LIVE Shop Talk 51: Channel Update and Plans for 2022

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hello guys this is paul mcquarter from and we're here today live live live with episode number 51 in our live shop talk series yes ladies and gentlemen it has been a while since we've had a live stream but we're going to try to do one this morning this very early morning here uh in my location i actually had to get up at four in the morning to get ready for this live stream and it's now 5 30 a.m let me know where you guys are let me know if you're online where you are what time it is there let's see we've got uh philippe welcome philippe uh good uh good to have you here who else is out there you guys i say hello from jack krauther from tennessee welcome felipe is from dallas texas the big d who else is out there today you guys uh let me know where you're from brochi hello from penn i'm penn is that pennsylvania or let me know what pen is is it the penitent [Music] okay nelson jonathan 9 30 on the east coast will martin hello from ohio uh pennsylvania okay good i thought maybe it was penitentiary texas michigan kansas houston usa new orleans china all right welcome from china and then uh scott is from arizona i love seeing where you guys are from we've got some people from india what time is it in india right now i got arithus from dallas uh some guys from the philippines florida topeka wow we've got people from all over okay it's 8 a.m in india so that seems to be kind of workable you know sort of the challenge that i have in scheduling these live streams you've noticed that we sort of haven't had many live streams since we've uh since i made the move to africa and kind of the challenge is coming up with a wow philippe my goodness thank you so much i don't have my little bell but i would be ringing the bell man really appreciate the super chats you guys uh you know uh one of the challenges that i have here is one of my biggest expenses is the generator and the diesel from the generator cost me about five bucks an hour to run that generator and the electricity on most days is not working and so i rack up a good fuel bill so i used to put all the super chats in terms of coffee i now put the super chats in terms of hours of diesel that i get so felipe you just kept my generator running for quite some time hey i am drinking iced coffee this early morning i get the coffee from the most excellent top of mount elgon i trek up mount elgon and there are some really wonderful coffee growers there and i can buy let's say a hundred pounds of unroasted beans for ah man i don't know they don't cost much at all maybe a dollar a pound or 50 cents a pound for the unroasted beans and then i bring them back and then i roast them up and my goodness this is good coffee so i salute the most excellent coffee growers at cp falls on the top of mount elgon okay guys looks like we've got a really nice turn out here we've got quite a quite a few people but again the challenge that i have is coming up with a time to schedule these because like i say right now here in my location it is 5 33 a.m that's pretty darn early for me and also to get the live stream ready to go i have to get up i had to get up this morning at about 4 30 to get it working but looking at you guys okay jackson ireland 230 well that is not a very convenient time but it seems like from what i'm hearing from you guys that even on the east coast it is early enough that you could watch this and then in on the west coast in the united states it would just be even easier to watch and then uh if you are sort of in my vertical time zone it looks like maybe india it's pretty convenient so we've got we're able to cover india and most of the united states sounds like this would not be a very convenient time for our friends in ireland or our friends in the uk but it seems like my choice is either to have it very early in the morning my time which is sort of late after late evening evening late evening in the u.s or i could do it sort of towards the end of the day here where i am which would be uh which would be in the morning in the u.s but the challenge with that that would really be a lot easier for me because afternoon i could get the stream set up and get everything ready to go and launch it it would work for me working the for people in the united states but the challenge with that particular the challenge with that particular configuration would be that in the evening my internet connection just becomes very spotty because people are coming home everyone is checking their email and doing their web browsing and so forth and so my internet connection just becomes very very strained in the evening and in the early morning no one is on it so it's like i'm kind of like the only one here on the internet so i get a really good connection so if this would work for you guys this would be the time that would probably work about the best uh best for me okay pakistan 7 30 a.m that would work pennsylvania 9 34. that's getting a little bit late canada 9 30. okay hey david from dallas james from singapore what time is it in singapore hey albuquerque new mexico man i lived in albuquerque new mexico for 20 years and i really miss the smell of the roasting green chilies in the air in the fall and the smell of the pinyon firewood burning and the balloon fiesta i have many many wonderful memories of uh i have many many wonderful memories of albuquerque new mexico okay guys uh what i am hoping to do today besides just kind of telling you guys hello is to talk a little bit about the channel and talk a little bit about what our plans are for uh 2022 on this uh on this channel and also sort of what the plans are for the next few weeks okay now what you guys know is is that i've been releasing three videos a week and the way that i've been releasing three videos a week is before i left texas i'd made like a year's worth of videos on the uh 3d python topic and the reason i did that is i figured when i got to africa i would not really know or be sure how long it would take me to get my studio up and running and functioning a lot of the stuff i shipped over on a shipping container and i just didn't want to go dark or go uh you know sort of uh completely silent for an indeterminate period of time as i was getting my studio set up so i made like a year's worth of videos and had them kind of queued up where even if the worst in the worst scenario you would always be getting one new lesson a week and i would kind of keep the channel active well when i got over here i was actually able to get my studio set up a lot quicker than i thought so then i started the ai for everyone series of lessons and the way that's gone is i would i will release a new lesson on tuesday and then that new lesson will have a homework assignment and then wednesday the 3d python lesson came out and then thursday i would give another lesson on ai for everyone giving the homework solution and so i was able to kind of maintain a schedule of delivering three videos a week because one video was already made now what i am finding right now is especially there's just a whole lot going on right now and also we're sort of entering that christmas season and you've got a lot of stuff going on there and i'm in the process of moving into our new home which is just now getting finished and as i'm moving into the home i'm going to need to move my studio over there and so sort of like we're really really getting to the really important and fun part of our ai for everyone class and then also on the 3d python class we're now to the point that we are starting uh the interaction between python and arduino okay and so right at the point that i'm the very busiest that you could imagine i've got the really really important stuff coming up in both of those series of classes and so what i am going to suggest is is that i am going to not post for the next few weeks for the remainder of december and i will start putting out new videos the first week or the second week of january and that will give me the time to sit and focus and do a really really good job on those things because i don't want to just slap something together and have it not be absolute the best quality possible because i'm trying to get moved into to the new house and i'm trying to get the studio moved over there and i'm trying to manage all the you know festivities associated with the christmas season so how does that sound to you guys does that sound like that it would be workable if we took a a little break here and you guys are really busy too in the you know in the christmas season and everybody's got a lot of stuff going on and so you know i just worry also if i'm releasing videos you guys are going to be distracted with a lot of other things so how does it sound if we took a little break from releasing the videos i'll still be working on making them and getting things figured out and getting queued up for the next year but if we took a little break and just started releasing videos in the first or second week of january maybe also in the interim i could be trying to do some live streaming ah felipe says good glad to hear it you guys give me some feedback on what i'm suggesting are you gonna get angry if we go the rest of december without seeing some new lessons okay will says it sounds good okay that sounds like i'm getting some feedback that that would uh that that would work and i think sometimes uh if you okay jack is saying that sounds good okay sounds like you guys are okay with that and all right and so i'm appreciate the great uh the great feedback and what i will do is i can try to maybe have some live streams in there like we're doing uh like we're doing now because live streams they don't take the same level of preparation right we can just sit and chat it's also a chance for me to answer your questions but i think uh you know when i was moving to africa a lot of the things i was kind of prepared for i was prepared for you know the issues of you don't really have any infrastructure like there's no police there's no ambulances there's no real modern medical infrastructure there's nothing like grocery stores you know you go and you go to a little market and there's a lady sitting on a mat with a cabbage and you buy her cabbage from her or the next lady on a mat has onions and so i was kind of prepared for all of that the thing that i am finding about the most challenging though is just how hard it is to get any type of hardware over here there are no home depots walmarts big box stores there's not even any like what you would think uh simple mom and pop hardware stores and so almost anything that you do becomes a very big challenge and so like if you've got like a a little hose on your toilet you can't go to the store and buy a washer so what you end up doing is you end up buying an inner tube and you end up cutting out your washer yourself or like what i'm finding is as we're finishing up the house you can't just go down to the hardware store and buy door you know pulls handles for the drawers and the cabinets uh and the doors on your cabinets and so we actually had to get a blacksmith and the blacksmith is hand forging the blacksmith is hand forging all of the handles for the doors and the cabinetry and and the drawers in the house and so each one of these is handmade one at a time i actually think they're very elegant i love them i love that old world craftsmanship that goes into this they're sort of rugged yet elegant so i really love them but just imagine every little thing that you're going to do you've got to kind of build it by hand or find someone that can build it by hand and so we have a nice shop here on the compound someday maybe i can take you on a on a tour of the shop but in a shipping container i bought some really really nice woodworking equipment and so now what we're going to start doing is we're going to start making the furniture for the house we're going to move into the house and it's going to be kind of sparse as far as furniture goes and then we will start building the furniture but all this just being said that things are very difficult and things that are easy in the united states you just run down to home depot and you buy a bag of handles here it becomes very challenging so it seems like just the simple things in life here take a lot of time and then uh you know i'm very cognizant of wanting to keep the channel active and keep the channel moving and so what i thought would be a little bit more relaxing actually turns out to be we are very very very busy here okay got some questions coming in yeah customized handles yeah i really do like them i i really think that you know you simply would not be able to get something like this in the united states i mean these would probably i would think in the united states to have something like this built you would probably be paying a hundred dollars per uh you would be having being probably paying a hundred dollars per handle uh let's see uh pdx is asking does it cost more to build here actually it's very affordable to build here because everything is built from local locally available materials and so the bricks are made of mud and the mud is local and so if you're going to build a house the first thing you do is build the bricks then the windows you have to build from scratch and so our blacksmith that made these handles he made every window in the house so he custom forged every window in the house now the thing is here though you're very concerned about security so you have sort of decorative panels that are also security so a person couldn't come through the window and catch you off guard so you have those on the windows but the nice thing is because i'm on the equator and on the equator i mean on the equator i think i'm like maybe three miles from the equator i'm like at a very small fraction of a degree off the equator uh at very nice weather year-round in the daytimes it's the mid-70s at night time it's the 60s so that means i don't need a heater and i don't need an air conditioner and therefore i don't need insulation so the windows are just single pane glass and they are built by a welder and so that's very affordable the construction is very simple you make the mud bricks and then the walls just go up as mud bricks and then you put these periodically you put these rings these concrete rebar reinforced concrete rings they're called ring beams to give structural support to the house but you don't have timber you don't have studs you don't have uh you don't have sheet rock then you don't have the taping of the sheetrock and all of that sort of stuff so so really the construction here is very very very affordable and so probably a house that would cost a house that would cost a million dollars in the united states would be here a hundred thousand dollars or under because the labor is very affordable here and uh the craftsmanship is very affordable uh but you have to adapt to the local building expertise if you try to say oh i want to build a house like in the united states the skill is just not going to be here and so part of the success is to part of being successful here in building a house is building it you know build a nice house but build it based on the fabrication skills that actually exist exist here so anyway maybe next live stream i'll put together some i'll put together some pictures of our house or maybe we can do a a walk through at some point and see the the nice studio that i am going to uh be putting together over there but what i want to do sort of between now and the end of the year is get my studio moved over there and get the studio up and running by over there it's like 50 meters away from where i am here but right now we're kind of staying in the guest house what's going to be the guest house and then we will be moving into the main house okay hey leonardo from brazil welcome and guardian presence robotics okay great glad that you learned arduino but uh as far as the other uh future part of the channel as we're moving towards next year what i would really like to do is i would really like to try to get back to some of our routes where we're doing more in the area of hardware because this last year 2021 most of that year was 3d python how to do 3d models 3d graphics and python and it was the ai for everyone and both of those are hey pascal welcome great to uh great to see you glad you could uh glad you could join us uh so a lot of it was the 3d graphics for python and visual python and then it was the ai for everyone and so that kind of went really really really to the software side and so what i would like to do is i would like to get back and start doing more hardware stuff and so what i've done on that series of lessons you guys that are following along on the 3d python lessons i've released the first video of the part where we're going to combine that with arduino but with that i've renamed and restarted the numbering of the classes so lesson one in python with arduino is really like less than 28 in the series on the 3d python but what we're going to start doing is we're going to start combining the arduino with the python to do some really cool stuff and i really see the same thing happening in the ai class where we start combining the uh we start combining the artificial intelligence and the python we start combining that with with the arduino so that we're interacting with things in the real world because that's what the arduino does really well is it does and connects and interacts with things in the real world really really well oh alexander thank you well send my love back to you as well uh alexander and uh arlo i'm sorry that you didn't know we were on but i'm glad that you would be able to i'm glad that you would be able to join us the other thing that i would really like to be able to do in 2022 is i would like to kind of start again maybe redo those fusion 360 classes and do some stuff with 3d printing the problem is i don't have a 3d printer here and getting a 3d printer here would be pretty hard and so hey josh wow thank you so much that's a huge encouragement you just gave me an hour of power on my generator that'll get me uh diesel for keeping my generator running for an hour so really appreciate that but the problem is that uh for me to do a series of lessons on the on a 3d printer i would need to have two 3d printers and the reason i got to have two 3d printers is i can't just open up a box that i haven't seen before and make a video of how to put it together you know i've got to figure out how to put it together so i got to have one that i learn on and then the second one that i video to sort of show you the build and also it just doesn't work you can't put it together and then take it back apart and then build a second time because then it doesn't ever go back in the box the way it was and so i really need to do that i would need to get uh i would need to get two 3d printers over here it would need to be a 3d printer that's available on amazon and something i'm thinking kind of like it seems like now you can get workable printers for about 250. and so when i look at it two 3d printers would come to 500 dollars and then say 10 rolls of filament would probably be another getting close to 500 and so that would be like a thousand dollars and then the shipping and the duty to get things in here would be hey kalisha thank you so much cole really really appreciate that gave me an hour of power on the generator so i'm looking it would probably be to get two 3d printers delivered over here we would be looking at about two thousand dollars and the thing is i just don't really know whether there is the interest out there on that or not also i'm hearing reports on fusion 360 that they continue to kind of scale back what's available in the 3d in the free version of it and so what i really don't know is is fusion 360 still a viable home development platform for people working with uh with 3d printers now unfortunately i was so close there was a company that a manufacturer that was going to send me two uh two 3d printers and 10 rolls of filament but when they saw what the shipping charge was uh they really kind of balked on it and they couldn't quite you know they couldn't quite stomach the amount that it was going to cost i think it was a mistake for them because man you know i you know if you guys knew how many of these elego uh super starter kits have been sold from my side i mean that that first arduino video has gotten over a million views and you can imagine that people that are watching that series or are ordering kits that you know providing me with hardware is going to pay for itself a million times over hey ime tv thank you so much really really appreciate that just gave me two hours just gave me two hours of uh two hours of uh generator time of diesel okay so uh hey uh pino appreciate that really really appreciate that so i think it was a mistake for that company to balk on it because they would have made that back 10 times over but what i'm thinking about doing is i'm thinking about continuing to try to negotiate with uh i'm thinking about trying to continue to negotiate and see if there is a seller on amazon that would hook a brother up and send me over here and pay the shipping for two 3d printers and then if it you know if those printers were good ones i would recommend them to you guys and we could maybe do a series on uh you know on the 3d printers and on learning cad because the the fusion 360 lessons i've done have gotten a little bit old so i would like to uh i would like to redo those so if you guys have any connections with 3d printer companies and would like to hook me up make an introduction that would be that would be great there was a couple that were interested but they were kickstarters and they had sort of wanted to send me samples but the problem with kickstarter is i really don't haven't had really good luck with kickstarter and i don't want to put something on this channel and recommend it to you when it's in the kickstarter stage because if it's a flop then everybody's got printers with no support and so i would like something that's already established like something that's already being sold on amazon if that makes sense okay we have really we have really digressed but uh kind of starting out again what i would like to do moving forward in the year is kind of get back to the hardware and then also with getting back to the hardware as i move over to the new studio what i want to do is i want to improve my production quality i think our production quality now is way way way better than what it was when we did that last series of arduino tutorials i think i have finally gotten my i think i have finally gotten my audio down i've got good studio lights i've got a great camera i've got really really good equipment but the area that i still need to improve on is the shots of where i'm showing you my build and the way that that's actually kind of hard that getting that shot is hard because remember i'm a one-man operation i don't have anyone in the control room and so kind of the way i've done it is i've taken one of these i've taken one of these i'm kind of tangled up with my cords here i take one of these logitech webcams and then what i did was i had the logitech webcam connected to uh connected to like a coffee cup taped to a coffee cup and then as i was building i would have the uh logitech camera here all right and the problem is is that that's not a very good shot for a build so i really need like the camera up here so you can see the whole thing but if the camera is up here then you see what the problem is it's blocking me it's a distraction it's in the main shots you can't really have the camera up here so when i did that robotics tutorial when i did that robotics tutorial on that elegu smart car what i did was you know i couldn't be up here so i just moved the camera forward out of the field of view and then i shot it back this way so i thought oh look at that it's not in the way it's not in the way and you can see the build but this actually and i hadn't thought about this but it made people nauseous and it made people nauseous because your mind is putting your eyes at the point of the camera and since the camera is pulling back it was making the person feel like that they were bent over looking down and back to where really they're upright that their head is not in the position that the camera is telling them in and it actually led people to get car sick and to get nauseous and now i can kind of see that that you really need to be i think overhead and shooting straight down and the problem then is you see i am in the i am in the way uh you know the camera is in the way the other problem becomes that i would have is this logitech camera would just periodically in the middle of every video decide not to focus and so what i was always doing was having to put something in there trying to get the darn thing to focus right now today it seems to be doing a pretty good job focusing but i was always struggling with this logitech camera getting it to focus correctly and so what i have now is i am happy to say i have a much much better camera than the logitech i have a very high-end sony camcorder the main camera that i'm using is a 4k canon like a very professional camera so my main camera is a very good camera canon camera and then i also now have a very good uh sony camera and what i want to do is i want to have this sony camera mounted and then coming straight down but what i could do is i could mount the sony camera above the field of view of this camera and then i could be shooting straight down and then you could get just a really crystal clear high contrast view of my shot also what happens as you're trying to kind of come in and doing things from the top you start uh is that not working i bet you guys could not hear me well there i'm sorry that microphone was not set up well so i'm sorry that that audio wasn't good but uh the other thing that happens when you are building down here you start having a situation where your work area is not lit well so i've ordered some supplemental lights i've ordered some supplemental lights for the build system also uh just kind of telling you the improvements that we're going to have in the studio so i've got some mounts that i've ordered that will mount my better camera so we'll get very very good sharp overhead build i've got supplemental lighting that will illuminate my build space also one of the production things that kind of bothers me a little bit you can see that i got the green screen behind me but what the challenge is if you look the green screen isn't perfect and you can kind of see the silhouette around me and a lot of times my hair is kind of going like this and uh what the reason my green screen isn't doing better i need lights behind me illuminating the green screen so that my shadow is not on the green screen which is where the the the problem ends up let me see sometimes a lot of times you can see like a lot of times here like you can see around the microphone some things that aren't looking very good but with lights back there it should make it work a lot better so i've got supplemental lights ordered i've got mounting systems and brackets and tripods where i can get much better shots of the build area when i'm doing hardware and then i have got lighting for that and then i have got uh just some other equipment that will be coming in that should take our production up to the next level especially when i am showing you what i am building as we are trying to get back to hardware and so when i make the next selections for the ai for everyone and when i make the next lessons for the 3d python uh with arduino i am hoping to have this all this new capability so that we take that production value up to the next level okay let's uh let's look and see what some of the comments that we've had here let's see uh your arduino has changed sources with the video oh yeah yeah okay i'm sorry i forgot that when i did that shot i did it as a main shot not a background shot so i'm sorry that that audio was not good there for a second uh let's see when you switch to yeah okay yeah when i went to the when i went to that other camera it switched to the camera audio as opposed to the nice blue yeti here and so that is what happened okay uh hey mike the grumpy limey welcome uh let's see the uh the raspberry pi high quality camera is pretty cheap good small and tidy with manual focus on the lens yeah actually uh you know a good manual focus camera that i just had mounted would be really good but i have the nice sony camera and it really gives nice shots and so it's just i've got to get it mounted in the right spot so i will be working on that so we're going to have a nicer studio moving forward and then we are going to really be trying to get back to hardware with our arduino with python lessons and with our ai for everyone lessons and then one of uh okay tickinggamer why don't you post on your other two channels yeah it's just i am sort of like so busy i get up at five in the morning and i go full blast till 10 or 11 o'clock at night and i haven't had chance to get back to those other two channels i would really like to do it especially on well i'm renaming my prepper channel because i just don't like the word prepper it carries too much baggage with it i'm a prepper i was a boy scout be prepared right but it carries so much sort of like dark and sinister and sort of like pessimistic baggage i'm renaming that channel like the happy homesteader because i really like what gets me all excited is being a homesteader and i think homesteading and prepping are very different so yeah i should really get back to those and kind of do more about what i'm doing with organic gardening and the projects that i have with chickens i'm fixing to start some rabbit projects maybe some fish projects and so i would love to get some of uh get some stuff going there but right now trying to finish the construction that i've been doing here and keeping this channel alive i just haven't been able to do anything on those other channels but uh moving forward we want to get back to our roots with the hardware on both the ai for everyone and on the uh and on the uh python with arduino series and so we'll get going with that and then the other thing is i said okay i'd like to see if this year if there was some opportunity if i can solve this 3d printer problem to start a new series on folding in 3d cad design and 3d printing and therefore as we do hardware be able to do the cases or the gears or the boxes or the hardware components to start making you know maybe making our projects come alive and move around and do uh do some stuff like that i think would be uh would be pretty neat and then the other thing is i would just really like to do a class on stem because the stem curriculum that is available in public schools is so lame lame lame and it's like there's no real science there's no real technology there is no real math and these guys come in and they sell this bogus curriculum to the schools and it's all flash like oh you take this and you mix it with this and then this foam sprays everywhere and then all the kids go like that it's just lame there's no real understanding or you get this kit and you plug these little pre-cut wood pieces together and you make a little thing with a rubber band that goes across the floor but man there is such a need and such an interest in such a hunger for real stem stuff i would like to do a real stem class where you know i really put the math in with the programming with the building the circuit where you've got to have the math to make the project work but i'll teach you the math and i'll teach you the programming i will teach you the physics and then you do really really cool stuff and i think it would be really really really cool and needed and great that is what i think is needed and that is something that i could do a really good job on and it's something that i would like to do but i will be honest with you the reason i'm kind of not sure about it is is that the public schools are kind of very strange creatures and they think that anything free isn't good and so it's only something could only be good as if you went and bought it from syngate or glencoe or one of the big textbook publishers or one of the big school providers and they would charge a school a million dollars for a curriculum that was just completely lame and completely bogus but if you're offering something from a real engineer that's real engineering in real science and real technology and real math and you're doing it for free on youtube then it couldn't be good it's because it didn't come from syngate or you know whatever the uh whatever the the provider of curriculum to the public schools are and so what i fear is if i did this and i offered it for free if i did this and i offered it for free the schools wouldn't use it because the public schools do not even have the sense to even understand really what stem is you guys give me feedback am i being too harsh here i was 10 years in the public schools and uh you know it's pretty bad okay let me know what you guys think would a stem class be useful do you think we could get any momentum that there would actually be schools or students that would benefit from it okay a couple of you guys are saying that that might be interesting so we'll see about that and see where it goes currently in school for electrical engineering should i make the change to computer science absolutely not you want to be in electrical engineering not computer science life in the computer science world is very very hard because things change so quickly you are always two weeks away from being completely obsolete and engineering man and you know i know some of you guys are in computer science and i'm not putting you down i'm just saying it's a very very hard thing to stay relevant in something that changes on an hourly basis like computer science but man the stuff that i learned back in the 70s and 80s on control systems it is still there today i could go in and i could do control system engineering i know the math i know how to do that digital logic it's still the same in engineering you are you you develop a skill set that will be relevant for the rest of your career in computer science it is this constant effort to stay ahead of a constantly changing world and so i love programming but i love programming in an engineering sense not in a computer science sense you guys tell me if that was offensive what i just said because i didn't mean to be it i'm just saying i think engineering is a much more rewarding field than computer science uh okay uh okay philippe is saying that the system is broken yeah so let's think about if any of you guys have any ideas if i did a real stem program i'm not trying to sell it you know i'm you know i get so many offers to put my classes on udemy or all these master classes or all these different paywalls i'm not trying to put my stuff where i sell it but if i make it i want people to use it and then if i made this really really good stem your stem curriculum what if we made a four-year stem curriculum that started with freshman in high school and took him freshman sophomore junior senior where we folded the math into engineering and the science into engineering and really had a real stem program how would we get that introduced into the public school system where it isn't just some of us old guys sitting around having fun doing uh doing projects okay uh yeah benefit yes used helpful okay baron i think you sort of see the problem that i am up against i would like to see more applications with calculus and technology okay yeah and really to me engineering is calculus i spent my life you know as an engineer but really i spent my life solving calculus problems and engineering for the stuff i was doing was really about setting up the differential equations and then solving them and solving them in sort of elegant and sophisticated ways where you aren't just going in and hammering it by simulating the differential equation using a digital computer but you're actually solving it and then programming the simple solution and so i would really love to get in and do some stuff with calculus and showing how calculus is a part of engineering so i think that would be a uh and that would be a pretty uh a pretty cool thing okay guys let me give you a second so moving forward what i will be doing starting at the year i'm going to come back with a better studio better production capability i'm going to be doing the uh 3d python with arduino and i'm going to be doing the ai and then tying that ai back to hardware and yes those are the two things that i'm going to do the two things that i am thinking about doing and exploring as the year moves on would be to try to do a 3d cad class with tied to a 3d printer and then also could i put together this this generic useful spectacular wonderful stem program and then hope that somehow we could get that into high schools and get people to actually use that so let me give you a chance to answer some questions let's see ruby do you have any plans to update the jets and nano series not at this point and i get a lot of really kind uh encouraging emails from the guys at nvidia but this is the thing nvidia you know our jets and nano stuff was it was open cv and then it was open cv combined with like d lib and some face recognition stuff and so we were doing artificial intelligence in opencv okay and it was sort of like nice open source stuff and then we did some really cool stuff in there but the direction that nvidia is going is all into their deep stream platform and deep stream is its own like framework and they want me to go in and work on the jets and nano using deep stream but it's like when i look at deep stream i just don't understand it and i take their webinars and i take their classes and i can repeat the demos but i can't go out and say oh wouldn't it be neat if we had something that would be set up at the front gate and anytime you saw a motorcycle come up it would know you know like something like that i can't make deep stream do that because deep stream is too complicated and their tutorials show you how to do a demo but you don't get the skills where you could go off and do something yourself and so what i really need from nvidia is if they want me to do deep stream they've got to make it more accessible for a guy that's really smart and a guy that's willing to learn but not a guy that has a phd in c sharp you know and understands you know all the different you know very fundamental low-level things associated with artificial intelligence like the sense you know the the tensorflow and all of those things way way way down in the weeds and so right now i really don't see pursuing more things with the jets and nano until i kind of see a clear path like like i went this way and nvidia went this way and nvidia wants me to go this way but i can't understand it so you see that's kind of the problem that i have with uh with that machine learning on arduino i really don't think arduino has the horsepower to do machine learning on that okay victor says i've been an engineer for 35 years i like your programs thank you really appreciate that uh well esp32 everyone always wants me to do that but the problem with the sp 32 is there's so many different hardware platforms and there's so many different software platforms like what are we going to do esp32 on the generic board on the adafruit board on the husa on this on the that so many different hardware boards and then there's like micro python which is different than circuit python which is different than trying to use trying to like use the arduino programming environment on the esp-32 so there's so many different hardware platforms so many different software platforms and because of that there's not all of these well-established mature libraries out there so in arduino if i want to use a gps well there's this wonderful library out there for doing that or for this pressure sensor there's a library there's well established material libraries available for everything that you want to do but on the uh esp32 there's so many different hardware platforms so many different software platforms there's not just this emerging standard that you can draw on a lot of resources and so that does exist for the raspberry pi that does exist for the arduino i don't think that that exists for the esp-32 that's why i am not doing that right now uh free cad with the 3d printer well yeah the problem martin is again how do i get a 3d printer over here so that's kind of what we talked about earlier in the lesson uh what is your primary resource when you uh learn a python library i just poke around i don't know what to say there's not a textbook i just poke around okay felipe says the metaverse and virtual reality is a big one coming as well also i think a lot of children and students are lost and having a tough time with learning to critically think for themselves really felipe i hate to say this but the public school is not about teaching people to think critically it's about teaching people to do what they're told and the institution that the public school is the most like is it's most like prison right the students are the inmates the teachers are the guards and the principal is the uh is the warden and that's what it is it's about conforming that if you were in high school you would better conform and so uh public schools are institutions that teach con conforming and they do not like independent thought and they do not like high energy level and that's what i loved about teaching me and these kids that they called adhd or these kids that were trouble kids or problem kids man i loved it those kids at least they had some spunk at least they had some energy and i could do great things with them but those types of kids don't do well in the public school you know because you're to sit still you're to be quiet and you're to do what you're told and you know a lot of particularly young men you're not just kind of wired to be that way and so then that leads to people getting designators that there's some sort of problem you know like they put some special need designator on them when really they're just a kid they're just a boy he's like squirrel you know that's the way they are but the public school system isn't really set up for that and so then the answer is you drug the problem out of them and so i don't know man i would i would be surprised if half of the kids in high schools these day are on some sort of riddling whatever the you know the sort of make you a zombie drug is man i'm gonna get myself is i'm gonna get myself in trouble [Music] okay so there's a lot of problems with the public school system and if you have kids man you got to really think about you have got to teach your kids to think critically you have got to teach your kids to be analytic because they are not going to get it in the public school system okay do i have any plans for the raspberry pi in the future i would always be willing to consider doing something with raspberry pi i just don't have a great idea in my mind right now okay man i probably just offended a lot of people with my rant on the public school system i'm sorry if i was offensive there but uh you know it's just it's a pretty big mess uh would it be easier for someone outside the usa or europe to get a job there in data science or embedded system uh the problem the problem with computation is it's just about who can do the job at the lowest price and if i can offshore it to bangladesh or wherever and i know there are people from all over so i'm not being disparaging but who's going to do the job at the lower cost and i can outsource that and so it's sort of like anything that you do in the computer science area it's sort of like a race to the bottom of who's going to do it at the at the lowest price and it's very easy to offshore the jobs and so it's kind of a it's kind of a tough game that you're getting and that's why i like things like control systems or analog uh circuits or something that is hardware related because it the the the field changes much more slowly and it's much harder to outsource uh okay so uh isometric i haven't kept up with the comments very well here okay so you guys asked some questions now let's uh let's take a few minutes and let me just ask your questions i've kind of been rambling here we're going to need to wrap up in the next 10 minutes because i don't want these things to go over uh over an hour what do you think about the architecture market you mean like being an architect like designing buildings that's a great thing but it's so dependent on the economy like well the economies take downturn maybe we're not building buildings and you know sort of like i look at architecture sort of like like i look at aeronautic engineering how many new big airplanes are going to be built and uh you know you're kind of getting yourself into a really really niche thing to where a good solid electrical engineering boom you're always going to have a job times are good they need electrical engineers to design new system times are bad they need electrical engineers to understand maintenance and getting more life out of old systems and so i like something where you're going to have job stability and job flexibility and demand for your skills for your whole life that's why i like electrical engineer i don't know what pi open goal is guardian robotics what is popingl give me a little more context there okay what are your questions let's ask me some questions and we'll go here we'll go here for another another nine minutes uh what do you think about the book python without fear well any time you say a book i don't like it because by the time a book is written it seems like things are already out of date and i just enjoy like learning and maybe someday i should just do a lesson on how i learned you know like grabbing a few how to find useful things on youtube from all the junk that is out there how to find useful resources on the web how to be a learner in the year 2022 but i just don't learn anything from books and i haven't learned anything from a book in the last 10 years as far as technology goes i love books for other reasons but not not technology okay will is agreeing with me about the public school system okay michael what do you think about the arduino-based plc for industrial applications haven't really looked into that python open graphics library i have not played with that unreal engine connecting the arduino man i have thought about the unreal engine and i'm also very interested like you guys that are on the ai for everyone how we did that face mesh uh i would love to somehow connect that face mesh to an animation where you could have a virtual version of yourself where as that mesh moved you actually animated a character and i've looked into it it's a little bit harder than what i can really get my mind around right now but i would like to somehow you know make the unreal engine where it's not just the same old run jump shoot run jump shoot type of game but make it a little bit more maybe interactive with the real world or you know make it somehow more of a logic game that you had to use logic and analysis as opposed to just run jump shoot so i do have some things in the back of my mind associated with gaming and associated with the unreal engine okay what should i do for college i'm going to do computer science in high school but i want to do rocket science and astrophysics okay again the thing i would warn you about astrophysics and rocket science there's not that many rockets out there and there's not that many rocket scientists that are necessarily uh needed i did projects for the space station i did projects for nasa i sat in the control room for nasa launches i've been on the launch pad i've actually i haven't gone up in the shuttle but been on the shuttle and i did all that as an electrical engineer and so if you want to work on space things your chances are much greater of working on space things being an electrical engineer than a rocket engineer just again my two cents uh python opengl i've not looked at that i don't really know anything about that uh what do you think about a majority of let's see i am losing my okay let me see if i can get these comments okay uh are there any legacy robotics that are still uh relevant yeah i mean robotics is a very good field i think robotics is kind of a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering that'd be a good career information in information engineering and communication i think that's good i would try to really stay tight with the hardware i would try to stay tight with the hardware what should i do to be an embedded systems engineer well to do that electrical engineering sounds like what's your question the answer is electrical engineering but i'm just giving you my opinion can you can use the metahuman from unreal engine with the face mesh the cheating that's exactly what i would like to try to figure out how to do and uh there's some guys that have done it but i don't want to just say oh go to this guy's site and download his github and then do this thing i want us to develop it and i don't know enough right now to show you how to develop it felipe says what do you think about a majority of people's jobs are being replaced uh by ai and robots there are more planet uh planet being born and less jobs for humans thoughts on keeping humans relevant yeah and especially when humans have no relevant skills right i mean like this whole pandemic lockdown thing i think we learned that most people's jobs really don't matter because they can just stay home like if you if you were sitting home for six months and no one missed you you know you gotta you gotta kind of think about that but you always are gonna need humans because humans can do things that machines can't but you've got to have real skills and man i'll tell you a robot is never going to be able to fix a toilet a robot is never going to be able to wire a house and so i think the jobs of the future felipe might be in the trades and so like if you got if you like how hard is it to find an honest plumber you know it's very hard to find a competent honest trades people so i think that some really really great future career jobs are going to be that might be more associated with like two-year technical vocational type things and so i uh i am a great believer in uh great opportunities in things like being an electrician a plumber a diesel mechanic or a welder and i think that that sounds strange coming from me but i really think those might be the jobs of the future in 2022 go back and watch the earlier part of this lesson because i went ad nauseam into what my plans are for next year uh electromagnetic radiation like particles communication yeah that's good stuff there are more people being born more population yeah and uh we have to keep our skills relevant in the past it's just like you kind of like show up and do your job and you would have a job for your career it's not going to be that simple these days you are going to have to fight to keep your job i have a trade school degree in industrial electronics zero regrets will i couldn't agree with you more electoral maintenance foreman and love it every day well i really think that's the future i think that uh i think that the trades are really really great opportunity uh uh coming up uh felipe we knew what you were saying even if if your spell cr checker got you on that we i think we knew what you were saying okay uh what about aeronautical engineering uh uh it's just you know i don't know if in aeronautical engineering if you are always going to be able to find someone that's going to hire you i just don't know if there's this the good jobs stability there a large cup of iced coffee no cream no sugar yes that's number one no sugar in your coffee if you don't learn anything else from me our time together will not be wasted don't put sugar in your coffee or those little packets of cancer causing sweeteners lidar i don't have any plans for that right now opencv love it i really think electrical engineering you know i became rich and famous if you will based on nanotechnology which was mechanical engineering even though my degree was in electrical engineering my work was done in mechanical engineering in microelectromechanical systems and so electrical engineering you can work on anything if you have an electrical engineering degree uh okay uh let's see hello from pakistan okay welcome what is the difference between robotics and embedded systems well it's a subtlety i think embedded systems is an important part of robotics but embedded system is used on lots of things besides robotics okay do you think a general computer science degree would apply well to designing industrial application automation solutions no i would get some form of control systems under electrical engineering you got to understand electrical engineering is a very broad field it's power generation and distribution it's telecommunications it's computation it's digital design it's analog design it's control system there's like 25 different fields that are wrapped under electrical engineering and you can kind of specialize in a lot of different areas all under electrical engineering okay i don't know i am interested in the raspberry pi i don't have any immediate plans for it series on arm microprocessor not something i know about oh this i think they're asking about my coffee so this is sort of an espresso americano because i had two very very strong shots of espresso very hot poured over ice and as that hot coffee hit the ice it melted it and therefore the ice diluted the espresso so that it's kind of like turned it into what you might say a cold americano if that makes sense health care will be big uh health care will be huge health care i don't know to me it's kind of like the beast it's kind of like you're becoming part of some sort of beast system and uh you know i know people i don't know it's just uh this whole thing you can't talk about this thing on youtube or they get mad but this whole thing going on with the pandemic and all that sort of stuff and how it's impacting people in the health care system i have some family and some friends that are really facing very tough decisions uh in their careers and i just don't know if i was going to go into healthcare what i would go into is biomedical engineering you know be the guy designing the uh mri machine or being the guy designing things i would not want to be part of the health delivery system if that makes sense okay no sugar cream always that's good hard to get people from out from behind the desk to do trade work that is exactly right arlo and that's the opportunity that if you're a guy that can actually go in and do something you know uh if you know you have a lot of leverage if you have a skill to work with your hands and i really think that's where the future is what do you think about composite manufacturing i think it's interesting however paul is close to nature so has good natural health actually yeah i mean almost everything i eat i grow myself and the stuff that i buy is like uh you know every morning in the little village here they butcher a cow and you know i go down and say i'd like that part there yeah that little part along the back we call it a filet mignon but you know it's just another piece of meat here and so it would be kind of like grass-fed organic meat that i eat or run down the river wave at the little guy and his boat out there comes over buy a fresh fish from him and so everything i eat is completely natural and organic and i just i don't mean to be pretentious but i just don't get sick you know i haven't been to in the last 40 years i've been to the doctor maybe two times i can't even think i don't even i don't ever remember ever taking an antibiotic in my life and so there is an alternate view of how you live your life where maybe you don't be so dependent on a high tech medical system okay what about biomedical and i think biomedical engineering would be a great one yes i would be an electrical engineer yes my second choice would be biomedical engineer my third choice would be a robotic engineer those are the areas that i think would be really light uh but really great i could tell you sound like a robot not sure what you mean by that mr richard how does your window course cover advanced arduino coding i'm on lesson 25 i don't know what you mean by advanced i went pretty far with that in those 68 lessons hold your breath get the things done love that yeah gotta hold your breath gotta say boom when things work gotta not put sweet during your coffee those are the things that really matter in life what are your views on data analytic field man it's just not very much fun to me it might be big but it's not very interesting so why do you say that i sound like a robot stop saying that or explain what you mean uh will organic 3d printing be the future of medicine that's a good question i don't really know what's the difference between arduino and other microcontrollers well really it's just the the user base for arduino allows you to leverage into a whole lot of cool stuff do you still use ham radios i sold all my ham stuff because i found that a lot of the ham guys were kind of grumpy old chromogens and i didn't enjoy uh that grumpiness that is in that field very much and so i got into it really for like a i was using like ethernet over the ham bands and i was doing it for very specific things but sitting around and jawboning with some of the ham guys was not very much fun now also some of the nicest people i ever met in my life were him guys and they're some of the nicest people in the world or him guys but it's kind of like the grumpy old ham nazis i think sort of have killed that field for everyone else uh i don't know what a lot of panda is i've not worked with that uh rc hobby i think rc is a great thing to be in but don't just run things build things like build the airplane you know do things where you're learning not just using the technology um okay let's see thank you for all you do i appreciate that practical medical doctor here practicing medical doctor here hey tala a learning arduino pi 3d printing from your channel for biomedical engineering hey that is really great tala love hearing that i think it would be great just great to kind of get more of a hands-on understanding of technology sometimes among the caregivers and so i think that is really really great keep us updated on what you're thinking and what you're doing there tala that is great graphene man i am really really interested in graphing i actually got the stuff to try to build some super capacitors once but i just never got into it i think something like graphing you know that type of thing could genuinely be something that changes the world because if you really the reason we don't have practical flying cars it's just like if you look at a drone a flying car just put bigger motors on it but the reason it's not practical is the battery technology is too heavy and uh you know something like graphing could be a game changer on flying cars and then flying cars would be a game changer on everything else because then you get rid of the congestion and so graphene could be something that changes the world if it does lead to like a practical superconduct a super capacitor is a replacement for a battery okay my grandpa is a grumpy lamb guy okay well be nice to your grandpa i'm sure he's got i'm sure your grandpa is okay just passing by saying hey okay goose stop thank you uh battery uh pascal hey pascal i have to leave okay pascal thanks for tuning in always good to see you hope we hopefully we'll see in 2022 on those other lessons okay guys we have gone over the hour mark which i don't like to do you guys let me know if there's interest maybe between now and january when i get those lessons going again if you guys are interested in periodically having a live chat let me know i don't want to waste your time i feel like i'm just kind of rambling here but it's our chance to interact a little bit more me get a little bit more direct feedback from you guys and so if you guys would like to see more of these live streams please let me know and we'll see if we can um you know get these uh get these started again and then like i say i hope to see you guys starting in the first week of january or the second week of january getting back to our old ai for everyone series and our python with arduino series okay guys i think i am going to sign out now and i really appreciate it if you like this be sure to give it a thumbs up be sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven't and share these lessons with people like let's see let's try to get this stuff into the high schools let's try to get more people doing this stuff because the world needs more coders and more engineers and fewer people sitting around playing video games and watching silly cat videos this is paul mcquarter with i will talk to you guys later [Music]
Channel: Paul McWhorter
Views: 1,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STEM, LiveStream, TopTechBoy
Id: UI4Pp0lsUMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 46sec (4126 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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