Arduino Programming with XOD - Learning XOD

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today in the workshop will be working with Zod a method of programming in arduino without writing any code after learning how Zod works and building an improved version of the blink sketch we'll be building a temperature humidity gauge that can switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit were working with Zod today so welcome to the workshop [Music] hey welcome to the workshop today is a very special edition of the drama workshop and that we're going to learn about a new programming language for programming your arduino z' now the language is called zod with the spell xod and i need to let you know that this is a sponsored video from the folks at Zod now they got in touch with me and asked me if I'd be interested in doing some videos of Zod and after looking at the language and seeing what it could do I readily agreed because this is really a different way of programming in Arduino and I think a lot of you are going to really like now Zod is a free open-source language that allows you to program in Arduino without writing any code what you do is Zod is that you take little nodes which are little blocks and connect them together with little links in order to create a program now there is a desktop client for Zod as well as a web client and I'll be going over the difference between the two and I'll show you how to install the desktop client now what we're going to do today is we're going to do a couple of demos with Zod after explain to you the principles behind Zod I'm going to start off with a very simple demonstration one where we just basically flash an LED similar to the blink sketch that everybody started off learning the Arduino IDE with now after that we're going to move on and do something much more complex with Zod in fact we're going to take a project that we worked on in a recent video and we're going to rebuild it with Zod and we're even going to improve it so I want to show you that right from the beginning you can write some fairly complex code lozad again without doing any code writing whatsoever now am i advocating using Zod instead of the Arduino IDE not necessarily I don't think that you should abandon the Arduino IDE in any way what's odd is it's another tool for your toolbox think of the way that you're programming in Arduino in the way that a carpenter would work with different tools a carpenter will have different types of saws for sawing different materials or sawing different shapes and different materials and Zod is just another method of programming in Arduino you'll still use the Arduino IDE for many applications another way to think of it is like with the tools I've got behind me on the pegboard in the workshop which I'm sure you've noticed before for example over here I have a series of pliers now when I go to work on something I may choose one plier over another set of pliers it's not that the other set wouldn't work it's just that the one I chose is more suited to the job that I'm doing so Zod is just another tool in your Arduino programming toolbox so we're going to begin by looking at what Zod is and how it works and then I'll show you how to install it and then we'll get into our demos so let's take a look at Saad Zod is a graphical method of programming in Arduino with Zod to use visual objects instead of using text like you do with the Arduino IDE the objects we use in Zod are called nodes nodes are small boxes with little circles on them each of these circles is called a pin the pins on the top of the node are the input pins the pins on the bottom of a node are the output pins the outputs of a node can connect to the inputs on another node the lines that we'll use to connect the outputs to the inputs are called links nodes can represent many different things some nodes represent common pieces of hardware nodes can represent binary and byte operations there are many core function nodes in Zod notes can also be used to convert data between two different units the working area in Zod is called a patch azad program can have one or several patches you can even use a pack as a node within another patch so now let's start working with Zod now to begin working with Zod the first step is to go to the Zod website which is xod IL now this is an excellent website and they've got all sorts of details about what Zod is as well as links to documentation more libraries for Zod and community links including a forum which is an excellent resource if you're having problems with Zod I encourage you to go through the documentation especially the tutorials that they go through in order to understand sod better but the first thing we want to do is go to the IDE now if you go to IDE you'll see you have two choices to launch the browser IDE or download the desktop IDE I'll explain the difference between those in a moment let's look at the desktop IDE right now so click on that and I go to a download page where I can download the latest version of the desktop IDE the big green button will let me download a version for Windows but if I have a different platform just underneath the button I've got a link for the back OS Linux rpm files and Linux de Bie files now if you're using a bun to Linux or if you're using raspbian on the Raspberry Pi you'll want to take the DB file if you're using a Red Hat Drive version of Linux such as Fedora you want to take the RPM file now you can also use Zod by launching the browser based IDE which I have opened another tab over here now the browser based IDE functions identically to the desktop client with two exceptions first of all in the browser side you are limited to the number of compiles you can do per day it's generally a thousand so that's really not too much of a limitation but the biggest limitation with the browser based client is you cannot deploy the code directly to your Arduino you can still work with the browser base client if you go into deploy and do upload to Arduino it won't work because you can't connect to an Arduino but if you do so code for Arduino you will get a code listing and this is the code that actually needs to be typed into your arduino ide so you can copy all of this by highlighting everything and copying it and then paste it into the arduino ide into a blank project and upload that to your arduino personally i think that's an extra bit of hassle and so i'd much rather use a desktop client but there are uses for the web-based client for example if you're working on a zog project in two different locations say at home and at work you might prefer the web client so that you can just stop at one location and pick up on a browser at another location of course the web client would also be useful for those few machines that don't have zod clients available so if you have for example a tablet or something that you want to use you could use that with the web-based client and then again copy your code over to a arduino by doing the deploy that way Zod files are saved as what's called as oddball file so you could also take the Zod ball file that you create in the web-based client and use that in the desktop client but by far I would suggest if you take the desktop client by downloading it and installing it on your computer so go and do that and I'll meet you back here and we'll start working with Zod all right let's start with our first demonstration now this is a very simple demo that additionally the principles of working with Zod but you're going to see that very quickly Zod becomes a lot easier to use in the Arduino IDE even for a simple demonstration now what I've done over here is I've wired a couple of attempt eahhh meters up to two of the analog inputs on my Arduino I've also wired an LED up to the Arduino but the LED is optional because it's connected to pin 13 and most Arduino boards have an on-board LED on pin 13 the only reason I wired this was because I wanted you to be able to see it the camera and it's a little difficult to see the onboard led now the wiring for this circuit is as follows I have taken one potentiometer and I've tied five volts to one end of it the other end of the potentiometer is tied to ground and then I've taken the wiper from the pot and I've tied it to analog input a zero now at the second potentiometer I've taken a gain five volts and tied it to one side and ground to the other side and I've taken its wiper and tied it to analog pin a1 and as I said I've also wired an LED to my circuit I've taken pin 13 fed it through a 220 ohm dropping resistor attached that to the anode of an LED and I've grounded the cathode but again you don't need to do this because there is an onboard LED so now that you've seen how I've wired this let's start working with Zod so I've opened up the Zod IDE and when you first started it opens up with a project called welcome to Zod and this project consists of a number of different patches most of the packages have comments on them and a couple of nodes this one has one particular node on it over here now the project browser on the side over here lets you manipulate your project the very top of it shows you all of the different patches in your project so if I expand that I can see that this project has quite a few patches many of your simple projects will only have one patch below here are the areas where you can get different nodes for your patches and it's filed into a number of different categories and we'll look at that in a bit more detail down here is the inspector now I've highlighted my LED and so this has given me the properties for the LED so every time you highlight a node its properties will appear here in the inspector now on this side what I'd suggest you do is you click on this little question mark which will open up the help screen whenever you highlight a node it'll give you details of what all the different pins on the node do and this is actually a very useful thing to keep open so I'm going to keep that open for my project now I'm going to start a new project so I can manipulate the LED that's on my Arduino so let's go to file and do new project and it starts a new project and the new project will start with one pax which by default is called main and that's the only package I'm going to use in this particular project now my project is to control an LED so the first thing I'll need is an LED and that's in the common hardware section so I'll expand that and scroll down until I see an LED and I'll drag the LED on to the pack you can place it anywhere you want and you can move it around now the LED is highlighted and in the help I get a number of bits of information about the LED and what the different pins are the port is the number and the Lu m is the luminosity now the port refers to the connection on the Arduino now my LED is connected to pin 13 so I'm going to type a 13 and over here now the LED is called LED which is pretty descriptive but if you have several LEDs in your project and might get confusing so you can also give it a name I'm going to call mine the onboard led ok and so now it's the onboard led now the luminosity of the LED is its brightness now I've used port 13 or pin 13 on the out on the Arduino now pin 13 is not capable of pulse width modulation so I only have two brightness as either fully off or fully on however if I'd had used the pin that was capable of pulse width modulation I could actually set the luminosity to a value somewhere between 0 and 1 and control the LEDs brightness but for right now it shows me that my LED is set to 0 and 0 is off so I'm going to set that the right now and that should turn the LED on once I load the program up to the Arduino so let's do that right now I'm going to go to deploy and do upload to Arduino now it finds the Arduino connected to my machine there is a checkbox here by the way that says compiled in the cloud you can use your online Zod account to compile this program using the cloud server instead of your own computer however I'm going to use my own computer if you have a very weak computer you might want to consider using this and I'm going to hit upload now the deployment is indicated down here by a status bar if you click this little arrow here you can actually get more information about it and I've uploaded successfully and so if you take a look right now you'll see that my LED is on remember I've connected an external LED to pin 13 just so that you can see it because the onboard led is a little difficult to see here on the video ok well that was great fun but obviously this controlling an LED and turning it on isn't very useful so let's do something with it now the classic Arduino sketch to try the first time is blink so let's try to rewrite blink using Zod so I'm going to go back up and just minimize my common hardware I'm going to go to the core now a good way to blink this would be to use a square wave and feed it into the LEDs luminosity port and that's what I'm going to do right now here's a square wave and I'll drag the square wave into here let me just move my LED down a bit over here and I'll move my square wave over here now let's take a look at the square wave it has a number of different pins on it t is the time the period that the square wave is going to go and it set the one which is one second duty is the duty cycle now if you're not familiar with duty cycle it's the ratio of the time that square-wave as high versus the time it is low 0.5 means it's a perfectly square wave and will work with duty-cycle a little later then we've got a couple of other lines here enable which is a boolean which says whether this square wave generator is enabled or not a reset and the output of the square wave itself so what I'm going to do is I'm going to tie the output of this to the luminosity input on the LED and I'm going to do that just by dragging a line on to that that line is actually called the link and so as you can see I've connected to 2 now if you go back and look at the LED you'll see that the only thing I have here is the port my luminosity is now being controlled by the square wave the output of the square wave so I can't put a value here because this is going to control it and so now what I'll do is I'll save my program what's good idea to my save my program and let's call it call it LED blink and I'm going to deploy that design now okay and now if you take a look at my led it is blinking so we've rewritten the blank sketch quite simply over here with just two nodes and Zod okay that was great fun but you'll notice I put a couple of potentiometers onto my board and I'll show you what I've done that for we're gonna take blink and we're gonna soup it up a little bit over here so I'm gonna go and close these core elements here I'll go back into my common hardware I'm going to take a pot now here's the pot and the pot I've got connected Direct now to analog port a zero so I'm going to leave that as 0 now the value of a pop can go anywhere from zero to one when it's rotated I'm going to name this two because I'm actually got two pots as you recall on my experiment so I don't want to get them confused I'm gonna call this one the speed because I'm gonna control the speed that the LED blinks with it okay so I've got the speed I'm going to take its output which is its value I'm gonna have to get to the T input on the square wave the time period so I can vary it between 0 and 1 and I'll save my project and then deploy it okay so as you can see my LEDs blinking a bit faster now this is the pot I've got connected to analog a zero if I move it down over here you'll see it goes faster and faster until the point that is blinking so fast that I really can't see it with my eye so very fast blink and if I go all the way to the other end [Music] which will give the pot an output value of one I'm back to the original blink speed now this is pretty nice but actually it's got a bit of a problem you'll notice when I go to this end over here blinks so fast that I can't even see it so it's rather pointless and on this side it's only blinking once per second I'd really like to actually extend that so let's do that I'm going to close my common hardware and go back into my core and I'm going to take a map range now for those of you familiar with the art Leno's map command this is sort of the equivalent of that and there's several values over here in the map now right now I've got my minimum and my maximum value which are the input minimum and maximum 's and the output minimum maximum Tsar these T values over here so the input minimum I'm going to leave is 0 the output I'm going to be as 1 because my pot is going from 0 to 1 and here for a minimum 0 seems to just blink that thing so quickly I can't see it so I'm going to do 0.1 remember you can use fractional numbers in zod and the output I'd looked it actually to go a little slower so I'm going to give it an output a4 and you can play with these values yourself by the way so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to highlight this link and just hit my delete key and that removes it I'm going to take the output of this move it to tea and I'm going to take the valve here and move it to X now let's just move that so you can see that a bit better okay so I'm feeding this into the map range command and I'm going to change the range that this pot is using so again I'll save my project and deploy it to the Arduino okay it's been deployed and now you can see this is in the mid position that's blinking quite slowly and as I move it up it goes even slower because this is the four seconds when I move it down to the other end it blinks very fast but I can still see the blink so it's a good range but one thing you might have noticed is at least to me this seems a bit backwards when it's a this position on the far left or the furthest counterclockwise it's going fastest and as I move it up it's going slower now this may not be exactly what you want now of course there's one easy way to fix this I could disagree verse the five volt and ground connection to the pot and everything would be fine but let's just do that in code instead so I'm gonna go back and azad and go to my map range and I'm going to change this minimum maximum to be the reverse I'm going to make this a four and this is zero point one now again those of you familiar with the Arduino map command will know that you can do that with the map command itself you can make it go backwards let's just save this and deploy it and I've uploaded the Zod now if I turn this up it goes faster now if I turn it down it goes slower so now I fixed that you may have noticed of course that I have a second pot on board so let's make use of that one I'm gonna close the core and open up my common hardware again I'm gonna drag another pot on here now what I'm going to do is control the duty cycle with this pot in other words the amount of time the light is on versus the amount of time versus when it's off so I'm one of this label is duty so I know what it does and this one is connected to port a 1 and I'm simply going to take its value and connect it to the duty cycle input on the square wave and again I'll save my project and I'll upload it to the Arduino okay it's uploaded now this pot over here is the one connected to a one so it should control my duty cycle so at what end you can see that it's off more that it's on when I turn it in this direction but the raid is the same that's controlled by the top pot and at this end over here it's on more than it is off and so this pot is controlling the duty cycle and so there you have it our first Zhou demonstration controlling an LED I think you'll agree that if you have to actually write this sketch with the LED with the arduino ide there'd be a lot more involved over here especially controlling the duty cycle and so as you can see Zod is simplified doing this now flashing LEDs is a lot of fun but really it's not that practical so what I wanted to do for our final demonstration today is show you how we can use Zod to build a real practical project and what I'm going to do is rebuild one of the projects I've worked on in one of my previous videos you may recall the video in which we worked with liquid crystal displays and we built a temperature and humidity gauge 1:1 to rebuild this was Zod and I'm actually going to add a new feature onto the gauge and improve its performance and so what we'll end up with is actually a project that you could put into a case and make a permanent project that you can use in any room of your house now I've got it wired up over here again it's essentially the same wiring that I used in the original project with one addition in addition to the dht22 temperature and humidity sensor I've also added a push button and a pull-up resistor for the push button and what the function of the push button is going to do is it's going to add one extra feature to my project you'll recall the original project displayed the temperature in degrees Celsius and as I mentioned in the article accompanying that project if you'd rather do bleh and degrees Farenheit you could simply do a bit of mathematics and have your display come out in Fahrenheit well I thought it would be nice to actually create a display that I could switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit and that's what the function of the push button is going to be so let's examine first how we've wired this project up and then after that we'll go and we'll take a look at how we'll build this project up using nothing but zod to build our project we'll need an arduino uno a dht22 temperature and humidity sensor an LCD 16:02 liquid crystal display with an i2c adapter attached a push-button switch and a 10k resistor we'll start by connecting five volts from the Arduino to the VCC connection on the liquid crystal display will then connect ground from the Arduino to the ground connection on the i2c connector on the display well connect the SDA connector on the display to the SDA connection on the Arduino if your Arduino does not have an SDA connect you can use analog pin a for the SCL connection from the display will be connected to the SCL connection on the Arduino if your Arduino does not have an SC L connection use analog connection a5 now we'll connect 5 volts from the Arduino to pin one of the dht22 pin 2 of the dht22 will be connected to pin 7 of the Arduino pin 4 of the dht22 will be connected to the Arduino ground note that there is no connection to pin 3 of the dht22 now we'll run a connection from one side of our push-button switch to pin 2 on the Arduino we'll also connect the same side of that push-button switch to the Arduino spy volts through the 10k resistor this is acting as a pull-up resistor finally we'll connect the other side of the push-button to the arduino z-- ground so now everything is hooked up but a minimize Zod IDE have started a new project and I've got one patch to gain and it's called main so let's add some of our hardware on to it first we'll go down to the very bottom of the common hardware and we'll see a text LCD sixteen by two I to see and that's the connection we want over here now we're going to open that up and again the help screen tells you a lot about the different pins that are attached to this notice that this is all input pins there are no output pins from the LCD display and that actually makes some sense now one thing we need to set because this is i2c is the address and here's one little quirk of odd you need to know the address what gives in this field is not in hexadecimal which is how it's commonly expressed on an i2c bus it's in decimal and so you need to convert so right now let's set the three-nine which is hexadecimal to seven and that's a very common value for an i2c connection for an LCD however mine uses hexadecimal 3f and that is the same as decimal 6 3 or 63 so I'm going to change that to 63 to match my LCD connection okay and that's the only thing I need to configure in here for now I'm going to move my LCD down a little bit further now that maybe give it a name call it display the name is entirely optional by the way now the next thing I'm going to need to do is I'm going to need to bring my dht22 on to here and the DHT 2x thermometer handles a line of DHT devices including the dht22 so I'm going to bring that on and the only thing I need to set here is the part the pin that I've connected it to on the Arduino so that's pin seven now there are two outputs on here let me highlight it again so you can see them the RH is the relative humidity and TC is the temperature in Celsius now if you'll notice my display has a couple of lines including line 1 and line 2 those are two of my inputs and so it's a very simple matter to start off by connecting my temperature down to line 1 and my humidity line 2 let's move that down over here for now and I'll save my project and it saves us as oddball file and I'll deploy it up to my Arduino now as you can see I'm displaying two things the top line is my temperature in Celsius and that looks pretty good at twenty two point zero zero the bottom line is my humidity which should be in percent to Calvary's you can see it's a fraction of one so although it's correct that zero point four three I'd like to like the rehab that read forty three you know as it is forty three percent let's fix that humidity reading so what I need to do is multiply my humidity by one hundred let's just get rid of this line over here highlight it and hit delete I'm going to go into my core over here I'm going to get multiplied now this is a multiply node we take a look at the multiply node we've got two inputs and one output and basically it multiplies the two inputs and feeds it to the output so my output right now I'm going to connect to l2 because I know that's where it's going an input number one I'm going to take my relative humidity put it to there and then I'm going to make my multiply factor one hundred so that will take the place of input number two and we'll save my project and deploy it and so now you can see on my project that I've got my temperature in my humidity displaying a bit better than five time or accuracy out of my humidity over here okay well that's very good but of course it's not that meaningful of display I've got my temperature and humidity but I really don't know which is which so let's do something about that I'm going to break these connections here just move my display down a bit more so I can get some more stuff in here I'm still in the core and I'm going to bring these two in there called concat three can cat means concatenate and the three means i'm concatenating three different things the concatenate basically means to take a string and to join it up several different strings to make one string now I'm going to connect the output here to input two so my inputs on the concatenation are basically the first the second and the third string and there as you can see there's concat four and concat five and can catch six as well plus a kink at which just can catch two of them then take my multiplication output put it in the middle here now I'm going to examine this first concat now the second string is being determined by the output of the thermometer in this particular case so I don't get a choice to put it in but over here I can put I'll put temp over here and since this is displaying in Celsius I'm going to do a space and a seat over here and this one here is my humidity reading so let's call it humid and the third one I'm going to do a space and the percent by the way I put one space after the word hue mid and I put two after the word temp on this one over here because there's one more letter in the term humid and so now I'm going to take the outputs of these and put them back to line 1 and line 2 respectively save my project upload it to the Arduino and now as you see I've got a display that says temp and humid so this is starting to look a bit better in fact this is looking pretty well the same as our original project did but as I said we're going to improve the project now one thing is my display is currently in centigrade perhaps I'd like to make it in Fahrenheit so let's see what we would do there close the core and go to Zod units and the very first one is c2f Celsius to Fahrenheit so all I need to do is bring that up this is the temperature output of the thermal sensor let's delete that put its input and its output so the input is Celsius the output is Fahrenheit can do file and save and upload to Arduino okay it's uploaded the Arduino and now my temperature value as you can see is being displayed in Fahrenheit although I haven't changed my concat statement so it still says see at the end obviously I could go back and change that to an F but the whole intention here was to use the little push button that I put on to this circuit board in order to switch between Fahrenheit and Celsius so let's see how I would do that let's go to the common hardware and we'll get a button now the beauty of push buttons in Zod is it's already done 2d bouncing for you and that's actually a very useful thing now the problem of course is I've got a push button and so when I press it it's going to go to one state and when I release it it's going to the other one and that's what the output is going to be it's either going to be false or true depending on whether the button is pressed now what I'd really like to do is I would like to make this button and toggle now the first thing I want to do with my button is set its port now I've connected it to pin 2 so its ports going to be number 2 here now what I'm going to do to make this actually toggle is I'm going to add a core element I'm going to add what's called a flip-flop now for those of you not familiar with the turn a flip-flop is a very basic logic gate when it's sent a signal once it turns to one logic state the next time it flops to the other logic state sort of why it's called the flip-flop in fact there are some types of computer memory that are basically a series of flip-flops so I'm going to use the TCL input on my flip-flop and connect my button to that now if you look at the flip-flop you'll see TCL is where the pulse 2 toggles the flip-flop is in I'm going to disconnect this right now and so remember this output over here is going to be Fahrenheit this one back here is still Celsius so what I want to do is determine whether I want to select Fahrenheit or Celsius and I'll do that with another core node and if else now if else is just like the statement we're used to in our Arduino coding what we just move this stuff up a little bit over here it's getting a bit busy down here but down here I guess now I've got two inputs on my if-else and an output over here so one of the inputs on my if-else actually I want to move that up it's gonna be coming from the sense Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion the other one I'll run directly oops from here so these are my two possible inputs here you help put them running to here then I'll run this to the condition so what's going to happen is the flip-flop is going to hold the state of the button so it's either going to be set to a 1 or 0 it's going to apply to condition to the F else and in one condition it's going to give me this line over here which is my temperature in Celsius and the other condition it's going to give me this line over here which is my temperature in Fahrenheit maybe move this up so those lines look a little prettier let's save that and deploy it and see if it works okay it's deployed and as I press my button you can see here I'm displaying in Celsius I press it again I'm displaying in Fahrenheit and so that works although I still have one problem my display still always says Celsius no matter what unit I'm using so let's go and fix that now we're going to use another if-else on here except not the same one this is an if-else string so let's drag the if-else string over here and I'm going to use the same condition as this so I'm going to use that same condition and drag it over here now instead of using inputs for true and false I'm actually going to place values in here so I'm true I'm gonna make this Celsius or a/c and false I'm gonna make it a space F now the only difference with the s else if L string is that it outputs a string so I'm gonna take the output here and I'm going to bring it over to here just move this so we can see it because it doesn't show very well but this is connected to okay all right so if you look at Mike on cat 3 the only thing in here I have is the temperature the other two are being controlled the first thing is the actual temperature which will be either Celsius or Fahrenheit depending on the state of the push button and the second one over here is the last part of the display which is going to be C or F depending on the state of this if-else string so let's go and save that and deploy it and so now as you can see I've got the desired effect I can click between degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit and that just about completes my project the only thing I'm noticing you'll notice these displays flicker quite a bit and that's because my dht22 is continuously being pulled I don't really need to do that for room temperature if I just took the temperature every few seconds I could get rid of that flicker and make it a more practical display so let's do one last thing you remember our square wave from the first demo I'm going to add one and over here we'll go into its value I'm going to set it to a value to set it to five which means every five seconds it doesn't matter you could pick something lower or higher but again it's room temperature every five seconds will be quite adequate I'm going to connect its output to the update pin on my thermometer on my dht22 so basically instead of updating continuously the dht22 is now going to update based on this square wave which is going to update it every five seconds so let's save this and deploy it to the Arduino and so now my display is a lot more stable I can still switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit if I wish but as you can see I've eliminated the flicker because now it's just going to be updating every 5 seconds now there it just updated the humidity slightly but that's much more stable in fact this is a practical project now that you could actually put into an enclosure and use as a real product built completely was Zod well that about wraps it up for today's video on Zod now this was just my introduction to Zod so I'm going to do some other videos on the subject as well in the next video I'll be getting deeper into the language showing you more nodes that you can use in your programs and also showing you how to use multiple patches in a Zod program and even how to take a patch and use it as a node which is a very powerful programming technique so please stay tuned for that now the best way to find out about new videos either about Zod or anything else that I do is to subscribe to the channel so if you haven't done that please do that I would really appreciate that until next time please take care of yourselves and I hope to see you in the workshop again soon goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: DroneBot Workshop
Views: 162,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XOD, Arduino, XOD Tutorial, arduino programming tutorial, xod arduino, programming language for beginners, arduino programming language tutorial
Id: L_FkrZTduVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 30 2018
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