going I recommend your fusion 360 tutorials to everyone okay great Mary I'm going to try to redo those when I have time I opened up few through the fusion 360 the other day and I couldn't do it I had forgotten a lot of what I knew and they had changed everything and I have this student and he had to come and sit and design this little base for me because I've sort of lost my fusion 360 skills okay and I went after for more info but I couldn't find it I don't know why but can be because the GPS are different okay could I use the Nano to interface with a Tammi goichi I don't know what that is okay looks your coffee's gone hey you know guys in the springtime when the cedar comes out in West Texas I get allergies and I kind of get a lingering cough I am not sick I don't have a cold I don't have an infection it's just that that pollen in the air is very irritating and if I make you know if I make sixty videos in a couple of weeks or a 14-day period you guys think that I always have a cough no it's like two weeks a year it just happens to be the two weeks that I'm making videos okay so I'm very healthy I don't have a cold I don't have a throat cancer or anything like that okay cliff Chisholm is following the Nano great the Beano series quaternion hey welcome great to have you great to have you here okay we got some guys following the B&O 0:55 mmm okay what camera are you using for the pen okay what I am using right now for the pen tilt is I'm using this help camera but you can also just use one of these one of these Logitech cameras either one works exactly the same it's just the Logitech has a more fixed focus range and the help you can focus to great distances and so because the alp has a greater focus range I kind of like using it or you could use the Raspberry Pi camera that you're gonna get with the Jetson nano if you order from my links and then that Raspberry Pi camera you would just need to figure out a way to mount to this bracket and so there's a lot of different ways that you can make it working in the lessons I show you really there's just a command to fire up the camera it's pretty straightforward and in fact let me show you that over here if we come back over here trying to be mindful that you are seeing what I am trying to show you if you want to turn on the webcam using OpenCV and python on the Jetson nano really it is just one command and it is cam is equal to cv 2 video capture and then this particular camera since I have a lot of them connected this is camera number two or if you want to fire off the the if you want to fire off the Raspberry Pi camera you would give it this command with the parameter cam set and then I define cam set so two lines of code so really this stuff is very straightforward to do to do that okay oh the camera went sad okay oh so we lost our did we lose our tracking did we lose our tracking oh okay let's see okay we're back happy camera all right agree changing the user interfaces for a fusion makes it hard to learn all the stuff is there but it's yeah and guys the guys at Autodesk they are so smart they are so much smarter than I am they're like geniuses but they had trouble putting themselves in the place of a new learner a smart person a hardworking person but they just start rattling off stuff well if I knew that stuff I wouldn't need to be watching your tutorials and so I think they're kind of notoriously not helpful to a new learner but you know they're probably you know they make their money off of the big corporate guys who already know a lot of stuff and so they're teaching to their audience and that makes stuff since I can teach to people that are not their audience but I kind of lose motivation if every time I put together it takes hundreds of hours to put together one of these video series and if I put hundreds of hours into it and then they change the program it kind of it kind of makes it makes it hard okay let's see we've got please show the lab the control room do you really want to see the lab the control room okay let's see if I can show that all right so I think I can come here and I will probably regret this but you can see that that is my desk over there and then this is my overall classroom you see I teach in my room is a horrendous mess I am very surprised I have not been fired over the mess that this is in and then if you want to see my desk this is the studio this is the studio okay it is a horrible mess and you can see I've got notes on the wall I've got IP addresses I've got some lighting okay but I do have a good microphone and behind me I have a green screen and behind the green screen I have a bunch of junk okay so you got to see the studio what else have we got going on here let me see some more question I got another demo to show you here related to the B&O 0:55 okay and so give me a second and won't get over there to that but let me yeah okay Naaman wanted to see the control room there you go big dogs play if fusion is like other Autodesk products the tools are still there that yeah they just you're right big dog they just move them around and I get tired of looking for them just like Windows keeps moving things around and I get tired of looking for it windows hit its peak in Windows NT or Windows 2000 and then also mildly acceptable was Windows 7 but I hate Windows 10 I can't tell you how badly I hate Windows 10 okay the camera went sad again the camera went sad again did it no it didn't look let's see if we come over here to this view you can see we are still tracking and then maybe this would be the right video okay you see we are still tracking okay quaternion pan to tilt control for the nano be more verbose in your question I'm not sure what you're asking but what you can see is the Nano is controlling the pan tilt here if that's what you were asking okay maybe a Raspberry Pi project making a professional weather station that sounds interesting the villain din okay yes yeah I mean this is my this is my lair where all the magic happens okay so let's see if maybe we can go to a front guys are working on the bno 0:55 man do you realize how hard it is to try to do the control-room a live broadcast and a live demo but here is what we are going to try to show you okay and you see I have a major chord problem here and you can see those of you guys who are following along you can see that we have the bno 0:55 hooked up to the Arduino Nano as always but then what we've done in that series are what we've been doing in that series is doing a 3d visualization of this rigidbody platform so whatever this rigid body does in the real world is tracked with a virtual version of it's really pretty cool but now what have I done okay what have I done now somebody leave a comment and tell me what this thing is going to do as I answer some more questions do I plan on making more videos on how to become a successful engineer I would love maybe maybe we should do a livestream on that one day where I can answer your questions my best advice was in there man if you'll do those things you'll have it made I absolutely promise you okay hello Dexter hi Paul what's your videos all the time good luck thank you 3d printing big dogs what's the best advice you can offer to young students considering a career in engineer go for it man and I've got an entire like 20 lesson series on how to be a successful engineer and it starts in high school and so if you know some kids that are interested have them watch those and even though they're just in high school have them watch all of them and even if they don't become engineers that advice will really help them so somebody tell me what this gizmo is going to be okay hey sheep ilysm thanks for all the great videos okay well I appreciate that okay I appreciate that okay I asked a question about the I me build if you added all the vectors and magnitudes together could you replicate a trip between two points okay the problem flying Irish the problem is that the BNO 0:55 gives you rotations it doesn't give you motion translation and if you say take the accelerometer and integrate it twice that would give you position but integration works well in math class it doesn't work well in the real world because you're gonna have a little bit of noise and you're gonna integrate that noise and it's going to be a very very almost impossible signal to use so you can't get position by double integrating acceleration if that makes sense where to buy that pan tilt servo for the camera plus the Nano okay I in the lesson in fact I think you could probably get there now again I hate doing things live here he's asking me where quaternion was asking me where we could get the let's see I will try to take you there so if you go to my videos and if you look at the a eye on the Jetson Nano lesson number are you guys seeing this I hope you are okay it is lesson number 32 lesson number 32 even though that video has not been released yet if you come down here it will show you the webcam that I'm using it will show you the pan tilt things and these things really they're not much you know they're really don't cost much at all and so if you want to hop on over there you can find this stuff and those of you who are doing the Jetson nano lessons can get ready for you also need to get and there's a link for it but you need to get the servo controller here which I think was like six bucks or something like that so this stuff is not it's not very expensive so let's see I I'm getting some more comments here where to go to learn about basic electronics man nah man I really want to do a lesson on a series of lessons on those I really want to do that but I have not done that luck yet you know so much of what we're doing is just like code warriors and what I would really like to do is I would really use the IMU to make a self-leveling flying Irish yes this is going to be self leveling if I turn it on but I'm talking a lot because I'm kind of afraid to turn it on I'm really afraid to turn it on so let's come back over here and see okay guys I need to go make another cup of coffee would you give me 30 seconds to make another cup of coffee I am parched here so give me just a second okay okay the coffee is making alright that's very unprofessional to leave in the middle of a above broadcast but then again many of you tune in just to see the train wrecks okay so those the gizmo looks like it will auto correct yes okay big dogs great play yes you're being a little generous big dogs when you say that it is a PID because in fact it is just a P okay it is just barely a P these servos are kind of glitchy and so it's hard to do a real PID controller I'm gonna get my coffee now okay yes here we go okay yes the servos are going to and now I have rolled over my green screen you know it's usually the time I knocked the microphone off and spill my coffee okay let's see here what some other things that we've got here you considered teaching controlling a robot car I have not really got into the robotics just because the mechanics work so poorly compared to the electronics I get frustrated because I can never I bought that turtle bot that was like a $2,000 robot it's kind of like that a hackable version of that vacuum cleaner thing and then I worked on that in the robotic operating system and that was an expensive robot I could never get it to do the cool things that I wanted it to do what I wanted to do was have a website and then anybody in the school could order a coffee and then my super automatic cappuccino machine my OneTouch cappuccino machine would make the coffee and then take it to them so sort of like a really cool project for students to work on and stuff but the robotics the mechanics just don't work well enough and I got frustrated after a couple years and gave up on it do you have a video explaining how you use your video resources yeah I have not done that yet and the reason is to do the setup like what I have I used wired cast and Wirecast is like 500 dollars and so there's not I haven't found a suitable low cost alternative to Wirecast I know there's like open broadcast or something like that but it doesn't quite do what I want it to do and I don't want to do lessons on something that costs $500 because most people don't have $500 okay flowering Irish thank you I'm glad I appreciate the kind words you considered teaching not a robot car hey mister cap or a mr. sheep ilysm thank you so much two dollars that will buy me some coffee really appreciate the super chat there okay dude okay you guys are tired of me not turning this thing on okay okay I'm scared to turn it on because I'm afraid it's not gonna work all right do you see this little on-off switch will everyone please hold their breath please this time will you hold your breath okay here we go okay it kind of went out of control all right but look at that do you notice it's what it's flat what if I tilt it this way it comes back flat aha boom what if I roll it the other way okay what if I roll it this way you see no matter what I do it is coming back flat can you see that now let me turn it this way so you see I can roll it to you and it comes back roll it back okay and then I can pitch it okay do you see how I'm pitching it how about if I do kind of a crazy roll pitch okay you know what I was trying to do this morning I was trying to get it to work off of a battery but it will not work off of a 9-volt battery because running those two servos takes too much so this is what we're doing on the B&O 0:55 I'm going to turn it off so it doesn't keep going but you can see that we've got the basic setup that we've been working with which is the Arduino Nano and the B&O 0:55 but then I add these two servos well I didn't want to try to run those servos I didn't want to try to run the servos off of the arduino nano by itself so I added this little power supply so that I wouldn't be drawing too much current from the Arduino Nano and so I've got a cord bringing power into the little power supply and then I am running the Arduino off of the USB power I tried running the Arduino off of this power supply and that way I would only have one cord coming up here but that it was kind of glitchy and I couldn't quite get it working this morning but what I wanted to do was I wanted to have this thing this these two cords are only for power this thing would work by itself if you put a little battery here and I tried a 9-volt battery but the 9-volt battery couldn't run the bno 55 the Arduino Nano and the two servos very smoothly so I decided to put the cords back on for this demo okay oh we kind of had a crazy crash there okay it's finding it spot it I need to clean up how it starts it kind of starts in an awkward position okay but you see it is it is back tracking okay so let's see what comments I got here let's see if I got anybody saying this is ID okay I cheated and took a breath dick you can't do that to me man you're gonna cause this thing to crash hello mr. McWhirter adrian hello self imported coffee beans from africa hey you know what I do I don't know if I can okay man you you guys you guys just you trigger me and then you get me distracted but I'm gonna show you what I just did if I can okay it's gonna take me a second for quaternion you shouldn't have how do you expect me to stay on topic when you guys are always getting me off topic okay this is one project that I have over there that I will show you if I can switch over to this view for some reason I am not seeing that view okay let me get out of your way does anybody know what that is that is a vanilla bean I a little vanilla plantation just because I could and then let me see here let me see the other thing as far as importing coffee beans because you brought it up don't blame me when people bring up things you know that I am easily distracted you know how easy it is to distract me I missed it okay as we're still watching how this thing is working so if you get tired just watch the nice demo here I have to show you my latest project besides my project besides the vanilla plantation I get a lot of pictures so it's hard for me to keep track of them all and I'm gonna I'm just gonna have to show you the very early part of it I have lost the main picture of its present state of existence but what I have done is I have planted my very own can you guess what I planted my very own let's come over here where is that silly thing my own coffee plantation you see I have like a hundred coffee bushes that have just been planted so I will already I roast my own coffee but what I will be doing next is I will in fact be growing my own coffee and so all the seedlings are in we're probably a couple years away from actually having coffee beans but let's see here what would be a nice and I will get back to the questions so I'm sorry I got triggered there okay could you use an IMU to make a gimbal well isn't this kind of a gimbal I mean isn't this a little bit of a two axis gimbal is that what you're talking about okay holding my breath okay nice used to power supplies you can disconnect left and right outputs yeah you're probably right Ralph once you start using servos you've got to really worry about noise okay okay that that sounds good big dogs use separate power supplies for the servo she had the servos generate a lot of the servos generating a lot of noise yeah I'm using a five volt supply on the servos and I'm wondering if they might do better with six I would love you to do some Arduino projects like a button box as game controller okay well that is some pretty neat input okay so you guys that are on the bno 0:55 this is the project that will be coming up and then the other thing that you could imagine is imagine like if you took the vno 55 and put it on your head and then if you put the camera on the two axis gimbal and then you had the camera you the camera remote then as you moved your head the camera would point to where your head was and then if you had some goggles or something see there's a lot of interesting things that this BNO 0:55 will open up when you start when you start playing with it okay guys I know I'm kind of rambling here but I really like to use this opportunity to just kind of touch base and connect with you guys so let's see where we are here let me look at some of the questions a self balancing bicycle okay that sounds interesting worked on my homework oh yeah okay opal welcome I don't okay use two power supplies yep could you show us how to use a green screen I think there would be some interest in it cap the best way to do that is with the open broadcast in that way you don't have to buy the you don't have to buy the Wirecast and maybe at some point I will look into doing that it's just I love wire cast so much I don't want to go to the free open broadcast software okay you separate power supplies for the servos I agree I would love to you to do some Arduino projects okay I've been using a phone power banks of power my Arduino stuff I had to make a small 50 all right man I didn't know anyone still knew about the 555 timer I would love to do just a series of lessons a 555 timer is a little IC that cost like six cents and they're you know back before we had micro processors or micro processors who are outside the realm of what normal people could ever hope about doing there is an incredible array of things you can do with the 555 timer and I kind of missed that old school stuff where you had a 555 timer you had NAND gates nor gates logic gates maybe a programmable logic array or something like that and you built things old-school now we just put in a microcontroller and you know a lot of that I think is becoming a lost art the B&O 0:55 for a self-balancing robot I would there's a couple of projects I would really love to do I would love to do a self-balancing robot I would really love to go in and do a real formal treatment of a PID motor controller and like I showed you the self balancing platform that's really just a proportional okay so what I do is I have a desired angle that I want to be at then I've got a measured angle the difference between the measured angle in the desired angle is the error and then I feed back to the servos a fraction of the error and so like if the error is 10 degrees the signal that I put to the servo is to change let's say half that five degrees so if my error is 10 degrees it'll go to five it'll go to two it'll go to one it'll go to 0.5 so it squeezes the error down and it's all about tweaking those parameters where you get snappy performance that is at the same time stable so like if you just tried to eliminate the error in one step you would overshoot and you would get ringing and the thing would go crazy so it's all about tuning those things let's see like a chicken neck I'm not sure what like chicken net means okay so another cap knows the 555 timer okay let's see here guys we have been here for a while I probably need to wrap this thing up in the next three minutes I don't like going over an hour cuz I know you guys probably have a nice dinner to get to here pretty soon but if there's any last-minute questions let's see yeah I'd love to Joan or Gaines I would love to talk about how to use logic gates and gates NAND gates nor gates exclusive or gates 555 timers doing real functions without using a microcontroller I would love to teach on the transistor I would love to teach analog operational amplifiers man there's some really exciting stuff one of the things is I've really been toying with the idea of building a colloidal silver generator and I don't know if you guys know about colloid Yool silver but that before there was antibiotics infections were treated with silver silver is like kryptonite two microbes and it doesn't hurt the human body but as we got into penicillin in antibiotics the silver was forgotten but now you have these strains of antibiotic resistant microbes that are like killing people and there's no there's no antibiotic that will kill them and people have forgotten about our old friend silver and so I would really like to start working with building these these Nano this silver collodial silver these nano silver solutions and I played around with it a man they are just absolutely amazing but I'd like to build like a the ultimate Claudio silver generator using operational amplifiers and transistors and so forth okay yes about control system some of you guys know about this okay anyway I think chicken neck equal imbel okay I see what you're saying I thought maybe somebody was saying I had a chicken neck okay so maybe I do I don't know okay guys I probably need to wrap this up thanks a lot you guys leave me a comment if you would like to do more live chats live stream so I haven't done one in a while I have a lot of fun when I do them but I haven't done one in a while and so if you would like to see that leave me a comment so as always this is Palmer corner from top tech boy comm and I will talk to you guys later
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 1,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jetson Nano, Arduino
Id: h-csJh1Z9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 48sec (3708 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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